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@@@The Down Trotten



Copper gave the spirit a stern look before replying to them both.  "If you wanted to not be disturbed, just ask.  I'll get out of your manes quicker than you would think.  Anyways, it's better to go as a bigger group more than alone or a small group, because even with my magic, I won't be able to survive on my own up the mountain on my own, or with just one or two ponies.  I was talking about waiting for anyone who'd like to be in a group."


Then, seeing that Rhetoric proceeded up the mountain, he growled.  "He's gonna get himself killed going up.  I'mma have to keep an eye on him."  He started to make the trek, before stopping and assuming a praying stance, speaking out loud in a prayer.


"Almighty spirits that surround us and those above us, I beseech thee.  I ask of all to guide us on this journey, protect us from the enemies in this mountain, and shine thy light towards our goal.  I ask that you bless us with thy knowledge of the path, and watch over us as we ascend to meet the legendary dragon.  In Solaris' name I pray, Amen."


He got up, turn to the spirits, giving them a smile and a nod, before taking off after Rhetoric.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@The Down Trotten, @@DwhitetheGamer,


Mori stared at Copper throughout his spheal, and then his prayer. I still cannot tell if this pony is an exemplar of some sort, or an oddity of some sort. Either way, I've never encountered any like him before. Equestrians are strange.


There were certainly none neither as... unique, nor as dense, the few times I visited the mainlands on business ventures.


Let us hope it does not cause us problems.


Mori started walking, maintaining her pace as Copper sprinted to join Rhetoric up ahead, remaining about five meters behind the other two, standing at a respectful distance while slowly humming a tune, mentally encouraging the others surrounding her to join in. Perhaps they could draw in the spirits they seeked that way.

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Rhetoric hadn't exactly made that far ahead of either of them and  was still very much in ear shot. Missing the tail end of Copper's... prayer? Yes that was the proper word. 


Regardless Rhetoric decided to wait, at least for Mori to finish talking to the stranger and for her to catch up, however he had indeed over heard the blue stallions remark on "watching him" which he had a few choice words to say about 


"...I am a grown stallion, I would prefer to be treated like one..." he said more to himself then anything but if the stranger heard then so be it 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@DwhitetheGamer, @@The Down Trotten, @@P-Jay,


Mori quickly found herself catching up to the other two- but it was not long before she stopped again.


Well... here they were.


With the ice-capped mountain looming almost directly overhead now, she paused, shivering not from the cold wind, but from anticipation. The traveling was finished. Now remained only the task ahead. Taking out her shovel, she tapped it against her side, causing the thin chain underneath her cloak of begin glowing pale, before reversing the tool and examining the shovel blade. Under her gaze, it shimmered, the enchantments ensuring the inscriptions would never fade, the blade would never rust, nor the edges become blunt- it it reassured her to see that the tool of her trade was as prepared as she was. Unlike other places, however, the challenge laid not only with souls to be reassured, but a physical challenge as well- one that she was hopefully prepared for. Scaling any mountain was no simple task, let alone one with such a fearsome reputation as this.


She carefully let down her hood, causing her mane to fan out from behind her, creating the image that was wearing a spectral cowl of some sort that seemed to sway of it's own accord, completely ignoring the northern breeze. As her friends sensed others of their kind nearby, they began to excite and whisper, and it was not long before they began chanting again of their own volition- were they, too excited for the journey ahead...?


Smiling at the quiet, haunting voices of her friends surrounding her, she turned to her more... physical acquaintances.


"Master Rhetoric, Master Strikes... The final chance to turn back, yet I feel no compulsion to... If your will does not falter here, come, then! Let us surpass this challenge as we have others before it, and see if we can find a piece of ourselves. Remember that it is not the goal that matters, but the journey towards it..."




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The determined earth pony pulled his fur coat around him tighter "Its now or never isn't it?... Well I'm with you, I can't speak for this... um our new companion"  he took a quick look at the other earth pony, who Rhetoric doubted was anything at all like himself


He still wasn't sure what he thought about the interloper, at the moment he was a tad uncomfortable with him... but it would be unfair to judge prematurely "I apologize I never caught your name, Mr...?"  


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@The Down Trotten@,



"Strikes.  Copper Strikes."  The earth pony said.  he was secretly irritated the this pony was acting this way, but at least he needed to be kind to the other one.


He smiled at Mori, saying, "Indeed.  This challenge will be a great one to test our mental and physical capabilities, as well as any special ones we have.  I wish nothing but the best for all of us on this journey, and the best protection from any enemies and/or obstacles we may encounter."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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@@The Down Trotten, @@DwhitetheGamer,  


As the trio would continue their trek onward to the mountain, they would find that the grass would begin to appear greener, fresher. The trees, taller, stronger. The very wind, cleaner, crisper. 


Almost as if the area was giving the group one last look at a joyful environment, before whatever would be revealed on the mountain. It felt almost like the calm, before a storm, before the cave Rhetoric was informed of, came into view in the distance. It looked normal, like any other cave in the world, even. But the defining feature wasn't the cave itself--it was the immediate ground around it--swords, stuck into the ground like pincushions, surrounded the entrance, obviously marking the cave as a dangerous exploration to take. 


Everywhere else, was simple paths leading either away, or towards the cave. There were no hopes, for circling around, to avoid the interior altogether--it seemed one must go through the dwelling, before arriving at the base of the mountain itself. 


A broken slab of stone was placed alongside the swords, near it...




Likely, to Mori alone, the chanting of the spirits around her would begin to feel layered. As if there were more then what she normally had--before seeing a group, in front of her. It wouldn't last long, barely even five seconds, but the vision would be clear. 


She was seeing a moment of the past. A group of friends, companions, trekking towards the mountain. It seemed whatever magic the mountain housed, stretched it's influence even beyond it's base. 


A large-muscled minotaur led the group, wearing traditional armor, battered and worn--he radiated such authority, one couldn't help but associate him as the leader of the group. Followed closely by a griffon clad in foreign armor, sword at his side, shield coating his wing. Another griffon, in dark leather padding, bow slung over his back, and markings of various kills on his person, trailed behind the two. A knight, and a hunter, respectively. 


Behind them, ponies followed--one with minimal armor, and a blade, another with a thick pelt, and greathammer on his back. Both of which, looked formidable in their own right. The swordsman, and heavy. 


But only one, seemed to be the odd one out. A doe, that trailed behind the group, looked back momentarily. And from where she was, she just so happened to stare directly into Mori's eyes, before continuing on her way--disappearing into a mist, alongside her companions, before the glimpse to the past dispersed. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Mori stopped cold as the swirling echoes brought on the vision. The world shifted pale and her eyes began glowing, though only barely noticeable.


Companions-in-arms... are they the first, or the last, I wonder?


She quietly watched the scene, quickly counting them.


Four... five... six in all. Are they here to guide us, I wonder? Or are they to oppose us? And... wait. Does the doe...?


As the group ventured into the mist, she quickly made to come after them. "Wait...! Come-"


Mori... they are not here before us. Do not make a fool out of yourself.




It was but an echo. Perhaps our presence here was preordained. Echoes work in both direction, after all.


Mori sighed and straightened, her eyes fading back to normal. "There were six on this path in the beginning..."


And I will ensure that they are at peace, as is my task. The question is, will I be burying my friends... or cursed as an eternal spectre myself?

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Rhetoric looked over at Copper having heard his name "Copper... Hmmm Copper Strikes, where have I heard that name before" the stallion mused, then it struck him 

"...Your, your that stallion that trained with Celestia, I read about you!" Rhetoric's face of recognition soon turned to a scowl "...Did the Princess send you here?" he grumbled "Never-mind, I'm sure I'll read about it later anyway" it was obvious that Rhetoric was not pleased to have a personal prodigy of the Princess traveling with him 

"But before we go any further, I want to make myself personally clear, I don't want the help of some special snow flake, I'm climbing this mountain and if I live or die is my business..."  he sighed and kept going 


"Now that's out of the way, I am going to reconvene with Madam Mori, Mr Strikes, I do not know what you plan on doing but I regret to say I will not be waiting for you" and like that he trotted up to Mori 

"Madam, you stopped, did you see something?" 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@DwhitetheGamer,@@P-Jay, @@The Down Trotten,


"Oh... forgive me, Master Rhetoric. I was just momentarily... dazzled. There are many echoes here- I was not expecting a visible one so soon. It is... odd. The legend states that there was one griffon that made it to the top, just before he died. But... why are there six here?"


She then turned to Copper with an odd look, before looking back at Rhetoric. "Um... I mean no offense, Master Rhetoric, but... Celestia is merely a legend... right? I mean..."


The Widow broke out into nefarious giggles. "Oh, poor, sweet, dear Mori. Your peasantry is showing."


"... What...?"


"Your dear 'legend' is about as much of a legend as I am, or this mountain ahead of us is. I have been to Canterlot before and seen her during a Summer Sun Celebration. Ah, yes, that brings back some memories of nicer times. Back when I wasn't strapped to the back of some sniveling fool..."


"You cannot be serious?!" Mori exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Then are all the stories true...?"


"Is that not what I just said?" chided the Widow. "You should pay more attention to your elders, young Mori... Although, if this... stallion... is Celestia's choice of a student, I fear she suffered a momentary psychosis of some sort. Her age is starting to show, I guess. Fuhuhu... Oh, it's just a joke. Get over yourself. Tell me, how is your predecessor doing, boy? I always enjoyed the company of Sunset Shimmer. I'm certain she's at a minimum an Archmage by now, hmm? With that mare's ambition, she was destined for great things from the start."


Mori had withdrawn into a sort of shell-shocked, dreamy expression as her mind raced circles around her. She quietly stalked up to the broken slab of stone and began to examine it, seeing if anything of note was on the slab as she quickly reorganized in her head what was fact and what was fiction.

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@@The Down Trotten@@@P-Jay,



Copper first gave Rhetoric a stern look before replying, keeping pace with him and Mori.  "I'm not a 'special snowflake', as you put it.  I am merely an Earth Pony, just like every Earth Pony before me.  And I hope that you live long enough to see the dragon."


He then turned to Mori and replied to their saying.  "Princess Celestia still lives, I assure you, Mori.  The legends are true as well."


He then shot the Widow a quizzical look.  "Who's... oh, the one who made her way into this so-called, 'Human World'?  I'm certain she's doing fine, but I don't know, since she supposedly warped there by a magical mirror."  He shook his head, thinking of the stories Celestia told him about the mirror.


He joined Mori in investigating the sword, looking at it before saying, "I think this sword is a symbol.  A symbol of the past beings who had traversed this mountain and tried to meet the dragon."

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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When Copper retorted that he was not indeed a special snowflake, Rhetoric took in a breath of anger, close to the point of letting out years of pent of agression on this practical stranger. 


Yet, there were so many logical reasons to not to, he withdrew with a heavy sigh, and saved his diatribe for a later time, perhaps around a camp fire, or on his death bed which ever came first. 


In the mean time he followed the others to the stone slab and the swords around it, hearing Copper's comment. "A place to commemorate the fallen I would imagine.... For one such as you Madam Mori I would think a spot like this would have great meaning to you. I on the other hand, must admit, cannot not add much to the already honored spot. So I will do the only thing I know how to honor the dead and keep on living." he gave a quick silent bow and took a deep breath

"Pay your respects how you see fit, the cave awaits, and seeing how we have sort of a party now , I would like to have camp within the cave before night fall, I shudder to think what the cold night is like exposed to the elements here" with that he sat down waiting for his companions, taking out his journal from his heavy saddle bag and began to write a few things. 


EQE Approved: Bow Diddle: & Ben Keys:  Traveling Musicans and part time thieves 

Rhetoric Rash  .. The disgruntled Earth Pony 

Bowie, the knife throwing Diamond Dog https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/bowie-r9066

Ask the rebellious Rhetoric anything here

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@@DwhitetheGamer, @@The Down Trotten, @@P-Jay,


"Odd. I never expected her of all ponies to become an explorer. Still, to each their own, I suppose."


Mori remained silent before standing up. "At least those who tried were not completely forgotten by the hamlet, even if they possessed not the strength to go the whole mile... Well, let us continue into the cave, then, and see what awaits us on this first leg of our journey..."

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  • 4 weeks later...

Tyra nodded solemnly, biting her lip as she felt a bit bad for Lorec. She knew the story all too well, from their first encounter in the field of battle.

"I understand, old friend. Though, believe me when I say I would gladly put my life on the line for her. She is just as good a friend to me as you are, yes?" She smiled.




"Oh, without hesitation!" She grinned once again, ear to ear. "She is welcome into Trotstheim whenever she wishes, as are you! In fact, my father would really love to meet with you some day. He was speaking of creating relations with our people."


With that, she turned on her hooves and looked to the path leading to the mountain, towering in the distance. "Shall we depart? We still have plenty of daylight!"

     Lorec nodded in his usual solemn manner, though he was cracking a satisfied grin in appreciation of Tyra's company. The minotaur was now ready to venture forth with Tyra towards the destination, ever ready for the challenge that awaited them both once they would arrive.


​     Beckoning the Trotsheim representative, Lorec made a silent gesture with his hand, wishing her to walk beside him upon the path. the both of them had a long trek ahead of them. In the meantime, now would be the time for catching up. " So, Tyra... What brings you to this mountain? "

  • Brohoof 1

In this world, is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the hand of God, hovering above? At least it is true, that man has no control... Even over his own will.



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     Lorec nodded in his usual solemn manner, though he was cracking a satisfied grin in appreciation of Tyra's company. The minotaur was now ready to venture forth with Tyra towards the destination, ever ready for the challenge that awaited them both once they would arrive.


​     Beckoning the Trotsheim representative, Lorec made a silent gesture with his hand, wishing her to walk beside him upon the path. the both of them had a long trek ahead of them. In the meantime, now would be the time for catching up. " So, Tyra... What brings you to this mountain? "



Tyra wasted no time in trotting up to Lorec's side, walking alongside him with a spring in her step that caused the wings on her helmet to flap. She was clearly as energetic as ever.


"Why, the challenge, of course!" She answered, puffing out her small chest with pride. "I had heard many rumours in my travels about this mountain and its trials, and how few had passed them. I wish to challenge these trials, and carve my name into history!"


She smirked with determination as she clenched her hoof. "This will be another part of my legend!"


Signature by @J.R.

Equestrian Empire's current Party Pony!

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