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Scarlett returned to the gate room with the other ponies, and upon arriving she opened up her radio. "Attention every pony. If you are injured can you please make your way to the gate room for treatment. If not possible, let someone know and we will have a medical with you soon."


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"Uh...okay?" Amber couldn't help but look concerned at her marefriend, beginning the brief journey to the gateroom. "You alright sweetie? Need Sapphire to check on you as well, I mean, you do look a little shaky to say the least." The pegasus had genuine worry in her eyes. She loved Solar with all her heart, the idea of her getting hurt even slightly was crushing at this point. 


Solar walked out with her marefriend, and looked up at her. She could see the worry in Amber's eyes, and she bit her lip when regret began to stab her in the chest.


What the hell am I doing? Of course she's not like him. He never gave a flying buck about my feelings.

Okay, Amber's a little... open with how she shows gratitude. That's just how she is. Besides, it was only a peck on the cheek. I get full on lip-on-lip action. C'mon Solar, get it together, girl.


She shook her head, as if getting the bad thoughts out.

"Nah, I'm good," She assured her, smiling and placing a quick kiss on Amber's lips, "Thanks though, babe. And... I'm really happy you're all better. I couldn't stand seeing you in all that pain and not be able to do anything, y'know?"


Signature by @J.R.

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Having exhausted the usefulness of this terminal and with the sun now long behind them, Specter decided that it was time he finally got moving again. "Everyone could be anywhere by now. I suppose I'll check the gate room first. Seems like the most logical place for a gathering right now, since its the only place everyone has been." Leaving the observation room and heading back into the gate room, Specter took note of the amount of ponies who had suffered injuries from this event. The number was about what he anticipated, so nothing special. He would keep on lookout and highlight anyone who looks like they need attention ASAP.

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She shook her head, as if getting the bad thoughts out. "Nah, I'm good," She assured her, smiling and placing a quick kiss on Amber's lips, "Thanks though, babe. And... I'm really happy you're all better. I couldn't stand seeing you in all that pain and not be able to do anything, y'know?"


"Oh come on, you were getting all nervy over that?" Amber couldn't help but smile softly at Solar. She is so perfect... "Hey, don't worry so much about me, yeah? We pulled through in the end. There's plenty of ponies on board to help us whenever we may get in trouble. Me and you? We're getting through this in one piece, fair and square." She nuzzled up to the pegasus' neck, kissing the side of her cheek. 



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Sapphire arrived a few moments later and found Crystal comforting Flame. "He can't walk or talk three of his ribs are broken and may puncture his lung."


Sapphire knelt down to him. "This should do the trick, oh that is tripy I've healed you before aswell." (really that is weird) Sapphire's horn lit up and started mending Flame's ribs. "Is it working Flame? If you can't speak tap on the floor one for yes two for no." Crystal looked on worry in her eyes.

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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The gate began dialling. Scarlett frantically looked around the room to see who was dialling, and nobody was. She rushed over and checked the dialling console to find that nobody was actually calling the gate. And then she realised, a gate can’t dial that fast on outbound travel. The gate spun round, each glyph lighting up as it past the gate bearing suspended from the roof. As the gate locked in it’s final chevron, it activated and the wormhole formed with the classical rush of the unstable vortex out the front, before it fell back in under it’s own force and stabilised into the event horizon. Scarlett quickly jumped out from the console and cast a forcefield over the event horizon, before extending it to a dome around the gate. It was her job to protect these ponies from any threats that may come to them. Her tablet floated up to her and she glanced at to look at the screen. She knew that if Stargate Command had found a way to dial, they would send a message saying so, if not an IDC. When nothing came, she went back to staring at the gate. At least with the expanded forcefield she wouldn’t kill anyone who attempted to come through, she knew nothing could get through it anyway.

And then Scarlett stepped through the gate. Except it wasn’t Scarlett, but it was. While the Scarlett standing by the console was staring at the gate, another Scarlett stepped through, followed by a few different ponies all carrying supplies. She took a look around for a moment, before stepping right through the forcefield collapsing it upon contact and walking towards the real Scarlett. Wait no, that’s impossible! Both Scarletts stared at eachother for a few moments before the gate shut down. The one who had just come through the gate stopped in front of Scarlett and said “Hi” as the gate shut down behind her.

Completely ignoring the rest of the ponies that just came through, the real Scarlett replied with a nod. “Laura.”

“Kiera.” the doppelgänger nodded back.

“It’s Scarlett now. Long time no see.”

“Depends on your perspective.”

“Your cutie mark is off again”

“I know”

“Life burner?”


“How much?”

“About half.”

“That was stupid.”

“You don’t say.”

“How long?”

“I’d say about now” Laura replied before collapsing to the ground. Her coat went pure white, her eyes went a deep red and her cutie mark completely disappeared. She also shrunk a little, so if she were to stand up she would be a couple of inches shorter than Scarlett. The still red pony bent down to the now unconscious pony and hugged her. With a really quiet voice, she said “I really missed you sis’, truly.”

Scarlett picked her sister up and moved her to the side of the room, laying her on a bed of her magic. She briefly turned to the rest of the ponies in the room, saying "Can someone get these newcomers a room and caught up on the events so far? I'll be occupied for the next while." Linking her horn with the pony's beneath her, she began to transfer magic between the two. Assuming nobody wanted to get her attention specifically, she would be unphased by anything happening in the room. In other words, she did not want to be disturbed.

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Specter was almost speechless about what he had just witnessed. Something he had thought up to this point to be a theoretical impossibility. Clearly some of his information had been off. Not thinking clearly, he began ranting to himself out loud in the language of the Ancients. 'What in the name of anything under the sun of life just happened? The gate should not be able to dial like that, these ponies also look like they come from a facility, but we're so far away from any civilisation that has this kind of tech or this race of ponies. Clearly I don't know something very important. I need to be more observant.' 


Among the crowd of new ponies was a younger stallion who had not brought anything trough the gate with him. He looked the part of a scientist, or someone from Maintenance. Despite the requests from the other new ponies for help, he mostly ignored them, entranced by the realisation of where he had ended up. "This is, this is a ship. A space ship, built by the Ancients. I've never see a full ship before, never mind one in working order and functioning. *stomp stomp*. Gravity feels different. Definitely not back on home. Air isn't the cleanest either. No, we're in space I can only imagine what I could discover by looking at a computer. Not many people can read Ancient. So I shouldn't have to worry about complaints for hogging the computer all day. The things I could learn from the Ancients are priceless in their Value. But first we need to make sure everyone is settled and stable." The Stallion returned to the few who come through with him and picked up a few cases of supplies.

Edited by Child Of Darkness
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"Oh come on, you were getting all nervy over that?" Amber couldn't help but smile softly at Solar. She is so perfect... "Hey, don't worry so much about me, yeah? We pulled through in the end. There's plenty of ponies on board to help us whenever we may get in trouble. Me and you? We're getting through this in one piece, fair and square." She nuzzled up to the pegasus' neck, kissing the side of her cheek. 


Solar gave her awkward smile once again as Amber told her not to worry. She couldn't help but shudder as she nuzzled up to her neck.


Oh Celestia, I love when she does that...


She smiled and returned the kiss to her marefriend's cheek. "Yeah, you're right. Sorry, I was just being dumb."


She entered the gateroom with Amber, and her jaw dropped as she saw what appeared to be two Scarletts!


She slowly walked in and approached the new one, unsure what to do.


Oh jeez, more clones... why is it always clones in my family...

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Sapphire knelt down to him. "This should do the trick, oh that is tripy I've healed you before aswell." (really that is weird) Sapphire's horn lit up and started mending Flame's ribs. "Is it working Flame? If you can't speak tap on the floor one for yes two for no." Crystal looked on worry in her eyes.


Flamestreak nodded quickly, he tried to pronounce a few words, but what came out was a long string of coughing and snorting for air. Just as he was about to give up and tap his hoof weakly on the floor twice, The Pegasus gasped as he heard the gate door start to open. Flame slowly got to his hooves, looking towards the now open gate. His eyes went wide as he spotted a Cobalt blue Pegasus, Her green and purple mane and tail swaying softly as she entered the room.



"B-luE D-d=d *Cough* D- *Sputter* DIAMOND! *Wheeze* *Cough*.He choked, running toward the mare. Flame started coughing savagely and fell multiply times on his way, By the time he got to Diamond he collapsed out into her arms. Still coughing until he eventually passed out.


"FLAME! ARE YOU OK? WHAT'S WRONG?" Blue Diamond panicked, as her brother laid unconscious in her grasp.  

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Sapphire looked at him as he got up and stumbled to the gate room, Crystal followed too they walked up to him in Blue's hooves. "Your brother is an idiot."




"It's true he could have internal injuries now, lay him down I must fix these damn ribs before he dose kill himself." Sapphire started again with her spell. "Hold him down I don't want him moving this time."



Mentis came in with the others. "An ancient ship, oh A WORKING ONE! Oh that is bucking cool!" He just sat down and looked around. "WOW." 

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Scarlett refocused her view on the gateroom around us, temporarily leaving her sister alone. This whole situation presented a problem. They were running out of power, and now there were more ponies on board. Not too many though, and they did appear to have brought some supplies.


Specter was almost speechless about what he had just witnessed. Something he had thought up to this point to be a theoretical impossibility. Clearly some of his information had been off. Not thinking clearly, he began ranting to himself out loud in the language of the Ancients. 'What in the name of anything under the sun of life just happened? The gate should not be able to dial like that, these ponies also look like they come from a facility, but we're so far away from any civilisation that has this kind of tech or this race of ponies. Clearly I don't know something very important. I need to be more observant.' 


Scarlett made out parts of the rant. Her vocal Ancient was a little rusty and in the end wasn't paying much attention to him anyway. She was instead looking at a new pony who had come through the gate.

Among the crowd of new ponies was a younger stallion who had not brought anything trough the gate with him. He looked the part of a scientist, or someone from Maintenance. Despite the requests from the other new ponies for help, he mostly ignored them, entranced by the realisation of where he had ended up. "This is, this is a ship. A space ship, built by the Ancients. I've never see a full ship before, never mind one in working order and functioning. *stomp stomp*. Gravity feels different. Definitely not back on home. Air isn't the cleanest either. No, we're in space I can only imagine what I could discover by looking at a computer. Not many people can read Ancient. So I shouldn't have to worry about complaints for hogging the computer all day. The things I could learn from the Ancients are priceless in their Value. But first we need to make sure everyone is settled and stable." The Stallion returned to the few who come through with him and picked up a few cases of supplies.

Scarlett watched as the pony talked to himself while performing a gravity test and sniffing the air. Finally, someone else who would actually understand things that she did. All she could hope for is they he could also read ancient fluently. Well, what they knew so far anyway.

She entered the gateroom with Amber, and her jaw dropped as she saw what appeared to be two Scarletts!
She slowly walked in and approached the new one, unsure what to do.
Oh jeez, more clones... why is it always clones in my family...


Scarlett turned to face Solar "Hey."

  • Brohoof 1


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett turned to face Solar "Hey."


Solar looked at the Scarlett clone before facing the first one. In her peripheral vision, she could see new ponies showing up in the gateroom. Them she could understand, but a clone? What was that about?


She watched as the other Scarlett took a different form, looking completely unique to her mother.


Who the...?


She blinked once. "Could you tell me why she looked like you, mom? And who she is?"


...could this be the one from the recording...?

Edited by Unicorncob


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar looked at the Scarlett clone before facing the first one. In her peripheral vision, she could see new ponies showing up in the gateroom. Them she could understand, but a clone? What was that about?


She watched as the other Scarlett took a different form, looking completely unique to her mother.


Who the...?


She blinked once. "Could you tell me why she looked like you, mom? And who she is?"


...could this be the one from the recording...?


Scarlett stood there for a moment, blinking. How was she supposed to answer that. She ran a few ideas through her head, before deciding on a direct approach. "Well, uhh, to put it simply and cut out all information about time travel and alternate realities, this is my sister."


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett stood there for a moment, blinking. How was she supposed to answer that. She ran a few ideas through her head, before deciding on a direct approach. "Well, uhh, to put it simply and cut out all information about time travel and alternate realities, this is my sister."


Solar blinked, taking in this new information. "Your sister, huh?"


I have an aunt. This is new.


She gave the new mare another look, trying to see the resemblance. She didn't have enough to go on, from an unconscious pony.


"So, is she my time travelling alternate-reality aunt, or just my aunt?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar blinked, taking in this new information. "Your sister, huh?"


I have an aunt. This is new.


She gave the new mare another look, trying to see the resemblance. She didn't have enough to go on, from an unconscious pony.


"So, is she my time travelling alternate-reality aunt, or just my aunt?"

Scarlett snickered 's little before replying. "Yes Blue, much to your horror my sister is a time travelling alternate universe pony. Just like me! But the method she used to activate the gate, the amount of power to do so can destroy planets. The only way she could have done that was if she drew power from sub universes using her own soul as a power cable."


Art by DoeKitty

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Scarlett snickered 's little before replying. "Yes Blue, much to your horror my sister is a time travelling alternate universe pony. Just like me! But the method she used to activate the gate, the amount of power to do so can destroy planets. The only way she could have done that was if she drew power from sub universes using her own soul as a power cable."


"Oh sweet Celestia, nooooo~!" Solar cried, dramatically putting her hoof to her forehead and pretending to faint, "Why must my home life be riddled with such complexities~!"


How do you know what that word means?

Shut up, brain.


"Wait, so," she went on, trying to make sense of the next part, "she connected her soul to the universe and got power from it?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Mentis stopped staring like a foal looking at a sweet store and got out his note book and quill. He got up his wings holding the book and quill he started walking around the gate room sketching as he went capturing the room and all the ponies inside. ​Well this is certainly fascinating, still don't know why Laura wanted me to come along to this one way trip, why did I actually agree to that anyway? Mentis shrugged in real life to his own question and kept drawing...

Edited by Mentis Soliloquy

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"Oh sweet Celestia, nooooo~!" Solar cried, dramatically putting her hoof to her forehead and pretending to faint, "Why must my home life be riddled with such complexities~!"


How do you know what that word means?

Shut up, brain.


"Wait, so," she went on, trying to make sense of the next part, "she connected her soul to the universe and got power from it?"


Scarlett giggled a little at this, which was unusual for her, but none the less did it anyway.


"Well, I guess that's basically what she did. But let  me make it more complicated. Let's say you have a computer or something, a mains plug in the wall and a wire. In this situation, the gate was the computer, the mains plug was a hole in space-time and my sister was the wire."


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Scarlett giggled a little at this, which was unusual for her, but none the less did it anyway.


"Well, I guess that's basically what she did. But let  me make it more complicated. Let's say you have a computer or something, a mains plug in the wall and a wire. In this situation, the gate was the computer, the mains plug was a hole in space-time and my sister was the wire."


Solar blinked, managing to understand quite well when Scarlett put it that way.


"Whoa, that must hurt," She muttered, glancing down to Laura, "Like, getting the universe shooting through your body like that? How would that even feel? Actually, how would it work?"


Signature by @J.R.

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Solar blinked, managing to understand quite well when Scarlett put it that way.


"Whoa, that must hurt," She muttered, glancing down to Laura, "Like, getting the universe shooting through your body like that? How would that even feel? Actually, how would it work?"


"You know what, I genuinely have no idea. She's the one that did it. Last time we spoke, it was just a theory. We were trying to see if we could use our magic as an interdimensional power cable to draw energy from empty universes. We never got round to testing it. Well, I didn't. Apparently she just did. The reason we never tested it was because it burns away the users magic depending on how much power there is, and the only way to stop that is to either be extremely powerful or use your soul as a buffer. I've given her some of my magic so she recovers faster, but I doubt she'll be able to do much bar basic telekinesis and use her natural abilities for a while."


Scarlett glanced over to her sister. "Though I can tell you, by the time she wakes up she'll be brimming with questions."

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"You know what, I genuinely have no idea. She's the one that did it. Last time we spoke, it was just a theory. We were trying to see if we could use our magic as an interdimensional power cable to draw energy from empty universes. We never got round to testing it. Well, I didn't. Apparently she just did. The reason we never tested it was because it burns away the users magic depending on how much power there is, and the only way to stop that is to either be extremely powerful or use your soul as a buffer. I've given her some of my magic so she recovers faster, but I doubt she'll be able to do much bar basic telekinesis and use her natural abilities for a while."


Scarlett glanced over to her sister. "Though I can tell you, by the time she wakes up she'll be brimming with questions."


"Whoa, that must've hurt," Solar muttered, giving Laura a gentle nudge with her hoof, "So my mom and my aunt are time travelling universe jumping time cop scientists."


She looked up at Scarlett, grinning like an impressed young filly. "That's actually pretty rad."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

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Setting down the supplies with what the ship already had, Mel turned his attention away from this small bit of work and back onto the actual ship itself. He couldn't make any judgements about design as he had not seen enough yet, if It had been working since the times when the Ancients still walked around the worlds, then it must have some incredible self sustaining systems to work for what he could only guess was over one million years. That thought alone impressed him. Ancients didn't like to overlook a singe detail. Tracing his eyes over the crowds, a lot of ponies seemed to be suffering with varying major and minor injuries. Slight concussion and fractures could be seen scattered about. What did they just miss? May be for the best that they missed it. 


His eyes came across a terminal in the gate room. He could only guess it was what controlled the gate. With nothing better to do and an Itching curiosity, he went up to the terminal and started to look through it to see what he could find regarding gate control. As expected everything was written in ancient, not a problem for him though.

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"Whoa, that must've hurt," Solar muttered, giving Laura a gentle nudge with her hoof, "So my mom and my aunt are time travelling universe jumping time cop scientists."


She looked up at Scarlett, grinning like an impressed young filly. "That's actually pretty rad."

" Why thank you! But Laura here lost her suit years ago. Or decades ago. I'm not sure, time travel and all that. But, we still have a problem. Everything buy life support and the emergency lights are off, and the only functioning tech on board is the engineering core. "



His eyes came across a terminal in the gate room. He could only guess it was what controlled the gate. With nothing better to do and an Itching curiosity, he went up to the terminal and started to look through it to see what he could find regarding gate control. As expected everything was written in ancient, not a problem for him though.


Scarlett suddenly saw someone touching the console by the back of the room. One of the new recruits no less. She knew her sister would have chosen at least relatively competent ponies, but still. Shouting over to the pony, she said "Could you do me a favour and not touch that. We have enough problems as it is!"


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" Why thank you! But Laura here lost her suit years ago. Or decades ago. I'm not sure, time travel and all that. But, we still have a problem. Everything buy life support and the emergency lights are off, and the only functioning tech on board is the engineering core. "


Solar blinked and nodded, getting brought back to attention in terms of the ship being bucked. "Right, the ship. Let's fix this goshdarn ship."


She looked at Scarlett. "Can't we jury-rig the engineering core so that it works the stuff?"


She took a look at Amber, who had been quiet for some time, and frowned. "Hey, babe, you alright?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Solar blinked and nodded, getting brought back to attention in terms of the ship being bucked. "Right, the ship. Let's fix this goshdarn ship."


She looked at Scarlett. "Can't we jury-rig the engineering core so that it works the stuff?"


She took a look at Amber, who had been quiet for some time, and frowned. "Hey, babe, you alright?"


"Hm, sorry, what?" Amber blinked repeatedly. She'd been lost in her thoughts for a while. "Oh, uh sorry...w-what did you say?" She wasn't even entirely sure if somepony HAD said something to her. Why was she finding it so hard to focus? She shook her head and gave a small groan. Looking to her left, it caught her eye that there seemed to be, in fact, two Scarlett's as well. "Don't tell me I'm tripping out as well as finding it hard to focus..."



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