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open Fallout Equestria: Hurricane Season RP (Open)

crispy fries

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"Awww shit run faster," silverbullet cried out as the shots fired at them as they reached the outskirts of the town the hooves behind him indicating Lupus was behind him. He didn't stop running even as a bullet grazed his right leg he didn't stop he would never stop.

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"Awww shit run faster," silverbullet cried out as the shots fired at them as they reached the outskirts of the town the hooves behind him indicating Lupus was behind him. He didn't stop running even as a bullet grazed his right leg he didn't stop he would never stop.

'S**t this isn't working! I've got to do something!' Then an idea came to his mind. 'That's brilliant! I hope this works.'


His horn flashed ice blue and all of a sudden they were moving even faster.


'Gotta love speed spells! They are the best! I just hope I can maintain it long enough for us to get away.'

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I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@@silvermoon15000, @,


It would take more than that to escape the South Beach Army. Sliver and Lupus had several squads of troops on them, all of them firing at the two. The only thing they wanted was the Alicorn Amulet, and the lives of Silver and Lupus were just collateral damage to them.

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It took about an hour or two to walk from the shipwreck to the entrance of the city the trooper had mentioned. The soldiers gave a sigh of relief as the city steadily came into sight. Headlights flashed brightly on our position, a series of muffled shouts were heard before the large gate that stood before us opened. Several soldiers stood parallel with rifles ready to open fire, an LMG position could be seen hidden behind. After a brief exchange of words between the soldiers we simply walked in. It wasn't anything particularly impressive, except for the fact that it was a bustling city of trade in the ruins of post war Equestria. No steel towers that ominously loomed over the heads of ponies nor did it have the advanced technology that was the moniker of Manehatten. However, it was more impressive in the sense that there seemed to be no conflict within the coastal town's walls. "Is this where we part ways?" I asked the soldier from earlier.

    "Actually, no. We have a few matters to discuss first." He proclaimed before removing his helmet and goggles. "You had property on that boat, property which had been lost correct? If so, come with me," he said before beckoning me to follow and walking away. With only my rifle in my possession, I saw it unwise to turn down a chance to recieve helpful equipment. Following the soldier I noticed a commotion coming from the inhabitants of the city. Many were gathered together and chattering, the largest group gathered what seemed to be a board with a bunch of papers stapled to it. I ignored it, but a sense of curiosity did make its way to my head. Soon we reached a small office like building, the soldier told me to stay put before walking through its doors. After a few minutes of waiting he came out with a box and placed it in front of me, he gave me a nod before stepping back. 

    Knowing the gesture full well I open the box, revealing a set of pre-war combat armor, a few magazines for my zebra rifle, and a water canteen. I was baffled, curious on why would a stranger give me such a gift for the minor amount of help I gave. "Look, I'm only giving you this cause we failed to protect our boat. In doing so we lost our passengers and we almost lost you, replacing your possessions is the least I could do to make up for our failure." The soldier said rather sternly. "The names loaded mag by the way, my parents weren't the most creative ponies in the world."

    "My name is Xander, I'll put your gift to good use," I said humbly as I began donning the armor loaded had given me. Just as put on my helmet gunshots echoed throughout the city. The troopers who stood guard earlier began scrambling towards the source of the noise. Loaded mag stared at me for a brief moment before putting back his helmet on and following his fellow troopers. Naturally, with nothing else to do I followed, not for any particular sense of duty but to satisfy my curiosity.

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"Fine you asked for it," he slowed down letting Lupus pass as he dropped two mines down and tossed a couple grenades back and then he ran at full speed the spell helping. He was finally out of the blast radius when he heard an explosion behind him. He smirked and continued running.

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@@silvermoon15000, @,


The South Beach Army would not be deterred by just a few explosives. Another squad flanked Lupus and Sliver from the left, laying down a hail of gunfire. Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, one of the SBA troops fell as a bullet pierced his head. Like ghosts, the unknown attackers began gunning down the SBA troops.

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(Huh somepony is trying to steal my thunder lol)


"Oh no, not these guys too," silverbullet complained trying to move faster...he knew trying to not join either side he would most likely die, so he moved faster the spell starting to wear off..."I am not getting caught up in this...nit now not ever.

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@@silvermoon15000, @,

The South Beach Army would not be deterred by just a few explosives. Another squad flanked Lupus and Sliver from the left, laying down a hail of gunfire. Suddenly, out of seemingly nowhere, one of the SBA troops fell as a bullet pierced his head. Like ghosts, the unknown attackers began gunning down the SBA troops.

(Huh somepony is trying to steal my thunder lol)

"Oh no, not these guys too," silverbullet complained trying to move faster...he knew trying to not join either side he would most likely die, so he moved faster the spell starting to wear off..."I am not getting caught up in this...nit now not ever.

Lupus turned up the power on his speed spell a bit.


"Now's our chance! While they're preoccupied with those guys, we get the hell out of here! Come on!"


Lupus shot forward at an unimaginable speed, dodging anything that got in his way. Only when he was certain that he'd left the fighting far behind did he stop to catch his breath.

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I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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@@Gamer_KM, @@crispy fries,


Allegory slowly levitated her laser rifle and bit her lip. She did not expect to be seen; the mare had keep some good distance. She peeked below the chassis of the carriage. She could make a run away from the road if needed – one of them was definitely an earth pony by the way she trotted, but didn't appear to have anything that could shoot up down far away. The other one, judging by his unusual gait, was definitely staring at his hoof and making large clanking sounds. Was that a metal hoof?


Her line of thought was immediately cut short when she noticed a pair of menacing, yellow eyes stare right back at her and she stared at the thing widely. Wait, is that... SPLASH! Within an instant, a radigator, angry, foaming, and certainly not here to mingle, jumped right out of the water, prompting her to raise her laser rifle and shoot right at the animal's mouth as it opened, then rolling inwards toward the road and grunting. She did not ask for this kind of crap to happen on her walk.


Allegory certainly didn't expect the shot to kill the radigator immediately – the megaspells had to give wildlife the most dangerous features. Couldn't the radiation just kill the damn creatures? She had plenty of her charged cell left to use, but decided her best course of action was to get out of there and away from the swamps. Radigators weren't known to travel particularly far on land...at least she hoped.

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A sense of anxiety began overwhelming me as me and loaded mag ran outside the city perimeter along with multiple soldiers. The sounds of gunfire rang out constantly, drowning out the sounds of the trooper's running steps. The built in earplugs in my newly acquired helmet aided in dampening the sounds, however the sheer amount of guns firing eventually overcame my defenses and barraged my ears with painful noise. I looked ahead ignoring the pain, the soldiers looked as if they were chasing two individuals. I could barely make out their appearance, but the sheer amount of soldiers present told me that they were important none the less. I began feeling a warm sensation in my legs and lungs as I kept up the chase, struggling to keep up with loaded mag and the other troopers. Normally I would have been fine with the distance we've traveled, but the armor proved more restrictive than I had expected it to be. Wanting to contribute I lined up my rifle to the silhouettes of the ponies we were chasing, before I could open fire the head of the soldier ahead of me erupted into a gory mess. 

     I slammed my hooves into the ground, stopping me in my tracks as the soldier's brain matter splattered my helmet's visor. Before I could wipe off my visor a hail of bullets erupted seemingly out of nowhere. Soldiers and myself included scrambled for cover, firing wildly into the brush in an effort to suppress their unknown attacker. The enemy's fire didn't halt, their concentrated fire decimated whoever was out in the open and inflicted heavy casualties. I began searching for the source of the gunfire like last time, however I received a bullet for my efforts. "I'm glad I have this helmet," I quickly muttered to myself. Loaded mag slid towards my cover, looking a bit more weathered than usual. 

    "Fuck, they had to attack now! Alright zebra, if we don't find a way to counterattack we're just going to get shot like fish in a barrel. I got a plan, follow me and shoot anypony out of a uniform." Loaded mag said as he pulled out a cylinder shaped grenade from one of his pouches. Pulling the pin, he threw it at the brushes, soon plethora of smoke began covering the area. Five soldiers followed loaded mag into the cloud of smoke, not wanting to be left behind I followed suite. The bright yellow colors of muzzle flashes could be seen within the smoke, taking a deep breathe I delved deeper into the smoke with my zebra rifle's safety off.

Edited by Ranger22
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Gizmo Turned and ran after redwood, He levitated Judgement to point behind him, and Chambered around. A part of his mind ask if the radagater could have grown bullet proof skin. He'd rather not think about it. "Redwood, Split, I'll draw it's attention." He said and fired the anti-pegasus rife, Gems set in the barrel light, re-directing energy into the bullet to make it faster. The bullet left the gun there was a fump as air reentered the barrel. The high caliber bullet, plus the vacuum it left in it's slipstream, could put anything down. 'It's scary to think zebra's could have made this to kill pegasis' Gizmo thought.


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@@Gamer_KM, @,


Allegory's shot didn't do much besides make the radgator angry, but before it could move in for the kill, it was hit squarely in the side by the bullet that Gizmo had fired at it. The radgator was even madder, but it was hurt as well. It lunged at Gizmo, leaving a trail of blood from its wound.


Redwood had retreated to a safe distance and was picking away at the radgator with her shotgun. Unfortunately, it's back was very tough, and that was the only place she could clearly get a shot at.

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Silverbullet slowed down as the sound of gunfire disappeared. He looked behind him to see nothing but the wasteland. No other ponies. He sighed and started to leave Lupus, walking in a seperate direction. He was tired but he didn't want to get caught up in another problem, the last time he did he lost somepony close to him...not to mention a scar to keep reminding him of that day.

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@@Gamer_KM, @@crispy fries,



(Sorry for delaying it for so long, I had been busy recently with finals and couldn't post that much.)


Allegory grunted and quickly moved away from the swamps, but compared to the radigator she was still too slow, and as it towered in front of her it immediately got shot from the side and injured the radigator. She gasped and dashed backwards, firing at the same place it was previously shot now that its side had been weakened. Now that she had furthered the distance, she could get a much clearer shot than before, and took up her opportunity immediately as it charged towards the stallion.


Remind me to never trot this road again, she thought to herself as the moment of tension had temporarily passed...for her, that is. She wasn't quite sure if the other two could survive that attack, but she wanted to take a few shots and risk it anyway rather than have it bite her in the flank later, possibly in a literal sense.

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Silverbullet slowed down as the sound of gunfire disappeared. He looked behind him to see nothing but the wasteland. No other ponies. He sighed and started to leave Lupus, walking in a seperate direction. He was tired but he didn't want to get caught up in another problem, the last time he did he lost somepony close to him...not to mention a scar to keep reminding him of that day.

Lupus watched as Silverbullet walked away.


'Alone again huh? Well, I guess I'm used to it at this point.' He thought.


The stallion then started trotting away, hoping to possibly make it back to Ponyville within a week.


'I really should try and make some friends, but those are pretty hard to come by these days...'

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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Silverbullet thankful towards the stallion for not following him made his way to another destroyed building, his camp for the night. A long sleepless one at that. He couldn't risk sleeping after everything he had just been through. Finally he had some silence, maybe with the hope of no pony trailing his tail.

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An announcement over the intercom broke him of his deep thoughts and he decided to try and leave town before any unwanted trouble caught up with him. Thankfully, a couple of gate guards had noticed his prior arrival and deduced his innocence. Whether anypony was there or not he would leave just as some others were in the midst of a waylay by SBA guards attempting to leave town. Upon crossing the threshold of the barrier, an unspoken sigh of relief went through him as he took one last look behind him. Despite the chaos of the wasteland, it felt relatively safe. Truthfully, he wasn't sure IF Kronos made it, but the bar at the other end of the Everglades definitely seemed a welcome change of pace for once. Either way, he wanted to meet a friend regardless, been too long he surmised. Confident his tracks had been covered and Kronos on his tail like they planned he left. They were signs of course if one knew where to look. A random carving a husks of once thriving trees, Chalk marks on old rusted vehicles. These all pointed to the directions of various locals including the supposed hidden pre-war base of the Gator Tooth although, he himself only knew a few spots since the entire system itself was a convoluted mess. Random marks dotted the same trees, not to mention look outs posted at various hidden lookout points reported traffic of most ground-based movement. Even Sylvester squirmed at going against the either faction. He made sure to be as neutral as possible for this very reason. It ensured he had friends on both sides that could help him out of a jam. It wouldn't be too much longer, he only hoped Kronos made it out safely.

Lupus watched as Silverbullet walked away.


'Alone again huh? Well, I guess I'm used to it at this point.' He thought.


The stallion then started trotting away, hoping to possibly make it back to Ponyville within a week.


'I really should try and make some friends, but those are pretty hard to come by these days...'

Kronos was on his way over to the hunting shack when he heard some arguing as well as a familiar voice. With curiousity overtaking his logical senses, he went towards the bickering. When he got there, however, there was no one. Hmm, he thought, I must be too late. Ah, well. Bored out of his mind, he pulled out his Chainsword and continued slicing down objects as he continued on to the hunting shack. He tried scratching his back and felt something. "Hmm?" he asked himself as he pulled out his shotgun, "haha, oh yeah, i forgot I had this." He cocked his shotgun and settled his weapon down. He sighed. I wonder where I'm going, he thought, it's not like this is realy the life I was meant to live. But, I chose this life. This was my choice. I just thought it would be more glorious than this. Ugh.

Edited by Kronos
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Silverbullet heard a metallic voice followed by a laugh. On instinct he ducked behind some cover and drew his revolver. Was he being hunted by a bounty hunter now. He sighed, he would never get any peace as long as he was wanted. He mentally growled to himself, he shouldn't have helped that pony leave, but he didn't want any other pony with it. Especially not the southbeach or the gator teeth. Too dangerous for them to have. He sat in wait hoping the metallic thing would leave.

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Kronos heard a slight sigh and a gun being drawn out. Hmm, he thought, Possible hostile? He aimed his shotgun up, ready to fire. He crept up around the building. "Who's there?" he demanded, "Show yourself and state your purpose. I promise I won't fire if you just cooperate."

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"Good you're friendly," silverbullet said coming out from his cover and holster in his pistol. "I'm just traveling, I don't want any trouble," he said, turning and starting to walk away slowly pulling out a stealth buck and raising a hoof to put it in. Hopefully he could sneak away before any more talk or even gunfire coykd be exchanged.

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"Who are you?" Kronos demanded from the pony, "I heard a familiar voice, who was it? What was his name?" He noticed that the pony was pulling something out. By sheer instinct, he charged the pony and restrained him. "What were you about to pull out!?" He angrily interrogated as he pinned the pony down.

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Using his magic silverbullet quickly placed the stealth buck into his pipbuck and disappeared before pushing the robot away and running, he wasn't in the mood for a fight or introductions. He quickly hid, his assault rifle raised, he didn't want to fight, but he would if he had to

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Humph, a Stealth Buck, Kronos thought, The perfect tool for espionage units and cowards alike. Hehe, not for long. He turned a few dials on his Pip-Buck and his Power Armor lights changed color. "Heat vision," he said. He saw nothing for a moment until he said, "Switch to heartbeat monitor." He scanned again until his visor detected something. Found you, he thought before turning a few more dials. He crouched, activating his Power Armor's own built-in Stealth Buck system. "Two can play at this, kid." Kronos said to the pony before attempting to trail him through his scanner.

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Humph, a Stealth Buck, Kronos thought, The perfect tool for espionage units and cowards alike. Hehe, not for long. He turned a few dials on his Pip-Buck and his Power Armor lights changed color. "Heat vision," he said. He saw nothing for a moment until he said, "Switch to heartbeat monitor." He scanned again until his visor detected something. Found you, he thought before turning a few more dials. He crouched, activating his Power Armor's own built-in Stealth Buck system. "Two can play at this, kid." Kronos said to the pony before attempting to trail him through his scanner.

Lupus overhead the uproar coming from where Silverbullet had walked away.


"I know that voice, it's Kronos! I'd better get over there before one of them gets hurt." He said as he dashed over towards the noise.


Though when he got there, he couldn't see anything.


"Sheila, get me a thermal scan of the area."


"Yes sir, I'm on it. Two heat signatures identified."


"Thank you, now, which one is Kronos?"

I've been gone from this world for what seems like millennia, Looking for nothing short of a miracle, I only ever wanted to come home, Please won't you let me go? When I have nowhere left I can run away, Will you lie to me, tell me I'll be okay? Close my eyes and lay me in my tomb. Then pull the trigger and send me home.

- Crown The Empire - Millenia

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