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open Warm Wishes at Hearthmoon Village! (RP Thread)

Akari of Duskshire

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 Shamrocks smile grew when Summer moved closer to her. From what she could tel it seemed like she didn't hate her compliments. After Summer moved closer Shamrock took her hoof again. Her hooves were warm now, mostly thanks to the mare. She held it gently. Which was a little hard because she had the hooves of a boxer. They were rougher then a gravel road but she held Summer's hoof as gently as she could.


"I'm glad you don't find my advances displeasing." She smirked at her attempt to sound smarter then she actually was. "And I'm glad you find my voice nice. Most have a hard time understand me, though the accent. but you are the first to call my voice nice. And if you don't mind me saying, your voice could ease a restless heart and a troubled mind. Like a harp tuned to perfection."  




Just then, the bar keep came over with two drinks saying it was from the stallion playing the piano. She looked over t the stallion. "Looks like we got an admirer." She said to Summer a she lift her drink up while giving the stallion a smile in thanks.

Edited by Gloomfury
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, @Dapper Charmer, @Drago Ryder,

"E-excuse me! Da-da-does a-anypony know wa-wa-were the nearest hotel is? I'm about to die of Hy-hy-hypothermia."

The boat rattled as it landed on the famously claimed peace village, it startled a certain sleepy Mercedes near the docking entrance. Her head banged on the boat wall quite hard. She got up rubbing her spiky mane as soon as the boat anchored.


She thought of going off before a crimson pegasus' breath breezed behind her rear, it was scaringly cold. The pony barely stood up on his own. She turned around and hold the poor colt who's already looking like frozen tuna. "Hang in there boy, we're going off boat first" assuring Mercedes to the pegasus. "What's your name?"


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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"You know all the lines don't you did you write the book? But really voice sounds like a strangled cat at times." 

(OOC: from Summer's page)

All my characters have accent (based of me) a mix between country Australian (think outback Aus films) and Geordie (sigh... you know like Geordie Shore)



Shamrock was quite a clever talker she knew what to say and how and when to say it, leaving Summer hanging on each and every word she spoke to her like she'd cast a spell on her or something along that line. I could sit with this lass til the next yeah, I just might Summer was now looking at Shamrock, not away either at her eyes or her body and hooves as she touched them gently, despite they felt like gravel, it was no bother to her.




When the barpony delivered the drinks and pointed out the pegasus on the piano, ah he's keen Summer gestured for the other come come and sit with her and Shamrock, turning back to her "I hope you don't mind I think he's lonely no pony clapped for him, I should of, it was played very well maybe we could sing later hmm..." She trailed of to thought then looked back to Shamrock again. "either you can have that or he can I'm not a good drinker goes to my head like a water to a sponge." She sat waiting for the other to come over, but in that time let go of Shamrock's hoof and put her wing around her again, "this is nicer for me anyway."

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Vulcan blushed a little after Serenity held his shoulder. He stared at her as he felt the cold seem to leave his body. "you're amazing~" he smiled happily before realizing his usual bluntness. "Errh... I mean youre ugh... bracing! ... This cold.. Winter! Yep!" he blabbered before laughing nervously.


They finally reached the large fire . Vulcan was awe struck at the sight not noticing he still held serenity's hand, When the books said it was a big fire he didn't think it meant like this,it was so large it was surround on 4 sides by old buildings.



Serenity's cheeks go hot red after she felt, he wasn't cold anymore. "O-oh my.." she blushed, taken away by the fire in front of them. For once, Serenity felt like a normal pony.. no one to judge her actions.. no one to blame her on anything.. It felt like heaven for her. Serenity sat down by the fire, warming her stoned, cold wings till they're all fluffy and normal. The Pegasus took off her glasses, placing them onto her forehead to enjoy the warm heat in front of her. "Its so lovely.. isn't it Vulcan?" She asked, realizing she is still holding his hand.

Edited by VinylWubs
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((OOC: The song he was playing was "Pareidolia Piano Demonstration" By Kevin Sherwood. I aint linking the video here just because of removal reasons))


After finishing his second piece of music, Barrel took his other two shots of vodka with his right wing and trotted over to the mares. He smiled a little at them. He took particular interest in the yellow pegasus. Barrel sat down next to them and placed the shots of vodka on the table.


"H..Hey there. Nice to meet you." Barrel said and attempted to smile. Again, he was NEW to the whole talking to others thing. He wasn't sure what to say exactly but he followed his heart in attempts to either making friends for a first time or even meet a special somepony? Who knew... 


"I er... hope... that I am not interrupting something here... heh." Barrel said neverously to the two. He blushed when he got a little closer to the yellow mare.

Edited by Damonater
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@@Dapper Charmer,


Frostfall was facing the fire, sitting on her haunches with her front hooves in front of the fire.  Then she heard Mist speak about her name and appearance and her head lowered.  Her hooves shook, whether from the cold or something else, and her bangs casted very dark shadows over her eyes.  There was silence for a few long seconds.


Then she looked up with a smile and said,"And your smile cuts through the mist, Mist," with a laugh.

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Shamrock quietly watched the stallions body language. From her time living on the streets and fighting in and out of the ring. She learned to read others. As she watched him she couldn't help but smirk. She took a drink from her glass and placed it back on the table before moving closer to Summer and getting deeper under her wing,


"Oh don't worry abut it mate. Just trying to work my magic with the lass here." Her smirk got bigger. Shamrock was always forthright.  She liked how others reacted when she was upfront. "And so far you're not doing bad. The music and drinks were a nice move. And you're pretty cute when you blush." She added a playful giggle.

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Mist couldn't help but blush. He was glad that his compliment had been appreciated. "Well that's really kind of you to say Miss Frostfall," he said with a smile. Mist walked a little closer to the fire to let his body heat up once more. When he was satisfied he moved back over to Frostfall, "now that we're warmed up do you think you might be able to show me one of those inns you talked about?"

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Summer gave Shamrock a look of stop being cheeky (can that be a face?) then looked at the male pegasus, "it's nice to meet you, thanks for the drink but either of you can have it I can't hold my liquor, you did not mention your name there. I'm Summer Cloud and this keen thing here is Shamrock, she a boxer too, in case you were wondering I'm a run of the mill weather pony. Your skill with the piano is very good the music you played was lovely I should of claped but I was distracted by the object under my wing." Summer chuckled after saying that. She then looked back to Shamrock and whispered in her ear, "you have competition now lass good luck." How am I so popular say hi to somepony and she wants to read you every line in the book and this fellow is just as keen and I did not even say hi or anything.

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Smoking Barrel was confused as to what the emerald green pony was doing and saying. She had a nice accent though. Barrel raised an eyebrow at her. Err... I am a simple pony. I can not understand the means behind her actions. Barrel thought to himself.


He shook his head slightly, "Oh... heh. Umm... Well... I actually do not know my real birth name. I don't think I was a planned thing by my so called 'parents'. However, I did give myself the name of Smoking Barrel a few years back due to my cutie mark. Never really understood its purpose but it is one of my inventions." Barrel explained to both of them. He was hoping that he was doing this whole social thing correctly. He read in a book called "Being Social For Dummies" you need to be truthful and not lie when you are talking to others.


"It's okay, I understand..." Barrel said and paused for a moment for his thought, Maybe the green one is telling me to go away? I don't know. I am confused. Erghh... But how do I leave in the middle of talking if she wants me gone? Maybe just move away slightly? AGAIN I DO NOT KNOW THESE SORTS OF THINGS!!! Okay... Calm down... Just dont move and keep doing what you are doing... Barrel's heart began to race, looked a little panicky. Then all of a sudden, his glasses began to fog up.


"Heh... excuse me for one moment..." Barrel looked away from the two mares and took off his glasses. His stabbed through eye began to hurt as he took of the glasses. Barrel quickly tried to clean his tinted glasses and held his hoof against his eye.

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Shamrock smirked. "Maybe, but the fella seems to be having a hard time with his words. Among other things." She took note of the stallions slightly panicked behavior. She leaned closer to Summer's ear. "But I've learned the best ways to make the mares swoon." She whispered in a breathy voice before lightly brushing her lips against Summers ear. "But I can give the boyo a few pointers." She winked before gently moving out from under Summers wing.


She grabbed her drink along with Summer's drink and sat on the other side of Barrel. She then placed a friendly arm around his shoulder. "Oi, oi. Calm down mate. No need to panic. I welcome a little competition.  Not to brag, I know how to talk to ponies, but you seem to be out of sorts when you try. The trick is to keep calm and assert confidence. Ponies respond well to confidence. 


Because I show confidence and charisma I was able to hold the hoof of a lovely mare." She gave Summer a smile.

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"if your not so good at talking to others, why don't you just practice with us there mate, we don't bite well I do actually when you're an apple and she will punch you." Summer looked at Damonater's face as he thought her to be serious, she smiled at him and laughed a little, "look don't worry just talk to us as if we are good friends or something as Shamrock said confidence is key to it, she's won me over somewhat in like 15-20 minutes now and I did not even think of mares in that way before now. Anyway what do we call you? You must write down something when filling in documents and such even if it's an X." Summer giggled again "never called a pony X before but if that will do." Summer turned to speak to Shamrock "hey you come back here and let me hug you, I like it now." Summer gave Shamrock something akin to puppy eyes.

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Shamrock's smile grew. She Pat Barrel on the shoulder. "I must do what the lady asks." She stood up and moved back over to Summer and got under her wing again. "Missed me?" She said while she nuzzled her Summer's cheek lightly. But where Barrel couldn't see. She didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. 

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After Barrel put his glasses back on, Barrel's mind was all over the place with flooding questions in his head like, "A little competition?" "Pony X? What??" "WHAT ARE FRIENDS THEY SPEAK OF?"  Such stress got to Barrel. He felt his right split open and felt a liquid begin to leak from it... But it wasn't tears...


When the Emerald green pony went back to the yellow mare. He slowly stood up, "Ermm... excuse me... I just..." Then he suddenly swooped the two shots of vodka from the table with his wing and rushed for the door to the outside. Barrel was freaking the heck out. Barrels heart raced and body shaking for various reasons. Not to mention his stabbed through eye split open in which it left a slight trail behind on the tavern floor and the snow. 


He hid near the back of the tavern on the outside, in the icey cold weather. Trying to make the bleeding stop. He was freaking out like no tomorrow. He began to cry at the same time.... But will his journey be completed alone or with others?

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"what is wrong with him? has he never talked to a pony before? It's too cold out there for most ponies I'm gonna go get him back in here, help me if you wish although you're not good with the cold either." Summer stood and ran out the door after the station leaving her pack behind.


Outside she was looking for him where did he go? hold on She looked down to see a small trail of blood and followed it until she found him behind the tavern crying and holding his eye. She walked over to him (OOC: can edit this part if the DM does not like it) "look what are you out here for your freezing out here and the slight wound I can fix that" Summer lifted one of her hooves and bit it and drew some blood, "here drink this it will heal you, now come inside where it's warm, we are just fooling around you do not need worry." she smiled at him offering her hoof with the bite mark towards him, bearing two small puncture marks.

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Serenity's cheeks go hot red after she felt, he wasn't cold anymore. "O-oh my.." she blushed, taken away by the fire in front of them. For once, Serenity felt like a normal pony.. no one to judge her actions.. no one to blame her on anything.. It felt like heaven for her. Serenity sat down by the fire, warming her stoned, cold wings till they're all fluffy and normal. The Pegasus took off her glasses, placing them onto her forehead to enjoy the warm heat in front of her. "Its so lovely.. isn't it Vulcan?" She asked, realizing she is still holding his hand.

"It is" Vulcan replied as he turned towards her before looking away and blushing. "The fire... I mean Is... Lovely" he blushed hoping she hadn't noticed he was talking about her. "and Serenity, I'm glad you're better" he smiled patting gently patting her on the head as his other hoof still held on to hers.


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"It is" Vulcan replied as he turned towards her before looking away and blushing. "The fire... I mean Is... Lovely" he blushed hoping she hadn't noticed he was talking about her. "and Serenity, I'm glad you're better" he smiled patting gently patting her on the head as his other hoof still held on to hers.

She giggled gently and smiled. "It is indeed.. I wonder how these ponies do it without the houses get on fire.." She said, relaxing her whole body for just a minute. Her eyes went a little deeper eye as the stallion pet her head gently. "Derp. Derp, derp.." She derped, feeling the sensation to go crazy but decided to go against it. "Really? Thank you Vulcan.." The Pegasus smiled, patting her hoof down besides her.

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@,@@Damonater,  ((You Aussies sure speak strangely, but I get most of it.))


Shamrock sighed. She really hated the cold. But she couldn't just sit her and wait. After downing both glasses of whiskey, she grabbed hers and Summers bag, to make sure no one tried to steal them, and left out the door. She started following Summer's  hoof-prints and Barrel's blood. 


When she found them he sew what looked like Summer trying to get Barrel drink her blood. Having seem many strange things, thanks to her friends. It didn't really put her in shock. She went over to then checked out his eye. "He just popped a blood vessel. He'll be fine. I've had them before. They heal up over a short time. No need to get him to drink your blood. It's not like he's dying." She rubbed her shoulders while she shivered. "Now can we get back inside? If I wasn't a mare I would swear my bollocks froze off."

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((OOC: My characters accent is Russian. But I do speak aussie irl though ;) ))


As Barrel had his head in the snow, softly weeping due to his stress. He felt the other trying to hold his face, looking into his scarred eye that was really messed up. Barrel didn't say anything. He felt like the air within him was sucked out like the soul he had when he was a little colt. 


Barrel's chances to get either some actual friends and / or some pony special is swiftly going down the drain. He knew that. 


The eye stopped bleeding.... at least for now. Barrel slowly stood up and put back on his shades. He looked at both of them for a few seconds. He sighed and felt like giving up and going home. Although, he didn't want to fly back. So he had no choice but to stay in the village.... But where? He had had no money, he packed nothing. 


"I..... I....." Barrel froze with his words. Sure, it was cold but he didn't know what to do or say any more. He still had the shots of vodka wrapped tightly under his wing. 


Barrel began to use whatever breathe was left inside him, "I.... Am sorry for ruining your evening. I'll just go now..." Barrel slowly trotted in to the snowy night and was now on the search for a good piece ground to lie on. Perhaps next to the tavern? Or the Inn? Who knows... Barrel screwed up his chances with other ponies anyway. No turning back now.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


"Thanks.  I wish folks said things like that more," Frostfall replied, warmed by his gratitude just as much as the hearth.  Then, feeling that irresistible urge for mischief, put her hooves a bit closer to the fire and yelled,"AGH!  IT'S HOT!" pulling her hooves away and blowing on them as if they were really on fire. 

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Summer tried to stop the pony "where are you going it's too cold!" But he left into the snow there was no use talking him out of it he was bent on being socially weird. Summer turned back to Shamrock "let us go back in he's not going to come with us and your freezing again." Summer turned to go back inside...


(OOC: leaving it here incase either of you are planning something else)

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Shamrock felt bad for the stallion. But she felt like he needed to be alone for now. So she followed Summer back inside. "Poor guy. He reminds me of a friend of mine. He was just as awkward if not even more so. Because he still has a mind of a little colt., thanks to his bastard parents. " She spat the last ward out. "But over time he learned to find his own way of getting closer with others. I'm sure he will as well.


She got closer to Summer to help keep warm.

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They sat back down where they had sat before, "I know a few socially awkward ponies too but they are ok once you say hi and they say it back never someone so unable to speak to another pony before, it's a shame really. Hold on what about your friends parents?" Summer knew what the contents of the next thing to come out of Shamrock were going to be so before she could speak she hugged her with both of her wings knowing it may be painful to talk about it, especially the way she spat after talking about it. 

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 Shamrock looked down but placed an arm around Summer's wast so she could get closer. "He told me he was raised in a caller since he could remember. He was placed there by his parents. All because they were unicorns and he was born a earth pony. He was made to wash there clothes and other shite." She started to tremble, not from the cold, but with anger. "He lived in a caller for nineteen years, never seeing the outside world. 


But after a fire went off in his parents house he was able to escape. 



I met him a two years after that. I helped him as much as I could. Because I know what it is like not to be wanted. That was until I met my da." 

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"That is horrible, i'm only 19 all my life in a cellar I could not image it not being able to fly, no sunshine NO stars. My sweet Luna that is awful, Unicorns even after all this time they still look down on us, I'm sorry I asked that was not nice of me." she could feel Shamrock shaking Summer hugged her tighter still.  

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