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open Warm Wishes at Hearthmoon Village! (RP Thread)

Akari of Duskshire

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@Gloomfury,@Damonater@Flamestreak1990@CP3_P0n3@, (Merry Xmas All + swapping to orange brown easier for you guys to read)


Summer kept up her actions she noticed that Shamrock was somewhat enthralled by her because of the kiss, she must not have it easy to find others as open minded like Summer. Stroking her was a nice close thing to do like the hugs and, well not the kiss but it was nice. "you can do easy and simple things with your mane that look nice like my mane just a headband, but I looks nice compared to my normal mane style, you could do something as simple as that with your mane." Summer looked over to the three other ponies at the table next to them, "it's a nice evening yes this nice warm tavern a haven from the cold of outside." Summer then layed down on the bench adjacent the piano on her stomach then started playing with Shamrocks shoulders and back while resting her head on Shamrocks, looking into her eyes, quietly "do you want to go back over and sit with them or are you good for now?"   

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"Who says they don't? " Vulcan grinned as he thought about the huge fire hazard in the middle of the village." there must've been quite a few close calls" he though before noticing the derpy expression on his friend's face. "So serenity" he called as he stared into her eyes.Vulcan moved a bit closer to the mare,lifted his hoof and quickly but gently bumped her nose.


Serenity giggled gently as she got booped on the muzzle. "Derp!" She said, in a derpy expression. The mare smiled shyly and kissed his cheek gently, turning away in a blush. "T-thanks Vulcan for everything.. I-I-I appreciate it.." She muttered, her whole face looking like she ate hot sauce. The Pegasus got up and started heading towards the bar. "Well, since it's winter.. I should really get a hot chocolate or something.." She mumbled before entering the bar.

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@@Dapper Charmer,


Frostfall waved to the mare at the counter, the two exchanging a knowing glance and a few nods before the blue unicorn whirled around and said,"Why don't you just settle in first?  Then we'll go get something."  She leaned in a bit to get a closer look at his face.  "Oh, you running a fever or something?"

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"Yeah just a small one," said Mist sadly, "I think it must just be boat lag. So the sooner I get settled in the better." Mist walked over to the counter. He rang the bell and waited for somepony to help him. Mist sighed, he was pretty emarased that his invatation to dinner had not been received the way he had hoped.

"What would you like?" asked the pony running the front desk.

"Just one room please." replied Mist.

"Okay ill get it right now." Before heading to the back to get the key the mare gave a friendly wave to Frostfall.

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@@Damonater,@, @@CP3_P0n3,


didn't have anytime to react as Mercedes grabbed him forced him over to a table in the corner of the bar. "what are you doing?" He asked, plopping him onto the nearest seat. Immediately afterwards Smoking Barrel had come over to the table bearing two drinks with him.




"What is your name? My name is Smoking Barrel... or just Barrel for short."


"Flamestreak. So what brings you to this cordial place?" 

Edited by Flamestreak1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@,  @@Damonater,  @,  @@Gloomfury,



As Flamestreak and Mr.Barrel Roll continue their colt talk,Mercedes leans her head just barely near Summer and Shammgod, who were embracing each other, it really made her weak for a good few second.


"Hey, Summer, can you play me this song please? Thanks." She got up and hurried to the washroom to do her sole duty.





Edited by CP3_P0n3


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@, ((Sorry, real life his shit right now.)) 


"I'm alright here. I kinda want to spend time with just us for a bit. This place got pretty crowded. Not that I mind." She reached up a placed her hoof on Summer's while looking up at her. " I just want to be with you at the moment. And I really feel like I neet put most of my attention on you, and mostly you."

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@Gloomfury,@Damonater, @Flamestreak1990, @CP3_P0n3, @Flamestreak1990,

Summer herd what Mercedes had requested and was happy to oblige sat up from her lying stance so that she was in her previous position with Shamrock still lent against her leg, Summer was insanely happy enjoying this nice evening with new friends and a 'interesting' friend looking down at Shamrock smiling at her. Summer started to play the request from Mercedes


but was still trying to stroke Shamrock with her wing however her focus was on playing the song so the strokes were unequal and somewhat disorganised.

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@@Akari of Duskshire,


Vulcan blushed as the mare kissed his cheek, he definitely wasn't expecting that when he signed for this rolepl-...erh...Vacation. Vulcan saw the mare leave towards the bar as he sat wondering what action he should take next. "Should I go with her?....maybe not...or maybe I should...what does she want?....why did she leave" Vulcan thought like an idiot, He wasn't any good at courting mares and this was a strange new predicament that he had landed himself into. Vulcan shivered as he sat there and realized that he should probably buy some clothes first. He got off the log and began walking towards the clothing shop. entering it's doors he asked the cashier what their most  best selling item was, it was something he usually did whenever he had to buy clothes and it usually got him something nice to wear. 

Edited by Vulcan


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@,@@CP3_P0n3, @,  


As shamrock listened to Summer play she couldn't help but feel a little left out. She stood up for a moment and went over to grab her bag. Along with Summer's. She came back over and sat back down on the floor where she was before. She placed their bags on the side of the piano and started digging in hers. She pulled out a small green case. When she opened it inside was a harmonica. 


When Summer was done playing, Shamrock looked back up at her with a smile. "How about I play something." She then started to play.




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Summer sat there blissfully as Shamrock played her quite nice tune, "are you trying to impress me there Shammy cose it's working" giving her a smile. Just sitting there listening the instrument gained some attention from others aswell they must've been used to the piano. Summer was not concerned she simply sat there looking at Shamrock you are starting to really grow on me missy, maybe there is something going on here, Summer intended to think this but could not help but say it by accident, it was said quietly "am I falling in love with a boxer and a female one at that?" She was unaware that she had said it outloud. 

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[For fracks sake... I followed this topic, and yet I wasn't getting notifications just to find out now you were on 7 pages >.>]


Finding himself gazing around at the town a bit too much Dark Star finally stepped up his pace, seeing most of the ponies left the docks and now following suit.


As his lightly cold bare hooves wandered the snow he thought of last Hearths Warming Eve, the warm feeling of spending it with some family, even if they weren't his own. It was awkward but nice. 


Finally finding the town square with the lovely hearth in the middle Star felt the holiday spirit, something he didn't really feel this year due to spending it alone at his house without much celebration, receiving some presents from some of the guards under him, especially the mares.... oh so many presents. 


Not like he didn't have a choice, Star had friends among the guards, people who were also solo for the night, people he more or less liked. But due to the temporary mood damp it just didn't cross his mind.


Finally making his decision up on what to do he entered the fancier inn, not caring much of who is inside of it or the other travelers, this was his calm time, and no worries passed him as walking over to the bar he ordered some stronger warming hot co-co.

Edited by The Lonesome Spectre
  • Brohoof 1


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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"Erm, just trying to do somethings that are different, make friends and stuff like that..... You like vodka?" Barrel asked Flame.


Barrel took a sip of his beer, looking at Flame and at his surroundings. Taking in once again the enviroment. Also thinking about what to say to Mercedes when she gets back as well.


(( Sorry for the short reply, just really tired since arriving in NYC )) 

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@@Damonater,@, @@Gloomfury,


"Making friends is always good........and I don't, I'm an athlete an all so I have to say in good shape for training. Thanks for offering though." Flamestreak glaced around the room, After a long pause he turned Barrel and began to open his mouth. "Some um what do you do for a living?" He asked trying make conversation 

Edited by LittlePip1990

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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@, ((Sorry it took me a while. Just got internet back.))


When Shamrock finished her song. Her ears perked up when she heard what Summer said. She lowered her harmonica  And looked at Summer slowly. She's wasn't sure if she heard her right, but her ears haven't cauliflowered yet. And from the looks of it Summer didn't seem to notice what she just said. Shamrock smirked and decided to keep this to herself for now.


She stood up and sat next to Summer on the piano stool.


"Did you know that us Lowlanders(Irish) and Highlanders(Sottish) have our own language? I's called Gaelic. They're fairly different. The dialect and the wards aren't all the same.  But it's still a beautiful language.  To say 'hello' you would say 'dia daoibh'. To say 'goodbye' you would say 'slán'.


But only if you're using the words themselves and not in a sentience, cause it sounds differently. Like love, the word by itself would be 'Is breá'. But if you would want to use in in a sentience it would sound something like 'Mo ghrá don áilleacht órga.' Want to know what that means?" She said with a smile.

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"No I don't know any of that, um jibberish." She smiled at Shamrock thinking the comment cute. "it seems a bit hard to say, but I have never been this far north so have yet to come across it, a day of many firsts I guess." Summer hopped off the piano, then started to slowly hover towards back to the first table picking up their bags on the way. "hope you don't mind it's just that seat is not that nice to sit on and the other one is and I don't want to play anymore songs so yeah."


Still hovering she scratched the back of her mane nervously as she did not want to appear as she did before freaked out or something, "um oh I know what will make you think nothing of this but it being more comfortable." Summer flew back over the Shamrock and kissed her again not as big as the last one but enough of a one to well bribe her so to speak. "can we move seats now?" 

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Picking up his mug of hot co-co with this magic, Dark Star inhaled its sweet warm scent pleasantly, levitating it away a bit and watching the steam rise from the cup and pearly white marshmallows slowly puff up in the drink, softening and soaking up the chocolate yumness.


Finally, after the ceremony Star finally took a sip, looking around and trying to plan his day, conjuring a small map of the town. He wasn't tired, so sleeping things off wasn't an option... heck, he felt energetic and wanting to do something fun, but nothing came into his mind that he wanted to do specifically.


Still sitting about and sipping his coco Star begun looking around the inn for anypony or thing of interest.


My lil' art thread. - My OC - Profile pic by myself. ~

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Shamrock smiled after kissing the mare for a second time. "As you wish." She put her harmonica back in its case and put the case back in her bag. She then went back over to the other table with Summer, placing the bag next to the table. She also took her weights off and moved closer to Summer. "And if you want to know. I said 'My love for the golden beauty.'"

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Summer was now sitting back at the table they were at before, there was a new face at the table now it was nice to see ponies getting along enjoying each others company and drinks. After Shamrock told her the translation of what she had said, Summer blushed again. "that is beautiful Shammy." she kissed her again on the cheek this time and then put her wing around her.


She then turned her attention back to the rest of group, "so how are you lot coming along then? Also who are you pray sir?" looking it Flamestreak she was content to sit there with Shamrock and talk to the others this evening was going quite nicely. 

Edited by Emerald Bolt

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Barrel was unsure as to how to answer that question. What did he do for a living? He didn't earn any bits at all. He was lucky just to scavenge dropped bits here and there. "I errr... I am not how to explain that. Its very complicated as to how I even manage to survive.  How about you?" 


Barrel was waiting for Mercedes to get back.

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@@Damonater@, @@Gloomfury, @,


Mercedes trots out of the washroom, "Uggh". The toilet was gawd awful, if there's anything peaceful here, it wouldn't be there. She gets herself back to the table and finds all of them are hanging out together. She takes a seat from the other table and sits beside Barrel


"So, did I miss anything?"


(sorry for no posts recently, I was busy)


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@Damonater@Flamestreak1990@CP3_P0n3@Flamestreak1990,@The Lonesome Spectre,@Gloomfury,


(firstly Summer looks better now thanks to Venomous)




"would anypony like a drink, I can get this round." (bring in  @The Lonesome Spectre,) she looked at all the ponies present ready to take their orders and go to the bar. She waited for everyone's responses.

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Barrel looks over a Mercedes, "Welcome back good looking." He said with a smile on his face. A flow of confidence is flowing through Barrel's veins. "I got a pint here just for you," Barrel gestured the pint of beer to Mercedes. "and me and crimson here and just having a nice conversation about what we do for a living."
"Tell me Mercedes, what is it that you do for a living?" Barrel asked while slightly looking at her mark, trying to make a guess in his head.

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