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open The Soul Thief

Scare Effect

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Scare Effect sat in the back of the wagon as it was being pulled by a large Earth pony wearing royal guard armor. Where is he taking me, Scare thought as she watched trees zoom past, grabbing her small statue tightly when the wagon stopped in front of a medium sized cottage. the guard motioned for Scare to get out of the wagon who nodded timidly and got out of the wagon. the stallion walked toward the cottage door and knocked  it was answered by a Bright yellow earth pony with a short pink mane who began talking to the stallion.


Scare tuned them out and looked at the other kids running around playing in the yard.

"Ms. Scare Effect this is where i leave you in the care of miss Posey." The guard said with a smile and left.


"So nice to meet you Scare Effect I will show you to your room then i will introduce you to everypony else." Posey said before leading Scare in to the cottage.


Deep in the nightmare Forest was a small cave that served as the prison to the Villain known as Metus Efficio she sat in her prison. "soon I will get my revenge."

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,


Glade sits in the back of a wagon as he stares at the back,seeing passing trees,his eyes distant as he hears the screams of the dead,feeling their presence as they travel through the place. He seldom looks up as he feels the eyes of thousands of souls look upon him,he gulps softly as he hears as scream in his left ear get louder and louder until he jerks his head to the side,nothing was there,but he felt it. He felt the pain in the scream,"Why?"he asked himself sharply before looking back to rear of the wagon. He stared but as soon as they slowed and stopped,he looked down. The pony said to him,"Final Stop son,time to get off...Sorry about...Everything."Glade sighed as he got off the wagon,his eyes stuck to the ground. This stallion was not his father,he never even knew him. At least,he wanted to forget that he knew him. He slowly dredged himself to the front door.

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I was sitting in a wagon, it was heading to an orphanage,I Got into an orphanage because, I ran off from my parents home and wanted to start living on my own. But, i'm still too young and i'm not allowed to live alone for my age. A Guard arrested me for petty thievery , he asked me where'd i live. i didn't tell them where'd i live, nor who my parents are. He said "If you don't tell me where'd you live, I'm gonna assume that you don't have any parent's a.k.a you're living alone. a.k.a You're Going to the Orphanage." I Stayed Quiet, so they assigned me to an orphanage to live there.They sent a letter to the orphanage and assigned me into one of the wagon.

As i sat in the wagon, i felt that like being watched, being observed. I quickly shook off that feeling and focused my head back to the reality.I whispered "I'm Just Going To an Orphanage, Nothing is wrong." I repeated that same word a couple of time until the pony pulling the wagon said. "Shh, Be Quiet". and i stopped whispering and closed my eyes and put on my headphone's (They Exist Right?) 

When the wagon stopped, I took of my headphones and  opened my eyes, walked out and looked at a small cottage."I Suppose that's the orphanage". The Pony(Who Pulled the wagon) was already gone.
I walked slowly to the door, and knocked on it a couple of times. After a moment, i was greeted by a Yellow Earth Pony with a short mane. She said "You must be Hacktune." I nodded, and she said "The Description from the letter is pretty accurate, Come in I'll show you around."

(If Anything Wrong, or odd just tell me)

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Second Sight's head bobbled about as the rickety wagon he was seated in continued it's journey on the uneven road. It was around midday or so, he guessed, at a quick glance of the sky's color. He hunkered down in his seat, his hat shrouding most of his face: the forest gave him the creeps.


Catching a glimpse of light at the corner of his eyes, he chanced a peek. He saw a rustic, wood building.


( perspective switch )


"I guess this is the place"


Soon enough, the wagon stopped in front of the building. I tipped my hat in thanks to the wagon-pony. Well, i attempted to. The hat slipped off my head and fell onto the ground. Meanwhile, the wagonpony simply ignored me, and rode off. Grumbling, i picked my hat back up and dusted it off, and promptly set it back on my head.


Hey, nothing wrong about being a little snazzy.


Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, i walked up to the door and knocked on it. Twice.

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The young batpony as tried as he could still couldn't fall asleep during the day like he was told too, the nightmares of the fire kept him up. Being born nocturnal this is actually a problem during the.... Cresent peeked his blue eyes out the window.....wincing at the light that would creep in he closed them again covering his head under the blanket. It was still day time.


He'd been in this new place for two days nights now. Everypony he meet seemed nice. He tried to tell himself what his father said before he was dropped off "this is just a little holiday son. your mother and I are fine we all just need a break"


The "break" his father really ment was trying to get over the absence of his older brother Willow, he began to cry again silently remembering his older brother, he soon was met with sleep again.  

Edited by cwhip9
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Not five feet from the door, a sound can be heard, akin to stitching being torn, coupled with a brief burst of smoke, a green crack of light, and the smell of burning hair. Then, after a few seconds of this, with the tear rippling beautifully, it tears open, into a portal. From the green flame, a figure flies out, collapsing onto the threshold of the door. Upon inspection, it looks to be a colt of iron grey hide, and azure eyes. He has a purple vest and cloak, with glasses upon his muzzle, near his eyes. He has freckles, beneath them, and his horn seems most odd. It is curved inward, and is black at the base. Towards the tip, it seems to go into scarlet. His ears are oddly pointed and curved, in an exotic fashion. Is steel grey tail is manageably short, as is his similarly colored mane. His cutie mark is shrouded by the cloak. He tries to get up, weakly, singed, and burning. However, to those nearby that feel fear, you all start to feel a draining sensation, similar to that of a changeling's feeding, as he inhales deeply, eagerly needing food to start healing. He looks like he's been in a war zone, with cuts, bruises and burns.

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@@Scare Effect,@@HackTune, @@MarionEtte136,  


((I'm assuming that the we are in the same wagon since you said it was in OOC))


Glade looked to the other two ponies before entering,he shook slightly as he tried to stay as far away as possible from the mare and other fillies and mares,he was deathly afraid of them,mares. He took in a deep breath as his green eyes glistened in the light,he looked around at all the...well...strange characters in the room,and when the pony with the curved horn came into the room through a portal,he glanced at him,feeling his energy being siphoned,he put up a spiritual energy around his body,he didn't know this pony,though he did see he was hurt,he rather needed his energy. He couldn't sleep as it was,so he needed his energy. He sighed as he heard the voices again,'You know Dark,he would be an interesting soul to capture,had he ever have,oh I don't know,an accident? Heh...No,your not making me do this again,you can't sway me this time. But Dark,don't you know? You have the ability to! Look at them! They are WEAK! No,no their not! If anything...I'm the weakest one here...Dark,you idiot...You are the only one that possesses these abilities! You are the only pony that can take souls like Death can,yet you need no scythe,nor horn,nor wings...You can change these harvested souls into weapons,you know this! Maybe...But,remember last time I tried that?...Fine...'He was staring at the ground as he talked to himself in his head,he sighed softly as he closed his eyes,he hoped his hallucinations didn't bother him as much here...

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@@Aurora Lights, @@MarionEtte136, @, @@Scare Effect, @@cwhip9, @@HackTune,

Banner walked out of her room to see all the ponies that had arrived but her good nature made her check on the weird colt that had a battle worn body out the window first. "Posey, we have more than we expected...one more bloody pony is here" she said not knowing bloody could be taken the wrong way while looking out the window. She looked at the ponies how got off the wagon "hello, my name is Banner and I like to think of myself as the big sister here...others call me that anyway" she chuckles "I wanted to welcome you all so that you don't get discouraged like I did when I first came here" she cleared her throat "can you introduce yourselves while Posey sets things up?"

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@@Yoshikupo@@Aurora Lights,

The creature starts to pull himself back up from the ground, as the sound of feeding greatens, now that he knows he can feed. The rate of feeding increases, then comes to a halt, now that he's registered that he has more company than one, and one asked for his name. Well, you know what to do, Prince... Keep calm, and take up a lower position. You don't know if anypony here is positive about changelings, yet, much less half-breeds of a King of an Empire! Let's see here, first ascertain your location; there are usually familiar landmarks in pony universes.

"My name is..." He pauses, trying to come up with a new alias. He decides on his name, sans title. "Marion Ette, my lady. Might I inquire as to my current location? I appear to have... Teleported somewhere I'm unfamiliar."

His voice remains calm and cold, yet sweet; like a honey blade. His eyes are full of knowledge, too much knowledge. They appear dull, as though he's seen and done more than most adults even dream. Yet, there's a happiness there, a longing for something. They are very old eyes, indeed. And they gaze, unnervingly, into your own.

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This colt is weird...he looks like he's experienced so much...makes me think he's had a life of ups and downs since birth. Banner thinks looking at him "well your in the orphanage of Posey. Right next to the nightmare forest and about half a mile from the town nearest to us, she never told much but I do know that your hurt and Posey needs to take care of that" Banner answers then remembers 'teleport' "wait where and how did you teleport? I thought fillies and colts could never cast those spells...unless it was some sort of emergency"

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@@MarionEtte136, @@Yoshikupo, @@Aurora Lights, @, @@HackTune,



Posey looked at the strange colt and turned to the other five children. " Banner take the children into the house while i talk to Marion ette." Posey said motioning toward the door. Once the children were inside Posey turned to look at the colt again. "You come with me we need to get your wounds looked at."with that Posey lead Marion Ette toward the nearest town.


Scare watched the two leave before walking into the house. once inside Scare sat down on a couch in the living room and looked at her figurine giving a small smile as it reminded her of her mother who gave it to her.


Metus's spine tingled and her face cracked a wicked smile."ooh I sense a kindred spirit now it's gonna be fun." She said with a laugh.

Edited by Scare Effect


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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Glade looked at the two chatting ponies and took in a quiet breath,his vision went from normal to where he could only see very little color,everything had a blue tint and every movement had a trail,he looked at the pony and saw his spirit,then at the mare,he blinked a few times as he looked down,his vision going back to normal,but he sighed softly as his vision blurred slightly as his eyes looked distant and afraid...


He slowly looked up to see fire,flames engulfing everything,the orphanage,the forest around them,everything was burning,yet everything soon died out and all that was left was a smoldering husk of what it was,the ground black with ashes and soot,the trees dead and burnt,the orphanage was dismantled,burned,he looked around slowly,seeing all the ponies still,they were burnt,but when he looked at the mare in charge,he gulped in fear,he started shaking as he saw her face melting,bare bone being shown,just on her snout and mouth though,she had an eternal smile,then she said in an eerily shallow voice,"You...You are not worth the life you were given..."he gulped as everything faded out and all that was left was just her face as she kept talking, "Death Won't take you because you aren't worth dying,Dark,you were never worth peace,never are or will be..."she starts laughing darkly as her voice turns demonic and deep,he shakes like a leaf as he blinks once...


He looks around and sees everything as normal again,yet he was shaking furiously,fear gripped his soul as he looked around.

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@@Scare Effect, @@Aurora Lights, @@cwhip9, @, @@HackTune,

"In here is all the toys and stuff we have that looks like a living room of some sort" She said then looked at the pony shaking "woah, you ok? You look like you have social anxiety or something" she said trying to keep the peace with everypony "ok first thing to do is introduce yourself...you can go last" she says slowly backing away to Scare. "Hey you should get with the others near the door...what is that?" She looks at the figurine "you can show the others that if you want, it looks cool and weird at the same time"

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Scare Effect,  


Glade looked at Banner and gulped softly as she spoke to him,not returning any words,nor making eye contact with her,but he glances at Scare and her figurine,he noted how much emotional attachment it had embedded into it,it held a lot of spiritual energy,and he could feel it,he slowly looked up at Fear's eyes and his eye twitched a little before he looked back to the floor quickly. He was deathly afraid of mares,due to bad past experiences...

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@@Yoshikupo, @@Aurora Lights,

Scare looked at Banner. "Um ok." Scare said timidly and turned to look at the others."If it is okay with everypony?" Seeing no objections scare continued. "Hello my name is Scare Effect and since Banner pointed it out. my little figurine was a gift from my mother Stone Angle she told me his name is Everest and he will protect me." Scare stopped, "I think thats it for now." With that she fell silent and hugged Everest tightly.


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Scare Effect,@@Yoshikupo,  


Glade listened closely,taking note of her name,she seemed actually interesting to him,keeping a figurine because it reminds her of her mother...the only thing he had to remind him of his family was his scars...He wished he didn't have to remember them,but he knew in between the hallucinations and the voice in his head,the souls that gravitate to him for no reason,he will never ever forget.

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He looks a bit panicked at the mention of most children being incapable of teleportation, and begins hastily constructing a story in his head. His expression reacts to the mention of emergency, as his memory is quickly called back to the blasted wreckage.

@@Scare Effect,

Seeing a ways out, he goes with the person, to get his wounds treated. Not that it'll matter; they'll be reduced by the time he gets there. As part changeling, he can sense the pheromones of emotion. And there is fear coming off of one in particular...

@@Aurora Lights,

He feeds off of the poor, tortured pony a bit more. Soon after, he leaves with the other pony, to go visit whatever qualified as a medic in these parts, taking in the sights, memorizing the route. 

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@@MarionEtte136,@@Scare Effect,


He glances at the changeling and felt him feeding off of him and he starts to glare at him,his eyes turning a dark orange before he blinks and looks down again,'Calm down Glade,he was just getting energy back...But you need that energy,don't you?...Shut up...' He gulped softly as he slowly wandered around,starting to head towards the bedding area.

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Second sight quietly followed after the rest of the children, taking in the details of the orphanage. As the others settled down, he found a quiet corner in the room, and quietly observed the others, training his special talent.


He took in a deep breath, relaxed himself, and focused. Time around him seemed to slow down. It remained this way for a while, and then he started shaking, a few beads of sweat dripping from his brow as he concentrated on slowing down his perception of time.


He eyed one pony in particular. 'Mari- mario-nette, he said his name was...', Second thought. 'Any normal... Colt, would be broken and crying after enduring such injuries, let alone talking in that tone and demeanour of his'

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@, @@Aurora Lights, @@MarionEtte136, @@Scare Effect, @@Yoshikupo,


Cresent herd a distent door open followed by several blood beats enter the ourside hall, most of them felt as lost and confused as he was when he herd the door behind the beats close he rose from bed again. stiff, a little sad still but more curious then anything else. "it'll be nice to make friends" he told himself out loud. The young bat pony collected himself in front of his mirror before he walked out.


looking back at him was a rather small looking bat pony with rumpled orange mane, blue eyes, and gray coat. Sleep bags some would think impossible for most nocturns were present under the colts blue eyes from the stressful week and lack of sleep. He looked at his rump, still seeing the scar from his dare with the dragon. He smiled at the memory of the adventure, looking back at the mirror he said to himself "things will look up today cresent"  


When the young bat pony exited his room he found the source of the blood beats seeing the new pony's about with Sister doing her intro to the place with them. He stood behind them trying not to interrupt so he went by Sister looking around. He then saw a rather hurt pony,

"Sister, is he going to be ok?" he asked hearing the ponys blood say other wise, and trying not to interrupt any other pony.

  • Brohoof 1
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I've followed the group into the house,while examining the group, i noticed somepony who's badly injured. I wanted to ask him what happend,"What are you doing?" The voice in my head asked me. I answered with my thought "just trying to ask what happend" He replied "we can't trust anypony, especially the one you just met!" I answered "you just have to try to trust somepony".



"I wanted to welcome you all so that you don't get discouraged like I did when I first came here" she cleared her throat "can you introduce yourselves while Posey sets things up?"

"You could call me Hacktune, or Sky, whichever suits you" As i smiled. After the introduction, i sat down on a chair and went to a thinking. Edited by HackTune
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@@Scare Effect,@@cwhip9, @,  


Glade wandered into the large bedding area,he saw rows of beds,typical of all orphanages. He started walking into the room and felt a spirit,not like a normal pony...


He blinks,his vision going light blue as he looks around,seeing the spirit of a bat-pony,he blinked again,his vision normal as he sighed softly,"Well...He can't be that bad...He is the only bat pony here,I mean,not like this place has any normal ponies,including myself..."he said to himself in almost a whisper as he started towards the bat-pony,he wasn't as afraid of male ponies,mostly because his father didn't torture him,yet,he never stopped his mother or sister...

Edited by Aurora Lights
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@@cwhip9, @@Scare Effect, @@HackTune, @, @@Aurora Lights,

"Posey will take him to town and get something for him, we/I have to stay here and watch the new ponies here...strange as all of them are around our age" Banner says but shrugs it off and looks a Scare "Sad to hear about your mother...I lost mine in a fire a few years back" she says just wanting her to know the reason why she was there. "Hey where did that other shy pony go?" she looked around and saw him n the bedding area, or his shadow "you in the corner, tell the others about yourself while I get this pony" Banner walks into the bedding area seeing the pony from before "hey? You ok?" she was trying to be nice with her lower than normal filly voice "the rest of the group is back there and Posey will set us in beds when she gets back"

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Posey and Marion Ette were quite a ways away from the cottage Posey stopped raised a hoof to stop Marion Ette. "That is far enough I know you don't need to see a doctor. I know you already healed yourself I bought you here so the Children wouldn't get scared. Now tell me what are you exactly because your magic was clearly Changeling in nature but you don't look like a changeling." Posey said in a serious tone looking at the Weird looking colt.


Scare heard what Banner say about her mother dying in a fire which brought painful memories of the raiders burning her village to the ground a year ago. Scare shook her head to focus on the names of the other ponies.

@@Aurora Lights,

Metus looked at a small puddle on the Cave floor in the puddle was a small colt. "Well well well, you will work nicely to help me obtain the materials i need."


                            you can ask me anything here:ask Scare Effect

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@@Yoshikupo,@@Scare Effect,


Glade feels something watching him and he looks down,as if looking at the pony staring at him through the puddle,he stopped in his tracks as he tried to concentrate on the feeling,but he nearly had a heart attack when the mare spoke up,he spun around instantly as he jumped up in the air,"o-oh...I-I know about the groups...I just..."he looks away,starting to fidget slightly," I just uhh...I-I like being alone."he says,trying to calm himself. He slowly makes eye contact with here for a second before looking down again.

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