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Return of the X-Men (RP)

Dapper Charmer

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OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/147710-the-next-x-men/page-1


Mist stood at the door of Charles Xavier's School for gifted children and smiled. He finally here at the school designed to house and protect young mutants. He still couldn't believe that the MRD still thought it was just a school for the 'gifted'. But he wasn't here for learning Mist was here on a mission. A while ago there was team who operated out of this school. They wwere the X-men and they fought for mutant rights. Sadly a year ago they were all captured or killed. Well now Mist was gonna reform the X-Men and start his own crusade to help fight for mutants. He had already sent out word to all mutants who wer willing to fight along side him. They should be arriving any day now. Mist took a deep breath and stepped inside. He was amazed to see mutants of all kinds runnig around and using their powers. Mist took off his jacket and spread his wings. For the first time since he became a mutant he truely felt home.

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Deadpool was calmly sitting and enjo- "Yo RPer. Why don't you stop narrating my every move like you own me...? Oh i see no answer, well fuck y-" Deadpool was wearing a green su- "NONONO I'M SORRY! PLEASE ANYTHING BUT THAT" Deadpool looked down from the little tower he was on. He saw someone sitting on a bench bellow, with an evil grin he dropped his drink down on his head "UPS" Shouted Deadpool "But seriously RP dude, it's kind of creepy to get your life narrated like that" With those words Deadpool took out his nintendo and booted up some pokemon platinum "I'm gonna get you now Arceus, you piece of shit..."

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Wicked always loved playing with her food, even when she was little. It didn't matter how long the chef had worked on it or how expensive the meal had been to acquire in the first place, invariably it would be cold by the time she got about to eat it. It annoyed her late parents to no end; they were the kind of people who liked to get things done, wasting time with something like a meal when they could be closing a deal and increasing their estates value was nothing short of sinful in their eyes.


"HELP ME!" shrieked her poor little meal as it ran down the alleyway away from her. She liked to play with her meals, it made her smile from ear to ear. So what if it took longer to get the job done, life is far to short to worry about things like efficiency. All her parents money meant nothing when those giant robots came and burned down their house, chasing after wickeds younger self as she gripped her stuffed bunny close to her.


Uh ooh, her meal reached a dead end. He pressed himself against the wall, pointing at her descending form with a trembling gun. He had emptied all his bullets already, he wasn't a very good aim under pressure. Neither was his compatriots when they tried to mug her earlier that day. Wicked's grin broadened even further, the glint of her teeth showing through her grimy blond hair, her Frilly dress coated in varying degrees of dried blood.


She always liked to play with her food


"Shhh..." her feet touched ground as she closed up her Parasol. The dress while it looked like it was caked in dirt, grime, and blood seemed to billow and move about as if it had a life of its own, like there was a breeze in the alleyway that didn't seem to touch anything besides her. "Its okay little morsel, its all going to be over soon" her whisper stroked back and forth down the alleyway until it rested on the thugs ears. His eyes went to pinpricks as he kept pulling the trigger, hoping against hope that one of those impotent clicks would turn into his salvation.


her tattered doll, dripping with grimy black liquid began to move on its own as she lifted it to her face like she was some sick parody of a child "do you want the first nibble Jasmine?" she asked.


And it nodded, button eyes staring blankly towards their meal


"Have fun.." she let go, letting it sail through the air at break neck speeds as it descended upon the squealing man, the strength behind its stuffed limb already evident against his former comrades in arms.


Wicked always did like to play with her food.  

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Madness looked at the school and smiled. He reached into his bags and grabbed his dark shaded glasses. He slung his bag onto his back and headed to the school to see who he can mess with. After a few minute and a few confused people, he went outside and sat down, occasionally laughing at what happened.

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Blitz grunted as he ran through the forests near the Xavier institute. He didn't know where he was going and most of what he was currently wearing had been ripped or burned over the course of the last few weeks. He didn't know the last time he had eaten anything substantial and he didn't know how long he had been locked away. While most mutants were able to hide their abilities or appearances, he was a different story. The scales, they had started growing at an accelerated rate while he was still in high school and could easily be covered by a long sleeve shirt. As for the spikes, they came a month after. His classmates freaked out at the latter. The teachers screamed. When he was detained, his parents, if they could be called that at this point, didn't even look at him. They weren't sad, more disgusted than anything. Every other bystander treated him like a monster, something that shouldn't even exist. Everything after was just a mere blur of lights, shadows, and pain. He was a lab rat for whatever psychopath the government had hired. Everything on his body was subject to experimentation. Thankfully they didn't account on him developing flight via electric discharge, so he literally bolted the moment they tried to transfer him. It was a gamble that could've killed him, and it almost did. That was a month ago. He had been running ever since, not talking to anyone and alway keeping to the shadows. The mutant eventually came to a stop when he exited the forest and saw the mansion.


"They won't accept you. No one will." A voice in his head said, it's tone dark and emotionless. It had started long before he was caught, but it only got worse as his isolation dragged on. "You're far stronger than any of them, and in this world, it's kill or be killed."


Blitz shook his head to clear his thoughts and tried his best to ignore the voice in his head. "That's not going to help." He muttered, as he began to walk forwards. Well, it was more of a limp than anything. Blitz was running on fumes at this point, and he could hardly move as it was.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Jack muttered angrily as he walked towards Xavier's School. He had heard some rumors about some kid trying to reform the X-men and he wanted to make sure that those rumors weren't true. The last thing he needed now that he was trying to reform The Brotherhood was kids playing superheroes. 

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Leo was sat in the common room playing with fire runing it through his fingure absent mindedly as he watched TV. Leo has been at the school for years, he was here before the MRD caused the chaos that they have. He misses seeing the X men around the house since they disappeared. Leo enjoyed their classes though always seemed to annoy them by using his powers in the house. Worst of all Leo dreads to hear of the fate that beholed some of the younger xmen his age the likes of Kitty, or Kurt. Leo snapped his atention away from the TV and put the fire back onto the candel by the window before putting it out. Leo got up after he heard someone walk into the room.

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Mist decided to leave his jacket at the front door. It was amazing how free he felt without it. When his mutation had started it had just given him grey skin. And even though it looked odd he could still tell people it was just a weird skin condition. But when his wings sprouted that was harder to explain. So he just started wearing the jacket.


@@Film Reel


As Mist explored the halls he saw a young boy standing near the doorway of a room. Mist waved to him and gave him a friendly hello.

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It took a while for Blitz to reach the front door of the mansion. When he did, he used the wall to support himself as he lifted his right arm and rapped on the door. "I just need to get something to eat and maybe some sleep, then I'll leave again." He thought. The mutant then looked over his body. It wasn't exactly in the best shape, but that wasn't surprising given his situation. A sudden lighheadedness overcame Blitz, causing him to fell in front of the door and into unconsciousness.

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@@Drago Ryder

Shadow got bored and decided to walk around the school. Then he heard someone knocking at the door. He walked over to it and opened it up. When he saw someone at the front door, unconsious, he closed the door, bent down, and said as he poked the person and trying to keep his glasses from sliding,

"Hey, are ya alive or what. Wake up already."

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"Ma'am, we've received reports of shots in the area, have you seen anything"


footsteps, clacking of shoes, the feel of flashlights on her skin in a dimly lit alleyway. Cop men were here to play with her now. She smiled at that, the last one she had played with hadn't put up much fight in the end. 


"Ma'am? Ma'am can we OH God what is that smell" Wicked noticed them backing away from her. She wasn't clean, in fact she was quite covered in grime from years of traveling the alleyways of cities around the country, never taking the time to even clean out the blood and sweat that accumulated on her person after all this time. His partner scanned the area with his light, she could feel their bodies tensing as the light set upon the mangled body of her meal that was broken against the wall, his gun casually tossed to the side. 




She didn't move or turn to them, he just stood and swayed, Wicked's grin growing from ear to ear as she began to hum. They yelled at her again to put her hand in the air and to get on the ground. They both jumped as her back contorted backwards suddenly and violently, her upside down face now surveying their bodies as the devilish smile was on fool display, large eyes with tiny pinpricks of pupils darting between the two of them


"We need backUKGDIKI" the cop was cut off by a thread of lace that flew from Wickeds body and clamped around his body. Despite how fragile it looked it seemed to wrap him as effectively as an enormous snake. His muffled screams of pain were dulled as he floated into the air and was promptly slammed against the wall with a sickening thud. 


The other cop, responding a second to late opened fire. Casually Wicked opened her Parasol in front of her, Watching the material bend and snap back like a trampoline as the bullets ricocheted off of it, all the while Her body remained in that contorted position, grinning upside down at the frantic officer that still remained. The Lace that had dispatched his comrade drifted back on her waist. Sirens began playing like a symphony in her ears along with the frantic unloading of lead from her new friend, each bullet chipping brick and denting trash bins but doing absolutely nothing to her Parasol. 


"Wh...What the hell are you? Some kind of Mutie?!" 


She burst out laughing, a sudden and bone chilling explosion of mirth as she straightened herself up with a pirouette. 


The cops that funneled onto the scene were surprised to see one of their own fly backwards out of an ally way and into one of their patrol vehicles windshields, nearly sending them spiraling out of control. It looked like he was hit by the hulk with how hard he hit that car. They hurried into formation, calling for all the cops in the area as she slowly wandered out. Each footfall played in their ears and made them silent, the world seeming to wait on baited breath as she walked out of the alleyway in full view of them, Parasol raised over her head and her favorite Doll in hand



"something wrong officers?" she asked, Mirth playing in every syllable 


"We are going to need more backup" croaked out a less experienced cop into his walkie, his legs wobbling in fear. They've seen enough freaks in this town to know when they are out of their league. 

Edited by Buck Testa
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@Dapper Charmer


Leo looks across as you walk by and nods slightly when you wave before walking out of the room, thinking to him self just another poor lost sole tring to hide from the MRD. Leo strols around the coridors a bit before heading down to the sub basement.


He comes down here now and then just to check all the rooms make sure everything is working for the day the xmen do return. But right now there is no one in the school to use this stuff and no one to train them. The way leo sees it the house is a good refuge but untill Scott, Jean, Storm and all the others return there is no one who can teach them to be xmen. You would think Logan would stick around protect the school but after the xmen vanished and he returned from Canada He took off again to try and find them. Well until he finds them or they return on their own their is no xmen and no one to teach the new generation of xmen. Though the plus side is all the equipment works, the med lab, danger room everything the only thing missing is the jet but if a new xmen team is formed by some miracle there is still the old helicopter that is in maintenance.


@reader8363 @Drago Ryder


Leo returns fromthe sub basement to see there is something going on at the front door He walks over and sees a small group of people gathered at the window watching two people sat on the porch. Leo pushes past and opens the door to see one of the people poking the other tring to find sings of life.

"Hey if they are injured take them to the med lab. The rest of you stop gathering the last thing they need is an audience."


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Mist smiled as the young mutant passed him by it was good to see a mutant who wasn't in terrible fear for once. But Mist couldn't think about that now, he had a job to do. He picked up his bag and headed into the sub basement. Upon arrival Mist noticed that everything was running fine. Even though the Xmem hadn't used this sub basement in a year it look well kept. Mist smiled to himself as he headed to his first stop, which was the med lab, maybe he wasn't the only one trying to bring back the Xmen.


(@@reader8363, @@Film Reel, @@Drago Ryder

OOC if you guys come done to the med lab Mist can finnaly meet you all)

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Deadpool walked down the schools hallway "Yo rper, why are we suddenly in the school? Is it because we have to meet the Dapper Charmer guy? How i knew? Fuck you, that's how" He arrived at the med lab, and was about to knock... "Nah rp dude, ain't happening. I've never knocked on a door before, and never will" He took out some C4's and started planting them around the door. "What do you mean i only need one? Everyone knows that a shit ton is the magic number. What? Not a number? Look rp shithole, is it me or you who is this rp? It's obviou-" Deadpool was suddenly struck by lightning "ARGH, WHAT THE CRAP?! OK, OK I GET IT, JEEZ, FUCKING PRICK" With a press on the detonator the door whent up with a boom

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@reader8363 @Film Reel


A clawed hand shot up and grabbed Shadow's wrist as he poked him. Blitz's eyes shot open as soon as he touched skin and if he wasn't exhausted, the other mutant probably would've quite a shocking experience. That didn't stop a surprised/horrified/fearful expression from showing and he quickly moved back, after letting go of Shadow's arm and turning to fully face the other two. "Who... Who are you?" He asked, not wasting any energy to stand. His voice was barely audible, but it still carried over the quiet surroundings.

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When Jack finally arrived at the school he heard a large explosion. He laughed a little as he wondered if the MRD had finally figured out that Xavier's school was actually a school for mutants and attacked it. But he knew that it was very unlikely and that it was probable just some kid who hadn't gotten control over his powers yet. 


@@reader8363, @@Drago Ryder, @@Film Reel

When he got to the front door he noticed that there were three students there. 

"Does anyone of you happen to know who is in charge of this place?" He asked them. 

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@reader8363 @Yamet


Blitz nodded slightly and released his grip on Madness's arm. His stance shook a little, but he managed not to fall over. "I'm sorry. I guess it's obvious by now, but I am a not exactly human. What about you, and what is this place?" He muttered, motioning towards his arms and legs for emphasis. He then noticed a third person approaching, but decided not to say anything.

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@@Drago Ryder,

Madness said as he walked into the school, 

"Don't try to make me remember the school's name, It basically a school that trains "Special" people on how to control their powers. All of us aren't normal. I would show ya my power once ya are feeling like ya aren't going to pass out again."

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"The med lab is in the sub basement it is what the xmen use for emergencies." Leo said looking over the injured party.


@Drago Ryder

"This is- Was Xaviers school for the gifted. It was the home of the xmen and a place where we are taught to control our unique abilities. Now it's my home and the home for any wayward mutant seeking refuge." Leo says slowly , mellow almost regretful about the state of the school.



"All this can be explained later take himto the med lab now I will see what this new person wants." Leo says looking down the porch.




Leo walks down the porch to meat him. "The answer to your question is no one, There was a professor but he disappeared months ago along with the xmen. My name is leo I guess untill someone else steps up I am really the only one in charge kind of since I have been here before all the crazyness with the MRD and besides I keep everything running any way. So what do you need?"


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(What do you mean they disappeared a month ago? Weren't they captured or killed ten years ago?)


@Film Reel

"You see, the reason I'm here is because I have heard some rumours about some kid trying to reform the X-men and I just wanted to make sure that those rumours weren't true." Jack said as he smiled a little.

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Blitz nodded slightly and followed Madness. "I heard about this place, before all of this happened." He said, referring to his own mutation. "I just wish I wasn't in school when it did." The teen then fell silent for a few moments before he continued. "Are there any open rooms?"

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Kyubi was heading towards the Med lab when she noticed Madness and Blitz. "Looks like we have a new one. I'm Kyubi." She said, before noticing Blitz's current state of being. "I'm sorry, but what happened to you? Just from looking at you, you're malnourished, suffering from an extended period of exhaustion, haven't had a decent bath or change of clothes in who knows how long, and that's not including possible injuries or sickness." Kyubi paused for a moment and blushed for a moment. "I'm sorry if I went to far. Come on, we need to get you taken care of before you meet the others." Kyubi then grabbed Blitz's hand and pulled Blitz towards her room.

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Madness shrugged and said, as he looked for the way down, 

"It's time to have fun."

@@Love Doctor Blaze

After a few minute of searching, he found a way down. He started walking then saw a person there. He smiled and said after he turned into the person and added wounds and a limp,

"What are you doing here, you must leave."


(I'm not against anyone that has a limp, he's supposed to look like he was in a battle and dying.)

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Leo touched the ground and his body turned to solid rock. "Now I don't know what your problem is but there are no xmen probabbly never will be again. But if you have a problem with there being xmen you can get off this property before I make you get off!" Leo as he started to shake the ground and pull large boulders out the ground.


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