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open Fall of the Kingdom


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Blitz was somewhat suspicious of the idea of using something evil to create a weapon that could be used to destroy said evil. "How do we know you're actually telling the truth? For all we know, you could be setting us up for failure." He said, narrowing his eyes at the unicorn. "It's like you said. You get an empire just by being here, so what else could we possibly offer you?" The bat knew that something wasn't right with any of this, and wasn't going to drop his guard for anything.


Gale glanced at Spike and gave a small nod. She would help in any way possible.

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King Sombra smirked.  "You're right,  having my kingdom back will be more than enough to earn you the truth. All you really need me for is a battering ram, to bash down the defenses of the Forge so you can go in because it hasn't allowed ponies or dragons or even Discord's species in it for thousands of years, since Starswirl originally made the Elements.  I will aid you in that.  But I want your word of honor that the Elements of Harmony will never be used against me, nor will the Crystal Heart. Do we have an accord?" asked King Sombra. "If so,  I will open the portal to each of your trials. These will push you to your absolute limits,  and test you in ways you never thought possible. You will die,  if you fail.  That is the nature of the Trials of Harmony.  Normally the Bearers never take the Trials,  but given you're up against a bloody Alicorn..."     King Sombra sighed.   


Spike was waking up fully,  and looked at them. 


"So,  shall we begin?" 

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"Ah'm ready fer whatever these trials are," said Redwood.


She was going in practically blind, but this seemed like thier only shot at bringing down Twilight. Redwood had endured a lot though, and she wasn't scared of whatever King Sombra had to throw at them.

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Flash was in the air zooming around. "Ooo ooo, I'm ready! This is so exciting!!! But dangerous too, but mostly EXCITING!!!" He then landed and said, "I will face the challenges ahead of me with bravery! I'll make Damien proud he trained me with a sword. And even if they're not that kind of challenge, I will be ready none the less." Flash then tried to put on a brave face, but still wound up smiling.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Blitz rolled his eyes at Sombra's answer, but knew that it wouldn't help to Drago on this argument. A slight smirk spread across his muzzle, and he gave a slight nod. "Yeah. I'm ready for whatever you have in store for me." He said. The bat pony already had a few ideas for his trial, and he felt something stir in him. The bat pony then glanced at Gale and looked her straight in the eye. "Stay safe."


The dragoness gave a slight smirk of her own and playfully nudged Blitz. "When have I not been careful?" She asked, before walking a few inches back.

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King Sombra examined the individuals before saying. "Element of Magic... step up."   With that his horn lit and a portal shaped like the Element of Magic would appear nearby. The portal would be made out of dark magic and would lead her to the trial.  "You are first of the Trials given that you will likely directly have to battle Twilight Sparkle most likely..."  Once he had made that portal King Sombra opened another series of Portals,  one for each of the Elements.   "These will lead you to your individual trials. Should you succeed you will be one step closer to recreating the Elements of Harmony. You will still need the Gemstones to convert into the Elements,  and some gold to forge them into. " 

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King Sombra smirked.  "You're right,  having my kingdom back will be more than enough to earn you the truth. All you really need me for is a battering ram, to bash down the defenses of the Forge so you can go in because it hasn't allowed ponies or dragons or even Discord's species in it for thousands of years, since Starswirl originally made the Elements.  I will aid you in that.  But I want your word of honor that the Elements of Harmony will never be used against me, nor will the Crystal Heart. Do we have an accord?" asked King Sombra. "If so,  I will open the portal to each of your trials. These will push you to your absolute limits,  and test you in ways you never thought possible. You will die,  if you fail.  That is the nature of the Trials of Harmony.  Normally the Bearers never take the Trials,  but given you're up against a bloody Alicorn..."     King Sombra sighed.   


Spike was waking up fully,  and looked at them. 


"So,  shall we begin?" 


"Sure, why the hell not. Let's start on a quest to get the Elements of freaking harmony! Yay."


King Sombra examined the individuals before saying. "Element of Magic... step up."   With that his horn lit and a portal shaped like the Element of Magic would appear nearby. The portal would be made out of dark magic and would lead her to the trial.  "You are first of the Trials given that you will likely directly have to battle Twilight Sparkle most likely..."  Once he had made that portal King Sombra opened another series of Portals,  one for each of the Elements.   "These will lead you to your individual trials. Should you succeed you will be one step closer to recreating the Elements of Harmony. You will still need the Gemstones to convert into the Elements,  and some gold to forge them into. " 


"You know, portals are horrible inefficient. They waste so much magical energy if just being used for a single pony you may as well just teleport." I stepped up to the portal and turned to face the rest of the ponies. "C'est la vie." I said before jumping backwards into it.


Art by DoeKitty

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"Well, into th' breach," said Redwood as she jumped through her portal.


Whatever was waiting for her on the other side, Redwood knew that she could handle it. Tne stakes were far too high to fail this soon, so she would make sure that she didn't. Redwood could say with utmost confidence that she was ready.

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Blitz honestly didn't know what to expect when he steeped through the gate, but turning back now would mean that all of this would be for naught. A slight smile then formed on the bat pony's muzzle as he jumped into the air and flew into the portal. "Allons y."

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Flash was super excited at all that had been happening and was amazed by his new powers, but he knew that this was a serious task and he couldn't just casually waltz through it. "Alright then, see you on the other side everypony! And best of luck to you all!" He said as he flew into the portal.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Red Wood would find herself in a court room with one of her siblings,   or immediate relatives in the defendant's bench.   "You stand accused of grand theft. Element of Honesty,  would you care to weigh in as a character witness for your family member?"  The Judge looked tired,  like he'd been doing this trial for about a week.  "Here's the evidence..."  Using his horn,  the Unicorn Judge would levitate the evidence on the trial over to Red Wood. 



@Damien and Flash



Flash would find himself in Ponyville,   but everyone was upset and bickering with each other. Some had even started throwing rocks,  or swinging knives at each other.  Truly the Element of Laughter would have it's work cut out for it,  if it wished to save the town from this madness. 



@Drago Ryder



When Blaze entered the portal he could see himself clad in royal robes with a crown on his head, but this wasn't all.  He'd been temporarily changed into an Alicorn. Beggars from all over would have formed a long line outside the castle he was in,  while the rich people were fighting against them... trying to keep them from making any requests of him. 



@Ethan Sawyer



Scarlett would find herself near a statue that would speak.   "The power of Friendship won't be enough. Choose one of your friends to sacrifice so that I may give you the power of the other side of the Elements of Harmony,  that of the Elements of Life.  Will you give up Generosity,  Kindness, Laughter,  Honesty or Loyalty?"   asked the creature.  "CHOOSE or I will choose for you." 



Spike approached the Dragoness.  "So what shall we do if even one of them fails the trials,  my friend?" 

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Feeder closed the book and placed it in his bag, then he said as he got up with his bag on his back and walked to the portal,

"Guess I don't really have a choice, I hope I don't have to fight anything."

He took a deep breath and walked into the portal, wondering what his trails going to be.

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Blitz looked over the people gathered in his court and felt like he had seen this scene before, if only in a different life. Everything seemed familiar, but he couldn't tell where or what time period the architecture had been from. The now Alicorn tried his best to meet the demands of those he viewed as important: reconstruction of villages, supplying food to those affected by a bad harvest, dealing with and generally anything that would help the poor. He had to keep in mind that he didn't want the wealthy to leave either, so he would have to be careful as to what decisions he made. At one point, the alicorn stood and walked out of the room he was in, making it easier for the poor to talk with him.


Gale glanced at Spike and thought for a moment before responding. "We could do a bit of sabotage to get the people against her." She said.

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Redwood looked over the evidence. It was indeed incriminating, and there wasn't much she could say in her defense. She looked around and saw her parents, Ma Wood and Pa Wood, her older sister Cherrywood, her older brother Oakwood, and her little brother, Birchwood. If she confessed, she'd be a crushing disappointment to all of them.


"Well," said Redwood. "Y'all got a mountain of evidence that ah can't refuse. Ah can't say anythin' in mah defense."

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Steel approached his portal for his trial as much as he to tear into demon blood and kill him he knew that now wants the time the other ponies where counting on him to complete his trial he sighed and calmed his nerves and stepped through the portal unsure of what to expect

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Scarlett would find herself near a statue that would speak.   "The power of Friendship won't be enough. Choose one of your friends to sacrifice so that I may give you the power of the other side of the Elements of Harmony,  that of the Elements of Life.  Will you give up Generosity,  Kindness, Laughter,  Honesty or Loyalty?"   asked the creature.  "CHOOSE or I will choose for you."


I looked up to the statue that was probably supposed to seem like it was talking. "Hmm. I guess my theory is true. All of you spirits and/or entities are all complete idiots. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm just here because I really have nothing else to do." I paused for a moment. "Though if I had to get rid of one, it'd be me. I'm not just going to have someone killed to further my own life. So thanks, but no thanks."


Art by DoeKitty

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Discord looked as ponies disappeared in the portals.


Off they go. Oh, Sombra! You are here! I was so busy thinking about which colour is greener, pink or brown that I completely disregarded your appearance.


Discord wobbled around Sombra.


Uhhh. I wish I could get a trial myself. After all, I'm quite suited for ALL of the elements!


He clapped his fingers and poorly made replicas of the former harmony collars appeared on his long neck.


Look! I'm fabulous! Hohoho.

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@Ethan Sawyer


"Those who would give up Friendship for power deserve neither Friendship nor power. You have passed my test,  Element of Magic.  Remember this lesson that you have learned."   With that Scarlett would be sent back,  and a gold necklace with a slot for the Element of Harmony would be around her neck. 



The element of Loyalty would find himself faced with two paths,  that held two groups of ponies. One would be his old friends,  while the others were his new friends. 


"CHOOSE"   was said by a booming voice.



The Judge then looked at Red Cedar. "You have passed my test,  Element of Honesty. Your refusal to fudge the truth has touched my heart. As one of the Former Bearers,  that of Honesty myself I give you a reward..." The Judge would hold out a hoof at her,  firing a beam that would form a gold necklace with a slot for the Element of Harmony that would look like her cutie mark.  



Near Blitz,  an older pony would materialize.  This one looked ancient,  and seemed to be made out of rainbow colored light that had a mainly purple hue to it.   "Element of Generosity,  you have passed your trial. I reward you by giving you the Elysian Gold needed to make your Element's casing. It is around your neck."  With that an amulet,   but with an empty slot for the Element of Harmony appeared around Blitz's neck.   "Return to your world... and remember the lessons you have learned here. "  The moment the older pony materialized,  Blitz would be turned back into his normal form.   "As a former holder of Generosity,  I have one last gift for you and your friends who will carry on in our stead..."   With that a set of sword hilts would appear,  one for each of the group. "These,  the blades of harmony will assist you.  They are not as powerful as the Elements... but hould you need them you will at least have something." 



Spike then looked over at her.   "Hmm. We'll wait and see how this turns out..." 


The Trial for Kindness was that Feeder now had a foal to look after,  who was grown and hadn't got his cutie mark... and had refused to leave Feeder. 

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When Feeder saw the foal, he sat down on the grass and said,

"Hello there, are you hungry?

He placed his bag down and started rummaging through his bag looking for something to eat. He pulled out a pouch of berries and placed it on the ground.

Then he noticed that he didn't get his cutie mark, he said as he placed the bag out of the way,

"Do you need help getting your cutie mark?"

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Red Wood would find herself in a court room with one of her siblings,   or immediate relatives in the defendant's bench.   "You stand accused of grand theft. Element of Honesty,  would you care to weigh in as a character witness for your family member?"  The Judge looked tired,  like he'd been doing this trial for about a week.  "Here's the evidence..."  Using his horn,  the Unicorn Judge would levitate the evidence on the trial over to Red Wood. 



@Damien and Flash



Flash would find himself in Ponyville,   but everyone was upset and bickering with each other. Some had even started throwing rocks,  or swinging knives at each other.  Truly the Element of Laughter would have it's work cut out for it,  if it wished to save the town from this madness. 



@Drago Ryder



When Blaze entered the portal he could see himself clad in royal robes with a crown on his head, but this wasn't all.  He'd been temporarily changed into an Alicorn. Beggars from all over would have formed a long line outside the castle he was in,  while the rich people were fighting against them... trying to keep them from making any requests of him. 



@Ethan Sawyer



Scarlett would find herself near a statue that would speak.   "The power of Friendship won't be enough. Choose one of your friends to sacrifice so that I may give you the power of the other side of the Elements of Harmony,  that of the Elements of Life.  Will you give up Generosity,  Kindness, Laughter,  Honesty or Loyalty?"   asked the creature.  "CHOOSE or I will choose for you." 



Spike approached the Dragoness.  "So what shall we do if even one of them fails the trials,  my friend?"


Flash was rather surprised at seeing this, but flew over to a group of ponies that were fighting each other and asked them, "Hey, what's going on? Is something the matter? 'Cause you all seem pretty angry. I think you guys should calm down juuuust a little and we can talk about this. With cupcakes!"

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Blitz nodded slightly and gave a slight bow. "Thank you. I'll use them to free this land if it comes to that." He said. The bat pony then placed a hoof on the metal and noted a warm feeling radiating from it. He wasn't going to fail in his mission, even it meant his death.


Gale nodded slightly and sat down. "It's just a thought." She said.

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"Those who would give up Friendship for power deserve neither Friendship nor power. You have passed my test,  Element of Magic.  Remember this lesson that you have learned."   With that Scarlett would be sent back,  and a gold necklace with a slot for the Element of Harmony would be around her neck.


I appeared back in the room with Discord, Sombra, Spike and the others. I turned to Sombra and shouted "Hey, the trial was a cop out. I basically had to say I didn't want to do it and I get sent back here with this god awful looking necklace."


I turned to Discord. "Hey, Dissy. How come everything harmonious looks bloody awful? I'd rather wear you round my neck with the element in your appendages."


Art by DoeKitty

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Redwood reappeared in the castle as well, thoroughly underwhelmed with the trials.


"Is that it?" she asked incredulously. "Y'all made out them trials to be a whole lot more than they really were. All ah had to do was admit to a crime and now ah'm set with some kinda shiny necklace."

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Steel looked down both paths and thought although he missed his old friends they didn't need him right now and his new ones did he walked down the path with his new friends "let's go beat twilight" he said ready for anything that may happen after he made his choice

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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@@Ethan Sawyer

Discord shrugged his shoulders.


That's how it always is. Everything that is good for you tastes awful. Everything harmonious looks awful.  I am glad that at least somepony shares my point of view. However, I guess if there was an element of logic, perhaps it would look as an impossible triangle? At least it would be somewhat acceptable. But if you really want...


In a clip of his fingers, he shrank and became a collar with his head as the jewel.


Behold! You are now the element of chaos! Hehehe... Try it out. While you are wearing me, you can control some of my powers...

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