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open The lost one.(always open )

Colenso Rivers

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"Oh, really? Interesting, huh? Define interesting, because I've met quite a number of interesting ponies over the years. I don't live with anypony. The most I do is stay over a few of my friend's here every so often. I have three, perhaps four, very good friends. Two of them live here in Ponyville. One of them used to work in the harsh climates of the Frozen North and the other goes on expeditions to chart out maps of caves, dungeons, ruins, you name it. To add to that, he is blind. The third one resides in Canterlot, working for the Lunar Guard, is a thestral." Virtus told the mare and turned around.


"Well, the offer still stands, come along if you want. I will be going to the marketplace." Virtus turned his head slightly and gave Luna a side glance as he started walking.


Luna walked beside him, easily keeping up with his walking pace.


"Well there is my twin brother, he is very shy, but his writing skills are great. There is my long time friend, she tends to be very energitic, and makes up random ideas. Then the last one is a pony I really care about, he is so nice, and cares a lot about me, I can't even remember how long we have been dating." Luna smiled at the last part, remembering how they met.

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"So, a writer, a energetic random pony, and a lover. Fun, fun. Seems like you have it pretty good so far. The only time I'm a writer is when I'm doing paperwork and I've never thought about dating anypony before." He laughed, glancing around from stall to stall wondering what to eat. "So, what do you do around here?"

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"So, a writer, a energetic random pony, and a lover. Fun, fun. Seems like you have it pretty good so far. The only time I'm a writer is when I'm doing paperwork and I've never thought about dating anypony before." He laughed, glancing around from stall to stall wondering what to eat. "So, what do you do around here?"

"I usually just walk around, help with a few house chores, have small jobs, nothing much other than that. Oh and don't worry, we all have different house work that we do, and we all chip in for money, and things like that." Luna tried to think of other things that she usually does.


"Music is a big part of my life, sining, playing a few instruments, maybe rewriting an original song tomake it fit more of my style."

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@crispy fries

He answered nervously, "Well, for a while now, I've been doing..." hesitant, but he had to accept it, "Badly. I take everything the worst possible way, and others suffer around me for it.." Looking to the sky, "In.... there, I tried to get better.... And I did... I just didnt.. I- I didnt.." His eyes began to shine as he tried to keep it cool but stopped in his tracks as he fell apart, "Translate well..."

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Aw, it's alright," Redwood said as she put her hoof around Echo to comfort him. "Well, y'all ain't gotta worry about that no more. Ah'll help y'all get better, promise. Ah'm sure we can find some way to do it. After all, y'all were able to make friends with me, so that means y'all could do it with somepony else."

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His body relaxed as she held him. She could do something he had never thought to ask another pony to do. Help him. He whispered, "Thank you," before stepping back, wiping his eyes and continuing to walk her to her home. He knew he always became more sensitive at night, and he wasn't surprised he broke down at this time.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


"Well Echo, it's been nice," Redwood said as they approached her house. "Yer gonna get it together, promise. Ah'll see y'all tomorrow."


With that, Redwood unlocked her door and went in. She was worried about Echo, but she was also confident he could pull himself together.

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Before she left his side, he quickly embraced her, then held his hooves on her shoulders as he looked her in the eyes and said, "Goodnight."

After she went indoors he started for his house. As he traveled, he found that he was without thought. This never happened, and while he was grateful to her, he was rather worried about what effect she might have on him. However, he had to keep faith, for he had none for much else.

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Redwood could hardly sleep that night. Her thoughts were occupied by Echo and how she could help him get his life on track.  Would it be as simple as having him make a few more friends? Although, that probably wouldn't exactly be simple. Redwood would just have to sleep on it.

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"Yeah, I would expect everypony pitching in if they're sharing a apartment, or house. Unless they're going through some rough times. But yeah, it's cool you know how to write music. Most I do is just listen to them, as I probably can't write something audible to save my life." Virtus chuckled and remembered something.


"Oh, I know! We can head over to Sugarcube corner, if you want to of course. I just remembered I have something I need to pick up there." The stallion told her.

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He headed home, took a shower, dried himself and went to bed. Usually her was a night owl, however as anypony who's ever been locked away knows that emotionally connecting with anypony else after a long time of not doing so is exhausting. And for once, the thoughts were not going to keep him awake.

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"Yeah, I would expect everypony pitching in if they're sharing a apartment, or house. Unless they're going through some rough times. But yeah, it's cool you know how to write music. Most I do is just listen to them, as I probably can't write something audible to save my life." Virtus chuckled and remembered something.


"Oh, I know! We can head over to Sugarcube corner, if you want to of course. I just remembered I have something I need to pick up there." The stallion told her.

Luna luagh a little about how he can't write music.


"Surgarcube Corner isn't a bad idea, it does have a lot of sweets. It is getting pretty late though, they might not be open." She looked at the sky and noticed the moon in the sky.


"The sky is pretty though, but it wouldn't be very smart to stay out for much longer."


(Best way to catch up with the others, haha.)

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"Hm?" Virtus tilted his head when she mentioned that Sugarcube Corners might not be open. Taking a look towards the sky, he realized what she meant. "Oh my, guess I lost track of time. Well, there's always tomorrow, I reckon. Anywho, I suppose you'll be heading home now. I still have a few things I need to do. Have a safe trip home." The pegasus told her and waved goodbye as he trotted off into the distance.

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"Hm?" Virtus tilted his head when she mentioned that Sugarcube Corners might not be open. Taking a look towards the sky, he realized what she meant. "Oh my, guess I lost track of time. Well, there's always tomorrow, I reckon. Anywho, I suppose you'll be heading home now. I still have a few things I need to do. Have a safe trip home." The pegasus told her and waved goodbye as he trotted off into the distance.

"Bye" Luna had a quick was, then dashed home. She felt bad for leaving the others along for to long, but she was home mow. Luna looked around and noticed that the others was asleep, so she started getting ready for bed. After getting in her bed, she pulled out a letter from under her pillow, and fell asleep.

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The night had fallen quickly on the town. But Missklang was still full of energy... and bored. After playing with flowers he decided to head back to Poniville. As he has no better things to do and nopony was around, he started randomly speaking in windows, randomly spooking those who were still awake. One room got his attention. On the drawer right near the wall in front of the window, there was an hourglass. He hadn't seen such model before. Silver surrounding slightly bluish glass with bright orange sand in it. From the size of it he gave it approximately thirty minutes to fomplete a cycle. He realised that he needed that hourglass badly. But also, he was too impatient to wait till the morning to ask whoever owned it if they are willing to trade it. In fact, they might even refuse! He could not let such beauty slip under his hooves an with a quiet "Pop" he teleported through.


(P.S.: if someone is interested, it could be his/her room. Feel free to wake up and get mad at Missklang and throw random stuff at him xD) 

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Redwood was roused by a bumping sound. She got up and cautiously looked around, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw somepony on the other side of the room.


Redwood shot out of bed and used her arm to pin the intruder to the wall by the throat. "You tell me who th' hell y'all are and what yer doin' in mah house right this instant," she said.

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@@crispy fries,

Being pinned to the wall wasn't the best thing to experience after being startled in someone's house. His horn glowed with a faint purple light as he teleported from Redwood's hooves on the bed right beside her, staring with his glowy red eyes that pierced the night's darkness. The quick faint glow of his horn allowed him to recognise the mare.

Well, that is one rude way to say good evening. Umm...Redwood! Nice to see you..again...for the third time... (totally not following you though)    I was passing by to... um.. apologise! Yes! To apologise. Your friend and you didn't seem appreciating my.. mmm.. harmless shenanigans. I didn't mean to.. hmm... "ruin" the day. Quite the opposite in fact...

He continued to stare at her. The clouds that were covering the moon went by and the pale moonlight flooded the room, making everything appear black and white and accentuating the shadows. Missklang saw his reflection in the small mirror on the wall. Red glowing dragon eyes and a face covered in long shadows... Not exactly the face you want to find under your bed or in the drawer. He even got spooked by his own reflection while contemplating it...

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Redwood shoved Missklang off of her bed and stood over him menacingly.


"Why th' hell are y'all breakin' into mah house to apologize!?" she shouted. "I don't give a fuck that y'all are sorry, get outta mah house right now! Ah oughtta break yer face, and ah really oughtta get a restrainin' order."

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@@crispy fries

Oh please don't shout. You will wake somepony up. And such big words! And I thought ponies appreciate apologies... Well, nevermind then. If such is your desire I will be off. Do expect to meet me in the future. It's a rather small town after all. And you are rather interesting to observe. I will be off then. Don't let the nightmares get you. They are fragile and will shatter after even a little punch. Poor little things. Nice hourglass by the way.

After that, he phased away, leaving just a bit of dust that were quickly blown away.

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Redwood went back to sleep, aggravated by the fact that she had to deal with Missklang again, and furious that he had broken in. She would have to follow through on getting a restraining order. If Missklang wasn't kept away somehow, Redwood was afraid she might hurt him, which in turn would get her in trouble.

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As he teleported away, the light breeze of the night stroke into his face. The town was silent. Almost seemed desert. Not even a single light, not even a sound. Well except the princess's castle but her late night booking was almost legendary. The visit went not as planned. But after all, it was not planned at all. Was he lucky it was Redwood? After all, it gave an easy to find excuse to his presence. But again, it was a bit of unwanted attention... He adjusted his bag and opened it to get a look at the hourglass he had the time to shove in it. It was really nice. He decided to worry about the consequences later and headed home to hide his new acquired treasure. After all, he thought to himself, he would take much better care of it. With her tendencies to punch stuff, it could easily break! And it looked extremely fragile too! He could not accept that and was happy to keep it safe and clean...

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And so, as it had before, night became day as (most) pony kind in the modest town of Ponyville slept. Echo awoke at around five that morning, getting ready for another hard days work as he had been doing for a while now. But he was a little early, allowing him to sit over multiple glasses of tea while waiting for the time to run down the clock. He was actually looking forward to going to work today. Not only because he had a friend there, but also professionally, she was a very good worker. When the time had run down, he left his home and trotted towards work, letting melodies fill his mind.

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@@Colenso Rivers,


Redwood didn't wake up too much later than Echo. She used this morning time to exercise rather than relax, as her military physique didn't maintain itself. Redwood had a quick breakfast after that and set off to work, making sure to a route where she would see Echo.


"Hey, Echo!" Redwood yelled when he came into view.

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Luna woke up a bit later than usual, but she didn't really have any chores like she thought.


"What should I do today, I can't just stay inside forever." She looked around the house for a bit, before realizing that she needed to work.


"I hope that Fulltershy wouldn't mind some help today." Luna grabbed her saddle bag, filled it with multiple animal care stuff. She wrote a note before leaving the house, and walking to Fluttershy's cottage.

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When Redwood called out to him, he was first caught off guard, looking over in surprise before a smile grew on his face. He wasn't quite used to ponies speaking to him when they weren't at work. He said to her as she approached, "Why, good morning Redwood. He's probably going to have you on deliveries today."

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