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open [Fantasy][Pony] The Scarring of Equestria

Your Nightly Spectre

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Everything was dark, with red eyes following and piercing no matter where he went... this went on for hours on hours on end, suddenly the area lit up in flames a loud roar echoed throughout the endless area, burning deep into his soul-


Dark Stars eyes blurred as they opened, lying there flat on an oak table, looking around he realized he was exactly where he was before falling asleep mid-study... the grand Canterlot Library. Fixing his sight and casting an arcanic fire spell the candles around him lit up, it was very dark due to being in the blocked off sector, no windows, just expansive halls surrounded by tall bookcases filled with old forgotten knowledge, now lightly lit thanks to the yellow flames of the many candles around the room.


Around him on the study were books upon books of all sorts, the one under his face once more gained his attention, with glowing red runic letters, turning to the cover his memories flooded back... months of pointless library dwelling to chill the pain within him... to forget, to leave what happened behind, to fix it... for nothing.


Getting out of a old comfy chair Star stretched his hooves and head, gazing around at the empty corridor. Levitating one of the candles he made his way until reaching the staircase leading upwards. Reaching the main floor his head nodded a hello at the old library keeper. Greeted back by the sound of thunder, and sight of rain and flashing outside the window.


Blowing the candle away and in the meantime levitating his cloak over Star opened the door and without much of a goodbye left unto the soaking street, standing there for a good minute as his cloak and fur soaked before beginning to walk down the mostly empty morning road...It was a pointless walk, just to waste his time, same as everyday, he didn't mind humiliating himself like this, any sense of self morality gone long ago. Stopping in the city center his eyes wandered to the completely storm cloud covered lightly red sky, the casual loud strike of lightning hitting some distant house and flashing the area white... it was mid-day, but few ponies dared leave their house for obvious wet reasons.

Edited by TheLonelySpectre


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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At the edge of the city, Monomyth perched on the roof of a store that was out-of-business.  She stared out into the distance, not really caring that the weather was so abysmal.  As a matter of fact, she found it rather soothing.  All of it, even the thunder.  In particular, she liked the red part of the sky, because she could spend a long time jokingly dissecting the meaning behind it.  Maybe the end of the world is coming, maybe somepony became a fire being, maybe some drunkard spilled wine on the clouds.  


Despite this warding off of negativity, she never closed her eyes, never blocked her ears, never covered her coat, until she was thoroughly convinced it was safe.  And as soothing as this rooftop by the edge of the city was, she wasn't safe.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Sapphire Snow was going through cabinets and drawers in her home, which she more so considered just a shelter rather than a home. She wouldn't dare call this grim place a home. She shook her head at the thought and continued her search. She had misplaced a book her mentor had given her before The Scarring. It wasn't a very rare book, nor did it have any outstanding content, but it did tend to answer her basic alchemy questions she came across during her studies.


She let out a sigh as she opened her last drawer, finding it empty except for a few nails. She slammed it shut knowing she'd have to make the unpleasant journey to the Library. It had been a rather miserable morning, with the rain pouring down without relenting, and the rest of the day didn't look too promising. She glanced around the room, looking over the open books and bottles full of who-knows-what type of potion. She smirked at that thought. Her mentor would have her head if he saw this chaos. She let out a short laugh before shaking her head, getting her thoughts back on track. Her eyes located her coat which she levitated onto her back before grabbing her saddle bag. She figured if she was going out, she might as well make use of the trip and grab a few ingredients she might need. 


She doubled checked herself, better safe than sorry, before cautiously opening her door and quickly darting down the street, keeping her head down to avoid pony's eyes. 


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Lyssa had found herself sitting at the bar at a local tavern, just at the edge of Canterlot. She had been sneaking around all day, looting houses and pick-pocketing ponies. She was playing with her knifes, showing some tricks to strangers. It was enough to celebrate. However, after a few too many drinks she decided it would be best for her to head out. Before her anger and alcohol got the best of her... like last time. I had bruises for weeks. Not that it compared to how the others looked. The small mare chuckled at her own thoughts before she jumped of her chair, gave a small nod to the stallion behind the bar before heading outside.


As soon as she stepped outside rain came pouring down on top of her. ''Great... Nice to meet you rain. Rain, meet thunderstorm. Thunderstorm meet rain.'' She said with an irritated sigh. She covered up her head with her hood. She walked into an ally, climbing on the wall with the help of a trash can and then jumped onto the roof. It was her favorite way around the city. Being able to see everything that was going on. Sadly there weren't many ponies out with such extreme weather. She sighed again before she continued to make her way from roof to roof.

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Welp. There went the day.

She couldn't be bothered to hold in the irritated, if a bit exhasuted, sigh as she stuffed her supplies back into the satchel at her side. Notebooks, quills, loose paper, tightly sealed jars of ink, all found their way jammed inside the little leather sack by none-too-gentle hooves. Silvia had spent all morning convincing herself to get out of bed and get to work and then this happens. Rain. It was hardly fair. No one would be out in weather like this, bar the desperate and the dregs of society. Which meant today would be quiet, as most citizens had locked themselves inside like sensible people.
She couldn't write in her own home.
She had to be out and about, amid the bustle and life of the city. It was comforting; it filled her with a sense of purpose that spilled into the words she wrote and wove fantastic tales. The only places she really tended to stay away from were taverns. They were far too rowdy, unfortunately. Thankfully, there were tons of other places in Canterlot she could go to write alongside the comforting presence of other souls.
But she couldn't do that if there was no one around, damn it! 
Grumbling crossly under her breath, she tucked a few loose strands of her mane back under her cap, settling it more firmly over her head, and pulled the midnight-colored cloak tighter across her body. Giving the soggy street one last miserable glance, she marched out of the building she'd taken shelter in and began the long walk home. 

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Heathlife was outside underneath the leaf cover of a tree near his home, he did live in canterlot for now and really forever was his guess. He had been there thinking of billions, millions... An infinite number of things while the rain calmed him down making their splashing and hitting of leaves, stone, cobbleroad and house roof. It was satisfying for him right now, normally he would start shouting right out at the clouds trying to destroy them, this time. He didn't, he thought it was calming, even the thunder with its rhythm to the beating of rain hitting leaves, stone and other various things in his vicinity. Suddenly he started talking to himself out loud ''if i just turn part #42 around... Yes, it would work... No, what if i instead reroute part #20 to part #45... No, it would be too ineffective...'' he then started rambling on and on about the parts... For what purpose or even what these parts are to be lost to the rain. Once again he started talking outloud but this time louder ''Why... Why do i think about this? I do not want to help these ignisificant life forms that live, dwell... Corrode the existance that is this ground... Why, why does my body reject me cleansing this ground.... Why does my thoughts exist to help them, i only want power... Power so i can finally beat them all into the ground... the gruond, yes... I...'' his voice, once again lost to the echoing of the rain was quieted for a long time, a long time you probably wouldn't realize you would feel. He sat there for one minute not thinking and just silently speaking of his hatred, his lust.... His love for the destruction of those around him, for you it would soon be over, but for him. He sat there only for some seconds but each second felt like an hour, and a minute a day... an hour a month. He sat there, just gazing blankly while talking... Talking and talking, to himself, to the trees, even to the ground that you once walked upon to reach your destination. He talked about anything on his mind... Hating the purpose of it, he knew himself he wanted nothing good of the ponies that live in this world, he would rather break apart his skulle than hear their endless, rotten journey through life. But when, when did it start? When did it end? These were thoughts that came into his head and he screamed out loud a horrifying shriek, as if the devil himself had taken hostage of his body. In between these he cursed his own mortal body as well as everything around.

  • Brohoof 1

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Monomyth's ears perked up at the sound of the scream despite the pounding rain.  Thinking somepony was in trouble, she took flight.  She flew fast as she could to the location of the scream, landing on the edge of a rooftop and looking on the ground.  Her violet eyes landed on a lone stallion who seemed to be muttering to himself.  She barely had to strain her ears to hear what he was saying.  A pony who's angry at the world who's expressing it verbally?  That's new...




When she flew over to the rooftop she was now standing on, Monomyth had flown over a mare who was traversing the rooftops.  The lightning made her wing blades flash like the sun.

Edited by Akari of Duskshire
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Yennefer heeded the crimson sky, It rendered her meek and calm. She had recently arrived in Canterlot after some time on the road, She didn't mind the rain, But she fancied the red sky as it helped block out the mildly disturbing thunder. Trotting down the streets of the gloomy Canterlot, She carefully inspected her surroundings. Nothing really caught her attention until she saw a pony stunting her way over the rooftops, Looks like fun... Before getting to join the pony on the rooftops, A horrified scream echoed through her ears. The sudden scream was like music to her, And she giggled at the screech flowing through her head like the sweet tones of misery they were. I'd better take a look, Wouldn't want to miss anything... She now had a slightly twisted smile covering her face like a veil of a killer.

Edited by Gentleman Cruki
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Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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Dark Star eyes kept sticking to the red skies.


Something is off... He thought. 


You think? Another thought answered in his head, as if another yet the same person, a firmer voice.


Sky hasn't been this red since I remember... and...


...The books...


We must ring the-


@, @@Akari of Duskshire, @@rolle, @@Daylight Heretic, @@Pucksterv, @,


The cities alarm bells begun to ring, as everyone in the city suddenly unexpectedly felt a long shiver run down their bodies and their hearts skipping a beat. Within what was meer seconds the sky alongside a loud blinding strike of thunder got redder, emitting red light itself at the city as the air begun to feel stale and metalic. It wasn't long before a powerful quake hit the city, everything shaking out of nowhere... Screams coming from the houses and streets begun filling the air as nopony knew what was happening... exempt the few who've been through it before.


As the ground stopped shacking the streets started cracking, and out of those cracks came untold beings, as if ponies but their skin was charcoal-y and felt ghastly, their eyes glowing a ferocious red as their face shew no actual characteristic features, all the same in everything but height.


Something broke, and once more everypony felt it as the many spells once keeping the city safe lifted, with a loud magical break. Sky high up lighting up aflame begun raining big boulders of magma like small meteorites, raining and destroying houses in the very expansive city. 


Turning around Star came face to face with one of the charcoal-y beings, it emitting a loud terrifying screech as what seemed like it mouth emitted a light much like the eyes begun charging at him. Unknowing what to do and completely shocked at everything going on around him Stars horn and eyes lit up a dark color and within seconds and a loud explosion of magical energy the being was in pieces, dissolving into a mist, no blood or leftovers as it seemingly dissapeared.


The city was in chaos, as the weird beings begun attacking the random ponies on the streets or entering homes, bells continuing their ringing before one of the falling boulders hit the high tower of the castle, silencing them for good. From out of the hit houses crawled up other unimaginable beings of apparent demonic descent as screams continued filling the air.

  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Sapphire's ears perked up at the sound of bells and instantly felt her heart drop. 


"No.. no.. no.." she mumbled to herself, shaking her head, backing up as the earth cracked around her. She saw beings emerging from the ground, their appalling features all to familiar to her eyes. Her terrified eyes darted around, seeing the once semi-safe city, crumble into pieces in mere seconds. She swallowed hard, trying to get her bearings about her. She glanced around once more, realizing she wasn't far from where she had been staying. She took off in a hurry, doing her best to avoid any danger, but of course, with her world going to ruins, that was impossible. One of the beings that had not yet emerged from the crack grabbed her hoof as she jumped over the gap. 


Sapphire fell on her chin with a hard thud. She fought back the tears brought on by the pain as she wriggled her leg, trying to escape it's grasp. She sent a short sharp burst of energy from her horn, towards it, giving it all she could. The creature screeched as it relinquished her from it's hold.  


She scrambled to get back on her feet and running, ignoring the jabbing pain. She burst into her home, which miraculously hadn't been hit. She grabbed anything she could think of that would be of benefit to her, stuffing it into her bag before quickly exiting the home. She glanced left and right down the street, one way leading deeper into the city, and another to the outskirts. She didn't have much time to think before another being emerged beside her, leaving her only route of escape to the outskirts. She took off, ignoring the screams of other pony's, knowing it would haunt her later on.


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Looking around Dark Stars horn lit up once more, taking a deep breath, cooling off to the rain, blocking of all the screams.


A scar... in the middle of canterlot.


Must have been here earlier.


A scar in the middle of canterlot... how... where would nobody notice a scar able to cause this?


His thoughts paused as before his eyes one of the running ponies would be tackled, and pierced by one of the dark ponies hooves that turned into a sharp blade... but then as the beast left the mare there her eyes turned red themselves, standing up and locking eyes with Dark Star and then joined by some other alike ponies.


Horn lighting up once more Star blinked away unto the top of a rooftop, running down as the other 3 begun chasing down the street, as if on target without even seeing him and not seeming to give up or be fatigued.



Slipping on one of the rooftop tiles before jumping Star tripped, tumbling down to the street, once more blinking and reassuring the fall, landing with a slight slide on the paved road, almost tripping there.


His eyes rolled up as he spotted a blueish coated mare he must have landed very close to before out of the corner the three haunted bodies of the ponies came out, eyeing her and himself. 


Taking another deep breath in response Stars horn lit up once more, and with an all new determination as a long bladed spear begun materializing next to him, pretty and silver in crafting. Now armed he took a defensive stance, the blade levitating thanks to his magic.


Three figures giving out a loud screech much like the dark pony from earlier begun charging, their own flesh beginning to form into blades much like the shadow pony, a truly unnatural gruesome image. Taking a step forward he fired a spike of magic at one of the ponies, it impaling him deeply, the glow dissapearing from his eyes as the two others engaged. Swinging his blade around and cutting through their hardened flesh and bone as the creatures used their own body for the attack he quickly dealt with them, two bodies now on the floor, glow once more dissapearing from their eyes.


Turning back to the mare, seeing she was clearly making her way for the outskirts until he and his friends blocked the path he spoke slowly but steadily, warily looking around as a nearby house just a street away was set ablaze by one of the rocks. 


"If you head for the outskirts you are as good as dead, the city is probably surrounded, your best choice is one of the sewers leading outside of the city or the vast system of catacombs. "


Ears perked up as another scream reached his ears, as more of the red glowing eyes ponies begun flooding the streets by the second, crawling out of the houses through doors and windows.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Sapphire was brought to an abrupt halt, eyes wide with shock and ears back as the pony spoke to her. He seemed to know better than she, and she didn't feel like questioning his judgement. She had a few different questions, but the ones that came out were:


"What about you? Where are you going?" 


If the safe places were the sewers and catacombs, why were he and his friends there? Were they trying to play hero and rescue everypony? If that was the case, who was she to run and hide. She was never really a coward, selfish, yes, but a coward? Not hardly. 

Edited by SapphireSnow


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For all of her sensitivity, the bell alarms caught Monomyth by surprise.  Her eyes were immediately drawn to the sky.  As all Tartarus began to rain down on them all, she began to see a veil of memories.  Of home, of warmth and laughter, of destruction and loss.  Those few seconds were enough for two abominations to show up on the store she was perched on.  Sensing their presence made her veins turn to ice.


They came up on her from behind.  Bad decision, as one of the monsters was bisected almost instantly.  Monomyth stood there, her left wing coated in the creature's blood.  The other creature reared up to attack her, but a punch and a slash later and it was dead.  The pegasus flicked the blood off her berry-red, steel-edged wing before she took off into the air.  The house she stood on instantly caught on fire and crumbled to the ground.

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Lyssa ears popped up from the sudden sound of alarming bells. A sound that wasn't that familiar to her. She looked around in panic, seeing the ground beneath Canterlot rip apart as the sky turned crimson red. Dark creatures crawled out of the depth of Tartarus while burning horror fell from the sky. She instantly starting running, jumping from roof to roof, but this time not out of fun but out of fear. Her eyes grew wide, showing a reflection of a fiery ball heading towards her. Meteorites were falling from above. She stopped as she did not know what to do or which way to go. The flaming rock hit the small cottage on which she was standing just before she could jump, sending her flying away off the rooftop and smashing onto the ground.


Broken pieces of rock, scraps of the city and remains of ponies were flying around. Lyssa laid broken on the ground, covering her head from the chaos around her. There was a high pitched noise in her ears after the large blast, making her screech out of pain. After laying there for what seemed hours which in reality were only a few seconds, Lyssa's adrenaline kicked in and made her stand on her four hoofs again. She quickly looked around, trying to calculate which way was the fastest and safest out of the city. Only one thing came to her mind. ''The Crystal mines underneath the royal palace'' she mumbled under her breath. She started walking, running towards the castle grounds. 

Edited by Pucksterv
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Monomyth knew very well the entrance to the abandoned crystal mines, but she flew around, looking for survivors.  At one point, she came across a group of children who became zombified before she got close enough to defend them.  Her mouth opened to say something, but no pony would hear it, drowned out by the fires, the collapsing buildings, and the once-children' wails as she swiftly dispatched them.  A single teardrop instantly became evaporated by the intense heat.


The pegasus's search for others eventually lead her near the castle grounds.  She paused for a moment on a building to observe...




...Only for a meteorite to blast apart the building she landed on, sending her tumbling through the air with a yell and crashing into the ground several feet in front of another mare.

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(sorry, sorry! I'm terribly sorry that i've been neglecting the RP for a time!)


Heathlife stopped his outburst of anger to look up at the sky and then down at the ground, the shaking of houses collapsing, the vibrations of panicing ponies. The ground had opened up, he looked at the charcoal ponies that emerged. He wanted to observe them... He wished to study them so he teleported up onto the roof of a building that had not collapsed yet but would and might aswell had. He rose a barrier around him to shield him from smaller debris from if the building collapsed sending god knows what at him. It wouldn't last for anything better than that however it would prove efficient to what he wanted. He looked at the ongoing chaos laughing like a maniac at the roof top at the crazed ponies running. Soon they were gone and he was left alone with ashed ponies and meteorites filling his view, he calmly exclaimed to himself ''I should have run too'' before sighing a teleportation as a boulder hit the roof top he was on, he landed in an alley way where he could see all sorts of entities outside. He was quite annoyed of his clumsiness in teleporting and lifted the ground of the entrance to the alley so he was 'safe' for the time being. The peculiar look of the wall he had risen from the ground would of course raise suspicious thoughts in ponies when they ran or flew by it... He wasn't an architect after all.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Materializing a rag Star cleaned the blood off his spear blade, hearing more screeches around the area.


"I wish I knew. "


You know, we both know it.


No, I don't...


You are just fighting out of hate and revenge. 


Perhaps, I'm just glad for my alternate personality which is supposed to be evil not telling me to kill this mare but instead pointing me out the facts out of the depth of my soul. 


You've studied dark magic enough to know it is not how that works.


"My home, dragging you along, I have a private entrance to the catacombs in my house, alongside an armory and hopefully be able to get some other resources... Dark Star, a pleasure. " 


Hating himself for needing to help her, Stars memory traced once more back to his last squad... and when he lost that special someone...


You don't want to take her, you won't protect her.


I won't protect her, I'll help her out of the city best I can.


Will you?


Without much of saying a word Star came up to her, horn lighting once more as the two ponies dissapeared in a flash of magic.


Appearing in a garden of a building that is looking to be still in tact, a big house in the middle of canterlot, and we appeared in the very middle, surrounded by walls as plants grew and a small lifeless pond waved around from all the shaking or nearby explosions, besides that the place looked calm. Around the two ponies were colums and doors that clearly lead to the inside, quickly walking not bothering for the mare Star opened one and entered, taking a staircase down and appearing in a fancy armory, star crests imbedded on the walls as weapons and armor lied all around on racks.


"Welcome to my house, try and find the kitchen and pack some food, I know this is sudden but I need you to work with me. "






Meanwhile, in the more chaotic part of Canterlot, ponies marching and running to the castle were met with a locked gate, guards firmly fighting back anything that came, but nobody as let as the elite of the city must have barricaded themselves in the castle as people outside got slaughtered, the guards all protecting the keep while the others stood no chance, defenseless.


Anyone who tried and get inside through other means though, soon felt a firm shock as it was clear a new ward was placed around the very castle, and nobody was getting in or out any way other than the gate.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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When she heard that he wasn't sure, she opened her mouth to say he should come with her, but was cut off by him telling her to tag along with him to his home. She was surprised by the turn of events, but planned to follow through none the less. She didn't know this pony, and he didn't know her, yet somehow he was willing enough to stick his neck out and help her. She would never understand gestures like that. 


She had learned very recently that it was every pony for themselves, and the ones who kept friends, were always the ones who got hurt. 


Dark Star. That was his name. She made a mental note of it and introduced herself as Sapphire. She never stated her last name, she didn't like being called Snow. 


In a flash and a blink she found herself at Dark Star's house. She only took a second to take in her surroundings, momentarily admiring the decor, but quickly getting her priorities straight. No time for silly things like decor. Have to find the kitchen. 


She trotted around the home, quickly locating the kitchen. She began going through cabinets, grabbing non-perishable foods and stuffing them neatly into a pack. 


"Is there anything specific I should be grabbing?" she called out to him.


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Not properly hearing her Star dragged himself across the armory, constantly praying to Celestia nothing falls on his head, normally at this state he wouldn't care less.. but he left a small part of his older self returning after offering to help the pony. 


Putting on his light silver armor and a firm black cloak over that he made it back to the rather big kitchen, very dusty and hardly taken care of room, but clearly used nontheless. Levitating another dry long hooded cloak to the mare he himself begun looking around the shelves.


"Water, drinks and some good food... meaning bread or some pastry if you find one, or whatever you find fit, just we need to hurry. "

Edited by TheLonelySpectre
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My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Sapphire saw him enter the room with another coat. He levitated it to her, which she happily took, thanking him as she took off her drenched coat and replaced it with the dry one. 


"I packed all the water I could find, and I have another bag with hay and breads.." she said as she gestured to the two bags she had put together. She felt the ground shake a bit more, though not nearly as strong as before. Her ears went back in fright as the house shook.


"Are we almost done here?" She asked, her voice uneasy. 


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"Yes, and you better hurry now. " Star levitated the bags himself, acting the gentleman he really used to be, surprised he still had it in him.


Walking outside of the room at a speeded up pace he materialized a key out of thin air, unlocking a door to another room which only had a shaircase to it.


"Take a deep breath, try and calm down... you'll need both of those down there... if something wrong happens you go behind me. "


Beginning to walk down Star lit up his horn in order to light the completely dark staircase. "And don't get lost..."

  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Sapphire followed him, listening to his words as the staircase appeared. She swallowed hard, she was never a fan of dark, underground places. She took a deep breath through her nose, then let it out through her mouth. It was her best and only attempt at calming her nerves, which actually seemed to work as she heard him say: "...if something wrong happens, you go behind me." She felt reassured that he had a handle on this situation. Whether that was true or not, she wasn't sure.. but somehow she felt more confident with him leading the way. 


She lit her horn as well as they began to descend the staircase. 


"You are familiar with navigating this place, right?" she questioned, sticking right by his side. 


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He had finally arrived in the great, big land of Equestria, where he could do some exploring, maybe find more Scars to use as Nodes he could connect. If he was to get as powerful as he needed, he required the energy generated through these Nodes, connected by Ley Lines. It was risky business, and (if all went well) he could finally perform the Ritual of the Lich. It was hard to research what little there was, and basically invented the rest, but it should work... And, if things were perfect, he could also summon something from the Beyond... He was thinking... Jabberwocky. They were a classic, and difficult to slay.

Edited by MarionEtte136
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"I know every corner of this city. " I answer calmly, venturing deeper.


Just not every corner under the city.


After a while we reach another door, and I open it once more, and upon entering past it , horn lighting the area we reach a long catacomb hallway, dust and webs everywhere, graves on the sides or urns...


"Family thing where everyone was burried under the house, my father ended it and spread the ashes in the fields, never knew why... then it became public, but the door remained. "


I look around at the engravings on the walls, painings and other showing some sort of stories, some creepier than others.


"If we head down this corridor, take a couple of turns we should be reaching the grand chamber, from there I do believe we can make it outside of the city..."


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Damn it," Monomyth muttered to herself when she saw the ward go up.  Too focused on remembering where the alternate exit is, she flew off, failing to notice the mare nearby.


It'll be worth potentially reliving some painful memories.  Eh, Crescent?  She flew near the buildings, dodging fires, falling buildings, and meteorites until she found the house.  The mere sight of the interior made her heart heavy, but she still proceeded inside.  Quickly as she could, she got paper and a pencil and began to write,"If you should find this, an escape is here or nearby."  She left it on the floor, and went to the entrance of the catacombs.




Though she was rather far away, she still heard voices.  She followed their lights on light hooves, not wanting to be received immediately as another monster.

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