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Anypony else into "Angry Sunny"?

Summer Wish

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Ok so if you clicked this thread im assuming you watched FG, so SPOILERS!


Im NOT a Sunset guy, shes good and her VA is amazing, and sure i enjoy her music video and she IS a required context for the human world, with the whole "im really from equestria and im stuck here so here is my unique perspective" (....because Hasbro hates the sirens it seems...WHERE IS MY ADAGIO!) That all said shes fine....and then she ranted at Sci-Twi..and I about lost it. o-m-g...can we get more of Sunset yelling? Please!! Her defending her friends was waaaaaaaaaaay better then her being "evil" inn EQ1.


That entire scene was just...good..im kinda shocked, as it made the movie for me, up till that point I was gonna write it off and go watch RR...but damn..more mad sunny please!


(also side bar, Sour Sweet is new best human)

  • Brohoof 3

Shameless plug for my Sundagio fic!



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I loved that scene when Sunset snapped. It shows how upset she was, and had so much character, and emotion to it. Sunset was scared, and took out all of her anger on Twilight.. which sounds worse in theory than practice, but the awesome writers pulled it off! Sunset still has a bit of that mean girl in her reformed or not, and it has a real life morality tale in it, about how your past can come sneaking up on you when you least expect it.

By the way, mean girl Sunset in the original Equestria Girls is incredibly awkward to watch given her recent reformed changes. xD

Edited by Sugar Coat
  • Brohoof 4


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Oh gawd, I remember that scene quite well. Yes, Sunny had good reasons to be mad. People could have been killed and Shimmers herself almost became a casualty herself had it not been for Rainbow Dash (why they didn't just stop the race altogether is really just beyond me). And man, her fury was... quite impressive. 


On one side I wanted to cheer Sunset Shimmer on for putting Twilight in her place but at the very same time I almost burst into tears from how bad I felt for Twilight receiving so much heat. That was quite a freaky experience, I tell you  :blink:


And yeah, this is the sort of thing you can expect from reformed villains. Villains in general have less inhibition to go to extreme lengths to get the job done. With reformed villains, what changes is when they go to extreme lengths to do what the see as needing to be done and why. The exact same thing could be said about Princess Luna going from Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep. That whole thing about spawning the Tantibus to keep herself in check testifies to this because again, that was a pretty extreme thing to do.

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Really liked that scene as hard as it was to watch. When you think about it, Sunset was also yelling at herself as she didn't know how to control the magic either no matter how hard she tried and feels it was her fault magic even got there in the first place, and it kind of shows that a bit of old Sunset is still in her

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It was actually my favorite Sunset Shimmer scene, period. My biggest beef with Rainbow Rocks (as much as I wanted Sunny to be reformed) was how inorganic her development was. One second she's an angry, hateful girl with a chip on her shoulder poised to take what in her mind she's deserved all along, and then the next she's an adorable waifu whose every line consists of berating herself for her past actions, apologizing for her past actions, and resolving to not repeat her past actions. Sunset Shimmer in the first film as opposed to Rainbow Rocks may as well have been an entirely different character. And as necessary as that change was, it would've meant so much more if it had been because of her own choices as opposed to being brainwashed by a big friendship laser :\


Sunset losing her @#$# and going off on Twilight didn't fix that, but it did show that there's just a touch of the old Sunset left in there. Not going back on her development, but using some of that anger she used to have bubbling around inside her righteously, about something she had every right to be pissed about. It was a bit of the old and a bit of the new. And as weird as it sounds, I'd love to see Sunny slip up a bit more and show more hints of her previous self :bedeyes:. More anger, more ambition, more falling outs and more making up afterward. It'd make her a much more well-rounded character.




Me irl right now

  • Brohoof 4
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It was actually my favorite Sunset Shimmer scene, period. My biggest beef with Rainbow Rocks (as much as I wanted Sunny to be reformed) was how inorganic her development was. One second she's an angry, hateful girl with a chip on her shoulder poised to take what in her mind she's deserved all along, and then the next she's an adorable waifu whose every line consists of berating herself for her past actions, apologizing for her past actions, and resolving to not repeat her past actions. Sunset Shimmer in the first film as opposed to Rainbow Rocks may as well have been an entirely different character. And as necessary as that change was, it would've meant so much more if it had been because of her own choices as opposed to being brainwashed by a big friendship laser :\


Sunset losing her @#$# and going off on Twilight didn't fix that, but it did show that there's just a touch of the old Sunset left in there. Not going back on her development, but using some of that anger she used to have bubbling around inside her righteously, about something she had every right to be pissed about. It was a bit of the old and a bit of the new. And as weird as it sounds, I'd love to see Sunny slip up a bit more and show more hints of her previous self :bedeyes:. More anger, more ambition, more falling outs and more making up afterward. It'd make her a much more well-rounded character.



Me irl right now



I want to see her "like this" more often. I really have high hopes for the next film and I would love to see her "fall off the wagon" again.


I get she is popular with the fanbase, broken characters generally are (exp. Dinobot from beastwars) and every pony loves an anti-hero. 

  • Brohoof 2

Shameless plug for my Sundagio fic!



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Oh God.....that scene was just glorious. Not only was she adorable beyond belief, but it was the most realistic thing I've ever seen throughout the movie.


This wasn't some random breakdown coming out of no where...this was someone who was slowly watching things grow out of control. It's not like she has a short.temper, she was frustrated that she couldn't stop the inevitable. And watching energy get drained out of her friends from a device Twilight made isn't easy considering you were put with the task to PREVENT all the magical chaos.


Besides, I think she sort of saw herself in Twilight too. Remember, Sunset started out with bringing magic into this world anyways. Seeing it backfire in her face after gaining trust is sort of a nerve striker. Plus it's hard seeing the very person you to for answers is the person who's the problem regardless if they are the same Twilight or not

  • Brohoof 3




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I feel this film was a "subtle" nod to character development. If you watch it with an analitical eye you will notice alot of things, for example for all the Rarijack lovers notice how they where a duo during the montage. This films writting and directing was amazing to say the least....but we need more Angry Sunny i lost it at that scene. Soo good.

Shameless plug for my Sundagio fic!



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I like the idea of Sunset temporarily reverting to her old, mean personality from time to time, and anger is a good way to have her do that. You may recall she exploded on Trixie in Rainbow Rocks, as well. I like to call this angry version of Sunset "Meanie Shimmer".

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Yes I loved it especially because I knew she wasn't reverting back to her old self, she was angry because she was trying to protect her friends. I tend to act the same way to defend someone I care about, so I can relate to Sunny and one of the reasons I love her so much.

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Agreeing with Sunset188: I don't think she was reverting back to.herself at all. She was being protective.of her friends and was already frustrated for a good reason. Her old self didn't have a temper at all: she was just a mean popular girl cliche.


In RR, that outburst on Trixie was a result of being antagonized. She doesn't get angry easily, it builds up to it. So far, her buttons are being pressed gradually.

Edited by Sunset19
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Oh God.....that scene was just glorious. Not only was she adorable beyond belief, but it was the most realistic thing I've ever seen throughout the movie.


This wasn't some random breakdown coming out of no where...this was someone who was slowly watching things grow out of control. It's not like she has a short.temper, she was frustrated that she couldn't stop the inevitable. And watching energy get drained out of her friends from a device Twilight made isn't easy considering you were put with the task to PREVENT all the magical chaos.


Besides, I think she sort of saw herself in Twilight too. Remember, Sunset started out with bringing magic into this world anyways. Seeing it backfire in her face after gaining trust is sort of a nerve striker. Plus it's hard seeing the very person you to for answers is the person who's the problem regardless if they are the same Twilight or not

Oh my god, someone else that understands!


This was the realest, most humanizing and grounding moment in the movie. This Crystal Prep kid, this "fake" Twilight is messing with Sunset's friends and their magic, she's the one that closed the portal, and she doesn't even know what she's doing or how it works!


Sunny is already frustrated with herself for not understanding magic, and now "fake" Twilight doesn't get it either and is making things WORSE! Plus, "real" or not, a Twilight is a Twilight and looks exactly like the person who's not returning her inter-dimensional text messages.


Sunset Shimmer is the most human and relatable character in EQG. Plus, as someone who swallows all their anger until it boils over, I tooooootally relate. I wish we saw these kinds of flaws from other characters (besides Applejack) more often.

Edited by Shimmer Down
  • Brohoof 1


"My past does not define me
'Cause my past is not today."

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Another bit of information about Sunset to think about..

If Sunset can break back into her old routine as she did when she was upset towards Sci Twi, under pressure, Sunset can make really big mistakes and fall back into the same pit she was in during the first movie. It is sad to think about, but people trying to change a negative in their lives to a positive usually have a very hard time doing it; so right now Sunset is very vulnerable and can wind up just as bad or worse than she was in the original Equestria Girls.


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Like everyone else above me said, it was truly a glorious scene because it was so real. It was genuinely relatable, and although she had some minor flashes of her inner badgirl in Rainbow Rocks, (it wasn't a fit of jealous rage!) I've been dying to see her really lose it and show that she still has some of that EG1 fire in her, mostly because her change of heart at the end of said movie was perhaps not as organic as it should have been. I do think the writers are doing a solid job striking a balance between a reformed Sunset and a Sunset that still very much has that badgirl alive and well within her, as this film did a superior job of displaying over Rainbow Rocks.


Sunset Shimmer was frustrated at herself because she couldn't figure out why the magic was going haywire everywhere, and Twilight's device absorbing the energy of all of Sunset's friends and not knowing why, thus putting their well-being in jeopardy, as well as having cut off the portal to Equestria, were all completely valid reasons for her to snap the way she did. But I do think that the narrative intended for this scene to highlight shades of the old Sunset. Right down to Sunset's dialogue, there were flashes of the old Equestria Girls 1 Sunny. "You're supposed to be so smart, but did you ever think you shouldn't be messing around with things you don't understand?!" I found that line to be very reminiscent of her confronting Twilight in the hallway in EG1, as well as her bullying of Fluttershy scene. Even the aggressive tone and body language are present. And to top it all off, when Rainbow Dash quietly comes to Sunset's aid to console her, Sunset quickly realizes her mistake. The facepalm says it all. She's still in the process of conquering her inner demons, so to speak, and she knows she just made another huge mistake. If anyone can fetch me a screen cap of that, I'll love you forever.


Anyway, that was probably my favorite scene starring Sunset in this particular film, and one of my favorites in general. I really hope that she continues to show that fiery edge to her. She is one of the most sincere and honestly written characters in the series. When she does screw up, she always does her best to make it right, and you could see how bad she felt for snapping at Twilight later on. I really couldn't be happier with how they handled Sunset's character in this film and hope she continues to grow in a steady, organic way. Still would like to know where she's living in Humanestria and how she feels about going back home, but eh, maybe that'll be touched upon soon xD.

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Ohhhh my gosh Shimmer, I love your profile and thanks!


@Sugarcoat: That is something to consider and partially I do agree with you. However, I think that applies more to Rainbowrocks since it was focused on her Redemption: she was more vulnerable then. 


But within EG 3, I don't think she was vulnerable at all. It's clear she is on the path of good and is content with being a protagonist which is why she was taking so hard to keep magic out of the games in the first place. She enjoys having friends and not being the most hated person on earth which led to her taking her job so seriously. 


I don't find her outbursts to be "the old sunset shimmer" at all. Twilight within the pony series have breakdowns as well but that doesn't mean she is reverting to an antagonist. Take Rainbowdash for example in the "Tank for the memories" episode when she went off on PinkiePie. This proves that even the purest of characters can have their moments when they will lash out their frustration. 


Sunset is the only character, alongside Applejack, who behaves realistically WITHOUT breaking the 4th wall. Like when she was explaining to Celestia that it did matter what Cinch thought....how she explained that the other side wouldn't really believe they lost and it wouldn't count as a real Win on CHS's part. She sees things how many people, even adults, see things. Even that motorcross field was a bit overthetop and she was the one who said "anybody else thinks this is overkill". I LOVE THAT ABOUT HER! And if you think about it, she was right in what she said to Twilight about meddling into stuff she doesn't understand because it can get people hurt. She was talking to old self in a way when she did that too 



I also think they need to have her return to Equestria but not permanently. To make amends with Celestia and others she might have shunned when she was a brat. Almost like how Twilight had to face her past mistakes in that episode "Amending Fences" (is that the name of it?). 

Edited by Sunset19




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You can say xD It showed us a lot of things, and I guess it was.. interesting? xD 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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