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open Fallout Equestria: Hurricane Season RP (Open)

crispy fries

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Lupus heard what the unknown pony had said and replied, "I only shoot in self-defense so if you have no ill intentions then I won't shoot."


"Good, then leave me and my business be," he said, slinging his rifle over his back. Having no other word to say, he kept on in the direction of Fairway. However noticing the other pony walking in the wrong direction, he knew it would be wrong to leave him to his fate. However his ire encouraged him to do so, two minds are better than one he thought. So against his better judgement of trusting strangers, he turned to the wounded pony. Sighing at himself for walking into these normally unnecessary circumstances, he called out, "Hey, I'll be frank with you. I normally don't do companions. However I can guide you to town given both of our respective conditions and we'll part there. After that, your on your own. Your welcome to follow me if you want," he said with a slight sense of reluctance. It was only a couple miles away the trip wouldn't take long. He had done his part and could of cared less. He turned away hoping he honestly wouldn't follow. 

Edited by Sriracha
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"Good, then leave me and my business be," he said, slinging his rifle over his back. Having no other word to say, he kept on in the direction of Fairway. However noticing the other pony walking in the wrong direction, he knew it would be wrong to leave him to his fate. However his ire encouraged him to do so, two minds are better than one he thought. So against his better judgement of trusting strangers, he turned to the wounded pony. Sighing at himself for walking into these normally unnecessary circumstances, he called out, "Hey, I'll be frank with you. I normally don't do companions. However I can guide you to town given both of our respective conditions and we'll part there. After that, your one your own. Your welcome to follow me if you want." It was only a couple miles away the trip wouldn't take long. He had done his part and could of cared less. He turned away hoping he honestly wouldn't follow.


Lupus lowered his weapons and started following the unicorn.


"Thanks, I would have probably made it there by now if my PipBuck's map card hadn't been smashed in a fight with some raiders. By the way, I'm Lupus, it's nice to meet you... You haven't told me your name yet. And I understand if you don't want to."

  • Brohoof 1

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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"Thanks, I would have probably made it there by now if my PipBuck's map card hadn't been smashed in a fight with some raiders. By the way, I'm Lupus, it's nice to meet you... You haven't told me your name yet. And I understand if you don't want to."


 A brief moment of silence followed as he pondered whether to just ignore him. Finally speaking up, "I suppose I owe you that much, my name is Sylvester." Another moment of silence followed, before an earlier memory dawned on him. "What's a Pipbuck? I heard you talking to someone earlier but didn't see anyone there." Down the road a well worn path lay branching off the main path leading to town. He made a mental note to stop by later when he was in better health. Finally taking a good look at Lupus, he realized the extent of his power armor and weaponry. A brief look of his core alone intrigued him but left those questions unanswered. That he made a good ally was apparent, there was no need to go further than that. There was simply no need for it at the moment. He would remember this moment and go on with his business as usual. 

Edited by Sriracha
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A brief moment of silence followed as he pondered whether to just ignore him. Finally speaking up, "I suppose I owe you that much, my name is Sylvester." Another moment of silence followed, before an earlier memory dawned on him. "What's a Pipbuck? I heard you talking to someone earlier but didn't see anyone there." Down the road a well worn path lay branching off the main path leading to town. He made a mental note to stop by later when he was in better health. Finally taking a good look at Lupus, he realized the extent of his power armor and weaponry. A brief look of his core alone intrigued him but left those questions unanswered. That he made a good ally was apparent, there was no need to go further than that. There was simply no need for it at the moment. He would remember this moment and go on with his business as usual.


Lupus was slightly amused by what Sylvester had said.


"Wait, you've never heard of a PipBuck before? It's an essential piece of technology! And mine also happens to house an AI, created by myself. Her name is Sheila, she's who you heard me talking to before."


(I'm not wearing power armor, it's just a battle-saddle.)

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Gizmo followed redwood as they headed to where the bounty was said to be. He kept an eye on his EFS looking for anything attacking them....or anything at all. As they walked Gizmo kept feeling something was going to go to tartares in a hand basket in a moment.


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About halfway to their destination, Redwood put her hoof out to stop Gizmo.


"Don't move another step. We got mines," she ordered pointing to a fragmentation mine on the ground. Not too far away, she could see a fine column of smoke coming from seemingly nowhere, which meant that someone was hiding out nearby. "Listen, step close to me, and we can make it through. See that smoke stack over there? There's probably somepony hidin' out."

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Gizmo Stopped, He saw the smoke and then Looked at the mine field, "Or..." He said, he ran some numbers in his head before taking a few steps back. He tightened the straps of his rifle and sword. He gave a grin. "Hold on to your hat." and he rushed the Mine field, He lit his horn as a he stepped on the mine, it beeped before exploding, a thin yellow shield appeared under Gizmo ,he rid it as it sent the fire and shrapnel upward and away from them, he landed in a roll, which started more mines and he repeated the task....He was making up his lack of speed by riding the shock wave's of the explosions.


He was halfway across when he tripped, He stumbled and started to pitch forward face first into a mine. Swearing loudly He dropped into STATS, Time around him slowed as the spell matrix speed up his brains possessing speed. He crunched a lot more numbers, he flipped the mine over with his magic and slammed the disarmed button. Time resumed and he slid to a halt. "Ok....not my best plan..."


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Curiously enough, only a few of the mines exploded. Many of them looked altered, and didn't explode upon being triggered--it seemed as if many of the mines were only for show.


But still, the few that did explode, made a rather loud noise...Understandably. The sounds, within the house stopped...


It was a few minutes, before someone poked his head out, from within the shack. An earth pony, with hair that looked outgrown, and spiked in some places, matted in others. Goggles, were placed above his sleep-deprived eyes...He wore a lap coat, that was more soot-stained then white. He glanced around curiously...Before locking his sight on the pony sprawled out halfway to his house. He yelped, ducking his head back in, slamming the door.


Various locking noises would be heard, as he reinforced the door.


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@@Gamer_KM, @@P-Jay,


Rather than take Gizmo's somewhat careless approach, Redwood very slowly and carefully navigated the minefield, until she had managed to reach the smokestack and the shack it was coming from. She took cover next to the door for a brief moment before shooting the lock off and aiming her weapon at the shack's single inhabitant. "Hooves behind yer head. Yer gonna do everythin' ah say, or else ah'll put a round of buckshot in ya."

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Kronos' rampage had certainly not gone unnoticed, and from the rooftop of nearby ruined building, a camouflaged pony with a high powered rifle was training their sights on him. When he was sure he had a bead on Kronos, a crack rang out as .50 caliber round was fired at him.

When the shot was fired, it went to Kronos' leg. His leg jerked forward and he howled in anger and pain, "AHHHHHH, YOU SONUVABITCH!!!!!!!!!!" He drew some of his own blood from his wound and licked his bloody claws. He gave a loud, intimidating and almost primal roar before turning towards the shooterm running at him with his Chainsword revved up. He simply cut through the door of the building the attacker was in and bolted towards the sniper's perch as he screamed, "I'M GONNA TEAR YOUR ORGANS OUT ONE BY ONE AND THEN WEAR YOUR SKIN LIKE A COAT!!!!!"

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Rather than take Gizmo's somewhat careless approach, Redwood very slowly and carefully navigated the minefield, until she had managed to reach the smokestack and the shack it was coming from. She took cover next to the door for a brief moment before shooting the lock off and aiming her weapon at the shack's single inhabitant. "Hooves behind yer head. Yer gonna do everythin' ah say, or else ah'll put a round of buckshot in ya."


The pony within, had a meek laser pistol aimed at her head, when she had kicked in the door. He was shivering, although, a smile was stretched over his face. He looked almost...Excited. He wore a pip-boy...That had blood-stains on it.


"Well, um, uh, that'd, uh, be nice, and all, and stuff, but truth is, see, firing a buckshot in my home..." He said, without taking a breath.


He nodded his head, at the room. Explosives lines the walls, looking both foreign, and home-made. Bottlecap mines, EMP's, classic, grenades, mini-nukes, and more that probably didn't even seem like Redwood would even know what kind they were. There were even boxes of spare parts, and a chest that looked as if it were filled to the brim with gunpowder. In fact...The only thing that wasn't explosive-related, was the laser pistol. 


"...I would really rather you didn't...Um...Detonate my collection. It's taken me years to get this much explosive power..." He said, still aiming the gun at her, although in comparison, Redwood seemed much more in control of the situation. "...And I would hate if you accidentally blew me up...And yourself...And my property...And everything in a mile radius..."


He offered a wider grin. "Why don't we just all chill...Take it nice...And easy..." 


A sharp eye would see that he was holding a remote with his other hoof, behind his back...


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A sharp eye was what Redwood indeed had, and she tackled the stallion in an attempt to wrestle the detonator from his hoof.




The sniper was no amateur, and he could see Kronos coming almost literally from a mile away. He was long gone by the time he got there, leaving behind only an ammo box with a tooth shaped symbol on it.

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Gizmo Fallowed redwood into the base, and gave a whistle. "Got a good powder kag here" His horn glowing as he passed it over. "Be a shame if I found a signal for a dead-mare switch" he said, he sat back and lifted his leg and begin to tap a spell code into it. It chimed. "there we go, now we won't go boom"


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Now that the threat of being blown up was no longer present, Redwood could just focus on keeping the stallion pinned. She put one hoof down on his throat, enough to cause him discomfort, but not so much that he couldn't talk.


"Mah previous threat still stands," said Redwood.

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(dammit i had a thing planned for the remote.....oh well. XD)


"..." The stallion managed a smile, through the choking. "Miss...Violent...Just...One more thing..."


He shot his laser pistol, aiming for a grenade on the shelf behind Redwood. It would detonate, likely triggering it's brethren on the shelf next to it, in one giant blast...Or so the stallion hoped.


Oh well, at least four flash-bangs would still produce enough confusion, to hopefully wriggle out from Redwood's grip, reaching for the mini-nuke on the counter directly above him. Should he manage to grip the mini-nuke, he would throw the remote at Gizmo (because f*ck that guy (jk im sure Gizmo is an awesome oc)), and immediately pullout out what looked like a screwdriver, from his coat pocket...Setting it on the bottom of the mini-nuke, as if to detonate it manually. 


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Redwood could barley hear, but she could make out the stallion well enough. She picked her gun back up and fired at the stallion's leg at point blank range in an attempt to incapacitate him. If he got to that mini nuke, they were all as good as dead, as well as everything within half a mile.

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Gizmo stumbled back, he sat back raising the cybernetic leg. the hoof began to shift into a magic energy weapon, a cystal focus slid into place and it glowed a pink/purple light. He dropped into STATS again the matrix locked onto all the ponies in the room, he lined up a shot with the red mark on his compass and shot a labled "right front leg, 87%" the lazer bent around anything in it's path and nailed it.


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Redwood could barley hear, but she could make out the stallion well enough. She picked her gun back up and fired at the stallion's leg at point blank range in an attempt to incapacitate him. If he got to that mini nuke, they were all as good as dead, as well as everything within half a mile.

Gizmo stumbled back, he sat back raising the cybernetic leg. the hoof began to shift into a magic energy weapon, a cystal focus slid into place and it glowed a pink/purple light. He dropped into STATS again the matrix locked onto all the ponies in the room, he lined up a shot with the red mark on his compass and shot a labled "right front leg, 87%" the lazer bent around anything in it's path and nailed it.


He had almost reached it...One hoof curled around the smooth cylinder, before an ear-shattering bang would be heard, followed by a BZAP. The stallion dropped, onto the ground, looking down momentarily, in horror, at his leg...Which was mangled, beyond belief...Bleeding started, and Rig knew he had a few minutes of time, before shock set in. And death, after that. The injury in his arm seemed to fade into nonexistence, compared to the larger wound...


On the ground, he went for a shot of blind luck, punching one leg of the table, making it wobble, the mini-nuke on top wobbling with it...Before falling down, bouncing once on the ground. 


Rig reached out, gripping it, bringing it close to himself, as his shot arm fumbled for a screwdriver, pressing it against the bottom of the mini-nuke. 


"...S-stop...Where you are..." He managed, his eyes becoming unfocused, as blood had started to pool from the major injury in his leg. 

Edited by P-Jay


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Redwood pointed her shotgun at the stallion's face and said, "Listen, ah ain't even gotta pull this trigger fer y'all to die, seein' as how yer gonna bleed out, but y'all could provide us with some useful information, so ah'd rather not kill y'all. If y'all drop that mini nuke, we might just be able to patch y'all up."

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Rabisu was hiding/living in the old church with his son.. wait you did not now that he had a son well I must tell you a story then Flaash-baack it was a dark night and Rabisu had to feed he hunted for a while now and nothing but then 'Help Somepony Anypony Please' a female voice called 'Shut up bi*ch nobody will hear you' a male voice said looks like the diner is seved then Rabisu thought as he swiftly approached the voices and seen a mare trying to run away from the stalion but it was no use he was too strong buck it will be one of those nights Rabisu thought as he sneaked behind the stalion, 3 2 1 'go' Rabsiu said as he jumped the unsuspecting stalion and drained his blood when he was full, he looked at the mare that was in shock 'please don't scream' after he said that she started screeming, he swiftly untied his cape and punched her she had fallen unconscious, then he wrapped he in the cape and put her over his shoulder, then he walked home to the churtch

Do you want to know more next part coming whenever. (This is a miny series to explain Rabisu's backstory hope you like it)

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Lupus was slightly amused by what Sylvester had said. "Wait, you've never heard of a PipBuck before? It's an essential piece of technology! And mine also happens to house an AI, created by myself. Her name is Sheila, she's who you heard me talking to before."


"Hmmp...I can't say I heard of such devices but never did I expect to see something like this up close damaged or not. That is a very impressive piece of work." Shifting my weight on the pack as we neared town. "I have been hunting these parts for a couple years now that even the raiders know enough to mess with greener folk," he said with a slight laugh. "Although they do need the occasional reminder." I motioned to the nearby bazaar in the town center. "Give me one moment." He expertly canvassed the various merchants and came back with two sacks of bottle caps minutes later finally liberated of his load. "Here, take this and fix yourself up. I maintain a home here and a cozy shack out in the wilderness hidden off the main path." Giving him one of the sacs of currency, and a small map. "I don't do this for anyone but here are directions that you can follow with enough persistence. Just watch for traps," Giving him a genuine nod of approval that rarely graced his facial features. Few ponies intrigued him the way he did. With that he left the pony to his business and went home for the time being. A day or two would see him healed enough to get back to normal.

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"Hmmp...I can't say I heard of such devices but never did I expect to see something like this up close damaged or not. That is a very impressive piece of work." Shifting my weight on the pack as we neared town. "I have been hunting these parts for a couple years now that even the raiders know enough to mess with greener folk," he said with a slight laugh. "Although they do need the occasional reminder." I motioned to the nearby bazaar in the town center. "Give me one moment." He expertly canvassed the various merchants and came back with two sacks of bottle caps minutes later finally liberated of his load. "Here, take this and fix yourself up. I maintain a home here and a cozy shack out in the wilderness hidden off the main path." Giving him one of the sacs of currency, and a small map. "I don't do this for anyone but here are directions that you can follow with enough persistence. Just watch for traps," Giving him a genuine nod of approval that rarely graced his facial features. Few ponies intrigued him the way he did. With that he left the pony to his business and went home for the time being. A day or two would see him healed enough to get back to normal.

Lupus was startled by this sudden act of kindness.


"Gee, I, thanks. I hope I'll get the chance to return the favor someday."


With that said Lupus made his way into the town, but his vision started to blur.


"Sir, your blood loss is reaching a critical level. You need immediate medical attention!" Said the voice from inside his PipBuck.


"I'm hurrying Sheila, just... A little... Further..."


He started feeling dizzy and not quite sure of his footing, but he stumbled on. Until he just couldn't go further and passed out from the loss of blood and everything went back.

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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The sniper was no amateur, and he could see Kronos coming almost literally from a mile away. He was long gone by the time he got there, leaving behind only an ammo box with a tooth shaped symbol on it.

Kronos got to the sniper's perch. He figured he scared off his attacker with his charging rampage. "Hmph," he snorted, "Good fucking riddance." He looked around where the attacker camped out and noticed an ammo box with a peculiar symbol on it. A tooth. Hmmm? He thought, Could this be the emblem for those Gator Teeth folks that that mare told me about earlier? He picked up the ammo box and hauled it with him looking for the mare and other local residents to look for answers.
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Lupus was startled by this sudden act of kindness. "Gee, I, thanks. I hope I'll get the chance to return the favor someday." With that said Lupus made his way into the town, but his vision started to blur. "Sir, your blood loss is reaching a critical level. You need immediate medical attention!" Said the voice from inside his PipBuck. "I'm hurrying Sheila, just... A little... Further..." He started feeling dizzy and not quite sure of his footing, but he stumbled on. Until he just couldn't go further and passed out from the loss of blood and everything went back.



Coming back later after he had forgotten something by the market, he immediately noticed him slumped on the ground with a slightly erratic pulse that was present nonetheless. Magically lifting him being careful to avoid further damage. he meant to bring him to the local doctor who he immediately alerted and after some time. He made a point to visit him later. with that he noticed another pony with of them fancy gizmos that he couldn't quite recall but he also saw him carrying an ammo box with gator tooth emblem. 


Kronos got to the sniper's perch. He figured he scared off his attacker with his charging rampage. "Hmph," he snorted, "Good fucking riddance." He looked around where the attacker camped out and noticed an ammo box with a peculiar symbol on it. A tooth. Hmmm? He thought, Could this be the emblem for those Gator Teeth folks that that mare told me about earlier? He picked up the ammo box and hauled it with him looking for the mare and other local residents to look for answers.


"Wow you strangers sure pick your day to come visit carrying those fancy...er pip boy or something like that right? Your also looking after that sniper too huh? All these manner of machines and mercenaries assemble on our town at once and you got to wonder what makes our town so magnetic eh? The word spreads quickly here about what you did. Ponies here thank you even if they don't say it you know. Something like this only comes out of the pre-war news papers and artifacts. So what brings you here exactly?"   

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Coming back later after he had forgotten something by the market, he immediately noticed him slumped on the ground with a slightly erratic pulse that was present nonetheless. Magically lifting him being careful to avoid further damage. he meant to bring him to the local doctor who he immediately alerted and after some time. He made a point to visit him later. with that he noticed another pony with of them fancy gizmos that he couldn't quite recall but he also saw him carrying an ammo box with gator tooth emblem.




"Wow you strangers sure pick your day to come visit carrying those fancy...er pip boy or something like that right? Your also looking after that sniper too huh? All these manner of machines and mercenaries assemble on our town at once and you got to wonder what makes our town so magnetic eh? The word spreads quickly here about what you did. Ponies here thank you even if they don't say it you know. Something like this only comes out of the pre-war news papers and artifacts. So what brings you here exactly?"

Kronos placed down the ammo box in front of the pony. Pointing at the symbol, he asked, "Gator Teeth, by any chance? Found it at a spot where a sniper tried to kill me. Didn't find much else except for this ammo box and the .50 cal ammo inside of it. You wouldn't happen to know anything about them," he then dew out his Chainsword and rested the tip of it on the ammo box, "Would you?" He then thought about what the pony told him about thanking him for things he did. He was clearly confused since he tends to think about certain actions he takes as everyday things. He then asked about it to the pony, "Word spreads quickly about what I did? What exactly did I do to grab such attention around here?"

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