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open Bangcolt Arena! (Fighting/Sol) -RP-


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"No, I don't. But I know what its like to have a bad day. To think that it will never end. Even though its never true. There's always been a better day."


Twilight shook her head, before she continued.


"But you're right; that's for me. I can't say it will be the same for you, or that things will get better. The only thing I can say is that I know they won't, if you can't let go of the past and move on. Those two mares that I was with, Trixie and Sunset Shimmer? Princess Luna? They've all been where you've been, holding on to hurt feelings from the past. And they've all learned the same lesson; sometimes you have to let go and move on. Remember your friend, but get rid of all of the pain and bitterness, before you turn into something awful. Before you become somepony that you'll regret for the rest of your life."




"Unblocking memories isn't a very revealing process. I'll just be using magic to move aside the obstructions in Terra's mind; you're fine to stay, provided Terra agrees to this."


Terra looked up, and at Celestia. If she went through with this, even if her memories weren't returned, then she would have to give up the horn. Her only bargaining chip, and according to the voice, key to restoring her memories. But, the words continued to ring out to her; No choice. No choice, especially after already revealing she had the horn. Celestia would never let her go now that she knew.


Terra finally nodded.


"I do." Celestia nodded back, before stepping closer, and speaking directly to her.


"Very well. Now, don't be alarmed; for unicorns, this requires horn to horn contact." As she spoke, Celestia did just that, leaning down and crossing her horn at the base of Terra's. Almost instantly, white magic began to flow out of her horn and into Terra's. She jumped slightly at the contact.


"Don't be afraid." Celestia murmured, eyes closed, still focusing on the spell. A slight flash from her horn went unnoticed by her, but she spoke anyway. "I'm just removing the barriers in your mind; i'm already done with the first of them." Celestia continued to work hard, but she mentally sighed in relief. The number and complexity of the barriers in Terra's mind was astounding; had been against this, this would've been an impossible task. As it was, she could now use Terra's own energy as an aid in fighting the barrier, both reducing the time, and making success a much more feasible option.




@The Down Trotten

Heartthrob had turned around to leave the kitchen, when a large body suddenly dropped on her from above. Pinned completely under the weight of Bowie, she cursed as she tried reaching for her weapon to no avail.


In the bathroom now, looking around, Hero stopped as he heard the string of telekinetic curses ringing out in his head. Sword drawn, he headed down to the location.


Outside, Anette waited, still protected by Glory. The doll was still mentally shouting at Nightmare, who, upon hearing Heartthrob curse, chuckled to himself. This was getting good...




Trixie had finally made it back to her shop; trudging slowly to her room at the back, she peeled back the curtain before slipping inside, and throwing herself onto her bed. Once there, she tried to stop the cascade of thoughts and emotions from overwhelming her. It wasn't easy; she had a lot to think about. From Twilight to Rhetoric, to Celestia... she almost completely missed the tiny white foal hanging over her bed.


"Whatcha doing?"

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"No, I don't. But I know what its like to have a bad day. To think that it will never end. Even though its never true. There's always been a better day."


Twilight shook her head, before she continued.


"But you're right; that's for me. I can't say it will be the same for you, or that things will get better. The only thing I can say is that I know they won't, if you can't let go of the past and move on. Those two mares that I was with, Trixie and Sunset Shimmer? Princess Luna? They've all been where you've been, holding on to hurt feelings from the past. And they've all learned the same lesson; sometimes you have to let go and move on. Remember your friend, but get rid of all of the pain and bitterness, before you turn into something awful. Before you become somepony that you'll regret for the rest of your life."


Despite the rage and pain in her heart, Starlight was listening. Hearing the names Twilight mentioned began to make her think.


Trixie, the stage performer. Rhetoric had mentioned her. She was truly in the same position before? She didn't seem angry, or bitter. Even after the effects of the Alicorn Amulet.

She hadn't met Sunset Shimmer, but he'd heard of her. A student of Princess Celestia's who escaped into the human world. She and Twilight truly met?

And even Princess Luna. Nightmare Moon was vanquished a long time ago...a few years, actually, by Twilight and her friends.


Was she really prepared to become like this ponies once were, just for a taste of vengeance?


The mare glanced down at her hooves, and nearly whispered to herself, "I don't want to keep running...what I did was wrong, yes, but it was my heartache that drove me to do it. And it was the same pain that I'd lost everything that drove me to come and find you."


...Sunburst wouldn't have wanted me to do this...


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Rhetoric couldn't do much, so he just sat silently waiting. Waiting and wondering. 


I hope... I hope this was the right thing to do. I've screwed up enough for the past few days.... maybe I should have stayed on the farm afterall. Which ever the outcome of this is...might be a sign




In the bathroom now, looking around, Hero stopped as he heard the string of telekinetic curses ringing out in his head. Sword drawn, he headed down to the location.   Outside, Anette waited, still protected by Glory. The doll was still mentally shouting at Nightmare, who, upon hearing Heartthrob curse, chuckled to himself. This was getting good...


Struggling with the puppet, he decided that if he "killed" it...things would probably get ugly. 

"Listen to me...whatever you are...if you can listen. Stop moving and you don't buy it" restraining it as best as he could he cleared his throat and raised his voice 


"Alright! I see anyone come into this room, and the ....puppet bites the dust! Anette, come on hand yourself over!" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"The rules to the next three fights are as follows!" Tricis announced, "You start on this grove but you may move to any location within the forest during your fight. Your only boundary is any civilized area. Once the fight begins it will continue until one combatant is incapacitated or dead. No one else may interfere with the fights in any way."


Patch and Feather stood across from each other. Feather had a hoof on the hilt of his blade, and Patch seemed to be quietly meditating with his head tilted down and his eyes closed.

"START!" Tricis shouted and Feather immediately reacted. He lunged forward and attempted to strike at Patch's head with his sword. A solid hit with his wooden blade would incapacitate him. Patch opened his eyes and leaned his torso back before the blade struck. He balanced himself on his hind legs and crossed his front legs in front of his head. The sword struck between his front legs and Jade saw what looked like sparks as the sword was stopped dead in it's tracks.


"Impressive that someone so young could do so much." Cumulus commented quietly.


"Youth is easy kid, try doing that in your golden years." Tricis grumbled. She had a lit cigarette in her mouth that Jade hadn't noticed her light.

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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"The rules to the next three fights are as follows!" Tricis announced, "You start on this grove but you may move to any location within the forest during your fight. Your only boundary is any civilized area. Once the fight begins it will continue until one combatant is incapacitated or dead. No one else may interfere with the fights in any way."


Patch and Feather stood across from each other. Feather had a hoof on the hilt of his blade, and Patch seemed to be quietly meditating with his head tilted down and his eyes closed.

"START!" Tricis shouted and Feather immediately reacted. He lunged forward and attempted to strike at Patch's head with his sword. A solid hit with his wooden blade would incapacitate him. Patch opened his eyes and leaned his torso back before the blade struck. He balanced himself on his hind legs and crossed his front legs in front of his head. The sword struck between his front legs and Jade saw what looked like sparks as the sword was stopped dead in it's tracks.


"Impressive that someone so young could do so much." Cumulus commented quietly.


"Youth is easy kid, try doing that in your golden years." Tricis grumbled. She had a lit cigarette in her mouth that Jade hadn't noticed her light.


Jade sat down next to Tricis, ready to watch the next fight. She was curious about Patch, but she also was secretly rooting for Feather to win, if anything because he had been the nicest one to her.


She leaned forward as Feather's attack struck, and she could swear sparks flew from Patch's forelegs as he blocked.

"He's not wearing any armour," she muttered, almost to herself, "How...?"


She glanced to Tricis, and blinked as she saw the lit cigarette. When did that get there?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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@The Down Trotten

Roughly twenty minutes had passed, with little to no sound in the room aside the heavy humming of the white magic that coursed through Terra's body. Celestia continued to break through the stops in her mind with relative ease, marveling at the structure; whoever had designed these had been a genius, leagues above anything that she had experienced. So complex and powerful, yet so simple to design...


"Maybe I shouldn't..." The thought that finally occurred to her that this design may have been too perfect. Perhaps somepony didn't want her in here. Before it could fully process, however, she found herself at the last barrier. In Terra's mind, a solid green and blue door that towered over her, standing at at least 100 times her height, and equally as long. She hesitated a moment, before touching it with her horn.


Terra had been standing silently with Celestia, trying not to feel nauseous as the white magic invaded her body. All of the sudden, she opened her eyes at the sudden green spark from her horn. She heard a startled, distant "What...?" from Celestia, right before the alicorn was propelled backwards by raw energy, striking the far wall and falling to the ground silently.




@The Down Trotten

Hero heard the voice, and stopped just outside the room where Bowie was located. He had both cutlasses out, but sheathed them bitterly; there was nothing he could do.


Outside, Anette heard the voices, as well as the copious amount of even more swearing coming from Heartthrob. She turned to Glory, who, with a  mental sigh, dropped the shield from around her.


"Okay, i'm coming in." Anette took the long steps that led into the quarters, Glory and Nightmare following behind her softly. She came across Hero, and as she met eyes with doll, he dropped his in defeat. Anette walked up to him, and nuzzled him slightly.


"It's okay, we'll get out of this." After she was finished whispering, she turned to Bowie, who was holding the still pinned Heartthrob.

"What do you want?"





Twilight heard Starlight Glimmer speak, and her heart dropped slightly. It hadn't truly occured to her that the mare was right until now; she truly didn't know what real pain was like. But, she didn't speak on it, and unlike before, she didn't walk nearer to try and hug her. In fact, she stepped backward, making sure she was still loud enough for Starlight Glimmer to hear.


"I know. Or, I realized. But you have to let it out, or let it go, and you have to move past it. Not because i'm hoping we'll be friends; we might not ever be, and I perfectly understand that. But, because I don't want to see anypony destroy themselves, especially a pony with as much to offer the world as you." Twilight paused, and heaved a sigh. "But, I can't change your mind, or make your decisions, and I won't try to. Starlight... it's your choice."




@Star Saber

Flash Sentry was just pulling in for his morning shift, when the blue maned, orange bodied pegasus caught sight of something at the door. A black pegasus, held in solid ice handcuffs, and surrounded by a violet bubble of energy. He walked up, and tilted his head slightly at the sight. Finally, he shrugged.


"You're under arrest, I suppose. And by looks of it, under orders of a princess." He brushed the bubble lightly with a wing, causing it to collapse and deposit Nightingale on the floor. 


"Princess Twilight Sparkle. Tell me, is she as awesome to you as she is to me?" He grinned slightly at her, but dropped his head with a sigh when she didn't say anything. Typical


"I suppose not." He shrugged again, before he picked her up gently but firmly, leading the scowling pegasus to the back rooms for detainment.

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Twilight heard Starlight Glimmer speak, and her heart dropped slightly. It hadn't truly occured to her that the mare was right until now; she truly didn't know what real pain was like. But, she didn't speak on it, and unlike before, she didn't walk nearer to try and hug her. In fact, she stepped backward, making sure she was still loud enough for Starlight Glimmer to hear.


"I know. Or, I realized. But you have to let it out, or let it go, and you have to move past it. Not because i'm hoping we'll be friends; we might not ever be, and I perfectly understand that. But, because I don't want to see anypony destroy themselves, especially a pony with as much to offer the world as you." Twilight paused, and heaved a sigh. "But, I can't change your mind, or make your decisions, and I won't try to. Starlight... it's your choice."


Starlight's anger was fading, becoming replaced by sadness. Despite how much she hated Twilight, or how angry she was at her, she was right. She was destroying herself. Sunburst would not have wanted to see her like this, on a neverending road to revenge.


Indeed, it was her choice, but it was becoming unclear. Should she follow through and defeat her old foe, or try to earn atonement?


She sat down, her head dipped as tears fell onto the ground. A hollow chuckle escaped her.

"What hope does a pony like me have for change...?" She asked, almost to herself, her voice breaking a bit.

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Terra had been standing silently with Celestia, trying not to feel nauseous as the white magic invaded her body. All of the sudden, she opened her eyes at the sudden green spark from her horn. She heard a startled, distant "What...?" from Celestia, right before the alicorn was propelled backwards by raw energy, striking the far wall and falling to the ground silently.


Rhetoric gasped and rushed to the Princess. "...What...What happened." he turned to Terra agape


"Terra...we need to get help... um think you can try to help the Princess I'm going to go for help..."

He dashed out of the room. Not knowing where Luna was, never having met the other Princess but he figured he'd be the best bet here





"It's okay, we'll get out of this." After she was finished whispering, she turned to Bowie, who was holding the still pinned Heartthrob. "What do you want"


Bowie just grimaced "Simple either you hand yourself over, or an equal to better amount of your bounty. Either way, I let your.... doll go. And no one gets hurt" 

He hated hostage situations, they ended well. Never. 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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"Flamebloom, did you take a look at your boots recently?"


"Yes, Frostfall, and I quite literally had to knock the tar out of them."


"Heehee...  I'll clean them more thoroughly for you, IF you beat me in a spar.  Ready to get the tar knocked outta you?"


"A brand new mail carrier offering laundry cleaning for a price?  Seems to me you're giving me a free service!"




A unicorn with a grey vest and a green shirt walked through the entrance to Bangcolt.  Enveloped in her teal aura was a piece of paper, which as soon as she stepped into the city, vanished with a small flash.




Unfamiliar with the place, she didn't hesitate to go up to the first pony who even remotely looked like he knew his way around.  "Hey friend!  Know where I might find an inn?" 

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Cumulus tried to muster an answer, "I can't say I've seen it before. I've heard of a tribe of earth ponies that were able to increase their skin's resilience through shear mental discipline."


"He remembered to drink his milk. Now would both of you stop talking?" Tricis demanded.


Feather pulled his sword back. Patch twisted around and kicked at Feather's chest with his hind legs. The hooves struck him directly below the neck, sending him tumbling back, but he managed to stay on his hooves. Patch then followed up with another kick that Feather swiftly dodged.

( Sorry, I need time to think about how to finish this fight.)

  • Brohoof 1


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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Cumulus tried to muster an answer, "I can't say I've seen it before. I've heard of a tribe of earth ponies that were able to increase their skin's resilience through shear mental discipline."


"He remembered to drink his milk. Now would both of you stop talking?" Tricis demanded.


Feather pulled his sword back. Patch twisted around and kicked at Feather's chest with his hind legs. The hooves struck him directly below the neck, sending him tumbling back, but he managed to stay on his hooves. Patch then followed up with another kick that Feather swiftly dodged.



( Sorry, I need time to think about how to finish this fight.)


Jade nodded at Cumulus's answer, then self-consciously looked down at her hooves for a moment from Tricis's scolding.


She looked back up at the fight and continued to watch. She had to admit, this Patch was quite skilled, and she had also heard of this tribe of earth ponies. Was it possible that Patch came from such a tribe...?


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cloud snorted into her hoof, and helped herself to a free soda left behind by one of the muggers. "If there's backwash on this, I'll give you the worst of it."


"OK, well, that was fun and all, but we should probably do something about the butt-wipes on the floor."


Lightning got out a rope a started hogtying the unconscious ponies on the floor. As he was doing so, he looked up at Cloud.


"Hey, do you know if there's a jail or police station anywhere near here?" he asked as he finished tying up the last punk on the ground.

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"OK, well, that was fun and all, but we should probably do something about the butt-wipes on the floor."


Lightning got out a rope a started hogtying the unconscious ponies on the floor. As he was doing so, he looked up at Cloud.


"Hey, do you know if there's a jail or police station anywhere near here?" he asked as he finished tying up the last punk on the ground.


Cloud sat and watched as Lightning tied up the muggers, and blinked in thought as she tried to think if she saw a guard station somewhere.


As fortune would have it, a trio of guards had burst in the door. "What's going on? We could see fighting through the window!"


"Just a few muggers," Cloud explained, "But the two of us took care of 'em. Self-defence, of course."


"Hm, well, thank you for your assistance then," the guard nodded, "We'll question the staff about them."

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Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Yuki giggled, "Oh no. It's not about the money at all."


She went into the kitchen, where she could still be heard, "I do it because ponies love to wear what I make. It puts a smile on my face to see them wear what I make, and to know that my craft is worth the money to spend on."


Mixing, beating, and grinding could all be heard from the kitchen, as the kitchen began emitting sweet aromas.

"ah. i see. do you by chance have any jewelry for adorning wings?" zenru asked, sitting down on the couch. 


yrel was still flying about the room, looking everywhere at everything. it was obvious she was curious about everything in the room. and it was when she started venturing into the kitchen when zenru called for her, asking her to sit down as well.


Xiang allowed a smirk to cross his muzzle at the sight of Violet's brass hoof covers. "I see. Very well then."


He uncurled a dragon-like wing and wrapped it around the hilt of the sword, unsheathing it and flicking it up in the air, allowing it to spin. He nonchalantly glanced up, and expertly caught the hilt in his jaws. The dao sword's blade gleamed amber and white with the moon and streetlights.


"Let's go."

"..." violet counted to five in her head, before rushing forward, throwing a hard right hook, which she would follow up with a reverse roundhouse kick. 


the speed, and power multiplied by her using her wings to propel herself faster then before.


Unfamiliar with the place, she didn't hesitate to go up to the first pony who even remotely looked like he knew his way around.  "Hey friend!  Know where I might find an inn?" 

"...?" caliber looked over to her, blinking. "oh, hey, whats up? inn? um..." he pulled out a map, looking it over. "its right...here. how i would even get there, i dont know. im not good with directions." he grinned sheepishly. "but, it looks like your new in town."


"im Caliber, the Wanderer. can i ask who you are?" he asked, looking her over curiously. 


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Yuki thought for a moment. Wings? Not really something she had worked with very often, but as a wizard of her own craft, she could surely think of something, "Why, I think I could make something. But it would depend on the wing size and shape of the pegasus in question."


She continued making a workshop's worth of noises in the kitchen, but spoke loud enough for him to hear, "Are you by chance interested in something?"


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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"..." violet counted to five in her head, before rushing forward, throwing a hard right hook, which she would follow up with a reverse roundhouse kick. 


the speed, and power multiplied by her using her wings to propel herself faster then before.


Xiang watched carefully as Violet moved in, and swung his sword toward her armoured hoof. However, with the speed the pegasus moved at, the kirin was left open to her roundhouse kick, which connected to his temple and sent him hurdling through the air, spinning.


He managed to catch the blade of his sword into the ground, sparks flying in the concrete, and he skidded to a stop on his hooves.

She's a fast one, he thought, and she actually knows what she's doing. I might actually have some fun fighting a young rip for once.


He sped forward his opponent, spreading his own wings and spinning himself to deliver a slash attack as well as a roundhouse kick of his own.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Frostfall leaned forward and peered at the map.  Glancing around at the signs and stores that were marked on the map, it didn't seem like it was very far from where they were.


"Oh, I'm in no hurry, really," she said, her face barely smiling, but her tone as lighthearted as the first winter snow.  "But sure, feel free to ask!"

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It was sort of a misconceived notion that the guards in Equestria were absolutely useless. Ponies tend to neglect that most incidents in Equestria either are not notable, or are caused by beings with power some would consider godlike and overwhelming. So the question was… what was Fuse considered?




The guards at the entrance of the barrack thought they weren’t in danger from a simple Earth Pony and tried to stop him with their hooves. They did not expect to be set ablaze as Fuse immolated right next to them. He drew the heat resistant container from his pocket and removed the vialed container of orange crystal from within before he kicked down the front door of the barracks. The air around him distorted from heat as he scanned the room.


Spotting Nightingale; he smiled to himself before he swung the vial at the ground. The glass and crystal shattered, which was actually crystallized and concentrated fire magic. Very rare and very dangerous; the latter fact being evident as a hellish blast of fire erupted and spread through the room like a flood. Using his power; he caused the fire to essentially bend around Nightingale to prevent her from burnt as well. However the heat of the flames should be enough to weaken the icy restraints confining her. Everyone else in the room however, was just collateral.

Edited by Star Saber
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Yuki thought for a moment. Wings? Not really something she had worked with very often, but as a wizard of her own craft, she could surely think of something, "Why, I think I could make something. But it would depend on the wing size and shape of the pegasus in question."


She continued making a workshop's worth of noises in the kitchen, but spoke loud enough for him to hear, "Are you by chance interested in something?"


zenru looked his wings, and then at yrel's. "i am indeed interested, do you by chance take special requests? say, oh, making jewelry with a crest embedded in it?"


it looked like it was all yrel could do to sit down, and be patient...but the promise of sweets seemed to have her, well, 'obedient' for now, at least.


Xiang watched carefully as Violet moved in, and swung his sword toward her armoured hoof. However, with the speed the pegasus moved at, the kirin was left open to her roundhouse kick, which connected to his temple and sent him hurdling through the air, spinning.


He managed to catch the blade of his sword into the ground, sparks flying in the concrete, and he skidded to a stop on his hooves.

She's a fast one, he thought, and she actually knows what she's doing. I might actually have some fun fighting a young rip for once.


He sped forward his opponent, spreading his own wings and spinning himself to deliver a slash attack as well as a roundhouse kick of his own.

violet blinked, as he came at her, almost having expected him to be KO'd.


she caught the slash on the metal of her brass hoof, but the kick caught her in the stomach...and the force behind it knocked the wind outta her.


she aimed a hook at him, right after taking the kick. "well would ya look at that? old man's got some MOVES!"


Frostfall leaned forward and peered at the map.  Glancing around at the signs and stores that were marked on the map, it didn't seem like it was very far from where they were.


"Oh, I'm in no hurry, really," she said, her face barely smiling, but her tone as lighthearted as the first winter snow.  "But sure, feel free to ask!"

he grinned wider. "whatcha doin' here in bangcolt? you a fighter, or a tourist? or both? oh, and i didnt catch your name." 


upon closer inspection, caliber would have the weathered fighter's look to him. his trademark cape, having a few small holes in it, obviously seen better days. a sword sheath on his back, worn over the years. even scars peppered his coat, mainly on his left foreleg. but his eyes held the most unique aspect of all; they harbored a fighting spirit that blazed bright.

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Yuki thought hard for a moment. She wasn't really used to something like that, but she was confident, "I could probably do it, yeah."


After a moment, she came out, bringing a whole plate of donuts, cookies, and sweet rolls, putting them on the coffee table, "For you, or the little one?" She asked as she sat down in a chair next to the couch.


Ice Blizzard, one of the coolest ponies you're ever gonna meet. Also, Rarity is, without question, best pony. :wub::DMy Youtube Channel  IB's Profile

Tell me what you think of me Challenge an OC to fight My Newest FimFic

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violet blinked, as he came at her, almost having expected him to be KO'd.


she caught the slash on the metal of her brass hoof, but the kick caught her in the stomach...and the force behind it knocked the wind outta her.


she aimed a hook at him, right after taking the kick. "well would ya look at that? old man's got some MOVES!"


Xiang threw up a hoof to block the punch, smirking and holding the block long enough to respond.

"I haven't had such a challenge from a young rip like you in a long time, myself."


Using the block as a platform, he threw up a hind hoof to attempt delivering a roundhouse kick to her temple.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Frostfall slapped herself in the head in a "D'OH!" fashion, laughing at her literal-mindedness.  "Oh, sorry.  The name's Frostfall." 


She quickly cut her laughter short, beginning to look past Caliber.  "I suppose I'm here as a fighter.  It'd definitely keep myself sharp.  But by any chance, have you seen an orange unicorn stallion with a red mane and a flame-spear cutie mark around here?"


In turn, one may notice that Frostfall's hooves were scarred by frostbites.  Her vest was trimmed with wool, a white bandage peeked out from under the sleeve of her long-sleeve shirt, and she seemed to carry no weapons.

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Terra watched Rhetoric leave almost helplessly, watching him go with panicked eyes. On the ground, Celestia slowly struggled to her feet, her mane tattered and green energy crackling off of her skin in waves. She looked at Terra with wide eyes, blinking hard as if she couldn't believe what she had just saw.


"Terra... you're..."




Luna was fast asleep in her room, an odd reprieve from her usual resting place, the world of shadows. Somehow, laying there didn't feel right to her at the moment. As she heard someone all but shouting her name, however, she lazily poked her head from underneath the covers, with no small amount of mental swearing. It was dawn; somepony was going to pay for this.


"The fate of Equestria had better be at stake," she thought listlessly as she opened the door, looking for the pony who had shouted her name. "Or it might be."




@The Down Trotten

Anette passed looks with Heartthrob, before she turned back to Bowie. "Okay, don't hurt her; I have what you want." She shot another look to Glory, who vanished into the back room with a flash of light. Moments later, a small box flashed into the air in front of Anette, falling gently on the ground, followed by Glory herself seconds later. Anette flipped the box open with telekinesis, revealing a small nest of neatly organized rare gems.


"I collect these all of the time, but honestly, I have no use for them. You can have them, in exchange for Heartthrob."





"You've realized that you need to change; that's step one. And you're willing, which is step two. It won't be easy, but you're already on the right path, Starlight Glimmer. You just have to follow it." Twilight stepped a little closer to Starlight Glimmer, still keeping eyes on her. She smiled. "I trust you can do it. Do you?"




@Star Saber

Flash Sentry had been alert at the first smell of smoke. As the stranger stepped in, and flames erupted around him, he acted quickly. Leaping headfirst over the counter of the guards desk, spinning as he fell, he pulled off his helmet, before tossing it to break the seal on the emergency showers on his far right. He began to sweat underneath the desk; the armor was magically enchanted, but it wouldn't last long in this heat. He had one chance...


"Who are you? And what's your buisness here?!" he shouted out over the roar of the flames. With a free hoof, he braced his spear...

Edited by Fractured
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"You've realized that you need to change; that's step one. And you're willing, which is step two. It won't be easy, but you're already on the right path, Starlight Glimmer. You just have to follow it." Twilight stepped a little closer to Starlight Glimmer, still keeping eyes on her. She smiled. "I trust you can do it. Do you?"


Starlight's eyes raised up to look at Twilight, welling up from tears. She had asked a good question; did she herself believe she could be reformed?


A quiet sigh escaped her as she closed her eyes tight. "To be honest...no, Twilight, I don't."


She looked back up, raising her head this time.

"Look what I've done to innocent ponies," She continued, "To you and your friends, and what I intended to do. I wanted to take over with my vision of equality. Would you honestly forgive somepony like me?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"The fate of Equestria had better be at stake," she thought listlessly as she opened the door, looking for the pony who had shouted her name. "Or it might be."


Finally finding the door, or at least the head of the Princess Rhetoric skidded to a stop and tried to bow in a haphazard fashion "I'm sorry if I woke you your Highness but its your sister. You see we've come into a bit of... um... erm... a bot of a road block. I guess really old, really bizarre magic. Please hurry."

Without giving her royal highness much of a chance of reply he began to run back, nervous as a bunch of bees in a wet basket 




Anette passed looks with Heartthrob, before she turned back to Bowie. "Okay, don't hurt her; I have what you want." She shot another look to Glory, who vanished into the back room with a flash of light. Moments later, a small box flashed into the air in front of Anette, falling gently on the ground, followed by Glory herself seconds later. Anette flipped the box open with telekinesis, revealing a small nest of neatly organized rare gems.   "I collect these all of the time, but honestly, I have no use for them. You can have them, in exchange for Heartthrob."



Bowie put Glory down gently  and walked over to inspect the gems. Being a Diamond dog, he had a deep knowledge on thier worth and value. Quickly looking through them he took several out and shoved them into his pockets and left the rest 

"Welp... that wasn't so bad. Alright, well stay sharp and what not" he looked around at the dolls and sighed "I guess this is where you chase me out right?"

You fool! You have won the crowd, never, ever out stay your welcome!  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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