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open A Steampunk Adventure (1x1 with Dynamo Pad)

Scarlet SoftPaws

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Soarin nods as they neared the castle. "I think the princesses will understand, dear. If they don't, then we can convince them. We are Princess Celetia's elite Wonderbolts. I know she'll listen to us, in the end." He notices her wincing in pain. He looks to her with worry written on his muzzle. "Are you okay, Spitfire? Do you want me to carry you the rest of the way. I don't want you to force yourself in flying."


Thunderlane chuckles and grins as they arrived at his house. He pulls out his keys and unlocks the door. As he opened the door, he walks in, but stops suddenly, as he sees his brother and Flitter asleep on the living room couch. He smiles and motions for Cloudchaser to look at the adorable sight. "Isn't that beautiful? They look so cute together curled up like that. I don't know if we should wake them, or to let them rest. Do you still have that camera? I don't want to miss catching this magical moment." He whispers as he smiles softly at his marefriend.


Dynamo nods and helps her lay back down on the couch. "Rest sounds good, my love. I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here by your side." He pulls the covers over her and continues to watch over her. Just then, he hears a knock at the door. "I'll go see who that is. You just stay here and I'll be right back." He says as he walks to the door and answers it. He opens the door to see a veteran Wonderbolt and salutes at said Wonderbolt. "Hello and it's nice to meet you. I'm sorry if Miss Gears isn't able to answer the door at the moment. I'm flight captain Dynamo Pad and I'm watching over Miss Gears. She isn't well at the moment, so I am looking after her. What can I help you with, sir?"


Shining nods solemnly at Eli while placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I believe we know the location of Clockwork's house. However, it is late and you must be tired from being locked away for so long. I would suggest you rest for the night, so you can make the journey home tomorrow. If possible we can assist in the trip home. I understand that you miss her, but I don't want you to do anything reckless. I don't want anything to happen to Spitfire's best scout captain." 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire nods and smiles as they land "Lets walk the rest of the way darling, it is quite a lovely evening" she says and smiles "I am fine dear, I just felt our foals kick" she says as she kisses hi cheek "and you are right, they will listen, but I also know Luna is quite attached to the little ones" she nuzzles him and then walks with him towards their house.


Cloudchaser nods as she gets out her camera "We'll take the photo but we will let them sleep" she says as she takes the photo and lets it develop before tucking them in "Sleep well cuties" she says with a giggle then goes up stairs to her and Soarin's room. Sighing softly, she lays down and falls asleep.


"Ah flight Captain, I am Sergeant Spearhead,I am here to tell miss Gears that her husband has been found and he is alive" he says with a smile


Eli nods "Y-you're right, I'm exhausted, I need to rest then get washed up for seeing her after so long"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soarin nods as they made their descent before touching the ground once more. He looks to Spitfire with a smirk, as he scoops her up and carries her bridal style. He chuckles as he felt her kiss his cheek. "That sounds good to me, my love. The stars are shining, the atmosphere is pretty peaceful and a good walk will do us some good." He nods at her remark as they walked towards their home. "You've got a point there, Spitfire. It won't be easy to convince Luna. I remember she wouldn't stop nuzzling Clocky's children. However, it's not like it'll be farewell between everypony. Clockwork and the others can always visit and spend time with Luna and Celestia." He looks up to the night sky before turning back to his special somepony. "I also think we should wait until tomorrow. It's getting really late and it's been a long evening." He says as they neared their home.


Thunderlane smiles softly, as he watches his marefriend take the picture of the young couple. He looks at the photo and nods. "That picture is definitely a keeper. Sleep well, you two. We'll see you in the morning." He says as he walks up the stairs and walks into his room. He smiles before laying next to Cloudchaser. He wraps his arms around her and pulls her into his embrace. "I think we can agree that today was pretty interesting. I'm glad everyone is happy and that things are working out. I'm glad I have you in my life, Cloudchaser. I love you with all of my heart. Goodnight, my love and pleasant dreams." He gently kisses her forehead and slowly closes his eyes.


Dynamo's eyes widen as he gasps in surprise. He then slowly smiles and nods, but tries to keep a neutral expression. "That is most excellent news, Sergeant Spearhead. I will entrust the information to Miss Gears myself personally. You may head back to HQ and be prepped for the next day. We've got a lot on our hands and we need all the help we can get. Good evening and stay safe." He shuts the door behind him before walking back to the living room and sits near Clockwork. "That was Sergeant Spearhead with some good news. He told me your husband is alive and has been found. We haven't been given the specifics of his location, but he is okay, sweetheart." He says before gently pulling her into his embrace.


Shining nods and calls his top guard, Flash Sentry, to their location. "I understand, Eli. We'll have Flash escort you to a private room. It'll be right next door to the room Cadence and I take residence in. You get cleaned up and we'll help you get taken care of. The next day we'll bring you over by chariot to your home. Then you can be reunited with your wife and children."

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@@Dynamo Pad,


-Time Skip-


The next morning, Spitfire woke up and groaned "Ugh, if there's one thing I hate about pregnancy it's the morning sickness" she mutters to herself as she slides out of bed and makes her way to the bathroom to begin  throwing up into the toilet "Ugh, Soarin, a little help here please?" She calls out to him.


Cloudchaser tossed and turned in her sleep, obviously worried about the events that had occurred the previous night. She then suddenly wakes up in a cold sweat and sighs in relief "Thank the stars it was just a bad dream" she whispers to herself then snuggles back up to Soarin.


Meanwhile, at the Crystal Empire, Eli was in the shower, scrubbing of years of dirt and soot out of his fur, as he does, he starts to sing, loud and clear enough for the whole Empire to hear. 


Edited by Carmine Strider


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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-Time Skip-


The next morning, Soarin wakes up to the sound of Spitfire throwing up in the toilet. He sits up in bed, while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He then gets out of bed and stretches, while making his way to the bathroom. He enters the bathroom and nods while holding Spitfire's mane back. He then proceeds to rub her back with his hoof in small circular motions. "Of course, sweetheart. This will be something to get used to, but it'll be okay. How are you feeling, besides the morning sickness?"


Thunderlane groaned in his sleep, as he felt someone sitting up in bed. He soon felt someone snuggling up to him. He opens his eyes to see that it was Cloudchaser. "Everything okay, Cloud? Did you have a nightmare. I'm right here for you and I'm not going anywhere, baby." He holds her close, while gently stroking her mane and back.


At the Crystal Empire, Shining Armor and Cadence were being served their breakfast for the day. Shining was busy trying to help feed Flurry Heart and chuckles at her demeanor. Suddnely, his ears perk, as he could hear a song being sung in the castle. He put a hand to his ear to get a better listen to the singer's voice. He smiles and nods as he concluded that it was Eli singing. He smiles as the song felt familiar to him. "I think I remember that song. It's usually a song all the royal guards and Wonderbolts know. It's kind of like tradition when you start your training to become said guard or Wonderbolt. That song really takes me back." He closes his eyes and smiles, as he remembers the good old days of his royal guard training.  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Spitfire nods and thanks Soarin as he helps hold her mane back as she hadn't had the chance to gel it back yet "T-thanks babe and I'm alright, still worried about everything that happened last night" she says as she then spots a letter that had recently appeared near them, "what's this?" she asks, picking it up and reads it "Well, what do you know, Eli's been found, or more like he's escaped from...the prisons under the castle? but we searc.." she shakes her head "No matter, I hope they've told Clocky" she wonders out loud before throwing up again.


Cloudchaser nods "It was from my worries about last night" she says, reading a letter that she had received "Well, what do you know, he's been found and alive, that's surely to make Clockwork happy and hopefully stop self harming" she says and shakes her head, nuzzling into Thunderlane, before she notices that Rumble must have snuck in in the middle of the night. She nuzzles him sweetly "Poor little guy must have had a nightmare, good to know he still sees us as his parents" she giggles.


Rumble stirs a little in his sleep as he snuggles up to a plush of Rainbow Dash


Cadence smiles and nuzzles Shining "It would make sense, you two did train together, and I know how having him still alive makes you happy, and well let us hope that Clockwork will finally stop self-harming and smoking" she says softly "you two were like best friends growing up, weren't you sweetie?"


Eli got out of the shower and dried off while he looked on his bed to see that Shining and Cadence had gotten some new clothes made for him, smiling he puts his new clothes on and brushes his fur. After that, he strolls down the halls to Cadence and Shining's throne room to await the portal home. As he does, he starts singing a song.


He soon arrives and salutes Shining "Captain, I'm ready to see my wife again"

Edited by Carmine Strider


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soarin nods as he continues to hold Spitfire's mane back. "Your welcome, sweetheart and I understand. I guess it all just finally caught up to you. You try to remain strong and put things off until later. It's just like you, but you shouldn't try and do that. It will ruin your health and the health of our children." He takes a look at the letter before continuing to rub Spitfire's back soothingly. "I think Clocky will know of the good news. The letter was dated for yesterday, Guess the letter appeared the night before, or something like that."


Thunderlane nods and holds Cloud closely. "Everything will be okay. It was an interesting day yesterday, but things will turn out okay. We can visit everyone again soon. We can put our fears to rest that way." He says while examining the letter. "I can't believe he truly is alive. We all had some suspicions, but it's been proven true. I can imagine the look on Clockwork's face now." He chuckles while noticing Rumble laying in between him and Cloud. He smiles as he strokes Rumble's mane gently. "He does this all the time. I'm surprised he knew I was home. I thought he would have been still with Flitter on the couch. He doesn't want me to disappear, or for anything to happen. I can't blame the little colt. He's my little brother and he looks up to me. He sees you as a mother figure as well."


Shining smiles and returns the nuzzle, while wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "He was practically like a brother to me. When I thought I lost him, I was devastated. I guess that's why I became so overprotective when it came to Twily. I'm just glad he's back and he can be reunited with his loved ones. Hopefully seeing Eli will get Clockwork to stop her bad habits. Only time will tell, dear." As the group finished breakfast, they all headed for the throne room. Shining smiles as he watched Eli entering the room while singing. He returns the salute and nods. "Once again at ease, scout captain. You don't have to be so formal around me. You're like my brother, so it's okay. We'll get everything set up. Make sure you have all your belongings before you leave." He turns to his wife and begins prepping for the spell. "Are you all set to go on the portal, Cadence?"

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Soarin nods as he continues to hold Spitfire's mane back. "Your welcome, sweetheart and I understand. I guess it all just finally caught up to you. You try to remain strong and put things off until later. It's just like you, but you shouldn't try and do that. It will ruin your health and the health of our children." He takes a look at the letter before continuing to rub Spitfire's back soothingly. "I think Clocky will know of the good news. The letter was dated for yesterday, Guess the letter appeared the night before, or something like that."


Thunderlane nods and holds Cloud closely. "Everything will be okay. It was an interesting day yesterday, but things will turn out okay. We can visit everyone again soon. We can put our fears to rest that way." He says while examining the letter. "I can't believe he truly is alive. We all had some suspicions, but it's been proven true. I can imagine the look on Clockwork's face now." He chuckles while noticing Rumble laying in between him and Cloud. He smiles as he strokes Rumble's mane gently. "He does this all the time. I'm surprised he knew I was home. I thought he would have been still with Flitter on the couch. He doesn't want me to disappear, or for anything to happen. I can't blame the little colt. He's my little brother and he looks up to me. He sees you as a mother figure as well."


Shining smiles and returns the nuzzle, while wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "He was practically like a brother to me. When I thought I lost him, I was devastated. I guess that's why I became so overprotective when it came to Twily. I'm just glad he's back and he can be reunited with his loved ones. Hopefully seeing Eli will get Clockwork to stop her bad habits. Only time will tell, dear." As the group finished breakfast, they all headed for the throne room. Shining smiles as he watched Eli entering the room while singing. He returns the salute and nods. "Once again at ease, scout captain. You don't have to be so formal around me. You're like my brother, so it's okay. We'll get everything set up. Make sure you have all your belongings before you leave." He turns to his wife and begins prepping for the spell. "Are you all set to go on the portal, Cadence?"

Spitfire nods "I know Shining will be ecstatic, those two were inseparable at the academy, and I believe he took Eli's disappearance the hardest out of all of us" she says as she wipes up and sighs "It's going to be hard for both Eli and Clockwork at first"


Cloudchaser nods and smiles "It's understandable, Flitter often looks up to me as a mother figure as well." She says as she kisses Thunderlane on the lips then Rumble on the nose "He'll be happy to hear Eli is ok now"


Cadence nods and summons the portal "ready when you are"


Eli nods and walks through, arriving outside Clockwork's house. Gulping a little, he knocks on the door.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Soarin nods. "I remember those two would never be apart from one another. I even remember I had to be there for him. He was truly affected after that happened. He promised me that he would protect his sister, wife and child no matter what the cost." He sighs and shakes his head. "It will be difficult, but I'm sure they will work it out just fine. The only thing I'm wondering about is Dynamo. I don't know how things will dgo when he and Eli meet. I can only hope that things will turn out okay." He says while helping Spitfire to stand up and pulling her close.


Thunderlane chuckles softly and nods. "I agree with you on that. I sometimes think that Flitter looks up to me like an older brother or father figure. I once thought she had a crush on me. I was glad when those fears were put to rest." He returns the kiss and nods. "I'm glad to know he's been found. It'll only be a matter of time before things go back to normal. Well, as normal as things can get anyway."


Shining powers up the magic in his horn and with the help of Cadence, summons a portal for Eli. "There you are, my old friend. One portal for heading back home. Good luck my friend and I hope to see you again." He waves at Eli as his friend entered the portal.


Dynamo opened his eyes at the sound of someone knocking. He slowly got out of bed without waking Clockwork and heads to the door. He goes to answer it and sees a fox standing before him. He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and tries to act professional. "Hello, it's nice to meet you, sir. What can I do for you, this morning? Is everything okay? Should I report a situation to Miss Spitfire?" 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire nods and sighs "I'm sure they will work something out, Eli is a good man and will want what is best for Clockwork, remember" she says and gets dressed "Well I'm not going into the office or the academy today, I suggest you stay home as well, and we'll contact he Princesses about everything, that is if Shining and Cadenza hasn't already done so"


Cloudchaser smiles and nods, nuzzling both of them "He's such a sweet little colt, and you are right, I think Flitter did have a crush on you, but it soon moved to Rumble" she giggles "How does it feel to be replaced by your younger brother/son?" she jokes and giggles as she kisses him "Mind it not though, you have me" she says and rests her head on his chest while holding Rumble close, she then sees a sleepy Flitter walking in "Good morning little sister, we have some news for you and Rumble" she says with a smile.


Flitter climbs into the bed with them "W-what is it big sis and big brother?" she says softly and nuzzles Cloudchaser cutely.


Cadence sighs in relief but then immediately gets out her quills, ink and parchment, writing a letter to her aunts "Dearest Aunts, Shining and I have some most wonderful news, Eli, our most illustrious scout captain is alive and well. He was held captive in the dungeons underneath the castle, but now..that will mean he will want to be with the little ones. Cadence" she signs it and sends it off.


Eli fidgets a little "Flight Captain Dynamo Pad? I'm Scout Captain Elisedd Gears, I'm here to see my wife, if I may" he says in an authoritative tone


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soarin nods as he gets dressed for the day. "I guess you're right. Don't get me wrong, I hope it works out for our brother and sister, but I can't help in worrying. I know they both agreed to all be together with Eli. I just got to keep my hope strong for things to work out." He nods once more while wrapping his arms from behind her. He smiles as he rests his hands on her belly. "That sounds good to me, sweetheart. We'll get Fleetfoot and either Blaze or Surprise to cover for us. We'll let them know that Thunderlane and Cloudchaser still have to make the delivery today. I would also suggest letting the princesses know just in case. Even if Shining and Cadenza contact them, it wouldn't hurt to let them know on what's going on."


Thunderlane chuckles while jokingly winces and places a hand over his heart. "It was painful to know that my brother is with her, but I'll manage. I got the cuter one of the two sisters anyway." He smiles and returns the kiss. He wraps his arms around Cloudchaser and holds her closely to him. His ears perked at the new voice in the room. He looks up and smiles to see that it was Cloud's younger sister, Flitter. "Hey there, Flitter. How are you doing? I think your big sister should tell you. I'm going to wake up Rumble, so he will know what's going on as well." He gently nuzzles Rumble to wake him up. "Wake up, little brother. It's time to get up. We have something very important to tell you, buddy."


Shining watches as Cadence writes a letter and sends it off. "I guess Celestia and Luna will get it soon. Hopefully they will understand the situation. It just wouldn't feel right to not allow the family to get back together once more."


Dynamo Pad's eyes widen a little as he realized who was standing in front of him. He salutes, before moving away to allow Eli to enter. "Scout Captain, Eli. It really is you. I'm glad you are safe and have returned. Clocky is home and I've been keeping watch over her. There were some incidents that occurred the night before, but it was quickly taken care of. She's been asleep and safe all this time." He says while closing the door behind him.

Edited by Dynamo Pad
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@@Dynamo Pad,


Spitfire nods and smiles "It'll all work out darling,  you'll see" she says as she makes her way towards the kitchen and begins raiding it to begin feeding into her pregnancy cravings "Mm this is going to be the best sandwich ever!" she giggles and begins making a rather large sub sandwich with this, that and everything else as the fillings. "Behold! My Masterpiece!" she exclaims before chowing down into it hungrily.


Rumble groans but it was so cute that Flitter pounced him and hugged him "Wake up sweetie, Thunderlane and Cloudy has some news for us" she giggles, nuzzling him, making him smile and snuggle into her soft fur.


Cloudchaser couldn't help but smile at this "Well first of all, Thunderlane and I will be away for a while, we're doing a delivery for Spitfire and Soarin, as Clockwork's house and workshop was broken into, so she had a bit of a breakdown" she says then kisses Thunderlane "the other news is, Eli has been found alive"


Eli nods and smiles as he walks in, he makes his way upstairs to where his sleeping wife was "She's an absolute angel when she is asleep" he says softly before leaning over and whispering "Sorry I'm late darling, work held me up" he says before kissing her on the cheek.


Clockwork smiles softly in her sleep before opening her eyes "ELI!" she exclaims and immediately hugs him lovingly "I-I thought I had lost y-you forever"


Meanwhile, at the palace Luna exclaims "NO! They're mine! MINE!" she screams as she throws the letters away and sulks "Mine~"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soarin nods as he joins his fiancee in the kitchen. "For everypony's sake, I hope your right, my love. Your words haven't scared me wrong...yet." He chuckles as he watches Spitfire make a large sandwich. He shakes his head at her sandwich masterpiece. "You are just plain silly, you know that? It's funny how you don't show that side to the others that often. You want to keep that tough attitude persona, so ponies don't mess with you. I'm glad you only show this side to myself and our close friends." He begins to make himself a small sandwich for himself. "Maybe after we eat and rest, we can go and visit the others? This way we can talk and reunite with Eli ourselves." He says before taking a bite of his food.


Thunderlane smiles at the affectionate display between Flitter and Rumble. He nods at Cloudchaser's claim. "She's right and we have no idea when we'll be back. We might have some of our friends to keep watch over you two. We don't want anything to happen to the two of you while we're gone. It's dangerous in the area and you never know what could happen." He says while returning Cloud's kiss. "You may not know who Eli is, but he's been found and is okay. Things will only get a little more chaotic from here on out, but chaotic in a good way. Anyway, it's time for us to get up and get ready for today. Cloud and I need to report over towards Wonderbolt HQ and receive our briefing for the mission." He says as he starts to get up out of bed.


Dynamo walks behind Eli and follows him to Clockwork's room. He smiles and nods while watching him trying to wake Clockwork up. "She truly is, Eli. She's an adorable angel all the time." He pouts slightly at the display of affection, but smiles and leans against the door frame. 

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@@Dynamo Pad


Spitfire pokes her tongue out at him, "Mmpf" she mumbles as she swallows a large bite "You know I have to be tough around the others, they wouldn't listen to me otherwise" she says, chowing down even more into her sandwich "Mm this is really good" she says as she continues to eat it "Mm wnat a bite babe? Mm and you are right dear, we should still check in on the others, but also especially Luna, I can see her pouting and sulking now, so adorable~"


Rumble pouts "B-but I..I'm going to miss you two" he starts to sniffle and cry


Cloudchaser hugs him and strokes his mane "We know sweetheart, we're going to miss you as well, but hopefully we won't be gone for too long." 


Eli smiles and chuckles "I think I jsut heard a certain blue mare's shouting no for being separated from our little ones" he chuckles


Luna curls up in the corner, crying "N-no, t-they're mine!" she cries, she then sees her sister "S-sister?"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Soarin nods at her remark. "That's true, baby. At least you can try to be stern towards them and not as a drill sergeant. That's what makes you a great Wonderbolts leader." He chuckles as he watches her continue to eat her sandwich. "No thank you, Spitfire. You seem more hungry than I am at the moment. I'd hate to ruin your brunch." He smiles while taking another bite of his sandwich. He chuckles softly at the thought. "I can imagine that, sweetheart. She loves Clockwork's children dearly. Although, I know she won't give them up without a fight. At this point she won't win in her struggle against Princess Celestia." He laughs at the image of the two sisters' playful arguing.


Thunderlane nods while ruffling Rumble's mane playfully. "I understand, Rumble, but Cloudchaser and I were asked specifically for the job. We'll keep each other safe and return as soon as we can. You also have Flitter, who loves you and will keep you safe. We'll also have our friends who will make sure you stay safe as well. We'll even send a letter once we reach our destination. I promise you'll be the first to know on what's going on, bro."


Dynamo chuckles as he thought he heard something as well. "Is anypony else getting a bad vibe, or an omen about something?" He asks while feeling a shiver racing down his spine.


Celestia enters Luna's room to see her sister curled up and crying. She sighs while walking over and kneeling down in front of Luna. "Now, now, dear sister. You should realize they were never your children to begin with. We oversee all the ponies to make sure they stay safe and live happily. However, these two were never really ours. Young Clockwork had a moment of weakness and had no choice, but to make sure they stayed safe. I've sensed the return of young Eli. We both knew this day would come and it's about time to return what was theirs." She reaches out and places a comforting hand on Luna's shoulder. "You can always visit them from time to time, but you can't truly adopt them. I won't have any arguments from you, my sister. Do you want me to send you back tot he moon once more?" She asks while narrowing her eyes at Luna.

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@@Dynamo Pad


Eli nods and hugs Clockwork back, nuzzling into the nape of her neck "Probably her highness not wanting to give up the little ones" he says softly and gently kisses Clockwork on the mouth as they embraced.


Clockwork nods and sighs "She is quite attached to them" she says and snuggles up to her fox husband, "W-what's going to happen now though, i mean with you being alive and all Eli, love?" she asks.


Eli chuckles "I can imagine, as for your question, I am willing to share you with Dynamo as long as he is willing to share with me. It may be a bit confusing for our little ones, but hey will soon get used to it, they're smart and take after their father after all" he chuckles




Luna looks up to here sister "B-but they're so cute a-and sweet, and they are the closest I w-will ever h-have to foals of my own" she whimpers


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo glances behind him and nods. "I can believe that, but I can't be too sure. It's strange to see the princesses acting like that, but I'm not one to judge." He says while looking back to the reunited couple. "However, they are your children and you deserve to have them back. You may have had to give them up to the princesses, but I can imagine if was for good reason. Now that everything is mostly okay, you should be able to get them back." He smiles, but frowns slightly. He rubs the back of his neck and looks at the two with a look of confusion upon his face. "I-I don't mind sharing, but I'm just worried. You two were married first and I don't want to ruin that. Plus, I feel as though I'll be selfish and want Clockwork all to myself. That wouldn't be right of me or the two of you. I guess I just get jealous whenever I see you two showing affection. I just thought the love Clockwork and I shared was just old memories. I know she might still love me, but I can't help in worrying." He says while looking down at the floor. He trembles slightly and does his best not to show any signs of tears.




Celestia sighs and shakes her head at Luna's attitude. "Oh, my dear sister. It's not as if you are saying goodbye now. You'll be able to see them again. You just have to arrange a play date with their children and it'll work out just fine. You also said closest thing to foals of your own? What nonsense have you been thinking, Luna? You'll find the right stallion to love you for you. Just like I shall someday. What about you friends from those video games you play during your hours?" She asks while giving Luna a deadpanned expression.  

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@@Dynamo Pad


Eli smiles and waves a paw "Oh we may have been married first yes, but from what she told me about you when we were together before the war, is that you two grew up together, and are best of friends" he says as he snuggles Clockwork "and if I know our Clockwork, which I do, she'd share us equally, i can understand your worries, but there really isn't much need of it" he says. Clockwork nods and just to reassure Dynamo, she pulls him in close as well and kisses him.


-At the palace-


Luna blushes "I.." she looks down "Y-you're right, it's just..they are just so adorable, and unique. i mean they're the only known fox-ponies in the world" she says then looks to her console across the room "M-maybe you'e right, but they're all so shy around me"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo looks up to see the comforting and understanding looks on Clockwork's and Eli's faces. He was quickly caught off guard, as he felt Clockwork pull him in and kiss him. At first he just stood there stunned by her actions. He soon closes his eyes and melts into the kiss. He holds her closely to him, as he deepens the kiss. After a few moments, he breaks the kiss and looks at her with a blush upon his muzzle. He smiles softly while giving the two an apologetic look. "That kiss just now...it felt as if you were conveying your feelings to me. That kiss felt warm, safe and reassuring at the same time. I know you would never lie to me, Clocky. You were never one to lie to me or to yourself. I guess I was afraid and became doubtful on things. I'm really sorry, you guys. Can you ever forgive me for acting like such a fool?"


-At the palace-


Celestia nods while pulling Luna into a hug. "I understand, my dear sister. They may be the only fox-ponies in the world, but keeping them is like keeping them in a zoo. They shouldn't be a rare animal that should be kept away from the world. It's more or less you let them go to their rightful home, or you'll make them wonder if they even have family out there. It'll hurt them more in the long run if you decide to keep them. You are a princess and right now you are acting like a child. That is now how a princess should act. I get where you're coming from, but you need to do the right thing. Not because you have to, but because it's truly the right thing, in the end." She glances to what Luna was staring at. She smiles softly and shakes her head, as she saw it was the gaming consoles. "I think I understand. They think they might not be good enough because you're a princess and of royalty. You've got to try and talk to them more. Tell them they don't have to be afraid around you. You are just a pony just like everypony else. The right stallion will find you and then you'll always be happy. I promise you that, Luna."  

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@@Dynamo Pad,


Clockwork nuzzles him  , "Oh Dynamo." she says softly and kisses his cheek "It's alright, we both understand" she says and nuzzles him once more while holding her husband and her future husband close to her. She closes her eyes "Lilith and Briar will be overjoyed to see you again Eli, sweetheart, the poor little ones have been having nightmares since..your disappearance" she says and keeps her eyes close and simply held them close, awaiting for when The princesses arrive with her little ones at the door.


Luna sighs "I-I know you are right sister, on both accounts" she says as she hangs her head, then looks to her handmaiden "Gentle Touch, go get Lilith and Briar please. then go pack their things" she says softly before looking over at her console once more, and then smiles at the photograph of her and all her gaming friends that was on the wall above her television. 


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo smiles and returns the nuzzle, as he felt Clockwork kiss her cheek. He felt a calming presence when he got pulled into the group hug. He nods at her remark. "Thank you both for understand and again, I'm really sorry. I hope you'll both be able to accept me. I look forward to spending time with you guys." He nods once more and strokes her mane gently. "It'll be okay, Clocky. I know the princesses will be here shortly. Their nightmares will end once they become reunited with you. I look forward to spending time with them as well. Hopefully they'll feel comfortable enough one day to call me their dad." He says as he continues to hold Clockwork close to both him and Eli.


Gentle Touch, a magenta unicorn, appeared at Luna's call. She nods and bows at Luna's request. "Right away, Princess. It shall be done. I'll be back momentarily." She left the room to go and assist Briar and Lilith. Celestia allows a small smile to grace her muzzle. "Thank you, Luna. I'm really proud of you, my dear sister." She watches at Luna walks over to her gaming console. She smiles as she too sees the picture of Luna and her gaming friends all together. She walks over and places a hand on Luna's shoulder. "I know the decision wasn't easy, but you did the right thing. Clockwork and Eli will be very happy and thankful for what you have done. I think you should take the day off today, Luna. Go and spend some time with you friends. I think it'll be nice to get to know them more. Maybe find that special somepony you've been looking for all this time." She pulls Luna into a hug while a smirk appeared on her muzzle. "Maybe it'll turn out like that one anime you've been watching. I think one of your friends had recommended it to you. It involved some friends and they became a video game club, or something along those lines."

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@@Dynamo Pad


Clockwork nods but then swiftly falls back asleep, it would seem that the events from the previous night had still tired her out, and she was still pretty exhausted. Eli sighs and kisses her nose "get as much rest as you want my love, we will watch over you and make sure you are safe" he says as he then spots the familiar signia on the letter from Spitfire and shakes his head "Spitfire" he says softly "Please, don't make her do anything too strenuous, she can't handle it, not right now" he says softly


Luna looks up and nods "I think I'll do just that, but first" she says as she sees Lilith and Briar look up at her cutely, she gently rubs their cute little fox ears and kisses their muzzles "We've got some exciting news my little darlings" she says, nuzzling them lovingly "Your father is alive, he had escaped his prison and is now back with your mother, all the way back at her house, so you know what that means"


Lilith looks to Briar and gasps "Daddy's alive!? We-we're going home a-and finally getting to see mummy and daddy?" she asks before she starts to excitedly jump around.


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo sighs softly, as he pulls the cover over Clockwork. He kisses her cheek and nods at Eli's statement. "He's right, sweetheart. Just rest and you'll feel better soon. After everything that was going on the night before, you deserve the rest." He turns around and glances at Eli, who had picked up a letter. Seeing that the letter had the Wonderbolt insignia on it, he nods at Eli's remark. "You don't have to worry about that, Eli. Clockwork and I were assigned a mission to deliver some auto mail parts. The shipment was to go to the other side of Equestria. There we would hand over the shipment to Sergeant Major Clarissa. However, due to some circumstances, Spitfire and Soarin made a few adjustments. Tunderlane and Cloudchaser were put in charge and shall lead that mission." 


Celestia smiles as she watches the affectionate display between Luna, Briar and Lilith. She walks over to the two children and nods. "That's correct, little ones.You'll soon be reunited with your mother and father real soon. Once Miss Gentle Step gathers your belongings, it'll be time for you two to return home. I promise that things will go back to as normal as possible. I know it's been a long time since you last saw your mother and father, but I know they'll be truly happy to have you back." He leans down and nuzzles them, as well as Luna.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

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@@Dynamo Pad


Eli nods and sighs in relief "I don't want to know what happened last night, but it is good that Spitfire has put Thunderlane and Cloudchaser on the job instead." he says and walks into the kitchen to make something to eat, "How is Spitfire and Soarin doing by the way? Still together and acting all lovey dovey around others?" he asks as he chuckles and shakes his head "And has Thunderlane gotten together with Cloudchaser yet?" he asks with another laugh.


Lilith and Briar both giggle and hug both Luna and Celestia, "W-we get to see daddy again!" Briar exclaims "I miss daddy"


Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Dynamo nods as he follows Eli to the kitchen. "The watered down version of the story is this. After the date Clocky and I went on, somepony broke into her home. They tried to rob those auto mail parts, but an assassin named Shade was able to stop the intruders.  Apparently it's a group known as the Shadowbolts. Thy're a group comprised of ex Wonderbolt members. Either those who never made it past the Academy, those who were stripped of status for treason and other reasons. I don't know all the details, but I believe Spitfire would know."


He chuckles at Eli's remark and nods. "Speaking of Spitfire. She and Soarin still act all lovey dovey. Spitfire is even going to have foals soon. They're both going to take paternity leave, so they're looking for two ponies who can be temporary fill ins. They asked Clockwork and I, but it's still hasn't been finalized. Maybe they'll ask you if you want to be temporary leader. With your scout tactics, we could get some very ingenious plans." He chuckles once more and nods. "Thunderlane and Cloudchaser finally got together a little while after their time in the academy. We met up with them last night and they told us personally. They even said that their siblings, Rumble and Flitter, became a couple as well. I was surprised at first, but I was truly happy for them."


Celestia giggles softly at Briar's and Lilith's excitement. "I'm so very happy for the two of you. I have a feeling your mommy and daddy miss you two very much. Just remember this, my little ponies. If you ever need guidance, my sister and I are always there for you. We helped in raising you and we care for you two very much as well." She says while smiling softly at the children. 

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