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open Sunbringers: Resistance of Canterlot


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t's been 5 years since the Changelings took over almost all of Equestria and bringed a strict diplomacy with her. Celestia is presumed dead or captured after the war. All resistance against Nightmare Moon is swiftly disbannend, captured or worse. But that doesnt stop from ponies fighting back, they call themself Sunbringers, fighting back against these changelings in Canterlot, trying to weaken the forces here, playing every night for any breakthrough of Equestrian forces.


The war took almost every Equestrian forces out. But they are fighting in the south. (Wont be any infuence for us soon, just establishing that Equestrian forces are still active fighting back)


The resistance uses propaganda and small raids to demotivate the changelings and motivate the ponies to join the resistance. They also use a Radio Channel. Only this isnt broadcasted by the Sunbringers but a diffrent, for now unknown source.



This RP will have violence, and maybe Romance. Death can be debated in the OCC.

You can be a changeling spy disguised, you will eventually be caught. This subject will go in further detail once this topic occurs. This does not to have to Be told to the other rp's.

Dust walks around the streets of Canterlot. She giggles inside everytime she sees a changeling get mad. She hopes ponies respond to her request.

"Well, i hope these recruits are better then the last one. One little Raid and they got caught and executed." Dust shakes her head. "Well time to paste this folder to the Wall" she paste a small folder on a wall. It simply read:"follow the s.u.n".


She walks to a old warehouse building. On the front gate it read:"Shipping United Needs"


(Link OOC https://mlpforums.com/topic/149601-sunbringers-resistance-of-canterlot/?p=4442205)

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Shadow came out of portal from a dark alley, He walked up to the building while dragging his scythe with his whole body covered with his cloak, even his face was hidden. He walked up to the creature and said,

"Excuse me, Do ya know when they're gathering?"

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An unassuming brown mare makes her way down the street towards the warehouse she was ready to run she'd seen traps before and this maybe one she was anxious. She holds up a flyer from the folder, then looks to the name on the warehouse doors. "Well this is the place I think anyway." she takes a deep breath and makes her way inside the warehouse to see what she did not know...

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From within the shadows of the lighthouse, a cloaked pony and a dragoness walked out. "This had better be worth my time." The pony muttered to himself. He had been a member of Luna's guard before Equestria went down the drain, and he wasn't going to give up fighting just yet.


The dragoness, on the other hand, was covered in what looked like scars. It was hard to tell whether they were just normal injuries or they had been purposefully inflicted. Aside from that, the dragoness didn't speak.

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A white mare wearing an indigo cloak with a hood shading her face walked towards the warehouse. Clover, the Princess of Magic, had managed to keep herself safe from capture for years by using her magic. Now tho, she felt as tho she wanted to use her magic to help other ponies to escape the tyranny and fight back against the changelings. Clover had taken to wearing a cloak to hide her wings to avoid becoming a target as one of the few remaining alicorn princesses.



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Dust stands in a corner of the warehouse smoking and looking at the door, then gazes at a clock hanging inside the warehouse. she sighs. ''well then, let's see my new recuits'' She looks at the door seeing multiple ponies waiting inside and outside the door. She pushes a table to the middle of the room and makes a small gesture to the table implying everyone should walk over to it. On it lay a couple of papers simply with 2 boxes drawn on them, saying yes or no.

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Shadow sat down at the table, took off his cloak, kicked his hooves up. opened a portal and placed his cloak inside the portal. He looked at the others then he pulled out a black rock and said as he started sharpening it,

"What's this paper for anyway and who are ya?"

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Sapphire walked over she stood a few feet from the table in silence still ready to teieport away with in moments unsure if this but a cleaver trap to trick those ponies with fight still in them and wipe them out leaving the ones consigned to their fate.  

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

Shadow watched the pony get close, then he said as he stopped sharpening his scythe, placed it on the table and went to throwing knives, 

"Listen, with I was going to kill ya, I would have already done it. Just sit down and relaxed. What is you name anyways?"

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@@FullMetalDash, Clover walked over to the table as instructed. She looked around at all the other ponies, seemingly here for the same purpose as she was, but the alicorn mare wasn't ready to trust just yet.


"Perhaps we ought to introduce ourselves before we get started," she said, nervously.



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Piercing blue eyes peered through the cracks of a boarded up apartment, spying on two cloaked figures emerging from a lighthouse. There was coordinated movement throughout some parts of the city. He moved to the roof, jumping from one to another till the warehouse came into the view. Sure enough several ponies were entering it. Taking note of their movements and their posture, he observed that they weren't changelings.


He looked to the name of the warehouse, his mind bringing up the memory of a propaganda poster he had read earlier today. The two seemed connected.


'This seems interesting enough' he mused, entering another abandoned apartment through a roof access. He watched the warehouse through a grimy window.

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Blitz sighed as he walked up to the table and simply looked at the paper in front of him. He assumed that it was asking if he wanted to join the resistance, so he just simply put 'yes' and sat down. The bat pony heard the others talking, but didn't want to really interact with them just yet.


The dragoness simply marked 'yes' and laid down next to Blitz, before closing her eyes.

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He'd seen the flier hours before actually entering the building. But it took him a while to equip himself while finding a way to disguise all his equipment. But he had to settle on a cloak, garb he found distasteful. It seemed that everypony was wearing one nowadays. Underneath his cloak, he was fully equipped to burn the place down if anything went wrong. His gas mask hung behind his head, underneath the hood, and he had tied it with strong threads to multiple neurotoxin canisters. If anything went wrong, flip over the mask and nopony would be leaving that building alive.

   But he didn't enter the building with cruel intent. He just needed to be ready. As he did, his legs went numb for a moment. He moved next to the Alicorn and stamped a toxic ink onto the yes marker of the paper on the table with his hoof before quickly turning to the side and entering a painful coughing fit.

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Dust chuckles in the back of the warehouse and then slowly walks towards the table. "I appreciate the ponies filling in yes even you dont know for what. For all you know you said yes to exexution by decaptiaion. You know your previous...ex recruits didnt fill it in. Took no risk here nor in the field and died. Also......could everypony atleast show their weapons? You are doing a shitty job hiding them." she throws her dagger on the table."here is mine" it was still a little dirty from old blood."yeah...a changeling saw me hanging up the flyer." she giggles. "HE never has a chance." she shows a picture with her face smiling next to a decapitated changeling head."look he is sad"

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Shadow laughed and said as he reached into his cloak,

"Wow, do ya still have it, I want to have a little fun with it."

He pulled out all of his throwing knives, his scythe was already on the table, and his cloak, He leaned back in the chair and said, 

"Who are any of you?"

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Husk tore off his cloak in relief, saying as he recovered from his hacking fit, "Thank goodness. I can't F***in stand these things." Underneath, he wore a suit that appeared to be tactical armor, but was just a modified version of his uniform as a pest control specialist that he had padded and dyed black.

He pulled off his gas mask and pulled out his knife, cutting the threads to his canisters. Strapped to him was aN eight gauge pump action shotgun, a large smg, and some kind of sharp barreled weapon connected to his mask, to a hose connected to an armored tank on his back, all of which he didn't even attempt to remove.

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Seeing that everypony else was removing his or her cloak, Clover did likewise. It was a relief to be free of the claustrophobic confines of the cloak; she'd never worn one at all in the days of peace. Clover stretched her wings out, easing the kinks in them.


"I have no weapons," she said. "All I have is my magic. My name is Clover; back when it was worth something, my full title was Clover, Princess of Magic."



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"A Princess I thought they got you all? Well I was gonna say I don't need a weapon I can fell a changeling with my magic so I don't carry anything really so well I suppose I'm a little outshone then but then." she shrugs. "Well I am Sapphire and I hate these bastards for killing my sister!"

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"Don't question my methods. I'm sorry that I'm not as skilled a-" He started hacking again, into his sleeve but staring daggers at Shadow. It must've been easy when he was the beast he so clearly appeared to be. He looked around the room as well, checking for stares. He didn't want any of their disgust, nor pity.

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Well, isn't this interesting? A flier for the "Sunbringer's: resistance of canterlot". Well, I can't say this the first time a couple of untrained idiots tried to "take back Equestria" or bring the light back". Many ponies have tried that and *chuckle* The last I heard of them, they all died gruesome death's by the hooves the changeling's. But here I am, about to go join this group. Like I actually expect things to turn out any different, *sigh* sometimes I don't. t even know my OWN motives. I really wish I could say there was still hope left but, with everything that happened. The only "hope" there is , is the hope that the changeling's just give up, like that'll ever happen. *sigh* Enough of my rambling I need to go.................Well isn't this a nice little alley, rats , a surplus of pony waste , There's even a few dead bodies! And to think I thought we'd end up in a dump.............Ok I think the filer said to go to a warehouse?........Here we are.....well it looks better then the streets..........Hmm. Numerous other ponies are already here, some even carry weapons. Whatever *clears throat*




"Ya'll said a resistance was starting here?"

OCS: flamestreak and blue-diamond
I had a bible verse here before? Geez, things have changed so much. Uhh, Trans Rights

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Blitz gave a slight shrug and decided to speak. "I would show you, but that would spoil the surprise. Besides, you'll see my abilities soon enough." The bat pony then glanced at Gale as said dragoness nudged his arm. He then glanced at the others and hardened his gaze. "The dragoness is with me. All she has is flame and strength. If any of you hurt her, there is no where you can hide."

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@@Mentis Soliloquy, "Almost," Clover replied. "I'm the last one, I think. Given that my talent is for magic, I was able to remain under the radar. I wear the cloak to hide my wings and most ponies believe that I'm just a regular unicorn."


@@reader8363, Glancing at Shadow, Clover shrugged. "I don't see why," she replied. "Even back in the old days, I never really liked it when ponies bowed to me. Now, what's the point?"



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Dust laughs. "Jeez. You are well armed. I appreciate that." she inspects all ponies. "Even an alicorn." Dust suddenly punches everyone softly on their head. "Get used to this. I wont tell you why." She laughs. "Anyway, so how can i trust you all not being changeling spys?" dust takes her dagger and points it at everypony and then licks the Blood of it."mmhm. I tasted better." Dust puts a box on the table writtrm.*food* on it. "Hungry?" she opens it....it looked like cooked Body parts."the enemkes even follow right ony stomach"

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She looks to him "She died in the invasion she was in the guard when it happened..." She looked away it was clear that the memory was quite painful for her.


@@Pripyat Pony


"Well I'm glad we have one still moving about and with us."




"What a question to ask! How do we not know that you are one!?" She gave her a stern look and waited for some test she'd perform or something.




Another pony enters a black unicorn mare who moves to the back of the small group looking anxious... 

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