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open [CLOSED] Open-World Roleplay With Astera And Shade!


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Hey everypony, this is an open-world roleplay with me and Chrylestia600. Feel free to join in if you like! And remember, as said, it is an open world RP! That means you can do what you want, be who you want, it's all up to you! :D


Here's a link to the OOC if you wish to join in!


Edited by NightmareLuna800


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Astera sat in front of her house, looking at the night sky, flipping through memories inside of her head. Shaking herself out of thought she stood up and began walking down a dark and shadowy path into the Everfree Forest. She walked silently down the path, thinking to herself, "I don't get why ponies find this place so terrifying at night." While paying no attention whatsoever to her surroundings. "I wonder if anypony else is walking down this path tonight." She said to herself, looking at the dark path ahead.

Edited by NightmareLuna800
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This was a moment Layla Shade couldn't pass up.


Typically it was her sister who did all the scaring around Ponyville, while Shade was more into tricks and pranks. But seeing Astera here, in the Everfree Forest, completely alone... well, there was only one obvious thing to do. Freak the living daylights out of her.


Shade spent a lot of time here in the forest. Especially at night; things were quiet, and not many ponies ventured out during these hours, allowing Shade to have this particular part of Ponyville all to herself. It wasn't the Canterlot Garden, which was one of Shade's absolute top favorite locations in all of Equestria (she didn't have a clue as to why, it just was), but it was still right up her alley. So long as it was quiet and alone, like it happened to be right now. Excluding Astera, of course.


Silently following behind her sister, Shade pondered what form she should take upon jumping out at Astera. It wasn't the most original scare tactic, but Shade wasn't looking for original. She was looking for effective. She paused after stopping behind a tree to take in her surroundings. It was clear that Astera- who was several feet up ahead- was lost in thought, which would make this whole thing much easier. As quietly as she could, Shade spread her wings and flew to the top of the tallest branch she could find, careful to remain out of sight.


Then, with the help of her shapeshifting ability, Shade transformed into a demonic-looking, nightmarish bat pony with red eyes and incredibly sharp teeth and fangs. After quickly scanning herself over and silently approving her choice of look, she waited a few more seconds until the perfect moment... and then she shot down from the branch at an extremely high speed, tackling Astera and knocking her to the ground while letting out a horrific, demonic shriek that pierced the air.


If her choice of appearance and terrifying shriek hadn't unnerved her sister, Shade was fairly certain she'd at least startled her with plain old shock value. Rolling off of Astera, she stood up, brushed herself off, and began cackling with laughter as she transformed back into her true self.


"You should have seen yourself, Astera. I TOLD you one day I would catch you off guard!"

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"SHADE!" Astera yelled, ready to smack her sister upside the head, but deciding not to do it at the moment. "Don't do that! I was enjoying a peaceful stroll, alone, and you have completely interrupted it! Also, to add onto that, I was not 'scared' like you seem to think I was! I was 'startled' at the moment." Astera said brushing off leaves that had gotten stuck in her mane from the fall. "You do that again and I'll throw you off the nearest cliff!" Astera snapped out, spreading her wings and flying up into the air. "I am going off to the local restaurant, don't dare follow me!" Astera yelled behind her. "And I mean it!".

Edited by NightmareLuna800
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  • 3 months later...

It was morning again in equestria and Techno was in his lab sitting behind the controls as normal and waching over the place.


TU: RIGHT!!! Let's get started! Okay apparently Astera is attempting to do smackcam again!!! I'm not really happy with that but I'll need to get back to that sometime. And currently other than that there's nothing much going on today.


The alarm then sounded warning him that there was a breach in one of the several entrys into the lab and likely an intruder.

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Void Crawler, the young and rather daft Changeling awoke in his Cottage, on the opposite side of the Everfree to Ponyville and equipped his armour, gathered his saddle bags with various items such as a supply of bits and the odd food item to hand out to friends of his, he has rarely, if ever met anypony in Ponyville as he doesn't travel to the town much, he was walking through the Everfree at an alarmingly loud amount of sound, mostly to scare off any creatures inhabiting it, his glowing pink eyes lighting a portion of the deep black Everfree a pink hue as he trotted on 

  • Brohoof 1

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Astera tries to think but loses thought of where she was originally heading to after thoughtlessly flying north from the path in the Everfree Forest she was at originally. Astera thought for a moment and decided to just continue flying north in hopes she might remember where it was she was going. Which she did, until rain drops began pelting her all over. "Ugh... Of course it would rain right now!" Astera mumbled to herself after landing on the wet and grassy ground below. She sat for a moment in thought, thinking of what she thought would be best to do while it rained. "Hmm... Maybe I can stop by the Blackhoove Cafe, it isn't far from here." Astera thought to herself. Which she headed to straight after thinking that thought. Astera walked into the Cafe and sat at a lone table. Noticing there was only one other Pony in the building besides herself, at the opposite corner.

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Once Shade had actually managed to calm down from her hysterical bout of laughter, she began to think about what her sister had said to her before she'd up and taken off entirely. When Astera had threatened to throw her off the nearest cliff if she ever decided to pull that (absolutely worth it) stunt ever again, Shade had almost argued that she owned a pair of wings, and therefore her sister's attempt at threatening her into not repeating what she'd done was rather weak. But at the moment in time that Astera had said it, Shade had been laughing too hard to speak.


Now, as she stood there now completely alone in the Everfree Forest, Shade actually found that she missed her sister's company already. Not because of sisterly love or any sappy stuff like that, but because she now had no one to torment and was therefore suddenly bored. Sure, she'd wandered into the Everfree Forest expecting to be alone, but after that extreme bout of fun she'd just had, she realized how much she wanted to do something more... exciting.


Should I follow my sister? Shade asked herself. Astera did just use her 'I'm gonna murder you gruesomely if you don't listen to what I tell you' voice on her. Was it worth it? "Oh, yeah. Definitely." Shade said aloud, then grinned and spread her wings, soaring into the air. That was when she noticed that a storm had started, seemingly coming from no where, and also that Celestia seemed to be raising the sun. "Already?" She groaned, as she headed in the direction of the Blackhooves Cafe, where she pretty much expected her sister would be.


Once there, Shade practically threw herself through the front door, desperate to get out of the storm. She didn't like getting wet, perhaps more so than necessary. Spying Astera off in the distance at a table, she shot her sister a grin as she casually and intentionally walked right past her, sitting down at the table directly behind her for no reason at all other than to bug her.

Edited by Chrylestia600
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Astera rolled her eyes and turned backwards to face her sister. "Shade!!" Astera said louder than she actually wanted to in a place where other ponies were. "Why did you follow me?? I told you to stay behind!" Astera said, very annoyed by her sister's company. "Can you not go and scare those school fillies you always like scaring? Or something like that, and not annoy me for once?"

Edited by NightmareLuna800
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"Astera, you know me, okay? I followed you BECAUSE you told me not to. It was basically an invitation." Shade laughed, then looked around the cafe for the first time, noticing there weren't nearly as many ponies there as usual. Likely because it was just turning morning. "And, I think you forget. You're the one who likes doing the scaring, and all that stuff. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love it, too. But I'm more or the prankster in this family of freaks and weirdos, remember? Besides, annoying you is what I do best, and even if I wasn't coming to do that, perhaps I just want to spend some quality time with my amazing sister. Now, where's my menu? Someone tell me before I eat that pony in the corner over there."

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Astera heaves out a heavy sigh and turns back to face the table in front of her. "Next time I will tell you to come then.. And we'll see if you do." Astera whispers to herself as she gives a sarcastic smile. "Hey, can I.. We.. Get a waiter over here?" Astera shouts, in somewhat of an amount of curiousity over why no one came to her table to take orders in the past ten minutes.

Edited by NightmareLuna800
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So Techno then hid himself behind a removable wall panel to wait around for what it was entering his lab...


TU: Uhh... If only my sister Foust was here and not on a assignment it would be a lot easier for me to deal with this situation.

Edited by Techno Universal
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Shade snorted, but decided to simply roll her eyes instead of arguing back. Then she turned her attention to the same thing her sister seemed to notice- that no one had shown up to take their orders. It had taken Shade a few minutes to get to the cafe after Astera had flown off without her, so if no one had taken HER order yet, then the place was slow today. "Why do you like this place so much, sister?" She muttered, suddenly starting to feel rather grouchy. "There's, like, one measly pony here, and still no one has showed up to take our orders. It's painfully slow, and I'm starving here."

Edited by Chrylestia600
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Void finally travelled through the Everfree at a faster rate, the sudden rain and downpour soaking his spines and tail into a sodden and rather nasty grey mass, his hooves holes causing water to run down multiple parts of each leg like an eroded cliff face, he finally made it to the edge of the Everfree, watching into Ponyville, like he normally did, he enjoyed pony watching, when he was around he always felt ponies were on edge so it's better to see them in their element

  • Brohoof 3

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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"Hey, who's that?" Astera says to Shade, pointing a hoof towards Lord Senvious. "Let me guess, one of your friends who is setting up some prank for me or something?" "Ugh.. The service here is terrible today, I am leaving." Astera said, standing up and exiting the building. Astera sat down for a moment after exiting the front doors, curiously caught in thought of who she just saw.

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The storms downpour on the everfree forest and surrounding area. Shade and Astera see Lord Senvious fly over and land in the distance. A quick glance at him gives away the fact that he is an Alicorn. His mane flows erratically, his slit blue eyes narrow when he sees Shade and Astera, but he keeps his distance. The rain drips off his coat.

Techno could still see all of his control screens through ventilation holes in the metal panel. When he looked at the screens he could just make out an strange Alicorn right outside the entrance before the camera cut out from a strange interference. Even the weather radar for that district was malfunctioning from the same interference and was displaying bad weather as it was earlier before glitcing and shutting itself off.


TU: I've never seen that much magic based interference naturally produced by anything before. This truely is going to be the worst it can get if they decide to come down here. I may have no choice but to fight them even though I don't want to.

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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Shade was about to complain about the lack of a waiter once again, but stopped short once she noticed Astera staring at something out one of the Windows of the cafe. Following her gaze, she noticed the Alicorn who had just landed outside. "What? I don't know what you're talking about. Honestly." Very much like Astera to assume that Shade was up to no good just because someone she'd never seen before was standing several feet away outside. But whatever. It wasn't like Shade hadn't given her a good reason. "Hey, where are you going? I haven't eaten yet!" Shade complained as she watched her sister get up and exit the cafe. She groaned, then arose from her table and made her way out the door as well. Once outside, she briefly glanced at the Alicorn standing off in the distance. She'd never seen him before, and she didn't really like ponies she knew nothing about. But then she noticed that there was something else, too- SOMEONE else, maybe, besides the Alicorn who was close by. Shade felt like she and her sister were being watched.

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Astera walks over to a large shady tree and sits down beneath it. She begins thinking about the strange pony she saw outside the cafe window once again. "Who was that?" She thought to herself. "They appeared to have had flowing hair.. But only those of royalty have that normally." Astera whispered to herself, thinking of all the royal Alicorns she could think of. "And if this pony is part of the royal family.. Why are we being watched by them??" Astera sat, confused, unsure of if she should pursue learning more about who she and her sister saw.

Edited by NightmareLuna800
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Void was totally dumbfounded by the chaotic atmosphere of the town now, his smirk widening as he watched the two large... He assumes hybrids are being stared down by that bluey... Grey Alicorn? Likely not a hybrid due to looking fairly normal.. For an alicorn, and as a Changeling Void knew to stay away from Alicorns, never enjoyed the fear they struck into him due to his old Hive makiing out like Celestia and Luna are evil and to be hated when they are not anywhere near as bad as his old Hive says. Void almost smelt what was like another Changeling near by though, the pheromones being distinct and for sure as Queen Miasma's name was holy there was another Changeling... He ignored the scent and watched the events some more with glee from the edge of the Everfree, although his vibrant pink eyes causing him to look like just two pink eyes watching from the dark

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My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Void suddenly hissed in shock and stammered suddenly with a vague shrug as he was brought up via a cloud
"Well... I like pony watching? Whats wrong with that?" His voice questioning and acting like this tall rainstorm casuing Alicorn assumed Void to be committing a crime  

  • Brohoof 2

My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Completely confused as to what exactly was currently going on- Astera had wandered off to some tree while there was a strange Alicorn possibly pulling a sword on them, and now the Alicorn was arguing with some Changeling who'd come out of nowhere- Shade decided to find out for herself and practically stomped up to the Alicorn and the Changeling. "Excuse me?" She snapped. "You, grey Alicorn with the flowing hair and the sword. Why are you here yourself, watching us?" She turned her attention to the Changeling. She hadn't seen one of her kind in awhile now. That particular part of her kind, anyway. "And you... where did you come from?"

Edited by Chrylestia600
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Void quickly answered to first, the large Alicorn with a quick response of 
"No no no! No attacks, I am pink due to me being from a pink colour coded Hive, Hive Miasma!"
Void then turned to face the strange... Hybrid, he continued to assume she was a Hybrid and responded also
"Hive Miasma ma'am, I am... WAS the leading Drone Soldier there, second in command behind my Queen"
He now after responding just sat back, and listened to any conversation 

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My main OCs are Void Crawler the buggo and Fuchsia Dewdrop the mothpone
~MLP Forum's Resident Pink Changeling Since 2014~

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Shade narrowed her eyes at the Alicorn, and followed his gaze to Astera, who was still off standing at her tree. "Well, I've never seen you before. And I don't particularly like ponies I've never seen. What's your name? And... why are you staring at my sister? Quit it, it's creeping me out." At his use of the word 'intriguing,' Shade wondered if she should've shape-shifted into something else before coming to the cafe. Oh well.

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Astera watches all that is going on from the tree she was thinking under, and decides to involve herself in the conversation. Astera walks over to Shade. "Shade? What's going on? You act like you know them.." She says, glancing at Void, who she gives a questionable look.

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