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open Blood & Venom (Roleplay)


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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/144665-blood-venom-searching/



The long night had finally come to close, all was peaceful in the land. Then something raced across the landscape, on all fours. It was Princess Nightmare Moon, returning from another contest with one of those Unicorn rebels that wouldn't go away. She had to kill the poor stallion, but she couldn't have a rebellion along with all the other problems she had.


"Another beautiful challenge, and a pretty hard one as well. These rebels are getting pretty good. Rarity, remind me to form a swordspony contest, that would be useful for many purposes, particularly recruiting," she commented.


"Yes Ma'am," came the reply as Rarity helped the Princess out of her armor. The Nightmare had quickly found out that Rarity was an excellent maid, and put her to better use. "When are those hunters arriving, I'm most intrigued by who will show up to capture or kill this beast. Whatever the damned thing may be, I've heard it has the strength of a hundred stallions!" Nightmare Moon remarked as she entered her bedchambers.


"Today Ma'am, two o'clock. Shall I get any garments ready?" Hope filled Rarity's eyes, and the Nightmare pondered for a moment, finally giving in. "So be it, get something simple Rarity." She replied. Her eyes widened at Rarity, who looked like she could squee. "Be off then, only an hour till the turnout." And Nightmare moon watched the sun rise. She couldn't kill off the plant life. Equestria had to adapt, slowly, or risk dying. But in fifty years time, the sun would rise no more, scorching the other side of this little pleasant hellhole.

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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Shadow open the portal and stepped out in the throne room. He looked at the banner then sighed and said as he pulled out his glasses,

"Wonder where Nightmare is." 

He pulled off his cloak and placed it on the throne. Then he sat down and started sharpening his claws

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Saturn walked across the land to where he was to meet with the Princess. He could fly, but it was difficult since his helmet impaired his vision. With his soul being bound to the armor as a whole, he can't simply remove the helmet. His armor clanked with every step, his gladius hitting his flank. He takes a deep inhale, air entering his nonexistent lungs.  


He merely agreed to be Nightmare Moon's hunter because he was told that she could free him from this curse. He looked at his iron hoof "That mare better be able to return me to the Afterlife... or she shall regret it." He whispered quietly to himself.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"Remember your place Shadow. I earned my throne." The Nightmare said as she entered the throne room, she teleported the throne elsewhere, dropping Shadow to the ground. "As both you and Saturn are early, I recommend we wait for them. However, Saturn, we must speak of your payment." She summoned a throw pillow, and sat down upon it.

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Shadow smiled, showing his pointy teeth. He said as he picked up his stone, 

Watch it, ya could've loosened my wings. Just out of curiosity, why do we have to wait, I think I can finish this job real quick."

He walked into the light, showing his scales and his metal claws and wings

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"Yes, i would like to discuss my payment..." He said. "I don't believe I have to state what I want... you already know what I want from you..." He spoke. 


He looked at Shadow and instantly thought 'I fear we may have to carry that stallion home...' He then looked back to the Princess.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"To you, understand this, two hundred hunters have died to this creature. I wish not the same of you, so I'm taking some time to gift you and your soon to be compatriots with some... items that should prove interesting," Nightmare Moon said, "I believe it is a parasite, able to leech off powers of the individual it possesses. Be wary."





Princess Nightmare Moon's horn glowed and flicked her horn, "there, your armor can be removed, but it must be within five meters of you, or it will snap back on to you, and it will have to be manually removed again. I'll fully remove the armor once the beast it captured. Does this satisfy you?"

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"It can try to  take my power, but it won't end great. After we catch it, what are you going to do with it?"

Shadow stood on his hind legs, and bend backwards, popping his back Then he said as he opened a portal, 

"come get me when they come, I'm gonna bathe in the light and sleep for a bit."

He walked through the portal and ended up above the throne room.  He stretched out, then went to sleep.

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"So, I'm still bound to the armor, but not as I was originally?" he said as he took off his helmet. He could see everything unimpaired now. before if he removed his helmet he would still see through the helmet. He looked around for a moment. To everyone around him he was just a headless suit of armor. He put his helmet back on and took off his gauntlet, his hoof could not be seen. He sighed and put his gauntlet back on. He looked at the Princess and said "If unbounding me from my armor allows me to return to the afterlife, then yes I am satisfied Miss Moon..."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"I don't know whether or not I can unbind you, but if not then I might prove that you are a wraith, perhaps. But that is only a possible reason, there are many reasons for your binding... possibly a darker magic? I do not know."




"That thing is a thorn in my side. Darkness!" Cursed the Nightmare.

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"I was brought back from the after life by a witch" He said. "it was... hundreds of years ago." He said, trying to remember. He looked back to the Princess. "If we deal with your problem and you cannot release me from my binding, then you will have to pay in some other way, Miss..." He said. He knew that he was on better ground. The worst the Princess could do was rebind his armor to his body, and banish him from Equestria. He could probably find somepony else to unbind him in one of the other kingdoms.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"If you are threatening me Saturn, I'll do more than bind you to your armor, I'll make the armor stay at twelve thousand degrees, and stick to your skin." The nightmare sat calmly, however, if the beast is caught, I could make, possibly, a "soul switch" with some of the rebels I've caught. Interest you?"

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"You will only harm those around me, your own citizens, For I care not for them and I have no body to burn" He said, taking off his helmet, there was nothing but air. The entire armor was empty. He put his helmet back on and listened to her suggestion "maybe it does. Will it release me from this world?..." He asked her.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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"It doesn't concern you right now, I have to send some ponies to capture an disgrace to my species, and... I said that aloud," Nightmare Moon paused, "do not speak of this conversation Saturn. Or have no hope of passing onto the next life. I shall make sure of it." Nightmare Moon stood up, and left the room, to wait until the rest of the hunters arrived.

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Shadow woke up to a small creature that look like a cross between a mouse and a spider. He smiled, then slipped through a portal. He landed and saw that Nightmare was gone. He said as he walked to armor, 

"So, correct me if wrong, you're dead and you were brought back to life by a witch, now you want to return. The beast we're after is a disgrace."

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He was silent for a second before saying "I am dead... just a ghost in armor. I was brought back by a witch..." He looked at Shadow "I want to return to the Afterlife, that witch denied me my right as a good Pegasus to enter the Elysian Fields with my fellow Roamans, and I don't want to live among Witches (unicorns) and Savages (earth ponies)..." He said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Nerlate had walked for a very long time when he had finally arrived outside the castle ''Couldn't they have asked someone closer...'' he walked into the castle entrance and then to the throne room.


Inside the throne room he at this moment saw an armor that seemed to be on display, then a portal or something of sorts opened allowing a creature... No a pony... No, Its most likely something like himself, although its body, shape... Inner structure are completly different. Yet, they are mostly the same. But not in the sense of abilities or biologically. Nerlate then walked up to the pony and the armor after the creature in front of him seemed to have spoken to himself. He asked a question to this creature whom was the only one here in his thoughts ''Excuse me, are you another one. Another who was called by the royal highness to deal with... Some unfortunate existance.'' his voice seemed devoid of all emotions, as if they were never in existance in the first place, like a robot's voice... Only more living, normal to say the least but still not quite normal.

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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The creature dropped from the ceiling and in front of the ghost. Shadow said,

"Romans, so you are an old ghost."



Shadow looked at the creature that came in and he has he took off his shades to show his red snake-like eyes,

"Yeah, so you're one of the ones we have to wait for to get more information.  Shadow's the name. Pleasure to meet both of you."

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"I am Saturn 'Julius' Solarium." He said, before turning the Shadow "nice to meet you" He then turned to Nerlate "You shouldn't have kept us waiting..." He said. A slight tone of agitation in his voice. He sighed before looking at the entrance 'how many more hunters are we waiting for?' He thought to himself

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Nerlate stared at the creature but before he could tell him his name the armor interrupt- wait, the armor interrupted him? Oh, it must have been a knigh- No... There is no breathing, there is also the feeling empty void surrounding him. Nerlate responded to this Saturn and likewise to Shadow ''Although originally I had no name I now do, The name was and will be Nerlate Yregne. I'd appreciate you to cal me by Nerlate as is custom.'' he then paused to help his newfound comrades to settle before he continued responding to his last question, of why he was late. Or rather, that he shouldn't have kept them waiting which he took as a reason to explain why ''Pardon my lateness, I live quite far away and wasn't at home when the message arrived. Therefore i was late in leaving my home, this caused me to be to some extent late.''

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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"Welcome all of you, I trust that you had a safe journey Nerlate. But upon business now. My captain shall join shortly, to make sure this operation doesn't run amuck. Now there is a creature that has appeared in Everfree, by an old Crystal Tree. I don't know of its origins, and cannot enter the area due to circumstances at the castle here." The Nightmare Princess paused for a moment, and then continued, "This creature is a parasite of sorts, able to take over the ponies of sentient creatures and control them. Without a host it appears as a black ooze, but with a host, is generally black, and has some sort of cult marking across its chest. It usually stands upon two legs, but doesn't need to, it can change shape at will and transform even into regular clothing. It's smart."


Nightmare Moon had started shaking, but then composed herself and continued, "I believe it is a disgraced spawn of my sister, or if not, of some hidden enemy of mine. I have had these forged, they will keep the creature off of you," She passes out necklaces, one for Nerlate, Saturn, and Shadow, "therefore not allowing it control of your body. Be wary, and wear these necklaces at all time. However, Saturn, while I don't know if you shall need one, better safe than in it's clutches." The nightmare then takes out a large beaker. This should contain the creature, but if it finds a way out do not be surprised. Be off, and be safe. You shall check out this supposed Crystal Tree, and send a message regarding what you find. Be off, and have nightspeed."

Edited by Darkhaert 2099
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@,@@rolle, @, @@reader8363,



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Emerald, hated Nightmare and this entire dark chapter in history, she was once a solar guard loyal to light, peace, and Celestia, but she had been broken by Nightmare it was an ordeal for her she, was strong but in the end gave in to her and now served not out of loyalty but for other reasons.


Emerald opened the door to the hall and entered seeing a collection of ponies and her ruler. She walked dignified to them, but there was somthing the way she held herself, it spoke of a broken mare, a husk of what she used to be, Emerald got close to them and bowed before her leader her nose touching the floor where she stayed until told otherwise, Nightmare beat her and tourcherd her for the most minor of infractions.

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Nightmare Moon smirked, and then spoke briskly, "Emerald, this is the company that will be under your watch, while they are rather capable, so was the last group, and we all know what happened to Captain Star Strike, correct?" The Nightmare stood up, and made to exit the room, while the sun set, at three o'clock in the now evening. "And Emerald, if this group fails, well, you will find out the punishment if you fail." The Nightmare laughed loudly, and then exited.

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Saturn looked at the bat pony. He saw what was once a mighty pegasus 'what... is that creature.' He thought before looking at Nightmare as she left 'I can't believe what was once the Roaman is now ruled by the likes of her' He thought. He looked back to Emerald. "Hello... Emerald, I'm guessing."

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Emerald's nose did not move until NIghtmare had left, she got up and looked to the pony addressing her well the suit of armour addressing her. Emeralds words held a kindness behind them though is was nearly impossible to tell, she could only convey emotion through speech now her face was devoid of emotion. "hello, yes I'm Emerald and will be leading this attempt to apprehend the creature Nightmare spoke of, I hold no hope for this group many have tried and failed please prove me wrong. Nightmare's torture only ever gets worse and more creative."




Emerald looked at the rest of the others gathered, "the same goes for all of you."  

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