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open The lost one.(always open )

Colenso Rivers

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"That's nice! Must be nice living in, or near, Ponyville. Just like one of my friends lives between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. As for me, while I do mainly reside in Canterlot due to my occupation, most of the time, I can't say I call it my home. I prefer to be on the move, and I'm always hoping to get sent somewhere exciting, danger-filled, and thrilling." Virtus started reminiscing a few missions he undergo a couple months back. Thankfully he didn't go too deeply in his own sea of memories or it would have been a little awkward with him just standing there with a stupid grin plastered on his muzzle. "Well, the Princesses are just like any regular citizens of Equestria, once you look past their status, their overly powerful magical abilities, and how they have been here for... well, ever. I can't say I personally know the princesses, though I have spoken to them. They're really nice ponies- er, alicorns."




@@Colenso Rivers


A certain dark slate grey pegasus, with a head of white and icy blue tips, flew through the skies of Ponyville making sure all the right clouds were in their positions, as instructed by his leader. Compared to his previous occupation, which had him in the Crystal Mountains, or in the Frozen North, this was a walk in the park. Years of enduring the harsh elements and rigorous training have sculpted him into a toned pony. He was built lean and fit, made for agility and endurance just as his job and dream had require. Seeing his task was complete, Leon decided to take his break, landing on the asphalt road. The stallion considered getting himself some refreshments and started walking towards the marketplace. However, he stopped upon hearing the voice of a certain pink menace speaking to another stallion. While he didn't know what exactly is going on, he knew Pinkie was talking about a party.


As for the other stallion, he seemed rather... annoyed. Heh, kind of just like how he was when he first moved here a few years ago. It wasn't long before the stallion cried out his irritation and the pink bundle of hyperactive joy bounced off, not without waving vigorously at him as she did. Leon did not wave back, of course and just watched as Pinkie finally disappeared to do Pinkie things. "Don't like her very much, do you? Not that I'm surprised, I have a hard time dealing with her myself. But, she is right, you know. you're only delaying the inevitable." Leon walked up behind the stallion carrying his trademark stoic expression as he spoke.

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He looked at the pegasus with painful eyes and then began on his way. Saying, "Really. Well I like her as much as I like you, which is as much as these ponies here likeg me." As he stepped away he added more tearfully, "You're all just a bunch of monsters." He didn't even look back.

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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"That's nice! Must be nice living in, or near, Ponyville. Just like one of my friends lives between Ponyville and the Everfree Forest. As for me, while I do mainly reside in Canterlot due to my occupation, most of the time, I can't say I call it my home. I prefer to be on the move, and I'm always hoping to get sent somewhere exciting, danger-filled, and thrilling." Virtus started reminiscing a few missions he undergo a couple months back. Thankfully he didn't go too deeply in his own sea of memories or it would have been a little awkward with him just standing there with a stupid grin plastered on his muzzle. "Well, the Princesses are just like any regular citizens of Equestria, once you look past their status, their overly powerful magical abilities, and how they have been here for... well, ever. I can't say I personally know the princesses, though I have spoken to them. They're really nice ponies- er, alicorns."

"That's good, sometimes being royalty can mess with ponie's brains, an throngs could get ou of hand. Alicorns are interesting, I wish there was more books about them, and more information."Luna thought back to some of the books she read about alicorns.


"A little more information about the alicorn history would be nice to know."

Edited by LunaFlower226
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"Ha! I wish some of the nobles back Canterlot would understand that. It's not everyone of them, but I swear the nobles in Canterlot, and those supposedly come from prestigious families, are always too busy brown nosing and letting their status get in the way to really see what in front of them." Virtus let out a let chuckle.


"I reckon they are interesting. I mean, there are only four alicorns in existence, at least that I know of. But yes, gaining a little more knowledge about them would be nice, but it depends what part of the history you're after. You could probably read about them in the Canterlot Archives, but it's most likely restricted." Virtus shrugged in the end.



@@Colenso Rivers


"We are a bunch of monsters? And what gives you the right to say that? What have I- what have WE, done that makes you call us that? Do you even know us?" The stallion called out, his blue irises staring at the stallion as he walked away. "If anything you're the monster here. You keep pushing away one of the friendliest ponies in all of Ponyville who, more than likely, considers you as a friend even though you raised your voice at her... And we're suppose to be the monster here?" Leon added, not bothering to catch up with the stallion. He almost reminded him what he used to be like. Perhaps something happened in his life that's causing him to feel like that... but he wasn't going to pry. One thing he hates most is prying into somepony's life. Maybe in due time he'll come around, who knows. Turning around, Leon headed towards the marketplace for something to drink, and maybe something to snack on.

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"Ha! I wish some of the nobles back Canterlot would understand that. It's not everyone of them, but I swear the nobles in Canterlot, and those supposedly come from prestigious families, are always too busy brown nosing and letting their status get in the way to really see what in front of them." Virtus let out a let chuckle.


"I reckon they are interesting. I mean, there are only four alicorns in existence, at least that I know of. But yes, gaining a little more knowledge about them would be nice, but it depends what part of the history you're after. You could probably read about them in the Canterlot Archives, but it's most likely restricted." Virtus shrugged in the end.



@@Colenso Rivers


"We are a bunch of monsters? And what gives you the right to say that? What have I- what have WE, done that makes you call us that? Do you even know us?" The stallion called out, his blue irises staring at the stallion as he walked away. "If anything you're the monster here. You keep pushing away one of the friendliest ponies in all of Ponyville who, more than likely, considers you as a friend even though you raised your voice at her... And we're suppose to be the monster here?" Leon added, not bothering to catch up with the stallion. He almost reminded him what he used to be like. Perhaps something happened in his life that's causing him to feel like that... but he wasn't going to pry. One thing he hates most is prying into somepony's life. Maybe in due time he'll come around, who knows. Turning around, Leon headed towards the marketplace for something to drink, and maybe something to snack on.

He stopped dead in his tracks and pulled of his straps. Stepping out of his cart and lying down in the street. He needed his break. Now. He shook, shivering even in this nice weather. Tears streamed from his eyes and he added unsteadily, "I know. But how long until ponies forget..." He felt the sudden urge to hold somepony, but couldnt, and so he curled up, ponies staring as they passed.
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"Ha! I wish some of the nobles back Canterlot would understand that. It's not everyone of them, but I swear the nobles in Canterlot, and those supposedly come from prestigious families, are always too busy brown nosing and letting their status get in the way to really see what in front of them." Virtus let out a let chuckle.


"I reckon they are interesting. I mean, there are only four alicorns in existence, at least that I know of. But yes, gaining a little more knowledge about them would be nice, but it depends what part of the history you're after. You could probably read about them in the Canterlot Archives, but it's most likely restricted." Virtus shrugged in the end.


"Restricted information, that's tough luck, oh well. I would think that having some of that information would be helpful, mainly to know why there are so few alicorns, and what happened to them. If others don't know that, then chaos that caused the alicorns to turn out this way could happen to the other races. To bad that information is restricted." Luna was a bit disappointed, but even so, she still wanted to know more about them.

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@@Colenso Rivers


Head to Applejack’s stall and purchase two apples. Maybe buy a apple cider, or a lemonade, anything sweet will do do. Wait… maybe he should just go to Sugarcube Corners and buy- nope! Not happening. There is no way he is going to visit that bakery at the moment. That was his plan until he heard murmurs of passing ponies taking about some stallion laying on the ground curled up. Dear Celestia… just keep walking, Leon. Don’t look back. Don’t. Look. Ba- B**k! Leon looked back and saw the same stallion from moments ago.


Mentally facehoofing himself, Leon sighed and made a detour back to the stallion. “Hey, come on, get up. If you’re going to break down, do it elsewhere, not in the middle of the street. Mind I advise the park, or somewhere more… quiet and relaxing.” Leon stood over the stallion, his eyes staring down at him. “If you need help with that cart, let me know…” He offered. It was the least he could do considering this might have been his fault.






“Perhaps there was never a large population of alicorns, ever consider that? But, you do have a point I suppose. Can’t protect what we don’t know, but hey, what can we do? Information are restricted for a purpose, you know. It’s a shame that the library here was destroyed, otherwise you could pay a visit and see if there are any information to what you’re looking for.” Virtus shrugged, almost cursing himself that he missed out on one of the most epic battles in pony history that occurred right here in Ponyville. “Oooooorrr, a better idea, why not go ask Princess Twilight? She is one of the most knowledgeable ponies in our era.”

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“Perhaps there was never a large population of alicorns, ever consider that? But, you do have a point I suppose. Can’t protect what we don’t know, but hey, what can we do? Information are restricted for a purpose, you know. It’s a shame that the library here was destroyed, otherwise you could pay a visit and see if there are any information to what you’re looking for.” Virtus shrugged, almost cursing himself that he missed out on one of the most epic battles in pony history that occurred right here in Ponyville. “Oooooorrr, a better idea, why not go ask Princess Twilight? She is one of the most knowledgeable ponies in our era.”


"Would that be okay though, we wouldn't be bothering her, right? She is a princess, and she must be very busy." Luna didnt think it would be a good idea to bother a princess. She didn't think that a princess would bother with other ponies.


"Being royalty isn't easy, and with lots of work, she might not get many breaks."

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He stared into the open air, it was so warm. To warm, perhaps it was just him, but even so he could feEl the heated beams of the stares of other ponies burrow into him. It was... Chilling.

Then a voice met him, but it was blurred. He could block it out. He would block it out. He had no other choice. He had broken down many times before. How come it was only acceptable to the equines he met in prison? Too bad for him, at this point, his name might as well have been burnt bridges.

But he had need of something. He knew it, and it was simple. He needed his job. His cutie mark only told him he had no special talents, and there were very few jobs that didnt require one. He put on a pleasent smile almost immediately and strapped himself back up before shakily saying to himself, "You're fine, you're fine." As he galloped off towards his warehouse again, completely ignoring... No, actively blocking out everypony, and even if his trot and smile suggested otherwise, his eyes and the tears coming forth from them betrayed his sorrow.

He would just let it fester. He knew no other way to keep the ponies around him, and his own mental state safe.

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Indicus was on the edge of town close to the Apple's farm finishing what was left of a pack of timber wolves a very hard task if you did not know to attack the core before they reformed. The last timber wolf in the pack was currently very much in danger of this and they both knew it, Indicus simply used his magic to send a tendril of shadow at the now tired timber wolf's chest finishing it and destroying the core leaving behind a cracked dull green orb. "Damn no luck this time around they all cracked eh Rarity will pay about ten bits each and there are nine so ninety bits plus the three hundred from the apples for taking care of the timber wolves, so not the worst run."


Indicus shrugged and headed to Sweet Apple Acres to collect his payment from Big Mac and afterwards headed into Ponyville proper to sell the depleted timber wolf cores to Rarity who sometimes used them in her dresses and if that failed then he figured that Twilight would not mind more for study and maybe to store a bit of magic for her experiments. Ever since leaving the Lunar Special Forces and later the Assassins Guild and moving to Ponyville Indicus's life got both a bit more interesting and more mundane with the only suitable work for his skills being monster hunting and odd jobs. Even though he was good in various non combat jobs. Most in Equestria hired based on special talent and someone that had a mark of a dagger and skull usually did not make it very far in civilian jobs within Equestria. But it wasn't a problem with the Pension from Luna herself some bits from the guild and the odd jobs he had lived a comfortable life in Ponyville for the last year and a half


Indicus arrived at Rarity's shop and knocked on the door, "Come In." Accepting the response Indicus opened the door and walked towards a nearby table and put the bag with the cores on the table. As always Rarity looked at them one by one and gave him a price. "Well dear seeing as these cores are cracked I can't offer as much but ever since I started using the cores they have been requested more and more often so how dose twenty bits each sound?" 


Indicus nodded, "Sounds good Rarity pleasure doing business with you." Rarity nodded and gave Indicus the agreed upon sum to which Indicus collected the money putting it in a void portal and took his leave and exiting the boutique four hundred eighty bits richer.

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Redwood sat at her table, which was covered in unpaid bills. They had been stacking up ever since she had lost her construction job last month. If she didn't pay soon, she'd be kicked out of her house. Redwood couldn't find a job anywhere else, and she wasn't about to go back to the military. 


She thought and thought and thought, but nothing. Then, she had an idea. Redwood knew of one way, but it wouldn't be pretty, although that was no deterrent.

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He knew he was a mess. However, at the time, it didn't matter. He neared the warehouse and passed through the gates, his fellow coworkers not showing the least bit of interest, which was how he needed things to go. He loaded up his next set of deliveries, small scale deliveries shipped to the warehouse by a company competing with EPS.

Not but an hour, and he was loaded and ready to go.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood walked out of her house, holding a piece of paper with a name and address scrawled on it. This had been given to her by an old army buddy in case of a situation like this. As she walked, she bumped into a stallion who was carrying something.


Redwood looked him in the face, and saw something she had seen before many times in the army. When some ponies came home, they'd leave behind everypony they'd known and wanted nothing more than to be alone with their thoughts.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood walked out of her house, holding a piece of paper with a name and address scrawled on it. This had been given to her by an old army buddy in case of a situation like this. As she walked, she bumped into a stallion who was carrying something.


Redwood looked him in the face, and saw something she had seen before many times in the army. When some ponies came home, they'd leave behind everypony they'd known and wanted nothing more than to be alone with their thoughts.

He was heading to the next house, a miss Lyra Heartstrings. Small box. Part of this job has to do with anonimity. Being able to have other's things and being strong enough to not consider looking at it. He didn't care about these other ponies... No, he didn't want to care about them.

But yet they kept on stumbling into him. And so another one refused to let the cycle die off. Once he recovered, not taking long, he found himself looking a neutral colored mare in the face. A voice in his head angrily shouted. The overriding voice told him, "Apologize and leave."

But before he could spit it out, he had seen something in her eyes.... She was reading him. So he asked, not rudely but not hospitably, "Is there something I can help you with?"

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood hesitated for a second before lying, "Nothin', nothin', you just look a little like somepny ah know. Sorry fer bumpin' into you."


It pained Redwood slightly to see anypony like that. That look only happened when somepony goes through real hard times.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood hesitated for a second before lying, "Nothin', nothin', you just look a little like somepny ah know. Sorry fer bumpin' into you."


It pained Redwood slightly to see anypony like that. That look only happened when somepony goes through real hard times.

It took a bit, but finally it kicked in. His experiences in custody had been engraved in his mind, and he could see somthing. A lie. Not a lie of words, but a deception of appearance. He had seen it thousands of times, a pony going to do something they knew was not ideal.

As she walked past, he looked down to the ground and had a two second debate with himself of speak up and help her, these are moments that make you the pony you've always wanted to be, and keep your mouth shut and move along.

He cringed at the conflict but eventually sighed and spoke clearly, "Don't fold. There's always other options."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. "'Scuse me?" She said.


Redwood had no idea who this stallion was, and all of a sudden he was beginning to give her life advice. He had clearly been through something, so maybe he could tell what she was about to do.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood stopped dead in her tracks and turned around. "'Scuse me?" She said.


Redwood had no idea who this stallion was, and all of a sudden he was beginning to give her life advice. He had clearly been through something, so maybe he could tell what she was about to do.

That answer in that tone was one he was dreading

He was hoping for a dim-witted huh, but you can't always get what you want. He took in a deep breath and whispered to himself, "Okay." Before continuing with her and answering, "Just do the right thing and ask for help." Giving her advice that he had problems himself taking. And he knew it too.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Do th' right thing and ask fer help? Buddy, y'all don't even know who ah am, where ah came from, and what's goin' on. Now, you can see from th' look in mah eyes that ah'm about to do somethin' that ain't pretty, and ah can see from th' look in yer eyes that y'all would rather be with yer thoughts. Now, ah ain't got a problem with gettin' mah hooves dirty, and ah ain't about to do whatever y'all thin is th' right thing."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Do th' right thing and ask fer help? Buddy, y'all don't even know who ah am, where ah came from, and what's goin' on. Now, you can see from th' look in mah eyes that ah'm about to do somethin' that ain't pretty, and ah can see from th' look in yer eyes that y'all would rather be with yer thoughts. Now, ah ain't got a problem with gettin' mah hooves dirty, and ah ain't about to do whatever y'all thin is th' right thing."

He unstrapped his cart and approached, refusing to make eye contact and only stopped a few feet away before proposing, "May...." His heart was bursting with panic, screaming at him, what are you doing?

"I do.. I did, but now that I see a pony that could use a better way out.." He turned around and sighed, asking, "Just talk to me, give me a shot. I won't stop you, I just want a chance to make things right.." The silence that followed was tangible. It could be seen, he might have wanted to be left alone, but he would much rather help.

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@@crispy fries@@Colenso Rivers,


Indicus was walking to his home on the southern edge of ponyville close enough for him to hunt without grabbing too much attention. On his way home he found Redwood talking to some stranger he decided it was best not to pay too much attention to the event seeing as he had only spoken to Redwood once or twice and really did not know her too well. So he proceeded to his home or was about to before he remembered he needed to go to the market for some bread and a few spices. With a sigh he started his trip.



(Sorry for the mix up another RP im in has a character named Rosie so probably stems from that)

Edited by Shadow Dancer

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Talk? Yer tellin' me that y'all want me to talk to you about what's happenin' to me right now? You want me to tell you what a'hm gonna do? Ah don't even know yer name. Look, ah got bills to pay, and standin' around and talkin' to you ain't gonna pay 'em."


The fact that this stallion wouldn't even make eye contact wasn't helping his case.


(@@Shadow Dancer, it's Redwood, not Rosewood)

Edited by crispy fries
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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Talk? Yer tellin' me that y'all want me to talk to you about what's happenin' to me right now? You want me to tell you what a'hm gonna do? Ah don't even know yer name. Look, ah got bills to pay, and standin' around and talkin' to you ain't gonna pay 'em."


The fact that this stallion wouldn't even make eye contact wasn't helping his case.

Okay... Okay.. He was pumping himself up now. It was time to pull out his old bag of tricks again. He had always transformed his aggression to sorrow, but for the moment he would let them stay as they were. He looked up at her and raised his voice, "I've never been much of a narc, but I've been known to put ponies on blast. Wherever youre going ain't gonna get you shit nowhere after the instant it's over." He seemed confident, then lowered his voice and added calmly, "You can live with a moral dilemma, or you can put your faith in someone who would rather help you come up with a longer term solution." The silence again before he ended weakly, "I've been there."
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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Y'know, ah spent ten years in th' military. Ah learned th' hard way that sometimes, you gotta get yer hooves dirty. It ain't an easy thing to swallow, but it's th' truth. You can't always take th' good route, not if you wanna accomplish anythin'. Now, ah ain't got a problem with y'all at th' moment, and ah'd rather keep it that way."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Y'know, ah spent ten years in th' military. Ah learned th' hard way that sometimes, you gotta get yer hooves dirty. It ain't an easy thing to swallow, but it's th' truth. You can't always take th' good route, not if you wanna accomplish anythin'. Now, ah ain't got a problem with y'all at th' moment, and ah'd rather keep it that way."

He nodded. Looking aside, his mind was made, and it seemed like he had accepted his defeat. But he couldnt, his guilt would only grow stronger, and he couldn't live with it. Tears were threatening him, but he could swallow it. And he did. He had tried, and he would continue, mostly he was angry. He went back to his cart and strapped himself in aggressively and a bit tightly before he added, "You're not in the f***in' military anymore." Then underneath his breath, "Dirty sh** begets more filth." Before continuing his deliveries.
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