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private escape the lab


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Gale was annoyed that she hadn't been able to grab the guard on top of her and could tell that trying to throw him off wasn't going to be very effective either. That still didn't mean that she couldn't try, though. Eventually, the dragoness exhausted herself out and simply stood in the room, breathing a bit heavily and very annoyed.

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@@Drago Ryder

the guard got off and peeked out the door, then closed the door, walked over to the table and turned on a lamp. He turned to the creature and said, 
"Um, from what we could tell from subject 1-18, you all are intelligent creatures. can you talk and do you have a name.


The guards threw tear gas gernades into the vents, where they filled the vents with it's gas

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Gale looked over the guard and simply gave a slight shrug. If he hadn't hurt her, then the least she could do was give him something. "My name is Gale." She said. "Why didn't you knock me out or something else to recapture me?" The dragoness was somewhat curious to say the least, and she might as well get answers.

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It didn't take long for the tear gas to reach Kyubi and the bat pony's eyes widened. As soon as the gas entered her lungs, the bat pony began to cough and became somewhat disoriented. Her eyes also burned and when she tied to get out of the gas cloud, the bat pony fell out of the vent.

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Luna woke up and looked around her.


"Such a horrible place, what am I doing here?" She noticed the glasse, and moved carefully, then noticed her sword was missing.


"W-where is it, where is my sword!" She close to shouting, then quickly shut her mouth.


"I have to be careful, I don't want to be caught."

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@@Drago Ryder,

The guard showed his empty hands and said,  

"Knock you out with what? I didn't bring anything with me but a flashlight and that was sent flying when I was on you."



Shadow heard something hit the ground, he walked to the doorway and peek in. There on the ground was a bat-pony. He walked up and poke it with his claw



A guard walked in and said, 

"Subject 21, you will come with me to be recaptured."

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A guard walked in and said,

"Subject 21, you will come with me to be recaptured."

"Now why would I follow you, and where is my sword?" She had a wolf like growl as she spoke.


"I'm not going to listen to you, you are just useless anyways." She made a dash for the closest exist that she could find, trying to find out where to go.


"I have to find my sword."

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Gale simply shrugged and looked to the side. "I don't know. You could've had a tranquilizer or something in your pocket." She muttered under her breath. The dragoness then sighed, but didn't really look at the guard. "Why are you even doing this? Why am I here?"

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Drago Ryder,

The guard got up and said,

"You are from a place that we don't know about. We brought and are doing research on you, and subject 1, 20, and 21 to find out more about this place."



The guard rolled his eyes, pulled out a stun gun and shot subject 21 in one of the hind legs. 

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The guard rolled his eyes, pulled out a stun gun and shot subject 21 in one of the hind legs.

Luna growled, she wasn't to happy about the situation. She still tried to stand though, ignoring the pain of the stun gun.


"That was a cheap move, using a weapon against an unarmed pony, that's very rude." She didn't want to be captured, or was bad enough she was in an unfamiliar place.


"You made a mistake, I didn't want to have to do this." She started to charge to the strange creature, ready to attack in any way possible.

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Kyubi groaned as she looked at Shadow and felt her muscles tense up. "Are you one of them?" She asked, somewhat scared. The bat pony didn't know who she could trust in this place, and was ready to run at a moment's notice. The only thing that kept her from doing that was the fact that Shadow hadn't attempted to hurt her.

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Gale gave a slight nod and didn't really want to know what kind of experiments they were conducting on them. The fact that the guard was even telling her this was also setting off some mental alarms. "Fine. That makes sense, I guess. Is there any way out of here?" The dragoness knew that she could very well be setting herself up to be recaptured and experimented on.

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The guard sighed and said as he pulled out a gun, 

"This isn't the first time a subject charged at me or broke out. Follow me quietly or I will have to shoot  you."



Shadow said sarcastically, 

"Yeah, I'm with the ones that put a bullet through my hind leg."


@@Drago Ryder

The guard shook his head and said, 

"Can't let you escape. I'm not going to hurt you, but I can't disobey what I was hired for."

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The guard sighed and said as he pulled out a gun,

"This isn't the first time a subject charged at me or broke out. Follow me quietly or I will have to shoot you."

"I'm not a dog!" Luna quickly hid instead of the attack, it was to dangerouse. She looked around the room for something, anything to help her. She needed her sword, or something that could harm the strange creature. It wasn't the best situation, and she needed to think quickly.

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Gale nodded slightly and knew that the guard was probably just stalling for more of whatever he was to come in and subdue her. "Yeah, I figured you'd say something like that. Thankfully, I'm feeling nice." She said. The dragoness then bolted for the door, hoping that the guard was telling the truth when he said he didn't have anything.

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The guard walked toward the creature and said, 

"I don't want to harm you, just follow me and you won't get hurt at all. 

@@Drago Ryder

The guard quickly picked up his flashlight and said as he threw it at gale, hoping it hit Gale in the head or the door.

"Don't be like this, Just come quietly and be recaptured."

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Gale didn't see the flashlight and as soon as she heard the guard, she felt the projectile hit her in the head. The impact of the blunt object at the angle, speed  and area at which it hit caused the dragoness to black out and fall to the ground. The biggest slap in the face was that she was mere inches from the door.

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The guard walked toward the creature and said,

"I don't want to harm you, just follow me and you won't get hurt at all.

"Why should I listen to you, you already broke that promise, or did you forget! I can't even trust you. Why should I let you capture me, how would you feel if this happened to you! Losing all of your loved ones, then being tested on for who knows how long!" She growled before running pasted the strange creature, trying to get away. Edited by LunaFlower226
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Kyubi looked at Shadow and wasn't really amused with his sarcasm. "Sorry. I cant exactly see anything in the traditional sense." She said, somewhat annoyed. The bat pony then stood and looked at the hybrid, taking note of her surroundings by the way noise she caused vibrated around the hall. "My name is Kyubi, by the way. Who are you?"

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Shadow said as he sat down,

"I don't think you could stop the bleeding. Name's Subject 1, or Shadow Beast. I can't remember well, being that I've been getting called subject 1 over and over for maybe a year. Pleasure to meet ya, Kyubi."



The guard walked up, pointed the gun at the creature and said,

"If ya followed me in the first place you would have gotten shot. Now follow me."


@@Drago Ryder,

The guard reached on a shelf and grabbed some rope, then started tying Gale up.  

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Kyubi gave a slight nod and thought for a moment. "Assuming that I could get the materials, I actually could based on blood flow. Granted, I don't think that would be very pleasant for you." She said. The bat pony then looked around the area. "What are these things? Why are we here?"

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As time passed, Gale simply drifted through her subconscious, angry at herself for getting knocked out by a flashlight of all things. The worst part was that she had no control over her body at this point and could still feel the guard wrapping something, presumably some sort of binding material, around her body. "Next time, I won't hold back." She thought to herself.

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The guard walked up, pointed the gun at the creature and said,

"If ya followed me in the first place you would have gotten shot. Now follow me."

Luna started running, ignoring the were creature, she just kept running and running, ignoring everything it said. She had to find a place to his, and quick. She ran faster than earlier, not paying attention to anything. This time, this time for sure she will espape. She found a room, and hid in it.

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The guard ran passed the room, and turned a corner.


@@Drago Ryder

The guard locked the door and bolted it shut. He turned and looked around for something. Once he found it, he grabbed a pen and paper and written down,

"Subject 19, Name Gale, gender, species," 

Then got and decided to see how well the nose is. He grabbed some smelling salt and placed it under the creature's nose

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"I should be safe for now, I have to find my sword." Luna whispered to herself. She was glad that she finally lost the strange creature, and was now safe from harm. Luna was trembling, she was actually scared about why could have happened is she never got away. She looked around the room, trying to find her sword.

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