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private To change a changling

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"Alright," Cicada replied. She once again helped Wildfire to get Ticktock steady, then helped to carry him into the house. With her magic, it was a lot easier than if she'd done it physically, but Cicada was very tired from the long journey from Canterlot to Ponyville.



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@@Pripyat Pony,

Wildfire lay Ticktock down on her bed, and went to make a cup of tea but noticed 'Cirrus' was looking a bit tired "Hey, Cirrus you look a bit tired yourself why don't you go have a laydown with Ticktock, when you wake you i'll give you a cup of tea and we can have that talk then, how does that sound?" 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Cicada smiled gratefully. "Sounds good to me," she said, before yawning. In truth, she felt as tho she was about to collapse. She laid herself down next to Ticktock, curling up next to him. Cicada's last thought before sleep took her was a wish that he would be alright.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Eventhough Ticktock was asleep he could sense Cicada lay down with him and wrapped his legs around her in a loving embrace. A couple of hours later Ticktock woke up to the sight of Cicada snuggling down into him, he gave her a kiss on the forehead and whispered into her ear "Morning sleepy head." 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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Cicada smiled at Ticktock. "Good morning," she replied. She lowered her voice, so that they could not be overheard, and told Ticktock everything that had happened after he'd passed out. "Maybe we could ask Wildfire for help and supplies," she added. "We don't have to tell her everything, of course."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

"Really!? i passed out." Ticktock seemed to find this fact a bit shocking before he thought on it "Well that would make sense before now i hadnt slept in about a week."


Ticktock listened to Cicada and gave her a quick kkiss on the lips "Whatever you want to do i will go along with, you have met this Wildfire pony so you probably have a better idea than i do."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"I think we can tell her a little," Cicada replied. "Not that we're changelings, of course, just that we need to go on a journey and could use some food and medical supplies. Also that we need to get to the Everfree Forest. We could do with a guide to get us thru the forest, but it's unlikely that Wildfire would be able to direct us as very few ponies have explored the forest."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Ticktock nodded and hugged Cicada "Ok then I trust you." Just as Ticktock said that Wildfire came threw the door with three cups of tea "I could hear talking so I made us all tea. So...you must be Ticktock. I'm Wildfire nice to meet you."

Ticktock smiled "Nice to meet you too Wildfire."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"Thank you very much," Cicada replied. As she sipped her tea, she worked out what to say. Then she told Wildfire an edited version, namely that they were going on a journey, and needed to get thru the Everfree in order to get to where they were going so needed food and medical supplies.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Wildfire thought for a while "Hm. Well I cant really give you anything, but there is a large market in town today so I suppose you could find some supplies there that's about all I can say, however I wouldn't mind helping you get where you need to be, or at least some of the way."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"We didn't expect to find anypony who would know all the way thru the forest to the other side, but thanks for any help you can give us," Cicada replied. "A market would be perfect; I have some bits and saddlebags so we ought to be able to find all we need there."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, Wildfire smiled "Ok then, if you don't mind I will stay here and get my things together while you and Ticktock go to the market and get supplies then."


Ticktock smiled "Sounds good to me, what do you think honey?" Ticktock resisted the urge to laugh at the irony of called a changeling honey. 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"I think that's a great idea, sweetheart," Cicada returned with a smile on her face, appreciating the irony. "I have enough bits for us to be able to stock up, until we can reach a town where we can get more supplies."


Cicada knew of the town in the middle of the forest, which had been under a curse until the curse was broken by some young ponies from Trottingham, but didn't know if Wildfire knew of it.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony, Wildfire began walking out the room "Yep sounds good to me, just come back here when your ready to go."

Ticktock gave a jokey salute and started to head out "You coming honey or do you want to rest a bit more, if you do then I will go ahead and stretch my legs a bit."

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"I will come," decided Cicada. She stretched herself, then got out of bed and stood next to Ticktock. "I've rested enough, and like you, I could do with some exercise and fresh air. I also want to make sure we get everything we need. As well as food, we should get some sleeping bags cuz we might have to camp out in the forest."



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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Redshell trotted through the market when he heard a voice in his head. "What the hell?" He looked around but didn't find anyone trying to get his attention. "It can't be, there can't be a changeling in ponyville." He walked twards the everfree and the signal got weaker. "Alright then they are the other way." Redshell turned around and walked in the other derection.


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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@@Pripyat Pony,

Ticktock jumped in the air a bit "Ok then lets get going!" Ticktock then began to walk out the house but stopped to hold the door open and to say bye too Wildfire "Bye Wildfire thanks for letting us stay here we'll be sure to come back when we're done, See ya!"

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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@, @,


Cicada walked towards the market. It was then that she felt a stirring in her mind, and looked about, wildly. But there were no changelings in sight, and Cicada told herself not to be so silly. She instead concentrated on picking out what she and Ticktock needed for their journey and trying to spend as few bits as possible for each item. Her spying missions in Equestria had made Cicada very good at haggling.



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Ticktock looked at Cicada with a concerned look on his face "Are you ok, you looked a bit worried about something." He then nuzzled her check in a way which relayed the point that he was worried about her "Just know that if there's anything wrong you can tell me ok?" 

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"Nothing much, just," she lowered her voice, "An echo in the Hive Mind. As if there was another changeling in Ponyville. But surely, that can't be possible? All available Hive soldiers were instructed to join in the attack on Canterlot. It's unbelievable that one stayed behind, and even if one did, why would they be in Ponyville?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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@@Pripyat Pony,

Ticktock put his hoof to his chin for a moment "Hmm. Well if what you told me is true then you can just talk to him or her cant you and ask him or her yourself...wait a minuet this has just occurred to me, can you like get into my mind since I am not a high up changeling!?"

​                                          King Of All Things Discord


sig-33038.sig-33038.untitled_drawing_by_Signature by: Pucksterv​

My role-play OC Ticktock Starblast​: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ticktock-starblast-r8126

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"I can, but I choose not to, as you are right here and we can communicate without doing so," Cicada replied. "In any case, the Hive Mind is not a means of reading minds, more a place to talk. And yes, I could; I was just a bit blindsided by it all."


She concentrated and set out a message to the changeling she had sensed thru the Hive Mind.


Who are you? Come to Ponyville Market.





Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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{Who am I? You're joking, I'm someone who lives here. Who are you?} redshell ask through the hive mind {why are you here? Did the queen send you?} Redshell was practicly running into the market {Alright I'm here. Where are you?} He was looking around {what do you look like now}


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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@@redshell, "My name is Cicada," she sent. "I am the Commander, the second in command to the Queen, my sister. At the moment, I look like a grey unicorn mare with a pink mane and tail. What do you mean, you live here? You've never lived in the Hive at all, but always in Ponyville?"



Signature and avatar by Pucksterv.






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{No I have lived in the hive but I left six or seven years ago. Maybe you remember a red shelled changeling? Wait why are you in ponyville anyway? I heard that changelings were attacking Canterlot, but why come to ponyville} redshell ask looking around {I think I see you, look for a orange unicorn with a sky blue mane and tail that should be me}


Nothing is True, everything is permitted

Sasori of the Akatsuki

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