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private A Cultural Exchange 1x1 with Randimaxis

Illiad Easle

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19 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"So, uhm... I know the posters said the concert was tomorrow, so I was kinda wondering if you were getting, like, a preview concert?  Something for folks in your profession, getting a look before the public show goes on?  I-is that what's happening here?"

Swift chuckled, "Very astute, I was wondering when you'd ask."

19 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"OH!  Uhm, hiya... I'm Dax... I... I'm, uh, glad to meet you.  Sorry, I just... woooooooooowwwwww..."

He glanced around a bit more, then looked back at his hosts and sheepishly grinned.  "Eh heh heh... s-sorry.  I just, uhm... get excited."

There was excited chittering among the young changelings when Dax spoke to them before a more adult sized one came along, "Alright little foalings, time to move along. You shouldn;t crowd the guests." There was an exchange of nods between the adult changelings as the young changelings, or foalings as they'd been called, scurried off down another hallway with the larger one in tow. More than a few of them waved back at Dax as they left though.

Speaking of the hallway, although it felt and sounded like a cave, the walls and ceiling were intricately carved with simple yet tasteful designs reminiscent of those he had seen in the Goldenrod bank. The hallway itself was almost square, being just a bit taller than it was wide, and the floor perfectly flat and just rough enough that you wouldn't slide down it. Furthermore it was well lit by lines of glowing amber that had been set into the carved lines on the ceiling and floor, casting an even golden light on the whole hallway.

Illiad seemed quite pleased by Dax's reaction to the place, chuckling to himself as he got off the cart, he turned to Swift. "Had I not been so preoccupied when I first arrived, I'm sure I would have been similarly amazed."

Swift chuckled, "Indeed, I'm just glad you were able to come around." he waved for Dax to join them as the other got off the cart as well, "Come on then, you haven't seen anything yet."

Swift would lead the way with Illiad, Carbon and Sax following up behind, as they made their way through a number of spacious hallways, there were a number of changelings in the halls of varying sizes, and most tended to look at Dax and Illiad with kind and curious expressions, many of them were headed the same way.

Over time the hallways grew more spacious, yet their progress slowed as more changelings accumulated around them, it was hard to tell exactly why until they passed through an archway, entering a massive auditorium filled with changelings as well as a few scattered ponies and other creatures sitting among them. Nonetheless, there were hundreds of changelings in this room.

Swift led the way towards some empty seats where Illiad and Dax could sit next to each other while their changeling companions sat around them. The chairs were framed of stone, but had cushions made of the same amber as the lighting, only rather than being hard it had a consistency similar to molasses, only not sticky, allowing the seat to form up to the body of whoever sat in it.

Once they were situated Illiad would explain, "So, like you deduced, this is a sort of preview concert. Given some of the bands are changelings, and the purpose of their concerts is to generate emotional energy for harvesting, they want to ensure a maximum of non changelings attend the concert proper. Therefore they do a preview concert exclusively for the changelings and those like us who are friendly to them so they can all enjoy the concert without diminishing the returns the full concert gets. And this way I only have to pay with emotional energy rather than money. They get energy from us, we get a free concert. Lately even some of the non-changeling performers, after learning that their fellow are changelings, have also agreed to perform at the changeling preview shows, so we may see some of them tonight too." 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Alright little foalings, time to move along. You shouldn;t crowd the guests."

Dax watched as the foalings left, and returned every wave eagerly.  He then turned to Carbon.

"Those are the young ones?"  He blushed a bit.  "They're awfully cute."

It was no lie; Dax always looked for the best in others, and had a unique outlook on things in life - regardless of Equestrian history, the young stallion didn't even sweat a single drop over being literally surrouned by changelings.  Of course, Dax was well-versed in his own family history, and knew all too well that there were always bad apples on any given family tree; he figured the infamous changeling queen Chrysalis had been one of those apples.  He wasn't about to judge a whole race on the actions of one individual - it would've been hypocritical of a Blackwater to do so.

And the foaling's wide, bright eyes were adorable to him.


2 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"Come on then, you haven't seen anything yet."

Dax followed along, looking for all the world like a tourist, with the way his eyes kept scanning over every detail, every design, every little nook and cranny he could see into.  His excitement built with his wonder, as he began to pick out patterns and marvel at the craftsmanship that went into something like this.

This is a changeling hive... and Illiad is welcome here, so they're accepting of me.  This is beyond anything I'd thought I'd see in Troy; he told me we'd be meeting changelings, but I didn't expect we'd be invited into their home for a concert!  I'm getting the chance to see something that very few others in the entirety of Equus will ever even know of... 

Dax shivered with excitement, nearly overwhelmed with the prospect of what might be to come.  He also didn't lose a step, and waved at practically every changeling who looked at him, his smile broad and giddy with awe.  His emotions were writ large on his muzzle - no hiding his enthusiasm - as he followed along, marvelling at the sights around him.

Then, he noticed the crowds were getting thick.  As he glanced around at them, his excitement became more of a curiosity as he looked at the different changelings that were joining the crowd.  He tried to focus on individuality; things like the number of ridges on their backs, or the arrangement of holes on their limbs, or even the designs of their wings.  Dax was trying to find defining characteristics among a race who normally seemed uniformly alike, and was struck with how intricate some of those defining details were.

When they reached the massive auditorium, though...

"OH!  Ohhhhhhhhhh wwwwwwooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!!  There's so MANY here!  And the place is HUGE!"

The shock of seeing such an enormous gathering of changelings, all in one place, was a jolt to his system.  By now, Dax was so ramped up with excitement and wonder, any changelings nearby would have to have been utterly numb not to notice the earth pony and his thunderous enthusiasm for what he was already considering one of the best days of his entire life.

When he got to the chair, he looked it over for a bit, his curiosity causing him to reach out with a hoof and touch the seat... then, as he gained understanding, he slowly took said seat, giving his rump a slight wiggle to settle into the 'cushion' better.  He gave a giggle at how it felt gooshy, but it wasn't actually gooshy at all.  Idly, part of him wondered if his Father would have enjoyed such a seat at his own desk.


3 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"So, like you deduced, this is a sort of preview concert. Given some of the bands are changelings, and the purpose of their concerts is to generate emotional energy for harvesting, they want to ensure a maximum of non changelings attend the concert proper. Therefore they do a preview concert exclusively for the changelings and those like us who are friendly to them so they can all enjoy the concert without diminishing the returns the full concert gets. And this way I only have to pay with emotional energy rather than money. They get energy from us, we get a free concert. Lately even some of the non-changeling performers, after learning that their fellow are changelings, have also agreed to perform at the changeling preview shows, so we may see some of them tonight too." 

Dax looked as though he was part electricity right now; his eyes were bright and constantly looking things over, and his smile was not only grand, but it had that quality of being contaigous if others saw his wide-eyed wonder.  He turned to Illiad, and his smile was almost eating his muzzle alive.

"Illiad, thank you for this opportunity," he said as calmly as he could (which meant not-so-much), "this is absolutely amazing, and I'm flattered that you'd want to share this experience with me!"

Unable to help himself, he reached over and gave Illiad a hug that nearly made the Trojan's ribcage flex; Dax was an earth pony, after all, AND the colt of a rock miner - his excited hugs would possibly count as a chiropractor's therapy session!  No damage done, but Illiad was once again reminded of just how strong the young stallion truly was.



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18 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Those are the young ones?"  He blushed a bit.  "They're awfully cute."

Carbon nodded, smiling, "Yeah, they say it's a sort of defense mechanism. They have that sort of passive ability when they're too young to disguise that makes any non-changeling who comes close enough think they're irresistibly cute. Keeps them from being targeted if the hive ever got breached, and typically distracts the attacker enough that defenders can subdue them."

18 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Then, he noticed the crowds were getting thick.  As he glanced around at them, his excitement became more of a curiosity as he looked at the different changelings that were joining the crowd.  He tried to focus on individuality; things like the number of ridges on their backs, or the arrangement of holes on their limbs, or even the designs of their wings.  Dax was trying to find defining characteristics among a race who normally seemed uniformly alike, and was struck with how intricate some of those defining details were.

The more Dax looked the better able he was able to see the slight differences between the individuals. Most obvious were the clearer distinctions of those that looked more masculine or feminine, those with bigger legs, wings, or horns than the others, those predispositions that Swift had mentioned the other day. But deeper than that were the small details that Dax was noticing, while they were all about the same color (Just grayer than black bodies, amber back/wings/tail/mane/eyes) they were each unique in their own ways.

As the crowd grew thicker he seemed to be drawing more attention, many waving back to him and talking excitedly to their neighbors, on more than a few occasions Dax could pick out the word Oracle from what they were saying around him.

18 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Illiad, thank you for this opportunity," he said as calmly as he could (which meant not-so-much), "this is absolutely amazing, and I'm flattered that you'd want to share this experience with me!"

Illiad was visibly surprised by the strength of Dax's hug, letting out an oof as he was squeezed, "You're welcome, this is only possible because you're so willing to accept them, you were tested on a number of occasions both secretly and openly in order for them to allow this. And this is your reward for being such a good pony at heart."

It didn't take long for the auditorium to start settling down in preparation for the concert to begin, only there was a bit of a disturbance as a pair of changelings dressed in armor came over to where Dax and Illiad were sat. If Dax had the presence of mind to remember some ancient apparel he'd recognize their short robes and helmets as being the guard armor of Stalliongrad under Lord Stalliongrad's criminal empire. They came over to the pair and spoke quietly, "The Queen has requested your presence on her balcony, if you would kindly follow us."

While it was phrased like a question, it certainly was expected that they agree.

Illiad was hesitant, or rather surprised by the change, but stood to follow them, shrugging as he looked back at Dax.

The guards would lead them back out the way they came, taking a turn up a slanted hallway as soon as they left the auditorium. This hallway was a bit smaller than the others, but still more than two ponies wide and just taller than two ponies. Furthermore the carving grew more intricate, the glowing amber now detailed with rivulets of pure gold. Soon enough they reached an ornate set of gold embossed doors flanked by a double pair of guards, one in the Stalliongrad style, the other were a pair of cyan changelings whose armor was more of the style of old Equestrian. They nodded to the guards accompanying them as they opened the door.

On the other side of the door was what looked like an opera balcony, commanding a wonderful view of the auditorium. While it greatly diminished the sound from the crowd they could clearly hear the changelings on the stage setting up the instruments. But that was hardly the center point of the balcony. The whole floor of the balcony was covered in pillows so lavish it'd likely make his own mother jealous, and lying on top of those pillows was a trio of changelings. The most obvious of them was Oracle herself, who seemed very excited that Dax was there, getting up from the pillows to come over to drag him in to lay on the pillows right next to her. The second was obviously a changeling queen, solid pieces of gold and amber filled the holes in her legs, her physique was almost a dead ringer for the princesses, not quite as large as Celestia, but not quite as toned as Luna. Next to her was something new, by her size she looked like she was also a queen, sharing coloration with the cyan changelings outside, but there were a few very noticeable differences between her and the queen next to her. For one, she had two horns coming out of her head, each curving back a bit unlike the straight horns most unicorns had, she also had two sets of wings and perhaps most surprisingly eight legs curled beneath her.

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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17 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"You're welcome, this is only possible because you're so willing to accept them, you were tested on a number of occasions both secretly and openly in order for them to allow this. And this is your reward for being such a good pony at heart."

He looked a bit shocked when Illiad told him of the tests, but the surprise didn't last long.  It makes sense they'd do that - a hive can be quite vulnerable, and not everyone accepts changelings yet; it would be pretty foolish to just let anyone inside.  But I'm also glad to see that, me just being me, I passed their tests... that means I feel a bit safer too, if I'M the kind of pony they allow into their home.

He glanced around again.  Their incredible, beautiful home...


18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

"The Queen has requested your presence on her balcony, if you would kindly follow us."

Dax also gave a curious look, but seemed to accept it well enough, and stood to accompany the guards and Illiad to their destination.

With everything I've seen in Troy, there are only a very few possibilities as to why this would happen... and with all I've seen here, I'm leaning heavily toward a particular thought.

He followed along innocently enough, his thoughts wandering through his mind.

And if I'm right... I'll bet my left hoof that Miss Goldenrod had something to do with this.  In fact, with so many familiar styles between here and her office... 

Mentally, he gave a gasp as the thought came home:  Is Miss Goldenrod THE QUEEN!?


18 hours ago, Illiad Easle said:

The whole floor of the balcony was covered in pillows so lavish it'd likely make his own mother jealous, and lying on top of those pillows was a trio of changelings. The most obvious of them was Oracle herself, who seemed very excited that Dax was there, getting up from the pillows to come over to drag him in to lay on the pillows right next to her.

The very instant Dax saw Oracle, the entire hive knew it; the surge of shy, sweet love that exploded within him was written all over his muzzle for a moment, until he finally found his voice.

"O-Oracle?  Wow, HIYA!  I didn't expect... I mean, I... uhm..."  Well, he found it for a moment, at least.

He allowed himself to be led to the pillows next to Oracle, but before he sat down, he knew he had to say something to the others here, or else his Mother's enraged voice would deafen his mental ears inside his skull.  Dax turned to the other two present, and gave a proper Trojan bow - complete with crossed forehooves.  Once done, he looked to them both with a respectful muzzle, speaking evenly and calmly (which was quite a feat, at the moment).

"Though I am aware that Illiad Easle is your actual guest here tonight, I wanted to thank you humbly for giving me the opportunity to share in this event; you have my explicit gratitude, Your Majesty."  He truly hoped that at least ONE of them was the Queen, and that he wasn't making a fool of himself here.  

DON'T stare at the eight legs... DON'T stare at the eight legs... DON'T stare at the eight legs...

He then sat down on the cushions next to Oracle, who now had the bulk of his attention.

"I'm excited, are you excited, this is exciting, I LOVE the excitement of this!"  He looked (and sounded) a bit giddy, happy to be here, with his best friend and the mare he held in his heart, and accepted by everyone around him - something Daxter Blackwater had never, ever experienced in his entire life.

Heck, by now, even Illiad could feel the happiness in the young stallion - if through nothing more than the look on Dax's muzzle.

  • Brohoof 1

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The larger changelings looked, surprised? happy? it was hard to tell on their faces but they seemed to have had a positive shift by Dax's introduction.

Only once the guards had closed the doors behind them, leaving the five of them alone, did they relax and respond.

5 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Though I am aware that Illiad Easle is your actual guest here tonight, I wanted to thank you humbly for giving me the opportunity to share in this event; you have my explicit gratitude, Your Majesty."

The golden colored one gave a polite laugh, "Nonsense, you're our guest tonight. Did you think money was the only reward? I of all creatures know that no quantity of gold can replace a life, so no amount of gold is sufficient recompense for saving one. Our trust in you is further reward."

5 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

DON'T stare at the eight legs... DON'T stare at the eight legs... DON'T stare at the eight legs...

Despite his mantra to ignore it, the cyan one noticed his initial count even if he didn't look at them again. She waited until Oracle had pulled Dax over to get up and move to the other side of the pair, making a show of moving as if to show off her many legs, she spoke with a kind tone, very motherly, "It's okay, you can admire them as much as you like. I've grown rather fond of them myself." She would lay in such a way that Dax would have full view of all eight of the legs, making it clear that rather than equidistant, like a spider, they were simply doubled, a pair of hind legs from each flank and a pair of forelegs from each whither. "It is good to meet you two, my sister has told me much about you, how you saved my favorite niece from slavery? Very noble of you." She gave a polite nod, "I'm Queen Sleipnir, Queen Polymorph's younger sister and the last of Queen Gelatine. And you," she turned to Illiad who had taken a seat behind Dax and Oracle, "I had assumed Permu was exaggerating when she called you a brilliant light, nonetheless your friend seems to outshine even you tonight."

6 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"I'm excited, are you excited, this is exciting, I LOVE the excitement of this!"

Oracle giggled at Dax's enthusiasm and blushed hotly, "I am, I'm so happy you could be here! Both in the hive, for the concert, and even here in the balcony! Mother never lets anyone up here! No non-changelings at least. But she said you deserved a special reward."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 5/31/2020 at 4:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Nonsense, you're our guest tonight. Did you think money was the only reward? I of all creatures know that no quantity of gold can replace a life, so no amount of gold is sufficient recompense for saving one. Our trust in you is further reward."

Dax nodded.  "Yes, ma'am - I thought so too, so I just did the right thing.  Even if I didn't get any reward for it," except my first kiss, "there was no doubt in my mind that it was wrong for anyone to have to go through that kind of treatment, and... well, I guess I'm not too good at haggling, but it wasn't about the price."

Again, thoughts of Wyland Blackwater, who had changed his name from the traditional Equestrian way, just to save the life of a runaway zebra slave.  Those two had fallen in love; it was where his family line got their zebra genes from, and where Dax got his stripes from.  And now, perhaps the stars had more in store for one of their best friends than he even knew yet?

"But I am honored to be worthy of such a priviledge and responsibility; I hope to be as worthy as a friend to your family and subjects, as well."  He bowed respectfully low, not too far.  Mother's training is really going to work here; glad I paid attention!


On 5/31/2020 at 4:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"It's okay, you can admire them as much as you like. I've grown rather fond of them myself."

Dax breathed a small sigh of relief.  "I hoped I wasn't being rude - I've just never seen such a unique sight; I wonder if you'dmind me asking about such a phenomenon?  It sounds as if it was quite a story-" he gave a light start, "if, uhm, that isn't being too forward..?"


On 5/31/2020 at 4:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"It is good to meet you two, my sister has told me much about you, how you saved my favorite niece from slavery? Very noble of you."

Dax blushed; training or not, he simply felt it better to humbly bow; what he'd done had never really even been a thought of being noble... it was... well, she needed help; he gave it. 

Still, even if he shied a bit from it, he did enjoy and acknowledge the praise.


On 5/31/2020 at 4:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I'm Queen Sleipnir, Queen Polymorph's younger sister and the last of Queen Gelatine. And you, I had assumed Permu was exaggerating when she called you a brilliant light, nonetheless your friend seems to outshine even you tonight."

Dax's blush deepened at that, but his manners wouldn't allow him to skip an introduction - Mother would haunt his dreams for years.

"I'm glad to meet you, Your Highness - I'm Daxter Blackwater of the Crystal Mountain Blackwaters, and second-in-line as heir to the Blackwater Emerald Mines.  Not that it makes me such a big deal, but I'm proud of my family's work."  This was full truth; he knew Blackwater Emeralds were quality gems, and he had confidence in his family's legacy.

THAT was one thing Illiad had always seen in Dax - the colt had faith in his roots.


On 5/31/2020 at 4:26 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"I am, I'm so happy you could be here! Both in the hive, for the concert, and even here in the balcony! Mother never lets anyone up here! No non-changelings at least. But she said you deserved a special reward."

He gave her a quick hug, and spoke softly next to her head.  "Meeting you was a reward, all its' own; it's good to see you again, Oracle."

His heart did a little fluttery-flip, and he sat back on the cushion next to her, looking out over the balcony to get a better view.


  • Brohoof 1

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11 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"I hoped I wasn't being rude - I've just never seen such a unique sight; I wonder if you'd mind me asking about such a phenomenon?  It sounds as if it was quite a story-" he gave a light start, "if, uhm, that isn't being too forward..?"

Sleipnir chuckled, "Not at all! But I suppose I wasn't actually conscious for it, Permu would be better suited to tell you."

Permu looked surprised that the attention was tossed back at her, but snorted and rolled her eyes, "You never tire of my telling this story do you?" She turned to Dax, "There's a bit of background you need to understand for the story to make sense. Most changelings are formed in cocoons filled with about a dozen eggs and gel charged with the dominant emotions of the hive, they don't take long to mature, only spending a few months in the cocoon before becoming foalings. They then mature about twice as fast as a pony at which point they don their first disguise and are full fledged changelings. When a queen is made however they are the only egg in their cocoon, and can spend up to three years in there before being ready to emerge, They then mature about at the same rate as a pony."

Sleipnir added, "As you can see, a queen is very costly to make."

Permu had a bit of a sad look on her face as she continued, "Our mother was, troubled. It was a different time, over eleven hundred years ago in fact. Our mother was one of the only queens at that time, and so had the task of making new queens in order to spread our race through the world. Near the end she grew... less sane, experimenting on her own children." she shuddered, "One such experiment was Sleipnir, she put two eggs in the same cocoon in an attempt to create two queens at the same time, but the two bodies merged together instead."

Sleipnir smiled, "So I ended up not quite twice the changeling as anyone else, unique because no one would ever try it again, but fundamentally the same as any other."

Permu seemed lost in thought, "I poisoned her for what she did, I couldn't stand by and wait to see if she'd try again. Once Sleipnir was matured I ensured that Gelatine wouldn't hurt anyone else, her violent hive dying out without her, all of them corrupted by her influence."

The conversation had certainly turned dark there, it looked like Permu did not want to elaborate on it.

Luckily a much needed distraction arose in that moment, the auditorium lights dimmed as the stage lit up for the first performance, it was a lone unicorn mare with a trio of violins in her magic. She held one to either side of her face, the other directly in front of her as she sat in the middle of the stage, eyes closed she began to play.




Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 6/2/2020 at 3:49 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"You never tire of my telling this story do you?"

Dax listened intently to the story as it unfolded; hs eager mind understood full wel that he was urrently learning something about the mysterious changeling race, and it was information that practically nobody else but changelings truly knew about, he was fairly certain.  What he was hearing was special, and though he would never tell a soul, he would also store it away in the rather impressive filing cabinet n his head, gleefully once again becoming the bearer of rare and wonderful knowledge.

When the conversation darkened, Dax knew he'd witnessed a tender subject, and made note ot to ask about it... but keep his mind alert to it, should more pieces of the puzzle fall into place.  It was like a Daring Do mystery, only with more intrigue than swashbuckling.  Still, it made him feel a bit like a special dignitary, which made him think of Illiad, and wonder how in the world he would ever pay back such a kindness to him.

Then, the music started...

Dax watched the violinist for a moment, then he slowly closed his eyes and began to wander through the notes in his mind, his hoof raising up to keep time as his muzzle gave many expressions, all with his emerlad eyes shut tight, as he became lost in the melody.  Internally, the young stallion was picturing a pegasus - Swift, in fact - making his rounds throughout Troy, each wonder he'd seen thus far being a scene in his vision.  He marvelled at the musical journey that played through his mind, and had stars in his eyes when she finished.

Though he waited for the changelings reactions so he didn't make a social faux-pas, Dax was already applauding in his heart, and it was a standing ovation.

And that was just the first song!


  • Brohoof 1

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While the changelings and assorted guests down below were applauding vigorously, Dax was right to show restraint as the queens and Oracle showed much more formal applause.

The unicorn bowed before departing the stage, Sleipnir commented, "A shame, I was hoping to hear more from her. She doesn't come to Manehatten often."

Sleipnir's disappointment turned to surprise as the next performers, a changeling of the same colors as the rest in the hive and a light grey pegasus mare, came on stage. "He revealed? Didn't think he had it in him."

Permu smiled, "One of the benefits of Troy is their much more open stance on changelings, it isn't nearly so risky here as in Equestria. Still, I was also surprised when he asked my guidance."

The changeling played the guitar while the pegasus sang:




Given the more emotional nature of these songs the applause was less energetic, but clearly just as appreciative. It would likely be obvious to Dax that these songs had been designed to cultivate an emotional response in the audience, which made sense given the changeling's purpose in having the concert.

Oracle would lean in close to Dax, enjoying his physical presence as she swayed to the slow beats of the first song, her head bobbing to the faster beat of the second song.

Once the two songs were done she'd turn to face Dax, almost bumping snouts as they were so close, "So... if you want to, I could, maybe, show you around the hive later?"

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/4/2020 at 2:49 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"One of the benefits of Troy is their much more open stance on changelings, it isn't nearly so risky here as in Equestria. Still, I was also surprised when he asked my guidance."

An open stance?  Then why hide at all, if the nation was so much more accepting than his own home was... something's not adding up, here.

Not for the first time, Dax wondered about the differences between Equestria and Troy... and the eerie similarities, as well.  That, combined with the propaganda - from both sides - that seemed to be a lot of presentation, and Dax was beginning to wonder whether or not it was somewhere within those similarities that maybe, just maybe, there was something that could be used to reach them both.  To help things cross-over from something as awful as war, to something more akin to Harmony's ideal.  To bridge the gap that might even be understandable enough to reach Princess Celestia herself.

It was a thought he stored away in his head for later review; I'm here to enjoy the music, and that's what I want to focus on. 

And changelings.  I simply want to focus on the wonderful music, and the friendly changelings.

... and Oracle.

Okay, I want to focus on the music, changelings, and Oracle.  Right.

He stopped thinking about it before he thought of anything else to add to the list.


On 6/4/2020 at 2:49 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Oracle would lean in close to Dax, enjoying his physical presence as she swayed to the slow beats of the first song, her head bobbing to the faster beat of the second song.

His heart measured every centimeter between them, eager to lessen that number to zero.

Dax found himself interpreting the lyrics for the first song, seeing the first verse as himself, while the second spoke to him of Illiad, and the two of them walking together as the song progressed.  Then, oddly enough, his own father came to mind as the last verse came forth, his balcony the proverbial window mentioned in the melody.  Tears formed in the corners of his eyes, not quite falling yet, but speaking of his heart, where he could see these things as plain as night, and as clear as a Blackwater emerald.

The second song began, and for some reason, Dax could see a tiny, newborn Oglevy - in fact, the very day he came home with Mother from the hospital.  He'd been a tiny bundle of fur with rather awkwardly large, fluffy wings, but all little Daxter could see was a new and amazing ball of wonder.  His mental picture then made up a montage of images from his own memories, particularly focusing on all the times he tried to teach Oggie how to fly.  Even without wings of his own, Dax had encouraged the little blue foal to spread his wingspan; he'd laid on his back, holding the tyke in the air above him to let him pretend to fly... then, a bit older, using his forelegs to demonstrate flapping, making the little foal laugh at the sight... later, young Dax and toddler Oglevy, wearing goggles and preparing to leap from the top of a stack of crates, Chuck List standing nearby with mattresses lining the ground around them...

Then, as the song reached the final verse, he saw the moment he remembered so well: the day Dax had found his little brother on the roof of Blackwater Manor, about to leap out to take his first actual flight... and being terrified.  Dax's words, lost in the music but communicated all the same through his expression, encouraging him to believe in himself, and that he was SURE Oggie could do it.  His Father would have demanded Oglevy down, while Mother would have had a screaming fit - but Dax knew this HAD to be the moment, and gave Oglevy that boost of courage needed for him to take that leap from the rooftop - the seven second heart attack that Dax nearly had - then the burst of pure happiness as Oglevy soared up from below, whooping a victory cry as he took to the air for the very first time, early for his age, thanks to Dax's love for him.

By the time the second song ended, Dax was crying; in fact, he was desperately trying not to sob out loud for a second or three before pulling himself together and giving his own applause.  Dax Blackwater had always been quite sensitive, but part of the benefit of such was being able to simply submerge himself in the pure emotion of the memories, and feel them again as if for the first time - in some cases, with older and wiser eyes... such as this happy string of memories of his annoying, exasperating, and wonderful little brother.

He had to get Oglevy something really special while he was in Troy.


On 6/4/2020 at 2:49 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"So... if you want to, I could, maybe, show you around the hive later?"

Dax's heart fluttered again, and he smiled at her with a touch of excitement in his (somewhat still puffy) eyes.

"Are you kidding me?  You bring me here to this fantastic place, with all this structure and form that looks so different than what I've seen before, and you didn't plan on showing me around?"  He laughed.  "Of course I wanna see it!  I've counted no less than sixteen different historical architectural influences in the designs, and that's just from what I've seen so far!  I wanna see more of how each unique changeling design pattern moulds and reimagines structures like that!  It's so cool!"

Dax looked over to and smiled at Illiad.  I hope he's having as much fun as I am.

  • Brohoof 1

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(Glad to hear you like the songs, or at least that they resonate with Dax as much as they did with me.)

3 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Then why hide at all, if the nation was so much more accepting than his own home was... something's not adding up, here.

(I really hope Dax asks about this later. The answer is very good.)

3 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

By the time the second song ended, Dax was crying;

There was no way that no one was going to not notice his tears, but all those gathered could easily tell that the tears came from a place of sentiment rather than sadness, it may have come as a surprise to him when he discovered a rather fancy looking hoofkerchief floating nearby to dab his tears, by the deep blue of the magic it was clearly from Sleipnir, who would simply nod and wink if he looked over at her.

Oracle, whether intentionally or out of a subconscious desire to comfort him had placed a hoof on his back to rub it gently.

3 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Of course I wanna see it!  I've counted no less than sixteen different historical architectural influences in the designs, and that's just from what I've seen so far!  I wanna see more of how each unique changeling design pattern moulds and reimagines structures like that!  It's so cool!"

All the gathered queens chuckled at Dax's enthusiasm, Permu feigning offense, "Only sixteen? You must need glasses young colt, I've worked hard to incorporate every worthy style into my city. The hallways are a veritable museum of the history of Trojan architecture, which is in and of itself a history of the architectural styles of the world. I'll have you know that every major period from Stalliongrad to the present is represented here, provided you have the eyes for it." She seemed rather proud of that.

Sleipnir chuckled before chiming in herself, "You always had to have the best of everything and could never leave the past behind." She nudged Dax, "If you're ever in Manehatten, you'll have to come by my hive, I'll show you a true architectural marvel the likes of which you wont see elsewhere."

Oracle, to her credit, was simply happy Dax wanted to spend time with her, which she demonstrated by giving him a sidelong hug with the hoof that was rubbing his back. Despite looking insectile, and while their exteriors were hard and slightly colder than a pony's coat, they were surprisingly comfortable to lie against, and Dax could swear Oracle's side was getting warmer, like a heated pillow, the longer he spent next to her.

4 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Dax looked over to and smiled at Illiad.  I hope he's having as much fun as I am.

Illiad seemed to be enjoying himself despite looking a bit out of his element, he had clearly not spent much time so close to the queens, and he himself had been admiring Sleipnir's form, the attention the said queen was relishing in as she idly moved her eight legs about.

It wasn't long before the next song was about to begin, a single earth pony approached the microphone as music started to play in the background.

It was just the one pony until (During the song) he said "One" "Two" "Three", the second and third words being said by what looked like identical ponies to the first, the other disappearing at the same moment the other appeared, making it look like it was still just the one pony, somehow teleporting without a horn. (The rest of the song, whenever there's a voice cut the singer is suddenly at a different place on the stage. At the end three identical ponies bow.)



The crowd was quite energized by the song, there was quite a bit of cheering throughout the song.

Oracle as well seemed motivated by the song, as soon before it ended she gave Dax a surprise kiss on the cheek, or an accidental one on the lips if Dax happened to be looking her way when she worked up the nerve.

Dax wouldn't have long to react as near as soon as the triplets left the stage an announcer type pony came out. "Now fellow changelings and esteemed friends of the hive it's the time you've been waiting for, lets hear some applause for your and my favorite group, HEeeeeeex COooooMmmmmb!"

With a sweeping gesture the six members of the group entered the stage, all of them changelings and each of them a different color, amber, green, blue, pink, purple, and orange. They all waved to the group, the amber one the most being from the hive they were at.

As soon as the crowd quieted down enough they set into their setlist: (You don't have to listen to them all, but I recommend it)


(/\ Main vocal by the purple changeling)

(/\ Main voice by amber changeling)

(/\ Main voice by orange changeling, they have wing flutters in this one.)

(Then the finale!)

(The blue one does the base line in all of them)

Once the set was over the applause was uproarious, even the queens were excitedly applauding while the performers bowed.

(Hope you enjoyed the musical break, it is now back to standard cultural stuff.)

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 6/15/2020 at 2:41 AM, Illiad Easle said:

There was no way that no one was going to not notice his tears, but all those gathered could easily tell that the tears came from a place of sentiment rather than sadness, it may have come as a surprise to him when he discovered a rather fancy looking hoofkerchief floating nearby to dab his tears, by the deep blue of the magic it was clearly from Sleipnir, who would simply nod and wink if he looked over at her.

Oracle, whether intentionally or out of a subconscious desire to comfort him had placed a hoof on his back to rub it gently.

He bowed politely as he took the hankerchief, then dabbed at his eyes with it.  For a moment, he considered blowing his nose... but his mother's voice hammered away at the inside of his skull over that thought, so instead he merely used it on his tears, and held it carefully when he was done; he might need its' services again.

He also passed a smile to Oracle.  They can all feel what I'm feeling... and I'm glad they don't mind my reactions.  Mother worked so hard to teach me to hide who I am, it's refreshing just to feel and express those feelings openly.  I guess it's sort of the same for changelings... but they do it out of survival, not status.  Which makes it more noble, in my eyes.  Openly, he gave the sweet changeling mare a smile.


On 6/15/2020 at 2:41 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Only sixteen? You must need glasses young colt, I've worked hard to incorporate every worthy style into my city. The hallways are a veritable museum of the history of Trojan architecture, which is in and of itself a history of the architectural styles of the world. I'll have you know that every major period from Stalliongrad to the present is represented here, provided you have the eyes for it."

He blushed.  "Well, that's all I've seen so far... and I'm not exactly a graduated expert, either.  I'm just someone who saw certain patterns that reminded him of different periods and styles; I'm nowhere near the level of expertise it would have taken to accomplish all of this!  I'm just an admirer - a humble one, with all I've seen so far.  I'm pretty sure there's none of my family's work included here - but as nobody really goes to a rock quarry, it makes sense."

It made him feel a bit... small... in such worldly company as this.  But he also knew he was technically a NOBODY in Troy; no point in letting it get to him.  Besides, in such company as this, the LAST thing he needed to think about was himself.


On 6/15/2020 at 2:41 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"If you're ever in Manehatten, you'll have to come by my hive, I'll show you a true architectural marvel the likes of which you wont see elsewhere."

Dax bowed.  "I'd be honored... of course, this trip to Troy is a rarity; I'm not sure when I'd be able to take you up on your kind offer, Your Majesty... but if I ever manage to end up in Manehattan, I'll have to try to see if I can.  Thank you kindly!"

As the music continued, he couldn't help but feel motivated to look at Oracle... actually, really look at her...

When he'd first seen her in the cage, all he could see was someone in need, someone who was suffering... and his conscience had responded.  He'd braved dealing with the rather odious diamond dog slaver, and had probably looked like a complete idiot with how he readily gave up just about every last bit he'd had... but he felt it had been worth it.

However, when she'd kissed him... it had been a spark that had ignited his soul; he'd always imagined what a kiss would feel like, and had always relied on the wonderful, rolling vocabulary of poets from the ages to regale him with tales of the perfect kiss, one which was steeped in romance and would resonate throughout a soul forevermore.

The real thing had left ALL the poets' fancy words in a heap, next to the rubbish bin.

He'd never before looked on other mares as actual love interests (well, there was Princess Luna, but that was a foal's dream, and he knew it), but when she'd kissed him, he couldn't help but see her as anything but beautiful.  Her form was so different from his, perhaps... but to Dax, her heart was all he had eyes for, right now...

Well... except her eyes... and her wings... and her carapace... and her-


On 6/15/2020 at 2:41 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Oracle as well seemed motivated by the song, as soon before it ended she gave Dax a surprise kiss on the cheek, or an accidental one on the lips if Dax happened to be looking her way when she worked up the nerve.

Right smack dab on the lips.

Again, the entire hive was treated to Dax's explosive emotions as it felt like two comets just struck each other, head-on, inside his heart.  His look of shocked surprise was cute, and his blush was the stuff of legends.

Daxter Blackwater!  Her mother is RIGHT THERE!

Even with this quick, heated snippet going through his mind... all he showed outwardly was a dopey grin, plastered all over his beet red muzzle.


On 6/15/2020 at 2:41 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Now fellow changelings and esteemed friends of the hive it's the time you've been waiting for, lets hear some applause for your and my favorite group, HEeeeeeex COooooMmmmmb!"

Dax sat forward; now THIS was what he'd been brought here to see, and he was completely and utterly at the mercy and whim of the talent onstage.  He noted their colors, and also noticed the amber one being a local - at least, from the reactions he saw, he wagered that was the case.  He tried looking them over a bit, to see if there were possibly any hive-specific traits that were commonplace between them; it was an idle shot in the dark, but changelings were far more individual than they were given credit for.

The music itself?  

Dax had never experienced a performance like the one in front of him, onstage; the way they worked their harmonies made his spine shiver, and the high energy and emotion of the lyrics, coupled with their obvious showmanship made for an exquisite performace that Dax would undoubtedly be humming for the rest of his life.  Each song was golden, and every changeling in attendance was absolutely lovng it - which, in turn, made Dax even more excited.


On 6/15/2020 at 2:41 AM, Illiad Easle said:

Once the set was over the applause was uproarious, even the queens were excitedly applauding while the performers bowed.

And Dax joned them, wholeheartedly, even giving a sharp whistle of appreciation with a hoof to his mouth... he hoped it wouldn't be inappropriate, but he'd enjoyed it enough to forego his usual shy attitude and just let it happen.  

As soon as the applause had calmed down, he turned to face the royals and gave a polite bow.  "Thank you ever so much for inviting us to this incredible performance - I can't ever thank you enough for this experience, and I appreciate being able to enjoy this wonder out of the kindness of your heart.  With every fiber of my being, thank you most kindly."

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4 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

but if I ever manage to end up in Manehattan, I'll have to try to see if I can.  Thank you kindly!"

Sleipnir nodded, "You go to the Hay Tower, tell the receptionist that Indigo Blue is expecting you." Dax likely would have heard his mother talking about Indigo Blue before, a massive real estate tycoon who owned more of Mahehatten than anyone else, the vast majority of its tourist attractions, as well as a large amount of attractions in the surrounding cities, she was seen as the pinnacle of status in the city despite not having any apparent ties to any noble house. Anyone who was even seen in the same room as her in any formal setting were seen as higher status, no doubt his mother at one point had tried to be in attendance at one of her parties.

And now Dax had a direct invitation, presuming that, just like how Permu was Goldenrod, Sleipnir was Indigo.

4 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

Even with this quick, heated snippet going through his mind... all he showed outwardly was a dopey grin, plastered all over his beet red muzzle.

Oracle's blush was a strong contender against Dax's, and was accompanied by a polite snort on the part of Permu, and a d'awww from Sleipnir.

4 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Thank you ever so much for inviting us to this incredible performance - I can't ever thank you enough for this experience, and I appreciate being able to enjoy this wonder out of the kindness of your heart.  With every fiber of my being, thank you most kindly."

The queens nodded in response, Permu standing to leave, "We stand to thank thee more, our daughter is our most precious above all our other possessions. We would give anything to see her safe, this is the least we could do to repay."

Sleipnir came near as she too stood to leave, "Besides, between the two of you" she motioned to him and Illiad, "You've more than repaid the price of admission with your, explosive, emotions."

She stretched out her many legs and wings, likely more for Dax and Illiad to see than her own comfort, before following her sister out of the chamber.

Illiad and Oracle had gotten up by that point, Oracle looking to Dax excitedly while Illiad peered down at the dispersing crowd over the edge of the Queen's box. Oracle motioned for Dax to follow, "So, what do you want to see first? The central chambers? The school? The pits? The nursery? Ooh! I could take you to the storehouse, see how the gel tastes for you! Maybe let you try some of  Cindy's candy. Or we could go to the vault, show you the wall of notable history." It sounded like she'd keep going on until Dax picked one.

Illiad would come follow unless Dax wanted to take the tour alone?

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 6/22/2020 at 4:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"You go to the Hay Tower, tell the receptionist that Indigo Blue is expecting you."

Oh, he knew the name far better than anyone else realized; it was a name that his mother had both praised and cursed, in equal amounts sometimes, due to Vylia's inability to gain any sort of social growth.  The pegasus mare would gush about how savvy she was, and how she would gladly chat her up about finances... but the poor Blackwater never got even one hoof in the door with those in such circles - the family's reputation, though undeserved by the current generation, was still well-known among the upper class... and unfortunately, inescapable.

Vylia had always wanted to attend to such a social icon; Dax had been pretty much cleared to visit as he wished.  For some reason, it made him feel as if he'd accomplished just a touch more than she did... and the thought made him feel a bit proud.  But just a bit; the score was still HEAVILY in his mother's favor, so maybe he shouldn't exactly celebrate just yet.

"Thank you... OH!  A-and here," he held out the hankerchief to her, "this is yours; I wouldn't want to walk off with it, as I can be a bit... uhm, forgetful, sometimes.  And thank you so much for letting me use it."  


On 6/22/2020 at 4:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"We stand to thank thee more, our daughter is our most precious above all our other possessions. We would give anything to see her safe, this is the least we could do to repay."

Dax wasn't very sure about Permu referring to her own daughter as a possession... but he understood what she was trying to say.

"Well, I'm still flattered, all the same... a-and I hope we get to meet again, someday!  I mean, uhm, i-if you ever come to the... uhm, th-the quarry." 

He realized there was probably little chance that someone as well-off as she was would ever actually go TO a gem quarry; that's what other workers were employed to do, and it wasn't as if the quarry was a tourist destination, after all.  He was a bit embarrassed for offering, but it felt like the right thing to do in response to so much generosity from them, regardless of why.

After all... Dax himself was exceedingly glad he'd rescued her too.


On 6/22/2020 at 4:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Besides, between the two of you, you've more than repaid the price of admission with your, explosive, emotions."

Dax grinned sheepishly.  "Oh... I'm, uhm, s-sorry if it was a bit much, I'm... n-not exactly a bastion of emotional control.  But I still hope it helped... uhm, in the way it does for all of you."

It was a bit weird, but he knew they made gel-food from emotions... he just didn't want to seem like he thought himself an expert, yet.  There would be a LOT to learn... and he was looking forward to it.

He bowed politely again to the royals as the took their leave, then he was going to speak to Oracle... but she got to him first.


On 6/22/2020 at 4:15 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"So, what do you want to see first? The central chambers? The school? The pits? The nursery? Ooh! I could take you to the storehouse, see how the gel tastes for you! Maybe let you try some of  Cindy's candy. Or we could go to the vault, show you the wall of notable history."

She sounds almost like I did, when Illiad and I first got a moment together, out of sight of my parents.  That's... so adorable.

"Oracle, whatever you wanna show me first is fine by me - though history sounds like something I can really dig into!"

He looked back at Illiad, about to ask him to come along... when something inside him said that the Trojan would probably enjoy a bit of time away from the blast-furnace of Dax's emotions right now; the Blackwater wasn't sure if he had been hurt or not by the expressions he gave out during the concert, as he'd been watching the show.

"Illiad?  Uhm, I'm gonna go check out the stuff Oracle wants to show me - you gonna be okay here on your own for a bit?  I mean, if it's okay with you?"

  • Brohoof 1

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5 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"this is yours; I wouldn't want to walk off with it, as I can be a bit... uhm, forgetful, sometimes.  And thank you so much for letting me use it."  

Sleipnir waved him off, "Keep it, no one will believe you otherwise." If Dax looked closer he'd see it wasn't just any handkerchief, but one which had been embroidered with Indigo's mark, a tower with a sun burst behind it, in exceedingly expert stitching. It would be worth a fortune if its value as a status symbol alone didn't make it priceless.

5 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Oracle, whatever you wanna show me first is fine by me - though history sounds like something I can really dig into!"

Oracle squeed in excitement as she started to lead the way, "To the vault it is then!"

5 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Illiad?  Uhm, I'm gonna go check out the stuff Oracle wants to show me - you gonna be okay here on your own for a bit?  I mean, if it's okay with you?"

Illiad looked surprised, but chuckled with a friendly smile, "You go have fun, now's not the time to let her get away from you. I should be getting back to Swift and Carbon anyway, I'm sure you and Oracle will be able to find us when you're done." With that he set off on his own path while Dax followed Oracle.

Oracle would lead the way through the halls of the hive, just as Permu had said there was a multitude of different styles present, both in their historical form as well as fusions of two or three different periods in some of them. Oracle was sure to point them out as they passed, along with everything else they passed. "Over there is the central chambers where the hive first started, down that hallway is the pits and the nursery, up that hall is the archives..." and on she'd go excitedly. As they walked the other changelings looked on with kind faces, giving them a wide enough berth for them to pass through without bumping into any of them.

It was about five minutes of walking before they came across their first obstacle, given changelings were all born with wings they often had hallways that went straight up and down, it wasn't until Oracle was a good ways down a vertical hallway that she noticed that Dax wasn't behind her anymore, returning with a sheepish expression, "Sorry about that, I forgot... Here, I'll carry you down!" She leapt onto his back to grab him around his barrel with her legs before slowly lifting him into the air with the furious beating of her wings to then lift him over the hole and slowly begin their descent. 

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 6/24/2020 at 3:40 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Keep it, no one will believe you otherwise."

Status symbol or not, it was a gift from a Changeling Queen, which meant it was special to him regardless.  He carefully rolled it up, then reached back and fetched a string of green yarn from his mane, tied it in, then shuffled it back into the thick of his headful of wild hair, hidden completely from view.


On 6/24/2020 at 3:40 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"You go have fun, now's not the time to let her get away from you. I should be getting back to Swift and Carbon anyway, I'm sure you and Oracle will be able to find us when you're done."

Dax nodded.  "Let them know we'll be along soon enough!"  Then, it struck him, what Illiad had said...

Let her get away from me?  Am... am I chasing her?  Is she chasing ME?  I... actually don't know...

He looked at Oracle again, and smiled.  It doesn't matter - as long as I get to spend a bit more time with her, it doesn't really matter who's chasing whom, does it?

Dax waved to Illiad as he walked off, then turned back to Oracle with excitement in his eyes, rushing to catch up to her.


On 6/24/2020 at 3:40 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Over there is the central chambers where the hive first started, down that hallway is the pits and the nursery, up that hall is the archives..."

Dax marvelled at the structure of the hive itself, and was astounded to consider that if THIS was the first room in the hive's history, then the hive was even more massive than he'd realized; he'd been doing some tricks he'd learned from quarry workers, about gauging how big a tunnel really is.  But his discovery was that they must have been almost a mile from the outside walls of the gathered colony - a realization that sparked even more wonder, as he realized the hive was not just a single floor.

He talked back with Oracle as they went, telling her of what he knew about the particular styles of architecture - and usually adding a nifty trivial fact as well, making it a bit more fun.


On 6/24/2020 at 3:40 AM, Illiad Easle said:

As they walked the other changelings looked on with kind faces, giving them a wide enough berth for them to pass through without bumping into any of them.

He waved to each one that looked their way - he was absolutely stoked that they ALL saw him so kindly, and he wasn't about to ignore a single one of them... especially a certain one, of course.


On 6/24/2020 at 3:40 AM, Illiad Easle said:

"Sorry about that, I forgot... Here, I'll carry you down!"

Dax gave her a sheepish grin.  "Maybe I should invest in some climbing gear, next time I visit?"

He carefully let her take hold of him, and descend with him in her embrace... which, as Dax was Dax, he thoroughly enjoyed the closeness of.  If it meant you had to hold onto me the entire time, I'd let you fly me to the moon... and back.


  • Brohoof 1

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7 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Maybe I should invest in some climbing gear, next time I visit?"

Oracle chuckled, "Yeah, the hive's not exactly super accessible to hose who can't fly or teleport. It's part of the defenses besides the fact that you'd get very lost if you weren't really good with directions."

It wouldn't take long for Oracle to reach an alcove and set Dax down, once again taking the lead, "It's not much farther, come on!"

She wasn't talking much about the architecture here, seemingly too excited about what was coming to do much more than occasionally look back to ensure Dax was following. Soon enough they arrived at the vault, but instead of vast quantities of gemstones or gold it was a collection of a variety of trinkets, some assorted portraits and paintings. Clearly it was more a vault of sentiment than valuables.

Oracle brought him over to a wall covered with portraits and tapestries, most likely of historical figures of Troy given they weren't of changelings and Dax wouldn't recognize them. She pointed to the tapestry on the far left, depicting a regal looking stallion with ice blue eyes with one of if not the most beautiful mare Dax had ever seen. "That is Trojan Horse with my mother when they were married. He became the second known Changeling King." She'd continue across the line, "Achilles, who founded Spartrot, Daedalus, who founded Alphyns, " she'd go on naming historical leaders, prominent warriors, revolutionary scholars, all of whom, according to Oracle, had been changelings from the hive. At the end of the row was a more recent painting, Dax may have recognized the picture as Little Mac from the poster he had seen earlier, the one who had been announced on the radio of being a changeling.

Under the row of paintings and tapestries was an archway through which the amber light of dozens of rows of candles could be seen, he couldn't tell from this angle but it looked like there could be more to that room.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Clearly it was more a vault of sentiment than valuables.

Dax gazed in wonder at the amassed gathering of bits from other changeling's lives; he wondered about each piece he saw, from the magnificent to the ludicrous, wondering how each one got here... and the stories behind them, as well.

There has to be a fortune here, just in tales alone!  If only I could see the history of every little thing in here... of course, then I'd be stuck here for years!

He glanced over at Oracle and smiled.  Not that it would neccessarily be a BAD thing, mind you...


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"That is Trojan Horse with my mother when they were married. He became the second known Changeling King."

Dax's eyes went wide.  "Trojan Horse was a Changeling King!?  WOW!  I never even thought that... I mean, how would anyone ever... and he just... WOW!"

It amazed him to learn of this fact, and he continued to take in all that she was saying; history, to Dax Blackwater, was one of the most interesting things ever, and here he'd found someone who was just as knowledgable about their past as he was of his own.  Though part of him wanted to share that history with her right now... he also realized he was the guest here, and this was a golden opportunity to learn something new.  He could always share his own family's history later, or if she ever came to the quarry, he could-

Silly Dax, he thought, she's probably too important to leave Troy; I don't think she'll ever be able to actually come to the quarry, but it's a nice dream, right?

Still, outwardly, he hung onto every syllable she spoke, soaking up the changeling hive's history like a thirsty sponge.


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

Under the row of paintings and tapestries was an archway through which the amber light of dozens of rows of candles could be seen, he couldn't tell from this angle but it looked like there could be more to that room.

Dax pointed a hoof at the archway.  "That looks interesting... am I allowed to ask what's in there?"

If she said he couldn't know, he'd accept that - he had to exercise respect for his hosts, of course.  But still, the little curiosity monster that lived inside his brain was beginning to stir.


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Oracle seemed happier for Dax's commentary on the figures as she described them, but grew quiet when she was what he was pointing at, "Oh? Umm..." She took a few steps over towards it, then paused, turning back with a serious expression. "I trust that you care, that you truly do respect us, otherwise I wouldn't even consider showing you, but there's a few things you need to understand first."

She pointed back up at the portraits, "You know how, when a changeling transforms, there is a ring of fire that passes over them? We call that our inner fire, it comes out when we're in between forms, and when we die. You see, our bodies are covered by a thin magical barrier without which we'd burn to ashes. We can modify this barrier to look like anyone we want to, which gives us our ability. But when we die this barrier is disrupted, and the body burns to ash."

She'd look back at Dax, "That is why no one has ever found a dead changeling before, there was no body to find."

She would start leading the way through the archway into a large room filled with candles of differing heights, all burning with a golden amber light. "We believe that names have power, that each generation builds upon the last. When a changeling dies, we gather up as much of the ash as can be found, with that a number of candles are made, one for here," she gestured to the room, "And one for every loved one the changeling had in life. If any ash remains it is usually sold as fire salts as it makes a potent fire starter. If you've seen flames of a different color, chances are it contained ash from a similarly colored hive."

She'd encourage Dax to come closer to one of the taller candles, each candle had a name printed on the bottom and a mark carved into the body of the candle. "While a candle burns here, their name is remembered and preserved. Once their candle burns out, the time has come for another to take their name, they are taught about the previous bearers of their name, encouraged to further improve their history, and often take the same or similar mark as their predecessor. With a hive this big there are few new names, like myself, so often you'd be able to ask a changeling about their past lives and they'd likely be more than happy to tell you."

In the midst of all the candles there was one that stood out, instead of amber it was an icy blue, and it was not lit. The name printed on it was Trojan Horse.

Oracle would sit quietly while Dax took in the room, seemingly reverenced by the importance of it all.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"I trust that you care, that you truly do respect us, otherwise I wouldn't even consider showing you, but there's a few things you need to understand first."

Dax nodded - he did indeed care, and this was sounding more important than what he'd already heard.  He knew he had to tread carefully.


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"You know how, when a changeling transforms, there is a ring of fire that passes over them? We call that our inner fire, it comes out when we're in between forms, and when we die. You see, our bodies are covered by a thin magical barrier without which we'd burn to ashes. We can modify this barrier to look like anyone we want to, which gives us our ability. But when we die this barrier is disrupted, and the body burns to ash."

"That is why no one has ever found a dead changeling before, there was no body to find."

A barrier between life and death... it sounds so profound.


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

"We believe that names have power, that each generation builds upon the last. When a changeling dies, we gather up as much of the ash as can be found, with that a number of candles are made, one for here, and one for every loved one the changeling had in life. If any ash remains it is usually sold as fire salts as it makes a potent fire starter. If you've seen flames of a different color, chances are it contained ash from a similarly colored hive."

He stepped closer to the candle she'd indicated, and looked closely at the name and mark presented with a sense of both reverence and wonder.

All these names... legacies of histories past, and with the honor of being named comes the inevitability of becoming another candle, to continue the cycle again...

Dax was exceedingly glad he'd felt the way he did about changelings; he'd often wondered if he was just being naive (as Oglevy had insisted), but to learn of such a tradition made him thoroughly glad he'd always chosen to see others for who they were, and not judge an entire race based on the actions of a few bad examples.

If all of Equestria olny knew about this... But he already knew he'd never tell a soul.  From all he'd learned from Illiad and Troy, he was somewhat afraid that such information would be buried, possibly by Celestia herself if it worked against her.  Feeling fearful of his nation's leader was difficult to bear, but he wasn't sure if he could even trust his homeland anymore.

A shame, because he once loved it.


1 hour ago, Illiad Easle said:

In the midst of all the candles there was one that stood out, instead of amber it was an icy blue, and it was not lit. The name printed on it was Trojan Horse.

He stared at it for a long moment, just taking in what it meant.

Troy is an amazing nation... and so many, many wondrous things exist here... so many mysteries... and this is only one of them, and yet it ranks up there with the most incredible stories to ever come from Equus itself.  So much history... it makes me feel like my family's just an inkspot on the grand map of time...

The thought was a bit melancholy, but Dax didn't show it - in fact, he kept that feeling well-hidden, thanks to his mother's training in emotional control, and instead of lamenting any further, he turned back to look with fresh wonder at the miracle of life that was Oracle, a changeling he had personally helped to freedom, and who now held his heart in her hooves.

"Oracle?  Would... w-would you be willing to tell me your story?" he asked hesitantly, but with curiosity and awe writ large across his features.


  • Brohoof 1

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Oracle was shaken from her thoughts by Dax's question, "Huh? My story?" she thought for a moment, "Like I said, I'm one of the few in this hive with a new name. I'm the first changeling of this hive named Oracle, so I don't suppose there's much to say about me that you don't already know..." She seemed disappointed that she didn't have more to say about herself, until an idea struck her. "No, wait, I suppose it isn't the same in the traditional sense, but I suppose it counts for what you're asking about." She sat up a bit straighter, "I was named after an earth pony mare, Oracle Delphi, a sort of shaman who lived on a small island in the middle of a sunken oasis, where the city of DelPhi currently stands. She was known for her style of painting what she saw in her visions, despite being blind she was an excellent artist. Creatures from all over the world came to see her prophecies and hear her interpretations. Eventually a creature came who did not like the prophecy they had received, and Oracle was found murdered on her island, her blood finishing her final prophecy." She was somber for a bit but bounced back, "You know that giant tapestry they hung off the wall of Deltrot? That was originally painted by Oracle. Some say it was fulfilled in the Trojan Independence, but others think that it still hasn't been completed. Anyway, I, being named after her, have been training with a number of friendly zebra shaman from Mohotma so I could perform image prophecy like she did. If you want, um..." she grew a bit more shy, "... maybe later I could do one for you? But anyway, we should get moving or I won't be able to show you everything before you have to go! What do you want to see next?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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Dax listened to the story of Oracle Delphi, and took it in as if it was one of his starcharts; this was something that was hers, and he wanted to know about as much of her as he could.  Once she reached the part about the ruinous ending, he felt his heart fall a bit - but found redemption in the awe he held at thinking back to that massive tapestry, and how beautiful it was.

I have to thank Illiad yet again; I'd have never known such wonders as the land of Troy, nor would I have met Oracle - but most importantly, I'd have never known such a friend like him.  I'm so glad I signed up for this exchange... and I can hardly wait to see what else is here.  I only have a few days left; I hope they're as full of adventure as today is.

4 minutes ago, Illiad Easle said:

"... maybe later I could do one for you? But anyway, we should get moving or I won't be able to show you everything before you have to go! What do you want to see next?" 

Oh, I would definitely LOVE to have something personal from her when I go back - if she's allowed to let me keep it!

Dax smiled, glad to see Oracle so excited... which, in turn, brought some more of his own excitement out of him.  "Okay, well - what's the next closest, coolest thing here?  I'd love to see as MUCH as possible!"

  • Brohoof 1

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(Sorry for the delay, I forgot I hadn't finished this post!)

Oracle led the way back out of the remembrance room, motioning for Dax to follow, "Well, I think the pits are closest, then we can go through the central chambers up to the nursery, the school and warehouse are near there."

As Oracle led the way the architecture grew much more basic, "We're coming up on the start of the hive, back when function was far more important than fashion. The only thing Mother cares for more than having the finest of everything, it's preservation of history. As such these halls are only maintained structurally and will never be updated to modern styles."

They passed through a simple archway into the bottom of an absolutely massive ravine, the walls of which were covered in alcoves almost like a honeycomb with changelings of all sizes flying in and out of each of them. Across the top of the ravine was what looked like an artificial sun, slowly making its way across the length of the ravine keeping pace with where Dax would expect the sun to be. Oracle gestured out to the large open area with a large smile, "This is the central chambers! This ravine used to be open to the air, but we built a thick ceiling over the top to keep the sand out and maintain secrecy. Mother then built that sundial so we can tell what time it is without going up to the surface." She'd bring him over to one of the unoccupied alcoves, the entrance was covered with what looked like a thin layer of gel, actually serving as a sort of curtain when Oracle held it aside for Dax to go in. It looked like a simple sleeping area, there was space to keep stuff and a bed which looked like it was similar to the chairs they had first sat in in the auditorium. "Here in the hive there isn't much individuality. When you live here you typically haven't made your own image yet and you don't tend to accumulate too much stuff before venturing out. Combined with the pretty much 24 hour cycle of the hive means we use about 66% less space in sleeping areas by not having allocated rooms. Everyone just sleeps in whichever one is open when they get tired. The curtain can be closed with magic so no one else stumbles in. Once a changeling makes an image for themselves they tend to leave the hive and live in their own houses, Mother helps them get started financially so they can focus on cultivating and harvesting energy, returning every so often to exchange their filled barrels for empty ones."

So long as Dax didn't have any questions, Oracle would then excitedly lead the way to the next location, starting up one of the ramps that connected the different levels and led to the exit tunnels to the chambers.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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On 6/28/2020 at 5:20 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"We're coming up on the start of the hive, back when function was far more important than fashion. The only thing Mother cares for more than having the finest of everything, it's preservation of history. As such these halls are only maintained structurally and will never be updated to modern styles."

"And they shouldn't be!  I mean, the rest of the hive was a conglomerate of a number of different styles and structures... but this?  THIS is a more accurate and pure depiction of Changeling architecture style than anything else I've seen yet..."

Dax took it all in, almost to the point of bumping into walls and unseen obstacles; he was simply mesmerized by the sight, almost as if he'd found something to rival his stars.


On 6/28/2020 at 5:20 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"This is the central chambers! This ravine used to be open to the air, but we built a thick ceiling over the top to keep the sand out and maintain secrecy. Mother then built that sundial so we can tell what time it is without going up to the surface."

The Blackwater was stunned and in awe of the artificial sun, and he marveled at the sight in silence... but his imagination was running WILD inside his head.

The designs alone look more alien to me than anything else - but I like it!  It feels more organic, and seems to keep a flow with the rest of the place; at certain angles, I can even look through some of the holes and see clean through to other hallways!  This is IMPRESSIVE - and I'll just bet Illiad's dad would love to see something like this for himself!

Dax was missing Illiad a bit... it also made this a more personal and unique experience because of it.  He hadn't spent much time alone, and much of that had been bad situations: dealing with the slave trader, the accidental meeting with Midget and Illiad's political rival, encountering the darkness inside his friend - but now, there was a good experience with being on his own in Troy, in a Changeling Hive...

With her.

Dax sighed softly to himself, turning to listen to her speak with genuine interest.


On 6/28/2020 at 5:20 PM, Illiad Easle said:

"Here in the hive there isn't much individuality. When you live here you typically haven't made your own image yet and you don't tend to accumulate too much stuff before venturing out. Combined with the pretty much 24 hour cycle of the hive means we use about 66% less space in sleeping areas by not having allocated rooms. Everyone just sleeps in whichever one is open when they get tired. The curtain can be closed with magic so no one else stumbles in. Once a changeling makes an image for themselves they tend to leave the hive and live in their own houses, Mother helps them get started financially so they can focus on cultivating and harvesting energy, returning every so often to exchange their filled barrels for empty ones."

He glanced around, then smiled.

"It kinda reminds me of my tent, though I do have a few things there, like a desk.  It's simple and efficient - just like the rest of the hive."

He tested the bed with a hoof.  "Uhm, I hope this doesn't sound bad, but... from what I've seen, there are a number of similarities between changelings and... a-and bees.  Is that just a coincidence, or is there some connection there?"

He was genuinely curious; hives, shells, a queen... he just hoped he hadn't insulted them by comparing them to insects, and would readily apologize if they truly minded the comparison. 


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10 hours ago, Randimaxis said:

"Uhm, I hope this doesn't sound bad, but... from what I've seen, there are a number of similarities between changelings and... a-and bees.  Is that just a coincidence, or is there some connection there?"

Now that got her to stumble a bit as she came to a stop on the path, Dax may start to worry at her halting and silence before she started to quietly laugh, then laugh fully causing others to take notice and come closer.

It wouldn't take long for her to recover from the laughing fit Dax had started her on, wiping the tears from her eyes and waving away the gathering crowd and motioning for Dax to follow as she quickly entered the nearest tunnel to be away from the group. "That... that's an apt comparison I suppose," she chuckled again, "But I'd refrain from saying it to too many changelings, they might not take the comparison as well as I do. But still, I suppose we are similar to bumblebees in a way, the ponies being like flowers. We go out among them, help them thrive so they can produce 'pollen' that we turn into food. Further," her expression lost some of it's mirth "A number of ponies confuse us for wasps or hornets, get scared and lash out. Still, there are worse things to be compared to, I myself am rather fond of bumblebees, they're very cute up close, they don't want to hurt you, and they help all the beautiful flowers grow. Maybe, when I'm a full queen, I'll have an apiary in my hive."

That said, she'd continue leading down the tunnel, which started to become noticeably more humid and warm as they traveled. If Dax were watching Oracle he'd get to see how the vapor that condensed on her ran down the channels in her plates, pooling in the cavities of the holes in her legs. 

She'd start to idly beat her wings, the air disturbing the pools in her legs as she continued.

Provided Dax didn't ask, they'd soon arrive at the source of the heat and humidity: A large chamber with a natural hot spring filled the room with steam, the water traveled through a number of cooling pools before it reached a gated divider that would funnel the water into a number of different pits where changelings were working on turning the mineralized water into changeling gel. Dax would see a number of the working changelings expectorating a sort of amber goo into the water, which seemed to be a crucial step in turning water into gel. "This is the pits! Where we make most the gel for the hive, it's a bit hard to work down here since we have a hot spring in the desert, but it is rich in the minerals we need to survive and they are well compensated. Mother even gives special rewards to those who volunteer to work the pits, special tools for their roles, extra money for the surface, whatever they reasonably ask for."

Thanks to @Lord Valtasar for the profile pic!

I'm a published author on FiMFiction! A Cultural Exchange By Myself and @Randimaxis


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