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private My Little Pony: Friendship is Roleplaying (Full tabletop system beta testing)


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Aurora nodded. "Yeah, you're right. No argument there."


Prisma made a noise of affirmation. "So," she said, looking between her companions. "Which destination will it be? Personally, I'm sort of leaning towards the Everfree Ruins. Almost nopony has really been brave enough to do something like make a map of the forest. And those ruins contain an important part of history. A map might help a lot of ponies there. Still, going to the Badlands is still just as unmapped. I guess the only real reason I'm leaning away from that is that it seems like another desert. Maybe not as hot, but...


Anyway, if you would rather go there instead, I'm still game."


Aurora gave a noncommittal shrug. "It's pretty even for me. After all, this choice is mostly due to the fact that I couldn't really decide."

  • Brohoof 1

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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Mirage sat and thought for a second, then seemed to decide something.


"Well, If you want my advice, the ruins in the Everfree sound like a great place to explore. I heard something about them being the Princesses old castle, so who knows what kind of fancy things are still there? Of course, the Everfree is supposed to be the most dangerous forest in Equestria.. Crazy plants, and strange animals. I've heard of this one plant that just plays pranks on you if you walk into it." He scratched his head thoughtfully.


"That does sound a bit silly though. Maybe it's not so dangerous, and ponies just exaggerate." He shrugged his shoulders.


"Oh well. Anyway, if you two are looking for a place to stay the night, there's always this place." He gestured around himself at the inn and store mix.


"Not the most comfy place, but much better then sleeping in the dirt. Speaking of that, I've got a place a little outside town, if you would rather spend the night there. Your choice." Mirage took a sip of his cider, and waited for their response.

  • Brohoof 2

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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Aurora blinked in surprise. "Oh, thanks for the offer! Unfortunately, though, we already booked this place for the night. I figured it was best to book the room early, just in case it filled up."



(Aside: We have a few new members incoming. So depending on how long they take, we should have a conversation on something interesting, then if they don't finish, sleep for the night and meet up with them while buying supplies. After they arrive, though, this thread will "close" to new players. I don't think I could keep track of that many characters at once.)

  • Brohoof 1

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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With no real destination in mind, she flew straight out from her home in the direction of the wind as it blew sightly ruffling her mane. It felt good to be free for once. No hustle and bustle. No lack of manners that the town was infamously known for. Just plain quiet, watching the birds, flying with them. She even flew with them changing directions as they did. After awhile, she even took place at the head of the "V" formation aiding the flock in their travels. At a certain point though, fatigue set in and setting her bearings straight, she noticed Dodge city as the late evening sun was in transition and Princess Luna was coming to take her turn watching the night. There had to be an inn somewhere in the area and if her memory served correctly, Appleloosa was nearby. Soon, she reasoned, soon. Parting with the birds she flew with, she turned east toward the nearest vestiges of civilization for a well needed rest.

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Prisma turned her head as the little bell above the inn's door rang softly. A teal pegasus mare walked in, and she didn't quite seem like a resident. There was too much looking around, and the slight hesitation that marked a tourist.


Of course, that probably applied to her as well. I wonder if she needs help... Prisma thought, but paused. She didn't want to get involved in somepony else's business.



(Aside: This post is a segue, a post that makes it easier for others to respond to Rain's introduction. Mostly for ProbablyNotLyra's benefit.)

  • Brohoof 1

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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Taking a moment to observe her environment, various patrons were set throughout the room and it suddenly hit me that I was hovering in the entrance making any first impression awkward before she even spoke.


She trotted over to the stallion running the saloon, "Can I get two apples and room for night please?"


"Sure miss", seamlessly tossing over two apples shifting into an easy smile.   


Rain: Paid 2 bits - remainder 18


Visibly relaxing now as a satisfying crunch could be heard, among everyone in the hybrid tavern/inn was in their various space and the current group she happened to be in earshot of was a stallion and two mares that could be heard in their own conversations. 


Specifics aside, she wasn't one to be too nosy but realized as the day was winding down into the soft hues of yellow and oranges. The various talk seemed to generally be the plans for the rest of the evening. She decided it would be best to keep to herself for the moment.


(Ran out of time, I will leave it up to you for an introduction I guess.)

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Mirage noticed Prisma look at something, so he turned as well to see a pegasus walk in. More tourists, huh? Certainly a busy day for this town. He looked back at the unicorn and asked, "Do you know her?" He gestured to the winged pony who had just entered, and was now eating an apple.

Edited by ProbablyNotLyra
  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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"No, not really. Does Appleoosa usually get this may visitors?"

  • Brohoof 2

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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The griffon shrugged, shaking his head.


"No, not really. We're a small town that just sells apples. Not much to visit out here." Mirage stopped and turned to look at the pegasus again, before turning back to Aurora.


"You know.. A pegasus might be good at have on our trip. I can fly, but pegasi are faster and more agile up there. If she's here, she must not have much else going on anyway. You think you could take another pony into your little party?"

  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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Sitting there for a moment, it took her a second to realize they were actually referencing her. Deciding to finally socialize, she hesitated at first, but eventually just spoke up so they could hear.


"Umm excuse me but I couldn't help but hear you referencing me."


Slowly coming out of her shell, speaking more naturally now.


"I am Rain by the way, nice to meet you. You are?"


By this point she had turned 180 degrees facing the trio now, a polite smile gracing her features. She blinked a moment putting her half finished apple on a napkin in front of her.

Edited by KlutsyDraconequus
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"I'm Mirage, and these are my new friends." He gestured towards the green earth pony and seafoam green unicorn, who replied with their names respectively.


"It's nice to meet you, Rain. What brings you out here to, *ahem* AaaaAApleooosa!" Said the griffon, giving a bad impression of Braeburn's famous introduction he gave to big crowds of tourists.

  • Brohoof 2

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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(In between the past 2 lines)


"My name is Aurora, and this is Prisma. Or just Pria."


Prisma cringed slightly at the sudden attention.



  • Brohoof 2

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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Upon hearing his attempt at appleloosan culture,Rain produced a disjointed response that looked to be a mixture of a manehattan guffaw and polite laughter in one reply. She smiled instantly, allowing the icebreaker to smooth her response as she nearly choked on her food in the process.


Recovering from her unintended moment, allowing the food to slide down the right tube at the last second, "Well I did take this leave for a moment of something different and you definitely deliver!" The room settled down as most ponies resumed their own conversations while others bored of their own listened a bit more closely at a griffon attempting humor was both a culture shock and curiosity.


"Now as I understand it, you griffons largely have some societal pole up your rear ends, and you break the mould."


Sighing now, "Forgive my point of view if I have offended you, but that is just hilarious!" Finally back to normal, "To finally answer your question, one could say the birds make an excellent guide. The rest just followed through on its own."


Turning to the two mares, "It is a pleasure to meet you as well Aurora and Prisma. Pleased to make your acquaintance."    

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"So, just happened to come here with.. the birds?" He looked slightly confused, wondering if maybe this mare was a few cards short of a full deck. He smiled politely, hoping she wasn't just some crazy pony.


"That sounds interesting. So, what do you plan on doing here in this little desert town?" He asked, wondering if she was just going to leave soon, or stay longer.

  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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"I assure you, I am a perfectly rational being. As to what I am doing here, I haven't quite decided yet. That will be decided when I have some time to sleep on it."


Crossing one hoof over the other, she continued. "Can I just say I like to have fun, people at work think I am crazy too. I just embrace it more often than not rather than pretend I am sane and boring like everypony else." 


Turning to the bar tender, "Hey get me some water off the tap please?"


Turning back to the griffon, "So that begs the question anyway. What are your plans for the next day or so?" A sound of a glass cup sliding on the wooden bar top made her turn back and pick up her drink taking a sip of water before formally rejoining the conversation.

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The griffon shrugged his shoulders and pointed a claw at the other two ponies.


"Honestly, I don't know. I'm with them, and they plan on heading somewhere tomorrow, and I'm gonna tag along. Ya know, adventure, action, romance. All that good stuff. It's practically like a page from a story. It'll be great." He grinned at the pegasus, showing his excitement.


"Speaking of adventure, I was wondering if you'd like to join us. A pegasus would be really useful to have along." He told her, smiling hopefully.

  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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Aurora nodded, and Prisma smiled slightly, still a bit shy of the newcomer.


"It is part of the Everfree Forest, though. If you don't feel comfortable with that sort of thing, it's completely fine."

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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@@AuroraMLP, @@ProbablyNotLyra


"Hmm." Taking a moment to consider their offer.


"I AM really just taking this little excursion one day at a time to be honest with you. Nothing is quite planned out as it would normally be..."


After a moment, she reaches into her saddle bags looking to retrieve something, but lets it go at the last second. "You guys see that unattended dart board in the corner of the bar?" Pointing to a harmless set of throwing darts and a circular pad of alternating colours.


"I have nothing to do right now and no real reason to do anything at all. I like a thrill sometimes and this moment counts as one of them; I propose that one of you, I don't care who beat me in a game of throwing darts and I will follow you anywhere no questions asked. What do you say?" A grin forming on her face now.   


(I want to test the fighting system because I am curious how this works. Also with Prisma's +3 bonus, this could potentially get interesting.)

Edited by KlutsyDraconequus
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Mirage turned to look at Aurora and Prisma, while grinning slightly. Huh.. This could be fun. He then looked at the pegasus.


"Well, first off, what exactly is throwing darts?" He questioned, an embarrassed look settling over his face. He had never heard of this, never having time for many games in his homeland. He considered the board and darts, but had no idea what one would do with them, beyond actually throwing the darts at the board. But that was too simple to be the answer, right?

  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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@@ProbablyNotLyra, @@AuroraMLP


"What are throwing darts you say? Well you start with a score of 501 points and try to end up with a score as close to zero as possible. Your goal is to score as close to the Center as possible. Also I have to mention that your oche, or distance must be 7' 9.25" between your front hooves and the board itself. Thankfully, this place has it done proper with the floor markings already there. I might just come by for their contest one of these days."


Giving the Griffin hopefully some time for all this to sink in.


"That is the basics as far as I'm concerned."

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(Prisma only has a +2 bonus for dexterity, since the special proficiency only applies to non-thrown knives. If it did apply... wow. That would be a +5. Still, this is different, as hitting a monster and hitting a bullseye are two very different things.


Also, for my sake (as I am the one that calculates how hard something is to hit), how is the board divided, and what are the point levels for each?)


Aurora nodded. "That sounds like it would be fun."


Prisma frowned slightly. "Hmm... do you want me to throw it with my hoof? My magic isn't super precise or anything, but... I'm not sure if that would be considered cheating."


(By the way, I'm totally fine with this, but just to let you know, a game of darts is perhaps the most complex combat situation that you could possibly throw at me.


You see, the "to hit" roll determines your accuracy, and your damage roll determines your precision. (Those are two different things, by the way.) I then have to scale that with the distance of throwing projectiles, as well as scale each player's relative lack of experience with that particular weapon.


Great test, though. :-P )

  • Brohoof 1

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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"Hm, sounds pretty fun, if hard." The griffon replied, liking the idea. He turned to Aurora, giving her a confused look.


"However.. How do you plan on throwing the dart with your hoof? No offense, but you don't really have anything to grip it with.." He trailed off, afraid of somehow offending her.


(You've got this, AuroraMLP ! I believe in you!  :yay:  yay! But seriously, good luck with all the calculation.)

Edited by ProbablyNotLyra
  • Brohoof 1

- - - SACRIFICE - - -

I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me.



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Prisma blinked, surprised. "But I thought...? Oh, you have claws, of course... But haven't you lived here for a while? Wouldn't you know...?" She turned towards Aurora. "You would know how to explain it better. You studied this sort of thing."


Aurora looked at Mirage, switching to "lecture mode."


"All right. Most ponies don't really realize this since it is so natural to them, but while each race of pony has their own unique magic, each of them has some magic in common. At the end of each of our hooves, we have a sort of... manipulation field that works much in the same way as your own claws do to grip something. Although it may have more in common with a unicorn's telekinesis... Anyway, it doesn't have a very long range, but..."


She took one of the toothpicks from the center tray of the table, holding it in front of her hoof. "With practice, you can do a little bit more."


The toothpick rose slowly until it was about two inches above her hoof.


She put the toothpick back. "You won't see many ponies do something like that, since it's mostly just instinctual, but anyway..."


She picked up her mug of cider. "You'll still see ponies wrap their hooves around something like this to give some extra support. Most unicorns don't even bother with it, though, since most of them just use their telekinesis on everything. But everypony can do it, technically. Even donkeys, who don't really have any unique magic of their own."

  • Brohoof 3

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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@@AuroraMLP, @@ProbablyNotLyra


Looking on in From the side totally engrossed, "Wow, I knew most ponies could do it, and just assumed it to be an everyday thing, but to finally have it explained properly."


Taking the last bite of her apple and washing it down with a sip of water. She stood up motioning for the trio to follow.


"Well then, shall we begin? I'll do the honours and start."


Starting from the premeasured line, she took a dart from the three and tossed it.


(Okay, how do we begin to compute this? :P)

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(All right. Throw 1d20 (to hit) and 1d4 "damage". I will compute the rest. For simplicity, I will assume that the board is divided into evenly spaced rings, and that the point levels are even increments between -10 and -100, unless you want the bullseye to be doubled.)


(FYI, for these darts, you will get a +2 to hit, not a +3, since darts are a bit different than throwing knives. I will calculate the bonuses, though. You just give me the raw numbers. It makes it a lot easier.)

“Henceforth,” Ditzy continued, “you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it … with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!”


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