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open Warm Wishes at Hearthmoon Village! (RP Thread)

Akari of Duskshire

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(( OOC: Holy jebuss, 300 posts!! ))


Barrel slowly got up and looked at the red haired mare, "Y-yeah... Let's just get back inside. My name is Smoking Barrel. Atleast its what I gave myself since I do not know my real name." Barrel explained to Mercedes.


Barrel knew he had to act upon the revelation he had inside his head. This would be a good starting point for him.


He then put a hoof around her to keep stabilized, and then his wing without the vodka and bits to try to keep her warm out here. Although Barrel wasn't really warm himself. Then..... He smiled a tiny bit. Barrel felt weird but he knew he must keep going.

Edited by Damonater
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@@Dapper Charmer,


Before Frostfall could reassure Mist that it was just a joke, she found her hoof wrapped in something cooling. Normally she would be laughing at him being gullible, but she instead found herself feeling pretty grateful for his action.


"By the moon, Frostfall, why're you always scarin' folks who come by here?! 'specially that handsome fella from outta Prancylvania," the old mare with the knitting work piped up from nearby. That was when Frostfall began laughing.

For a few seconds Mist was confused, "wait. You were joking," Mist said to Frostfall. Normally Mist would have been pissed off, but when he looked at her all he could do was join in the laughter. "You know you really shouldn't scare ponies like that," said Mist who was still chuckling, "but at least you're not hurt." Mist blushed slightly. Edited by Dapper Charmer
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@,@@CP3_P0n3,  @@Damonater,@,


Shamrock had a disappointed face when Summer said no more of...whatever they were doing. She leaned against her. "Ah come on, Luv. I've been knocked out before, but not by a kiss.  Now I want more." But she sighed and gave her some space. "But fine. At least I don't have to go outside again." She sighed again and opened her bag. She pulled out four strap on weights. She started placing one on all her legs.


"I guess I'll do a little bit us exercise. I've been sitting too long." She gave Summer a smile before she got up and went over to an open part of the bar. She stood on her hind legs and started shadowboxing.

  • Brohoof 1
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@@Gloomfury,@, @@CP3_P0n3, @@Damonater,


Summer was watching as Shamrock practiced her boxing, using that many weights no wonder you are so heavy more muscles that a bull she giggled at her own thoughts. "when I meant no more I mean here I don't do that sort of thing in public, except for before that was not something I usually and you're the first mare I have kissed like that, moms and sisters are different but you know what I mean." However Summer bored of watching Shamrock boxing really wasn't her thing so she went over to the piano and played a song

Summer would sound different but yeah...

Once she finished she address everyone there "any requests ponies?"  

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Damonater,  @,  @@Gloomfury,


"Nice to meet you, Mr.Barrel -pft roll  pft,  sorry, bug got my throat" she tried to hold herself up.



Mercedes and Mr.Barrel Roll, well at least that's how she liked the name that way, entered the tavern and back to the kissing table. By the looks of it, Summer and Shammgod or Shamrock "whatever her name was" went on having some fun themselves. "Hmph, masochists."


"Oh, sorry, please have a seat. That there playing the piano is Summer and the one's boxing is Shammgo- er... Shamrock. Get yourself some beer okay? and" closing up on Mr. Barrel Roll, she narrows her eyes "don't go anywhere". Not that she was getting possessive, she's just afraid he's going to wander off again judging on how he stayed cold alone. "He might have a complex resolution"




She left Mr. Barrel Roll alone, hopefully Summer or Shamrock can get him confortable. She glances back and spotted a familiar crimson pegasus. She squeezed through the tough crowd, approaching the not-so-freezing pegasus.


"Hey, sorry about back there, I was sleep walking and kinda barrel rolled my way here"

  • Brohoof 1


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@,@@CP3_P0n3, @@Damonater,


Shamrock walked back over to Summer. She stood on the side of the piano as she kept boxing. "Really, I'm your first. Brilliant! But I'm sure you've been smooched by few a stallion.  Even I've been there. First kiss I had was with a stallion. Little bastard bragged about it to the hole school. The next day I punched his two front teeth out. We were kids so they were just baby teeth. But everyone thought twice about messing with me.


The first mare I kissed was in middle school. I was going though things, Trying to be more girly, wearing dresses and makeup all that shite. But I do like to dress up from time to time. Anyway that was when I felt like I had to like stallions and get them to like me. But a mare from another class caught my eye. She was a sweet thing. We kissed behind a large rose bush at a flower shop.  Pretty romantic  for a couple of fillies."  She chuckled.

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"No pony want another song oh well" Summer played another melody (something generic) Summer have a smile to Shamrock as she walked up to her at the piano "well I guess that I'm only a bit older than when you did, since i'm only 19 and all left school only 3 years ago now, I don't even know what you would look like in a dress." Summer giggled at that "you'd probably look nice though, wait where are my satchels do you have them?!" Summer had a panicked look on her face, as she looked all over the place for her bags, she was still playing her song and did not stop not wanting to be rude to anyone listening to her playing.   


  • Brohoof 1

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As Barrel entered the tavern once again, he had his last shot of vodka and went over to the piano. "Hey, I got a song.. But could I possibly play it? Check this out... Oh, and sorry about before... It's a long story." Barrel then sat next to Summer on the other side other piano and began to play this song:





Barrel then began to sing the lyrics with it as well.


Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry
These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past

I found you here, now please just stay for a while
I can move on with you around
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
We both know the day will come, but I don't want to leave you

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Newborn life replacing all of us, changing this fable we live in
No longer needed here so where do we go?
Will you take a journey tonight, follow me past the walls of death?
But girl, what if there is no eternal life?

I see my vision burn, I feel my memories fade with time
But I'm too young to worry (a melody, a memory, or just one picture)

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

So, what if I never hold you, yeah, or kiss your lips again?
Woooaaah, so I never want to leave you and the memories of us to see
I beg don't leave me

Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost
It's empty and cold without you here, too many people to ache over

Trials in life, questions of us existing here, don't wanna die alone without you here
Please tell me what we have is real

Silence you lost me, no chance for one more day [x2 then continues in the background]
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home
I stand here alone
Falling away from you, no chance to get back home

Edited by Damonater
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"T-t-that's ok, I'm fine." Flamestreak was still bewildered by the display put on earlier and the resulting wing "malfunction" from it. exceptionally so that the stallion thoroughly forgot what he said mere moments ago. He rattled his head around and regained his faculties as he turned to the mare beside him. "Yeah I'm fine, just a bit.... overwhelmed. My name is Flamestreak by the way, what is yours?" 

  • Brohoof 1

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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"Nice to see you come back in it's freezing out there, glad Mercedes got you to come inside by all means play away my nervous friend." Summer smiled at Barrel (@@Damonater,still haven't told Summer or Shamrock your name) she sat next to him swaying to the song as he started to sing, "oh I know this one." and joined in with him Summer simply sat and sang happily along with the stallion with no name. When they had finished she looked at him "very good there" a tear fell from her cheek, music did that to her especially well played music. Summer slid over to him have him and hug with her wing and patted him on the back "that was lovely." She looked over to Shamrock "can you play at all Sham, do you like Sham. Shamrock? Or you like something else for a nickname." She made this address to everyone in verbal range "you all know me as Summer but you can call me Sun or Sum, Sun is my middle name." She smiled at everyone baring her fangs which happened at times when she was emotional (going of the notion they are adelaine based in there use, the fangs)   

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"And I am... Well I do not know my real name but I have come to call my self Smoking Barrel. Just named it after my cutie mark or my inventions I created." Barrel explained to them. 


As Barrel received the hug from Summer, he smiled a little. "Thank you." Barrel was now feeling more confident than before.



Barrel then looked over at Mercedes, he smiled at her but she wasn't looking at Barrel's way though. She was talking to some other pony though so he didn't want to interrupt her. He felt a strange feeling overcome him for a few moments, but he didn't know what it was. He went the slightest of red on his cheeks and then turned back.

I feel different... like a whole other pony really... what are these feelings I am feeling...? But I like them. Barrel thought.

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@,@@Damonater, @@CP3_P0n3,


"Call me Shammy. Most of my friends do." She said as she kept shadowboxing.  As she then a smirk grew on her face." Maybe I could call you Sunshine? You just as bright as the sun and twice as pretty."  After a bit she started to breath heavenly, but she kept going. She had to remember she was there to train.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Frostfall sat up on her haunches and shrugged with her hooves facing up.  "Hey, the reactions are priceless.  And I don't get hurt easily, so no need to worry," she said with a slightly cocky smile.  "Now let's go!  I think you'll like this place more," she said, walking around the hearth to an old-looking building that was next to a place titled "General Store".  It read "Inn", but the sign looked like it could use some cleaning up. 

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Mist looked at the inn. It looked pretty old, but at the same time it felt kinda cozy. He turned to Frostfall, "thanks for bringing me here Frostfall. It was really kind of you." Mist began to blush slightly, "and I was wondering if you might let me make it up to you by..um..maybe..if you want....take you out to dinner?"

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She giggled gently and smiled. "It is indeed.. I wonder how these ponies do it without the houses get on fire.." She said, relaxing her whole body for just a minute. Her eyes went a little deeper eye as the stallion pet her head gently. "Derp. Derp, derp.." She derped, feeling the sensation to go crazy but decided to go against it. "Really? Thank you Vulcan.." The Pegasus smiled, patting her hoof down besides her.

"Who says they don't? " Vulcan grinned as he thought about the huge fire hazard in the middle of the village." there must've been quite a few close calls" he though before noticing the derpy expression on his friend's face. "So serenity" he called as he stared into her eyes.Vulcan moved a bit closer to the mare,lifted his hoof and quickly but gently bumped her nose.


Edited by Vulcan


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@@Gloomfury,@@Damonater, @, @@CP3_P0n3


Summer laughed at what at what Shamrock said "Shammy it is then, how are you I'm Sunshine, I don't know if I like it but it's what you picked it so that's ok." Summer smiled again at Shamrock her fangs were still stuck out no pony is noticing my fangs that's really nice Her smile was even wider after thinking on that either everypony here was very kind or thought her half bat pony, that may explain the fangs to normal ponies. "are you going to keep training now I mean Shammy you could start tomorrow since we got her like less then 2 or 3 hours ago, sing with us let us be merry and so on and forth."

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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Barrel looked towards Summer, she had a very wide smile... But there was something weird. Her teeth. She had two really pointy ones. Hmm... Such pointy teeth... What could that mean...? Eh I don't know... Perhaps I should not ask about it... Would that be rude...? Barrel thought to himself.


Barrel then glared over at Mercedes again,  He gave a tiny sigh and thought again. Why do I feel these feelings overcome me when I look at her...? Should I go talk to her...? But she is with that other pony... Would be rude to interrupt... *sigh* Wait a minute.... I NEVER THANKED HER FOR BRINGING ME BACK IN!!! Uh oh... What do I do now??

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"Didn't I tell you...oh wait, I was dreaming back then. Hi, I'm Mercedes. Nice to meet you, Flamestreak."


"Oh and the mare who's playing the piano is Summer, the one boxing is Shamrock, and that's Smoking Barrel aka Mr.Barrel Roll there sitting right beside Summer."


@,  @@Damonater,   @@Gloomfury,  


Mercedes points her head to the piano section, "look at them, having so much fun without us. They're not gonna get away with that". She noticed Mr.Barrel Roll just hoisted himself to the frontline "Well, well, it looks like he's fine by himself afterall."


A nostalgic song began to fill the tavern, silencing the noisy crowd for a while. She'd have remembered the colts always play this song back in Canterlot University. "Ooooh, this brings back those memories." It was Sieze the Day by Avenge Sevencolt! Who knew!


Mr.Barrel Roll was making faces as he kept looking over here, "wait don't tell me that..."


"HE'S GAY?!"


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@,@@Damonater,  @@CP3_P0n3@,



Shamrock got back on all fours, taking in a few breathes. "I guess you're right. Sometimes I just have to train a little. But I'm going to have to keep my weights on. Everything's a workout!" She chuckled. "As for singing I'm not the best at. Only thing I can do is play harmonica." She sat down on the floor next to Summer and rest her head on Summer's leg. 

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Sometimes... You just gotta do whatcha gotta do. Make the first move. Barrel thought with the confidence he had. Barrel stood on all fours and said to Shammy and Summer, "Excuse me for one moment." 


Barrel trotted over to Mercedes and Flamestreak, But was paying more attention to Mercedes. "Er hey, I never really got to thank you back there, Mercedes. Sorry you had to go out into the cold though just to come get me... What can I do to make it up to you?" Barrel asked with a smile and with his new found confidence.

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"Of course Barrel." Summer turned to Shamrock resting on her leg hanging off the seat "see there you go have some time off from your work at least for today anyway, Shammy." Summer stroked Shamrocks head and mane, "you don't groom your mane do you? Rarity would have a pink(ie) fit if she saw you." Summer chuckled but kept stroking. Wonder if Barrel will make it with Mercedes seen that look in someone's eyes before. 

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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 She started relaxing as Summer stoked her mane. "I never had a need to. It's just going to get like this anyway, even if I do get it done. Its got that naturally Lowlander curl to it. About the only thing I do with it is tie it back. But my hat mainly keeps it out of my face. But I have to tie it back when I'm in a bout." 

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@@CP3_P0n3,@@Damonater, @@Gloomfury,  


"That's a nice nam-." He was cut off by a dirt brown coated Pegasus, The stallion had a short blue mane with black on the edges. If Mercedes was to be believed, Then this was Smoking Barrel he was the last pony to be identified by Mercedes and a pony with a very fitting nickname, Flame was a little startled when Barrel abruptly entered himself into the conversation, but noticing his glance at Benz not even really shooting flame a look, He decided to step back and let "Barrel Roll" and Mercedes finish their conversation

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@,  @@Damonater,   


"Hmmm..." Barrel's eyes were full of seriousness, Mercedes had to accept or else he would be sulking again.


She grabs Flamestreak by the neck, tilted her head, letting out an alluring voice...


"How about you get us three a few beer and send them to that table earlier? Think you can do that Barrel? Don't worry, we'll each pay for our own beer." She drags Flame to the kissing table earlier, "Thank you!" she said as she goes to the table.


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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"Err yeah, s-sure thing." Barrel replied to Mercedes. He kind of felt bad for interupting Flame's and Mercedes conversation but he just wanted to thank her. Anyways,  he went up to the bar pony once again.


"Hey err, could I get three beers for that table please? Could I pay the rest later for those later." Barrel said as he gave the bar pony the rest of his bits. 


"No need, that's the right price for them anyway. Here you are." The barpony replied as he gave Barrel the three beers.


Barrel balanced them on his wing and slid them on the table towards the two other ponies so it sat right under their noses. "There we are... three beers. Oh, and I am so sorry for interuppting suddenly back there. Just wanted to thank her for dragging me out of the snow earlier." Barrel explained.


"What is your name? My name is Smoking Barrel... or just Barrel for short."  He asked the crimson pony.

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