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private Following the Dream

Fallen Valkyrie

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summer thought about what prof said about becoming more famous more serious now 'I don't think I want to be famous actually' summer said to him, the thought of being recognised everywhere she went and ponies who wanted to be her friend because she was famous didn't sound like something for her. she'd much rather stay unknown the rest of her life and have real friends.


then summer finished her breakfast and stood up, looking at her saddlebags. they where really full because summer wanted to be completely prepared for everything but now she had seen deverol it didn't look like she needed everything. maybe she could sort it all out and leave some things on the boat she didn't really need. 'hey, prof. what do you bring with you?' she said over her shoulder to the professor 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Jacky got back on the Wolfhound after she finished port chek up.She got close to team of our litle tomb raiders, and said "So are you ready to move out?Faster we are out this hell hole,fester we will reach out frst destination." Jacky voice had flame of adventure in it as she was speaking to our litle tomb raiders.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Indus raised an eyebrow and stood up, using his magic to levitate his saddlebags onto his back, beneath his suit jacket.


"Yes, I believe I'm ready to go," he confirmed, then looked at his captain, "Though, a hell-hole? Is this town we're approaching that treacherous a place?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"What do you think, when word go out about easy gold. You think...." Jacky started as an smaile appered on her face "....good guys, will come frst?" Jack turned around and looked at this small town of Dawiren. "Frst group is botom of sociaty. Thos who will go after the reward without thinking for others. I do hope you are ready for them as we will probably run into some sooner or later."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"Frst group is botom of sociaty. Thos who will go after the reward without thinking for others. I do hope you are ready for them as we will probably run into some sooner or later."
'w-what do you mean by that? do you say that there will be dangerous ponys here?' summer asked with a slight shiver in her voice, this was not what she signed up for, she wanted to see the land and to find new friends, not fight to other creatures. summer looked at the boat, maybe she could still go back but then she looked at what she saw right before her, a whole new land! she just couldn't help it but she wanted to explorar it! and if there was danger summer was the one with wings, she could just fly away really quick.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"I dont say there will be." Jacky started as she smailed.She then looked at her lantern thet was right next to her and contineued with little darker voice then before "I say there are dangerous pony's here allready."

She then looked in front of them,at this strange port town of Dawiren,and after then loomed back at our tomb raider team "If evryone is ready lets move out." She said and started to walk acros wooden plank thet was there onli way out from this ship.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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'I think I'm ready' summer said as she checked her saddlebags for the last time to make sure she didn't forget anything. not that she could do anything about it if she found out she did forget somehting but summer just wanted to be sure. then she looked at the professor 'are you readdy too?' she asked with a smile

then summer saw that jacky had allready started leaving the ship and summer followed her a bit faster untill she walked next to her 'are you coming with us? i thought you where just the captain of the boat' summer said to her, while keeping an eye on her and her lantern. summer still didn't fully trust her, or them, or however she had to call jacky and her lantern.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"We may come...." Jacky said true the grin on her face, as she was talking she did not even look at Summer she just wached port city of Dawiren thet was in front of her. Jacky contineued, still not looking at Summer "...or We may not.It all depands on how events start to unfold."

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Indus gave Summer a single nod in response. "Yes, I think I am ready for this... treacherous port. Whatever dangers it is hiding, it shouldn't prove too risky for us."


He stepped forward, not looking back at the captain as he asked her, "You are the leader here, what is our first task?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Your frst task will be to find the key and the map." Jacky answered to Indus "But key is closer,so we will go there frst." As Jacky was speaking our littlegroup was walking off the port , into the city of Dawiren.


This city was, by looks of it, been some kaid of capital on this strange new island. But it was not even close to how Canterlot looked backed at Equestria. Streets our litle group walked were small, not even big inaf for four ponys to walk one next to the another. This small streets were much more dirtyer then back home, probably because here no one was looking after them. There were some strange flowers around the street from time to time, and if some one was to smell them they would fimd thet they smell much beter then anny flower back at Equestria. And as our heroes walked onli living things they seen around were ponys, and there was no sign thet here lived anny diferent race, onli ponys.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"Your frst task will be to find the key and the map." Jacky answered to Indus "But key is closer,so we will go there frst."
'and where is the key?' summer asked him, because jacky said the key was closer as the map so she apparently knew where it was. otherwise she wouldn't know it was closer. at least, that was summers logic but it could also be that jacky could sense it and knew it was close or she knew it was in a certain area and they still had to search.

then an other question came to summers mind 'what do we need the key for?' she asked jacky. the map was quiet logical because you can't really travel without but why would you need a key to explore an unexplored land?


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Well key is needed to turn off the frst guardian." Jack answered to Summer "Technically we could done it with out the key, but it is safer this way." Jacky giggled for a moment and then contineued "There will at list be one less thing thet is trying to kill you this way. " And it location is treasury thet is under the town hall of nearby village. We think it is couple of hours walk from here but it could be more."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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'one less thing trying to kill me' summer quietly repeated after jacky, she started to like this less and less but going back was not an option, she had to go on and maybe jacky was only joking about all the danger. but then summer looked at jacky and realised that jacky wasn't the type of pony to make many jokes. but while summer was looking at jacky she also realised that she hoped jacky would be on their side if they had to fight against things that tried to kill them. even though summer still didn't like jacky a lot she felt a lot safer with her nearby. and also prof was a good pony to have on your side, summer had seen his reaction when they entered the boat and jakcy surrounded them with fire, he stayed so calm and was so certain of himself. 'if there will be things attacking us, we have a strong team to fight back with' summer whispered to herself.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus travelled through the town with the group, taking note of how the flowers, not indigenous to Equestria, and their pleasant smell and appearance contrasted to how dirty the streets were. It seemed the locals were unable to make up their minds.


"You would expect a port to have a bit more variety in its population," He commented, looking around at the locals, who were all ponies, "Though, at least we will have no difficulty fitting in.


He didn't seem that worried about potential dangers on this trip; he was sure his magic was powerful enough to counteract them.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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And with this our litle tomb raider team exited Dawiren and started to follow Jacky, into the unknown.


Our litle tomb raider team entered the forest thet was north-west from port city of Dawiren. This forest was not so thick, and group walk with ease true it. There were not many animal as they walked true it, and because of no animals this forest was quait - and onli thing thet could be heard were talk betwene group memebers.


They walked true this quait, green forest for four hours, sun has already set and moon was high on the sky by the time Jacky stoped walking and turned around to face group members face to face. "We will enter in next town soon, so raise your head. Try to look nobel, you dont want to be suspicious here." Jacky smailed " If they think you are dangerus you could be trown in jail...in best scenario."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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'why do we have to look nobel?' summer asked jacky when they where almost at the town. summer was absolutely not in the mood to act all snobby, the trravel through the forest had made her happy and hyperactive and she felt like she could fly around this whole town a few times without being tired. 'is this a town full of snobs? and why would they throw us in jail if we don't act snobby?' summer asked jacky again but then continued without giving jacky time to answer 'i can be a really good actress if i need to be but i just don't want to be snobby, snobs are no fun!' summer complained with a serious face but then stuck her tounge out to them.

suddenly summer realised she was acting really childish and stupid and she tried to calm herself down 'sorry, I don't know what that was. I'm just a bit hyperactive right now I guess.' summer said to the others.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Well,they dont like ponys so much." Jacky answered to Summer question. After she finished, for the frst time from moment our little tomb raiders meet her, she moved her lantern into her bag. "It is late and a bit cold." Jacky started "So lets hury up, I whant to get to the tavern soon."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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"I doubt they would arrest us for 'looking dangerous'," Indus commented, rolling his eyes, "Any legal system that operates in such a way is doomed to collapse."


He glanced down at Jacky, without moving his head. "I heard you mention these locals do not like ponies so much. Interesting, considering the town just over was full of them. I'd assume they are of a different race then?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"Yes..." jacky started right after Indus "....they are not ponys. This is a town of demons." Jacky smailed and contineu " They are not dangerus, but they had expiriance with some...not good ponys. So they are not wery friendy to our kaid, well most of them annyway.Ok." Jacky contineu to walk forwered "If thet is all the questions lets contineu to move forwered."

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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'demons?!' summer said loud but then looked scaredly at the town and whispered 'did you say demons?' summer had never seen a demon before but the idea made her scared, she allready knew she didn't like them. 'what do we do when they think we are mean ponys? are we just gonna run away?' summer said to the others. summer had no problems with sleeping in the open field, she had her sleepingbag so everything would be okay. but jacky was right and it started to get cold and summer kinda wantd to sleep in a real bed tonight so maybe it was indeed a good idea to find a tavern and stay there for tonight.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Demons, you say?" Indus asked, sounding more intrigued than anything, "A town full of them too... interesting."


He walked along with the group, wondering what they could possibly need from such a place. "So, what is it we need in this town of demons?"


The idea of speaking to such creatures filled him with anticipation.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"We are not gona run." Jacky started "If you look nobel inaf, there wont be anny trouble, and we will be safe." After she answered to Summer, she heard Indus ask her a diferent question. "Like I said before we left Dawiren, we are coming to this small town of Verdent to 'find' a key."

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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summer shivered, the moon was nowhere to be seen and it was getting cold. 'well, if we really must go here, then let's go to that tavern because i'm getting cold' summer said to the others and then yawned 'and I'm a bit tired to' summer added with a little smile on her face.


"Demons, you say?" Indus asked, sounding more intrigued than anything, "A town full of them too... interesting."
'what's so interesting aobut those demons?' summer asked prof. she didn't understand prof at all sometimes but if she was really honest to herself she was also a bit curious about them, even though they sounded as not the nices creatures.
  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"And suppose we do find this 'key' of yours," Indus went on, glancing ahead toward the nearing town, "I don't suppose the locals would be so willing to part with it, especially to a group of foreigners?"



'what's so interesting aobut those demons?' summer asked prof. she didn't understand prof at all sometimes but if she was really honest to herself she was also a bit curious about them, even though they sounded as not the nices creatures.


"The fact that a civilisation of them exists, for one," he answered, "Such a concept is always heard of in fiction, but I never thought it would be truly possible."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jacky contineu to lead our heroes, after she told them about what is in next town - demon ponys.


They did not walked long before they entered next city, thet was called Verdent. Because they comed to this city late at night, there was almost no one on the strets - probably this was Jacky's plan from the start.

This couple of demon ponys thet were outside of there houses, could be easly seen by our litle tomb raider group because of there neon color mane thet were glowing in dark. By looks of it this few demon ponys's did not care about our tomb raiders and so they walked true the town and into the tavern with out anny incident.


After they entered the tavern they could see thet there was not many ponys still awake at this hour.There was three demon ponys drinking together, one pony in the corner and tavern keeper behaind her desk.

Jacky smailed and tru thet smaile she said to our heroes "Dont be stupid now,I will be back soon." And right after this, she left our heroes and walked to tavern keeper, probably to ask about rooms for the night.

  • Brohoof 1

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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