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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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Raze smiled. "Foresight..." he repeated to himself, then sat up.


"Well, nothing I can do about it now, it's over." He sighed. "I just gotta keep working on myself, that's all..." He sat up straight, looking at Luna. "You know... it still surprises me how much you do care about me... and the other guards at your service. I didn't think you go so far as to look for me..."

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Copper smiled at Ice at his remark.  "I do plan on having fun, Ice Blizzard, if that really is your name."  He then cricked his neck a couple times before assuming a fighting stance.  "I will let you know that I won't go easy on you.  I have a little form that had a boost of time ever since my fight with Princess Luna."

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​"Uh, yeah, that is my real name. Icesius Blizzard." Ice shrugged,  ​"Meh. I don't expect you to. Then it won't be a real fight worth fighting."  ​He snickered to himself, ​"And just because you've fought Luna doesn't mean you've seen everything...nor does it mean you have anything on me." ​With a wave of his hoof, a giant ice blade would shoot at Copper from above, as he would then throw an ice ball at him from the front.

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Copper ducked on the attack, the ice barely grazing the top part of his mane.  He grinned.  "First move from you, eh?  Alright, then."


He closed his eyes, lightning surrounding him, and tensed up, turning super.  He then fired a magic ball at Ice, aiming square at his muzzle.

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Ice realized the ball was coming towards him, and decided to run forward . ​"Jeez, man You're already stressing. Relax will ya?" Before the ball would hit him, Ice would drop to the ground to dodge it, with a sliding kick aimed at Copper's legs to trip him up from where he stood.

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Copper tripped from the kick by Ice, hitting the floor of the arena.  He looked up at his opponent, saying, "It's the only way for me to turn super.  Or was that a joke?"  He retaliated by delivering an uppercut to the jaw and then a punch square at the muzzle on his enemy.

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Ice smirked as he grabbed Copper's hoof before it reached his jaw, and grabbing ahold of it. ​"Nah. That's not a joke. You wanna hear a joke?" ​He ducked under the second punch, and tried picking him up to body slam Copper, back-first onto the ground. "Your super form."

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Copper looked off guard when Ice grabbed his hoof.  He then realized why his opponent made fun of his super form, and grinned, using his wings to remove the hooves from his body.  "Heh.  Laugh at me all you want, but try to fly with your powers."  He took off in the air and sent a volley of magic blasts at Ice.

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Ice used an ice shield to defend against the magic blasts. ​"Hm..." ​He started to think about how to combat someone in the air, and then it hit him. ​"Aha!" ​He made a giant ice pillar that could carry him into the air to be at Copper's level of height. ​"I can't fly, but you're not getting away." ​He started ice-skating on ice platforms in mid-air, throwing two spiked balls of ice at Copper.

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Copper matched the ice balls thrown at him with his magic blasts, blowing them up.  He grinned at Ice before saying,  "Pardon the pun, but I will say you're a cool opponent to face, Ice."  He shot a magic blast at Ice, trying to temporarily halt the making of another ice platform to be used.

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"Um, sure, maybe you can help me find him." She closed her eyes, rolling over the details, though it was pretty obvious this pony would stand out in a hurry. "He's got blue fur. Kinda cocky, and a little insecure, but real nice, at the same time. Goes by the name Ice Blizzard." She paused, and then looked up, mulling the question over. "Or did you mean what kind of music?"





Celestia was still rising as Copper Strikes caught up to her, and she smiled faintly at him. Folding her wings together just as she reached the apex, she tilted over, reaching a perfect aerial dive, while still looking up at him. Conjuring the same attack from before, she fired it at him experimentally, as she once again fell back towards ground. Once it reached his location, it would explode in a twenty yard distance.




Luna simply shook her head. "As I said before, as Celestia's student's are to her, so are you and the rest of the guards to me." She closed her eyes, keeping her face calm as she spoke. "Though the number has increased by quite a fair amount, there are still very few ponies that wish to spend any amount of time around me, for reasons that do not amount to selfish desires. And even fewer that do. The guards stand as one of those few exceptions, for the majority wish only for my protection, and Equestria's. How could I not come to love such dedication? Or the fortitude of those who would willingly die in service of that which they care for?" Luna paused, then let out a sigh, looking away. "And each one that does not come back is a nock upon me. As so many of you pass..."

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"Yeah, well..." Raze said, then stood next to her. He put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder, and smiled.


"I'm still here. And although I can't come back to the castle and serve you directly, I'll still be there to serve you and the other princesses. For as long as you need me."

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Copper used his wings to shield himself from the attack, which sent him flying to the ground.  He landed on all fours, and looked to see where Celestia was.  He decided to try the move he had learned from Princess Luna's fight, and see what she would do.  He set the teleporting coordinates, and launched after her, making the same ghost-like movement Luna did before delivering a punch to the muzzle.

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Libby shook her head, ​"Naw, I meant who ya mean as far as ponies ya care for." ​She nodded, ​"I think I might know who you're talkin' about, but I dunno where he is. Mind tellin' me why you wanna find him?"



Ice blinked, and stopped. He stood on a platform, and barely avoided the magical blast that headed for him. "Jeez, man." With a wave of his hoof, Ice summoned an ice clone of himself to dive kick Copper from above.

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Copper felt a something up on him and avoided the blow, watching the clone drop to the ground.  He nodded approvingly at Ice, saying, "Clone creation.  Not bad."  He then teleported to a platform below Ice and shot a magic blast at the ice platform before jumping away from the potential fall.

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Ice blinked as he felt himself starting to fall from the platform. ​"Shit." ​He made an ice slide beneath him, that would take him to the ground safely. ​"Ok...so he flies, and shoots nothing but magic. I'll have to figure out a way to slow him down. But first."


He simply waited for Copper's next attack.

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"It is not something that I am going to force you to do. Typically, there come harsh punishments for desertion, but for just this once, I will leave it alone. You may do as you wish." Luna stepped over to the window, intending to fly out of it, but stopped for a moment, looking over at Raze. "... Take care of yourself."





Celestia felt her body recoil from the punch. The back of her mind paused in its calculations for a moment, reminiscing over how much it always hated that technique, as she impacted downwards towards the ground, kicking up a small furrow as she slid from the impact.


"...He hits like Luna, too." Celestia immediately warped away from the impact, landing on the lip of crater. She ignored the damage, as, with a small leap, she was airborne once again, conjuring a solid golden shield as she made her way away from Copper Strikes direction. "Need to retrofit this. And finish that frequency spell..."





"Because he's one of the few ponies that I can actually say I know. Which makes him the closest thing that I have to a friend here." She looked up once again. "I mean, I don't have to find him right now, since i'm sure i'll come around to it eventually, anyways. It'd just be nice to do so, is all."

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Libby nodded, ​"Well, alright then. But he sounds like a really cool guy." ​She smiled, but then blinked with confusion ​"So, if ya don't mind me askin', how did you two meet? Ya'll must've been friends for a while if you're comin' here to look for him. Where did ya first meet each other?"

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"Not really, since we met about... once or twice, or so. But, like I said, he's the closest thing that I have to a friend here. In all honesty, I don't get out of my house all that much, except when it comes to music." She looked around, once again taking stock of everything around here. "And right now, this place is definitely much bigger than my house. I can manage it, though." She gave a small, self-secure smile.

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Raze looked at Luna, then smiled once more.


"Geez, how dense can you be?" he said to her. "I'm offering this out of kindness, ya goof. I'm a mercenary, remember? As my own personal punishment, if you ever hire me, it's free of charge. Every time."


He turned around and waved goodbye. "See ya... your Highness." He adjusted the katana dangling on his side and left the room, before he realized he never asked the questions he wanted to ask her.


"Oh well..." he said to himself. "I'll figure it out."

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While Tyra would traverse the grassy knoll that Galtos had called into existence within the realm of dreams, Lorec and those with whom he had been reunited with fell silent, and faced towards the child of Trotsteim with left fists and hooves over their beating hearts. Their heads hung downward in solemn humility, save for all but one minotaur who would bear witness until the very end. The child whom Lorec so lovingly had taken into his own hands would smile with serene bliss as she waved her newly found hero farewell. Whether Tyra truly felt the weight of her accomplishments upon her shoulders was the subject of Sifana's curiosity. At the very least, Sifana realized something about herself. She wanted, desperately so, to be as great a hero as mare trotting away was. And with that realization, came burning ambition. A wish to manifest herself as a mighty warrior, just as her father had done, and just as Tyra had done. 



Galtos, content with how this turn of events had concluded itself, relaxed his dignified stance, and allowed his arms to fall to both sides. " Tyra Shatterhoof..... Are you ready to return to the waking world?"



Kazas would take no time informing the waiter of his desired cuisine. Fried snake. A simple, yet rarely afforded delicacy in his homeland. After concluding his own order, the griffon would see that the menu was returned, and twiddled his claws as he waited patiently. Although, Kazas did seem rather nervous as he waited for his food. Perhaps... This was indeed his first real 'date'? 

Finally mustering up the courage to begin a dialogue, Kazas lifted his head to Vera, and with his signature tone of innocence, spoke his mind to the mare across from him. "So, Vera... Does your profession tend to allow you to enjoy events such as these? "


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A mare yawned. She scratched at the base of her horn with one chipped, gray hoof as she walked. She snorted as she continued in her search.


It wasn't going all that well. She wondered why she'd expected more than "going badly". With another yawn, she adjusted the bright red pin holding her cloak shut. She could see the arena. She wasn't actually that interested in watching the fight; She just thought she'd have a better chance of finding someone there. 


Her eye slipped over a figure that sat in front of the door before she shrugged. After all, who was judging? Not her.


He remained silent, as she approached. Staring at the ground, with a wide, blank expression, it seemed that he would say nothing, to let her pass by...


But once she reached his side, he shifted ever so slightly. 


"Youngling." He said, with a cold, raspy voice, "your cutie mark...Suggests bloodshed. With a blade, no less."


He slowly looked up at her, his empty purple eyes staring directly into her very soul...


"What is your reason, for living the life you do?"

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She nodded in reply, ​"Ok. Sounds like you two have been really close to each other. I hope ya find him soon." ​She went on, ​"So how does he treat ya as a friend? Is he reliable? Is he funny? Is he cute?"



​Vera shook her head as she waited for the food. ​"No....to be honest, I've been on my own for the most of the time, so I never really got the chance to enjoy these types of things...I appreciate you doing this for me." 

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Once Raze made his way out of the infirmary, he decided to just explore around the arena. He had enough fighting for one day. He walked around the lobby and around a couple halls, until he found himself in some sort of training room. He entered inside. It seemed pretty huge, with lots of things to practice on. He looked over. Two mares were talking to each other about... whatever. He looked to his left. A couple of targets were placed near a wall. He looked down at his gun.


Well, might as well get some practice in... I guess, he thought. He walked over to the targets, unholstering his gun and giving it a little twirl. Suddenly he remembered something, a trick he hadn't done in a while. He reached into his bags and pulled out a bag of coins. They were from his travels, and were all old and didn't have any significant exchange value. He took a couple out, and, focusing on the target, flipped one into the air. His gaze then went to the coin, and he quickly hip-fired at the coin, the bullet ricocheting off of it and hitting the target. Not a bulls-eye, but close.


He laid the old coin bag next to him, taking out more and performing the same trick again, only stopping to reload.



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"Once or twice..." She paused, to thread her hoof through her mane, and flashed an awkward grin. "It's sort of hard to understand. I mean, I could tell you things, but you'd never believe them, and I can show you things, but then..." She paused, deliberating over it, then shrugged. "I'm not sure how safe that'd be." She looked over absentmindedly to the stallion performing the coin trick. "Who's that?"

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