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planning Restoration of our time (Adventure/action)

Wicked Funky

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(This RP won't ever close)


RP: https://mlpforums.com/topic/145419-restoration-of-our-time-adventureaction-rp/


1000 years ago an earthquake shattered the many lands, pieces moving and merging like a puzzle. The tragedy left everything in chaos and ruins, 100 years later an organization set on rebuilding formed. This organization wasn't what the general public thought they were though, their first order of business was burning every last history book or monument they could lay their hooves on. Set on spreading propaganda and lies the organization grew strong as they were able to make ponies submit to fear. Their reign was short however, a larger stronger organization who called themselves "The watchdogs" were able to destroy the organization and were able to take power over the wasteland and it's inhabitants. This wasn't better in any way, The watchdogs started herding food, materials, medicine, ammunition and anything else of value. Inhabitants were plagues by sickness, famine and the struggle of raiders and wild beasts, and The watchdogs couldn't care less.


Welcome to Restoration of our time!


In this RP you'll either be playing as a "watchdog" or one of the revolutionary members. If you join the rebellion you'll be stuck with the struggle of sickness, wild beasts and the everyday life of the wasteland, your main goal will be to end the Watchdogs reign and collect anything that can tell you about historical events. History books and artifacts can be found in the crystal empire library, guarded and owned by the watchdogs. The rebellion will do anything to hurt the Watchdogs, if they see some Watchdogs scanning it's instantly guns free.


If you play as a watchdog, you'll be a scavenger, always looking for supplies and exterminating any opposition with the extreme gun and manpower you posses as an organization. The watchdogs doesn't see themselves as an evil force, but more like a group that wants to survive, and have supplies to do so for a long time. It's join them or you're against them.


The wasteland is a dangerous place filled with, raiders, bounty hunters, monsters and races from all kinds of lands set on surviving. Ammunition and food is scarce since the Watchdogs doesn't let anything go to waste. Cities are overgrown and infested with dangerous personalities, such as scavenging watchdogs. Equestria was in it's prime of technology when the earthquake hit, there are robots both friendly and hostile, broken and pristine, small and big all over the land. Weapons are about as developed as they are in our modern time. There are vehicles like motorbikes and planes, mostly kind of trashy ones since they're built out of scavenged materials post apocalypse.


Here are some places and their current status for example:


Canterlot - A neutral griffin trading city, there is a lot of criminal activity and you're likely to be robbed or killed if you're alone and they see you as weak.


Manehattan - The watchdogs HQ, Very hostile. It's overgrown with various jungle like plants.


The crystal empire - highly guarded armory and library of the Watchdogs.


Ponyville - A ghost town, Twilight castle was destroyed in first cleansing of historical monuments and artifacts.


The everfree forrest - A hiding spot for ponies on the run, raiders, bandits and bounty hunters.


The rest of the south - Barren wastelands filled with ruins and ravines, very harsh environment.


Clouds dale - The rebellions main base, Clouds are made more solid with magic, and planes are used to get up and down.


Griffonstone - Radiated mountains riddled with toxic waste due to factories being destroyed in the earthquake.


Now we move on to rules!


1. Only ponies (not alicorns) and zebras will be accepted.


2. No OP or perfect OC's.


3. The other basic Rp rules.


More rules might be added if needed.


Character links are appreciated, but you can also write the info here in the OOC.


Some type of classes might play a role in this, But i'm not going to limit players to a selection of a few, but here are some examples: Mechanic, pilot, scavenger, weapons expert, robotics expert, something mage like (limited to unicorns), medic etc...


Please come with suggestions for statuses of places and such, it's highly appreciated!





Gentleman Blaze

Snowflake Frostflame



Seamore Sandwich


The Cat

Emerald Bolt


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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I haven't RP'd in a very long time so I may be a bit rusty... I also haven't seen one of these team RPs in almost a year so this caught my attention... now I only use Snowflake but he'd be long dead during this... unless he froze himself to survive... do you have any objections with that? anyways I have a link in my signature to his backstory but from my POV it looks like a jumbled mess of code... hopefully its not like that for you... as for class I will be mage as for faction I'm nutural until someone finds me and unfreezes me. Unless you answer yes to my previous question, then I'd have to rethink everything.


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Interesting, I'm gonna red about you character now. I defiantly approve of your OC freezing himself, I like the idea.

Good, glad you agree, and trust me there is a lot of info you will be reading... but only book 1 and 2 happens in this time line... he doesnt get a chance to live book 3 and 4 with the earthquakes


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aight. XD an ametuer necromancer, and her organic puppet. XD the necromancer's name is taikua, and she's a zebra. rather young. 


the puppet is an earth pony, rather dangerous-looking...XD he's a lovable goof, though. efficient in combat...melee fighters will have a hard time fighting him.



(she often wears a red robe...like riding hood. XD)


(dark brown robe for this one. XD)



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I'll Hop in with Second Sight. His link is in my signature.


He can start off as a field scientist working for the watchdogs. He will have inside data of the watchdogs and if possible, a certain amount of command/power. However, he does not like the watchdog's morals, and only joined them for his own safety, as well as the opportunity to carry out his own research safely. If provided the opportunity and with some convincing, he will betray the watchdogs and join the rebellion instead.


some adjustments to his character for this rp: He can hold his own in combat, most of the time. However, he heavily prefers to flee and avoid conflict.


Traits: He's sciency, and has a vast knowledge of technology in general, namely tech used by the watchdogs. He also has vast knowledge of magic, enchantments in specifics, despite being an earth pony.

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Can I join with Audi Vairose? Link in signature


She's an engineer who studies new types of energy (more detailed in her bio). She joins the Watchdogs and stay in the Crystal Empire. She's the one who supplies most of the technologies to the Watchdog and as such considered important to them.


She's very loyal to the Watchdogs, so it's hard to convince her to work with the rebellion. She's not very good in combat but her smart wit helps her to get out of tense situation. 



She has an armor of her own far surpasses the technology provided to the Watchdogs, an armor which makes use of her Black Hole Particle Engine (dubbed the AA-E, Anti-Annihilation Engine) and has a Warp Field (a shield that absorbs any ranged attack into nothingness). It can also shoots mini Hydro-black-hole where it only absords hydrogen and helium in the air during motion and explode when land on target, this is energy consuming and can only be done twice. She rarely uses this armor and only use it on very tight situation or for escape.



Her armor information


Name: Granzonne

Code: WDAM01-AAE (WatchDog Armored Module 01 AAE) (for scanner, GPS detection)




Whew, that was long. So, I was thinking we could work together?


$~Cross my greens, hope to fly, stick a knuckle in your face~$


My OC >>> Heartless , Crystal Marine

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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Cool, The more the merrier!

hehehe I'm voice chatting with The Cat (my friend)... he is reading your first post but replacing every big word with Donald Trump and refering to the Rebels as communist rebels... Its so damn funny I can even hear his cousin dying in laughter

@ How many years after FiM does this take?

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame
  • Brohoof 1


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


The earthquakes took place about 1000 years  (Meem not intended) before current time in the RP. And I'm unsure about how long it was between when FiM took place and the earthquakes, but quite a while since they had very advanced tech.

Edited by Wicked Funky


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


The earthquakes took place about 1000 years  (Meem not intended) before current time in the RP. And I'm unsure about how long it was between when FiM took place and the earthquakes, but quite a while since they had very advanced tech.

Snowflake would of had to be frozen during the FiM period... is that allright?


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@@Snowflake Frostflame,


Yeah, sure. It will be alot for him to take in when un-frozen though.

my thoughts exactly... anyways Cat want to know if he can be a talking cat... he's alright with being a pony though...



never mind he reminded me you only wanted ponies

Edited by Snowflake Frostflame


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taikua and her puppet will be kinda neutral. XD i guess you could say she's in the rebellion, but she's not really making any real effort to end the watchdogs. XD


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I'd like to sub two characters a combo I have not done before, and They will both be 'monsters' :D


ladies and gents, both my vamps :D Summer and Emerald (sigs below) 


If I can only have one it's gonna be Emerald I love her too much. 


Official positions

Summer = weather expert

Emerald = tactical expert (strategy)


plot Idea both sides can position them both to convince them to join side so both are neutral maybe they'll pick different sides.

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