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"A carnival sounds fun."


He hopped onto his bike when she was done eating and took of down the moonlit highway, he looked towards the sky and saw the full moon, and he opened the visor of his helmet and howled loudly, hearing a few in return. It was always reassuring and he smiled as he pulled his visor down and pulled into the university carpark.

Midnight smiles and giggles at him "I've heard about that carnival, apparently it's really dark and mysterious. You need to find a pony with a flyer to get in" she says and just then she saw a crowd of ponies and furs crowding around a young batpony who was singing.



Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"25? Well that's not that many I can get like a free tee-shirt in like 24 more bottles that's sweet." She took note of the doors. "Now who's who's room then eh? No wait see if I can guess. Now the one with the death metal stuff that I think is Miko foxy lady, the more fantasy stuff I'm betting on Mindie, the third well no idea." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"That's all actually thrash metal. That inspired death metal and has been twice as successful. Gawd." she said in a mock know it all tone.  "But yeah your pretty much right. Thrashy stuff is mine. The power/ progressive metal stuff is Mindie. All that classical stuff belongs to our newest member, Ruby." 

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"Don't quote me on music, I'm clueless about such things. So I am happy I got it, so screw ya!" She stick her tongue out at Mindie just for the sake of it. "So how long have you two been room mates, also who owns the the third room." Gesturing to it. "Has a very different taste in music from the pair of you by the looks of it." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,



"Well here's a quick rundown of the aforementioned subgenre's. A newcomers guide to the many, many metal sub-genre's.

  • Thrash metal is like a PG-13 action flick. PG-13 as of 20 or 30 years ago. Fast paced, lot's of shouting, usually violent, a one versus all, take on the world, type of mentality.  If you've ever heard of Metallica, Slayer, or Pantera, they're thrash.
  • Death metal? Even faster paced. Lot's of growling. Morbid subject matter. So a slasher flick. 
  • Mindie's tastes? Power metal is pretty much He-man, Thunder Cat's, Highlander, the Tolkien films, etc. Epic badass fantasy.
  • Progressive, or prog metal is the more conceptual, artsy stuff. More like highbrow literature & poetry, or one of those paintings that looks cool but has a deeper meaning in it, type of deal. Also a real bitch to play."


"As for how long we've been rooming. Over three years now? But we've known each other for about 8. Who's in the third room you ask? That'd be Ruby, our lead guitarist. Don't let the sheet music fool you. She's just as big a metal head as the rest of us. She just really loves classical too. Fun fact: Metal heads and classical aficionados have a surprising amount in common. Classical is just one of the key forefathers of metal, even being called the original heavy music."


"Her door is open. So why don't I introduce you?"


"Um, Meek, pretty sure she's sleeping. She's got class at 7."


"Hey she knows the rules. Door's open, that means we're invited. Doubly true since there's no sock on the handle."


"Be grateful you don't live here." she mock side whispered to Quill. 

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"I think I'm a little more knowledgeable about metal now, but I'll forget most of that in about 5 minutes so please don't hate me, I just listen to things that sound nice, I don't have a preference." She looked to the aforementioned door. "I'd be a poor house, or well apartment guest to wake someone who's sleeping that would not be a good idea. I asume that since they are asleep that this Ruby is of a nocturnal species?"  

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Midnight smiles and giggles at him "I've heard about that carnival, apparently it's really dark and mysterious. You need to find a pony with a flyer to get in" she says and just then she saw a crowd of ponies and furs crowding around a young batpony who was singing.


Zeke pulled up next to the group, not even being noticed by the eclectic crowd.


"What's going on?" he spoke, only to be quickly hushened by an old pegasus.


"Hm." He pulled Midnight onto his lap, resting his chin on top of her head.


(OOC: I can't watch the video so I can only guess what's going on?)


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"Ooh, I think this is how you get the flyers for the carnival" Midnight says with a giggle as she claps along to the song and watches as the young batpony flung flyers around as he sung and danced. Midnight managed to catch two "look sweetie, we can go now" she says then looks around "but we should try to get some for our friends" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Ooh, I think this is how you get the flyers for the carnival" Midnight says with a giggle as she claps along to the song and watches as the young batpony flung flyers around as he sung and danced. Midnight managed to catch two "look sweetie, we can go now" she says then looks around "but we should try to get some for our friends"

"This is where i come in handy."


He stood, towering above all of the others and he snatched as many tickets as him and his friends needed, as well as grabbing some and hanging them to kids that weren't tall enough to reach them.


By the time he'd escaped the crowd, he'd gotten 4 sloppy kisses from beaming mothers and handshakes from fathers, he felt good being able to help others.


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Midnight giggles "might want to wipe the lipstick off your cheek dear" she says as she wipes it off for him "Great, we can all go to the carnival now" she says with a giggle and kisses him on the mouth and holds his hand "I hear it's something really special, like a once in a lifetime sort of thing" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Eeyup. Go see for yourself." Miko slowly creaked the door open. Enough to peer inside. Not much of the darkened room could be seen, but what was discernible from the narrow dim light was something big, red and leathery hanging from the ceiling, lightly swaying back and fourth.  

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She peered into the rather dark room. "Is... is that a thestral!?" She just stares for a while. "I've never even seen on of the night pegasus before. And she's asleep upside down!" She looks back to them. "Does she like sleep in a bed? Oh my I that is oh wow I want to ask her stuff, when she wakes up!" 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Thestral? That's the first time I've heard that word. I just call her bat pony.


"You're lucky she's not all that fuzzled about that. That'd be like calling a unicorn a horn pony. Or I guess Norwhal pony if we're using animals as adjectives. And no, not in a bed. Not that I've seen anyways."


And wow aren't you acting surprised. Out of Dragons,  Timber wolves, Chimera, Changelings, Centaurs, Manticores, the Smooze and Discord, the thing you're the most fascinated by id a member of your own species? As to when she wakes up? Uhhhh, what time is it now? "  

Edited by Denim&Venom

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"I don't know they are rare, I've not seen any before, kinda cool..." She looked at her phone. "It's 11:04 AM." Then looked at the pair. "When does she wake? Like 5-8 pm? Or somthing?" She thinks on Miko's statement. "Technically we are cousins species wise but I..." She sighed. "I get worked up at times, sorry I'll calm down." 

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"Definitely seems to be." He smiled when she kissed him and lifted her on to the bike.


"We really need to get back to the uni, any other stops you wanna make before we do?" He said as he placed the flyers in his bag and hooked it around his back, before slowly stretching and jumping on his bike.


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Midnight nods as she holds onto him "Uhm..no I don't think there's anywhere else to go, we can always go food shopping tomorrow" she says and rests her head on his shoulder lovingly. She could see and feel his tail wagging and she nuzzles him "You're happy, aren't you darling?" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Yeah, 5pm sounds about right. Goes to bed around 8am. So you'll get to be indulged by her glorious presence in less than 6 hours.  And there's no need to be apologetic. It's always nice to see someone enthusiastic and excited about stuff. No need to keep positive energy like that bottled in." 

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"I just go a little overboard at times and it annoys some people and they don't like it, so I try to keep it in cheek these days." She looks a little embarrassed from the admission and goes back to sit down on a chair in the main room. "I mean if you were worried, I find you two rather interesting as well." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,

"I'm not worried. If we really we're uninteresting, you would've bolted what's his face and what's her face from earlier. How kind of them to leave without saying good-bye.  So yeah, nice of you to stay. And please, do go overboard. I don't like it when people are up tight, reserved and overtly self conscious. Leads them to become tedious and boring."


"Though out of curiosity, what do you find interesting about us?" Mindie asked as she walked aroudn the room, setting things in order. Quill woudl notice that among the wall to wall band posters, were photos. Not of family, but of Miko & Mindie w/ various others. By the looks of it, other musicians. In the corner was a particular arrangement. Shelves w/ framed photo's, all signed. Centered around a collection of memorabilia, among which was a glass case w/ a guitar in it.

Edited by Denim&Venom
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"I'm always happy around you." He smiled

He pulled the throttle, his engine revving and his exhaust pipe rattling.

Him and his date zipped along the highway, before slowing at the gates of the uni campus. 

He flashed his card at the snake controlling the pole and rolled through.


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Midnight smiled as she rested her chin on his shoulder and sighs softly. "Me too" she says softly, her arms still wrapped around his waist and she giggles as she feels his tail wag. "I'm not all that tired right now hun, maybe we can just sit and talk for a bit?" she asks


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Well I've not met a vixen, heard that they have special abilities. Mindie, your a wolf, but your not really are you? Something tells me there is something that makes you different from what you normally would be." She looks around at the memories plastered all over the place. "Eight years is a long time, you all must of met at school." 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Oh so you've heard the legends have you? Well those do always have a thread of truth, neigh, a thread of fact to them..."


"I uh...don't know what you're talking about..."  


"Oh yeah it was at school where we met. Foreign exchange program. Our lone representative from the Suomen Tasavalta." She patted her on the back. 

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She almost laughed at Mindie's response. "Nice way to confirm my suspicions."  She just giggled a little more. "So Miko what is the threads of truth to the rumors then?" She sat forward on her seat for the answers that Miko might spill, hopefully... She nevertheless wanted to hear the tale of Mindie as well if she wanted to share. 

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@@Mentis Soliloquy,


"Well that all depends. What have you heard about us? I'll already dispel these. Those of us w/ multiple tails, and there are more than you think, cannot fly by spinning them. Our anatomy can do many things. That is not one of them. Also, we do not raid hen houses, and we do not make any of those sounds mentioned in that song by Ylvis."

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