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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo sighs in relief, while nodding at her remark. "I'm glad you understand, Shade. Though, if I may ask. Why don't you just get rid of those other assassins and be done with it? I mean if assassins are doing what they are meant to do for the right reasons, then that's fine. Just the bad assassins is all that I mean. Aren't they all kept on a tab to make sure nopony steps out of line?" After some time, the group finally reaches Clockwork's house. He nods appreciatively with a chuckle. "Thanks for letting us know, Shade. With that shadow magic of yours, you could scare the daylights out of a pony."


Dynamo lightly smiles as he watches Shade incinerate her cigar. He wraps an arm around Clockwork's shoulder. "It's just like Spitfire said, sweetheart. We are all making you stop that habit of yours. Now I may be nice and fair, but I want to help you stop as well. If we ever had foals our of own, we wouldn't want anything to happen to them, right?" He asks before turning his attention back to Shade. He raises a curious eyebrow at her last statement. "You said Clocky's mother passed away a few years ago. Was it ever explained what had happened?" He pulls Clockwork in and hugs her tight, with a smile on his muzzle. "If you two are sisters then that's great. It must feel nice to find out you have more family members. Isn't that right, sweetheart?" He leans in and kisses her on the cheek.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


"All we know about her passing is it was due to a mysterious illness" Shade says and then nods at the other two questions "For your first question, we do have a code of honor, believe it or not. We do not kill one another unless on of us breaks a cardinal rule" she says then chuckles "As for the last question, well it would be nice to have a sister or cousin for a change, gets kind of lonely at the palace"


Clockwork nods as she unlocks and opens the door "Indee.." she then looks around her home which was ransacked "W-wha..what hap.." she faints 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo frowns, but sighs in relief. "I'm sorry to hear that, as that is very unfortunate news. I'm just glad it wasn't due to a mishap in a mission. It would have worried me to wonder who in the world could do such a cruel thing." He nods his head in understanding before chuckling at her last remarks. "I'm curious to ask as to what the cardinal rule is. I could imagine that as well for the palace. Especially during the nighttime when everypony is asleep, except for Princess Luna."


He turns to walk with Clockwork into her home. He watches her faint as he has a confused look upon his muzzle. He rushes into the home to find that it was trashed and ransacked. "Dear sweet Celestia! What in the Equestria happened!? We need help, Shade! Somepony broke into Clockwork's house! She's been robbed!" He exclaims before kneeling down and pulls Clockwork into his arms. "Clocky? Clocky, are you okay? Please wake up, sweetheart. Answer me, please." He says, as he places a hand upon her shoulder to shake her awake.  

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo frowns, but sighs in relief. "I'm sorry to hear that, as that is very unfortunate news. I'm just glad it wasn't due to a mishap in a mission. It would have worried me to wonder who in the world could do such a cruel thing." He nods his head in understanding before chuckling at her last remarks. "I'm curious to ask as to what the cardinal rule is. I could imagine that as well for the palace. Especially during the nighttime when everypony is asleep, except for Princess Luna."


He turns to walk with Clockwork into her home. He watches her faint as he has a confused look upon his muzzle. He rushes into the home to find that it was trashed and ransacked. "Dear sweet Celestia! What in the Equestria happened!? We need help, Shade! Somepony broke into Clockwork's house! She's been robbed!" He exclaims before kneeling down and pulls Clockwork into his arms. "Clocky? Clocky, are you okay? Please wake up, sweetheart. Answer me, please." He says, as he places a hand upon her shoulder to shake her awake.

Shade looks around the room, going over to the window and sniffing some sort of black powder "Black teleporration powder, this explains how they got in and out without being seen or breaking the door or windows.." she says bluntly "what would Clockwork have here that'd be worth stealing? This is her home, not her office, so all her work would be kept there"


Meanwhile Spitfire's ears twitch "Did you hear that?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo's eyes shrank as he heard Shade's remark. He began to sniff the air and smell the scent of the powder. "You're right. I can smell the residue of the powder. What I'm wondering is how they could get the powder into the house without breaking in? As for why they would break in..." His train of thought was cut short, as he looks up to Shade with a look of shock and concern. "Quick, Shade! Go find Clockwork's room! The thief must have been after the armor plated automail." He gently placed Clockwork down onto the floor, as he headed into the kitchen. He soon came back with a glass of water and kneels down next to his marefriend. "Please forgive me, sweetheart, but you need to wake up." He gave her an apologetic look before dousing her with the glass of water.


Soarin's ears perked at what he thought was a scream. "I think I did hear that. Something doesn't feel quite right." He looks to Spitfire with a look of concern. "Should we go check up on the others? Do you remember the way to Clockwork's house?"

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clock wakes wit ha start "What..where?" she says blurred before she makes some recollections "Ohh, that's right, my house was broken into, but how?" she asks as she goes over to where Shade was  and looks around "Gah, my place is trashed, but why would they hit my home and not my shop or office?" she asks.


Shade simply disappears as she makes her way to the shop, it looked normal enough but she took a look inside just in case "Great, Nighthawks, I should have known" she mumbles as she slips into the shop unnoticed and observes the thieves searching. She says in a deep, foreboding voice "And just what do you hope to find here?"


Spitfire nods "Come on, it's this way, but two of us should go to the shop, just in case" she says softly


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo sighs in relief as he saw that Clockwork had awoken. He walks over to her and places a comforting hand upon her shoulder. "I think somepony broke in to steal your automail parts. Maybe they want to sabotage the mission, but I can't be sure." He looks around the area to see that Shade had disappeared. "So that's how she uses shadow magic. That's really cool, but also very terrifying. I just hope she'll be able to find out who's behind this." 


Quick Bit, a member of Nighthawks, was busy helping his partners in finding the documents. "Hurry up, you guys. The faster we find these blue prints, the sooner we can leave." He searched in every drawer and any hidden switches, but to no avail. Suddenly, he heard a deep foreboding voice call out to him and his team. He stayed in place, as he dared not to look behind him in fear. "N-None of your concern. W-We have a j-job to do. So w-why don't you just l-leave us alone."


Soarin nods as he quickly follows Spitfire towards Clockwork's shop. "Okay. Any reason we should head towards the shop first? You think someone would try and break into Clocky's shop and steal any of her inventions?"

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork growls "Great, I just had this place tidied up the other day too" she says as she begins cleaning up, "And yeah it is a bit spooky, but it's her talent, you really don't want to be on the wrong end of her daggers though, trust me, it's scary stuff" she says with a shudder and continues tidying up "Even though we'll be gone for undetermined amount of time, I'd prefer to come home to a modestly tidied house"


Shade growls "You nighthawks have been a thorn in my side for too long, doing jobs for any pony willing to pay" she says as she steps out of the shadows but all that could really be seen was the glow of her staff's jewel, her eyes glowing from under her hood and the hint of poison on her wrist daggers "You are jeopardizing a military operation, one my mother, Princess Luna has tasked me to assist in, so thus it is my business, now cease and desist or else suffer the wrath of Shade Walker, personal adviser and assassin to Princess Luna" she growls hotly, the glowing, intensifying.


 Spitfire nods "More like the automail parts for the military," she scowls


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods in understanding and shivers a little. "I'm sorry this happened, Clocky. I don't understand why somepony would go so far just to steal. It just doesn't make any sense. The way Shade was able to user her magic like that, I completely understand. Remind me never to get her angry. I feel sorry for the ponies that tried to steal and think they could get away with it." He looks to see that Clockwork was busy cleaning up her house. He nods and helps his marefriend in tidying up. "Anything you want me to do to help in fixing your home up? I know what you mean, sweetheart. I'd like to keep my home tidy when I go out on a mission. This is also when I'm away on missions for a certain amount of time."


Quick Bit turned around slowly and saw a hooded figure step out of a portal. His fear intensifying from the glow of her staff and daggers. "P-Please, w-we didn't mean any harm. T-This was all for the sake of the m-mission." He lost the feeling in his legs, due to fear, as he fell to the ground. He sat and looked up to the hooded figure, as he tried to back away slowly. His eyes shrank as realization settled in. "P-Princess Luna? S-Shade Walker? Now I know who you are. Y-You're Shade Walker, one of the best assassins in Equestria. P-Please have mercy! I'll give you anything you ask of me. J-Just please, let me go!" He places his arms in front of him to protect himself from any harm.


Soarin's jaw dropped slightly at Spitfire's mentioning about the automail parts. "We've got to hurry then. The ponies in Clarissa's division needs those automail parts. Who in Equestria would want to steal something that Clocky worked so much on? For that matter, for what purpose and what is their aim?" He narrows his eyes as the neared the shop. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork smiles "Think you could do the upstairs of my apartment, chances are they've gone up there too," she says as she continues to tidy up the living room, she then looks to the kitchen "Odd, you'd think they'd at least take liberty of a fully stocked kitchen" she says before shaking her head and going to get a drink, while lighting up a cigarette "Surely they'd allow me one during this trying time" she says to herself softly.


Shade smirks as she holds Quick Bit up by the throat using her magic, her normally sheathed wrist blade tipped in poison now unsheathed and pressing ever so lightly on his throat "Quick Bit, why am I not surprised you're leading these fools.." she says, pressing the blade a bit more against his throat "first you will give me information, who hired you. why they hired you, and why you thought you'd get away with messing with the younger sister of the Major Sergeant of the Military?" she says as she lowers the blade to directly where his heart will be "and then, you're lucky, I won't waste my poison on you, as I know you Nighthawks only die if your heart is removed"


Spitfire nods "Someone who wants to hurt Equestra no doubt" she says, stopping at a halt at the shop as she hears a commotion "Sounds like Shad'es already beat us here"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo nods as he pulls his marefriend into a hug. "Of course, my love. I hope they didn't damage anything." He then heads upstairs to see her door slightly open. He walks right in and sighs at the mess the robbers had made. "These punks tried looking for Clockworks automail extensively." He says as he goes around her room and straightens everything up. He notices a fallen picture frame on the floor and picks it up. He sighs in relief as it wasn't badly damaged. He then smiles as the picture had Spitfire, Soarin, Clockwork and him altogether. He places the picture back on her nightstand and starts to head downstairs.


Quick Bit gasps as she holds him up by the throat with her magic. He smirks at her attempt to scare him. "Oh, please Shade. You're in no position to make any demands. I've lead this team for so long and we won't let you stop us now." His eyes suddenly shrank as he saw her place her blade over his heart. He growled in frustration as she knew of the secret to stop them. "Okay, okay. Just don't hurt me." He sighs in defeat, before looking her in the eyes. "I don't know who the leader is, but it was the Shadowbolts. They just wanted the automail for their own designs. Clockwork is the greatest builder in automail parts Equestria has ever known. Kidnapping her would be a big mistake. So, we thought we could steal her blueprints and the parts so the Shadowbolts would be the greatest flight team the world has ever known. When my team and I got deployed, we saw her leave her home for a certain amount of time. We thought we could find the parts as soon as possible and get away no problem. I didn't even know you two were somewhat related. That's all I know. I promise."


Soarin nods at Spitfire's remark. "You've got that right, Captain. Just be careful. We don't know if those crooks are still in there. We won't let whoever wants to hurt our home to get away with this." He notices Spitfire stop in place as he comes to a stop as well. His ears perked as he too heard the commotion. "Shade really is a master at her job. Hopefully she was able to apprehend the thieves. We have a few things to discuss with them. Isn't that right, my love?" He slowly makes his way towards the door of the shop. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork sighs "Shadowbolts work, this is" she says to herself,as she straightens out her house and sees Cloud and Thunder, she waves to them "Some pony broke into my house, and likely my workshop as well.. Shade Walker's gone to investigate, and I am guessing that Spits and Soarin has too" she says with a sigh "This has the Shadowbolts written all over it"


Cloudchaser sniffs "Eugh, definitely the Shadowbolts, you'll have to talk to Luna about that ,as they were originally a manifestation from Nightmare Moon"


Shade growls, still pressing the blade's tip to his heart "You're going to have to do better than that. You know that there's a code of honor among us assassins and thieves, and you've been found guilty of breaking it multiple times" 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo walks down the steps and sees Cloud and Thunder are at the house. "Hey guys. I'm surprised to see you here. What's going on?" He asks as he turns to Clockwork. "I finished straightening up your room, sweetheart. Nothing was badly damaged with the crooks looking around. I saw a picture of you, myself, Spitfire and Soarin together. I remembered we took a picture right before graduation. I'm glad to see you still held onto that."


Thunder smiles and waves back at Dynamo. "Hey there, D-Pad. We saw Soarin and Spitfire running off, so we thought there was some trouble. We decided to follow them to see if they needed some backup." He shook his head at Clockwork's remark. "I haven't heard of the Shadowbolts in a long time. I thought that team was disbanded and was never seen again. I guess some were lying low until the time was right to make a comeback." He nods in agreement to Cloud's remark. "Cloudchaser's right, Clockwork. You said Shade Walker was helping you out. Since Shade is related to Princess Luna, she should be the first to know about this. Just in case things start to get out of hand."


Quick Bit started to sweat as he felt he was running out of time. "Look, what more do you want from me, huh!? I gave you all the info I could give you. I don't know what else you want to know, okay? Also, who cares about the code of honor to assassins and thieves. You do anything you can to get what you want. You should know all about that. Isn't that right, Miss Shade?" He smirks softly, hoping to anger the expert assassin.


Soarin kicks the door to the shop open and runs inside. He notices the other ponies incapacitated, while Shade was handling one of the thieves. "Wait a minute, Shade! Don't finish him off just yet. We can still get as much info from him as we can. Don't let anything he says get to you. Trust me, I know somepony who can get him to talk." He steps out of the way to let Spitfire enter the shop.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork smiles and nods "Yep, it's one of my favorites, hell I have like five or six photo albums full of photos of all of us" she says with a small giggle then looks to Cloudchaser and Thunderlane "I hope spitfire takes it easy, she is pregnant after all" she says as she finishes up "Luckily nothing here was stolen, just messed up" she says with a relieved sigh.


Shade growls "That code is what keeps us in business, you fool~" she says with a slight purr, pressing the blade's tip more into his chest "Very well Soarin, but this pony better be good at it" she says before dropping a quivering Quick Bit to the ground.


Spitfire saunters up to Quick Bit "well, well, well...if it isn't Quick Bit, I always knew you'd end up working for the Shadow Bolts once they returned" she says, lifting him up by the collar and slamming him against the wall "Now, I've got this nagging feeling that you hadn't told us everything, Now" she says, raising her fist "Tell us, who in the Shadowbolts sent you to jeopardize a Equestrian Military operation?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo smiles as he wraps his arms around Clockwork and pulls her close to him. He rests his chin on her shoulder while leaning close to her ear. "Maybe we can look at the photo albums together. I guess I'm feeling a little nostalgic. I also can imagine you having a scrapbook that has pictures of nothing but me." He smirks and chuckles, as he nuzzles her and hugs her tightly. He nods in agreement to her remark. "I'm glad that nothing was stolen in your house. I wouldn't stop until I made sure those thieves returned your stuff to you. I also hope you're right, sweetheart. I don't want Spitfire to push herself too far. I know Soarin will be with her, so he'll make sure that she's okay."


Quick Bit's smirk widened as he chuckles at Shade. "You're a fool who follows that ridiculous code. Ponies who follow that code will never attain true glory. That's why I follow my own code and will do whatever I can to succeed." He says, but couldn't stop himself from shaking in fear. He was dropped to the ground as he heard other ponies entering the room. He notices one of the new ponies pick him up and slamming him against the wall. He winces, but manages to look at the pony in the eye. He cowers in fear, as he sees that it was none other than Spitfire. "Spitfire? Why am I not surprised? I was hoping not to run into you, but fate doesn't seem to be forgiving today. Like I told Shade, all the stuff I told her is all I know. I'll admit that the pony who sent me and my group wasn't in charge, but was part of the main team. I believe her name was Indigo Zap. That's all I know. I promise I'm telling you the truth!" 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork nods and yawns "Ugh should we like go check on them, or do you think they'll be fine without us?"  she asks as she leans on her sofa, "I swear, today's been rather overwhelming, we may need to post pone the start of our mission until I've calmed down, especially if the thieves got what they came for" she says as she goes to the couch and curls up.


Cloudchaser walks over with a blanket "shh, rest Clockwork, I'm sure Shade, Soarin and Spitfire have it all under control, you don't want to get sick from getting overly stressed now do you?" she asks, gently stroking her mane. She looks up to the others "what!? My mother used to foalsit Clockwork a lot, so I know how to calm her down, Flitter does too, but she's on a date" 


Spitfire growls, slamming him against the wall once more "Great, Indigo Zap, just what I needed a renegade Wonderbolt" she then looks to him with disgust "Soarin, get the cuffs, for the lot of them, Shade make sure none escape and Soarin, cuff them all, then let the guards know we caught the burglars."


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo watches as he sees Clockwork heading over to her living room sofa. He frowns in worry as Clockwork curls up in exhaustion on her sofa. He smiles at Cloudchaser for bringing over a blanket for his marefriend. He walks over to join them and sits near Clockwork. He watches in wonder at Cloud taking care of Clockwork. He smiles and shakes his hands in front of him. "It's okay, Cloud. It's really nice to know that your mother took care of her. I'm glad that she has friends who are able to help her out. At any rate, I agree with Cloud on this one, sweetheart. Spitfire and the others will take care of this situation. If they have anything to tell us, they'll let us know. We'll stand on guard to make sure nopony else enters the house without permission." He gently takes Clockwork's hand into his own, as he rubs his thumb against her knuckles. "I understand and don't blame you, Clocky. After everything that happened, I think it'll be okay to postpone the delivery. We'll talk to Spitfire about that, but I think she may understand. Do you want me to stay with you, my love?" He asks while looking at her with care and concern.


Thunderlane chuckles and smiles at his marefriend. "It's okay, sweetie. I think it's really sweet of you. It shows how caring you are towards others. You'll make a really great mother in the future." He blushes while rubbing a hand through his mane at his last statement.


Soarin nods in affirmation as he places the handcuffs on Quick Bit and his cohorts. "You're going to be behind bars for a long time. You and Shade go on ahead and check on the others. I'll radio Fleetfoot and make sure we get our squad down her to take them away." He starts to bring the group outside of the shop, but stops as he hears Quick Bit chuckling menacingly. "You best be on your guard now, Miss Wonderbolt. You may have me captures, but Indigo will know soon enough. They save me and the others. You may even be surprised to know that some close to you are closer to us than you know." Soarin shook his head and brings the group of shadowbolts outside of the shop.

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork nods as she closes her eyes and falls asleep. Cloud nods "Good idea Dynamo, and as much as a tough bitch Spitfire can be, she can truly care for those close to her" she says and kisses Thunder "and thank you love, I know you'll be an excellent father in the future too, I mean you basically raised Rumble all by yourself." she says as she watches over Clockwork, "Sometimes though, I question whether this assignment is appropriate for Clockwork.."


"I knew it!~" Spitfire says and lets Shade go over to them, and unsheath her blades and she pressed it hard against Quick Bits chest, ready to pierce his heart "now don't make me waste this poison, it's rare enough as it is, and to make it is literally murder. So~ Who is this one who is the traitor? You just gave up your secret, so you may as well tell me the rest"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo smiles and nods. "I agree with you on that, Cloud. While Spitfire can act the way she does, I know she means well. I admit I was afraid of Spitfire back in high school, but when I truly got to know her, she was an invaluable friend." He raises and eyebrow in wonder at her last statement. "What do you mean, Cloudchaser? Did something happen to Clocky that makes you feel uneasy about this mission?"


Thunderlane smiles softly and nods. "Thanks Cloud. I know mom and dad did a really good job in raising me and Rumble. With them being busy from time to time, I wanted to take responsibility and make sure my little brother would be okay."


Quick Bit gasps suddenly as he felt Shade place the blade near his chest once more. Seeing no way out of his situation, he sighs and nods with a smirk. "Fine, fine. I'll tell you, but it makes no difference. The other in the same rank as Indigo is one you may recognize? Does Lightning Dust come to mind? She was still angry about what you did back at the Wonderbolts Academy, or so I've been told. The other you should already know. He was the one you took power away from. Now he's our new leader to the Shadowbolts. Does the name Wind Rider, ring any bells?" Seeing the shocked looks on everyone in the room caused him to silently chuckle. 

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Cloudchaser nods "It was a while after graduation, Thunder you were there too"  she says somewhat sadly "She was over to hang out, but she got overwhelmed by something, and she ended up.." she shakes her head and holds up the sleeping mare's arm to reveal her scars going from her wrists down to her elbow "We've tried everything we can, but we just can't get her to stop. I guess her smoking was her way of stopping her self harming but still.."


Shade looks to Spitfire, she comes over to him "So, it was those two all along, Luna and Celestia will not be happy, Princess, do your thing" she says and walks off to take inventory of the armor and everything else in the workshop.


Shade nods "Hmm..I honestly wish I could just kill yo..." she then receives a letter from Luna "Oh lookie here, it's a death warrant for you" she says as she pierces his chest and into his heart with her blade before gripping his heart and yanking it out of his chest. "Farewell, thorn in my side" she grunts, cutting up the heart just to be sure.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Orange Sparks,


Dynamo frowns as he listens to Cloudchaser's explanation. He gasps and felt very pale, as he saw her reveal Clockwork's arm. "I-I didn't know about that. I left a few days after graduation, so I never knew about this. I guess I understand why she was smoking when I first saw her. I hope we can help her stop that habit and make sure she doesn't try something like that again. I can't help but to always worry about her."


Thunderlane closes his eyes, as he watched his marefriend show them Clockwork's arm. He shook his head at the memory. "I'll never forget that. It's a memory I try to forget at times. I remember you and I panicking a little, but we tried to stay calm throughout everything. I'm just glad she's okay now. I also don't try to say anything about her new habit she takes up. Even though it's not that good of a habit, in my opinion. I hope so as well, Dynamo. All we can do is hope that everything goes well after all that's happened." He says while nodding to his friend.


Soarin nods at Spitfire's plan, but looks back at the other two that worked with Quick Bit. "What should I do with these two Shadowbolts, ma'am? Shall I still radio Fleetfoot and wait for pickup?"


Quick Bit's eyes shrank in fear, as he saw Shade receive the letter. He gasps as he felt Shade pulled his heart out of his chest and destroyed it. He fell to his knees, while looking up at Shade with a faraway look. "Y-You'll regret that...one...day..." He slowly fell to the ground and closed his eyes, as his strength left him. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Cloudchaser nods "It was a pretty bad time for her, a lot of memories had come flooding back to her and she was feeling so overhwelmed with it all" she says softly with a sigh as she hugs the sleeping form of Clockwork "Sleep well angel, you're in safe hands with us, we won't let anything happen to you" she says softly, looking to Dynamo and Thunder "You're both right, it isn't the healthiest of habits for her to replace self harming with, but we'll leave it to Spitfire and Soarin to help her stop" she says softly.


Spitfire looks at the grotesque scene in front of her and spits on the ground "Yes, arrange for this lot to be picked up but also alert them that Lightning Dust and Wind Rider are now on the top of the most wanted list" she says as she kicks the lifeless corpse of Quick Bit.


Shaded growls "Well I'll stick around to see if anything was stolen, you two should go see to Clockwork and the others" she suggests


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods and squeezes Clockwork's hand gently, before looking up at Cloudchaser. "That just sounds awful. I knew she was stressed from time to time. I even talked to her and everything turned out fine, but I never knew it would turn out like that. I wish I was there for her back then when I moved away. If I was, then..." He stopped his train of thought as he shook his head back and forth. "I shouldn't think like that. This is not the time to feel sorry for myself. The past is in the past and what matters is that I'm here now. I'm not going to let anything happen to her now." He says in a voice that was full of conviction. "I promised Spitfire and Soarin that I would help her quit her bad habit. I won't go back on my word now."


Thunderland smiles and nods. "The same can be said for both Cloud and I, Dynamo. We won't let Clockwork continue with this bad habit of hers. We'll help her take on a new habit. So long as the habit isn't endangering herself, her friends, her job, or anypony else. We're all here for her and we'll always continue being there for her."


Sorain grimaced a bit at the scene, but closed his eyes and looked away. He nods in understanding at the request. "Yes, ma'am. I'll notify HQ right away." With that, he pulls out his phone and dials for Wonderbolts HQ. After a few minutes he was finally received an answer. "Hey there, Fleetfoot. We're going to need some backup over at Clockwork's shop. Apparently some Shadowbolts tried to rob her of her clockwork parts. The same ones for the mission she's going on soon. There's no need to worry. Shade Walker is here and stopped them from in their tracks. She'll be waiting for the others to arrive. We also need you to send out a wanted list for some rogue Wonderbolts. Those ponies are Lightning Dust and Wind Rider. Hopefully, Clarissa and the others out there will be okay in handling them. Thanks again and see you soon, Fleetfoot." He hung up the line and put his phone away. His ears perked as Shade addressed him and Spitfire. He then nods at her remark. "Thank you and we appreciate it, Shade. We'll let her know you're watching over the shop. Come on, Spitfire. Let's go and check how our little sister is doing." He walked over to Spitfire and gently took her hand in his.

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Dynamo nods and squeezes Clockwork's hand gently, before looking up at Cloudchaser. "That just sounds awful. I knew she was stressed from time to time. I even talked to her and everything turned out fine, but I never knew it would turn out like that. I wish I was there for her back then when I moved away. If I was, then..." He stopped his train of thought as he shook his head back and forth. "I shouldn't think like that. This is not the time to feel sorry for myself. The past is in the past and what matters is that I'm here now. I'm not going to let anything happen to her now." He says in a voice that was full of conviction. "I promised Spitfire and Soarin that I would help her quit her bad habit. I won't go back on my word now."


Thunderland smiles and nods. "The same can be said for both Cloud and I, Dynamo. We won't let Clockwork continue with this bad habit of hers. We'll help her take on a new habit. So long as the habit isn't endangering herself, her friends, her job, or anypony else. We're all here for her and we'll always continue being there for her."


Sorain grimaced a bit at the scene, but closed his eyes and looked away. He nods in understanding at the request. "Yes, ma'am. I'll notify HQ right away." With that, he pulls out his phone and dials for Wonderbolts HQ. After a few minutes he was finally received an answer. "Hey there, Fleetfoot. We're going to need some backup over at Clockwork's shop. Apparently some Shadowbolts tried to rob her of her clockwork parts. The same ones for the mission she's going on soon. There's no need to worry. Shade Walker is here and stopped them from in their tracks. She'll be waiting for the others to arrive. We also need you to send out a wanted list for some rogue Wonderbolts. Those ponies are Lightning Dust and Wind Rider. Hopefully, Clarissa and the others out there will be okay in handling them. Thanks again and see you soon, Fleetfoot." He hung up the line and put his phone away. His ears perked as Shade addressed him and Spitfire. He then nods at her remark. "Thank you and we appreciate it, Shade. We'll let her know you're watching over the shop. Come on, Spitfire. Let's go and check how our little sister is doing." He walked over to Spitfire and gently took her hand in his.

Cloudchaser nods "I'm just a little worried that this job may be a bit too much for her. Being in the military, let alone the wonderbolts is tough work. It can be very draining on her emotional and physical state."


Spitfire nods, flying off and leaving Shade to do her thing.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods as he looks down at the sleeping form of his marefriend. "I know that feeling all too well. I used to question why I chose the job I did. It was always dangerous, but the adventures and flight experience gained was fun. I always wondered if I would come back safe, but I always hoped that I would one day meet Clockwork again. Maybe we can ask Spitfire and the others if they can help make her job less stressful."


Thunderlane, feeling unsure, decided to nod. "I'd give it a try anyway. You just can't really know. They might say yes or no on the matter. Knowing Spitfire, it might be yes. Since they are best friends and sisters, after all. Having you back may make the stress lessen to an extent, but we can only see how she'll do. We should talk to Clockwork when she wakes up. It's better to know everything and then help her out from there."


Soarin began to fly off after Spitfire, as the two left the shop and headed towards Clockwork's home. 

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