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"I'm just gonna make my opinion easy to understand," Solar snarked, a dung-eating smirk on her face as she looked to the ponies in the room, "If the right pony isn't put in charge, don't expect me to listen. Because, to be honest, at the moment I only respect two ponies on this ship, and one of them deserves to be leader."


With a sassy flick of her tail, she went after Amber.



"...Y'all suck." Amber looked around the room in disgust, shaking her head in dismay. "What's the point in even surviving, when we're just gonna end up killing each other anyway..." She hung her head low and turned tail towards the door. She let out a small sigh, kicking her forehoof against the metal walls in frustration. "Why'd I even bother getting up." She uttered in a gravelly, moody voice. "Might as well have just given up all together~" 


"Hey, c'mon now," she muttered, putting her hoof on Amber's shoulder, "We can't just give up. Yeah, things are looking pretty... well, really crappy right now, but look at it this way..."


She giggled and planted a kiss on her cheek. "You got a marefriend~"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I'm just gonna make my opinion easy to understand," Solar snarked, a dung-eating smirk on her face as she looked to the ponies in the room, "If the right pony isn't put in charge, don't expect me to listen. Because, to be honest, at the moment I only respect two ponies on this ship, and one of them deserves to be leader."


With a sassy flick of her tail, she went after Amber.




"Hey, c'mon now," she muttered, putting her hoof on Amber's shoulder, "We can't just give up. Yeah, things are looking pretty... well, really crappy right now, but look at it this way..."


She giggled and planted a kiss on her cheek. "You got a marefriend~"


"Oh goddesses Solar...I-I didn't mean it like that." She blushed, snuggling up beside her sassy pegasus marefriend. "I wish I could just stay out of everypony's business and let them all deal with it themselves. But it seems that no matter where I go, they're always there, and always bickering." She rolled her eyes. "I mean, we've been here for three days at most for ponies sake! THREE!"



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Oh goddesses Solar...I-I didn't mean it like that." She blushed, snuggling up beside her sassy pegasus marefriend. "I wish I could just stay out of everypony's business and let them all deal with it themselves. But it seems that no matter where I go, they're always there, and always bickering." She rolled her eyes. "I mean, we've been here for three days at most for ponies sake! THREE!"


"Actually, I think it's been less than that," Solar muttered, shrugging her shoulders, then smirked at Amber, "Hey, let 'em kill each other if they want to."


She nuzzled up to her marefriend, gently bumping flanks with her. "We'll find a nice comfy room to snuggle in while they do, huh?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Actually, I think it's been less than that," Solar muttered, shrugging her shoulders, then smirked at Amber, "Hey, let 'em kill each other if they want to."


She nuzzled up to her marefriend, gently bumping flanks with her. "We'll find a nice comfy room to snuggle in while they do, huh?"


"I would like nothing more." Amber replied, blush on her cheeks. Bored of just the playful antics, she brought Solar in for another proper kiss. She closed her eyes and just let all the pain and rage wash off of her at the taste of Solar's lips. Oh, I could do this for eternity~ She wasn't even entirely sure why she was so desperate. But just the feeling of having Solar close by was enough to drive her over the edge at the moment.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"I would like nothing more." Amber replied, blush on her cheeks. Bored of just the playful antics, she brought Solar in for another proper kiss. She closed her eyes and just let all the pain and rage wash off of her at the taste of Solar's lips. Oh, I could do this for eternity~ She wasn't even entirely sure why she was so desperate. But just the feeling of having Solar close by was enough to drive her over the edge at the moment.


Solar cooed from the kiss, and just wrapped her hooves around her marefriend to return it. She petted her soft mane as she caressed Amber, fluttering her eyes closed.


Best. Stress Relief. Ever.


She let the kiss carry on for a bit before gently breaking free. "Feeling better?" She smiled.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar cooed from the kiss, and just wrapped her hooves around her marefriend to return it. She petted her soft mane as she caressed Amber, fluttering her eyes closed.


Best. Stress Relief. Ever.


She let the kiss carry on for a bit before gently breaking free. "Feeling better?" She smiled.


"Much better." Amber breathed a sigh of relief. Her heart rate was returning to normal again. "To be honest, I'll be fine once we hit the road again. It's just all this standing around, it's killing me." She made a sound of disgust, looking back towards engineering. She wouldn't be surprised if they were still arguing down there. "I just want to get stuff done. And y'know...hang out with the sexiest marefriend of all time." She winked at Solar playfully.



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Crystal stood next to Flame seeing little progress being made from either side of the argument she wanted to step in and speak her mind but would listen to her, some lowly security staffer the only ponies on this ship who'd listen to her one was standing next to her and the other is hated by the ships crew for trying to do a job that is only now being talked about and pissed her off that no-one was even bothered about Sapphire. Crystal gritted her teeth.


Sapphire sat up and looked at her armor she felt shame even looking at it, "I don't even deserve to be look at it." She removed a note pad and pen and wrote a suicide note and placed it on the night stand she, lay back on the bed and started to think of ways to end her life...

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"Much better." Amber breathed a sigh of relief. Her heart rate was returning to normal again. "To be honest, I'll be fine once we hit the road again. It's just all this standing around, it's killing me." She made a sound of disgust, looking back towards engineering. She wouldn't be surprised if they were still arguing down there. "I just want to get stuff done. And y'know...hang out with the sexiest marefriend of all time." She winked at Solar playfully.


"I didn't know you could hang out with yourself," Solar flirted, smirking at her marefriend, "But yeah, we should find something to do."


She took a look up and down the corridor. "Where do you think Captain Drama Queen got to? Wanna see if she hasn't accidentally poofed herself into an oxygen-deprived chamber or something?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"I didn't know you could hang out with yourself," Solar flirted, smirking at her marefriend, "But yeah, we should find something to do."


She took a look up and down the corridor. "Where do you think Captain Drama Queen got to? Wanna see if she hasn't accidentally poofed herself into an oxygen-deprived chamber or something?"


"Oh what Sapphire? ...Oh Celestia, Sapphire!!" Amber smacked her head with her hoof as the realisation set in. "Where could she have gotten to? I think we better find her. Who knows what a pony could do in the state she was in!" Amber shot off in an instant, hedging her bets on where exactly the unicorn may have teleported to. The safest bet is the sleeping quarters, she'd have more privacy there. She repeated the thought to herself a few times, and it sounded right. 


Luckily her knowledge of the ship was growing, so in little to no time she was flying into each small bedroom and checking for any signs of the poor gal.

  • Brohoof 2



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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"Oh what Sapphire? ...Oh Celestia, Sapphire!!" Amber smacked her head with her hoof as the realisation set in. "Where could she have gotten to? I think we better find her. Who knows what a pony could do in the state she was in!" Amber shot off in an instant, hedging her bets on where exactly the unicorn may have teleported to. The safest bet is the sleeping quarters, she'd have more privacy there. She repeated the thought to herself a few times, and it sounded right. 


Luckily her knowledge of the ship was growing, so in little to no time she was flying into each small bedroom and checking for any signs of the poor gal.


"Whoa!" Solar yelped, watching Amber suddenly dart off, and spread her wings to speed off after her, "Where did that come from?"


Whoa, for a pegasus, she's fast on her hooves. All that army training must've paid off. So she's athletic, and she has a choice flank. Bonus.


Okay, focus. Need to find Sapphire.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Oh what Sapphire? ...Oh Celestia, Sapphire!!" Amber smacked her head with her hoof as the realisation set in. "Where could she have gotten to? I think we better find her. Who knows what a pony could do in the state she was in!" Amber shot off in an instant, hedging her bets on where exactly the unicorn may have teleported to. The safest bet is the sleeping quarters, she'd have more privacy there. She repeated the thought to herself a few times, and it sounded right. 


Luckily her knowledge of the ship was growing, so in little to no time she was flying into each small bedroom and checking for any signs of the poor gal.

"Whoa!" Solar yelped, watching Amber suddenly dart off, and spread her wings to speed off after her, "Where did that come from?"


Whoa, for a pegasus, she's fast on her hooves. All that army training must've paid off. So she's athletic, and she has a choice flank. Bonus.


Okay, focus. Need to find Sapphire.


 Once in his room, Lightning opened the crate, making sure all of its contents were there. He decided to strap the MA5D Assault Rifle found inside the crate to his pack. With Cyril in power, none of us is safe, he thought. He just remembered that Sapphire had disappeared. He decided to radio Amber, Solar, and Scarlett to tell them what had happened in the gate room. "Guys, I couldn't get Cyril off the throne. The crowd is convinced he's the one to lead us. I advise that you be on your guard. I think he might come after us because we threaten his ambitions. What are you guys up to and has anyone seen Sapphire?"

Edited by Mario3D13
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Crystal stood next to Flame seeing little progress being made from either side of the argument she wanted to step in and speak her mind but would listen to her, some lowly security staffer the only ponies on this ship who'd listen to her one was standing next to her and the other is hated by the ships crew for trying to do a job that is only now being talked about and pissed her off that no-one was even bothered about Sapphire. Crystal gritted her teeth.


Sapphire sat up and looked at her armor she felt shame even looking at it, "I don't even deserve to be look at it." She removed a note pad and pen and wrote a suicide note and placed it on the night stand she, lay back on the bed and started to think of ways to end her life...

Cyril stood by as all the chaos ensued. He simply shook his head at the end of it, looking at each remaining pony. "I'm speaking for the people here. Sort this out, or you might have renegades on your hooves. Be thankful we aren't in public, or it might have happened already." Cyril huffed and turn tail, trotting back to the gate room.


When Cyril returned, a hooffull ponies approached him.


"What happened?"

"We heard yelling."

"You need to stop this!"


Cyril was visibly emotionless to the situation. "Nothing to worry about, everypony. They're having personal quarrels which dont concern anypony else. I'm stepping in as temporary lead for now, as the others who have the actual authority are simply arguing. But really..." Cyril paused to levitate a box to the middle of the room. Cyril climbed atop the crate and amplified his voice through MIRVI.


"Who here really IS in charge? What is authority without power to back it up? The mare we currently call leader, Scarlett, is backed up by no more than three or some ponies. Is this leadership? Is this a pony you would look up to? Aside from fix the filters, what has she done? It was a joint effort, we all fixed those filters. Did she sit back here with us, healing the sick, fixing the broken that lied helplessly? They pranced around, exploring. They argued over command. There should be no leader, no. There needs to be democracy." Cyril really started to get into what he was saying. He was now the mutinizer. His speech not only dragged the attention of all in the room, it raised some cheers of agreement. There were few who opposed.


"If you would let me, I would be the spokesperson for this democracy. If any pony feels the have their own right to try for the position, speak now."

Cyril looked around the room, hoping at least one pony would oppose him for the position. Not one hoof moved.

"We're with you!" One pony shouted.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You're with each other. This is a group effort! If we're to survive, we need each other, hoof in hoof!" The statement granted Cyril a few more whoops of agreement.


"If the others wish to join in, or possible one take over, and we all see them fit to do so, we should permit them. This is not about excluding them, but organizing ourselves. We need to get things done! I suggest starting with securing suitable living space aboard this ship. If we're going to be here for a while, we need each pony to have ready access to every day needs. Anypony may work on any thing, as long as everypony works and everything gets done. If you do not work, you should not receive the benefits! This is a life or death situation. You work, and life is your paycheck. Spend it well, I suggest."

Cyril stepped down from the crate and returned it to its previous placement.


"First, let's organize this room neatly so that all equipment may be easily accessed when needed. Afterwards, sort out living spaces. Privacy is of least concern aboard this ship. If it's required, make accommodations for those ponies who need it. If any pony wishes to argue this decisions, do speak now" he urged. Nopony opposed him, as most agreed with the ideas. Those that did were either too lazy or too scared to speak up against him.

Flame was getting increasingly annoyed by the screaming and hollering coming from the room. 
"I hope you don't mind me crystal but I'm gonna try to calm everyone down."
The pegasus walked to scene of the crime. Spotting Lighting and three other ponies in the room.
"Look, Can everyone just calm the fuck down? These arguments are REALLY annoying and unneeded, if everyone wants to talk about leadership and what it takes to be a good leader, then obviously y'all should know what's best for the team and need to take responsibility by stepping up to the position. But ya'll don't truly want what's best for everypony, ya'll just want the control that comes with being a leader, and don't want anyone to step in your way. So ya'll decide to bitter and fight to show ponies how strong and powerful you are in hopes the ponies opposing you will back down. especially you whatever your name is."  
"I'm not sure why, but you just up and come out the blue to question everyone that seems to be a position of authority and say you're doing it in best interest of the team. I think you just want power honestly." Flame said bluntly, mockingly shrugging his shoulders
Edited by The Real 1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Nope. Nada. Zilch. No. Nothing." Amber had sweat visibly pouring down her forehead. All the cabins so far were completely barren, barely even touched. She was praying her luck would still hold out. However she had had such rotten luck beforehand, when she ran into the room with Sapphire in, she almost ran right back out again but quickly stopped herself.


"Oh goddesses, Sapphire!" She trotted over to the bed and sat on the very corner of it, looking woefully down at the unicorn. "I was so worried about you. Didn't find you for ages..." Her words were a little quiet thanks to the heavy breathing that accompanied every sentence. Even for a trained soldier, she'd just covered a damn lot of ground.

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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 Once in his room, Lightning opened the crate, making sure all of its contents were there. He decided to strap the MA5D Assault Rifle found inside the crate to his pack. With Cyril in power, none of us is safe, he thought. He just remembered that Sapphire had disappeared. He decided to radio Amber, Solar, and Scarlett to tell them what had happened in the gate room. "Guys, I couldn't get Cyril off the throne. The crowd is convinced he's the one to lead us. I advise that you be on your guard. I think he might come after us because we threaten his ambitions. What are you guys up to and has anyone seen Sapphire?"


"Yeah, can you get back to me on the whole leader thing?" Solar asked, her voice hasty as she sped through the halls with Amber, "Trying to save a certain drama queen from Celestia knows what!"



"Nope. Nada. Zilch. No. Nothing." Amber had sweat visibly pouring down her forehead. All the cabins so far were completely barren, barely even touched. She was praying her luck would still hold out. However she had had such rotten luck beforehand, when she ran into the room with Sapphire in, she almost ran right back out again but quickly stopped herself.


"Oh goddesses, Sapphire!" She trotted over to the bed and sat on the very corner of it, looking woefully down at the unicorn. "I was so worried about you. Didn't find you for ages..." Her words were a little quiet thanks to the heavy breathing that accompanied every sentence. Even for a trained soldier, she'd just covered a damn lot of ground.


She flew into the room with Sapphire in it, and saw her laying down. "Geez, took the whole leader thing a bit rough, huh?"


She spotted a note by her, and lifted it up to read it.


"...a bucking suicide note?" She sighed, voice dripping with exasperation, "All because you're not cheer captain? Luna's sake, Sapphire, get a grip!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Cyril huffed and fell upon a very serious face. "If I wanted power, I would have tried to take it already. If you think i'm power hungry, take on the job. Lightning has already decided he should take place organizing this effort, so i'll leave it to him." Cyril knew fully well that the red pegasus would not want his position, not really. Lighting however, would. Still, even after stepping down, nopony wanted to oppose him. Nopony cried out to stop him from stepping down. Cyril knew his place, and some would say he knew it too well.


Cyril requested the MIRVI to direct him to a suitable living space so that he might be able to settle down for once. The air was stable, but concerns for food and water were still a problem. "Let's hope somepony was smart enough to drag a damned replicator through the gate before it all went to hell..." he muttered under his breath as he followed directions from the MIRVI.


@,@@1Bit, @@Unicorncob,  


Upon arrival, he found that there were multiple mares already occupying the room. "Oh. My apologies. I did not know anypony was in here..." he excused himself quickly, hoping he wasn't disturbing them. Then he recognized them as the ponies who followed Scarlett nearly everywhere. "Wait... what's going on in here? Is everything alright?" he inquired as sincerely as he could, although he was instead concerned that they were possibly plotting. 

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Cyril huffed and fell upon a very serious face. "If I wanted power, I would have tried to take it already. If you think i'm power hungry, take on the job. Lightning has already decided he should take place organizing this effort, so i'll leave it to him." Cyril knew fully well that the red pegasus would not want his position, not really. Lighting however, would. Still, even after stepping down, nopony wanted to oppose him. Nopony cried out to stop him from stepping down. Cyril knew his place, and some would say he knew it too well.  


Flame pondered this for a second, original thinking he would let someone else take on the responsibility. But after the whole speech he made about ponies needing to take leadership, He found it would probably be hypocritical to not accept his offer.


"Well, I did just make that speech , and honestly I haven't seen enough of you to actually believe what your saying. So yeah why not? I'll take the position."

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Sapphire looked over at her, she was not in the mood to move "I don't want command anymore I can't take it, the pressure i'm gonna top myself if this keeps up..."




Sapphire tried to take the note as Solar took it and read it then insulted her. A few tear ran down her face as she could not keep up any outside guard from anything at the moment she looked back to the ceiling, trying to rub the tears from her cheek.


@@The Original,


Sapphire payed little attention to the stallion that came in and rolled over facing away from the three of them. 





"you have my support you." She punched him in the arm in a friendly manner  

  • Brohoof 1

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Sapphire tried to take the note as Solar took it and read it then insulted her. A few tear ran down her face as she could not keep up any outside guard from anything at the moment she looked back to the ceiling, trying to rub the tears from her cheek.


Solar rolled her eyes from seeing Sapphire begin to tear up. "Look, I'm not trying to insult you, okay? Just, how else, apart from shock, am I supposed to react to seeing a suicide note?"


"If this is about the argument, I'm sorry for getting in your face, alright?" She sighed, curling her upper lip, "I just think Red is a capable leader because she has experience in leading and she knows exactly what to do around here. That's all, no offence to you or anything."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar rolled her eyes from seeing Sapphire begin to tear up. "Look, I'm not trying to insult you, okay? Just, how else, apart from shock, am I supposed to react to seeing a suicide note?"


"If this is about the argument, I'm sorry for getting in your face, alright?" She sighed, curling her upper lip, "I just think Red is a capable leader because she has experience in leading and she knows exactly what to do around here. That's all, no offence to you or anything."


"Look sweetie, now's not the time to bring up 'the whole leader thing' okay?" She gently tried to defuse the tension between Sapphire and Solar. Before re-adjusting herself and moving a bit close to Sapphire. "Sapphire, you have to understand that nopony wants to see you gone. Sure, things might get a little heated from time to time, but nopony, and I mean nopony, wants to see another death. Especially the death of somepony important." Amber gently stroked Sapphire's mane, smiling. "And you are important, despite what you may think. And I'm gonna keep telling ya until it gets through that thick skull of yours...you were brave. You stuck to your beliefs, and, even if you failed, you had good intentions in everything you did. You just wanted to help everypony. Even if you don't want to lead anymore, a unicorn with a heart as strong and true as yours shouldn't be lying around here, scribbling suicide notes. Because the Sapphire I know would be right up there with us, through thick and thin. Because you know exactly what's at stake here."

  • Brohoof 2



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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She looked to Solar, "I know she is a better leader..." tears still her eyes. "But you all just...just did not ask me anything..." She looked back again and coughed with her crying after a few more moments after Amber had said her peace. "I...I..." sapphire could not say anything Amber was so right it hurt she sat up and hugged Amber still crying...

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Avatar Credits: Yakovlev-vad

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Scarlett backed away from the door into the corridor after Cyril had left the room. She flopped against the wall for a moment. I thought people like this were only in my universe. He sounds like a corporate leader...


She figured that Cyril had most likely gone to the room where Sapphire and the others were, so checking the location of a nearby suit she headed over there. As she went past her room she grabbed her suit, put it on, and turned invisible before arriving at the room. And Cyril, was in fact there.


Art by DoeKitty

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"Look sweetie, now's not the time to bring up 'the whole leader thing' okay?" She gently tried to defuse the tension between Sapphire and Solar. 


Solar didn't say anything, she just let out a quiet, exasperated sigh and went to go lean against the wall. Obviously nothing she could do would be any help.


And once again, Solar Dust makes herself useful by standing back and doing buck-all, she thought sourly, time to accept my fate as the team nothing-doer.



Amber gently stroked Sapphire's mane, smiling.


she sat up and hugged Amber still crying...


A quick flick escaped through her curly tail as she watched the two mares get... close.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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She looked to Solar, "I know she is a better leader..." tears still her eyes. "But you all just...just did not ask me anything..." She looked back again and coughed with her crying after a few more moments after Amber had said her peace. "I...I..." sapphire could not say anything Amber was so right it hurt she sat up and hugged Amber still crying...


Amber was surprised by the hug, but didn't break away. Sapphire needed this. To vent. "Shh Shh, it's okay...it's okay..." Amber closed her eyes and smiled. "You've just gotta change up your approach to ponies a little. You can be a leader without having to bark orders all the time. I mean, just look at the princesses! Lead by their example, not the military's. Celestia knows, that's the last thing we need right now." 




A quick flick escaped through her curly tail as she watched the two mares get... close.


She looked up to Solar, who seemed to have started sulking in the corner. She looked cute when she was flustered. Amber gave her wink over Sapphire's shoulder and mouthed You're next to her, stifling a giggle.

  • Brohoof 1



---< Fanfic Writer, Music Maker, Film Director and Voice Actor  >---

        Don't expect anything incredible though! :D

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Scarlett stood there against the wall. She had no idea what was going on inside. Either Cyril was shouting at people for completely illegitimate reasons and making himself out to be the good guy and then try and justify it, or Solar and Amber are flirting again. Or both.


Oh my god it's both who am I kidding

  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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Amber was surprised by the hug, but didn't break away. Sapphire needed this. To vent. "Shh Shh, it's okay...it's okay..." Amber closed her eyes and smiled. "You've just gotta change up your approach to ponies a little. You can be a leader without having to bark orders all the time. I mean, just look at the princesses! Lead by their example, not the military's. Celestia knows, that's the last thing we need right now."





She looked up to Solar, who seemed to have started sulking in the corner. She looked cute when she was flustered. Amber gave her wink over Sapphire's shoulder and mouthed You're next to her, stifling a giggle.


Solar looked up and saw Amber looking at her. She couldn't help but smirk at her subtle flirting, and returned the wink.


Ready when you are, she mouthed back, waggling her eyebrows.


Why did I ever doubt her? She thought, I need to stop thinking things will be like last time...

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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