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open AAA: The Alicorn Allocation Alliance


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Madness clone smiled as he found out what made him an alicorn. He trailed them as he thought of a way to copy the book for himself, and master each spell in the book. He kept his head down to avoid suspicion and stayed at a safe distant, so they would be able to sense him following

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt


The royalty walked into the mane lobby where the guards were. Talk began to hush down as the nations leaders walked into the hall. "Before we get started, we need to ask if all squad captains are present?" Luna asked of the mass of weapons & armor. 

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt


The royalty walked into the mane lobby where the guards were. Talk began to hush down as the nations leaders walked into the hall. "Before we get started, we need to ask if all squad captains are present?" Luna asked of the mass of weapons & armor.


"Lieutenant Lightning Blade reporting for duty, Your Highness!" Lighting shouted in response to the princess's call. "Everypony on my squad is here and accounted for!".


Looking around, Lightning was surprised to see so many troops in the same room. Damn, some real shit must've gone done to have this many guards he thought to himself.


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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

"Right. It appears all are accounted for. What we're about to tell you is not to leave this room. If word gets out to the public, we will know which of you talked. But before we get started..."

Luna turned her head towards the pony that had been tailing them, and opened fire with the same spell meant to strip disguises from changelings. 

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the spell hit the Madness clone between the eyes, but it didn't do anything. He teleported a book and looked through it and found the spell he was looking for. He closed the book and teleported back to it's resting place. He said, as he hid the spell was being charged up

"What was that spell. It didn't do anything."

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

"Your disguise is a poor one. We can sense the amount of power coming from you, and it dwarfs every other guard here. Suddenly teleporting a book doesn't help your case. Also, I would've remembered seeing a guard with your kind of eyes, whether it was at the castle and especially if it was assembling here. Remove the disguise, and you won't be arrested for hindering an investigation and obstruction of justice."

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Madness sighed and he changed back into his own body but kept his horn hidden.

"It was worth a shot to get more information. I got bored and want to try out some spells. If I looked like myself, I wouldn't be able to test some spells, cause everypony would know."

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Indicus looked at Madness, "Between your Alicorn level power that not even your clones can give off, and your eyes sometimes being solid black you are not very subtle. The poor disguises don't earn you any favors if you want to try spells there are plenty of places to do so without worry." Indicus then sighed, "But that is not why we are here so lets move on."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Tempest watched the others closely, not really knowing what could be done about this. "Hopefully all of this gets sorted out soon." He thought to himself.


Dawn sighed slightly and didn't really know what to do. She wanted to go with Indictus and the others, but she didn't want to draw to much attention to herself.

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Indicus stepped up seeing no problem in helping Princess Luna with a demonstration of what was going on, and let go of the illusion spell keeping his new features hidden from the average or very unobservant pony. "What would you have me do Princess?"

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Madness stepped up while trying to hide the glow where is horn would be. Anypony makes a move for him, or gives him a feeling that he's in danger, he'll use the spell that is stored in his horn.  He said as he looked around nervously, 

"I really don't think it's a disguise. It says in the book that it actually changes the physical composition of the body, but a demonstration will be fine."

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

"As you can see with Sir Indicus, and by the power demonstrated by Madness, both of them are Alicorns. Yes, just like my sister and I." Luna let that sink in for a moment. Celestia stepped up. "We believe this may have been caused by the Journal Of Starswirl. We don't know specifically what kind of spell triggered it, but from what we can observe, it was one that was apparently hidden within the book itself, and one that was accidentally triggered by Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. As You can see, the effects have not been contained to just the castle."

"According to reports from Sir Indicus, there may be others who have been randomly ascended within the Ponyville region. We do not know at this time if there are others outside the area. 

"The story we'll be presenting to the public is that an ancient scroll was damaged and we are currently checking if there are any side effects on the area. When you fan out into the town for patrols, perform a door to door search asking if anything unusual, well more unusual than usual, has happened within the past 24 hours or if everypony is feeling alright. If you see an Alicorn, do not approach right away, as this may scare them. These ponied shave just been tremendous power and do not know how to handle it. Scaring any one of them could put this entire town in danger. I cannot stress that enough. If you see another Alicorn, send somepony to report back to us while maintaining visual of the subject. Let Luna, Captain Armor or I to handle the situation."

"Sir Indicus, you mentioned that you encountered a group of Alicorns on your way here. How many were there and where are they now?"

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"I met a couple others besides madness and they were last a few minutes outside of here, where they are now I don't really know." Indicus took a breath before continuing, "Anyway how do you plan on taking care of Alicorns made by the spell? I would hope abductions are not on the list of possibilities."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Dawn watched what was going on and was a bit scared. If the princesses were planning to kidnap the new alicorns, it could end badly for everybody.


Tempest felt his body tense as he waited for the solution to this mess. "If they hurt Dawn..." The bat pony guard didn't even finish the thought for fear of what he might actually do.

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

"To be quite honest, we're not sure. Neither we, nor any of our predecessors have had to deal with this. Equestria has just gone from 4 Alicorns, to a confirmed 6, possibly more, in the last day. Aggressive action is off the table. Even if any of them became hostile, your entire presence combined couldn't stop just one of those Alicorns. You'd have a better chance of catching Discord off guard.


"We'd like to wait and see if Twilight and Cadence can offer anything, and if they just might have a solution. They would certainly be the one's I'd turn to for help in situations like these. *sigh* Unfortunately..."

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Sapphire had come back in when Celstia had arrived to speak to everypony, she spotted the guard with the weird eyes being revealed by Luna, she new was something off there she pushed past her comrades to speak to Celestia directly, as she went to speak Celestia's regal effect intimidated her "Um, mam errr... me and my consignment of ponies were set upon by magical work somepony tried to kill us, peace may not be an option." Sapphire's face was grim and sad about what she had said. She stepped back from her leaders and looked around for her sister.

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

"Can you be more specific about what had occurred? We'll need to determine if it was by one of these ascended or if it was a separate incident." Ponyville certainly did have it's share of problems, but was this starting to become too much for even this town? 

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Luna's gaze made her even more nervous, despite knowing both of them for a few years now. "Um it was alicorn magic a large group of creatures came out of nowhere and attacked us, when we killed each one they disappeared into thin air, exactly like magic. The rest of my squad is looking for who is responsible as we speak." Sapphire whispered the last part "I think is was that pony over there, he was talking to me just after the attack disguised as a guard." She gestured to Madness @@reader8363,



She then spotted her sister



Emerald was behind the leaders and came around when she heard her sister's voice, she hugged Sapphire "are you ok sis?"

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

"Well that is quite the accusation Lieutenant. Is there any truth to these claims Madness? Keep in mind we do have ways of extracting the truth, even from Alicorns."  Celestia's voice got firmer during that last part. 

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(OOC sapphire is a NCO Emerald is the Lt.)


Sapphire was now cowering before both the sisters gaze. She was too scarred to continue.


Emerald stopped hugging her sister, and turned an equally firm gaze back to the sisters, a few other guards looked stunned as she then spoke, "WHAT IN THE HAY, are you doing to my sister Celestia, you know her better than to lie especially to you and Luna." Emerald was now standing in front of her sister wings spread out and her stance aggressive. 

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@Shadow Dancer@reader8363@Drago Ryder, @IndigoStarstorm, @Emerald Bolt

There was a pregnant pause in the room as a Lieutenant just accused the commanders in chief. "I never accused her of lying Lieutenant, but after all, we can be mistaken sometimes." She replied in a calm tone as her gaze shifted to Madness. "Only sometimes." 

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Emerald eased her stance and folded her wings, however her face did not change, "i'm going to snap my sister out of the terror you have put her in now, if you don't mind." Emerald stood straight and sulated, "my apologies your highnesses, you know what I am like when Sapphire is involved." Emerald turned and looked at her sister still in a state of terror, she pulled her to one side of the room and conforted her.

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Madness smiled as he just remembered that. It was fun to watch a battle, even if they were harmless. His smile disappeared when he thought about what was said. He changed his structure that his horn wasn't there and started readying a darkness spell and a teleportation spell if it goes wrong.

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Indicus watched madness himself preparing several spells in case Madness tried to escape his questioning. "Answer the question, you try to escape I will assume the worst and end you right now." Indicus nearly growled getting tired of Madness's games. The pony's reckless use of magic without due to others getting to him.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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