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private An Adventure in Manehattan

Lightning Roller

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Welcome to official RP for an adventure in Manehattan, Please refer to the OOC or Planning thread for players and rules for posting!


OOC - https://mlpforums.com/topic/163732-an-adventure-in-manehattan/


Planning Thread - https://mlpforums.com/topic/163631-planning-a-rp-looking-for-interested-playersstory-planners/#entry4831075




Our adventure begins in the downtown section of manehattan at an old tavern named "The Tipsy Stallion", A dull blue neon sign buzzes with the name. The building is rather old, the bricks are worn, the windows are fogged, and a steady plume of smoke can be seen escaping through the stone chimney. It's currently approaching the evening portion of the day, A few street lamps are starting to turn on. If you enter the tavern you can see the interior is rather rustic. There are oil lamps that have been retro-fitted with light bulbs and a fire is burning steadily in the nearby fireplace. A middle-aged tan stallion with a salt and pepper mane is busy working behind the counter, polishing a few glasses with a rag. There are a few patrons scattered around at various tables and a small stage can be seen in the far corner of the room with a couple of bar stools lining the wall behind it.

Edited by Lightning Roller
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Lightning was busy making his way home from work, the wind rustling through his black and blue mane as he made his descent to the street. His saddle bags and guitar case rustled lightly as his hoofs made contact with the ground. "It sure is brisk out tonight" He thought as he made his way down the street "I can't wait to get home and crawl under a blanket" As the thought crossed his mind, he hurried his pace. As he trotted down the sidewalk, The dull blue neon sign of his favorite tavern buzzed in his ear. "A drink actually sounds pretty good right now. . ." He said under his breath as he made his way inside, the old oak door giving off and audible groan. Lighting made his way over to the bar and grabbed himself a seat, Resting his belongings against the stool.  "Evening Grizz, hit me up with the usual." The stallion gave him a look and reached for a dark bottle with a golden label, giving the cork a pull, releasing the sweet odor of honey and apples. "How'd last nights show go Lightning? I hear you did pretty well." said the tan stallion as he slid the drink over to the navy blue stallion.

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@@Lightning Roller,@@Moon Dancer.,


Phoenix was walking up the street, her hooves making steady click-clack sounds against the brick road. she didn't quite like showing her face in public, being as reclusive as she was, so she wore a cloak with a rather long hood. all that could be seen of her face was the tip of her orange snout,  as well as a couple of bold blue curls from her mane. of course, she hated being in densely populated areas, but she had to go to a city every now and then for some supplies. although she was resourceful, finding fresh fruit as well as tools wasn't all that easy. she had never been to Manehattan before and really had no clue where to begin. of course, her timing was ill and even if she did know, she was most certain that any shop would most likely not be open. after trotting along for a minute, she spotted a stallion go into an old looking tavern. if need be, she could spend the night there and find a shop in the morning. it would certainly spare her the long walk to her camp site which was settled a mile outside of the city. 


she walked up to the doors of the tavern, and glanced over at the blue neon sign as she pushed her way in. she chuckled a bit, internally. these tavern names were always so typical. as she entered, she looked around, trying to find an empty table. she didn't want to bother anypony, and above all else, she hoped that nopony would bother her. she glanced at the strange armored stallion, and hoped that they wouldn't be any cause of trouble, as she walked past him and into an empty booth near the corner of the room. 

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In a dimly lit corner of the bar sat a changeling. A purple mane, tied in a bun and decorated with a small assortment of rubies on a chain, adorned her head. A slim fitting red dress, slit along her back legs, sat over her dark chitin. She gazed over the other patrons, taking a sip of whiskey.


"Traveling sucks," Satin said to herself, taking another sip and sighing. She looked down at her glass and smiled. "Ah, but this stuff makes it a bit more bearable. It'll be worth it when I get some rest."

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Having just come from the nearest theatre, a silver-coated stallion made his debut on the scene, humming the soft tune from the play's finale as his hooves danced to its melody. Oh how he missed the acting and art of Manehatten! His life's aspirations! What drove him to be the stallion he was now.


As his melody came to a close, Comet looked up to catch sight of the buzzing neon blue sign. He took pause for a moment of contemplation. His hotel was not too far from here, and a hearty drink or two would be a welcomed compliment to his nice evening. So with that in mind, he decided to make his way inside the tavern.


@@Lightning Roller


Upon entering the establishment, he could tell there was already quiet the variety of patrons here. And with graceful, silent steps, Comet made segue towards the bar, stopping by one of the open seats nearest the bar keep. "Pardon me," He spoke, addressing the navy blue stallion in the stool beside him. "But do you mind if I sit here?"

Edited by Alex Van Gamer


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@@Alex Van Gamer



Lightning swirled his glass, watching the amber liquid with a relaxed look. "The show went pretty well, thanks for asking." He looked at the tan stallion before taking a sip of his drink, relishing in its warm embrace. As he enjoyed his conversation with his old friend, he noticed a silver stallion take a seat at the stool next to him, asking if it was okay to do so. "By all means, go ahead" he chuckled a little as he raised the glass to his lips again. "Welcome to one of oldest taverns left in manehattan." He shot a look at Grizz as he said so, a small smirk on his face. 

   "She may be old, but she has had more action than you ever have." Said the tan stallion, a pleased smirk running across his face as he watched lightning.

   Lightning lowered his gaze sheepishly, a small patch of red appearing on his cheeks. "Well you didn't have to sink that low. . ."

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@@Lightning Roller,


it was just as Phoenix had feared. as the sun went down, the taverns get crowded, and that's not the kind of atmosphere that she thrived in.  she glanced around first to make sure nopony was watching her. for what reason? she didn't even know. it was a habit of hers for when she needed to make a stealthy exit. either way, it wasn't going to work out for her this time. as she passed Lightning's bar stool, she caught her rear hoof on the leg, causing her to trip and fall on her face, making a loud THUD against the wooden floors. after the impact, she pushed herself up to a sitting position, blushing angrily. "How can i be so careless?" she thought to herself. now of course, she was going to draw the eyes of the whole bar on her, which is the exact opposite of what she would want in ANY situation. 

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Comet couldn't help but smile a bit in amusement, moving to take his seat on the stool. "Well I'm sure he's just waiting to meet that special somepony." He told the tan stallion. "Something like that could be a fairly big decision, depending on—"


@@Moon Dancer., @@~Phoenix~,


His sentence was interrupted by the sudden thud behind them. Turning his head, he saw the hooded mare as she pushed herself up into a seated position, followed by another pony— a strangely armored stallion with a twisted horn— who seemed to completely ignore her as he went on to approach Lightning and the bar keep.


"Tell me about the history of this place... I could careless about the drinks... so don't go advertising about your products with me..."


The silver stallion almost scoffed at this stranger's behavior, but quickly decided to ignore him in turn as he got up from his seat to kneel down towards the fallen mare. "Are you alright there?" He asked, holding a hoof out to her in case she wanted help standing. "That sounded like it must have hurt."

Edited by Alex Van Gamer


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@Moon Dancer.@~Phoenix~, @@Alex Van Gamer


    Lightning gave the silver stallion a look, "Well its not exactly like a mare is just going to fall for. . ." his words were cut short as his stool was knocked off balance, causing lightning to fall backwards. A rather surprised look crossed his face as he fell, wings extending from the shock. The tumbler in his hoof spilled out onto himself as he made contact with the floor, making a nice amber puddle around him. Now laying on his back, he opened his eyes to see an orange mare a hoofs distance from him pushing herself up with an embarrassed look. He groaned as he rubbed his head, rolling over to raise himself. 

    "Are you alright?" Said the silver stallion to the mare, offering a hoof to her. "That sounded like it must have hurt." Lightning pushed himself up, reaching over to help the mare up.

    "Well its not every day that I fall for somebody." He said with a chuckle, "Are you hurt at all?" The tan stallion behind the counter gave lighting a looked mixed between concern and  Did you really just say that?  A rather tall and armored stallion also approached them, seeming to completely disregard the events that just occurred. 

    "Tell me about the history of this place... I could careless about the drinks... so don't go advertising about your products with me..." Grizz turned his attention to this stallion, looking at the now lowered spear with a disgruntled expression, 

    "There really isn't much to say about her and I would appreciate it if you didn't point weapons at my patrons here, I prefer to keep things orderly if you don't mind." 

Edited by Lightning Roller
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@@Lightning Roller,


Phoenix looked around her, and her predictions were accurate. every patron in the bar, all except for the one in armor had their eyes on her. this certainly wasn't good for somepony who preffered to keep a low profile. durring the fall, her hood had fallen off, revealing her soft feminine face, as well as her bright glowing blue eyes. "I-I'm fine!" she said, with a loud tone, and a flustered expression as she pushed herself up to her four hooves. her horn began to glow with a blue aura as the hood was lifted back over her head, and she trot rather quickly out of the bar.


she didn't go far, however. it wasn't cold, nor was it raining so staying outside certainly wasn't a bad idea. she figured that the other ponies probably thought she ran off, and in case anyone wanted to try and follow her, she decided she'd simply stay put in the adjacent alleyway to throw them off. she walked up to the brick wall, and sat down with her back against it, catching her breath.  

Edited by ~Phoenix~
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Lightning looked rather confused as the mare squeaked her response and fled out of the tavern. He looked over to Grizz, his hair now damp with the smell of alchohol, and reached for his saddle bags, pulling out a rag to dry himself off with. "Guess I should see if she's okay, seems like she had quite a shock." He turned to the silver stallion, "I'm gonna go ahead and excuse myself here, sorry to cut our conversation short dude." He reached down and gathered his belongings, placing the rag back in his pack before throwing the saddle bags and guitar back onto his back, flexing his wings a little to get them in a comfortable position. When he was satisfied, he pulled out a few bits and placed them on the counter, "This should cover my drink and a drink for this stallion here." He motioned to the silver stallion before turning to depart, making sure to leave ample room between him and the rather strange armored stallion with a spear.


Outside the tavern most of the street lamps have turned on by now, there are a few mares and colts trotting along the sidewalks and a light mist of rain is starting to drift down. across the street is a small park with a fountain, a faint trickle of water can be heard steadily flowing from its stone statue. To the left and right are scattered stores, most of which are closed for the night. 


As lightning looked around, he searched for the mare along the sidewalks. Finding no sign of her, he called out, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I hope your alright! I didn't mean to startle you!" The few mares and colts that are walking along give him a few confused looks, but shrug and continue on with their night. Lightning turned towards the street his home is on and began to flex his wings.

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@@Lightning Roller,


after a few moments of sitting in silence, Phoenix heard the voice of the stallion from the bar. her ears twitched a bit as they turned to pick up the sounds a bit better. she heard his response and took it well into consideration. however, she figured she'd stay put where she was. she was on a mission. she had an objective, and she wasn't going to let some slip up at a bar get in the way of it. she simply gave a bit of a frustrated huff and settled herself in. there wasn't much to do around here at night, and she would have to wait until morning to get the things that she needed. as she leaned against the brick wall, she lowered her head and closed her eyes as she began to doze off. 

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@@Lightning Roller@@Moon Dancer.,


Comet was quiet surprised with the mare's brisk response, followed by her suddenly bolting out of the tavern. He remained stunned there for a moment or two before quickly snapping out of his daze. He was planning to go out and follow the startled pony when Lightning announced that he would go check on her.



The silver stallion simply nodded his head as the other politely excused himself. He hadn't expected his acquaintance to go on to buy him a drink while covering for his own, and so he had no time to thank the pegasus before he set off.


Glancing up towards the door for a moment, the earth pony turned back to the bar and retook his seat; barely batting an eye towards the armored stallion. "Well that was certainly very kind of him." He spoke aloud, looking up at the barkeep. "However, I never managed to catch his name."


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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@@Alex Van Gamer


Grizz turned his attention to the silver stallion, "You must be relatively new around here" His gravely voice easily carrying through room, "That was Lightning Roller, hes a small time artist around here, real down to earth fellow for a pegasus." He chuckled a little at this, shaking his head slightly. "I've known him since he moved into town, heck I even game him his first gig." His face softened a little as he reminisced, "Needless to say, hes a good friend of mine." He turned his attention to the gray unicorn giving him a nod, "I appreciate you putting that thing away." As he pointed to where the spear had disappeared. He brought his gaze back to rest on the silver stallion, "Now what can I get for you? seeing as lightnin' payed for you and all." He motioned to his selection of bottles along the shelves behind him.

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@@Lightning Roller, @@Moon Dancer.,  


Though he had thought the dark grey unicorn would turn to leave once his business was done, it would seem the stallion's attention was shifted towards him instead. 


"Names Crystal Cog." He said, with a rather calm tone.


The silver earth pony managed a small smile and turned his head slightly to acknowledge him. "Comet Dancer." He responded back, returning his gaze towards the tan pony as he was addressed to.


"You must be relatively new around here" He said, his gravely voice easily carrying through room.


Comet chuckled softly and nodded. "Well yes, I suppose I might as well be." He replied with a nod.


"That was Lightning Roller, he's a small time artist around here, real down to earth fellow for a pegasus." He chuckled a little at this, shaking his head slightly. "I've known him since he moved into town, heck I even gave him his first gig." His face softened a little as he reminisced, "Needless to say, he's a good friend of mine." He turned his attention to the gray unicorn giving him a nod.


"Ah yes, I believe I managed to catch sight of a guitar as he made his way outside." Comet noted, recalling the instrument in question from the scene that had played out just minutes ago... "I'm glad to hear that you were able to help aid in his career. It can be rather difficult sometimes for starting-out performers. Speaking from experience, that is."


He turned his attention to the gray unicorn giving him a nod, "I appreciate you putting that thing away." As he pointed to where the spear had disappeared. The barkeep brought his gaze back to rest on the silver stallion, "Now what can I get for you? seeing as lightnin' payed for you and all." He motioned to his selection of bottles along the shelves behind him.


"Oh right, of course... Might I have a concoction with some orange juice in it, please?" He asked.


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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Satin looked down at her empty glass. She would have gone to get it refilled earlier, but the sounds of a commotion kept her sat in her seat.


"It seems like it's died down now, maybe I should finally go get something else," she said to herself. She stood up, smoothing out her dress with her magic, then started towards the bar, glass in tow. Passing into the light, she started shifting herself into that of a lilac unicorn mare with her same purple hair and eyes. As she approached, she gave wary glances to the armored pony with the spear, relaxing a little as he put it away.


As she approached the bar, she overheard the bartender talking. "Oh," she said to herself, "A fellow musician, interesting. Maybe I could... No, no. Trying to talk with him would most likely end up with accidentally revealing I'm a changeling. Let the screaming ensue." Satin leaned against the bar, waiting her turn to order.

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Meanwhile, a very pale orange stallion with a two tone red mane enters. His hat filled to the brim with notes that one day could see some use. His eyes are unnaturally wide open yet look very tired. Despite this, he remains cheerful and orders a simple glass of water and begins to scribble on his notepad at the bar. A mild yet audible mumble begins and an ever increasing expression of frustration appears on his face. Sensing his anger getting worse, he puts his notepad away and orders an apple juice while browsing the local paper. His smile starts to return and begins to talk with the bartender about the upcoming equestria games, though stumbles a some of the sports terms.

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"A concoction with orange juice huh?" Grizz looks puzzled for a moment before turning and grabbing a mellow green bottle from the shelf, "Ah, a nice mild honey wine, this should work." He uncorks the bottle and pours a half and half with orange juice. "Here yah go, one mamosa Mr. Dancer." As he places the glass in front of the stallion he turns his attention to the mare waiting at the counter, "And what can I get for you miss?" As he waits on her response a light orange stallion comes bursting in, grabbing a seat at the end of the bar ordering water and apple juice while furiously scribbling in a notepad, "Well someone appears to have a lot on their mind." He chuckles to himself, "Oh the joys of youth, I remember when I had that much energy." He brings his attention to a glass behind the counter and grabs a rag from a shelf behind the counter, polishing it with little attention.

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@@Alex Van Gamer, @@Lightning Roller


Satin looked up at the bartender. "Hmm? Oh, I'd like something coffee based if you could."


Satin looked over at the newcomer and sneered a little. 'Reporter type,' she thought to herself. 'As long as he isn't some paparazzi type it'll be fine. Shouldn't know who I am anyways, but still.'


Satin turned to the pony who had received the mimosa. "Greetings. Mr. Dancer, was it? My names Satin." Satin stuck her hoof out toward the stallion.


'Might as well interact with them. Could provide enough to snack on til i get a real meal in me.'

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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Grizz turned his attention back to the mare, "Would you like the coffee hard or non-alcoholic?" He set the glass he was polishing down, stuffing the rag into a pocket in his shirt. 




Lightning was prepared to take off, but gave it a second thought, tucking his wings against his back. The light drizzle was sticking to his coat, making his fur look almost silver. He shook himself a little before setting off down the street, he began to sing a little as he walked, "I met this mare today, she fell for me then ran away, now what am I to do? should I chase along, oh my minds caught in a. . . corkscrew!" He laughed to himself, "I wonder where that mare ran off to?" he thought as he continued home. The streetlamps cast his shadow on the walls of homes and stores as he walked, watching the image grow larger and smaller as he walked by. His home wasn't too far away from his favorite pub, and he considered himself rather lucky to have found it when he did. 

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@@Lightning Roller,


Phoenix looked up at the sky as she realized it was beginning to rain. this weather certainly was going to make things difficult for her. does she stay outside and catch herself a cold, or go inside and face all the ponies she just embarrassed herself in front of? she let out a frustrated sigh as she pondered this, the raindrops beginning to pad down her fur in the spots where it was hitting. either way, she would have to make her decision quickly. the best thing to do would be to find another spot to sit where the rain wouldn't hit her. after all, the blue stalion was now gone, from what she could tell, and that gave her a bit of freedom to get up and move, seeing as none of the other ponies were likely to follow. she got up and began to walk down the street away from the bar. 

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@@Lil' Lovebug,


After noticing a couple of ponies uncomfortable around him, presumably because of his 'reporter' look, he decides to take the hat and satchel off an orders a mug of hot breakfast tea and a side of spicy hay fries with a smile on his face. "something to warm up my spirits" ​he said to the bartender as he finished the last of his juice. As he settled over some hay fries, he noticed Satin in the corner and decided to talk to her, feeling he sent the wrong message a while ago. "H...hi" he stuttered.

Edited by Ed Lyons
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@@Lil' Lovebug


Comet Dancer happily accepted his drink with a small utter of thanks, bringing his beverage to his mouth and taking a sip. He smiled softly, enjoying the flavor. As he took another sip of his drink, he began to notice that other ponies were beginning to join him at the bar, which was a welcomed change.


One such patron, a lilac unicorn, ordered her own preferred drink then seemed to turn her attention towards him  "Greetings. Mr. Dancer, was it? My names Satin." She said, holding a hoof out towards the silver stallion.


"Oh! yes, it was." He replied in confirmation; and, not forgetting his manners, he humbly accepted the mare's hoof in his own and gave a firm, yet gentle shake. "A pleasure to meet you Ms. Satin." He added. "And what, might I ask, brings you here to this fine establishment this evening?"

Edited by Alex Van Gamer


EQE OCs: Alex Van Gamer & Comet Dancer ; Cast Characters: N/A

"Looks like we might be due for a big ol' storm of chaos!"— Discord

"That could mean anything."— Flam "Theoretically..."— Flim

"This calls for a Party!" — Pinkie Pie

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"Hard, please," Satin quickly replied to the bartender. She placed her old glass on the bar.


Satin returned her attention to the stallion next to her. "Oh, nothing much. Just relaxing and grabbing a drink or two after getting into town earlier. Cozy place like this help you not feel as lost in such a sprawling city as Manehatten. What about yourself?"


Satin was distracted by the reporter pony she'd seen earlier, sans hat. "Hello, Mr. Reporter. How are you today?" she said, trying to stay civil, but failing, venom dripping slightly fro her words. "Any juicy scoops or gossip you got over there?"


'Oh, I shouldn't judge him just by his look. Not all reporters are like those filthy paparazzi, but... ugh.'

Edited by Lil' Lovebug

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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@@Lil' Lovebug,


The stallion replied. "Please, call me Alexi" he replied. "I'm actually just a columnist, not those gastly gossip reporters" he added, adamant that wasn't the paparazzi. "Though, I haven't got anything yet, I'm hoping some coffee will do that". However, sensing slight bitterness, he calls it a day and decides to leave and work on the next day's issue. He still made plans to come back the next day, as the ponies he encountered were very interesting, plus those hay fries were outstanding!

Edited by Ed Lyons
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