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private Road to Retribution (with Raven Rawne)


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@@Raven Rawne,


"Every city, big or small has hidden gems like this, you only need to know where to look" she says with a smile as she holds his hand "They call this place Escapade de L'amant, which I think is The Lover's Getaway in Phrench" she says with a little giggle "Rumor has it that the first mayor of this little town had it built secretly for him and his wife to get away from the town every night. Another rumor has it that there's an enchantment on it that makes it so only couples can see and find it, but looking at some of the families and single ponies, I'd say that one was debunked" she giggles

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth listened to Harley's little history lesson. He had to admit, the story sounded... appealing.


"The Lover's Getaway, huh? Sounds appropriate, doesn't it?" - he pulled her closer in a wing hug, consequences be damned. "I've been in many parks, but this one has something special to it. Or perhaps it's the company that makes all the difference..." He looked at the mare, smiling. "Say, you have a favourite spot in here? Somewhere we could forget about the world outside of this fenced enclave?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley nods and takes his hand. "It's a more secluded spot" she says as she starts leading him away from the more crowded areas. As they neared it, the amount of ponies thinned quite a bit and they soon reach an area that seems to have a hidden path lit up by fireflies. "Only a few ponies know of this spot" she says, leading him down the path to a small clearing. "I usually come here some nights to meditate and clear my mind. Try to think of how things could have gone better or worse, how I could have changed what I did" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"Alright, lead the way!" Garreth walked beside Harley to the place she had in mind, confident that it would most probably be great.


The spot did seem secluded alright. The amount of passerby quickly dropped until it seemed they were all alone. Then she led them off the lit path,  on a smaller tract lit just by the moon and fireflies, which apparently were here because of the flowers that grew like a colorful carpet on both sides. When they reached the clearing, Garreth looked around. It was small, just twenty steps across or so. Maybe that's where the founder of this place hid from the world with his wife? The place seemed perfect for that.


The griffon nodded. "Yes, I can see the appeal... They should put a bench here though." He listened to Harley as she laid out her reasons why she comes here. Did she really had that much weight on her concience? She seemed like a good pony. Maybe that was the reason - insensitive jerks have no concience, makes sense they never feel guilty.


The griffon sighed as he embraced her, and then wing hugged for good measure. "I can only hope that I won't give you more topics to ponder in here then. One of my biggest fears is that of disappointment, you know. And I'd hate to disappoint you..."

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley smiles as she snuggles into his embrace and nuzzles into his chest "I rather think you'd be the opposite, having a partner in business, especially an equal one such as yourself, it would mean sounding off of each other, making the right decisions" she says as she then sits down, cross legged and smiles "And besides, meditation is also just a really great way to relax, just clear your mind and refocus your aura to be positive"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth felt relieved. It seemed that Harley had some confidence in him, which was good.  He lowered his head towards hers and said quietly 8nto her ear: "Thanks. I'll do my best."


He felt that she wanted to get out of his embrace and he let go, curious what she had in mind. He honestly didn't expect she would start the topic of actual meditation. As the mare sat on the grass, seemingly oblivious to the possibility of staining her dress, the griffon kept standing, unsure where she was going with it. It seemed she was seriously trying to teach him meditation though. Reluctantly, he sat opposite to the mare and copied her pose, then asked: "Okay, I always thought meditation is one of those things only practiced by hippie ponies with thousand yard stares,  but if you say it's actually kinda useful... So what do I do now?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


She chuckles "that's stereotypes for you, no hippies don't exactly meditate, they're just mostly high on drugs and seem like they're meditating" she giggles "this is actually an ancient practice that was practiced by the peaceful religions such as Buddhism (wouldn't know the Equestrian version) and even Paganism. " she states One of my old sensei's taught me this" she says softly and closes her eyes, it would seem as if there was an aura around her that protected her dress from getting dirty. "Just close your eyes and try to clear your mind, thinking happy thoughts helps"

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth snickered at the thought of those "enlightened" ponies. He had to deal with them a few times, actually... He didn't get much from what Harley tried to convey, but clearing his mind and thinking happy thoughts? He could do that.


"Alright, I'll give it a shot then." He nodded, then closed his eyes trying to follow the mare's instructions. At first, it seemed that he couldn't stop thinking about something,  anything really. Thoughts and images popped up relentlessly, and he focused on his breathing. Even, slow, deep breaths. In, hold, out. That seemed to work actually, as the traffic in his mind lessened gradually. He had no idea how long it took, but at some point, his mind was... clear. No thoughts, images, nothing. Just his breathing. It wasn't that bad, actually. So now he should think the happy thoughts, right? Well, he had an idea what to think of...

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


She slowly opens an eye and chuckles at his expression "I know that look and yes, there are some of those types of ponies who act a little..too enlightened, but you would have liked my sensei, he was a humble pony who taught jujitsu for self defense and discipline, also as a means of fitness" she says, closing her eye again and smiling. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth kept on contemplating on his happy thought, as he thought he should to do this meditation thing right... It felt good, he had to admit, but so would regular daydreaming. After some time, he lost focus and couldn't regain it. With some frustration he opened his eyes and came back to the present. Since Harley seemed to be still meditating, he just sat quietly and observed her.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne


A few minutes later, Harley opens her eyes and smiles "Ah, much better" she says as she smiles at him "IT also helps to clarify thoughts" she says as she just stays sitting there until a little kitten comes out of the bushes and snuggles in her lap. She smiles down at it and begins petting it "Hello there little girl, are you lost?" she asks the kitten who just purred at being petted.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Garreth smiled back at the mare, when she opened her eyes and came back to the present. Her proclamation over how much better she felf was a bit odd, since his own attempt didn't produce much of a result, but maybe practice makes perfect. He was about to get up when he saw movement in the corner of his eye, and looked in that direction. Instead of some mortal danger, however, was a kitten. The sight put a wrench in his gears so hard you could hear metallic noises coming from his head Honestly, it was the last thing he would expect to see. With his head cocked a bit, quizically, and a raised eyebrow he observed as the little predator casually walked towards Harley and jumped onto her lap. As the mare began petting the critter, the griffon looked around in search of the cat mother, or a pony who's cat it could be, but found none. So he just sat and watched as the little fur ball got a VIP treatment.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne,


Harley smiles as she continues to love on the kitten "Aren't you a sweet, fluffy little kitty?" she asks "But where is your mother or your papa?" she asks. The kitten looks up and mewls sadly, and Harley used her magic to  understand "O-oh my, your mummy and daddy went out one day and never came back? You poor little kitty" she says sadly and snuggles the kitten close. "Her mummy and daddy was most likely kidnapped"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The groffon had to admit, the scene was rather... heartwarming. However, the little conversation between Harley and the cat was somewhat... well, he never saw a pony talk to animals like that. As f she talked with the cat.


"Am I seeing things, or you're having an actual conversation going on with the little one? Cause if you do, then I guess we have a search and rescue case..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


She smiles "Part of my unicorn magic is the ability to somewhat understand animals" she says with a soft smile, still loving on the kitten "There is a chance her 'mama and papa' were kidnapped and have died in the mines or worse.." she states, putting a hand over the kitten's ears so she wouldn't hear " 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"U-huh... so it meant it's owners, not actual parents, right? Damn, always toruble in these parts... Try to ask the cub where it lives, maybe we'll get an adress and confirm it with the sheriff whether they got kidnapped or it's just animal cruelty. I guess we should find a temporary home for it too..."


Hearing about ponies getting kidnapped was one thing. Withessing the tragedy that ensued by their sudden absence was another thing entirely...

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@@Raven Rawne,


"She could stay with us at the suite, or maybe ask Ambrosia or Elbow or even Jacquard to look after her while we do this  job then take her home with us" she suggests as she then asks the kitten where she lived and the kitten mewls, and got out of her lap, beginning to walk away as if to direct them to her house.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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The griffon wasn't sold on the idea of keeping the cat. "I don't know really, seems like we wouldn't make the best home for a kitten, with all the moving aroundd and spending time outdoors... Maybe one of your friends will take care of it, at least temporarily."


Seeing that, apparently, the kitten was about lead them somewhere, Garreth got up and dusted off his clothes, content that he didn't see any actual stains on them for once. Since the little one had a headtart over the pair, he slowly trailed behind it.


"Evil beware, pet detective Harley Wheels is on the case..."

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@@Raven Rawne,


"You're right, it would  just as bad on her as having no owners" she says and follows, chuckling a little at Garreth's joke "Funny" she says "I know for a fact that Jacquard is a sucker for cute and cuddly, so she won't be able to resist looking after this little kitty" 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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"That's what I thought - I mean, I never actually had a pet, but I guess they're more or less like kids, right? And let's face it, bounty hunting is not very family friendly..."


Fortunately, it seemed that Harley had a candidate already. The griffon nodded as he flexed his wings - he needed to do that from time to time to stimulate the blood flow. "Sounds like a good pick, I had a very good impression of her."


Then the kitten walked though a large patch of flowers, seemingly oblivious that the pair following her would keep to the paved roads.


Garreth shook his head sliming. "Tough choice huh? Trample the flowers or walk around a fair distance... But I have... a cunning plan, you game?" - he pointed at his wings as he flapped them once for emphasis. Sure, they weren't preened and all, but he should be able to cover the gap.

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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@@Raven Rawne


Harley nods as she tries to not trample over much of the flower beds and smiles "I would love to keep the little sweetie, but as you said before, not quite a good idea while we work like this, maybe later on in the future," she says softly as they continued to follow the kitten.


she giggles and nods "I could tell she was holding back from pounce hugging you, guess it's your soft fur and feathers that she fell for" she says with a small giggle again and looks to him "i have to say, this past day, it's been one of the best days of my life"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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