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searching LOTG - The Praetor Incursion (Searching/Planning)


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RP IS HERE: https://mlpforums.com/topic/158243-lotg-the-praetor-incursion/


For anyone who knows me, I've got an expansive little RP "universe" that surrounds a group of rebels fighting an almost never-ending war that seems to bring endless pain and suffering to the entire planet.
They are the Guardians, final holders of the Elements of Harmony, becoming the Elements of Justice, in a war (We never ACTUALLY had a new name for the elements, so I took that as the "official" name for the reformed Elements.)
Anyways, we're not here to discuss the Guardians, nor are we here to discuss that war.
Instead, welcome to the beginning of the story, the day that Hirsan Keln stepped outside of his home country, the day that Twilight Sparkle learned that magic is not the only driving force in the world.

The Story So Far:

The world was known.

Very much so, for the country of Equestria.

The world was cut and clean, black and white, bad and good.

Then something started happening.

Ponies would disappear, only to come back mere days later, no recollection of their entire lives.

Putting out a letter to Princess Celestia, Twilight Sparkle was shocked to receive an almost instantaneous reply.

"An old friend of mine is entrusting some of his own to this task, my most faithful student. They will arrive in three days at the train station."

Nervously awaiting the "old friend's" acquaintances, she resolved to research, hoping that they would not need their help.

"That was fourteen days ago. All of you may be from different branches, but you were hoofpicked to assist Hirsan Keln of the Ministry of the Supernatural in his investigation. Shaper guide you all."



So, now that you know what the story is, how about we get started?


There are the two sides in this story: Great Canyon, and Equestria.


For those who might want to be Great Canyon ponies, here's a character sheet to use:







Type (Great Canyon Ponies have only two types: Normal and Psionic. if you choose Psionic, what Branch you choose determines your psionic abilities)

Branch: (This is the government agency you belonged to. See chart below for reference.)


Equipment (Your Branch limits what kind of equipment you are trained with. This is mostly story-based stuff, but make sure it's at least somewhat realistic. GC has no magic.)





Agency Branches Reference Chart




PSI Abilities: As a Psionic Agent of the Branch of your choosing, you can choose from ONE of the PSI abilities.

Normal: Unremarkable like the other Normals, but you have trained your body so you can stride like a titan across the planet.


Ministry of Intelligence

Normal: Access to light detection equipment, such as radar and sonar, some weapons dealing with subduing and restraining, such as the Tesla Bola Launcher, and basic, light body armor. You've got the touch, mate.

Psionic: Light body armor, PSI abilities: Telepathy, Coercion, Mental Suggestion


Ministry of War

Normal: Access to demolition equipment, heavy weapons such as the GC-114 Repeater, and heavy armor. You're a tough customer.

Psionic: Light body armor, PSI abilities: Pyrokinesis, Cryokinesis, Ferrokinesis. Access to semi-automatic small arms.


Ministry of Fabrication

Normal: Access to small fabrication and repair equipment, deployable titanium barricade, medium full-body armor, light weapons.

Psionic: Light body armor, PSI abilities: Phasic Field, Stasis Web, Molecular Repair


Ministry of the Supernatural

Normal: Access to light armor and weapons, additional training in dealing with supernatural threats, such as Ethereals and various other "ghost-like" entities. Additional training in protection against such threats.

Psionic: Access to light armor and weapons, additional training for focus with PSI abilities: Mind Dive, Psychic Link, Levitation


Medical Ministry

Normal: Standard medic equipment, medium body armor, medical equipment, small arms.

Psionic: Medium body armor, small arms, PSI abilities: Regeneration, Synthesis, Calm




We also have the Equestrian Character sheet, which is by no means any smaller for references.









Spells (Pick 3. Those will be your spells for the RP. Make sure you think on them well, because you'll definitely be ROLEPLAYING them. This is Unicorns only)





After one character posted, I'd like to point out one thing. Unfortunately, this RP is for equine-type races only. Sorry to those wanting to bring their awesome OCs in. There's a lot of cool characters, but things like hybrids, species that cannot be quantified properly, and other such beings are a lot harder to keep track of. Once again, sorry.


Oh, as a final note, there will be no alicorn OCs allowed. That may make some of you mad, but I will be needing people to control not only their own characters, but that of Celestia and Luna as well.


Welcome to the Praetor Incursion, everyone.




Celestia -

Luna -

Twilight Sparkle -



Hirsan Keln - [FullMetalParagon]

Copper Strikes - [DWhitetheGamer]

Ivy Winds - [reader8363]

BlindEye - [rolle]


NOTE: Godmodding will not be allowed. You RP with these, you play to lose. I do so as well, and I hold by that statute. That being said, ANY AND ALL Godmodding will be met with the harshest penalty I can give to an RP'er - REMOVAL FROM RP.

Edited by FullMetalParagon


signature by John Washington

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the rp seems interesting and all, but I was wondering if you could add a little more detail on the story, the sides


Well, okay then.


We all know Equestria's story, the rise and fall of many of its heroes, but what is this Great Canyon? How did they come to be?


This is a long little backstory, but enjoy.







Great Canyon was once, simply, a pony colony, on the outskirts of the ruins of an ancient kingdom which dwelled within the mountains, the remnants of their sorcery and power evident in still-glowing runes that were hundreds, if not thousands of years old. The sorcery, however, was not just simply a remnant. Those who dwelt within the colony, simply named Valley Forge for the iron that would be drawn from the walls of the canyon below it, forged into mighty armor and weapons for the burgeoning civilizations in every direction.


However, the runes were not only simple old magick, but a circle of runes proved somewhat mysterious, pulsing red with malevolence, with those who looked on them either driven to utter madness, or they would simply "disappear," leaving all manner of self behind. Always near that accursed runic circle, the chanting could be heard.


"Abaratos, Lord of Oblivion, may he grant eternal rest."


At that time, nine ponies, each with their own quirks and eccentricities, were cast out of Valley Forge into exile, forging their own path until they came upon that accursed circle. However, instead of being driven mad, or falling to the voices that could be heard emanating from the circle, they stood their ground, watching as the stone tablet cracked, the great form of a glowing red centaur growing from it as they stood there, a line of nine staring at the World Eater himself, Abaratos.


With a crack of his mighty hooves, he forced the inhabitants of Valley Forge from their homes, his own cultists dragging ponies out for his own twisted ends. With a mighty laugh, he stomped, only to have a powerful field stopping him. Three unicorns held their horns together, their eyes staring up at him in defiance.


"I am the true lord of this world. Its inhabitants' souls belong to me! Who are you to stand in my way?!" The other six, three pegasi and three earth ponies, attacked quickly and precisely, one of the unicorns stopping when the runes began to reform, a language that he could perceive. With this knowledge, he shouted to his comrades, their own might becoming a magick of its own, encircling Abaratos as it forced him back into his sealed realm. As he fell into the pit that was his home, a mighty roar escaped his lips, a curse of incredible magnitude.


"From this moment forward, you, your descendants, and their descendants will never feel the touch of magick, nor the true power of the earth, or the power of flight, forever more. Feel my wrath, and let it be so!" With a final shout, he descended into the blackest darkness, a void to his own devices. The Nine stood there, staring at each other. As the unicorns attempted to cast any sort of light to blot out the darkness around them, they found that their connection to magick was lost. The pegasi lost their speed, the earth ponies their connection to the earth and plants around them. They had been reduced to far less than they had ever been. With a shout, they turned to find the inhabitants of Valley Forge standing behind them, their torches ablaze. With welcoming expressions, they brought the Nine back into the fold, allowing them to help carve out the first underground settlement. If they were to be cast out, they would grow where no one would see them, and emerge one day like the cicada, to show just what powerless ponies could do.


When asked what they would call their special colony, the Nine smiled at each other, looking at their fellows with mirth.


"We grew in this great canyon, and our tomb is her stones. This nation, this grouping, will forever more be known as Great Canyon, and we, the Nine who sealed the great demon of the ruins, will be its first Council."


Thus, Great Canyon was first founded, along with the first Council of the Nine.




Over time, the nation grew, Valley Forge becoming an amazing bustling settlement, even though it was underground. With the loss of their magick came an even greater need for science and mathematics, hydroponics, and theoretical physics, and other sciences. For every leap they discovered, they unlocked even more potential. For five hundred years, they advanced, their nation growing from their initial two hundred ponies to over two hundred thousand, from the capitol of Valley Forge, to Brimstone Falls, near their geothermal powerplant deep below, and even out towards Ironstar, their main fabrication center, and center of trade with traveling merchants, those who were sworn to secrecy about the supplies they had been given for simple seeds and other menial equipment necessary for their continued survival.


However, the time arose when something attacked the nation. Scientists of the nation discovered the Ethereal that day, a being living on a parallel plane of existence, but only able to jump into the physical plane through a rift in the newly founded Unity's Gate settlement. Research began immediately on how to cap and either seal, or use, the energy escaping from the rift. Sealing was a more viable alternative, so with heavy hearts, the ponies of the newly formed Ministry of the Supernatural brought ponies from the ministries of War, Intelligence, and Fabrication to build the seal, a massive totem of purest metal and machine, forged in the hottest magma near Ironstar.


Though the threat was thought capped, the Ministries soon discovered that the Ethereals had already taken hosts among the ponies of Great Canyon, in an attempt to gain access to the surface world. The Host War, which saw the creation of the Hunter Corps - the soldiers immune to the possession of the Ethereals, and therefore much more able to assault them - , the Ranger Corps, powerful marksponies in their own right, and the Peace Brigade, those ponies who sought to protect their fragile peace, keeping those who could not protect themselves safe from harm.


Four hundred ponies died during that four year long war, their bodies committed to the graveyard known as Ash Lake, the place closest to where the original ponies entered into the underground.


Hirsan Keln saw action in the Host War, being one of very few survivors of the Hunter Corps. Something in him changed that day, and his eye has glowed blue ever since then.




The World Eater's Curse may have stripped the ponies of Great Canyon of their magick, but magick began to manifest itself regardless, bringing on the rise of the PSIONICS, special ponies with highly advanced brains who could use their psychokinetic fortitude to move objects with their minds, detect the truth, and burn objects simply by thinking it. The Ministries actively train specific Psionics for that very reason, War dealing with those who wish to fight, Intelligence with those who wish for knowledge, Supernatural for those wanting to understand the rise of their own powers, Fabrication for those who wish for the Canyon's Expansion, and Medical for those who wish to heal others.




That's more than I ever expected to be writing in a while. Myself, and the two involved in Legend of the Guardians, had two other RPs that happened on the defunct site Canterlot.net, which were all tied into the storyline of Legend of the Guardians. It's a massive RP undertaking that's taken almost three years to build to this point, where you could use one of our RPs, and turn it, with some editing and formatting, into a rather impressive fanfic series. But every story needs the starting point, and that's where The Praetor Incursion comes in. The story of how the ball got rolling in the first place, how Great Canyon ended up becoming a partner of Equestria, and the events that caused it all. This is one of many RPs to take place between the Host War and an RP known simply as The Cycle War.


signature by John Washington

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This would be a good opportunity to explain how Copper would get into his alicorn state, if that's okay.


Once again, link to his EVE bio is in the sig below.

Your resident Sonic the Hedgehog fan. Props to Laika for the sig.




My Equestrian Empire Characters: Copper Strikes and Princess Celestia (EVE Version of Copper Strikes)

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Hey, DWhite! Okay! I like that! Copper Strikes is in!

Here's an example for the Great Canyon character sheet, the character that will be interacting with all of yours.




Hirsan Keln






Type - Normal


Branch: Ministry of the Supernatural


History: Being the youngest member of the Hunter Corps had its advantages. Everypony saw you as their kid brother, making sure you could keep up by pushing you harder than anypony else. Hirsan Keln found this out quickly, but forced himself to work through it all, to match his father, then-Hunter Colonel Oyarch Keln.


When the Host War happened, the mysterious final battle that took place between Hirsan and the few Hunters left, along with other survivors, was undocumented, and Hirsan refused to talk about that day afterwards. His right eye glowed blue, however, though no pony wished his wrath upon themselves.


Equipment: MoS Uniform, Half-Moon badge, GC-D61 "Raptor" Repeater


Appearance: Dark green mane, brown coat, steel grey eyes - with the right one pulsing blue, dark blue uniform with red padding on the chest. Always seems irritated about something.



hm, ok. since it's a war based rp, I think I'll apply Shadow, if he's fine, for equestria


Okay. I will be honest, your character sheet was... a little hard to read. With a little bit of editing, it'll be easier to read and glean more information from. I am going to ask you to use the one I provided in the OP, just for simplicity's sake, and so I can also properly save a copy as I do with everyone's characters when they sign up for one of my RPs.


signature by John Washington

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Name: Shadow Beast

Gender: Male

Age; 18-24

Type: Pony/Dragon Hybrid

Magic; Shadow and portal manipulation

Appearance: Pony figure with scales all over his body, red snake eyes, and metal dragon claws and wings

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All right. It's an interesting start. PM me, and I'd like to see how you roleplay as your character. (This is to gauge what kind of roleplayer you are, and to give you pointers on improving.)

Okay, Reader8363




Name: Shadow Beast

Gender: Male

Age; 18-24

Type: Pony/Dragon Hybrid

Magic; Shadow and portal manipulation

Appearance: Pony figure with scales all over his body, red snake eyes, and metal dragon claws and wings


I'm going to be honest, another character may be in order. LOTG, before Legend of the Guardians, tends to be more pony based. Sorry.


However, your character might fit in better in Cold-Hearted Resonance. I'd recommend you going through the character sheet in Cold-Hearted Resonance, where it's a freedom of characters, TO A POINT.


Here's a link for you:


Edited by FullMetalParagon


signature by John Washington

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hm, I narrowed it down to two, 

Great canyon


type: normal

branch:war, or if there is anything closer to a mechanic




magic:Crystalize, levitation, lumination

appearance:cloaked and have a nightmare night mask on during the day when she's outside

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Okay, I'll accept the GC one based on principle: everyone can roleplay. The branch you're looking for is Fabrication, for engineering.


Now, here's a little thing I AM going to hound you on: tenses. You NEED to work on your tenses.


signature by John Washington

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Name: BlindEye

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Type: Unicorn


Containment field - Area based levitation magic. (If you're confused about the difference... Just ask...)

Magic Body Projection - Magic that allows you to create fakes using magic. They are completely identical to the original except for their physical strength which is proportional to the magic used while giving them life.

Rune enchanting - Using runes from an old forgotten time he is able to enchant objects, however this requires either physical etching or magic. Magic based runes last one hour.

Appearance: Total white eyes since birth, while using magic they slightly glow black. The same colour as his magic aura, his mane is green and his coat is orange. His cutie mark is that of a rune with the word left on his left flank and right on his right one. Mane and tail is kept pretty straight, flowing down as much as it could.


...Well, a rather rude name to give to one's offspring. But, it kind of fits? Anyways, I kind of am tired. Excuse any errors that I made, if you have any questions don't be afraid of asking them. I'm all ears, or is it that I'm negotiable? Not sure... Anyways, hope you have a good day/night.

Current OCs


Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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  • 2 weeks later...



Well... I got the message. I just didn't, uhhmm. How does one say it? Have anything in return to say? That sounds kinda rude of me to say now... Sorry if I worried you or something.


Hey, no problem. You're one of the few people that actually read the initial post, and put a character in here using the aforementioned character sheet, so thanks.


It's all right. I'm not worried, I'm just finishing up a 3 year RP that should have been done LAST YEAR, but the site we were on went down, and I had to ask the site's admin for the RP archive. Legend of the Guardians had so many characters, so many adventures, and I wanted to share it with everyone, so I have patience.


signature by John Washington

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, to those who applied, I will be posting the actual RP thread soon. Life kind of took a nosedive for a bit when I got sick, and I currently have to see a doctor soon.


I am also building a new computer, so I may not be on for a bit.


Now, this is the current breakdown for you guys:



Hirsan Keln

Ivy Winds




Copper Strikes


I'll be posting the RP thread tomorrow after work, so, sorry about being so silent for a bit, mates!


signature by John Washington

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, Ivy Winds and Hirsan Keln are currently on their way to Equestria!


There is a code phrase for the two Equestrian "Guides" to remember. If your characters are asked 'where the greatest forge is,' your response is, 'in the valley.' Just a pointer.


Why I made the code phrase? I like spy things. It makes me feel all spy-ish.


Anyways, Equestrian characters will be entering the fray after reader's next post, which will allow us to do a timelapse for the town of Borderline Station.


signature by John Washington

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