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private USS Luna

Mentis Soliloquy

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@@Once In A Blue Moon, @@Shadow Dancer, @@Raven Rawne, @@Miss Reaper,  @@BloodDrops,    


Captain's personal log, star date 41407. 28


It has been rather quick since I first received the the letter that I may be chosen to be the first Equestrian captain in Starfleet. When was that? About 2 months ago now, where did the time go? This is it the last day on Star base 238 where all of the crew will be making their way onto the Luna for our first... voyage I suppose, it's odd how the humans of Starfleet refer to space extrapolation the same way if one was in the navy, but then I don't mind. Just one of those things I am still getting used to despite all my time in Starfleet and being around humans. 


To the more important task at hand today, I will be for the first time meeting all of my senior officers and my helmsman, that poor mare is gonna be out of place with all the ranks in the room, but I have faith she'll be fine. One things for sure, Starfleet has sent me a unique bunch reading over their files, a very unique bunch indeed.


End of personal log.


PA announcement was broad cast on the Star base;


"All senior officers and bridge staff of the USS Luna to meeting room 3, report at 13.00 hours."


As the time came to pass almost on the dot 4 ponies and one man made their way into the room. The room it's self was rather plain the major feature was a huge rectangular table that had 14 seats around it. The rooms walls hung a few classical paintings to break up the dull walls themselves, this however was not the case for the wall opposite of the door, this wall was all glass panels looking out into the interior structure of the star base. 



sig-4755920.enterprise-st3-spacedock.jpgA sight something like this for the view,

sig-4755920.boardroom.jpgthis is the room.



And in all her glory docked before those windows was the Luna a prototype frigate. Each of the five made their way to the seats closest to the door a few on the far side the other 3 facing the windows. 


A few moments later amidst idle talk (the crew have not really gotten to know one another yet) a pegasus walks in, he being the only red shirt of the group his 4 pips singling who he was. His stance was upright but a bit casual, he walks to the chair on the short end and stands behind it and looks to the five of them. A thestral (bat pony), a crystal pony, an earth pony, another fellow pegasus and finally a human. He moves one arm out to his right gesturing to the ship in dock. "She's a beauty isn't she? All ours she is." Moving his arm back to resume a casual folding, nothing aggressive. "I am as you will mostly likely know, your Captain Mentis Soliloquy, if you can't say Soliloquy, I am happy with Captain Sol, Mentis if we're off duty." 


He moves to his right behind the only ensign in the room. "You may well of bumped into one another over the course of us getting ready to leave and voyage on the Luna, but I'd thought I'd make formal introductions. He pats the ensign on the shoulder. "This fine young mare hails from our home world, actually I think most of us do, that being the ponies on board. Though where exactly your record doesn't say, anyway unlike the rest of you I chose ensign Flight because I see some good potential in her, I hope you live up to my expectations." 


He moves to his right this time to one of the lieutenants. "This crystalline mare is lieutenant Crystal Clear, Starfleet has had her bouncing around the entire sector on 4 previous ships before now. But now she's been given her promotion, and will not be serving as our chief engineer, I have a good feeling about you Clear." 


He smiles at them all and strolls around the far end of the table before coming to the next of the crew. "Next we have lieutenant Lunar Symphony, this lovely thestral... yes I know I say lovely a lot, I'm quite a positive guy. Anyway I will mention this once, the lieutenant here is blind and makes use of her ears to navigate, not to mention listen and will be our ships councilor. So chew her ears off if you've a problem." This was followed by a short laugh.


Again he moves right. "This here is one of our more seasoned crewmen." Taping Indicus's shoulder. "This is lieutenant Indicus, he's my right hand man he's seen more action than anyone else on board the Luna, heck he's even severed on the fleet's flagship the Enterprise. I'm sure that our token human will keep us all safe." He laughed again. "Just a joke lieutenant."


For the finale time he moved right again. "And last but by no means least we have Doctor Blood, I wonder if your a hematologist?" He shakes his head a little. "Anyway, blood here will keeps us all alive and well, or give it her damn best shot, oh and from what I've read, don't miss an appointment or she's drag you to sick bay kicking and screaming." 


He moves past the table to stand facing the window, looking out on the ship. "We're set to leave today, 19.00 hours, have any of you any questions or remarks you'd like to make?" Still looking at the ship.


(That is my longest ever post... did not know I had it in me.) 

  • Brohoof 1

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Crystal Clear was in her designated quarter aboard the Starbase 238, laying on the bed and staring in the ceiling. Her mind was racing with a barrage of thoughts and she could feel the telltale signs of an encroaching headache. Blasted implant. A sudden announcement through the base's speakers startled her.


"Huh? Well then... guess I get ready for thiss show..." - She muttered to herself as she rose on her hooves and walked to the bathroom to get ready.


After three thorough brushings of her coat and several more attempts to style her mane just right, the mare got dressed in her Starfleet uniform - the dress one with a tube skirt and knee high hoof boots. Wouldn't hurt to look formal for once... She left the room with her earpiece and a couple painkiller pills in her pocket, just in case. Crystal muttered to herself encouragingly as she opened the door of her designated quarter: "You got this Crys, just keep your mouth shut and it'll be fine..."



Crystal Clear walked into the meeting room along with a few other ponies who, apparently, were her fellow officers aboard "Luna". A lone human in the bunch picked her interest, along with a thestral. She smiled a little as she took her seat facing the window and as close to the door as reasonably possible. Old habits after an odd decompression years ago... 'Guess I won't be the only weird one around.' - she thought to herself as she took her seat. That's when she noticed her ship throught the window and greeted her with a wide smile. She couldn't wait to feel the slight trembling of a warp core under her hooves again.


She turned towards the door as another attendant walked in, her captain judging from his red shirt and 4 pips. Everypony (and human) rose off their seats to greet their commander with a salute, and took their seats soon after. The mare listened to his introductions.


Once the captain introduced her, Crystal grinned sheepishly, despite the rising headache. Should've taken the pill earlier... She replied: "Thank you sir. I won't let you down." Then thought to herself: 'Hopefully...'


The mare listened to the other introductions, nodding and laughing occasionally as the cap seemed in the mood for jokes. She gave the doc a good look once it was her turn, and made a mental note: 'better stock on painkillers like candy for Hearts Warming.'


When captain Sol asked if they have any questions she just had to do it... The mare looked around the room, faked a puzzled expression and asked: "So... where's the champagne for good luck?" She laughed a moment later and waved a hand apologetically. "Just kidding, really."

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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One month earlier.


In the cockpit of lunar orbit shuttle GERTI, Misty Flight idly toyed with the controls. She had finished the preflight checks over half an hour ago, and now she was just waiting for takeoff clearance from the Tower to slot in to the busy Luna-Equestria flight path. Finally the radio crackled to life;


"Golf-Tango-India, Tower, cleared for takeoff on pad two-two, three minute window so make it snappy,"

"Golf-Tango-India, takeoff from pad two-two, three minute window. Evening, Tower," she confirmed, powering up the shuttle's engines as the hanger's mechanical arms shunted it onto the launch platform. Running her eyes over the instrument panel one more time, she engaged the proximity alert then looked up at the flight path projected onto her display. Small yellow icons and trajectories marked nearby spacecraft whilst green tracks indicated her own flight path. It had looked daunting the first time she had seen it, but the computer would guide her every step of the way and warn her if she was straying from her assigned route. In truth, the autopilot could do the entire run itself; some pilots had even been known to flout regulations and sleep through less interesting supply runs, but Misty enjoyed flying and tended to go for manual control the entire way.


Liberated of her cargo, and with nothing to burden her for the return flight, GERTI shot skywards with only the briefest impulse from her microfusion thrusters, the lunar spaceport quickly dwindling to a speck in the rear-view cameras. Correcting her course with a couple more bursts, Misty was distracted by her communicator buzzing. Strictly speaking she shouldn't have an active private communicator in the cockpit with her, but unlike passenger flights cargo flights were a low priority for security and regulations were hardly enforced in many cases. Enabling the autopilot, she tapped through to her two new messages.






"Golf-Tango-India, Lunar STC, we're getting a very erratic flightpath from you, respond immediately,"

"Ah... roger Lunar, there was... an autopilot error. A figure or two was out of place - my fault. I have control,"


There was a barely audible sigh over the radio.


"... roger, Golf-Tango-India. Please ensure that you retain control for the rest of the flight... no more autopilot loop-the-loops, you hear?"

"Golf-Tango-India, manual control, roger Lunar," Misty gave a sheepish grin, then punched the air, a huge smile plastered all over her face. 




"All senior officers and bridge staff of the USS Luna to meeting room 3, report at 13.00 hours."


Misty Flight looked around in awe. Compared to the battered old shuttles and cargo spaceports she had spent the past five years flying in and out of, the ​star base looked like something out of science fiction. Clean white corridors, smartly dressed officers and crew, dozens of spacecraft arrayed in the cold void outside... she knew she was walking around with a stupid grin on her face, but at this point she didn't care. Stepping into the toilets, she looked herself up and down in the mirror. Fishing a comb out of a pocket, she desperately tried to bring order to her unruly yellow hair, which despite her best efforts and Starfleet's own regulations had a distinctly unkempt look. That temporarily sorted, she ran a hoof over her green feathers, brushed a few tiny specks of dirt from her uniform and nodded to herself in the mirror. Stepping out into the corridor she absentmindedly ran a hoof through her hair, undoing all of her previous efforts, and set off for meeting room 3.




He pats the ensign on the shoulder. "This fine young mare hails from our home world, actually I think most of us do, that being the ponies on board. Though where exactly your record doesn't say, anyway unlike the rest of you I chose ensign Flight because I see some good potential in her, I hope you live up to my expectations." 


Misty Flight blinked in shock, her almost constantly fidgeting hooves frozen in place.


"Trottingham, captain... yes captain, I'll do my best."


Misty's eyes followed Captain Soliloquy around the room, her expression a mixture of awe and bemusement at his somewhat ... bubbly temperament.


@@Raven Rawne.


Misty's ears perked up as Crystal Clear was introduced; although she answered directly to the captain, it was the chief engineer that she would work most closely with, as they would be the ones actually getting the ship from A to B. Not to mention that keeping engineering sweet was necessary when more ... stressful maneuvers strained the ship's systems past what their manufacturers had intended.  


"So... where's the champagne for good luck?"


"I'll pass. I hate to think what crashing a frigate would do for my insurance premiums..." she grinned back, desperately trying to seem respectful but not sycophantic. 

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Sound. Even when it was relatively quiet in the solitude of her quarters, Lunar Symphony could still hear sound around her. There was no such thing as true silence. She listened to the subtle hum of power to the lights, the rustle of sheets as she shifted on her bed, voices somewhere off in the distance. She could even hear her own heartbeat, calm and steady, if she paid close enough attention.


A comparatively loud announcement over the speakers to shatter the quiet was understandably enough to startle the thestral out of her relaxed state. At least it got her up and moving, encouraging her to get ready for the meeting. She did want to look presentable, after all. It took some effort to groom herself proper - having such a long mane and tail was a pain sometimes - but she did so, and dressed herself in her uniform before reporting to the meeting room.


Her mane was brushed over her eyes so that clouded red irises just peeked through. No one would be able to tell that she had no sight, though, if one were to judge by the way she walked. Posture upright and graceful, her gait certain; she knew where she was going. The only indication she had any means to guide her was the quiet clicks and chirps from the back of her throat, barely noticeable in passing.


She could hear the steps of the others as she filed into the meeting room alongside them. Three other sets of hooves - and one pair of human feet, or at the very least humanoid. Interesting. She took her seat facing away from the window. Shame she couldn't see the new ship, but she was certain it was a lovely sight. She looked forward to getting a feel for the ship once on board.


Lunar's ears perked when she heard another walking in, a moment after taking the cue to stand with the rest and salute; it wasn't hard to guess that it was their new captain that had just walked in. Then it was time for introductions. She took note of who was who as he introduced each of the officers. Soliloquy moving about from crewman to crewman as he did so made it that much simpler for her to know, as she followed the direction of his voice.


When the captain came around to her, she smiled, briefly showing off her pointed teeth. "Well, I am a very good listener," the thestral chuckled, twitching her ears. "I won't disappoint, sir."


She liked him already, especially as he made lighthearted remarks and jokes. Better than being stuck with some stuffy old captain that didn't know how to take a joke, at least. Though she had to wonder about that doctor when she heard about her... Lunar had some medical training involved with her psychology studies; perhaps she'd be able to help out in Sick Bay sometimes, if the need arose.


She had no questions herself, but when she heard one of the others ask about champagne, she laughed and remarked playfully, "That's what I was wondering."

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Blood Drops glanced up briefly at the announcement. She glanced at her her centrifuge since it was spinning at 5000 rpm. She continued to analysis the blood samples sent down by Star-fleet Command. She continued to do this for another hour until she had processed all her samples. She then put them in the freezer, she would do some more tests when time permitted her too. She decided to go in still wearing her lab coat, she was a doctor not a fashion statement. She sat down at the far end and began glancing at the clock, she smirked she was early for this meeting as well. Excellent. She put her briefcase she had brought with her next to her.


@@Mentis Soliloquy,


She watched the captain trot in and begin introductions, she tried not to yawn. Introductions were pointless and irrelevant, a petty ritual she loved ignoring. You don't ask someone how they are feeling when there are missing a leg, you put the leg back on. They could give you chit chat after everything was concluded not before. She rolled her eyes at the blood related joke. "Sorry but my Cerebrum Hemoglobin is on holiday" she remarked, snorting amused at her own jokes. She continued to chuckle at it then realized that no one else was. "No? Cerebrum meaning brain, Hemoglobin being the oxygen binding agent within erythrocyte. So brain dead? Was i the only one that got that?" she grumbled. 


She snorted again, "I'm going to want to take routine erythrocyte samples, every 6 months unless I need it sooner for any reason. One preferably before we set voyage so that i have a log of any changes in your erythrocyte characteristics which is a potential hazard in this exploration field." she explained, she then blinked at there dumbfounded expressions. "erythrocyte meaning blood. you know that red stuff that comes out when you cut yourself? Come on did nopony read the five thousand pages on the data logs I sent out? All these words were explained within a hundred words or so" she then sighed.




"So... where's the champagne for good luck?"



Blood's frown deepened, nopony had actually read her logs. She brought up the proposed chief medical report she had conducted specifically for this. "Article 12 Section 1, No alcoholic or other narcotics to be consumed throughout the voyage. Alcohol is a potent toxin that can cause many different diseases and issues due to lowering of erythrocyte resistances to alien diseases. Also nopony will take anything unless i prescribe it to you, if any pony comes into my sickbay drunk, high or overdosed I will not be happy. Also if I got to perform surgery on you in a unlikely event and your drugged up, it can lead to complications later on" she continued.


"I wouldn't perform surgery on anyone while under the influence of anything, so I expect the same from you as well. If any officer comes in drunk then you can be put on med bay cleaning for a rotation" Blood then blinked, "I will send you all a hundred page document with the most important safety briefings, such as eating nutritionally, if you go and eat 20 doughnuts for a dare, you won't get any sympathy from me, also I'm a heavy sleeper so if anything is urgently needed, then you better contact me over these communication badges." she remarked.


Blood pulled the briefcase and put it on the table, she opened it showing several large needles and several flasks with screw-top lids. "Who wants to go first?" she asked?

Edited by BloodDrops
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He moves past the table to stand facing the window, looking out on the ship. "We're set to leave today, 19.00 hours, have any of you any questions or remarks you'd like to make?" Still looking at the ship.


"Some time to familiarise myself with the Luna's new systems in the flesh would be useful, captain," Misty said, once Dr Drops had finished, "I spent as much time as I could in simulation, but she's so new that I was only able to get the complete system emulators a few days ago and there are some quite distinct differences from the Endeavour program I trained on," she paused, another question on the tip of her tongue. Taking a deep breath, she popped out the question that had been on her mind from the moment the meeting started.


"Where are we going, captain?" 

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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Indicus looked around the interior of the USS Luna as they headed to the meeting room and when the Captian introduced the group and the others said their piece. He spoke up starting with addressing the by the book doctor  "Doctor Blood, let's be honest nobody read those all the way through at best they were skimmed."


"Well thanks for the introduction Captain Soliloquy, well everyone this will be the first time I will have had extensive contact with ponies so you may have to excuse me as I get used to the cultural differences. As for my job well like the Captain said I am here to do the standard fend off boarding parties hopefully keep everyone alive and without need to see Doctor Blood here for a battle wound and prevent the USS Luna from having an ensign casualty rate to match the Enterprise." Indicus could be heard muttering 'crazy bastards' presumably referring to the crew of the Enterprise.

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-pony-version-r6453 Indicus (Pony)

Link to where I got profile pic (I do not claim ownership of pictureused in my profile (http://viwrastupr.deviantart.com/art/Artorias-408084173)

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He turns back around to look at his senior officers. "I like questions and comments, I am happy you all said at least something. No questions makes things dull." He strolls back over to the chair he'd stood behind and sat in it this time. "Well I'll answer everything one at a time shall I?" 


He looks to Crystal (@Raven Rawne) "Well that was done back when the Luna was built, in fact Luna herself broke the bottle on her own hull?..." He pauses to think on what he just said. "Ok that was a little weird. Anyway... I will certainly like to have a toast and drink in her name when we get aboard for sure." He gives a glance at Misty (@Once In A Blue Moon) for her cheeky words before laughing a little. "Well I don't think you'll ever be covered again helmsman." He hoped he'd answered Lunar's (@Miss Reaper) question as well when he'd addressed Crystal.


His eyes and then head went to the good doctor (@BloodDrops). "I hope that you would not be too worried if everyone had but a single glass of champagne, this is a fine vessel and we should toast her name and hopefully safe voyages in her." He gave the doctor a smile. "I did read all of the 5000 pages, though yes I think 100 for the rest of the crew would be more prudent, we can't all be reading 5000 pages when we have our other duties to attend to, can we?" He wanted to instill a sense on the doctor that she can't expect everyone to stop what their doing to do what she wishes.


He looks to Indicus (@Shadow Dancer) "I have spend much time on more human populated vessels in my past, I would be more than happy to show you some of our own customs, but I would recommend you talk to the others as well, we all hail from many places on out planet all with our own uniqueness."


He decides to address them all from the ensign's question. "For where we are going? Well that is a little secret, I can disclose that once we're on board. Which is what we'll be doing now unless any of you have anything further to add? If not please gather your things and make your way on board the Luna, find your rooms and get more familiar with the ship then at 17.00 hours report to your stations, however your welcome to go to them more early if you wish to see what's what... otherwise explore your new home." There was a sense in the captain of all people of excitement in that last part. 


(let me know if you all received notifications from how I mentioned you all) 

  • Brohoof 2

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Crystal Clear was... less than thrilled about her slip-up, but she had a record of saying whatever was on her mind when her head ached. And now it did. Still, gauging from the responses of other attendants she made some rudimentary assessments who had the most buddying potential. Seems like the winged trio had the most, and for once she was greatful that the counsellor wasn't a complete stuck-up - if she really had to resign from a pint to relax every now and then, the thestral would have a regular guest...


The mare nodded at the captain when he adressed her... pressing concern, and regretted the gesture once she felt her headache worsen with rapid head movements. In fact, her implant whirred in and out of focus a couple of times.


She would happily go to her room once the captain released them, but there was a certain pony with a pack of nasty needles glaring at them like lab rats... She interjected before everyone rose off their seats: "Um, captain, I suggest we give the doc those samples before we leave." She looked at the mare and continued with an unreadable expression. "I'll go first, unless you want somepo, I mean, someone else take the honor..." Once the doc replied and stated her will, and it was Crystal's turn, the redd mare walked to dr Blood and rolled up her sleeve. "Not sure if it makes any difference to you, but I'm having a headache right now. Haven't taken any meds though." Good thing she didn't drink ever since she was pulled back from vacations and sent here... Crystal offered her arm, clenched her teeth and looked through the window on "Luna" once the other mare took her sample. Once the procedure was done, she rolled back her sleeve and simply walked back to her place, where she awaited till the blood business was over.


Once the doctor was finished, the captain once again released them and closed the meeting. Crystal walked out of the conference room and immediately reached for a pill, then went back to her temporary den to take her stuff. The pain subsided a little bit on the way to her room, and since she was already packed to leave the station, Crystal just hoisted a large duffle bag and her trusty toolbox, then walked towards the sleeve connecting this station to her new home.


It took around... 20 minutes to reach the sleeve and she entered "Luna" by the shuttle hangars. It was pretty close to the main engineering and her new quarters, just a short walk and a turbolift descent to the loer level. Soon enough the mare was standing before the Chief Engineer Office and pressed the passcode to open the door. The comouter read her combadge's credentials and saved her as the resident off this quarter, then opened the doors. Crystal left the toolbox on a shelf above a small replicator unit and started unpacking her stuff, now free of the headache - those meds were ma miracle.

  • Brohoof 1

Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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Doctor Blood, let's be honest nobody read those all the way through at best they were skimmed




Doctor Blood here for a battle wound and prevent the USS Luna from having an ensign casualty rate to match the Enterprise


Blood snorted, she had read the book. Though she decided not to correct them. She continued to listen to what he was on about, she had been reading up on the casually rate and frowned she had a question. She waited until he had finished and then voiced her question. "Yeah you're ensign casually rate is rather extreme? Do you not have doctors on your ships or do you just leave people behind accidentally" she asked. She looked at the human then again they were not very robust to begin with, a knock against the ship wall would do the trick of killing a ensign. "Maybe you should make your ships interior from rubber, then any turbulence wouldn't send your head towards the nearest wall and probably kill you" she remarked.




His eyes and then head went to the good doctor (BloodDrops). "I hope that you would not be too worried if everyone had but a single glass of champagne, this is a fine vessel and we should toast her name and hopefully safe voyages in her." He gave the doctor a smile. "I did read all of the 5000 pages, though yes I think 100 for the rest of the crew would be more prudent, we can't all be reading 5000 pages when we have our other duties to attend to, can we?" He wanted to instill a sense on the doctor that she can't expect everyone to stop what their doing to do what she wishes.



"As long as you're not on duty that's fine" she remarked. She wasn't the most social pony, she liked to be direct as possible since it got her points across. "Though the crew do need to know what to do in a emergency rather then just blink dumbly at the flashing red lights." she remarked. She then tapped her hoof onto the table loudly, she had somthing else she wanted to say.


"Also why does my sickbay not have a fully sonic shower? part of it has a sonic shower but i specifically asked for the whole room to have a sonic shower, how am i meant to keep it clean when only part of it gets sterilized?" she grumbled. 




She would happily go to her room once the captain released them, but there was a certain pony with a pack of nasty needles glaring at them like lab rats... She interjected before everyone rose off their seats: "Um, captain, I suggest we give the doc those samples before we leave." She looked at the mare and continued with an unreadable expression. "I'll go first, unless you want somepo, I mean, someone else take the honor..." Once the doc replied and stated her will, and it was Crystal's turn, the redd mare walked to dr Blood and rolled up her sleeve. "Not sure if it makes any difference to you, but I'm having a headache right now. Haven't taken any meds though." Good thing she didn't drink ever since she was pulled back from vacations and sent here... Crystal offered her arm, clenched her teeth and looked through the window on "Luna" once the other mare took her sample. Once the procedure was done, she rolled back her sleeve and simply walked back to her place, where she awaited till the blood business was over.


Blood collected the samples form everyone present then put them neatly in her case. She smiled at Crystal "If it doesn't pass within 12 hours come and find me, we then can see what the issue is" she remarked. She took a good sniff of the mare, she didn't smell drunk or hungover, that was a good start. She then packed up her equipment and left the conference, she then got several ensigns to move some vital equipment that hadn't been loaded into sick bay. She put her blood samples into the analyzer and left it to work, it would take several hours to do a full blood workup, doing all her samples would take around 12 hours. She then decided to help out on the loading process. 


She potted a very valuable crate, it was the alcoholic section which seemed to be guarded. She began checking the list and then saw the wine that would be used to celebrate the maiden voyage.  A bottle Moët & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold. At the price of £1,200 she knew this was going to be a good bottle of wine she could replicate, though she had to take it first. She glanced at the guard who was currently helping to load a extremely heavy bit of equipment. She smiled and put the bottle in her bag, she would return it to the crate later on.


Blood took the bottle to her quarters and replicated several bottles of it before hiding the replicated bottles in her fridge. She then quickly made her way back down to the loading area, though the crate with the alcohol had been loaded up, she blinked. She would just put it outside the captains quarters, that would suffice. She placed the bottle outside of Sol's quarters and then knocked quickly, ringing the intercom as well. She then bolted down the corridor back to her own quarters.


She then had a bottle of her own replicated Moët & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold. It was indeed worth the price tag of £1,200. She could hardly stand after the bottle. She lay on her sofa lazily. Good thing she was off duty for the next twelve hours. 

Edited by BloodDrops
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Blood snorted, she had read the book. Though she decided not to correct them. She continued to listen to what he was on about, she had been reading up on the casually rate and frowned she had a question. She waited until he had finished and then voiced her question. "Yeah you're ensign casually rate is rather extreme? Do you not have doctors on your ships or do you just leave people behind accidentally" she asked. She looked at the human then again they were not very robust to begin with, a knock against the ship wall would do the trick of killing a ensign. "Maybe you should make your ships interior from rubber, then any turbulence wouldn't send your head towards the nearest wall and probably kill you" she remarked.

"I would tell you the dozens of stories of absurd ventures made by the Enterprise that ranged from time travel, alternate realities, and pocket dimensions, but they are top secret." Indicus shook his head,


"Hell the only reason I still get updates is because of knowing the Security Officer of the Enterprise and a top secret classification just by having served on the ship. I'll tell what I can sometime might prove interesting."


Indicus left to find the quarters near the armory. He found his room and after putting some personal items up he visited the armory and was quite happy. There were several phasers and phaser rifles but also some of TR-116 projection rifles something he would love to use in field.


There was also a weapon and ammo replicator for times new weapons were needed due to destruction or loss of the current stock.


Indicus took a phaser rifle and slung it over his back and several type-2 phasers to give to each Officer and one for himself. He would have everyone with at least basic protection. He finally grabbed a K-bar knife and fitted it on his hip.

Finished he set out to hand out the phasers.

  • Brohoof 1

Life is the prologue to Death as Peace is the prologue to War
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/shadow-dancer-r7483 Shadow Dancer
http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/indicus-r6450 Indicus (Human)

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Lunar took note of Captain Soliloquy's (@Mentis Soliloquy) answers, nodding her head in acknowledgement. So Luna herself gave that honor to the ship created in her name... Truly wonderful. Another sight the blind thestral would have wished to see if she'd had the ability. Either way, she was still looking forward to being on board the ship for the first time. To feel the vibrations beneath her hooves, the hum of a warp core, experiencing life on that star ship. It made her curious, though it didn't bother her that the captain was being a little mysterious about where they were going - it was the journey that mattered, as they said.


Truth be told, she had mostly been ignoring the doctor (@BloodDrops), particularly when she already knew some of what the other was rattling on about. However, she couldn't ignore the sharp thud as a briefcase was placed on the table, the sound causing her to jolt slightly. Well, she could understand the doctor's need to collect samples, at least. It was important to have a basis for everyone's medical files.


She complied, stepping up to have her sample collected after Crystal (@Raven Rawne) volunteered. Lunar endured the brief procedure, then moved away. At least, since she hadn't had any intoxicating drinks herself lately, she knew there wouldn't be anything unusual found in her sample - just the unique genes tied to her albinism if one were to study her DNA. And that much was obvious by looking at her, anyway.


Before she left to go pick up her things, she turned her head towards Indicus (@Shadow Dancer), interest somewhat piqued as she couldn't help but hear mention of his endeavors on the Enterprise. It sounded fascinating, indeed. She'd like to hear some of those stories sometime, she mused to herself before heading out.


Most of her things were already packed, waiting for her in her quarters. It only took her a few moments to locate and grab them before making her way to the Luna for the first time. Navigating some place entirely new was always a little bit tricky, but eventually she would locate her new quarters. Once she did, she set down her stuff and started unpacking. Her aim was to make her quarters nice and comfortable; if others were going to meet her to talk about any problems, she wanted a good, calm environment for that.

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Indicus took a phaser rifle and slung it over his back and several type-2 phasers to give to each Officer and one for himself. He would have everyone with at least basic protection. He finally grabbed a K-bar knife and fitted it on his hip. Finished he set out to hand out the phasers.


Being accosted by the heavily armed and eerily quiet head of security Lt Cdr Indicus brandishing a firearm within moments of stepping onto the ship was not an experience Misty Flight wished to repeat any time soon. But with her breathing finally under control and her new sidearm stored safely away from her fidgeting hooves she settled down into her seat on the bridge and permitted herself a smile of childish glee.


The next two hours flew past in a blaze of diagnostics, virtual instrument panel displays and simulated system trials as Misty put the Luna's systems through their paces. Although she hadn't admitted as much in front of the other officers, the last ship Misty had helmed had been the training ship she had taken her final assessment in just over a month ago. The captain must have known that if he had signed her off as one of his bridge crew, but she didn't want the rest of the crew discovering that her only experiences at the helm of a true starship were a couple of barely spaceworthy hulks that might as well have had training wheels on them.


Standing up and stretching, having decided that she probably needed a break Misty went in search of a hot drink and a bite to eat.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


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Mentis had left the briefing after having a few words with those who talked to her. Telling Dr. Blood (@BloodDrops) That building a one massive shower or converting the systems somehow to completely cover the sick bay with a sonic shower was rather unfeasible, if she had a problem with infection, she could make a few alternative proposals later on. 


He made his own way to the Luna and got to making his quarters his own throwing up a lot of posters on the walls and various other things here and there, it looked like the den of a moody teenager rather than a Starfleet captain but it's how he liked it.


Mentis was into a good book when someone rang his door. "Come in..." Which went unanswered, he sighed and got up opening the door no one was in sight... apart from a bottle of champagne, the very one meant for his senior staff. "How did you get here?" Picking it up, it seemed to be unopened. He taps his comm badge.


"Soliloquy, I require two security officers to the captains quarters."  


"There on their way sir." Was the response, from the security controller soon after a pair of ensigns walked up to his room.


"Sir?" The human male asked.


"Good Ensign Black, take this..." Giving him the bottle. "Now I want you to go down to sick bay and scan this, tell me who's prints are on this bar mine and yours. Once your done take this to my ready room on the bridge and send me a email on who's prints where on it." With a nod the pair leave.


Mentis now disturbed decides to head up to the bridge and then to his ready room to set up a few things there. Upon reaching the bridge he sees Ensign Flight (@Once In A Blue Moon) walking to her. "How's the helm then Ensign?" 


(Ship time is now 14.00 hours, duty roster starts at 17, departure 19, for those who missed it.)

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"Aaaaand... there!" - Crystal Clear attatched her "Crystal Heart" (a replicated, low-grade dilithium crystal, unsuitable for anything but decor, chiseled into a replica of a relic frim her hometown) to the wall with a mag-clamp, and backed away a few steps to make sure it was in the middle. Satisfied with the results of her unpacking/redecoration, meaning the rooms looked exactly like they used to be, sans the aforementioned heart on the wall above her office chair, a hefty pyrite toolbox nearby, and some personal items here and there. The mare also changed into her regular, field uniform with pants and ankle high hoofboots.


Crys paced her room for a moment, thinking on what to do next. She tapped her forehead and exclaimed once she figured the floor wasn't vibrating. "Oh for Heart's sake the Warp Core!" She looked around for her earpiece and fitten it in her left ear, then changed to Engineering frequency with practiced moves of her ear - she looked like swatting a very persistent insect. With another motion, she opened the channel and said with an even tone: "To all Engineering personnel, Warp Core starts in one hour. I want everyone on their stations and with a full diagnostic report before we start. Crystal Clear out."


With that off the checklist, the mare walked to her replicator and ordered some tea and biscuits, figuring she was in the safe for a lght meal - the pain in her head subsided completely some time ago. She sat by her desk and turned on the man and auxilliary consoles, and the whole wall on front of her lit up with screens showing the status of different parts and modules. Crystal gave each a cursory glance, muttering to herself: "Hmm... not much going on really. Most of the systems are still dormant, power consumption is low... Bridge and sickbay are chewing some juice but they're probably running diagnostics... Nah, all fine." She took a sip of her tea and started system diagnostics from her main console - truth be told, if not for Starfleet regulations, she could do everything from here and not step a hoof in the Main Engineering. Speaking of which... Crystal wanted to take a peek through a security camera but decided against it. Rubbing her chin in thought, she thought to herself: 'Guess I should ask Indicus for permission, no point aggravating him with random access to his stuff...' The mare shrugged and resumed system diagnostics, without a visual on her domain behind the wall.

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Science wil reveal the Truth. Eventually...

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"How's the helm then Ensign?" 


"Captain Soliloquy," Misty jumped to attention nervously, "I've completed most of my handover checks, and all the simtests came up clean. We'll need to wait for the warp core to be brought online before we can try any real maneuvers, and in such a new ship there will inevitably be a few wrinkles to straighten out with the avionics, but she seems to be in working order."


It was at this moment that several of the lights on the console started blinking red accompanied by a number of warning messages on the display. Quickly cancelling the alert and logging the warnings, Misty looked back at Mentis with an apologetic grimace.


"Teething troubles," she explained, "Nothing serious; they'll all be in my report to Lt Cdr Clear."


Two more lights flashed red, and Misty paused the simtest before it caused any more inconvenient warnings.


"She is space ready, captain," she affirmed, "There's hardly a shuttle in Starfleet that doesn't fly on at least half a dozen warnings, and..." Misty realised that she was trying to reassure a captain with vastly more experience than she had, so she stopped before she could dig herself into an even deeper hole, shifting nervously.

  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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(@Once In A Blue Moon) He puts a hand on the nervous ensign's shoulder. "Look Flight, just be calm ok? I need your steady hands at the helm, don't see the pips on my collar just the pegasus in the uniform ok? I won't bite. Just take a deep breath and have a look at the errors and talk to Clear." He gives a reassuring smile and pats her shoulder a few times before heading to his ready room.


Mentis sits at his console and starts to read the mission briefing for the up coming talks with the Romulans and Klingons... 

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(14:00- 16:00)


Blood Drops let out a low groan, it was three hours to her next duty shift and then they would be flying out of here. She glanced at the empty bottle of wine accusingly, she then blinked and had another nap for two hours. She then woke up feeling worse, she was defiantly screwed for her nest shift, hopefully she didn't need to do anything serious. She rolled out off the sofa and snorted as she landed on the floor, she rested there for several seconds which turned into minutes. Finally she got to her hooves and stumbled towards the sonic shower, she firstly hit the glass door and groaned again before opening the door and stepping inside.


"Turn Sonic Shower On" she grumbled to the shower, it came on and blasted her with cold water. "HOTTER" she screeched at the machine, which it obliged. "THAT'S NOW TOO HOT" she growled at the stupid machine giving it a kick. "35 Degrees you useless lump of crap" she growled, it finally obliged and she began having her shower. She then turned the shower off with a good kick. "Now you better remember that setting, otherwise you get another kick" she growled at it. She then put on her uniform and trotted towards the dining room, she took out a muffin and ate it, a quick snack before she had dinner later.


Blood Drops glanced at her hair in the mirror then at the time. (16:50). She decided to leave it as it was, though her tail needed a quick brush. She then quickly hurried out of her quarters only now slightly staggering around, though her head still pounded. She then sat down in med bay and pulled out one of her research articles she had been reading. She continued to read it until a loud ping echoed around the lab, her samples had finished. She stumbled to her hooves and trotted over to the computer she began looking at them and recording the numbers down in the ships database. She then put all the samples into long term storage. 


(18:20) Blood drops then got up a bit too quickly and make reaching noises, she quickly glanced around frantically and stumbled to her office, she then realized there was no bin. She then emptied her stomach onto the floor, she groaned. She wouldn't drink wine every again. She stepped forward going for her sterilizing equipment, she slipped on the wet floor and landed in the puddle. Great start to the day she thought, she then got up and got to her equipment, she cleaned herself what she could reach anyway. She then cleaned the floor and smiled. Better. Blood got into the medical bay sonic shower and used that cleaning the rest of herself and her uniform, she was super clean now. Though she had broken the Star Fleet Use Of The Medical Sonic Shower Protocol, which states no personal use of the sonic shower.


 (19:00) Blood sat down in her chair while she slowly detoxed, she drunk her green tea which helped. She hoped she wouldn't throw up again when the ship launched. She hoped the helmsman was good at taking off, Slowly. 

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The Chief of Engineering was still hiding in her den, sipping tea and nomming biscuits while running diagnostics and checking sensors all over the ship. She wrote down a few chafed ventillation systems, an auxilliary thruster that didn't respond, and a short list of other non-critical niusances to check on, but nothing serious or mission-critical. The mare decided to give a technical report and for that purpose, she reached directly to the captain's combadge in order to tell him the news.


@@Mentis Soliloquy


A short burst of static in her ear, followed by the captain's voice erupted from her earpiece. The crystal mare replied in an even, profesional tone: "Apologies for interruption, sir, but I'd like to inform you that we'll be starting the Warp Core at 15.30. It's a big one, so I expect some turbulations for several minutes. Might be prudent to alert the crew. I also finished diagnostics - it seems all critical systems are within nominal parameters, and we're good to go."

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Episode progressing post


The time came for the Luna to depart from Star base 238 it was almost on the dot 19.00 hours and everyone was at their posts. Engineering (@Raven Rawne) had reported in saying that the warp drive was online and running. Sick (@BloodDrops) bay had also reported in though the doc did sound a little off... On the bridge was Indicus (@Shadow Dancer) at tactical, though Mentis was going to have a word to him about why everyone was armed for some reason, he'd not issued no such orders. 


The captain was of course in his chair, he had the display showing their view of the inside of the star base. Ensign Flight (@Once In A Blue Moon) was at the helm waiting on her orders. Finally was Lunar (@Miss Reaper) Sitting to Mentis side, it was a shame she could not see was about to happen. 


The ensign on comms announced. "We're being hailed by the control tower sir."


"On screen Ensign." The display now showed a red shirt human female. 


"Permission to leave the star base?"


"Granted Luna, good luck captain." She said almost an instant later, it was obvious this was a formality really. He nodded and the screen went back to the view of the star base.




As the dock holds were released as the ship now was held where it was by it's self. He looks to Flight. "Ensign quarter impulse power, take us out of the star base... engage!" 

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The final light switched from red to green, indicating that the station had handed over full control. Although the warp nacelles remained powered down, the Luna's thrusters were now operational and Ensign Misty Flight found herself at the helm of a multi-billion bit frigate. She couldn't help but smile. On the display in front of her, Misty could see the huge corridor of empty space cleared for the Luna's departure, the tiny trails of shuttle flightpaths lacing around her own flightpath into clear space. With engineering and tactical both feeding information to her console, she finally felt ready.


He looks to Flight. "Ensign quarter impulse power, take us out of the star base... engage!" 


"Luna at quarter impulse ahead, captain, and following exit path," Misty confirmed, aligning the thrusters and pushing them to 25% power, "Time to clear space; twelve minutes."

Edited by Once In A Blue Moon
  • Brohoof 1

Whisper, The City of Darkness;    Carto Sketch  - The Dark Millennium


Participating in this RP can be agonizing sometimes.


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A loud metallic noise echoed through the ship as the mooring clamps released their grip. Crystal Clear looked at the main console and it's readings confirmed it. She turned to her team: "Okay guys and gals,  we're clear off the station and, as you see, proceed into free space." She nodded to her second. "Send a pair to fix that aux thruster. The helm has enough redundancy to not even notice but I want stuff to work.  Once it's done, I'll contact the security and we'll clean those vents." She said loudly for everyone in the Engineering to hear. "Something tells me that some geniuses used ventilation to hide stuff. They'll never learn..."


She examined her engineers to gauge their reactions, but saw no signs of nervousness. Let's hope none of her yellow shirts were so stupid to hide contraband like this.

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@@Mentis Soliloquy@@Once In A Blue Moon,@@Raven Rawne,



(19:03) Blood Drops glanced at her station, still no medical emergency at the moment. She was feeling better as well. She reported in to the captain as they left giving him her status report which wasn't that major. "Medical operating at peak efficiency" she remarked to him, which was true since they were not doing anything. She then brought out a small glass and poured some juice into it. perfect


She then sat in her chair and monitored the progress of the other parts of the ship.


Nothing was happening on Medical which was her station. She then glanced at Tactical, again nothing there since they were in friendly space, she then turned to Engineering and frowned. Everything was working apart from one of the Aux thruster which was producing much less power, they would fix that though. She then turned back to her own console and looked though the sensor logs, not really much there.She turned off the console and walked over to her personal replicator.


"I will want, a pot of coffee, two slices of toast, two mini butters and a choc chip muffin" she ordered, Blood then returned to her console and teleported the food over to herself, of course the teleporter was not meant to be used for that, it was a minor infraction since it used power that should be at the helm, however Blood didn't want to spill anything on her shiny floor. She began eating.


(19:25) @@Raven Rawne,



Blood had finished eating and glanced at Engineering, one of the vents wasn't producing as much fresh air as it could. She didn't have anything better to do and she was rather bored, she decided to bother Engineering for awhile "Any problem down there Engineering? I'm detecting a small decrease in a air vent. "Any Medical Emergency's?" she pressed.

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The duo of engineers sent to slap the rebellious thruster into submission was enough route, and they didn't report reaching it yet.  Crystal Clear drummed with her fingers on her console while she adjusted and fine tuned various systems.


Still, she kind of wished she could go there and have a look at that thruster.  Not because she didn't believe in her team, far from it. She just liked getting close and personal with the hardware.




A slight buzz from her earpiece drew the attention of her assistant who stood nearby, busy with his console, but he said nothing.  


Crystal Clear smiled deviously and brought her hand to her earpiece, entirely for her company's sake so they would know she's talking over the comms. "Why hello doc! Looking at other departments readings are we? Well, if you exclude boredom, then I don't have any medical issues to report. And don't worry about those vents, I'll get them sorted out today." She thought for a moment and decided some chit-chat wouldn't kill her. "So how's the sickbay? You need anything moved or customised in there? This ship is so fresh we don't have much to repair you know..."

Edited by Raven Rawne
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@@Raven Rawne,


Blood sighed, "Not even a strained hoof?" she asked. She was indeed bored, hopefully this trip wouldn't be a trip where she sat on her flank all day. She let out another yawn "Well if you do have a medical emergency, then do teleport them to sick bay" she finished, ending the communication with Engineering. She then began looking at tactical, where was a Klingon when you needed one?.



Blood began reading her books again, while drinking on the job, only a light cocktail. She wasn't needed, or the other doctors. Several were gambling down on the operating table, she had declined to join them, it wasn't her thing. She took another sip of her cocktail. After all her skills were not needed, and probably not be needed, besides if she was needed she had the perfect remedy for any Alcohol. She glanced up as one of the nurses won a hand at cards, she was rather good at that game, she would pick her for the weekly poker night she decided.

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