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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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@@Fractured, @,

​"Aw, come on. I'd be more than interested to find out about--" ​She heard the gunshots and looked over to the stallion, and rolled her eyes. ​"Pff. I dunno. Looks like some pretty boy tryin' to show off. Why else would he be doin' that in front of us?" ​She rolled her eyes, ​"Don't really care either."

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Somewhere, for some reason, a nerve snapped in Raze's head when he heard that. He messed up his aim just a bit, and the bullet ricocheted off the coin and into the wall, where it ricocheted once more off of it and past his head, almost hitting him. He quickly turned around, even more furious.

((Background music for added effect!



"HEY!" he shouted at her. "I heard that!!!" He put his gun away. "What makes you think I'd show off to a bunch of strangers? What? You think you're a special snowflake or something? Eh?!?! Think that the world revolves around you?! Do you go around telling street performers to stop performing because they're ' showin' off'?! All they're doing is trying to make a quick buck, and you've robbed them of that right!"

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"...I honestly don't know what the hell you're talking about." Ivory scratched her head, this time in confusion. "As for the world, yeah, sometimes. But we all have our days." She paused markedly for a moment, then shrugged. "Sorry we almost killed you, I guess? For the record, I didn't think you were showing off. You probably would've been trying much harder than that. And not have done... what you did." Ivory looked away pointedly, not meeting Raze's gaze.

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Copper saw Celestia conjure up a shield for further protection.  Now he figured out that she was buying time for some sort of spell.  He bit his lip, trying to think of ways through the shield, but for now, he would have to play safe.  He ran on the ground for a bit, suppressing his power and hiding for her sight until she did what she could do.






Copper had waited for Ice to attack after he landed on a platform, and he didn't appreciate the word that he used when falling.  But he didn't show it, and it was time to give him a surprise.  He jumped on the ice platform, reverting back to normal, and started a barrage of punches and kicks at Ice, hoping he would catch his opponent off guard.

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While Tyra would traverse the grassy knoll that Galtos had called into existence within the realm of dreams, Lorec and those with whom he had been reunited with fell silent, and faced towards the child of Trotsteim with left fists and hooves over their beating hearts. Their heads hung downward in solemn humility, save for all but one minotaur who would bear witness until the very end. The child whom Lorec so lovingly had taken into his own hands would smile with serene bliss as she waved her newly found hero farewell. Whether Tyra truly felt the weight of her accomplishments upon her shoulders was the subject of Sifana's curiosity. At the very least, Sifana realized something about herself. She wanted, desperately so, to be as great a hero as mare trotting away was. And with that realization, came burning ambition. A wish to manifest herself as a mighty warrior, just as her father had done, and just as Tyra had done. 



Galtos, content with how this turn of events had concluded itself, relaxed his dignified stance, and allowed his arms to fall to both sides. " Tyra Shatterhoof..... Are you ready to return to the waking world?"


Tyra watched as Lorec and his fellow warriors honoured her with their salute as she passed, and she had gotten a glimpse of Sifana waving her goodbye. She would feel bad if she left her friend without a response, so she returned the gesture, waving her hoof at the young taurette while grinning ear to ear.


Though, as she continued, she began to think. At first she thought this was just one more battle, but it was clear it was much more than that. Lorec needed this - to come to terms with himself and his kin. She wasn't the smartest pony, but she understood the heart of a warrior more than anything else. She had done so much in this one battle, and she could feel nothing but pride for doing this for her new ally - there was no doubt in her mind that Lorec was a worthy opponent.


She approached Galtos, and dipped her head before the mighty figure. "I am."

Edited by Unicorncob
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The mare blinked at him, her neon-red eye boring into his. Then, she smiled. "An impulse decision," she rasped thoughtfully, "that spiraled out of hoof from the moment I made it.  And that was after I got my mark."


She shrugged slightly under her cloak. "Of course, I try not to regret it. That would be a waste of perfectly good time."

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I​ce hadn't expected that coming from him. The punches near caught him off guard as he stood on his hind legs, and put his hooves up to block the barrage of attacks. As he was attacking, a coating of ice would surround his hooves with many spiky points that were as sharp as needles. If Copper kept up the attack, he would surely be cut.

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@@DwhitetheGamer,I​ce hadn't expected that coming from him. The punches near caught him off guard as he stood on his hind legs, and put his hooves up to block the barrage of attacks. As he was attacking, a coating of ice would surround his hooves with many spiky points that were as sharp as needles. If Copper kept up the attack, he would surely be cut.

Copper looked down to see the ice surrounding his hooves. Without thinking, he jumped away from Ice, the spikes barely grazing his back hooves. He landed on the closest platform, turned super, and began firing magic blasts at his enemy, seeing as he wasn't able to get up close and personal.
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Celestia drew to a stop in the open, and looked onward, as Copper Strikes dipped away from her. Strange... he had the advantage, at leas where physicality was concerned. But that wasn't any of her business. The back of her mind signaled her, telling her that she'd boiled down the basic frequency that made up his unique magic. Useful for a variety of purposes, most pointedly of all being that she wouldn't have to worry about that pesky shield anymore. And now... standing still, eyes open, Celestia began to chant to herself, muttering something unintelligible, at a speed that seemed beyond possible for the pony mouth. She drew the back of her mind to the front, keeping watch, as she focused on this one task; it would take most of her concentration, but she needed to be prepared for anything. Around her, the air began to crackle, as something was building up...

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Ice had expected that, and without another thought, he ducked under the blast, and slammed his hoof on the ground. A dome of ice would surround Copper, leaving him no escape. ​"Watch it." ​He brought his hooves together, causing the dome to break apart into hundreds of icy needles, that would all shoot for Copper's body on all sides.

@@Fractured, @,

Libby blinked, and simply took a step back. Such hostility was not expected from someone like that. But then again, this was Bangcolt. ​"Woah...you sound pretty agitated there. Sorry for disturbin' ya." ​She turned her head to Ivory, ​"We probably should just leave him alone...he doesn't sound in the best of moods."

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@J.R. @Fractured

Raze looked at her in confusion.

"Eh?" he said. "What's with the sudden change in mood? Arrogance to humbleness? Are you messing with me? You mock me, then say nice things to me? Who are you, Gollum? Are you gonna show me the way to Mordor so I can dump your stupid ring in a volcano?"


He shook his head, trying to snap out of it. He sighed. "Ah, forget it..." He looked at them directly in the eye. "Look, disregard my anger. I get easily agitated at arrogance and cockiness, or people who think they've got someone figured out at first glance... it just... sets me off, and I can't really control it, though I'm trying..." He took a deep breath. "We got off on the wrong hoof, so let's start over." He held out a hoof. "Hi. I'm Raze."

Edited by The Sad Manikin Mask
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Libby shrugged, and stepped forward to shake the stallion's hoof. She was still unsure of how to handle such an...explosive pony, but wouldn't be rude to him, even if he was rude to her. Because she isn't like those kinds of ponies. ​"Libby. Libby G. Wilson. Nice to uh...meet ya, Raze."

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"Yeah..." Raze said. "Same here."


YOU IDIOT! he thought. Now she probably thinks you're some sort of weird stallion who blows up at every little thing he hears. I'm not like that at all, I'm very calm almost all of the time. I just have a very low tolerance for cocky behavior! Gah... How the heck am I gonna fix this...? No wait, I can do this. I just need to strike up some sort of conversation, make her feel comfortable...


"So... are you new here to Bangcolt?" he asked.

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Ivory Star, standing right next to him, blew her lip, mind focused on one very particular thing. "Hey..." She looked over at him, pointedly. "I don't mind if you guys go ahead and talk, but do you mind tossing a few of those coins up in the air?" She grinned, mostly to herself. "There's something that i'm dying to try right now." She stopped, considering her request. "I promise, I won't destroy them or anything."

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"Uh, sure," Raze said, walking back towards the bag and retrieving it. He walked back to where the two were, and took a couple of coins out from the bag.


"Yeah, uh, knock yourself out. Just take some more out of the bag if you want." He flipped the coins he had in his hoof into the air.

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@, @@Fractured,
​Libby blinked. Ivory wanted to try something? What, was she some kind of marksmare too? This was something she had to see for herself. Without a word, she took a step back, and waited for whatever Ivory had planned. It was exciting to say the least, as the mare watched with keen eagerness.

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As the individual coins spun around up in the air above her, five in all, Ivory Star began to concentrate. Focusing on each one of them, like miniature targets set to be marked down. But moreso than that, focusing on the music that she could feel, building up from inside her. Dying to be let out. With a testy grin, she complied, her horn flickering five times in rapid succession as she swung her head back and forth, matching their movements. Causing five long, slow strokes of a violin to be heard, singing into the air around her.


Simultaneously, to the tune of the music, the falling coins all visibly flinched, as if struck, and bounced upward of their own accord, sailing higher above the ground over her.

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The mare blinked at him, her neon-red eye boring into his. Then, she smiled. "An impulse decision," she rasped thoughtfully, "that spiraled out of hoof from the moment I made it.  And that was after I got my mark."


She shrugged slightly under her cloak. "Of course, I try not to regret it. That would be a waste of perfectly good time."


"Do you...Enjoy the life you lead?" He asked quietly, his eyes still boring into her's. His face, which was mostly silvery, with blotches of red mixed in...


He was a unicorn, indicated by the horn protruding from his forehead, a gold-and-silver mane flowing down to his shoulders. But what was most remarkable was how tired he looked. Bags sagged under his eyes, his eyelids nearly completely black, his eyes unfocused...


He looked like he hadn't slept in a very, very long time...

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@Fractured @J.R.

"Hmm," Raze said, looking closely at what the unicorn mare had done. "Music... Or rather, sound waves..." He looked at the unicorn. "You manipulate sound waves, don't you?" he asked. He had seen something like this before, he knew a few ponies who could also had the same ability, although this was... different.


She seems to be able to use sound itself to manipulate objects at her will, he thought.

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@@Fractured, @,
Li​bby started clapping her forehooves in applause for Ivory's act. However, she decided to keep a small lid on her enthusiasm due to the fact that this stallion clearly doesn't like others being put above him. She simply smiled at Ivory, and stayed quiet to let her explain how she did it.

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"What I hear on the inside, I pull to the outside. Sound waves." She tossed her head again, to longer, slower strokes of the same violin, watching the coins rise even further. They were at least 40 feet up in the air, and rising. "Or vibrations, if you want to get technical. I can mimic any frequency, and produce them. Or fire them through the air." She tossed her horn again, increasing the force, letting them see. Small, almost translucent balls of energy, shooting through the air, like small bullets. They contacted with each of the edge of the coins, in succession, sending them spiraling up another 20 feet.

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Raze nodded slightly. Interesting... so she's using vibrations as a projectile of some sort...


He needed to test it out for himself. She was firing off the small sound bullets at the coins, and he focused at the speed, how they moved through the air. Then suddenly, he drew his katana, slicing one in half, the blade ringing out with a shing as it left the scabbard. As the blade cut the bullet, he felt the vibrations resonating through the metal from the handle. He pulled the blade back, and took a closer look. He could see the blade vibrating as well.


"Hmm..." he said, then returned the sword to its sheath.

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Seeing that Tyra had bowed her head to him as she had trotted in closer, the pale, thick-veined minotaur would narrow his eyes, though his helm would not make such a contortion of expression obvious to the small mare before him. Reaching towards the sword mounted upon his right hip, Galtos pulled the steel from his scabbard, the sound of metal scraping across leather resounding between he and Tyra. The weapon itself was a classic straight sword, not the most exotic of blades, but its simplicity and effectiveness upon the fields of war yielded more than ample results. And even if it were customized to fit the needs of a normal sword, it was still gargantuan by pony standards; enough to dwarf even an Equestrian claymore.

With the flat of the blade reflecting the violet luminescence of the dream world's sky, Galtos would slowly press the sword's finely hammered broad side against Tyra's chin. Careful as to not allow the sword to pierce her neck, the Stormbringer slowly angled his armament upwards as he forced Tyra out of the unrequited bow, and met her gaze with his own. " Come now, Shatterhoof. I'm not so damn conceited as to ask for tribute and glory when it's someone else's story. This is Your moment. Your legend, that is being written. And you know how this legend should end? With you, holding your head high as you exit the dream! It should end with you waking up, enjoying a feast, getting drunk, and then making love to whomever the hell you want! And then, I want your ass back in that arena, and I want you to give every single opponent that challenges you a taste of what it's like to do battle with a real warrior! DO YOU UNDERSTAND, TYRA SHATTERHOOF?!?!?!? "

At his point, Galtos had withdrawn his sword back into its rightful home at his side, and was standing with both fists clenched, veins bulging from the roar that he had loosed to ring throughout the realm. He brought his fist upwards towards the sky as he looked down at her with unblinking eyes. Behind them, all Golden Horns would follow suit as they allowed one final war cry to resound with Galtos's. Truly, a grand sendoff for one so deserving.




Kazas, with a softened gaze, managed to finally give Vera proper eye contact. Keeping both elbows off the table and being fearfully careful of his proper etiquette, Kazas's nervous smile would once again give way to a concerned gait. " Vera... " He whispered so that others around may not hear his conversation with her, " Is this the first time you've actually gotten to enjoy your surroundings? 


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​Vera blinked, and sighed. She slumped back in the booth seat like a filly that was just put in a timeout. There was no easy way to answer that question. ​"I...yeah. The last time I actually had to enjoy myself was...well....never. It was pretty much hell trying to do this and that in order to survive." ​She stuck a straw in the glass of water that was next to her, ​"Sorry. I dunno what the actual hell I'm supposed to feel. I mean, besides you of course. Everything else is like a tornado of complicated hell."

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Celestia drew to a stop in the open, and looked onward, as Copper Strikes dipped away from her. Strange... he had the advantage, at leas where physicality was concerned. But that wasn't any of her business. The back of her mind signaled her, telling her that she'd boiled down the basic frequency that made up his unique magic. Useful for a variety of purposes, most pointedly of all being that she wouldn't have to worry about that pesky shield anymore. And now... standing still, eyes open, Celestia began to chant to herself, muttering something unintelligible, at a speed that seemed beyond possible for the pony mouth. She drew the back of her mind to the front, keeping watch, as she focused on this one task; it would take most of her concentration, but she needed to be prepared for anything. Around her, the air began to crackle, as something was building up...

Copper was feeling a crackle in the air. He looked to see Celestia mutter some sort of spell to use against him. He immediately figured out what kind of spell she was using, one that'll strip his magic abilities. He had no other choice, he had to stop her from casting the spell. He powered up, flew to her sight, and unleashed another volley of magic blasts at her.


@@DwhitetheGamer,Ice had expected that, and without another thought, he ducked under the blast, and slammed his hoof on the ground. A dome of ice would surround Copper, leaving him no escape. ​"Watch it." ​He brought his hooves together, causing the dome to break apart into hundreds of icy needles, that would all shoot for Copper's body on all sides.@@Fractured, @,Libby blinked, and simply took a step back. Such hostility was not expected from someone like that. But then again, this was Bangcolt. ​"Woah...you sound pretty agitated there. Sorry for disturbin' ya." ​She turned her head to Ivory, ​"We probably should just leave him alone...he doesn't sound in the best of moods."

Copper looked frantically at the ice shards surrounding him before they made their impact. Unfortunately for Ice, he put up a shield to protect himself from the attack. He took the opportunity to use Dancing Shadow against his opponent, moving at the same ghost-like movement as Luna did.

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