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open The lost one.(always open )

Colenso Rivers

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood could've said something back, but she decided against it. After all, she had someplace to be. Redwood continue along until she reached a back alley. She went up to a metal door and gave it a few good knocks.


A slit opened in the door and Redwood placed the note through it. "You betting?" said a voice behind the door,


"Ah'm here to fight," she responded.

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The rest of his work day went by with him in unrelenting determination. He would help, even at his own cost. Part of it was his hate of what was wrong. Another part was the disgust of others doing it. Lastly, and the least righteous of the reasons, was the belief that the female soul was more holy than that of males. A belief that wasn't based on his sexually as much as his emotional and spiritual sides. She shouldn't have to fall... and so, after work, he approached his boss and asked a question he already knew the answer to. He had never asked for one before, and since he didn't have to worry about a mortgage or rent, he would take this path.

He left with a week's pay advance. It wasn't difficult, he was a hard worker, and he'd always been there, requiring nothing but his check and never causing any problems.

As he left, he grabbed an application on his way out, and the next plan of action was simple, find out where or who she was.

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Redwood walked through the door and down a flight of stairs. She came to a dingy bar that had seats around an arena with a bright, harsh light over it.


"Put on a good show," said the pony who had let her in. "Remember, you get 5 percent of the bets."


Redwood walked through another door that lead to a gate which blocked her off from the arena. A crowd of seedy characters were gathered around, yelling bets and jeering. Underground boxing was a popular sport, and you could make a lot of money if you didn't burn out early as many did.


A buzzer sounded and the gate opened.

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Inside of his satchel, stepping into ponyville was the application, his water bottle, the bag to his cucumber sandwich, and the bits. He didn't know her name, so he couldn't just ask from anypony where she lived. Especially when they knew he was a criminal.

So he wasted no time in going back to where he had spoken to the mare. Then reaching back into his little bag of tricks he'd learned. Within the walls, violence, even for those normally left alone, was unavoidable. So both within the art of fear and stealth was hiding and following. Usually used to get the drop on somepony before they got the drop on you.

He hid, and hid well. As the afternoon drew on, his spot between two trash cans in the entrance of an alley between two shops became increasingly unnoticeable due to his neutral and dark colors. If she came this way, she'd return this way.

No other thoughts entered his head, if he thought he knew he would reconsider.

Edited by Colenso Rivers
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Redwood stepped out into the arena. On the other side, a pegasus with a scar across his face came out of a similar gate. Redwood readied herself, getting into a fighting stance. The two then began circling each other.


The pegasus yelled and lunged forward, but Redwood caught him and used his own momentum to throw him at the wall. The pegasus picked himself back up, and retaliated with a quick swipe. Redwood was caught off guard, and the blow hit her across the face. She became angered, and went to grab the pegasus. He countered with a kick to her gut, which sent blood from Redwood's mouth.


Now enraged, Redwood punched the pegasus squarely in the face, knocking him to the ground. To finish him, she gave a blow to the side of the pegasus' head.


The crowd roared, and Redwood walked off. She was given a bag of bits by the pony who had let her in, and she left without a word.


'This is good, but it ain't enough,' Redwood thought to herself as she trotted out into the alley.

Edited by crispy fries
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He sat and waited. His anotomical metronome keeping his focus in check. He was tense, but had to remember that this was not a fight. It was.... Charity work?.. He stopped ting to guess, cause it was stalking, maybe with good intent but it was still stalking.

It was evening. And it seemed she would never show, until she did.. it took him a bit, and he didn't notice the damage done to her face in the lighting. He was ready, and only hoped that she didn't spot him.

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"Weeeeeell, we might, or we might not. Actually, you may be right. Normally I would just pay Twilight a visit, but now that she's become a Princess... Unless you want to sneak into the castle with me? I've done that..." Virtus tapped his chin a few times trying to count how many times he's snuck into somewhere without permission, or just break through the walls, "Uh, a few times... Well, maybe more than a few times..." The pegasus chuckled. "Say, why are you so interested in alicorns anyways?" He asked Luna.





Leon watched the stallion strapped the cart back on and trotted away. Whoever the pony was, decided to ignore him and started talking to himself. With his expression still unchanging, he shrugged and went on his way. Once again Leon made his way towards the marketplace to find himself some refreshments and maybe something to do for the rest of the day.





(( ooc: Sorry for the late reply! Got caught up with classes. ))

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood noticed a few flecks of blood were still on her muzzle. She wiped it off and continued down the alley.


Redwood stopped for a second as she thought she heard something. "Who's there?" she said, looking around.


All she could hear was silence. Redwood decided it was nothing and moved on.

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@crispy fries


He took a quiet breath to soothe himself and waited four seconds after she passed before slipping out off the alley and casually following her. His gait provided nothing suspicious, and even though his focus was on her, he looked around and showed interest in other things. He could do this. His confidence grew.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


As Redwood continued along, she remembered what the stallion from before had said to her about him putting ponies on blast. She'd have to watch out for him. Redwood decided to duck into another alley and take the long route home. For all she knew, he could be following her right now.

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@crispy fries

However, this didn't last long. She suddenly lunged into an ally, and he couldn't help but to blurt out desperately, "Wait! Please!"

The fact was he didn't want another enemy, and if he chased her now then that's how she'd see him, as an enemy. But he knew, in his heart of hearts, she wouldn't give him the time. She wouldn't stop. And that crushed him. Selfishly, he felt like he lost a chance at somepony whom he could interact with, and his heart dropped stories and plummeted into its usual residence: A pit of guilt and regret.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood stopped when she heard the stallion from before. She got the feeling that she should leave now, but she remembered the look in his eyes from before. He was probably going through hard times, which Redwood was no stranger to.


"What?" she asked bluntly.

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Indicus finished his shopping and stored the items in a void storage dimension that he had made years ago with his shopping done he was about to start for home when he noticed a pony he had spotted in front of Rarity's boutique he remembered he was speaking with a mare that lived in Ponyville though her name escaped him.


He remembered hearing something about their curiosity on the origin of alicorns and if they should ask Twilight about it so deciding to give the pony a bit of help he walked up to him, "Hey sir I heard you and your friend talking while I was running an errand at Rarity's shop and thought that if you did not mind I could probably get you a conversation with Twilight. I'm sure she would not mind a small distraction from her new responsibilities."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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He approached and opened up his satchel before pulling out both the bits and the application and setting it down gently in front of her. He knew it could be greatly misconstrued as offensive. But his heartbeat and tinitus rung in his ears as his anxiety became unproportionately large. But he didn't care, he backed up slowly afterwards, looking towards the ground and adding, "If you ever want to talk. Don't hesitate." He turned away and lifted his head up higher, no longer uncomfortable, "If you don't take it a pony who doesn't need it will."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood looked at the bag of bits, and back at the stallion. She wasn't sure how to feel about this act of kindness.


"A-ah appreciate th' gesture," she said, picking up the application, but pushing the bits back at him. "Y'all take the money. This ain't your fight, and you don't need to be doin' anythin' like givin' up yer money. Ah do appreciate th' job application though."


(I have to go to bed now.)

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His head tilted towards her before he added sincerely, "it's my fight because I care. Just let me have this, you may nor realize this but I need this just as much as you do." He was opening up again, he knew it was small, but it was baby steps. But at that moment he remembered how despicable he'd been acting. That one he called a monster....

Nothing could stop him on his gallop home. Sleep would come tonight, but only after his mental punishment.

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@@Shadow Dancer

Virtus's ears perked up as soon as he heard a stallion's voice, which made him turn his head towards the source. "Oh, well, there you go, Luna! This stallion here says can get you an audience with the princess. Maybe she can let you read some of her books regarding alicorns, provided she has any, which I have a feeling she does. Either that, or she might decide to give you a very knowledgable lecture on them. In any case, I'll have to pass on meeting her as I rather not risk the latter." The pegasus gave a weak smile and look over to the newcomer with his heterochromatic eyes.


"The name's Vermillion, by the way. Virtus Vermillion. Going by what you just said, I assume you have some kind of connection with the princess of friendship, if not just her." He smiled at him. It wouldn't surprised him if the stallion did have some kind of connection to the princesses, just like he did. Wait... why didn't he think about using his connections to grant Luna a audience with Princess Twilight? Guess he forgot, heh. Oh well, it would seem everything worked out in the end.

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"Weeeeeell, we might, or we might not. Actually, you may be right. Normally I would just pay Twilight a visit, but now that she's become a Princess... Unless you want to sneak into the castle with me? I've done that..." Virtus tapped his chin a few times trying to count how many times he's snuck into somewhere without permission, or just break through the walls, "Uh, a few times... Well, maybe more than a few times..." The pegasus chuckled. "Say, why are you so interested in alicorns anyways?" He asked Luna.

"Well I don't normally see alicorns everyday, and just the fact that there are a few if them, it means that something in his troth must have happned. It's just kind of like changelings, they are interesting themselves, but because of what happened in the past, lead to the Canterlot Wedding feasco." Luna remembers all of the information about changelings that she got over the years.


((Don't worry, this is a bit of a late reply also, I was rudely woken up by my little bro.)))




Indicus finished his shopping and stored the items in a void storage dimension that he had made years ago with his shopping done he was about to start for home when he noticed a pony he had spotted in front of Rarity's boutique he remembered he was speaking with a mare that lived in Ponyville though her name escaped him.


He remembered hearing something about their curiosity on the origin of alicorns and if they should ask Twilight about it so deciding to give the pony a bit of help he walked up to him, "Hey sir I heard you and your friend talking while I was running an errand at Rarity's shop and thought that if you did not mind I could probably get you a conversation with Twilight. I'm sure she would not mind a small distraction from her new responsibilities."


Luna didnt notice the pony at first, and felt a bit bad about it. "T-that's not really nessasry, I wouldn't want to bother her."

Edited by LunaFlower226
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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood reluctantly took the bag of bits. It seemed so important to the stallion, and the look in his eyes only made her pity him. She'd have to make sure to find him. Redwood didn't even know his name, but she was sure that she would figure something out.

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Slowing down to a slow gait as he reached the entrance to his house, his movements were slow. He stepped through and immediately bathed and took care of his hygiene before taking a few carrots to his room and staring at his bass while eating.

Did he have the energy today

No. But he had the desire.

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Redwood got home and proceeded to use her winnings to pay off a few bills, although she kept the bits the stallion from before had given her and hid them in a cabinet. Her gut and face were aching from the fight, and she could still taste blood in her mouth. Redwood took the application and laid it on the table. Maybe it was a good idea to take the job offer.

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Indicus chuckled, "Nice to meet you Virtus, my name's Indicus. As for how I know Twilight that's simple I have been living in ponyville for about a year and a half now and I thought about taking a guard position something simple minimal conflict and she noticed my scars and mark during the interview and asked some questions about it. I answered with what I felt comfortable saying about the scars and told her what my talent encompassed that lead to a debate on morality and whatnot. I ended up a guard for a few months before I got restless so I when to freelance work around here and even after getting out of the guard job sometimes Twilight and I will sit down and discuss or debate some idea or issue and that's that."


Indicus paused for a moment to let Virtus process what he said and to breath, "Well anyway if you two want to talk to Twilight just let me know."

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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Redwood filled out the application. She didn't have any good references, but this didn't seem like a very high class job anyways. Better than burning out as a broken pit fighter though. She'd go in tomorrow morning, and with a little luck, she might run into the stallion from before.

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@@LunaFlower226 @@Shadow Dancer

Upon Luna's mention of the changelings, Virtus felt a slight ting of irritation. He had been sent away on a mission to the Badlands during the time when the changeling queen decided to invade Canterlot, and even went and fought Princess Celestia. He always cursed himself for not being there to support the princess, but as she told him countless times his mission was just as important. Besides, Princess Twilight and her friends handled the situation quite well. "Yeah, they thought we would be a easy food source for them, so they tried to invade Canterlot, imprison its citizens, and expand their colony. It's a darn shame I missed out on it." Virtus let out a brief sigh of discontentment before he went back to his smiling self.


"But yeah, nice to meet you Indicus. Sounds like you have experienced many exciting and dangerous adventures, or jobs. I understand the feeling of restlessness. I get that quite often. I'm hoping I'll get send somewhere fun soon, like Undiscovered West or the Mysterious South." Virtus replied excitedly. "And thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind, though I do have my own ways of meeting Twilight."

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His only friend... He stared openly at her beauty. Her name was Victoria, and it took him a year to come up with the money in prison for her and all she needed. A music mare custom, his very own design. A bass perfect for punchy and growled riffs. Pearlescent dark steel, with a violet luster.

He stood after finishing his carrots and gently lifted Victoria off of the stand, throwing the strap over his neck and letting her soothe his nerves. He wasn't too concerned with his money situation, since all he did with his money was payed for the basics.

But the whole world began to crumble and collapse under him after he plugged in, switched on and began with an original peice of his called "The Lowlands." No lyrics, cause while he did write well, and sung okay, he was definitely not a lyricist.

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