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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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"I have four perfectly good legs, thank you very much," Iron rasped as she followed him. Her eye keenly flicked over the options. "Well, where do you want to have your flank kicked?" she asked. "I think the sand-pit sounds good." She shrugged and adjusted her cloak as she picked the option with a hoof. "Any objections?" 


The elder pony actually shook his head, moving forward, to begin putting in a rather...Specific location, on the map.


Soon, a new arena overtook the sand dune. It was a mountain-top--one that was unnaturally flat. Roughly a hundred meters or so in diameter...Small items were scattered across the top, along with a tree growing in the middle.


"...These particular grounds holds meaning, for me...If you wouldn't mind, I would prefer to duel there." Hiero said quietly, withdrawing his hoof from the screen. 


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Iron's eye flicked over the ground. "Sure," she said. Straightening her cloak with a shrug, she started walking to one of the two doors in the far wall. She flicked it open, then closed. A green light lit up above it, though the light above the other door remained red. It hung slightly open, clearly beckoning for Hiero to enter.


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"Aie..." Ivory Star jumped back, but didn't have the time to make a full get away. She only had time to conjure a single tiny, vibrating shield, before she was pressed under the full weight of the ice tiger. She bit back a groan of annoyance.


"Okay. Too heavy to move. I could just blast it apart, but..." Muttering thoughts and plans under her breath, she distantly came to one, and decided to run with it. Her horn began to glow, causing the entire tiger to simultaneously glow silver, and vibrate with a startling intensity. "This'll be so much more fun."

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Ice smirked as the tiger began its move. This gave him the time he needed to used his next attack. ​"Let's rock...!" ​Next thing she would know, the earth beneath her would become cold and brittle. Suddenly, two giant hooves made of ice appeared on either side of her, mimicking Ice's own movements. He slowly brought his own hooves together, which in turn, caused the giant ones made of ice to do the same around Twilight. 


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Iron's eye flicked over the ground. "Sure," she said. Straightening her cloak with a shrug, she started walking to one of the two doors in the far wall. She flicked it open, then closed. A green light lit up above it, though the light above the other door remained red. It hung slightly open, clearly beckoning for Hiero to enter.


Hiero stepped out, into the area...Taking a deep breath, of the mountain air. Closing his eyes, sitting down, and enjoying the wind rustling past his fur, through his mane, he would remain like that for what felt like hours...


...Before opening his eyes, looking at Iron.


"...Youngling. Do you know what I chose this arena?" He asked, slowly reaching to unsheathe the guard's issue shortsword, "the history, behind this landmark...?"


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"And...!" With a kick for emphasis, as it was mostly the telekinesis that did all of the work, Ivory Star sent the now glowing tiger flying back at Ice Blizzard. Releasing the magic along the way, all of the pent up energy that she had stored inside unleashed at once, detonating in a massive dry explosion that flung razor sharp ice shards for several dozen yards. The shield barely held the force of the blast, and didn't hold up, against the ice hooves, bending and popping as they made contact.

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​He didn't see that one coming unfortunately. Ice blinked as the tiger came at him, and was blown back a few feet from it, as the shards hit all over his body, though they didn't so much hurt as they did only minorly sting. ​"Good one....ptoo." ​He spat out some dirt and kept up the movements with the giant hooves, attempting to put a strain on her body and break her shield...


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Okay..." She gritted her teeth through the strain of holding the shell; playing by limits, those things really put a pressure on her. "Attack, defend, evade..." Concentrating, she began to draw more force into the shell, increasing the rate of the vibrations. "Plan..." Around her, the ice began to melt on contact as the sides rubbed against it to agitate it, leaving only the parts that hadn't touched the shield intact. Safe now, she dropped the shield, and counterattcked, throwing a disk of explosive compressed energy his way. It would detonate as soon as it made contact with solid material, with the force of a hand grenade.

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Snowstorm violently slammed his newly-refilled glass on the table, sloshing some of the contents onto the wooden bar. That seemed like an act of anger, but he really just didn't have enough coordination in his inebriated state to lay the cup down gently. "EXACLY!" he slurred.


He turned to face the mare next to him, his purple eyes gave away a lot about the reason he was drinking. A spirit of disappointment and frustration was all too visible behind his iris.


"Nobudeh undestans..." he said in agreement. "They don lissen. The dunno nothin!" He declared, adding more emphasis with each syllable. He leaned a bit closer to the mare and asked, "You know aboutha... You heardabou the Yokai Seven, righ?"


Of course, there should be know way she would know about them. They were a shadow mercenary group that certainly never advertised themselves outside of Equestria's criminal underbelly.

Edited by Literally Snails


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"No," Iron said with a shrug. "I was never good at tests, except for the practical ones." Her horn lit up with that unnaturalbright red luminance. "Well, let's get started," she said, and she was off.


Her hind hooves shoved off of the stone floor as she charged. Her horn was still glowing, but she did't produce a weapon until she had jumped around the tree. Sparks shot from her broken horntip as something grey shot from under her cloak, suspended in telekinesis. She flung the sword towards him like a bullet, smirking.


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Ice had to think quickly. Seeing as how the disk was coming for him, he didn't wanted to be hit by it that's for sure. Instead, he opted for a different approach. With a quick sprint, Ice ran at the disk and jumped over it. While in the air, he span around, aiming a flying kick at Twilight's chest.

@@Literally Snails,

The green mare rolled her eyes. Did he really think that something like that would concern her? At all? This pony was sadly mistaken. ​"Pff. No. And quite frankly I don't care either. I'm sick of all these ponies who don't appreciate what the world is really like. What life was before all this...."


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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Cumulus seemed visibly frustrated by Jade's ability to dodge his attacks, only adding to how sloppy his defenses were. The kick was a direct hit to his chest. Sending him backwards in a way to where he would have landed on his head if he didn't have his wings to maintain his balance. The stallion stopped his assault and squared off across from her, spitting up a wad of blood nonchalantly. "Come on, a kick?" He mocked, as if he arrogantly wanted his opponent to be stronger. "Let's see that glowing blade. I know you can do better than this!"


Jade allowed a smirk to cross her muzzle as her kick landed direct, and she returned to her neutral pose as Cumulus squared off across the arena from her.


He wants more of me... I need to keep level-headed. Dodging and exploiting his weaknesses is working - it's frustrating him. That means more weakspots to exploit. I just need to egg him on.


She glanced down at her sword, and stared Cumulus square in the eyes as she slowly sheathed it with her wing.


That should get his temper going.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Th' Appleoosa Buster here is a four-gauge. Most of th' parts are custom, and it's a real beauty. It's got one helluva kick, and bein' on th' business end of it ain't pleasant," said Redwood. She purposefully glossed over what Agririon had brought up from her past, as she didn't care too much that he knew.

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@@J.R., (@ may also be interested in this.)


Snowstorm looked at her for a few awkward seconds as his lagging brain tried to put together his next sentence in a more coherent way than he'd been speaking earlier. "So yer sayin' you miss the way things used to be or you thinkin it wus worse?" He asked. "Cus I'm here... I'm here cause the old times are over and I got nothin. Firs, Roto and Oni go n'get emselves killed. Then Mason goes on a damn rampage; and then Femi..." He said, trailing off after mentioning the name of his female colleague. He started to grip his cup with his fetlock so tightly that the glass shattered, spilling alcohol onto the table and dripping into his lap. "That BITCH!" he screamed before throwing the largest chunk of the broken glass onto the ground, making it shatter.


He then hunched over the puddle and broken glass on the counter in front of him, starting to sob as most of the attention in the bar was on him. "I loss everytheng." He sobbed.




"Aw, you giving up?" Cumulus asked, with a demented look in his eyes and dilated pupils. He gripped his knife in the fetlock of his right front hoof. The leg began to vibrate as his muscles tensed up and his veins popped out. The green aura surrounding him became thicker and more vibrant around his armed hoof. "Muscles can only do so much. There was no spirit power behind your kick."


"Let me give you a demonstration!" He yelled as he went for another direct attack, extending his left front leg to try and block her from dodging to the right and jabbing forward with the knife in his other hoof.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Literally Snails,

Sederia simply rolled her eyes. ​"Feh, I know how it feels to lose everything. No matter how hard you work for it, or try--shit ends up going to hell and making it to where your life is in ruin and can't provide honor for your family." ​The mare downed her drink, groaning at the pains in her stomach.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"Aw, you giving up?" Cumulus asked, with a demented look in his eyes and dilated pupils. He gripped his knife in the fetlock of his right front hoof. The leg began to vibrate as his muscles tensed up and his veins popped out. The green aura surrounding him became thicker and more vibrant around his armed hoof. "Muscles can only do so much. There was no spirit power behind your kick."


"Let me give you a demonstration!" He yelled as he went for another direct attack, extending his left front leg to try and block her from dodging to the right and jabbing forward with the knife in his other hoof.


Jade narrowed her eyes a bit at Cumulus's taunts. "I don't need spirit power to beat you."


He looks nearly psychotic. No doubt I'm getting under his skin. If I keep this up, this fight should be over in no time!


She noticed his left leg extending, which would block her dodging to the right. So if she couldn't go right...


She waited for the jab, and jerked herself to the left, using the momentum to aim a spinning kick toward his spine.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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At 10 AM sharp, the next train pulled into Bangcolt station.  While the majority of passengers hurriedly shuffled out of the station, one crystal pony remained behind, looking about at the strange setting she found herself in.  


Carnelian Clout was no stranger to travel, but this was the first time she had gone travelling naked.  Not naked in the sense that she wasn't wearing any clothing (though that wouldn't have mattered anyway), but naked in the fact that she had left her entire entourage behind.  Guards, hoofmaidens, servants, none of them were there now to protect, service, or comfort her in this strange land.  


However, it had to be done.  She was here for an important reason, and to come with an entire retinue would not have had the effect she desired.  She had come to prove and improve her talents, and the presence of guards would have given her the appearance of uncertainty.  Her powers were rusty, but they could still hold up.  Or so she hoped the others would believe.


Once more checking her map, she made her way to the coliseum.  Taking a deep breath, she raised her head and approached the door stallion.  Determination was written on her face as well as in her pose.




"Greetings," she announced.  "I am here for the tournament, what is required of me to be accepted?"

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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“Simple enough.” The Earth Pony responded, not bothering to ask what she needed them for; one part is that you don’t ask those kind of questions in this line of work and one part Fuse didn’t really care, “How quickly do you need them? Being without a horn, magic is a something that takes a bit more time to craft together.”

Edited by Star Saber
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Snowstorm seemed to be ignoring Sederia's pain, though he likely just didn't notice it because he was engrossed in his own complaints. "I don't care about honoring my family, I haven't seen them in years." He said, surprisingly pronouncing all his words correctly, although speaking quite slowly. He failed to mention just how many years that had been, and the fact that his immediate family had been several hundred strong of uncivilized, winged imps, but that wasn't the kind of information he disclosed often.


"I deserve to be famous." He declared as he waved to get another drink. "That opportunity was taken from me."




By dodging to the left, Jade avoided most of the attack. However, Cumulus had been aiming at the left side of her body and the knife managed to scrape across her skin, making a shallow cut. Her counter attack connected with the center of his back, increasing his forward momentum and making him fly past her and tumble onto the ground. An audible crack was heard as his left wing snapped at a right angle when it crashed against an exposed rock.


He rolled onto his rump and switched his dagger to his left hoof so he could use his right hoof to pop the broken bone back into place. This left him momentarily vulnerable on the ground.




An orange mare with light red hair had exited the train with her. The unicorn had a noticeable bounce to her step and a small saddle bag that couldn't have been carrying very much in the way of luggage. She seemed to be following the crystal pony, but that was only because the two of them were heading to the same destination. The colosseum.


She pepped up when she heard that the mare was trying to sign up and started to hastily fashion a referee badge that she pulled out of her saddle bag onto her puffy chest right out there in the open. She also pulled out a microphone from her bag even though it wasn't yet hooked up to any speaker system and held it close to her mouth as if it was turned on. With a half twirl, she moved into Carnelian's view and spoke with a peppy, showmare's voice. "How exciting! I'm willing to bet my left ear that you're gonna' be my first job!" She declared. There was something off about her canter, like the innocence in her demeanor was genuine, but also misleading.


She moved the non-functioning mic up to her Carnelian's mouth before she got an answer to her question. "Why don't you tell us a little about yourself?" She asked with a cutesy grin.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@@Literally Snails,

Sederia was nearly ignoring him too. It was like two brick walls talking to each other at this point as she spoke indirectly once more. ​"Meh, whatever. Being famous isn't all that. In fact, the only thing that I'd ever wanna be famous for is restoring this pathetic modernized wasteland to its former state."

  • Brohoof 1


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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@@Literally Snails


Carnelian resisted the urge to call her guards to drag this lunatic away.  Not only did she not have an escort, but as another competitor, any fight with her would most likely grow ugly.  No, she needed to know who she was up against before she threw any punches.  Lunatic or not, she was not disgracing herself on the first day.




Instead, she cracked a disarming smile and gently pushed the microphone away.  "I appreciate your enthusiasm, dear, but I'm in a bit of a hurry."  Her gaze returned once more to the pony at the gate, waiting for his response.

Edited by hazardtime
  • Brohoof 1

Roleplaying for Eight Years and Counting!


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By dodging to the left, Jade avoided most of the attack. However, Cumulus had been aiming at the left side of her body and the knife managed to scrape across her skin, making a shallow cut. Her counter attack connected with the center of his back, increasing his forward momentum and making him fly past her and tumble onto the ground. An audible crack was heard as his left wing snapped at a right angle when it crashed against an exposed rock.


He rolled onto his rump and switched his dagger to his left hoof so he could use his right hoof to pop the broken bone back into place. This left him momentarily vulnerable on the ground.


Jade grunted as she felt the sharp sting on the side of her face. instinctively putting a hoof over the cut.


The audible crack made her wince a bit - the sound of bones breaking never sat right by her, even in adulthood after many tough fights under her figurative belt.


Though, she spotted an opening when he began trying to pop his broken wing back into place. Wasting no more time, she sped toward the downed pegasus and aimed a kick toward his gut.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Caliber was bouncing between orbs, avoiding the dangerous ones, before a shattering blow that blew apart a cluster of orbs sent him flying, as he barely caught himself on a plant-based one. Staring at the wreckage, the duel lightning swords, slashing at the orbs--and coming towards him, he couldn't help but wonder...How in the buck did she know where he was!?


He snarled, as his horn flickered. A familiar orange aura would start to surround him...And he concentrated on moving the flow of power, along the length of his body. Feeling the surge of power in his limbs, before bolting off, bouncing between orbs as if he were a pinball, heading ever so upwards, his gaze locked on the largest, dormant orb in the area--a gargantuan mass of an unknown element...But it looked destructive. A swirling, self-sustaining star of...Something. Void extract? It didn't matter exactly what it was, all Caliber knew was that it would pack a heavy punch. 


As he flipped onto the surface, his first reaction was a scream of pain. The moment his hooves were exposed to the element, his skin under the thin veil of fur began to blister, and burn...His reaction was quickly stopped by him clenching his jaw. He couldn't give up, because of a little pain, that made him deaf to the small daggers still slicing at his fur. He had to enact his plan. His aura thickened, almost starting to become visible, before he jammed his blade into the orb--and using it almost as a lightning rod, expended his buff through it, into the orb...His magic shot through it, spreading as if it were roots, and as Caliber had hoped, did one thing.


It disrupted the flow of the gravitational magic held within.


The orb began to drop, slowly, towards the minotaur, as Caliber took this moment to bounce off from the harmful exposure, landing on a wooden orb a few meters back, resting, for now...Hoping that this would be the end-game move.

I could just dodge that. I really could. It's moving like molasses. Walking like Granny Smith crossing the road, for buck's sake. But this thing is huge. Maybe I can't dodge it. It's about 80% the size of the mechataur, moving at what passes for a brisk pace. Sparky's data coming in. It's void. The power of destruction. While it's possible to touch, the experience would be unpleasant and scalding. Pure void was contained on the inside, immensely more damaging than the outside which had been mostly dulled. Sparky's data indicated that Caliber burned his hooves while standing on it, and he only stood on it for all of a couple of seconds.


Have to stop thinking about it. Anchoring my platform into the back of the mechataur's torso, I also anchored myself to the platform with chains.  I made metal sheaths for the solidified lightning swords, placing them at the mechataur's hips. Alright let's have it. I directed the claws out to grab and push on the sphere. Searing. The metal was being seared away. Melted even. Can't hold onto it for very long. It was actually dealing damage to the super-compressed alloys. I felt like molecules I had access to I suddenly didn't, and the longer I held onto the gigantic sphere the more it seared away metal.


It was pushing the mechataur back, forcing me to dig it's hooves in to not get pushed back. Anchor is the key. I made spikes go into the ground of the Paradice, anchoring better. Still the spikes were making gashes in what passed for floor. Elongating and increasing their length helped, and I finally stopped moving backwards. The sphere was still eating molecules, tearing away at the claws of the mechataur, swirling and pulsing with destruction.


I applied force to the sphere, causing cracks to appear on the surface. It was destabilizing and might break up the less dangerous layer on the outside. What would happen if the void energy exploded? Let's test that shall we? Research data is important. Bearing the loss of more molecules I applied pressure to the orb, causing more cracks to appear on the surface and undulled void energy to start spilling out. Sparky was telling me it was no longer stable and would violently explode in moments. No time to lose.


I applied as much force to it as I could, finally pushing it back at the location Sparky was telling me Caliber was at on a sphere of wood, moments from it detonating. The mechataur's claws were effectively raw, palms much smaller than they used to be. I moved some excess alloy from the hips to patch the damage and retracting the anchors to be able to move out of place again. Swirling vortex of shrapnel was mostly unaffected, but what I was doing would affect everything.


As I watched the immense sphere move and thought about what was coming, time slowed down for me. There were so many beautiful orbs in the Paradise and I admired them all. All these mere moments took fractions of seconds for me to admire as I watched the swirling destructive energy go out of control and consume what was left of the dulled outside shell. We would most likely both be caught in the resulting immense void explosion, but I was hoping the mechataur could protect me. For the most part, even if I had to sacrifice it.

"There is no other condition, save that the disagreement's that have stretched out between us over the years come to an end. I choose to believe that a peaceful solution can come between the two of us, Chrysalis. After all, we have no shortage of brains between us. I'm sure we can come up with something." Celestia gave a soft chuckle, again to lighten the mood. Though it wasn't through naivete; she knew that there were no other options. Over thousands of years of dealing with the changelings had only ever seen her come closer to actions that she had no wish to take, but would eventually be forced to. And she would do anything to avoid that.


"Now, if you can agree to this, then I believe we may start."

She could have sworn she had already agreed, but may as well make it more official sounding.


"It is decided. Any hostile actions on ponies by my children from henceforth we do not condone and shall be punished severely. By our connection all changelings shall know this edict." Chrissy said this proudly, using the royal we and trying to not degrade herself. But she had to mention something she felt was pertinent. "And please, I prefer being called Chrissy." At this point she changed to her Alicorn-shaped tall Unicorn form. Her voice lost the traditional echo. "Chrysalis is someone else. Someone who had the right motives, but went about accomplishing them in the wrong way. That's not me anymore. While I am still motivated for my hive, I understand attempts at conquering will just be met with opposition and waste the energy. I am Queen of a dying race, but it does not need to die."


Kevin poked her side with a forehoof. "But we will if we can't eat. We're still starving. It will just happen slower."


"Have you not been paying attention? Do not answer that, of course you have. I am just saying I do not need to be reminded. That is why we are here. I am hoping Celestia knows of a way for us to not starve while also not turning ponies into our own personal living food supply. Even now I realize a dead pony has no love to drain." She turned to Celestia. "You do know of a way for us to not starve? Please say you do? While it sated me a bit, food made with love is not nearly enough."

Edited by bronislav84

by @Balareth+@Onion Sing

My OC Lektra Bolt: EvE Version/EqE Archive. My links in one place: https://lektragaming.carrd.co

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"And how exactly do you plan to do that? Smite the oppressors and instate education reform?" He asked with a chuckle, drinking out of his refilled glass.


@, @@Fractured,


"Too hurried for an interview?" Topaz asked as her ears slowly lowered. "Oh, I guess that makes sense. Here, let me help you out." She said before pressing a hoof to her mouth and whistling as loud as a train in the direction of the door stallion. "HEY! This mare needs assistance!" She demanded. Quite a pushy pony.




It seemed Cumulus had wrongly assumed Jade to be the kind not to kick an opponent while he was down, because he was woefully unprepared for the kick delivered to his chest. He was sent back with another loud crack likely coming from his ribs and he lay back, flat on the ground with his wings spread. And then he stayed there, seemingly still conscious, but not moving for an uncomfortable amount of time.


"Um... master Tricis, what are the odds of a demon being a complete pushover?" Feather asked, not sure what to make of what he was seeing.


"I'm not calling the fight yet." Tricis stated.


Cumulus started to move one hoof and he slowly reached it into his shoulder armor where that small ball had been.


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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It seemed Cumulus had wrongly assumed Jade to be the kind not to kick an opponent while he was down, because he was woefully unprepared for the kick delivered to his chest. He was sent back with another loud crack likely coming from his ribs and he lay back, flat on the ground with his wings spread. And then he stayed there, seemingly still conscious, but not moving for an uncomfortable amount of time.


"Um... master Tricis, what are the odds of a demon being a complete pushover?" Feather asked, not sure what to make of what he was seeing.


"I'm not calling the fight yet." Tricis stated.


Cumulus started to move one hoof and he slowly reached it into his shoulder armor where that small ball had been.


Jade was not normally one to kick an opponent when they were down, but Feather had made her too wary to take chances with this pony. Not to mention, she didn't trust the look in his eyes.


Though, as Cumulus laid out on the ground, a cold dread shot through her. Had she killed him?!


Relief washed through her body as she saw his hoof moving, but she vowed to herself to never do that again. What would Master Xiang think if he found out she had unnecessarily killed somepony?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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