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open The great Equestrian harbor RP

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@@The Down Trotten,


"You privateers are all the same. You think we're all bloody. Understand I was holding you off my crew. You attacked us, yes I pulled the gun card, but you had to loose the cannons. In fact, I've been saving your sorry crew from this burning wreckage, and you say that I'm evil? I got my crew by saving them, that's how you win loyalty. Now I know that you've got intelligence Barrel. Think, what could you possibly have that I want? Guns? I've got plenty! You dead? That's half tempting, but I'm not stupid! I spent six years in the navy, learning tactics and such." Façade shook his head slowly. "I should kill in retribution for my dead crew. But I'm not an evil pony. No, evil," Façade paused, "Evil is what princesses fight, what is unachievable by us. We'll never be heroes. Just the rich, the poor, and the poorer. Now shut up with your sentiments and get in your damn life boat." Façade turned to the burning ship. He just stood there. "What am I" he wondered as he stared at the carnage around him. "No more" he muttered.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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"Save your self righteous drivel. Ponies are dead, my ship is burning, and like it or not you've broken the law which has been set up to protect innocents. You can't expect me to just walk away. We can point hoofs all day, and more ponies will die. I'm coming with you, like it or not." he stood firm, and sighed, this was idiotic. 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten,


"You think Equestria's so high and mighty? I think not! You talk of self righteousness, yet it's all in your home country! Your leaders are the ones who fancy themselves self righteous! And regarding the law, it's always a stupid shackle that you let be put on your neck and you throw away the key because your head so far up your arse you can't see the light of day!" Façade puffed. He was angry, he felt the rage bubbling inside of him, and he just gonna tell this orange box what he thought! "You think that Equestria's worth killing for!? Then shoot me! Kill me for Equestria! Your overlords! Ç'mon! Here!" Façade threw Barrel one of his flintlocks. "C'mon! You're gonna slay the Captain Dark Façade! So if you can! Just Do It!"

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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After finishing with Nova, Missklang headed back to his cove. He was in his quarters when he heard Night picking the lock. He smiled. Just as he thought. Good thing he removed all the enchantments from the lock. It would be a shame if something would happen to Night. As he thought, Night started to sniff around, peeking his nose into boxes and drawers. Luckily he locked all the fun stuff, leaving only several key things. He was curious about what Night would choose, it would reveal so much about him... Night finaly got what he wanted. His choice pleased Missklang. From all, it was the most logic conclusion.




Missklang.... I knew you were hiding something. But this? You must be hiding many things, for you have a Royal Alchemist's component box


He giggled silently. His hide place was perfect. After Night left, he arranged the mess he made. It was time to go up and see what happen... 

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He looked at the pistol thrown at him and blinked. Part of him thought that it would probably be easy just to shoot this pirate and be one with all this nonsense. But the other more dominate part, reminded him he hadn't shed blood yet, and now wasn't the time too start. This pirate, who ever he was really, was just another angry sailor, there seemed to be a lot of those "Alright, alright, I see whats going on here." with out so much another thought he threw the pistol into the ocean "And I don't think anyone else has to die today, don't you? We both know how stupid this is, so why don't you leave my ship and let me and my crew attend to repairs?" his voice was calm, seeing the pony as more of an angry teenager rather a pirate helped that. He was still mad as hell, but that didn't help anyone in this instance so it had to be ignored 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@, @@The Down Trotten, @,

Banner returned from the room as she was trying to put out fires but it was almost useless "Repairs? What repairs, the fire will burn to hot and we are the candle stick that cant regenerate supplies" she said with Sapphire by her as the one to tell her to call it quiets on the fire "plus most of the crew is dead, if I know anything is that this ship is going to burn and sink any minute now" Banner looked over the ship as it was on fire with corpses. She could remember when it was not perfectly and to see this sight angered her a little "Celestia can be a little dense on forces cant she? I mean 6 ponies protect equestria with powers so obviously one ship of ponies can stop tons of pirates alone" she sighed knowing what would happen now "the bloodshed is over and they won, end of story. Lets stop fighting a losing battle because opportunity can come at an instant to help the war"

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"This is hopeless she is a goner ALL HOOVES ABANDON SHIP, if you haven't already" She went to Barrel I'm going to get those files. Sapphire gestures to Banner to follow her into the cabin, kicks the door down and spots Nova. "Hooves of those damn filies, you bloody pirate I'll have your head". That was probably a poor choice of words considering that Sapphire was not in a state to fight. But as she uttered those words Nova teleported with the filies, "bugger". She went back outside to a burning deck. She fell to her knees "I have failed you Sister, Twilight, BY CELESTIA THESE PIRATES WILL HANG!" She got up a went back to Citrus "the filies are gone" She saw Façade "YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" A tear of rage fell from her eyes.


@@Yoshikupo@@The Down Trotten@

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@,@@The Down Trotten,


Façade heard Sapphire and then looked at her. He smirked, then bowed, and saluted to Barrel. He stood up on the port edge of Barrel's ship. He stood upon his back hooves, and his wings fully extended. He fell backwards into the water. He started swimming backwards, and observed the wreckage of Barrel's ship. The ship looked fine, only surface damage and a couple holes. Nothing that magic couldn't fix.

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He sighed and just shook his head. "Alright, crew! We got some mess to clean up and some crew to mourn! No point pouting now, we got pirates out there and fires on board. SO get cracking!" he sighed again and quietly looked over at the pirate ship in the distance " God have mercy on us... and hopefully this won't end in anymore bloodshed" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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Façade continued swimming backwards, content in the ocean. He stared up at the sky, and smiled. He looked at Barrel's ship and smiled. He then stopped and just floated on the calm flat sea. He turned over and shook his wings out. He flew in the sky. He had killed off some of Barrel's crew, and shrugged it off. He continued his carefree flight. He spotted a cloud and landed upon it. He felt the softness, and pulled out his cutlass. His crew would be fine. Missklang and Mr. Night could handle things. He looked down upon the ships below him. He looked up, and saw birds flapping happily. Then slowly, Façade felt his eyelids start to close, and he didn't fight the urge to sleep. He yawned, and fell into the comforting embrace of sleep.

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Sapphire ran to the edge of the deck as Facade fell to the sea, she watched him casually swim away. The rage grew to a supernova in heat, then as her landed on a cloud. "WHY THAT LITTLE..." there were no words to say she had lost it and with what little magical strength she had, lowered her horn at the cloud. "Sleep on this!" as the light come from her horn started to glow brightly... 


@@@The Down Trotten

PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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"We said enough bloodshed not more!" Banner said as she hit the back of her head "yeah, lets anger the pirates that could have killed us when they had the chance, that would be great. I mean dying would be the best feeling right?!" she yelled holding her head down to the ground with her strength "I thought I had an anger problem but you seem to take it over the edge!" she glared at her "we need to fix this ship and make sure the fire doesn't keep going till it reaches the gunpowder. if we see these ponies again, maybe we can do something more but right now is the time to regroup and make up for loses with some new willing crew that will be sent when we get to land" she waits for Sapphire to calm down

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Sapphire struggled as Banner held her down, Her shot was not going to happen and her horn lost it's glow. "we lost... so many... why?" as Banner continued to hold her down. "These monsters are... soulless" She stopped struggling, and laid still starting to cry, "Celestia give me strength! i think i'm ok now Banner.

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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"good, we don't need a pony to go insane on us right now" she goes on the ship and starts putting out fires hoping to stop them with the rest of the crew which was about 1/3 that they had before the battle "I wish that we had at least two ships...if we had that then we would have won for sure, even with us being untrained" "wishing never gets you anywhere, you just have to do it with the stuff you have because it will never be as simple as wishing to make things better" Banner replies to one of the crew helping her "I mean I could wish to see my friend again to help us out but it won't happen...at least not on the ocean"

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Façade was fully aware of what the two mares were saying below. He stood up and flew down. He flew right above the deck of their ship, landing and staring out at sea, before speaking.




"You call me a monster with no soul. Let me tell you who the real monsters are. Those are the pirates that are content with burning this ship until it was nothing. I think that you need to know the difference between law-abiding and good. Cause you're confused. And I spared your ship because I was exactly where you are right now. So if you think you're doing the right thing, then fine. But don't interfere in the way I do the right thing. I'm not debating anymore." Façade launched into the sky, and flew to his ship. He was going to take his crew away from those "privateers" or whatever they were.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@, @,


Her hopes of hearing that Facades ship was sinking in flames were crushed, But she could still make it happen in the middle of the ongoing fight. "Aye, We'll sink em' both!" Audacia blubbered drunk as she were setting course back towards the ships. She picked up Another bottle of ale, Struggeling to get the cork out of the brown bottle she in a fit of anger crushed it against the floor.


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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"Captain we have another ship incoming we need to withdraw, we can't fight again!" Sapphire continued to give what was left of the crew orders to put out the fires and clear the bodies and debris. She then headed back to her cabin looking for a potion to restore her magical strength she would probably need it. Where is it? She tore her room apart for it there you are. Then ran back up on deck and proceeded to drink the contents, hope Zecora knew what she was doing when she made this.


@@The Down Trotten@@Yoshikupo


PonyvilleLive! Check out our awesome range of music, podcasts, video and more!
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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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@,@@Yoshikupo, @,  


he crubed a sigh 'Alright mates, time to mourn later! Pull out the oars and start rowing, we need a leg up on this bastards!" he limped to the helm again and groaned, that bullet was now a lead weight refusing to go away "Now, for the love of pete if I talk to these pirate. Attack on my signal!" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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True Shot was very hesitant to carry out Audacia's order. Her drunk attitude could lead to some fatal mistakes. But then again, she was a pirate, and if there is something a pirate is unrivaled in, it's holding her liquor. So he decided to go along "Aye captain, i'm ready to snipe their sorry arses" Said True Shot with bow in one hoof 

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