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searching Pokémon: Rise of a Legend

Drago Ryder

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Hello there, and welcome to the world of Pokémon! My name is Professor Oliver Zelkovia; I might look like a bit of an old-timer, but hear me out, and perhaps you'll decide to start your very own adventure..."

The world of Pokémon is vast and rich, and just waiting to be explored by young trainers! The region of Algard is a melting-pot of environments where all of the many known species of Pokémon from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos can be found roaming free in grasslands, plains, marshes, forests, caves, icy tundra, tall craggy mountains, harsh deserts and even geysers! But who is there to step out into this strange new region? Well of course, brave young men and women, who each have their own dreams and aspirations in becoming a reputed Pokémon trainer, have gathered in Medowrue city to meet with the renowned Professor Zelkovia and receive their very first Pokémon companion.

From there, they will set out across Algard, catching Pokémon and becoming stronger and stronger, both as trainers and as human beings. The bonds and understanding of their Pokémon will grow, and in time, they will become powerful examples of teamwork and dedication. To prove this to themselves and to the world, they will undertake the Pokémon League Challenge, competing against each other and some of the world’s strongest trainers. To get there, they must each defeat five of the eight Gym Leaders of Algard;

Tabitha (normal Type)

Zeus (Electric Type)

Edgar (Ghost Type)

Jake Long (Dragon Type)

Arachne (Bug Type)

Oberon (Fairy Type)

Apep (Poison Type)

Ignatius (Fire Type)

However, in addition to fighting one another and defeating Gym Leaders to have the ability to challenge the Pokémon League , there will be more personal, more troubling challenges; there are those who would take the joys and privileged of raising and befriending Pokémon and seek to twist them for their own selfish purposes. It will be up to each and every trainer on their journey to determine what is right and wrong for themselves and to act upon those decisions. But then again, no-one ever said that the road to becoming a Pokémon Master was easy…


Your Journey

"I'm glad you're intrigued by this exciting prospect! Now then, if you're going to become a Pokémon trainer, you'll need to know all about the Pokémon Gym Challenges - they'll show you just how strong you've gotten and how much stronger you've yet to become..."

Your journey will begin with your first post arriving at Professor Zelkovia’s lab in Medowrue city to receive your starter Pokémon. In your post, you will approach the terminal and enter a minimum of seven different Pokémon types. You will then be given the choice of one out of three lvl5 'starter' Pokémon. These will have been randomly-generated Pokémon at the first stage of an evolution family of at least two stages. Choose the one you want, name it if you wish, and set off (don’t forget your Rod!) into the world of Pokémon to begin your adventure!

Your goal is to travel through Algard and take on the Gyms there. However, this is different from the games, so listen up!

First of all, you do not have to defeat all eight Gym Leaders, just five of them. Second, the Gym Leaders do not each reside in a Gym of their own like in the games; rather, the Gym Leader you will be facing will be warped in from their central HQ just to face you. The first Gym (that is, the Gym in Irisage city) our trainers will encounter will see them face Tabitha, the Normal type Gym Leader. Should they defeat her, they will then be told which Gym Leader has been (randomly) selected for them to fight when they reach the next Gym (that in Orris Town) – if they defeat their appointed Gym Leader in Orris Town, they will be told who has been selected for them to battle in the third Gym in Juniper City, and so on and so forth, giving the trainers time to prepare and plan ahead. The Gym Leaders will adjust their teams, levels and number of Pokémon depending on who they are battling and how many Badges that trainer has.

To demonstrate;

1. Irisage city – Tabitha (NormalType) – 2 Pokémon lvl15;
2. Orris Town – Gym Leader selected in Irisage Town – 3 Pokémon lvl25;
3. Lillyvale City – Gym Leader selected in Orris Town – 4 Pokémon lvl35;
4. Dragonblood city– Gym Leader selected in Juniper City – 5 Pokémon lvl45;
5. Hawthorn City – Gym Leader selected in Dragonblood city- 6 Pokémon lvl55.

This means that, for example, you might face Zeus, the electric type Gym Leader, in Orris Town with a lvl25 team, or you might face him in Hawthorn city with a lvl55 team, or indeed you might never face Zeus at all. You might have to battle Zeus in the same Gym where your friend has to face Jake Long, the Dragon-type Gym Leader, only for them to face Zeus much later on in a different town. This way, we keep things fair and we don’t favour any particular type or party combinations; plus, it’ll keep our trainers on their toes and force them to adapt! There are only two rules to bear in mind; 1) you will never face the same Gym Leader twice, and 2) you cannot use more Pokémon than the Gym Leader does in your Gym battle – put simply, if you’re fighting Oberon, the Fairy Type Gym Leader, and he’s only using 3 Pokémon in his battle with you, you cannot use more than 3 to battle him. Feel free to use fewer if you wish, but expect to have a very tough time – they’re not there to let you win!


Finding, Battling, and Leveling, Pokémon

"But how does a Pokémon trainer become stronger? Well the answer's simple; as your Pokémon engage in battles with others they will get tougher and form a powerful team with both you and each other - oh, and of course, you'll need a 'team' of Pokémon rather than just the one..."

When entering a battle either with a wild Pokémon or an NPC trainer, the Pokémon you will be facing will be determined by random generation within the parameters of what one would realistically expect to find in that environment or with that trainer (for example, you will not stumble across a lvl5 Dragonite on your first route, nor will your first Bug Catcher battle require you to deal with a lvl6 Volcarona). I will let you know via a post what sort of Pokémon you encounter or battle with, but after that you are free to conduct the battle within your own post, describing what moves are used by each side and how you eventually win or lose.

All battles are turn-based in the same way they are in the games, following the game rules (for example, the Pokémon which has a higher ‘base Speed’ on its Bulbapedia page will generally go first unless its opponent uses a priority move like Quick Attack or is a much higher level). However, we have the luxury of literacy, and as such you are encouraged to describe things as elaborately and creatively as you can. For example, say your Tepig uses Tackle – does Tepig charge shoulder-first, or ram into its enemy with its forehead, or does it even climb up a tree and jump off onto its opponent? Consider how your Pokémon would behave and carry out its moves, and we’ll have some great-looking battles to enjoy!

New moves are being taken from the X/Y move set of the Pokemondb.net website. Feel free to browse through and get a feel for how your Pokémon will grow. All Trainer have a PokeDex which gives them detailed information of the growth, strengths and weaknesses of their Pokémon.

The only times you won’t be writing what your opponent’s Pokémon do will be, of course, when you’re fighting another player, a Gym Leader, or specified ‘boss battles’. These are turn-based and the two participants will take turns posting their Pokémon’s move in the battle and how it plays out.

Common sense is key here – you won’t always win, and if your Pokémon would realistically faint after a certain string of moves, you are expected to be mature and know when your Pokémon has lost. We’re not going to be simulating or stat-crunching to demand when certain things should happen, but play fair and play nice!

If the defeated Pokémon is of an equal or higher level to one or more of your Pokémon which fought it, then they gain two levels. However, if the Pokémon is of a lower level, then your Pokémon will only receive one level

If the defeated Pokémon is a wild Pokémon, you may attempt to capture it – if you’ve written an interesting and descriptive battle and from what you’ve put it seems as though you’ve defeated it to the point of capture, I’ll let you know you’ve caught it, but if the Pokémon is a little tougher than what you’ve dished out to it so far, it might take a little more work to bring it down!

(Note: To make backtracking a viable option, Pokémon will be equal to or differ in level by 2 to those in your own party no matter what. Choose companions wisely.)

Finding wild Pokémon

"Ah, now building your team - that's where things get really interesting! A Pokémon trainer can use various kinds of Pokéballs to capture wild Pokémon and add them to their party, and with over seven-hundred kinds of Pokémon the combinations are many!"

So you want to find a wild Pokémon, either just for training or to add it to your team or just to see what kinds of inhabitants this area has! Well, all you need to do is enter an area where wild Pokémon might spawn, which is generally anywhere between major towns and cities, and might include long grassy areas, caves, mountains, snowy peaks, sandy beaches or deserts, lakes and seas and all sorts of other places! The further ahead on your journey you go, the stronger and rarer the wild Pokémon will be!

If you want to find where a specific kind of Pokémon will reside, jut have a think about where you might find them. Say you want a Water-type Pokémon – it’s reasonably obvious that your best chances are going to be fishing or swimming through bodies of water. However, it can be a little more complex; some Flying-type Pokémon can be found in forests (like Pidgey or Pidove), whereas others might be in marshlands (like Ducklett), near the sea (like Wingull) or even in caves (like Zubat). It all depends on what kind of Pokémon it is – the games are the best way to keep track of what might appear where.

As mentioned above, we’ll be using random number generators to determine which Pokémon in particular pops up out of the ones suitable to where you are – but you can influence this in certain ways through the lovely luxury of literacy once again! Say you’re in a cave, and you’re just walking along – any cave-dwelling Pokémon might pop out at you! But say instead that you decided to have a look underneath a large nearby rock; that will be factored in when generating your wild Pokémon encounter (essentially meaning that I’ll skip over any Pokémon you wouldn’t find under a rock, like Woobat). If you’re in a forest but you don’t want to encounter the kinds of Pokémon that simply run around in the grass? Try climbing a tree! In the desert but would prefer to avoid the scuttling Pokémon on the sandy ground? See if you can head towards a dry plant! The sky’s the limit, and we feel that this adds an element of both agency and realism to how you want to play your adventure.

Ps; if you just want to wander around and see what you get, just do that and none of the randomly-generated Pokémon for that area will be skipped over; in short, the default position is that you can encounter any kind of Pokémon which could live in that area.

(PSs: Despite the initial encounter, feel free to give a Pokémon you encounter an alternate ability and nature. So long as the former is possible, I see no problem with that...)

Evolution and Learning Moves

"Getting stronger takes many forms - as your Pokémon battle, their 'level' increases, boosting their statistics. Not only that, but sometimes you'll have the opportunity for your Pokémon to learn a new move, or in rare circumstance they might evolve into an entirely new Pokémon altogether!"

This is simple – as your Pokémon level up, they’ll have new moves added to their roster. Each Pokémon can only have four moves at a time, but they’ll also have a bank of ‘forgotten moves’ in a list beneath the four in play. At any time outside a battle, you can use one of your posts to make your Pokémon ‘remember’ a forgotten move (thus adding it to the list of four in-play moves) in exchange for ‘forgetting’ a current move (thus adding it to the list of forgotten moves). However, this isn’t something we want you to do frequently, so if you’ve done it recently you should ask permission before doing it again.

As for when your Pokémon will learn moves, check that Pokémon’s Bulbapedia page. We’ll be using the move sets listed under Generation VI. When your Pokémon reaches a level it would learn a move at in the games, I’ll let you know in a post and you can decide whether your Pokémon learns the move or adds it to their bank of forgotten moves.

Certain moves can only be taught via TMs or Move Tutors. TMs can be given as rewards from Gym Leaders or certain ‘boss-level’ NPCs, or they can be bought at Pokémon Marts. Every time a player visits a new town, the selection of TMs will get larger with progressively more powerful moves for sale. Of course, we won’t be using money in this game because it would be far too difficult to track and manage – instead, every time you win a battle against another NPC trainer, make a note of it, and when you reach the next Pokémon Mart you may receive one TM for every NPC trainer you’ve defeated since you last purchased a TM.

Additionally, rather than having Move Tutors, those moves will be made into TMs instead and can be acquired just like any other TM.

Certain moves can only be learned by breeding them onto the Pokémon in question. Of course, breeding would be highly impractical in this game, so instead, these moves will be made into TMs specifically available for the Pokémon trainer in question. These TMs can be acquired just like any other TM.

Evolution will work in a similar manner. Once your Pokémon reaches a level where it may evolve, I will alert you to it in a post. You can decide whether or not your Pokémon evolves there and then or if you want to wait until the next level for it to do so. A few notes on this;

- Certain Pokémon evolve only by trading; here, you have the choice of either trading with your fellow players to get your Pokémon to evolve, or you can use this additional mechanic – in every Pokémon Centre is a registered Evolution Assistant, with whom you can trade your Pokémon and have them immediately given back to you once evolved.
- If your Pokémon does not require an item to evolve when traded, it must a) be at least lvl21 and has defeated five non-wild Pokémon in its current evolutionary stage before it can be traded for evolution purposes. This avoids the problem of having (for example) Gengar at lvl25 when they would be disproportionately strong given their level.
- If your Pokémon requires an item to evolve when traded (such as the Magmeriser to evolve Magmar into Magmortar) you must have your Pokémon hold that item when traded.
- If your Pokémon requires the use of an item to evolve (either via trading, holding or using said item), these will be given out periodically to players who need them for accomplishing tasks like beating a particularly tough Gym battle, preventing a crime being perpetrated by a criminal organization (not that there are any of those around…) or simply if none of your Pokémon have evolved in a long time and might not for a while (to keep things even with other players who might have Pokémon which evolve fairly early).
- If your Pokémon evolves by reaching a certain amount of happiness or by being in or near certain kinds of location, we will discuss and come to an agreement on how and when they will evolve.
- Alternatively, If a Pokémon takes a long time to evolve, if a Trainer is willing to put forth some effort, sometimes special items can be found and given out (At my discretion) that might help the evolution along.

The LVL45 Fudge Rule

All this sounds great, but say you’ve managed to catch a Deino and you want to train it up to become your favorite Pokémon, Hydreigon. You’re excited to get going, but then you realize that the strongest Gym Leader uses Pokémon at lvl55, and Zweilous becomes Hydreigon at lvl64 – you’re never going to get a chance to use your favorite Pokémon, and so all your effort in training it might go to waste!

Well, fear not, because we’re implementing what I call “the lvl45 Fudge Rule”! Basically, it works like this – any Pokémon which evolves after lvl45 has the level required to evolve it automatically lowered to lvl45. Yes, we’re cheating, but it’s no fun if you find yourself in a party with a Deino, a Klang, a Larvesta, a Dragonair, a Pawniard and a Mienfoo and you realize that none of your Pokémon will reach their final forms during the game.

Additionally, if your Pokémon is one of a three-stage evolution family and triggers this rule by having an evolution take place after lvl45, the level at which it evolves into its second stage will also be reduced. This is to prevent cramming all the evolutions into a short space of time and allows for a more progression-based game with palpable rewards for levelling-up throughout. To show how this works, let’s use the example of Hydreigon again;

Without the lvl45 Fudge Rule;
Deino - lvl50 > Zweilous - lvl64 > Hydreigon

With the lvl45 Fudge Rule;
Zweilous - lvl45 (Fudged) > Hydreigon
Deino > lvl27 (Compensating for the fact that we’ve Fudged) > Zweilous

Resulting in; Deino - lvl27 > Zweilous - lvl45 > Hydreigon

This way, you’ll be able to play out all three stages of your Pokémon’s evolution line. To reiterate, this only applies where one of your Pokémon’s evolutions takes place after lvl45, those are the only circumstances where this will be used.

Additionally, all Pokémon which learn a move after lvl45 by levelling up will be able to learn any move(s) they could learn by levelling up at lvl45.


"Algard is a large region, one that is a veritable melting pot of cultures and history. Despite being one of the oldest regions in the world, the people have adapted to the changing times and each city tells its own story!"

So, you’ve gotten this far and you’re still reading – that’s great news, because the rest of this is just more good stuff rather than pesky rules and mechanics! So you’re thinking you’re ready to go, but you’re worried about being constricted in what sort of Pokémon you might encounter (despite there being 721 kinds of the little blighters), and perhaps you don’t like the idea of being stuck on a single rail from town to town. Never fear! I’ve thought of that. Each time you want to move from one town to the next, you’ll find yourself with a choice of different Route combinations you can take, each with a different environment and therefore different kinds of Pokémon (and NPC trainers) you can find there! This gives you a lot more choice and agency in the sorts of Pokémon you might expect to encounter, and it also means that if you absolutely loathed certain areas in the games you can ignore the paths that seem similar to it.

Cities and Towns

Medowrue city- Despite its name, Medowrue city is more like a large town than a full blown city. It’s only noticeable landmarks are Zelkovia’s laboratory, the airport where new trainers arrive from all over the world, and a trainer school on the north side of town.
Maidenpoint town- A small, yet festive hamlet that serves as a tourist attraction and a trainer’s first stop in Algard
Coraway City- The third largest city in Algard and one that is home to many well-known shops and restaurants in the region that cater to both humans and Pokémon.
Irisage City- The location of the first gym and one that has an abundance of history. Greek architecture is a staple of the city.
Cypress city- A small city surrounded by forest. The gardens in the city have flowers from every region
Granate City- A boom town set up set up during the gold rush. It has survived through the times and has now become one of the biggest producers of rare metals, marble, and gems.
Orris Town- A major fishing hub for Algard, and home to the second gym.
Amarath City- This city is situated in the center of Algard. It is the largest center of trade within the region and has a large moon dial in the center of the city. It is well known for the varied products it makes, which range from clothing to delicious food.
Juniper City- Home of the third gym and is situated near the mountains.
Lillivale city- What many have called the lavender town of Algard. The city is situated to the southeast of a tower used for burying dead Pokémon and is home to the third gym.
Quince Town- A small town and a good tourist spot for those who enjoy the beach
Burdock Town- A port city that has access to many trade routes to the south of the main region.
Primrose City- A city made for the wealthy and innovative. Many businesses have their central headquarters in this city and while many live in the lap of luxury, there are those that aren’t so fortunate.
Dragonblood city- A city based off a more oriental style when compared to the other cities of Algard. Its main features, aside from the architecture, is the fact that there are many wild Pokémon that inhabit the town. The fourth gym is also located here.
Lobella Town- A small town with nothing more than a few stores. It is relatively free of all crime and a good place for families.
Celestine City- A city of light and culture. Plays are held within the town almost every day of the year that range in topics from history to legends.
Hawthorn City- Located on the eastern edge of Algard and between a mountain and sea, the city had very little room to expand until the inhabitants began to build into the mountain. It is, on average, the coldest city.
Pokémon League- Otherwise known as Heathcliff, the area the Pokémon league is located in is home to many incredibly strong Pokémon and acts as the headquarters for the gym leaders of Algard. It is not where the actual tournament is held.


Route 1- A boat takes passengers across the open body of water. It is a short trip that gives new trainers a clear view of the area to the south of Maidenpoint.

Route 2- Open grassland becomes thick forest with a dense canopy and a marshy ground. fairy, Bug, Grass, Normal and Flying-types can be found here, with certain kinds of Water-type Pokémon in the boggy pools

Route 3- A path takes you high into the mountains and through the range. Rock, ground, steel, and certain fighting types can be found training here

Route 4- A trip around the chasm overlooking Juniper city. Being up high gives you a great chance to catch rare Flying, Psychic, and certain kind of Electric-type Pokémon

Route 5- A walk along the beach gives trainers time to relax while those who continue up the mountain can face strong, dragon, flying, and normal type Pokémon

Route 6- The small path is mostly a trek down the mountain and through a valley with a few geysers and hotsprings. Certain rock, normal, steel, fighting and fire type Pokémon can be found here.

Route 7- Savannah as far as the eye can see, allowing for some large Normal-Type Pokémon to be found roaming, as well as certain kinds of Grass, Flying, Fairy and a select few Electric, and Fire-type Pokémon

Route 8- A small path that houses a variety of flying, grass, fire, water, and certain poison type Pokémon.

Route 9- A route of sand and heat. The sun constantly beats down on this area and certain ground, rock, fire, grass, and water type pokemon call this route home..

Route 10- Grasslands form the majority of this route. Certain poison, normal, dragon, and bug type Pokémon inhabit this route

Route 11- A long path with access to the western sea. Water, flying, normal, and certain fighting type Pokémon can be found on the route.

Route 12 A large wall protect the harbor from the storms of the west sea. It opens only to allow boats to enter the port. Steel, electric, flying, and certain psychic type Pokémon call this route home

Route 13 A short ride on a cruise boat lends many trainers to battle.

Route 14- A walk through the dark forest on this route will bring a variety of ghost, grass, dark, bug and flying type Pokémon

Route 15- A mountain pass with several waterfalls and reservoirs. Rock, ice, and fighting type Pokémon all train here.

Route 16 A small swim through the ocean brings about several water, flying, and certain dragon types while the beach ahead brings several
ground type Pokémon.

Route 17 A quick trip across the ocean and a rest stop halfway with a small island will lead to many water, and flying types on the main route.

Route 18 A large field of flowers dominates this path. Small grass, normal, dark, poison, flying, and fairy type Pokémon call this area home.

Route 19- A short walk through this forest will have one find several normal, grass, flying, bug, and certain dark types.

Route 20 Be quick when going over this route. The lack of Pokémon is only a slight tell to the radioactive danger near by

Route 21- Several dragon type Pokémon can be found on the land portion of the route and a variety of water type Pokémon can be found in the sea

Route 22 The short path brings many trainers and Pokémon out of the woodwork. Fighting, fire, water, steel, and normal types inhabit this route.

Route 23- A trip across the water leads to an overabundance of flying and water types.

Route 24 A short trip across the ocean and up towards victory road. Many strong Pokémon are located on this route.

Route 25 A path with neither trainer nor wild Pokémon. It is a path for recollection about one’s journey.

Route 26 A route filled with trainers. There aren’t many wild Pokémon, though.

Route 27 Many powerful Pokémon inhabit this route. It is not a path an ordinary trainer can make.

Side Locations

Mysterious Isle- A small bridge connects this piece of land to Maidenpoint.

Glacier cave- Many ice types can be found in this cave due to the freezing temperatures within. Trainers are advised to prepare beforehand.

Nero Power Plant- The power hub for all of Algard. Electric and steel type Pokémon are attracted to the site.

Exodus tower- The burial place for hundreds of Pokémon. The tower is ten stories tall with more below the surface. Ghost types haunt the halls of the structure.

Mt. Ulmia- Only the hardiest of Pokémon survive near the summit this dormant volcano. Rare dragon and fire type Pokémon can be found here.

Safari zone- One of the few tourist attractions not in a city. The safari zone provides a wide variety of games where trainers earn points to exchange for prizes.

Orebrook Cave- A mine dug when Granate city was founded. Rock, steel, and ground types can be found here, along with certain flying types.

Tropic Atoll- A small island in the middle the mainland and islands to the south. Trainers can expect to find water, grass, flying, and normal type Pokémon on the piece of land.

Brightwater Spring- A secluded patch of forest with a river that is said to heal all wounds. Grass, fairy, bug, and flying types inhabit this area.

Althea forest- A large area of trees that act as a maze to those unfortunate enough to be caught in it unawares. Dark, poison, and ghost type Pokémon are all prepared to lead trainers astray.

Cave of Rebirth- A mystical place. It is said that Pokémon and trainers who enter this cave never come out the same.

Radioactive chasm- Only poison and certain ghost type Pokémon can survive in this toxic environment. Trainers are advised to stay away.

Pokémon Preserve- An area of Algard where catching Pokémon is strictly prohibited. Various types of Pokémon live in the preserve.

Berry Grove- An grove with an abundance of the fruit it’s named after. Almost every type of Pokémon can be found here for those who don’t have a full team.

Guardian Steps- An area of monuments to heroes passed and those still living today. Fighting is prohibited out of respect.

Skypeak Ruins- A sunken tower within the sea. Water and certain ice type Pokémon can be found on the deeper levels while ghost

Tower of Heaven- The name isn’t an exaggeration. With the right amount of preparation and timing, it said to be possible to punch a whole into the hall of origin from the top of the tower. That’s just a legend, though.

Victory Road- A challenging path that is full of puzzles. The trainers here are strong and the Pokémon even more so.

Rules and other tidbits

"Got all of that? Don't worry, you can always send me any questions at any time; it's a big world, after all! Let's get you started - but first, let me find out some information about you..."

Now that all the basic mechanics and region have been explained, there are only a few more things that need to be discussed. As for the rules, just be sure to follow all the regular forum rules and post at least twice a week if possible. Life gets in the way, we all know that, so please tell us if you won’t be able to post. Now for the fun part, building your own character. Please, fill out the form below to sign up and welcome to the region of Algard.

Trainer Class
Home town
Skiils and Advantages
Additional Information (Optional)-

Pokémon profile/ party setup

Forgotten Moves-
Additional Information-

Link to the rp:


1.Blitz Ryu
3. Kari Lapoint @Unicorncob
4. Lektra Bolt @bronislav84
5. Jake Largo @TheGoldenRoman
6.Kyubi Yamato @Acnologia
7. Violet Willow @MiniKirby123
8. Marian Orchard

Reference pic for Zelkovia and Algard



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@@Drago Ryder,


That's a lot of information for me to parse through. :blink:


I'd be more than happy to participate in this RP as soon as I get all of the information you want set up, though. This is a huge amount of effort for one RP, can't wait to participate and see if it was worth it!

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@@Drago Ryder,


That's a lot of information for me to parse through. :blink:


I'd be more than happy to participate in this RP as soon as I get all of the information you want set up, though. This is a huge amount of effort for one RP, can't wait to participate and see if it was worth it!


Yeah. I was going to break it up into multiple posts, but I figured that just denoting where each section started and ended would be enough. Anyway, feel free to sign up anytime. I'll have a spot reserved for you. 

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Whoa, all of this effort... :o


I am so in! :yay:


Just gimme a little bit to get all the details done :P



No problem. Take your time.


Also, just to make things a bit more interesting, I'll be throwing my hat into the ring as well. 


Name:Blitz Ryu

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Trainer Class: Psychic 

Home town: Pallet

Biography:  Blitz was born in Vaniville town to a loving and somewhat wealthy family and to be quite honest, had a good life. He didn't really get into trouble that much and even made a few friends. When he was old enough, the boy began to attend online classes so as to learn more of the world and it's history, along with a few other subjects that he may be able to use after his journey eventually came to an end. Ever since he was young, he was fascinated by Pokemon and the intelligence they seemed to possess. This curiosity grew exponentially when he began to develop psychic abilities. 

Of course, things change as suddenly as time passes. Due to work, Blitz's family had to move to a different region. The trainer was saddened that he would have to leave his friends behind, but was also excites about seeing all the new Pokemon the new region would surely bring. After a heartfelt goodbye to those he knew and his parents bought a house in Pallet Town, Blitz settled in to the new environment. When he was eligible to become a trainer, he happily took that chance. Over the next five years, he travelled throughout various regions and while he didn't win every battle or league, he learned more about Pokemon and himself. Eventually. he heard of a new region and made the choice to go see what secrets it might hold.


Personality: Those who know Blitz would best describe him as someone who doesn't give up easily. He is very determined to see whatever goal he has in mind set into action and doesn't usually stop in the middle of a plan. To his friends and Pokemon, he is extremely loyal and would put himself in harms way if it meant protecting them. He is also very smart in terms of intellect. While this is all good, Blitz is also a bit reserved, not really talking to anyone unless they interest him. 


Ambitions- Aside from being the best trainer, Blitz want to learn more about the world and the pokemon that inhabit it.


Skills and Advantages- Aside from the experiences he gained, Blitz took basic survival classes when he was younger and has a somewhat large amount of money saved up from his years of travel. Being a psychic, he is also able to communicate with his Pokemon telepathically which makes it harder for his opponent to react to attacks and easier for both the trainer and his Pokemon to understand each other. 


Reference picture:pokemon_oc_by_thistlestarcs-d79gpxw.png

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  • Brohoof 1
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Holy crap Drago, you worked really hard on this. *brain explodes*


I would like to join after I read everything in detail (I skimmed for now). Could you hold a spot for me please? There is a lot to read and consider.


I am thinking a Scientist-based Ace Trainer, if that's ok?



That could work. Happy to have you on board. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, ready! How does this look? :squee:


Name: Kari Lapointe

Trainer Class: Lass

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Home town: Couriway Town




Kari was born into a normal family and led a rather peaceful, quiet life. So peaceful and quiet, in fact, that as a child, she was incredibly bored of it. She could only get so much entertainment out of watching dumbfounded tourists admiring the waterfalls her town was known for.


Though, the Pokémon living on the routes outside her town helped with that. Sneaking out of town and wandering the tall grass to watch the local creatures going about their days. The way they'd often fight amongst each other and use their abilities to do things was far more interesting than some dumb tourists. Though, the Durant made it rather perilous, and she had been chased back to town by them more than once.

But, the panic was such a thrill. She wanted that all the time. She wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer. She would often see those people wander into town with their Pokémon, all looking strong and hardy from the journeys they had taken. She would always come up to their Pokémon and admire them, sometimes even getting to pet them. She could sense the strong bonds between Pokémon and Trainer, and she wanted that, along with the thrill of adventure.


She'd study Pokémon every chance she got at school and from books she could find. No doubt, the best day of her life so far was when she got her Trainer's license, and she got to leave for an adventure with a Fennekin. She spent the next seven years of her life travelling the world, taking on each region's gyms and Elite Four, though always stopping short of becoming champion. But it never stopped her - if that, it made her more determined to keep travelling and become an even stronger Trainer.


Upon hearing of a new region, of course she dropped relaxing and hit the ground running after it, excited to see what she would find.


Personality: Fiery and determined are the best words to describe Kari. She never backs down from a challenge, no matter how badly the odds are stacked against her. She's also easily excited, and will drag anyone with her toward anything potentially dangerous as long as it looks fun. That said, she hates being bored and having to wait around. She only plans within a battle, and charges ahead without thinking before and after the battle. She will never tolerate seeing anyone, people or Pokémon, being held back from doing what they want. Her loud and energetic attitude will either be endearing or irritating, depending who it's aimed at.


Ambitions: She wants to have the best adventures she can, and to have a close bond with her Pokémon.

Skiils and Advantages: Her confidence and determination means she isn't afraid to take on any challenge, and she'll quickly stand up for anyone who doesn't have the strength to fight.


Additional Information: Her appearance;



Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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Okay, ready! How does this look? :squee:
Name: Kari Lapointe
Trainer Class: Lass
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Home town: Couriway Town
Kari was born into a normal family and led a rather peaceful, quiet life. So peaceful and quiet, in fact, that as a child, she was incredibly bored of it. She could only get so much entertainment out of watching dumbfounded tourists admiring the waterfalls her town was known for.
Though, the Pokémon living on the routes outside her town helped with that. Sneaking out of town and wandering the tall grass to watch the local creatures going about their days. The way they'd often fight amongst each other and use their abilities to do things was far more interesting than some dumb tourists. Though, the Durant made it rather perilous, and she had been chased back to town by them more than once.
But, the panic was such a thrill. She wanted that all the time. She wanted to be a Pokémon Trainer. She would often see those people wander into town with their Pokémon, all looking strong and hardy from the journeys they had taken. She would always come up to their Pokémon and admire them, sometimes even getting to pet them. She could sense the strong bonds between Pokémon and Trainer, and she wanted that, along with the thrill of adventure.
She'd study Pokémon every chance she got at school and from books she could find. No doubt, the best day of her life so far was when she got her Trainer's license, and she got to leave for an adventure with a Fennekin. She spent the next seven years of her life travelling the world, taking on each region's gyms and Elite Four, though always stopping short of becoming champion. But it never stopped her - if that, it made her more determined to keep travelling and become an even stronger Trainer.
Upon hearing of a new region, of course she dropped relaxing and hit the ground running after it, excited to see what she would find.
Personality: Fiery and determined are the best words to describe Kari. She never backs down from a challenge, no matter how badly the odds are stacked against her. She's also easily excited, and will drag anyone with her toward anything potentially dangerous as long as it looks fun. That said, she hates being bored and having to wait around. She only plans within a battle, and charges ahead without thinking before and after the battle. She will never tolerate seeing anyone, people or Pokémon, being held back from doing what they want. Her loud and energetic attitude will either be endearing or irritating, depending who it's aimed at.
Ambitions: She wants to have the best adventures she can, and to have a close bond with her Pokémon.
Skiils and Advantages: Her confidence and determination means she isn't afraid to take on any challenge, and she'll quickly stand up for anyone who doesn't have the strength to fight.
Additional Information: Her appearance;



Accepted. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with.

  • Brohoof 1
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Dang. With this much information, you could make an entirely new game. Good job my friend.  That being said, I might as well submit a character while I'm here
Name: Kyubi Yamato
Hometown: Celestine Town
Gender: Female
Trainer Class: Dragon Tamer
Backstory- Born in Celestine Town, Kyubi was always interested in Pokémon and history. She would always explore the area around the town, looking for new Pokémon. She didn't really have many friends in the village, though. She didn't really mind, though. She always felt at home in the forests around the town.


Things changed for her when she became a trainer, though. She was ecstatic to say the least and she took the opportunity immediately. Starting with a gabite she had found near her home, the two traveled through Sinnoh, She was amazed by the variety of Pokémon and also took the time to learn about the history of Sinnoh and other regions. This continued for the next few years, until she heard of a new region. Seeing as how it would be a start to seeing the rest of the world, the teen boarded the first plane to Algard.


Personality: Kyubi tends to be very energetic when around Pokémon and also a optimist most of the time. She sees the good in others, even in there darkest moments. She can be a bit quick to anger though, especially when she sees someone mistreating Pokémon.


Ambitions: Aside from gaining knowledge, Kyubi wants to become a strong trainer to protect those she cares about.


Reference picture  CjoSJV8W0AEyX81.jpg

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I really like just how much thought you put into this. I'd definitely like to join this. Here's my character sheet:


Name: Jake Largo

Trainer Class: Veteran (Gen 6 style)

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Home town: Oreburgh City


Biography: Jake was born in Sinnoh and raised in Oreburgh city, where his dad worked inside the mine. With his parents both working to put him through school, he tended to spend a lot of time with friends from school to avoid becoming lonely. His best friend was a kid named Eric. They both had the same goal, to beat the Pokémon champion of Sinnoh. Jake and Eric would often play inside the caves, against their parent’s wishes of course. Inside the mine they met a Geodude and the three instantly became friends. A few years passed from that point before the two grew old enough to set out on their own to achieve their goal. There was only one Quarry (the name they gave the Geodude), however, and both wanted him to come with them. Long story short, their friendship ended with a battle to determine who would journey with Geodude. Jake lost. He never saw his ex-friend Eric again. Jake to this day regrets the harsh words he exchanged with his childhood friend that day.


       Jake journeyed through Sinnoh, capturing Pokémon and beating trainers. After a few years, many wins and losses later, and having gained plenty of stories he could tell back home, he finally defeated the champion. After achieving his childhood dream he wondered what he should do. He decided he would travel from region to region, fighting gym after gym. After a while he became good, and he also stopped caring about winning and getting glory. Now he just travels around looking for fun. He’s made his way to the Algard region looking for his next adventure.


Personality: He’s actually become kind of complacent in his “later years” as he calls it (he’s only 30). He no longer travels with a drive “to be the very best.” He’s just looking for some fun, and as such, he comes off as a bit lazy and lacking focus. Don’t let this attitude fool you, his years of experience show. He’s actually quite good at battling, even though he’ll suffer a loss from time to time, just as anyone does. He’s also fairly intelligent. His years of schooling seem to have paid off. As a kid his favorite subject was history. He’s always interested in learning the local history. This has led to many adventures in the past through ruins and such. His biggest flaw is his overconfidence. You’d expect someone with years of experience to learn that even they can be beat…Jake seems to have never gotten the memo. He’s not really stuck up and does realize others have skills, but he often overestimates his own skills.


Ambitions: At this point, he just wants to have fun. If that includes beating Gym leaders and Pokémon Champions, so be it.

Skills and Advantages: He has gained a lot of experience over his years of traveling across the regions of the world. He knows where Pokémon like to hang, and how they behave. He also understands basic psychology of his opponents. He’s seen everything from a last stand full out attack from a cornered trainer to a calm and calculated comeback from another trainer in the same position. 


PS. Do I need an image reference? His adult personality was inspired by laid back personalities like that of Spike Spiegel. I was thinking of a similar look, but more along the lines of a black pony tail. I like the idea of him wearing a suit, but would prefer a red sleeveless suit jacket combo similar to that of that of Apollo Justice (attached).


Edited by TheGoldenRoman
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Alright, here he is.

Name: Orion Clandur
Trainer Class: Scientist
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Home Town: Saffron City
Orion never truly had parental figures in his life. He was the child of two rich parents who never seemed to have time for him, and thus was mostly left alone for most of his childhood. In fact, he only had two real friends- his father's Gardevoir and his mother's Gallade. Other than the private tutor that his parents hired, however, (who did her job and nothing more), he was alone for most of his childhood- until the day he turned eighteen.

Having been effectively locked inside of his home for eighteen years, he was a small, pale teenager when he finally declared himself a legal adult and escaped from his parent's yoke (much to the distress of the pair of Pokemon he left behind!). With no Pokemon to call his own, he decided to put his experience to use, taking an internship at Silph Co. and working as almost a social pariah. Learning social etiquette incredibly quickly, he decided to spend his 'inheritance' that his parents had left him with to board a plane to a new region to make good on an offer of one of his boss's friends to any of their willing interns- if anyone could use a fresh start away from the oppressive nature of what he now found to be Saffron, it was him.
Personality: Orion is shy and quiet, and never really found the need to use words as much as subtle body language to describe his emotions before, making conversation seem strange to him. Being used to spending times with Psychic types, he naturally is used to Pokemon that communicate through telepathy and other mental communications (despite not having powers of his own). While he is incredibly smart regarding educational disciplines and Pokemon welfare and health, common sense isn't his forte. In addition, he tends to be incredibly clingy- when his departure from his parents took away his only two friends from him, despite his resolve to remain alone, he instinctively likes staying near other people that treat him normally.
Ambitions: Orion wishes to escape his parent's confinement and use this journey to develop his self-confidence and personal skill.
Skiils and Advantages: He is incredibly intelligent- while not 'build a supercomputer out of tin cans' level, he is pretty high up there and has extensive knowledge of medicine, technology mathematics, chemicals, and engineering. He has a gauntlet on his right hand which contains a low-powered cutting laser (he can cut through softer metals given about thirty minutes, but it's not hot enough to cut through ferrous metals (though he can wield them together) and it requires several hours of cooling down after extensive use, not to mention the required fuel and power), several blades of varying descriptions, a few (empty) syringes intended to quickly distribute Potions that are not in spray form, a flashlight, and a powerful launching system in the device's palm to help prevent his weak frame from embarrassing him when throwing Pokeballs as well as self defense.
Additional Information: I don't have an image for him, unlike everyone else here, so I will see what I can come up with soon concerning that.
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I really like just how much thought you put into this. I'd definitely like to join this. Here's my character sheet:


Name: Jake Largo

Trainer Class: Veteran (Gen 6 style)

Gender: Male

Age: 30

Home town: Oreburgh City


Biography: Jake was born in Sinnoh and raised in Oreburgh city, where his dad worked inside the mine. With his parents both working to put him through school, he tended to spend a lot of time with friends from school to avoid becoming lonely. His best friend was a kid named Eric. They both had the same goal, to beat the Pokémon champion of Sinnoh. Jake and Eric would often play inside the caves, against their parent’s wishes of course. Inside the mine they met a Geodude and the three instantly became friends. A few years passed from that point before the two grew old enough to set out on their own to achieve their goal. There was only one Quarry (the name they gave the Geodude), however, and both wanted him to come with them. Long story short, their friendship ended with a battle to determine who would journey with Geodude. Jake lost. He never saw his ex-friend Eric again. Jake to this day regrets the harsh words he exchanged with his childhood friend that day.


       Jake journeyed through Sinnoh, capturing Pokémon and beating trainers. After a few years, many wins and losses later, and having gained plenty of stories he could tell back home, he finally defeated the champion. After achieving his childhood dream he wondered what he should do. He decided he would travel from region to region, fighting gym after gym. After a while he became good, and he also stopped caring about winning and getting glory. Now he just travels around looking for fun. He’s made his way to the Algard region looking for his next adventure.


Personality: He’s actually become kind of complacent in his “later years” as he calls it (he’s only 30). He no longer travels with a drive “to be the very best.” He’s just looking for some fun, and as such, he comes off as a bit lazy and lacking focus. Don’t let this attitude fool you, his years of experience show. He’s actually quite good at battling, even though he’ll suffer a loss from time to time, just as anyone does. He’s also fairly intelligent. His years of schooling seem to have paid off. As a kid his favorite subject was history. He’s always interested in learning the local history. This has led to many adventures in the past through ruins and such. His biggest flaw is his overconfidence. You’d expect someone with years of experience to learn that even they can be beat…Jake seems to have never gotten the memo. He’s not really stuck up and does realize others have skills, but he often overestimates his own skills.


Ambitions: At this point, he just wants to have fun. If that includes beating Gym leaders and Pokémon Champions, so be it.

Skills and Advantages: He has gained a lot of experience over his years of traveling across the regions of the world. He knows where Pokémon like to hang, and how they behave. He also understands basic psychology of his opponents. He’s seen everything from a last stand full out attack from a cornered trainer to a calm and calculated comeback from another trainer in the same position. 


PS. Do I need an image reference? His adult personality was inspired by laid back personalities like that of Spike Spiegel. I was thinking of a similar look, but more along the lines of a black pony tail. I like the idea of him wearing a suit, but would prefer a red sleeveless suit jacket combo similar to that of that of Apollo Justice (attached).

A referance picture isn't really required, but it does help convey the general appearance of a trainer. As far as your own character is concerned, he is most definetly accepted. Can't wait to see how he interacts with the younger trainers.


Dang. With this much information, you could make an entirely new game. Good job my friend.  That being said, I might as well submit a character while I'm here


Name: Kyubi Yamato




Hometown: Celestine Town


Gender: Female


Trainer Class: Dragon Tamer


Backstory- Born in Celestine Town, Kyubi was always interested in Pokémon and history. She would always explore the area around the town, looking for new Pokémon. She didn't really have many friends in the village, though. She didn't really mind, though. She always felt at home in the forests around the town.


Things changed for her when she became a trainer, though. She was ecstatic to say the least and she took the opportunity immediately. Starting with a gabite she had found near her home, the two traveled through Sinnoh, She was amazed by the variety of Pokémon and also took the time to learn about the history of Sinnoh and other regions. This continued for the next few years, until she heard of a new region. Seeing as how it would be a start to seeing the rest of the world, the teen boarded the first plane to Algard.


Personality: Kyubi tends to be very energetic when around Pokémon and also a optimist most of the time. She sees the good in others, even in there darkest moments. She can be a bit quick to anger though, especially when she sees someone mistreating Pokémon.


Ambitions: Aside from gaining knowledge, Kyubi wants to become a strong trainer to protect those she cares about.


Reference picture  sig-4644554.CjoSJV8W0AEyX81.jpg

Oh. I haven't even scratched the surface of what I have planned for this RP. I just gave some general information. Anyway, Kyubi's in. I'll edit the original post accordingly.

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Ohhh!!! The effort you put into this is amazing! I'd love to joint this, but right now I have to sleep. Can you hold a spot for me? I'll read this properly and sign up tomorrow, if that's okay! I already have a good idea in mind for my character c:

Yeah. That'll work. If I have to, I can open more spots as well.

Alright, here he is.

Name: Orion Clandur

Trainer Class: Scientist

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Home Town: Saffron City



Orion never truly had parental figures in his life. He was the child of two rich parents who never seemed to have time for him, and thus was mostly left alone for most of his childhood. In fact, he only had two real friends- his father's Gardevoir and his mother's Gallade. Other than the private tutor that his parents hired, however, (who did her job and nothing more), he was alone for most of his childhood- until the day he turned eighteen.


Having been effectively locked inside of his home for eighteen years, he was a small, pale teenager when he finally declared himself a legal adult and escaped from his parent's yoke (much to the distress of the pair of Pokemon he left behind!). With no Pokemon to call his own, he decided to put his experience to use, taking an internship at Silph Co. and working as almost a social pariah. Learning social etiquette incredibly quickly, he decided to spend his 'inheritance' that his parents had left him with to board a plane to a new region to make good on an offer of one of his boss's friends to any of their willing interns- if anyone could use a fresh start away from the oppressive nature of what he now found to be Saffron, it was him.


Personality: Orion is shy and quiet, and never really found the need to use words as much as subtle body language to describe his emotions before, making conversation seem strange to him. Being used to spending times with Psychic types, he naturally is used to Pokemon that communicate through telepathy and other mental communications (despite not having powers of his own). While he is incredibly smart regarding educational disciplines and Pokemon welfare and health, common sense isn't his forte. In addition, he tends to be incredibly clingy- when his departure from his parents took away his only two friends from him, despite his resolve to remain alone, he instinctively likes staying near other people that treat him normally.


Ambitions: Orion wishes to escape his parent's confinement and use this journey to develop his self-confidence and personal skill.


Skiils and Advantages: He is incredibly intelligent- while not 'build a supercomputer out of tin cans' level, he is pretty high up there and has extensive knowledge of medicine, technology mathematics, chemicals, and engineering. He has a gauntlet on his right hand which contains a low-powered cutting laser (he can cut through softer metals given about thirty minutes, but it's not hot enough to cut through ferrous metals (though he can wield them together) and it requires several hours of cooling down after extensive use, not to mention the required fuel and power), several blades of varying descriptions, a few (empty) syringes intended to quickly distribute Potions that are not in spray form, a flashlight, and a powerful launching system in the device's palm to help prevent his weak frame from embarrassing him when throwing Pokeballs as well as self defense.


Additional Information: I don't have an image for him, unlike everyone else here, so I will see what I can come up with soon concerning that.

You're good to go.

  • Brohoof 1
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alrighty, ill see about joining this. but i have a single request.


Your journey will begin with your first post arriving at Professor Zelkovia’s lab in Medowrue city to receive your starter Pokémon. In your post, you will approach the terminal and enter a minimum of seven different Pokémon types. You will then be given the choice of one out of three lvl5 'starter' Pokémon. These will have been randomly-generated Pokémon at the first stage of an evolution family of at least two stages. Choose the one you want, name it if you wish, and set off (don’t forget your Rod!) into the world of Pokémon to begin your adventure!


the character i wanna use for this rp, kinda isnt a novice. i would like to enter a character, that is less a protagonist, and more a guide. like that guy who teaches you how to catch pokemon--only, he keeps popping in. he might even pose as a milestone, or rival, the same way an aspiring boxer might one day hope to fight the champion, for the other rp'ers. XD


point is, my character's pokemon will be around lvl 20-30, if that would be acceptable. 


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alrighty, ill see about joining this. but i have a single request.




the character i wanna use for this rp, kinda isnt a novice. i would like to enter a character, that is less a protagonist, and more a guide. like that guy who teaches you how to catch pokemon--only, he keeps popping in. he might even pose as a milestone, or rival, the same way an aspiring boxer might one day hope to fight the champion, for the other rp'ers. XD


point is, my character's pokemon will be around lvl 20-30, if that would be acceptable.


I guess your character could feasibly work, assuming that there is at least one trainer that hasn't already gone on a journey, though would it be possible for him to start off with the same Pokemon as everyone else? I want things to be as fair as possible.

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Magos I can tell our characters would become fast friends, especially since you put to print some ideas I was playing with in my head already. Or um, rivals. Let's hope not rivals though.


Name: Lektra Bolt

Trainer Class: Scientist-based Ace Trainer (Scientist who works on a balanced team)

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Home town: Lumiose City, Kalos

Biography: To Be Added. I suck at histories and tend to do them last, so hold on a bit please.............

Personality: Lektra can be absorbed in her inventing for hours or sometimes days on end. She takes the time to make sure everything in the blueprint would work when actually built, so if she's not building something you can often find her in her workshop just sitting at a desk and scribbling furiously to make sure the underlying math is correct. Her thought process is methodical and careful, but when short on time she is prone to coming up with multiple solutions at once and just going by trial and error on which works. Due to being an inventor and an introvert, she often enjoys the company of non-living machines more than living entities.

She is friendly/nice to others, but can turn volatile when insulted. She's social when around others, but can also be more than a bit reclusive and prefers indoor activities. This also means she has trouble initially meeting others, due to being absorbed in her work. Lektra dislikes the outdoors, and will only venture outside when there's a reason to do so. Otherwise, she's quite the homebody and prefers her lab and her home over a bunch of trees and rocks.

Lektra is what some might call a lady of simple tastes. She has no interest in jewels, fancy clothes, or other finery that she considers frivolous, nor does she care to match the manners of high society people who do tend to like these things. She wears what she wants and cares little for what others think of her fashion sense, or lack thereof. She is an organized lady, but you wouldn't really know it. Her workshop below her house is seemingly a mess of blueprints, unfinished inventions, finished but rejected inventions, failed inventions that blew up/melted, or just parts lying around. Regardless, she likes what's referred to as a 'clean mess' where she knows where everything is but it looks messy. A real mess where everything is thrown about wouldn't be something she enjoys, especially if it has a bad odor.

She enjoys helping others, and is proportionately upset when finding out somepony else was upset by her actions. Key word: Finding out. This means that if you're hiding your feelings, don't expect any sympathy. She's not a great judge of character, but can be encouraging and positive. Lektra has very strong opinions and generally regards them as facts, so she tends to have a comment on anything she overhears and feels compelled to comment on.

Lektra values the friends she has, although there aren't that many. She's prone to being called a crackpot for her ideas. The ones she does have she would basically do anything to keep, including forgiving them for seemingly ridiculous or severely hurtful actions. She is very forgiving and can justify lots of things happening, so it takes a lot to anger her. Typically if you do something she doesn't like she'll just tell you to not do it again, except if you won't stop. In which case she will do her best to ignore you or invent something to make you stop. An invention of this type would likely be dangerous, so it's best not to annoy her to this point.

She doesn't like those in authority roles, and generally doesn't like being given orders or commands. She is prone to unrehearsed sarcasm. She is also prone to complaining or otherwise looking for someone to vent/rant to on topics of interest or whatever is being discussed at the moment.

Ambitions: Recording (not necessarily capturing) every Pokémon, defeating all the Gyms in existence, becoming famous for at least one invention of hers, and never ending mechanical research (lots of it)

Skiils and Advantages:

Bountiful intelligence with an IQ somewhere around 500 (though she doesn't always show it and isn't cooped up in a lab all the time).

High level mathematics that would give the average person a headache.

All kinds of engineering.


Leks Watch (Looks like a SHIELD Watch): A solar-powered watch of her own design which Lektra has been trying to patent.

It has several functions:

Holo-interface that functions as an enhanced Smartphone (Internet browsing, communication, Pokémon functions, and scanning linked to her goggles if she chooses to put them on)

Built-in Pokédex

Electrified Dagger (3 inches) for shaping metal on the fly. Can eventually cut boulders, but isn't designed for such things. This is mostly there if she needs to build something on the fly.

Wrist-mounted Pokéball launcher. She admits she's not athletic enough to throw the balls herself.

Taser for self defense


Tool Belt, as in the reference pic, but there's way more tools than that. Let's keep them ambiguous ok?


Additional Information (Optional)-

She doesn't exercise at all, but does have a rigid diet to keep her figure.

Look: sig-4645125.post-10207-0-71238700-143577

Basically this, but with Caucasian skin color, human ears with hair in bangs over her face a bit, and a long lab coat. Her crop top is actually a tie up style colored yellow (which obviously couldn't be done with an EG art where her skin was yellow) and she wears a modest skirt of the same color, which isn't reflected in the art either. It's low cut showing off her ample bosom when she chooses to open her lab coat.

This could definetly work out. I'll add you to the list.

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Thanks, she's not finished though and I might relegate some watch functions to Sparky instead. Still toying with that idea (wanting to bring in Sparky or not) and obviously the history.

Ok. Take your time.

  • Brohoof 1
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I guess your character could feasibly work, assuming that there is at least one trainer that hasn't already gone on a journey, though would it be possible for him to start off with the same Pokemon as everyone else? I want things to be as fair as possible.

Well, I meet that requirement. Orion doesn't even have a Pokemon yet, let alone having gone on a journey already.

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Lektra will be pulling an Ash and though she has Pokémon stored, they will not be used and she's starting fresh.Maybe 1 or 2 would be pulled out at some point as story dictates and as allowed, but it will be whatever she catches in the RP mostly.

Yeah. I planned on just doing the RP like a mix between the anime and game, minus the reset on any experience a trainer had beforehand in the former. I don't know what or if I'll include the pc system, though. I may, so long as someone doesn't pull out a freaking rayquaza that can mega evolve at the start.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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