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open Sci-Fantasy RP Ep. 1 "The Hunt"


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OOC - https://mlpforums.com/topic/140374-sci-fanasty-ooc-discussion/


~~~~~~~~~10,000 years ago~~~~~~~~


A long time ago in the Equestrian Universe there was a great and terrible galactic war over six powerful "harmonic stones" which channeled powerful magic of unknown magnitude. The stones had been forged by the Dreadnoughts, powerful warriors and archmages that knew the secrets of time itself. This clan had technologies so advanced, the rest of the civilizations had just thought them to be theoretically possible. The Dreadnoughts had forged the Harmonic Stones using the most pure magical energies they had to their disposal, dragonfire, raw emotions. But like any powerful artifact, they were warred over. The two main warring clans wanted it for themselves, make their people more grand and crush their enemies, they were the Shadaraki, Warriors of the Night, and protectors of the Galaxy, and the Lighesti, the protectors of the Suns and stars. These clans warred many millennia, so the ancient clan of the Dreadnoughts awoke once more, the Dreadnoughts had slaughtered the other two clans for being so selfish. In a single standard day, The Dreadnoughts had nearly brought the extinction of the Shadaraki and Lighesti. Except for two of their warriors.

Celestia and Luna, genetically enhanced warriors of great prestige. They had the magical abilities of a unicorn fourfold. The Warriors had the strength of several earth ponies, and the skill to slay the fastest pegasi in the skies. They had been sent, from their respective clans, to investigate the world known only as Synapse Beta. Each believed the key to restarting their peoples would lie in the "Harmonic Stones" aboard a crashed Dreadnought ship from a previous millennial war. Each had landed on the world. During their search for the stones they finally encountered each other, and in their selfish greed for the stones. Each had thought the other had come to steal the Harmonic Stones. So then a ferocious battle ensued.

They battled, in a great and terrible fight. Magics flew and blade clashed with blade. Laser rifles fired, singing fur and flesh. Alas, they fought until the both laid in their weakness and blood. In the end, it was a draw. Night could not overcome Day unaided, neither Day slay Night without help. After several long days of needless suffering. The older stood up, despite the agony coursing through her nerves, and out of honor, dragged the younger to a cave. After several months of recuperating, they both recovered, but in the constant bloodshed they lost what had made them great warriors. The sanguine thirst for blood. Their magics and skills had weakened, and they were ashamed of what they had become. And on that day on the unknown world of Synapse Beta made a vow was made. The signed the cave walls in their blood to symbolize their agreement. They would never again shed unnecessary blood.

Several months later, during one of their days they had to hunt, they discovered a crashed Dreadnought Starship on the far side of Synapse Beta. The Dreadnought clan, back in it's golden age, had a fleet of two million of Starships. This one had crashed, it was an armored monster of a vessel. The ship had been sitting there rusting, and it had been falling apart. Celestia and Luna then set about to do to wise thing. Explore the Starship.

After exploring the cavern-like storage rooms of the Dreadnought Starship, they entered the main bridge. An unknown voice spoke, "Very interesting.... Night and Day working together? Unheard of! What makes you so unique? What makes you two not argue? I've seen your fighting, Princesses, impressive." The voice was more curious and ancient than anything currently in existence. A creature stepped away from the shadows into the light pouring through a crack above. It was a simple Pegasus, from the Dreadnought clan. He was a grey color with white splotches on his fur, with a black turned gray mane which had a white highlight, he wore white robes with a black sash, and brown leather armor on his chest. The pegasus's eyes were glowing, and he shouted "I have seen the future! The Elements will better benefit you and the people you help than us! The others speak of selfishness, lies, treachery! Yet I see hope! Bow, for an oath is to be made this day!" The two alicorns bowed. "Do you promise to uphold the ideals that these stones embody? Laughter, Generosity, Kindness, Honesty, Loyalty, and Magic?" The alicorns were surprised. They had never heard of these ideals that the stones represented. The two alicorns swore to uphold the ideals. "I pronounce you into a sisterhood, a sisterhood to protect these precious elements, heed my warnings, the Elements protect and create, that is it. Here's a scroll so you refresh your mind on which you have forgotten. And now a word of prophecy, because that is why I'm here." The old sear mumbled something about a lunatic unicorn and another unicorn. "Alright! I had my list of things to tell. One shall turn against the other, and darkness may fall." The pegasus paused, "There is a darkness, it lies within this world. A horror of change." The old pegasus paused, "And finally your enemies. The ones of this world are compared nothing to him, for he is not evil, he is not alive, he is a machine. And he shall conquer all as he sees fit. Now, you might not understand what I mean by this but, finally, I forgive you!" He embraced the two alicorns. He held the two of them close. And whispered "You don't have much time" And with that he dissolved into a cacophony of colored light and seemly went inside the two warriors. And laying at where the old seer died, laid six gleaming stones, one shaped in the shape of a star. "There will be one, with five around! Them and their enemies shall decide your people's fate! But be wary Celestia and Luna, for they could easily be your downfall. And you would not have the heart to stop them." Came the old Pegasus's voice from a large speaker. It was the dawn of a new world.


~~~~~~~Two Days Ago~~~~~~


Dark Façade looked hard at the coming storm. He signaled to his crew with a nod, and pulled on his hood. He black sash whipped in the wind, and Dark Façade was eager, eager to return home. He smiled, and nodded again. The crew activate the small ships turbothrusters and launched straight into the storm. Façade knew his way around his ship. He steer the ship to one side, noting the rainbow colored lightning, and then he saw it. The center of the telestorm. At the center of every telestorm was a wormhole to other places, you just had to have the guts and a decent computer to get in. A portal back into Equestria, his home. Or mostly, Façade thought to himself. Aiming the ship straight towards the portal he yelled to a violet pegasus, "Set the coordinates, Dusk! We going to Equestria!"


Dusk muttered to herself, "It's name is Synapse Beta, you know captain?"


Façade shrugged at her, "to me, it's Equestria! My home, my heartland, and where my friends are!" And with that Dusk entered the coordinates into the ship's computers. The ship then went straight into the portal and into Equestria.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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(still 10 000 years ago)



A flash of light filled the room were they stood.


"Ha! What a great photo! You can't imagine how much of historical value it has!"


Just beside them, a blue bow with a Cream colored unicorn with a gray and red mane sitting on top of it, with an old style photocamera. He waved his hoof in a friendly manner when the two Alicorns turned their heads, and took another picture.


"Ha ha ha. Your faces on this picture! Priceless! When I'm going to show it to your future self...  Anyway, see you in the future!"


He jumped down and entered the box. After a while, it vanished as if never was there...

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~~~~~One Day Ago~~~~~


The crew of The Celestial arrived Spat out through the portal in a rather violent storm. Façade looked over the raging seas and saw land. He fired up the ship and maneuvered the high tech ship over the seas. As they got away from the storm, everything calmed down. Façade spotted Manehatten in the distance and adjusted the course. He looked about and smiled. "Huh, Equestria doesn't have tech yet? What in the world?" He muttered.


The violet unicorn pulled her hair back, and motioned for the rest of the small crew to relax. Façade shouted "Headcount!" The response was like it always had been:











Façade smiled, and in the horizon, he saw Ponyville. When had it last been? Three, Four years? Landed the light pirating vessel outside Ponyville, and flew Equestria's colors. He stepped off the ship, and felt the earth beneath his hooves. He looked about. "Just how I remember it, wonder if the others will even recognize me with my beard and all?" Façade and crew made their way to the tavern and ordered drinks for the crew. And waited to see if his friends were still around. "Maybe hire some new recruits? What do you think, Dusk?"


Dusk replied with, "The question I have is why there is an alicorn that looks like me in this town."


Façade shook his head, "That's Princess Twilight, your alternate in this world." Façade took a sip of the apple cider. He smiled as the alcohol ran down his throat. "Ah the memories...." Façade ordered another round of drinks, and continued to wait.

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A small ball rolled into the tavern. After a few seconds, it detonated. Suddenly, all in the tavern froze, as if time stopped. However, the only ponies who were still able to think and move their eyes and lips were Façade and Dusk. A unicorn entered the establishment. He had a gray mane with red strips, dragon-like red eyes, and a coffee cream colored fur. He smiled and approached Façade and started analyzing him with some sort of pen-like device.


"Hmm, interesting. You are from here, but there are too many space particles in your body. You must be from space! I found your spaceship and took a look inside. I hope you don't mind. The invisibility cloak you put on it may hide it from curious pony eyes, but it's not enough to fool me. And where did you get that clunky defense program? I hacked it like in ten seconds! "


He turned to Dusk.


"You are an interesting one. You share exactly the same genome as Twilight, but yet you are not her... A pony from space and a pony from an alternate world. How exciting!"

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"Ah, Missklang, Good to see you again. First, my ship is not protected because there is nothing to hide, and by the looks of it, the Doctor finally entrusted you with one of those things. No, I don't need an explanation, I trust you know how it works— for the most part." Then Façade moved his hooves and stood up. Then he hugged his friend. "Good to see you, how are you faring?"


Dusk rolled her eyes. "You mind getting me out of this? I can't do anything with my wings frozen."


Façade then asked Missklang "You know where Alpha is? I need to talk to you two. Also, I found some blueprints on an advanced 'party laser cannon' of some sort, you probably can decipher it." Façade sat down in his seat and sipped his apple cider, then he grabbed Missklang one.

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Missklang horn glowed, liberating everypony. Nobody seemed to remark that something happened.


"Nice to see you too buddy! It's been quite a while isn't it? I still have some trouble in spatial and time orientation. You know me. A thousand years will pass and I won't even remark it. Alpha? I didn't hear of him for some time. I've been travelling too. You should come by to see my amazing photo album! You won't regret. Doctor actually didn't really wanted it. You see, after a particularly bad encounter with Daleks, his TARDIS fell into the Mirror pond. And so, now we have two fully functional TARDISes. Did I tell you? They are a living creatures, not some piece of high-tech metal. So, since I as the only person Doctor knew who had some experience in time travel (remember the time I brought the ancient EoH to present day?) he had no choice but making me responsible of it. But from what it sounded like, he mostly told the ship to survey me. So, who is responsible for who is unknown. She kinda like me. Like adventure and stuff. For some reason, she doesn't have the memories or personality of the original copy. Maybe the pond can't fully copy such complex dimensional being... An advanced laser party canon you say? I'm interested!"

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As Missklang and Dusk sat around the table, Façade went outside for a moment, it was about six o'clock and was cool out. Façade took out a little package and a lighter, then he lit the fuse sticking out of the end. He smiled as he stuck the poles of the fireworks on the end into the ground. He then ran into the tavern and slipped into his seat. The fireworks lighted and screamed into the sky, Façade smiled. The fireworks exploded and a cacophony of colors came out. Façade then looked at Missklang. "Good to know, Missklang, I've caught wind that this world is actually called Synapse Beta, and there is a dispute between the Machine Nations and the Dreadnoughts over who is going to own the world. The Dreadnoughts are supposed to arrive in a week, surveying the planet. Of course, this world is supposed to be uninhabited. What should we do? I don't think I can call upon the Elements of Disharmony or Harmony. So I've come to you."

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Good to know, Missklang, I've caught  wind that this world is actually called Synapse Beta, and there is a dispute between the Machine Nations and the Dreadnoughts over who is going to own the world. The Dreadnoughts are supposed to arrive in a week, surveying the planet. Of course, this world is supposed to be uninhabited. What should we do? I don't think I can call upon the Elements of Disharmony or Harmony. So I've come to you."


"Is it? I'm just here for few hours. You know, I travel to different worlds now. I thought it was the original Equestria from where I came from. It looks familiar. You came to find me you say? So that's was my ship meant by "going to meet a friend". Yes, I heard that there was a war stuff happening. I think better to talk to Celestia and Luna. After all, they are the big heads here. For what reason they come here? Aw! And did you know! It was Dreadnoughts who gave the EoH to the royal princesses! Amazing right? We could also see Twilight. She likes everything new, especially technology! I think we will find Alpha there as well."

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"Huh, well then let's go, I think though we might not let Princess Celestia or Luna know of our actions. I didn't exactly leave under legal ways. And neither did you. But I think Dusk might be able to help us get through to the Princess of Friendship." Façade finished the cider, then he swiped Dusk's cider and downed in a gulp. "Alrighty then, let's go!"


Dusk rolled her eyes, and muttered something about how computers where better than ponies. She stood up and followed Façade to this supposed 'Princess Twilight'. "Finally someone else with intelligence to talk to." She muttered, when she noticed Façade looking at her, eyebrow raised. "I heard that." Was his simple reply. Dusk then sped up to the unicorn known as Missklang "So what is your specialty? I've never seen a mark like that before."

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"So what is your specialty? I've never seen a mark like that before."


"You mean my cutie mark?  Sure, I can tell you. You see, it has a double meaning. Let's first talk about the first one, the obvious one that ponies tend to see in it without much analysing

   As you can see, it's a pink cloud, similar to the one Discord created during his return to Poniville. And behind, there is an ancient chaos symbol that is a very important symbol of chaos magic. It is a sort of pentagram and is used in highly advanced chaos rituals. It represents my chaotic and childish nature, similar to Discord's and also my mastery in chaos arcane art. Did you know, that in order to preform advanced reality manipulations you need to trace this symbol and put the object of the transformation in it? I am one of the few who don't require that. Others being Discord and Alpha (from what I know). Me, because I have it on my cutie mark, and Alpha, because he has Discord's magic in him. 

   The other meaning of my cutie mark is less obvious. It represents me, as a being. On the exterior, others see a crazy chaotic light-minded, easily distracted pony. But underneath, hidden, a dark hidden personality, completely opposite to the first one. Emotionless, intelligent, cold-blooded machine with no moral and no empathy for others..."


He stop smiling and stared into Dusk's eyes with a cold, emotionless look. For a second, she froze in terror as her heart missed a beat. It lasted only for a second, as Missklang started smiling again in his usual, happy and distracted manner.


"It is locked deep inside by the first part of the personality. Or perhaps, hides behind it... Hehehe... The look on your face...."

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Dusk was slightly taken aback by the fact Façade kept such dangerous friends. "Okaaaay. So then, I think we need to get to this Princess Twilight's castle." Almost as an after note, she remarked "Me, a princess? What lunatic thought that was a good idea? I'm a wanted criminal where I'm from." Dusk approached the large tree castle. "Not for subtlety either I see." Missklang now actually scared her slightly, and she didn't like that.


Façade saw the exchange of words, and saw Dusk hurry ahead. Façade pulled on his hood and made sure his laser pistols where within easy hoof's reach. Façade knew what he was about to do would shock all of Equestria. Façade looked at his friend, slightly worried that his friend wouldn't handle this well. "Missklang, is everything alright? I know the Nightwalker affected us, but please try not to terrify Dusk. She's a bit.... naïve." Façade felt the shotgun at his hip and smiled. I hope this works out, Façade thought to himself.

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Missklang approached Dusk and put his hoof on her back.

"Don't worry. I'm 100% inoffensive. It's just been so long that I didn't see Twilight terrified. I couldn't resist. Now, that I recorded you with a mini camera, I will photoshop it and make a funny picture to annoy Twilight with. Let me give you this in an act of remorse or stuff."

He held her a picture, with Starswirl the Bearded. He appeared being working at his desk and looked behind with a very surprised look. On it, was an inscription: "I don't know who you are or how you did this, but I like it. SB"

"It's his photo taken by me personally. with an actual autograph! I have three of them. One for me, one I was planning to trade to Twilight for an open acces to the secret Alicorn library and one spare, just in case... You can have it."

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"Thanks friend," Façade said as he tucked the photos into his jacket on his chest under the armor. Façade saw the doors to Twilight's castle and was surprised. Twilight was much taller now, and Façade saw Dusk's dropped. And Twilight's mouth mimicked Dusk's. Façade resisted the urge to laugh. "Princess Twilight, I apologize if this is an inconvenience, but—" Façade circled behind Twilight and then leered up on his back hooves and brought the butt of his shotgun against the back of Twilight's head. "That worked better than I thought."

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Alpha and Twilight stepped through the portal...

As they slowly walked to her castle, Alpha asked her a question

Princess, even though I couldn't be with my friends longer, you and your friends seem pretty cool, didn't you guys save Equestria from the changlings once?

Why yes Alpha...

Twilight explains the events of her brothers wedding, and what happens.

Wow, Princess, I want to have adventures like that too, I want to find the ancient tome of Arcane magic, in the pits of Tartarus, may I?

Well, I can only advise you to be careful if you do decide to go, but how about we focus on your studies? Since Discords disappearance, I'll teach you some advanced magic, I am not sure about chaos magic, myself, but if you would like, I'll teach you very advanced magic spells.

Princess, that'd be wonderful!

As Alpha happily followed Twilight into her castle, he thought to bring her some flowers tomorrow...

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@, @@Missklang,


Façade looked about, and saw Twilight & Alpha. Façade jumped behind the two of them, and kicked Alpha out of the way, slamming the butt of his shotgun on the back of Twilight's head. He scooped her up, and called to Dusk. "Got her, let's get out of here." Façade ran down a back alley, and looked at the geo-locater on his front left hoof. "The ship is this way."

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"Come on! Even a child would see that it's Chrysalis. Now Chrissie, what are you doing here? Twilight won't be happy about this intrusion will she? Is is one of those attempts of yours at taking over the Equestria again? We talked about it last time remember? And Facade, did he really think I won't notice your gun? I'm sorry, but I had to protect Twilight. Alpha, I will let you handle Chrysalis. I must go after Facade. He would be mad after he realises I completely deactivate the systems in his ship and only I can repair them. I took the power cells of the engine as well and there is no such technology on this planet to replace it... Good day Alpha. I'll go retrieve the princess..."

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@, @@Missklang,

Façade looked about, and saw Twilight & Alpha. Façade jumped behind the two of them, and kicked Alpha out of the way, slamming the butt of his shotgun on the back of Twilight's head. He scooped her up, and called to Dusk. "Got her, let's get out of here." Façade ran down a back alley, and looked at the geo-locater on his front left hoof. "The ship is this way."


Alpha realized what happened and quickly helped himself up and quickly tried to sense Twilights aura, and he found the quickest route to them, which is across a building

Hey! What do you think you are doing? Put the Princess down!

Alpha quickly opened a portal, and a time piece came out, and floated to his horn and it starting to glow immensely...

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Missklang caught up with Alpha


"You really need to stop playing with time! Doctor was clear about this. Only use it in the case of emergency. I have the situation under control. Better save the last time fragment to a better occasion. And good to see you again! It's been a while. So are you aware about the fuss about a war that is spreading around? Apparently the Equestria will be a battlefield. Exciting no?"

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Façade jumped aboard his ship, only to see the navigation computers disabled. "Shoot! Dusk, get those navi-computers online! Façade pulled out his shotgun, a moment later, he pulled out his cutlass. Façade shouted "To me Crew! We've got a problem! Façade watched as Dusk shouted! "Somepony took the mainframe!" A worried look upon her face. "Alright, turn on the manual override!" Façade jumped to the wheel of his ship, and flipped a bunch of switches. "Curse this plan" he muttered to him self as his ship activated. He lifted the ship up, and threw the accelerator fowards. "Hold on Erri'pony!" As the ship flew fowards.

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Missklang walked past Facade and stared in the window of the ship. After a while, he turned back.

"Wow! What a magnificent view! We are so high in the skies! My ship don't have such big windows! So, where are we going captain princess-kidnapper? I'm exited! An adventure is in view! And tell your crew not to throw my blue box in outer space if they stumble upon it in the cargo section please. She don't like it..."

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Façade then heard the engine shudder, and then explode. Façade's eyes widened! The power cells! Façade yelled to the crew "Brace for impact!" And the ship crashed, flipping over and over. Façade grabbed the knocked out Twilight and Dusk, and jumped on top of them, shielding them from was happening. Wood splintered, and Façade felt one get lodged in his side. And then everything went dark.

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"My my! If only I hadn't a time travelling, materialising ship!"


Missklang looked upon ponies laying on the ground in his TARDIS's console room.


"I fear that your ship is nothing more than dust now. Luckly I was able to materialise all of you in mine before you went kaboom as well! Don't thank me..."

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Façade looked at Missklang. The wood splinter still was in his side. He pulled it out, "Buck. Missklang, you know not of what you've done. Now get me a medpack before I take this splinter and stick you with it." Façade narrowed his eyes. "This is not going to end well. I'm supposed to meet my contact in three hours. Twilight needs to get off planet. She's a Dreadnought." He muttered to himself.

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"I  wouldn't recommend attacking me. My ship could get upset and throw you into space near a black hole. Unfortunately, she took the controls again. I have no idea where and when we are going! Don't worry about your wounds. My ship already released nanobots in the air to repair you. And don't try to use your teleporters. TARDIS already jammed them if you had any. And weapons as well. Feel free to roam around her. I have a nice library full of rare books, and a closet full of outfits from all epochs. And can anypony explain to me what a dreadnought is! Is it a species of space doughnuts?"


Missklang turned away and started pulling leathers on the console, trying to take back the controls from the rebellious ship

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Façade saw his wounds healing and then he stood up, testing his limbs. He looked at Missklang, and then sat down on... something. "Dusk, explain to him who the Dreadnoughts are. And the Machine for that matter." And Façade fell asleep.


Dusk looked at Missklang, and then motioned for him to follow her, "he snores, best we talk in the library." And she walked into the library. He looked at the dusty tomes, and smiled as she picked out a rather large one which was titled 'A History of Time & Space' and sat down with it. She turned to chapter 473, which was entitled 'The Harmonic Stones Wars'. She wait for Missklang.

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