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open Equestrian Cafe


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(Link to OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/159875-equestrian-cafe-ooc/#entry4747272)


Deadpan and Zen sat across from one another, sipping coffee calmly. Well, Zen was as Deadpan just kept telling joke after joke.


"Well, Deadpan, as fun as your jokes are...we must get more customers in here. When I arrived to help you with your cafe, you were struggling to make end's meat. And that hasn't changed." Zen stated.


"Oh...right...that." Deadpan frowned. "Wait, I think I see someone coming!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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  • 2 weeks later...

(May I join? This sounds fun :D

My O.C.

Emerald Ivy,

Cutie Mark, silver flower

Race: Unicorn

Specialty: flower magic

She has red hair, blue eyes, light green coat and a pleasant smile.

She's friendly, but a bit reckless and rebellious sometimes.

She loves nature and plants as well :) )

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(May I join? This sounds fun :D

My O.C.

Emerald Ivy,

Cutie Mark, silver flower

Race: Unicorn

Specialty: flower magic

She has red hair, blue eyes, light green coat and a pleasant smile.

She's friendly, but a bit reckless and rebellious sometimes.

She loves nature and plants as well :) )


((Why yes you may join this chat, good sir or madam! Just introduce your character and we can both get this roleplay under way! Oh, just one tiny little tidbit. When speaking out of character, please use the OOC chat. Thanks in advance! I can't wait to finally get this roleplay going. And sorry I took a while to respond.))

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal walked up to the counter, ideally she'd be here for peace and quiet, from her every day mystery solving. Maybe talk to the baristas-(( Barista is a person who runs coffee bars ))-but she wasn't so sure of the idea of talking to a stranger. "So what's on the menu?" She mumbled to herself as she stood in front of the counter. Coffee, she'd think coffee was obvious, it was called a cafe, and cafe was french for coffee, so they had to sell coffee. She needed her morning coffee anyways, that and a snack. She looked around noticing how quiet and empty it was. Looking at the baristas again she knew there was really only one way to know, she would just look at the menu. But it seemed one of them was drinking coffee. "Hey. Um..." She looked up, did seem like there was coffee. Luckily, otherwise the name of the cafe was just a piece of irony. "Can I get a coffee? With double cream and sugar?" She tapped the counter a bit. "And maybe a donut, or bagel, whichever one you have."

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal walked up to the counter, ideally she'd be here for peace and quiet, from her every day mystery solving. Maybe talk to the baristas-(( Barista is a person who runs coffee bars ))-but she wasn't so sure of the idea of talking to a stranger. "So what's on the menu?" She mumbled to herself as she stood in front of the counter. Coffee, she'd think coffee was obvious, it was called a cafe, and cafe was french for coffee, so they had to sell coffee. She needed her morning coffee anyways, that and a snack. She looked around noticing how quiet and empty it was. Looking at the baristas again she knew there was really only one way to know, she would just look at the menu. But it seemed one of them was drinking coffee. "Hey. Um..." She looked up, did seem like there was coffee. Luckily, otherwise the name of the cafe was just a piece of irony. "Can I get a coffee? With double cream and sugar?" She tapped the counter a bit. "And maybe a donut, or bagel, whichever one you have."


"Ohh, you're outta luck, kid. We don't have those. Stopped sellin' em ever since some kids tried to use them as-" before Deadpan could finish, Zen put a hoof in his mouth.


"Deadpan, the fact we don't sell bagels anymore would have been fine. The description as to why was completely unnecessary." Zen scolded.


"But yeah, we can get your coffee." Deadpan said, spitting out Zen's hoof.


"I'll be right on that!" Zen smiled and darted into the kitchen.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal watched Zen runoff into the kitchen. "Take as long as you need to, I can wait." She said looking to Deadpan once Zen had entered the kitchen. "I hadn't really noticed this cafe here before." She pointed out as she let one of her hooves lay on the counter and looked throughout the cafe, yet again noticing the lack of other ponies. "Looks like other ponies here haven't either." She looked back to Deadpan. "I like to give new restaurants or cafes a go every now and then, like this one." She said gesturing to the cafe around her. "I think it helps their business."

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal watched Zen runoff into the kitchen. "Take as long as you need to, I can wait." She said looking to Deadpan once Zen had entered the kitchen. "I hadn't really noticed this cafe here before." She pointed out as she let one of her hooves lay on the counter and looked throughout the cafe, yet again noticing the lack of other ponies. "Looks like other ponies here haven't either." She looked back to Deadpan. "I like to give new restaurants or cafes a go every now and then, like this one." She said gesturing to the cafe around her. "I think it helps their business."


"Yeah...It's empty. I ain't exactly got the bits to help advertise. Zen ain't even an employee, she's a volunteer technically speaking." Deadpan explained.


"I'm back!" Zen rushed back to them with a cup of hot coffee exactly as Crystal had ordered, noticeably telekinetically lifting it despite not having a horn.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal easily noticed it, It was noticeably noticeable. She grabbed the coffee, searching for the possibility of a horn on Zen's head with her eyes. "How did you levitate this?" She asked gesturing to the coffee mug, picking it up slightly with a hoof. "Without a horn?" She said pointing a hoof to Zens lack of a horn forehead. Using the other one to place the coffee back down.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal easily noticed it, It was noticeably noticeable. She grabbed the coffee, searching for the possibility of a horn on Zen's head with her eyes. "How did you levitate this?" She asked gesturing to the coffee mug, picking it up slightly with a hoof. "Without a horn?" She said pointing a hoof to Zens lack of a horn forehead. Using the other one to place the coffee back down.


"Oh! Um, long story short: I somehow developed psychic abilities after witnessing....a tragedy as a child. I do not want to speak about it." Zen admitted, her grin slowly fading into a frown. Not because of the abilities, but from the 'tragedy' she brought up.


"Aaaanyway, what can I get ya to eat?" Deadpan chirped, obviously trying to change the subject.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal tapped the counter again, she looked over the menu, shivering when she spotted the 'Actual Bacon' Part of it, sure griffons could enjoy it, but how could anything want to kill a living thing?  "Unless Donuts are still an option, I guess a cupcake would be fine."

"Alright then." Deadpan nodded and walked into the kitchen.


"Don't worry, Crystal, the 'Actual Bacon' is just a publicity stun. In all honesty it's actually TofuBacon." Zen explained after seeing Crystal's worried face. After a few minutes, Deadpan came back in and hands Crystal the cupcake.

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Cutie Mark, A globe with 3 stars in the center
Race: Unicorn
Specialty: Illusion magic
Appearance: Has a dark blue coat, dark blue eyes. A rather rough mane.

Personality: Rather crazy (sometimes) and generally nice but not overly so. He likes to eat pie, and lots of it. 



Gordan walks into the Equestrian Cafe. And looks at the menu for a bit, he walks to the place where things are ordered and sets some money on the counter, about $5. "I would like to have some of that cherry pie please." He says casually. 

Edited by StarlightTrixie
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@@asdfmovienerd39, She looked over the menu, didn't seem like it was fake. Must've been good... At replicating Bacon's appearance. She'd been in a griffon bar before, so she knew what bacon looked like. "Huh." She grabbed the cupcake. "If it is a publicity stunt, then why would you give that away? Why not just say it's tofu bacon?" She asked sounding rather demanding, shortly before realizing something. "Why do you even enact this publicity stunt?" She asked calmly and not as demanding as earlier.

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Cutie Mark, A globe with 3 stars in the center

Race: Unicorn

Specialty: Illusion magic

Appearance: Has a dark blue coat, dark blue eyes. A rather rough mane.

Personality: Rather crazy (sometimes) and generally nice but not overly so. He likes to eat pie, and lots of it. 



Gordan walks into the Equestrian Cafe. And looks at the menu for a bit, he walks to the place where things are ordered and sets some money on the counter, about $5. "I would like to have some of that cherry pie please." He says casually. 


"On it!" Zen grinned and darted off into the kitchen, then came back a few minutes later and handed Gordan the Cherry Pie.





@@asdfmovienerd39, She looked over the menu, didn't seem like it was fake. Must've been good... At replicating Bacon's appearance. She'd been in a griffon bar before, so she knew what bacon looked like. "Huh." She grabbed the cupcake. "If it is a publicity stunt, then why would you give that away? Why not just say it's tofu bacon?" She asked sounding rather demanding, shortly before realizing something. "Why do you even enact this publicity stunt?" She asked calmly and not as demanding as earlier.


"Hey, this place could use any publicity it gets, even if it's controversial. Plus, I can con some griffons into paying for it." Deadpan snickered, "Those things are as dumb as changelings."


"...Please don't mention changelings, Deadpan. You know what happened." Zen frowned.


"Right, sorry." Deadpan quickly apologized sheepishly. Zen levitated a freshly made cupcake out of the kitchen and hands it to Crystal.

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"On it!" Zen grinned and darted off into the kitchen, then came back a few minutes later and handed Gordan the Cherry Pie.






"Hey, this place could use any publicity it gets, even if it's controversial. Plus, I can con some griffons into paying for it." Deadpan snickered, "Those things are as dumb as changelings."


"...Please don't mention changelings, Deadpan. You know what happened." Zen frowned.


"Right, sorry." Deadpan quickly apologized sheepishly.

"Thanks!" He says happily. Gordan takes the cherry pie and finds a table and then sits down at the table. Also taking a few napkins and a glass of water. He drinks the water and chows down on the pie, ponies around can see he is enjoying himself at the table.

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"Thanks!" He says happily. Gordan takes the cherry pie and finds a table and then sits down at the table. Also taking a few napkins and a glass of water. He drinks the water and chows down on the pie, ponies around can see he is enjoying himself at the table.


"Are you enjoying your meal?" Zen said, teleporting in front of Gordan, noticeably (again) without a horn. She had a genuine warm smile on her face that stretched from ear to ear. She always loved seeing living beings. Even changelings, the creatures that-...


No. She was not going to think about that.

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"Are you enjoying your meal?" Zen said, teleporting in front of Gordan, noticeably (again) without a horn. She had a genuine warm smile on her face that stretched from ear to ear. She always loved seeing living beings. Even changelings, the creatures that-...


No. She was not going to think about that.

"Indeed I am. Wait... How are you able to teleport if you don't have a horn?" He is confused, deeply so. He doesn't understand why Zen is able to teleport if she doesn't have a horn.He eats the rest of his cherry pie and gulps down whatever how much of his water is left. 

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal grabbed the cupcake, sure that Deadpan had already handed her one. Wait, now she had two cupcakes. "Uh..." She placed the second one down next to the first. "So..." She couldn't figure out a good response, especially since the pony she was going to talk to had teleported away. "You two have any future plans for this restaurant?" She asked, taking a bite of her cupcake. "Other than selling food?" Out of the ordinary question for Crystal, but she couldn't think of anything else to say.

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"Indeed I am. Wait... How are you able to teleport if you don't have a horn?" He is confused, deeply so. He doesn't understand why Zen is able to teleport if she doesn't have a horn.He eats the rest of his cherry pie and gulps down whatever how much of his water is left. 


"Long story short: I developed certain abilities after...something happened to my family." Zen explained with a smile.



@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal grabbed the cupcake, sure that Deadpan had already handed her one. Wait, now she had two cupcakes. "Uh..." She placed the second one down next to the first. "So..." She couldn't figure out a good response, especially since the pony she was going to talk to had teleported away. "You two have any future plans for this restaurant?" She asked, taking a bite of her cupcake. "Other than selling food?" Out of the ordinary question for Crystal, but she couldn't think of anything else to say.


"Oh, yeah, we're gonna put in  an arcade and a buckball field, with a karaoke system." Deadpan rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Of course not genius. This is a restaurant. Not a club."


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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal would've face hoofed if she hadn't the social skills to hold it back. The joke was, funny, if she could call it that. "I was ser-" She was about to point out that she was serious, but then realized she didn't really want to know.  So she took another bite out of the cupcake. "Who cooks the food?" She asked, politely haven't already eaten what was in her mouth. "Cause it's good." She continued, taking another bite of the cupcake.

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"Long story short: I developed certain abilities after...something happened to my family." Zen explained with a smile.




"Oh, yeah, we're gonna put in  an arcade and a buckball field, with a karaoke system." Deadpan rolled his eyes sarcastically, "Of course not genius. This is a restaurant. Not a club."




He looks around, his eyes looking in random directions. He has many doubts about the pony talking to him, but he likes her smile. He wonders why and how a pony could be so kind to others. Zen sees his cutie mark, a black sun. Symbolizing his ability to block out the sun.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal would've face hoofed if she hadn't the social skills to hold it back. The joke was, funny, if she could call it that. "I was ser-" She was about to point out that she was serious, but then realized she didn't really want to know.  So she took another bite out of the cupcake. "Who cooks the food?" She asked, politely haven't already eaten what was in her mouth. "Cause it's good." She continued, taking another bite of the cupcake.


"I used to before Zen showed up. Now she's taken over the cooking so I can focus on the other aspects of runnin' a café. Like...literally everything else." Deadpan explained, taking a sip out of his coffee that he pulled out of seemingly nowhere. "Trust me, it gets hard at times..



He looks around, his eyes looking in random directions. He has many doubts about the pony talking to him, but he likes her smile. He wonders why and how a pony could be so kind to others. Zen sees his cutie mark, a black sun. Symbolizing his ability to block out the sun.


"I know the answer anyway but what is with your Cutie Mark? It's rather....morbid, don't you think? No offense intended, of course, just an observation." Zen smiled more, a curious look in her eye. She always was a curious pony, even as a filly. So of course this caught her attention.

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"I used to before Zen showed up. Now she's taken over the cooking so I can focus on the other aspects of runnin' a café. Like...literally everything else." Deadpan explained, taking a sip out of his coffee that he pulled out of seemingly nowhere. "Trust me, it gets hard at times..


"I know the answer anyway but what is with your Cutie Mark? It's rather....morbid, don't you think? No offense intended, of course, just an observation." Zen smiled more, a curious look in her eye. She always was a curious pony, even as a filly. So of course this caught her attention.

"Well.... I have the power to block the sun but it draws a huge amount of my magic for the following day." He says with a rather even and confident tone, then he motions his front hoof down to his cutie mark. Black sun indeed. Straight lines coming out from a large black circle form the image of a black sun.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal was expecting a thank you, but that sufficed.  And the coffee was, unexpected ,although this was a cafe, he could've gotten it from a coffee he had already poured, and she just didn't notice. "I'd expect that running a cafe isn't too difficult, I can make coffee easily!" She leaned in. "Although honestly, all coffee is better then my... mud." She whispered, before leaning back into her normal posture. She tore herself down a bit saying that, but her coffee tasted horrible, she hoped Deadpan wouldn't ask her to make some for him to try. But with that in mind, she might as well say it. "Don't even ask me to make any coffee, I literally always get all the proportions wrong." She explained, quickly realizing that may lead to her being tought how to properly make coffee, she smiled with that thought. Making coffee properly, may be one of her many life goals.

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@@asdfmovienerd39, Crystal was expecting a thank you, but that sufficed.  And the coffee was, unexpected ,although this was a cafe, he could've gotten it from a coffee he had already poured, and she just didn't notice. "I'd expect that running a cafe isn't too difficult, I can make coffee easily!" She leaned in. "Although honestly, all coffee is better then my... mud." She whispered, before leaning back into her normal posture. She tore herself down a bit saying that, but her coffee tasted horrible, she hoped Deadpan wouldn't ask her to make some for him to try. But with that in mind, she might as well say it. "Don't even ask me to make any coffee, I literally always get all the proportions wrong." She explained, quickly realizing that may lead to her being tought how to properly make coffee, she smiled with that thought. Making coffee properly, may be one of her many life goals.


"Heh, one thing you should know about me, never tell me not to do something. I'll do it anyway just for that reason. Now go make me some coffee." Deadpan smirked mischievously.



"Well.... I have the power to block the sun but it draws a huge amount of my magic for the following day." He says with a rather even and confident tone, then he motions his front hoof down to his cutie mark. Black sun indeed. Straight lines coming out from a large black circle form the image of a black sun.




"That is a rather....morbid ability to  have. No offense intended, of course." Zen smiled.

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