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private Following the Dream

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Not long aftered Indus asked tavern keeper for food, he got it. Demon mare - tavern keeper - , brought food thet Indus asked for. He got an small pice of toast- usual size thet tavern give to there guest's, thet was not burned and it was eatable, he coffey with milk and sugar. Tavern keeper smailed and walked back, she was kaind to our little group of tomb raiders. She was not acting like she hated them - she acted diferently then Jacky told our heroes they act.


Indus looked down at his breakfast, and to his surprise and subtle delight, they were made almost to perfection.

"Thank you," he returned the smile to the mare, and started eating.


Strange, he thought, I was told these locals hated our kind, but this mare doesn't show any malice at all.



"Morning Prof. Indus... I wouldn't know of good tough... My mentor did her usual trick to wake me up early... Sorry for last nights endavor... I kinda wanted to lose it in my studys about this island and got a bit to much magical attention to Irra... They have somewhat the same feeling to them so it might be why they accept me around. Even so far as to one of the deamon stallions last nifht tryed to move on me. Funny that..." she said with a dull and morning tired voice. "But what are you and Summer doing here? And that Jacky pony? What's up with her? I know I where drunk but she where rude..."


He swallowed and looked to Flearia, with an amused smirk.

"It seems you've already become quite popular, hm?" He joked, then took a sip of coffee, "To answer your question, we were brought here for some kind of expedition by this 'Jacky' pony. Personally, I feel she was rather misinformed of this town. It's been quite pleasant so far."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"What? I know their calling themself Deamon Ponys but their not to much different from our Crystal Ponies at the crystal Empire. Altough their magic is just that... More like the dark and nocturnal. But none the less it is the way they evolved to." Flearia answered while looking to her notes she had picked up from her saddlebag. "But what Expedition? Knowing you are almost as interested in magic as I'm I would thinl there is something about magic? Or am I wrong?"


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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"What? I know their calling themself Deamon Ponys but their not to much different from our Crystal Ponies at the crystal Empire. Altough their magic is just that... More like the dark and nocturnal. But none the less it is the way they evolved to." Flearia answered while looking to her notes she had picked up from her saddlebag. "But what Expedition? Knowing you are almost as interested in magic as I'm I would thinl there is something about magic? Or am I wrong?"


"Not exactly what I meant," Indus went on, taking another sip of coffee before he continued, "I mean, I was told this town does not take kindly to outsiders like us... yet they live so close to a port town full of ponies. Not only that, but they have been nothing but civil to us since we came here."


"As for this expedition, I admit I'm not too sure myself. All Jacky has said is we need some sort of key."


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Flearia herself took a zip from her tea she had ordered while listening to Indus. "Well... They might be hostile and unkind to bossy and rude ponys who dosn't even tell one their name when asked" she said while giving an anoyed look and rolled her eyess.


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Flearia herself took a zip from her tea she had ordered while listening to Indus. "Well... They might be hostile and unkind to bossy and rude ponys who dosn't even tell one their name when asked" she said while giving an anoyed look and rolled her eyess.


"Hm, indeed," Indus muttered, taking a bite of toast and swallowing, "I admit we are rather quick to judge those different from us. These locals may have different appearances and customs, but that is not to say we can judge them for it."


He took another sip of coffee. "And we can certainly not throw authority around because of it."

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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summer yawned and woke up. the sun was shining and it took summer a few moments to realise where she was. then she remembered she was in a tavern and she met flearia last night. summer stretched and stood up from her bed. then she opened the curtains and looked at the street below, it was full of demon ponys but now it was light outside they didn't look so scary anymore

summer walked downstairs and heard prof and flearia talk about the expedition. she trotted to their table and greeted them 'good morning' she said 'how are you feeling today, especially you, flearia' summer said with a little, still sleepy, smile. she saw that the others already had breakfast and she walked to the tavern keeper to ask for some toast with sugar, lots of sugar, on it. it was summers version of coffee. then she walked back to the others 'you where talking about the expedition right' she said 'I thought we where going to explore the land but right now we are searching some sort of key and a map' summer said. then she got an amazing idea 'why don't you join us, that would be fun and then you would have something else to do as sitting at your table, drinking, and looking at the demon ponys' summer said to flearia with a smile but then suddenly thought of what jacky would say about it, since flearia didn't realy make a good impression last night.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Morning Summer, I'm fine thank you. I never get an hangover so i'm fine... Sorry for the mess I made... Still it wouldn't have been if your leader wasn't a jerk too... not answering a polite question... Still I shouldn't have done as I did..." Flearia let out a heavy sigh. 




'you where talking about the expedition right' she said 'I thought we where going to explore the land but right now we are searching some sort of key and a map' summer said. then she got an amazing idea 'why don't you join us, that would be fun and then you would have something else to do as sitting at your table, drinking, and looking at the demon ponys' summer said to flearia with a smile but then suddenly thought of what jacky would say about it, since flearia didn't realy make a good impression last night.



"I'm reaserching!" She countered at Summer's last comment. "If that includes drinking to get myself in a better mood with all thease reeking magic all over the island then yea..." She paused for a bit and made small circles with her hoof on the table. "Still... It would be a lot better being out exploring with somepony I know then by myself... And serching for some map and key would just add to the fun... Altough you said that Jacky pony was your captin? I wouldn't know if I want to follow a grumpy pony who dosn't even introduce herself when asked."

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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"Still... It would be a lot better being out exploring with somepony I know then by myself... And serching for some map and key would just add to the fun... Altough you said that Jacky pony was your captin? I wouldn't know if I want to follow a grumpy pony who dosn't even introduce herself when asked."

'then you just follow me instead of jacky' summer said with her trademark inocent smile.'and jacky isn't to bad though, just a bit misterious and strange and grumpy and easy temperd and' suddenly summer stoped talking because she realised this wasn't making things better 'what I want to say is that she isn't to bad' she said and smiled again, then she took a bite of her toast with sugar. she felt how the sweet taste of the sugar filled her mouth and she felt a lot less sleepy. maybe it would be better if I ate a little less sugar but I don't care she thought, she couldn't live without sugar. 


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus looked toward Summer as she came down to the bar and nodded to her. "Good morning, Miss Breeze."


He simply continued with his breakfast while listening in to the mares' conversation. It seemed Summer was trying to entice Flearia to join.


He couldn't exactly agree with the notion that Jacky was not that nice a pony, though purely on the grounds that he knew next to nothing about her. Though, he didn't speak up, through thinking doing so would hurt Summer's chances of recruiting the student.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Flearia couldn't help from smiling at Summer's firat comment, revealing a bit what she feelt about her capitan. "Ay, Ay Summer. I get what you want to say. I'd like to help you out and I would benefit more from it then staying here. Still... It is your Capitan who decides. And I'v got no interest in following or take orders from anypony not respecting me."


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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'well, you need to earn jackys respect I thiink' summer said to flearia 'when we came on board of the ship the first thing jacky did was surround prof with fire, then I didn't understand why she did that but now I think that it was to see how brave we where' summer said, kinda to flearia and kinda just thinking out lout. she realised that it was a logical conclusion see, I can be smart too she thought smiling.


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Fire?" Flearia said with an overly happy smile. "Ay! But she needs to earn mine too! I'm not a pony that anypony else can order around!" 'I wonder that was fire spells she used or just ordinary fire... Still Irra's scan didn't show any unusual high readings of magic on her.' she tought while still looking to Summer. "Speacking of wich, where is your capitan?"

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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As our litle group talked, dore of the tavern and one pony entered the tavern - it was Jacky. She walked slowy to the group and said said "So are you ready to move out?" Tone of her voice was low, as she did not whant for annyone more then Summer and Indus to hear her voice, but because Flearia was siting at a same table with tge rest of the group sge could hear what Jacky said.

  • Brohoof 1

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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as jacky walked into the tavern and said that they would be going, summer knew that this would be her last chance to get flearia to go with them 'jacky' summer said in her sweetest voice 'is it okay if flearia comes with us? she has amazing magic and she could help us a lot with finding the key' and she looked with her sweetest smile at jacky, hoping she would say yes.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Indus set his finished mug down on the counter and gave the demon mare a polite nod of thanks before standing. He saw Jacky approach them and walked over, overhearing Summer's insistence to take Flearia along with them.


"I concur," he added, "More hooves make lighter work, as they say. Besides, Flearia is a student who I am familiar with, we can trust her."


Anypony who knew him knew that trust was not something he threw around lightly.


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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She looked at both of them with questionable look. "If you think she can be usefull for something more then to trow us in jall because of her, she could join." Jacky smailed with big smaile and then said "So if thet is it, could we move out from this hellhole?" Onces again she said with low tone so onli po.ys from the table (you guys) can hear her.

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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summer was really happy when she heard jackys responce 'you heard it, flearia, you can come with us!' summer said with a smile which was almost glowing 'your are comming with us, are you?' summer then asked flearia. this would be so much more fun if flearia would join them. and she defenitly could help them find the key, where ever it might be. 

but when jacky said 'hellhole' summer raised an eyebrow, this place wasn't that bad. it was actually kinda nice. the tavern keeper was kind and the other ponys where not as scary as summer thought they would be at first. but she could jacky ask it later, first they had to find a key!


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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"Usefull? I'm pleanty usefull!" Flearia said in a low almost unhearable tone as she also let out a snort.

"I'm joining because Summer and Indus asked me to, and I'm already stationed on this island for a while to reaserch it so helping them two out is a bonus. Tough I'v got no intention on taking order from a mare I don't even know, And what jail?" Flearia said in still as low voice and tone so only the four of them could be heard.

Edited by Flearia


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Indus rolled his eyes at Jacky's hastiness. This town was nowhere near as bad as she had made it out to be, and the locals were nice enough.


He kept those thoughts to himself for the moment; they had another body in their group, and they needed Jacky cooperative to find what they were looking for.


"So, what do we do about this key?"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Jacky already said evrything she had to say about this jail to Summer and Indus yesterday she did not whant to repeat her self, so she acted like she did not even heard question from this new pony, Flearia.

"Key....." she said true the whisper "...not here." Jacky looked at deamon pony "Come." She finished speaking and right after she started to walk towered tavern dore, one she used to enter the tavern just minutes ago.

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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Flearia had  a hard time trying to cover up her anoyance of not getting any reaction from Jacky, She only responded to Indus that they should take it outside. She finished her toast and sent a signal for Irra to get back onto her. Irra quickly finished the last of te spectral fruits on the plate before she levitated up onto Flearia's horn while Flearia herself followed Jacky to the door. Giving a gesture to the Deamon pony innkeeper that told thanks.


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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summer wanted to facehoove when jacky ignored flearia. you're making it look like you don't want her to like you at all summer thought. jacky was a difficult pony to understand and she probably never would understand her. but then she waved to the tavern keeper and folowed the others outside. it was quite a nice day and summer was happy to be outside again.

when she was outside she walked up to flearia 'for how long have you been here already?' summer asked her friend to try and get her mind off the annoying reaction, or the non reaction, from jacky.

  • Brohoof 1


thanks Pastel Pinkie for the amazing sign!

and thanks icyfire888 for the super cute profile picture!



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Once she had left the tavern, Flearia found there to be a nice and sunny day. Quickly after her out the doors was Summer who made a quick walk up to her while asking how long she had been there. Flearia looked up to Irra while thinking. "Well, I leaved a ship carry proviants to a nerby village and was there for a day before traveling a while before stumbling uppon one of the Deamin Ponys in the forest on the way here... Or well, he stumbled upon me. And of what it looked like he was interested in Irra, he showed me to this village of his and i'v been here for tree days. I think that would make today the fifth day here on the island."


My so called OC's Flearia Dragondanser - Walleria Dragondanser

You can also find me streaming some drawings on https://picarto.tv/Flearia

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Indus exited the tavern with the group, giving the bar mare a polite nod upon his departure.


Summer and Flearia began to talk about what the latter was doing on the island, so he decided to strike up conversation with the group's leader.


"I must ask why you are acting so rude to our new companion," He said quietly, "Are you antagonising her on purpose?"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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"We do no such thing." Jacky answered back to Indus "We simply whan to finish with this and get our cut as fest as possible." Jacky was still saying 'we' even if her lanter was still hiden inside of her bag.

As the group walked, with Jacky in front, they walked passed the city limites and entered the forest close by.


"So now about the key." Jacky said as she looked left thet right, she probably was looking around to see if no one was following them. She contineued "Key is in tresury under the village, so long story short, we are going to 'borow' it tonight.Anny questions?"

Edited by Primordus

                                                  My oc:

                                                  Awilix             Blair             Jacqueline


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