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private Grand Galloping Galla RP 2015

Your Nightly Spectre

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Barely-restrained surprise took the place of Fantasy Moon's relative stoicism as the unicorn unveiled his magic eye and summoned the golden bird.  Her eyes began to follow the golden bird, just as the bird followed the serpent.  But then the serpent, having something resembling a will of his own, became spooked by the bird and sped off toward Fantasy, hiding behind her foreleg.


She facehoofed.  "He's a coward..."

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Delightful strings carried over conversation, gaily drawing Aria towards the ballroom. Her gait, a slow waltz to the thrum of conversation, refined itself to accomodate the new rhythm proffered, a needed distraction from the monotony of the evening. The playful notes tickled her ears, beckoning her to join them with raucous revelry provided by her own instrument. Though yearning to play, she wished as well to spend as little time as necessary on the stage, and thus would wait as long as she could until it was her turn to entertain the masses.


Accompanied by the sound of Marezart, a wondrous vision saw fit to grace itself upon the room in the form of a blue, illusory serpent. Twisting with fluidity rivaling the purest stream, it entranced those with a proclivity for sensuality. She could not help but admire Fantasy's confidence in her spellwork, for this was surely one of hers. Aria had spent several days familiarizing herself with the mare's work, along with another's, but she was still mesmerized by every creation she could conjure.


In the midst of her admiration, the elegant serpent slithered swiftly away from a new, bothersome bird. Following the serpent to its source, Aria spied the spellcaster and sauntered silently to her side. As the cowardly creature curled itself behind the caster's calf, she announced her arrival with artificial admonishment.


"Not giving anything away, are we?"


@@Akari of Duskshire

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Enzo staggered back in surprise as the unicorn guard teleported beside him.




He was wordless as the unicorn guard started to... introduce him?












Enzo nervously composed himself, letting out a weak chuckle as he tried  to act casual. "Hey, um.... yeah long time no see Dark Star! How... uh, delightful to see you this *hack* delightful evening!" . He settled into a wide, nervous grin.


Khris spoke out loud, his etheral voice ringing out "I greet you, old friend"


"You nailed it, Enzo"


The card hidden in Enzo's 'scarf' buzzed.


"I don't suppose you are.. uh.. free now, aren't you? I may need your help in something."


~Second Sight~


The white earth pony facehoofed as the Guard teleported beside his comrade.


"You're on your own, pard'ner"


He was about to turn away and make his escape, when he looked more closely and realised:


"That facial expression, one of  recognition. His face falls, perhaps triggered by a memory. His facial expression returns to that one would make when greeting an old... friend? It is confirmed: The guard knows Enzo.


Pulling down his hat, he hastily whispered into the walkie-talkie card thing.


"Don't abort"


He tipped his head back up, and walked away from his vantage point, aiming to move closer to his partner. He could not let this opportunity go south. Second Sight smiled wistfully. his metal claws fidgeting as if holding an unknown object


"After all, that pocket watch means alot to me"

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The serpent trembled behind the foreleg that was planted on top of the book that was essential to the performance.  Fantasy Moon just gave him a reassuring nudge, then her ears perked up when she heard a familiar voice. 


"I-I'm not," she said, not recognizing that her colleague only jested.  She was always in awe of Aria's musical abilities throughout the times they and another spent putting together the performance and the very last thing she wanted was to disappoint a mare of her talent.  The serpent, his card reading "Crescent", sensed her panic and slithered up her foreleg and onto her head, forgetting there was a bird flying around.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,@,


Golden made room for the new mare who was...  Aria. "Ah, good evening Aria. A pleasure to meet you again" Said Golden and made a quick bow, to show that he respected her. "How are you fairing at this wonderfull evening?" Asked Golden with a smile. His bird landed on his shoulder, and started chippering in his ear

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@, @,


Not wanting to make a bad impression and to show respect, Bliss polietly followed Dark who seemed to have promptly teleported to a...


Is that a stag??? "Oh my goodness!" Bliss had never seen the proud deer race before. This was the opprotunity of a life time! She quickly trotted over to Dark to meet the lovely being. He was as elegant and proud as she'd imagine deer or stags to be. His antlers stood proudly on his head, and he was dressed rather fondly too. However her excitment quickly turned to one of shyness at the very sight of this new being... This was a friend of Dark Star's and she too felt some unsual vibes coming from this being...along with his talking sword for a comrade?


"Um...you can just call me Blissy if you like," she gently pawed the floor with her hoof, looking more down then up at the Stag Enzo, "You and Dark Star know each other? That's interesting, why didn't you tell me you knew one of the deer people? I never met one of your citizens before! It's an honor to finally meet one and ah..." she was losing herself...her horn began to light up in slight urgency as well...but unlike Star...she didn't know how to control it, nor fully understood it's meaning. "Gah...heh...silly stupid thing..." she tapped at her horn as it continued to burst rainbow magic, "it sometimes has a mind of its own..."

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Fairly," the mare replied, inclining her head in acknowledgement. If there was perhaps but one question in Equestria that she found so utterly trivial, it was any variation of "how are you doing?" On the one hoof, it was a mere social formality that oft led to naught but idle chatter of which she was not thrilled. On the other, the question itself was so vague that it required a mental tally of sorts, for she never kept tabs on her state of being at any given moment. The stallion, however, not knowing this, did not need to be subjected a flippant remark.


"More fairly than this slippery friend of yours, mia carina," she said to Moon. "What seems to be troubling him? Or, by extension, yourself?" she added with a knowing look.

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Princess Celestia

@@Lightning Bliss, @@Yoshi89,

Celestia felt a familiar aura and presence, looking around and seeing Lightening Bliss. She would smile, yet make no move to leave from her spot and greet the mare. For now she would leave her be, especially since it would seem she was busy. The princess would continue to shake the hooves of those who came to meet her, offering a smile and nod, yet from the corner of her vision she would continue to watch the uniquely appearing young alicorn.


Let her have a chance to enjoy herself, without giving the stress or ill feelings of my presence seems to bring,’ Celestia would think to herself, before turning back to those before her. She would inwardly sigh, seeing the line was long, before she would smile warmly and say in apology, “Excuse me a moment, I need to step away and refresh myself.


With such she would head to the refreshment table, before allowing herself a breath that felt like she had held for a while. It was always among the least enjoyable part of her duties, yet this little break would perhaps allow Celestia the chance to mingle more naturally. She would keep an eye on Bliss’s location, not wanting to bother the mare too soon from when she had arrived, and even noticed that she was being introduced to one of her more interesting guests.


Mythos Gray


The stallion was a bit stunned for a moment, not expecting the mare before him to bloom so lovely tonight. He would smile, almost a grin, as he consider Amber before moving a hoof through his mane and saying, “You… you’re lovely tonight Miss Dust. Heh, perhaps you should let your mane down more often? The gems really complement your eyes, and the dress works wonderfully.


He would offer the flower, blue in color and thankfully matching quite well with what Amber was wearing and with her mane. He would pin it to the collar of her dress before answering her thanks, “You are quite welcome, I am glad to have you join me. I find events such as this are always more enjoyable with company, especially with that of a mare as lovely as yourself.


Once the flower was in place Mythos would ask softly, “Are you ready? I’m sorry if I was a bit late, there was much to prepare for, with the performance planned.” The unicorn would offer a hoof, so as to lead Amber would and so they should begin their way to the castle.

((I hope this works, if I hadn't of pick an image I could have looked for another hour:))




Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Fantasy Moon could name several things.  Something telling her she heard the voice of somepony (or stag?) she had rather... mixed feelings about.  Being ill-equipped for dealing with a depressed stranger (and was it just her, or was he flirting with her earlier?).  Her fears about messing up what is probably as of that point in time her biggest commission in front of two professionals and the upper crust of Canterlot.


Crescent formed something of a necklace around her neck, staring up at Aria.  Despite his lack of the ability of making facial expressions, Fantasy could tell he was entranced.  The sight melted the ice block of anxiety a bit.


She glanced at the golden bird.  "Well, Crescent's jumpy," she said matter-of-factly.  If Crescent could make a scowl, he would've done so, directed at Fantasy.

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@@Lightning Bliss,@,


Quickly catching up on how the stag was behaving Star was about to say something before Blissy came over and loosened the atmosphere a bit. From behind her I give the stag a "Oh, I know what is going on here" look. Within seconds by pure sense Star then turned and spotted Enzos co-worker, looking straight into his eyes from a distance, turning back to enzo. Knowing that possibly their intentions weren't the best... he still didn't want to ruin Blissies gala and simply roll with it and deal with the situation on the side.


@@Akari of Duskshire,


Then, when he was looking around to spot Enzos friend he realized he saw something unusual.... a flying glowing serpent and a bird drawing in attention of some of the people,  making him feel so dumb as a guard that he failed to notice both a stag with huge horns and... his heart skipped a short beat as he saw Fantasy Moon, surprised that she was here, and that he ever got to see her. Unable to utter a word as he turned back to BLissy and the stag he looked back for a second, catching himself staring as he realized how fine she dressed and how beautiful she looked tonight.... but who were the other ponies? 


Having too much to multitask emotionally, Star felt his head lightly begin to hurt as he was at a loss of what to do... everything just coming at him from every side. 


"Y-you two have your fun...I have something to do. " He have Enzo another deadly stare, before teleporting outside of the main room to the gardens.


Quickly gasping for fresh air Star tried to clear his mind, but the more he though about everything the more he felt himself lost. Deciding to stay here for a minute and think up some sort of plan or anything... his mind raced between the stag and Fantasy... He wanted to talk to Fantasy, but the Stag was at the moment doing some weird business at the gala... Not to mention, who were the other ponies around her? Random people, friends, or worse... 


Lightly holding a hoof on his hurting head he stared at the calm reflection in a pool of water, while some bird and cricket chirping would fill the gardens, the fresh air helping him calm down. 


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Cloudsdale is where I was born, but my dad wanted us to move to Ponyville cuz the ponies there were much kinder. Anyways, want to grab something to drink? Might as well before the rest of the nobles arrive and the bar is full." He replied, warming up a little.


"Heh, I might actually end this day with another friend or two. Thanks mom and dad..." he though at he began to stroll to the bar, waiting for Flame to see if he'll follow aside him.

Flame trotted toward the bar "Um the ponies in Cloudsdale that I know are very nice, I don't why your dad would even consider moving, Let alone actually doing so." He said in a defensive tone. "I hardly think the ponyville ponies are much better." Flame said

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@@Akari of Duskshire@


"Hmm. Perhaps he thinks of it as...being alert," she suggested. "Or maybe..."—her voice took on a low, mellifluous tone as she reached under his chin—"he's just a little tensssse." 


Stretching the last syllable of the sentence, she began moving her hooftip in small circles against the soft underside of the snake. It was magic so marvelous, she began to wonder just how real it was. This corporeal entity was no mere illusion, nor was it devoid of what she perceived as life. It truly seemed to be a being of its own, beguiling the musician with its inherent charm.


I wonder if I could ever hope to weave such beauty as this...but of what use is the magic of the earth?


"Fantasy...is he...how real is he?" she asked distractedly.

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The stallion was a bit stunned for a moment, not expecting the mare before him to bloom so lovely tonight. He would smile, almost a grin, as he consider Amber before moving a hoof through his mane and saying, “You… you’re lovely tonight Miss Dust. Heh, perhaps you should let your mane down more often? The gems really complement your eyes, and the dress works wonderfully.


He would offer the flower, blue in color and thankfully matching quite well with what Amber was wearing and with her mane. He would pin it to the collar of her dress before answering her thanks, “You are quite welcome, I am glad to have you join me. I find events such as this are always more enjoyable with company, especially with that of a mare as lovely as yourself.


Once the flower was in place Mythos would ask softly, “Are you ready? I’m sorry if I was a bit late, there was much to prepare for, with the performance planned.” The unicorn would offer a hoof, so as to lead Amber would and so they should begin their way to the castle.

 Amber cursed herself internally. She could feel her face redden at the complements, and again when Mythos offered a hoof.

"Yup, I guess I am," she said nervously, taking the stallion's arm. It'll be a while before I'm used to this, she thought, looking briefly at her own reflection in the window as they turned away from it. She thought back to twenty minutes before, when she had gotten her horn stuck in her dress three times before getting it right.

"And you're not late at all," Amber added. "I just finished getting ready, myself." She managed a small smile. 




"I've never been to an event like the Grand Galloping Gala before," Amber admitted, as the pair made their way down the starlit path away from her hotel.

"I'm not sure I even know how to act at this sort of thing--I'm so nervous!" She said,  laughing timidly. She looked up at Mythos.

"...But you seem pretty comfortable with this sort of thing--you look so dapper," she chuckled, gesturing to his coiffed mane and purple bowtie.

"Are you nervous at all for your performance?" she asked.




Edited by AmberDust

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At that question, Fantasy Moon glanced at Crescent, who seemed too busy enjoying the massage Aria was giving him.  It never crossed her mind and it felt like such a sensitive topic.  Unable to come up with a good answer but feeling that he was secretly listening, she just nodded.


With that same question in mind, she turned to Golden to inquire about the bird, but then she thought she noticed a flash of light and looked in its direction.  Not just any flash of light, for she swore it had the same color as a certain somepony she met.  Not wishing to let her feelings get in the way of what she came to the Gala to do, she passed it off as her imagination.  Yet-  No no no, not now.  There will be plenty of time for feelings later.




"Ah, are you alright, sir?"


Blue Hearth, having been left to wander after losing his companion, walked to the stallion sitting by the pool.  Though he sounded worried, he looked more amused than anything.  "I know, large events such as these can become quite hectic at times.  Sophisticated, yet chaotic in its own way."  The tips of his hooves dipped into the water, nonchalantly tracing the images of trees.

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@@Akari of Duskshire


Star heard the voice from the corner of his ear, immediately turning his head to the stallion. Horn already lit to teleport away, yet something made him decide to stay. Maybe he needed to loosen off some of his problems.


"Yeah... well, I'm also a guard who has to do his duty tonight... is just everything is happening so damn fast."


Turning back to the pool he stared at his reflection again.


"And you? What brings you to the royal gardens? Just taking a stroll? "  

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Blue Hearth took a seat by the edge and crossed his hooves.  He gazed up at the night sky and tilted his head as if in thought.  "I came in my uncle's stead.  He couldn't come due to a some sort of tale of poison joke."  He laughed merrily, then turned to Dark Star and did a five-second examination of his face.


"I assume you came here to slow down?  My apologies if I'm interrupting." 

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As Ruby Shears shook the hoof of Princess Celestia, she took a moment to analyze her radiant mane with glittery eyes. I actually touched her hoof! the excitable middle-aged mare squealed to herself as she entered the ballroom. As Ruby looked around, her ears picked up classical music swelling from one corner of the room, filling the entire arra with their peaceful symphony. Ruby sighed happily to herself as she walked across the floor to the bar area, a cool, refreshing drink on her mind.


@, @@Tapfire (NinjaWulv),


Ruby arrived at the bar and overheard a conversation between two pegasus stallions about the different kinds of residents from Ponyville and Cloudsdale. Having never been to either town and knowing nopony from either place, she could not offer any input. The thought of being a pegasus in Cloudsdale intrigued her for a moment but the demands of the Weather Factory made her head spin. "Have you been to Ponyville before?" she asked the red stallion. "I haven't so I can't judge based on how you think they're better than Cloudsdale. Then again I'm not a pegasus either."

˙ʎpoqʎuɐ ƃuᴉlooɟ ʇou ǝɹ,noʎ 'sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ uɐɔ noʎ ɟI

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


"Is alright, I guess. ..."


Star turned away from the reflection, standing up and walking away from it a bit.


"I wish I could discuss my problem with someone, but you gotta trust me when I say I can't. "


A bit cooled down, Stars horn lit up.


@@Lightning Bliss, @,


"Have a good Gala. "


Disappearing in a small flash of light Star re-appeared once more in the busy Gala room, back in front of the two, accidentally teleporting himself into the body of another pony.


Glad to see they were still in one place he put on the best smile he could to not leak anything of what is on his mind while looking at the stag.


Star felt though that he needed and wanted to be somewhere else, the urge to speak to the ma-. Before his thoughts could finish he felt a jolt of energy as his horn seeming to have a mind of its own once more made him disappear in a flash... this time re-appearing right in front of Fantazy, nuzzles hardly an inch from touching. Opening his eyes as he usually closes them for teleports he realized where his horn teleported him to, in the meantime being mind-blank as he tried registering the situation more and more...


"H-hi" He muttered, finding himself unable to move for a good several seconds, before his horn would light up again, taking him a few steps back and having him trip backwards, landing back on the floor, rubbing his head.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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@@Lightning Bliss,


"Yeah, my race tends to keep themselves... hidden. And believe me, there IS  a good reason for that. I'm only here because i'm an exile. However, i'll still keep my species's details ambiguous." 


Enzo gave a sideways glance at Dark Star.


"Dark Star and i came to know each other UNDER ( PUUUUUNNN ) extremely pressing circumstances."


"We could elaborate, but such things should not be discussed at Galas."


Enzo's eyes flitted to Blissy's sputtering horn.


"Do you want any help with that? My special talent can help."




"Y-you two have your fun...I have something to do. " He have Enzo another deadly stare, before teleporting outside of the main room to the gardens.


"Why the stink eye"


Enzo had stabilised himself by now. He rolled his eyes.


"Enjoy the gala too, friend"


~Second sight~


Time froze around Second Sight as he made eye contact with Dark star.


'He has seen me'


He scrutinized the Guardspony's eyes. His posture. His expression.


'He makes a connection. Yes he does, he makes a connection to my comrade'


Second sight shut his eyes in thought.


'He has no tangible evidence against me. This is a formal, peaceful event. I doubt he would be willing to confront me under these circumstances'


Second Sight let his perspective of time resume his normal flow, making it look as if he never paused to think at all, continuing his trot towards Enzo.



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@, @,

(OOC Ok...too much for me to take in here... think I'll go solo for a bit...Second sight, spectures, spirits flying around... too much for me to keep up with here lol, I can't even tell who I'm talking to.)


Bliss finally licked her hoof and bluntly snuffled the magic off her horn, silenceing it for the moment.


"No...no problem..." she blushed a bit, feeling rather uncomfortable at this point. With Dark Star disappearing, only to reappear back after a sudden urge to leave, she wasn't sure what was going on between these two. Obviously it was something personal. It didn't help that her magic was flickering in urgency being near this unfamiliar stag whom clearly had magical properties. "I'm sorry to be a bother. It was lovely to meet another being other than a pony." She nodded to Enzo respectfully then turned her head to Dark Star, "I...think I'll let you two catch up. I'd hate to be delaying any reunions here."


At that the small white alicorn made haste out of the ball room, dodging party guests as she went. It felt like an enternity trying to navigate her way out of the crowds. A bulk of sweat had produced under her wings... It was all just too much to bare. She never did do good in massive groups anyway. Finally the cool night air hit her face as she made it to where she wanted to be in more open space. The castle court yards.


Luna's night was magnifacent on this amazing occassion, and her moon only made the gardens of the courtyard shimmer in the light. She smiled seeing she was for the most part alone, and took the opprotunity to examin the flowers, and even try to find the water fountain at the center of it all. As her scarf draped behind her, and her tiera bobbed up and down on her head, she began to day dream of what it would been like had her husband escorted her on this lovely night. He hated dancing, Nights Hoopla, and he certaintly didn't like the crowds either. Not to mention he always felt pressure being around the other guards.


"Somthing about jealousy...he being my only guard..." she spoke to herself as she walked. Stopping to examin a purple rose with pink highlights.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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When the flash of light suddenly occurred, Fantasy Moon had turned away and shielded her eyes while Crescent hid behind her head.  When she felt it had died down, stoicism fell away and shock took its place.  Barely believing who she saw, she took a few steps forward, Crescent slowly peaking out from his hiding place to get a good look at this unicorn Fantasy may or may not have said a few words about.


@@Lightning Bliss,


(OOC: Alright, I really want to put Blue Hearth to use, but I won't just drop in if you don't want it.  With that being said, care for company?) 

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Lying there for a second he looked at her from the ground, this being very awkward he snapped out again, teleporting on all four hooves and trying to keep eye contact just to be polite as he was tought in a conversation, but every second of eye contact was a new level of awkwardness that made him just want to turn away.


"Do...uhm, excuse me horn...wasn't expecting you... eh... in the Gala....agh..." Star was constantly a total loss of words as he couldn't help but avert her eyesight now, totally screwing up and this being a hell of a lot awkward... Without a pre-made plan Star was useless as a social pony, unless the pony he was talking to was someone he was very comfortable with... sadly, here this was NOT the case.


Taking a deep breath, horn lighting up while cooling his nerves off he stood back to normal, trying to grab control of the situation.

"Nice to see you... at the Gala... Been a while. "


Taking another deep breath and making use of regaining control of his horn he materialized a white rose, quite much the same as when they first met, a huge feeling of awkward nostalgia going over him.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Golden observed the situation. This was pretty awkward for him, but seeing a fellow guard here helped him ease the awkwardness. Suddenly realizing that a superior was standing next to him, Golden quickly snapped into a salute. "Greetings sir, my apologies for not acknowleding your presence earlier" Said Golden with a complete stone face 

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@, @@Akari of Duskshire@


Aria's eyes traveled between the two, watching the awkward exchange in amusement. 


"Well this is a stimulating conversation," she jested. The halting stutters of the guard and Moon's apparent aversion suggested a tension of sorts...


Fantasy, you sly mare.


Suppressing a snicker, she decided it best to find other matters to which she could attend, lest she feel guilty for being present in this private moment. "I'll leave you two lovebirds to catch up, then. Mr. Strike, if you could escort me to the ballroom? I'm sure this gentlecolt has things under control here, now." Giving a wave at Crescent she added, "bye, sweetie!" before she started walking away, humming gaily to herself.

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Golden nodded at his superior, and caught up to Aria. Admiring her stunning dress "That's quite the beautifull dress Aria. I simply must ask who crafted it" Said Golden. He then quickly added "You do look quite amazing too of course" Said Golden with a smile

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