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private escape the lab


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After the smell of mint exited the air, Gake slowly woke up and found herself still under the table. "I figured you would've ratted me out, or something." She said, giving a slight smile. The dragoness then pokes her head out from under the cover and looked at the guard. "Thanks."

Edited by Drago Ryder
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@@Drago Ryder,

The guard said as he knelt next to Gale,

"They would've shot ya and drag you to a surgical  table and dissect you. I think it would be nice to just ask questions, but they were going on about lying, untrustworthy and stuff. Are you going to run off when I untie you?"



Shadow nodded and said as he limped there

"It doesn't matter if there are many guards I'll cut them down."

(Can't remember the saying, either cut or mow 

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Kyubi nodded and sighed. "I don't think I could do much in a fight, except for maybe give you an early warning. For now, we should split up. I'll go to the supply room and you can get a weapon." She said. The bat pony didn't tell Shadow that she didn't want to hear the guards when the hybrid killed them.


(Either one works)

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Gale thought for a second before shaking her head. "No. At least now I think I can trust you." She said. The dragoness then moved the rest of her body out from under the table and waited for the guard to cut the rope around her. "Granted, I could've easily burned the rope at any time."

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Luna looked around, not knowing where she was now. After leaving the weapon room because if the creature (even if it ment no harm), she was now in a different room, but didnt know where.


"Am I just going to keep running? I do have my sword now, and I can defend myself." She looked around more, and paied close attention to everything around her.

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@@Drago Ryder

The guard said as he undid the ropes, 

"Also, you would've set the smoke alarm off."

Once he undid them, he stood up and said,

"tell me about this world you're from."



Shadow nodded and said as he headed towards the weaponry room,

"Just wait for me." 

He arrived at the weaponry room and opened the door. He looked in to see someone cleaning. He grabbed his scythe and quickly closed the door. Then he went back to where Kyubi was



The room had a furnace in the corner and a bunch of coal. The furnace was heating up the whole room 

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Gale rolled her eyes and sat up, her tail curling around her legs. "As far as I can tell, your world isn't that much different from ours. Granted, we aren't as technologically advanced and have ponies and mythological creatures instead of humans, but we make up for that I other ways."

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As soon as Shadow left, Kyubi began to look around the facility and trotted down the hall. "I guess I might as well see what I can find." She thought to herself. The bat pony then entered a supply room. She was curious about what the humans had in store for them, and wanted to find out more about them.

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@@Drago Ryder

The guard grabbed the paper, sat down, and said as he wrote stuff down, 

"What are the ways that they make up for not having tech?"


The supply room was filled with shelves packed with stuff ranging from medical, flashlights, and canned food.


Shadow headed to the security office. When he enter two guards were sleeping. He walked up and took them both out and started looking at the cameras.

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Gale didn't see any harm in telling the guard about her world, but she knew that she couldn't tell him everything. "Ponies can basically use magic, even if it doesn't really seem like it." She said. "The use of magic varies from simple flight and enhanced strength to actual attacks."

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@@Drago Ryder

The guard nodded and said as he got up and grabbed some smelling salt that well not broken, papers, pen, the flashlight, and placed them in a bag,

"I need to do some testing, but I need you to come with me."

He looked out the door to see with anyone's coming then walked out when he saw no one coming.

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Gale was somewhat suspicious of the guard, but decided that at least the other humans might not shoot her if she was with him. The dragoness then walked out of the room and followed the guard. Every once in a while, she would look around the hall, as if something might jump out at her.

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Kyubi walked around the storage room and took a few cans of food and medical supplies, before sitting down and eating a bit of food. She hadn't noticed it, but she was hungry from the time she spent in containment. "I should be safe in here as long as I don't make to much noise." She thought.

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Damien sat there in the tube, watching as the events unfolded before him. He was waiting for the right time to bust out of the tube and free himself. As the last guard left chasing after the others, he shot a beam of energy out of his horn and the glass tube shattered, releasing him from the cramped space. "Now, how do I get out of here?" He said to himself, walking towards one of the doors. Then he realized something, "They took my cape! I have to find it." He then started down the hallway and looked around.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@@Drago Ryder,

When the guard arrived in the room, he turned on the lights to show a treadmil, a scale, and some other equipment.



A few guards showed up when they heard the tube shattering and pointed their guns at the creature. One of them said, 

"Subject 22, follow us to be contained and you won't get hurt

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As soon as Gale entered the room, it didn't take her long to notice the equipment. The dragoness then gave the guard a curious glance. "Why are we here?" She asked, somewhat curious. The room felt cold to the dragoness, causing a sligh chill to run down her spine.

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@@Drago Ryder,

The guard turned around and said, 

"To get your weight, endurance, speed, wingspan and some other stuff, but we got to hurry, once I enter the info into the database from the questions. the other guard will be on top of us. including weapons that might work on you.

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A few guards showed up when they heard the tube shattering and pointed their guns at the creature. One of them said, 

"Subject 22, follow us to be contained and you won't get hurt

"Pfft, you think I'm gonna listen to you? I've been captured before and it wasn't fun. So, if you'll excuse me, I'll be leaving." He then teleported father down the hall and ran off. He had to find his cape and a way out. He eventually found a room with strange weapons on the wall and sitting there on a table, was his red cape. "Yes! I found you!" He said to the cape as he put it on. "Now, how do I get out of here?"

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Gale nodded and felt a bit odd, like she was being watched. The dragoness then shook off the feeling and glanced at the guard. "Ok. Just tell me what I need to do." She said. The dragoness had a few questions to ask the guard, but she knew that now wasn't the time.

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@, @@Acnologia,

an annoucement was played through the whole lab, 

"Attention all units, subject 22 has escaped, Don't ask any questions, It can't be reasoned with. Shoot to kill."


@@Drago Ryder,

The guard got the information in and said, 

"First will be the treadmil. It will test your speed and endurance, I'll control it from here and just tell me when it's to fast and when your done, just jump off

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Kyubi wasn't really expecting the sudden announcement and quickly stood up. As she moved, the bat pony accidentally knocked over a metal rack. The noise caused by the collision of metal and the floor made the bat pony fall to the ground in pain. "What is going on?" She thought to herself. Shadow hadn't mentioned another subject when they spoke earlier.

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Gake looked around and tried to make sense of all the equipment in the room. Eventually, she got onto the correct one and glanced at the guard. "I'm ready for you to start." She said. The dragoness didn't know how she should've felt about being observed in such a way, but figured that cooperating would be best.

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@@Drago Ryder

The guard started up the machine and slowly started turning the knob, increasing the speed of the treadmill



A group of guard were running past then heard the crash. They stopped opened the door and saw a creature on the ground in pain. Two guards went up and grabbed the creature.

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Gale felt the machine begin to move under her feet and 'walked' forwards. She didn't have to exert that much energy to not fall off, and she soon grew board with the activity. "This is going to be a long series of tests." She thought to herself. "Can this thing go faster?"

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Kyubi felt herself being touched and made an attempt to get away from her captors. "No. Please, let me go." She whimpered. The bat pony was honestly afraid. She needed to get away from these things and get out of the facility. Her body and ears hurt from the shelf falling earlier, which did make it harder for her to move.

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