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private "Life on the Road" (Private)

Raven Rawne

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@@Raven Rawne


He sighed. "Well, I always had to learn the hard way, I ran away from home when I was a foal, like I said earlier. I lived in caves for the good part of my earlier years and was often attacked by bears and other creatures, I fought them and overcame the challenges. I also learned several spells that came to my aid. You will never know how strong you can be, unless you are forced to. I've dealt with monsters that almost killed me, what was I supposed to do then?" he quirked an eyebrow.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Natural rolled her eyes and exhaled a circle of pipe smoke right in front of her. "I had to fend off animals and stuff too, but I avoid fights if they're not a necessity. It's just how I roll, okay? Not the type that hangs monster heads over the fireplace and boasts what I shot last week. If I have to, okay, I'll shoot it. But stuff wants to live just like me. No point in going all trigger happy. Besides, bolts cost. I'm sorry if I somehow offended you, but it just seemed so strange to me, the way you talked about it."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The stallion sighed. "I never go fight stuff just because, you know. But I guess your right. Lets get going, shall we?" Crystal Cog didn't really want to dwell on this, so he had wanted to get going. He had adjusted his cloak so it would be more comfortable. He took a step forward.

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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare nodded, also eager to put this particular topic behind them. "Sure. We're halfway to the trees anyway."


She seemed to be thinking of something, staring in the distance and slowly puffing her pipe as she walked. The wagon for once didn't creak and moan like they usually do, thanks to the annual Winter renovation. Natural Order liked how everything was fresh and new every time she set out from her parents home. Even if the Wild didn't have much to offer yet, the very air of Spring called to her. The Pegasi already bought back the singing birds, so it will be nice to hear them again, once they enter the forest...


A heavy sound of a falling tree, and not a small one too, echoed from the forest. Natural sighed whrough clenched teeth, and grabbed her pipe in a foreleg ro say: "Bucking loggers, already at work. I won;t count how many times I had trouble with those types."

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@@Raven Rawne,


The mare could see his eyes flash red for a moment, he never liked seeing loggers, ever. "Stupid loggers. Trashing up the land for their money and personal gain. But they do have to get money and have a job though. I guess. Its nice out here to be honest, but I prefer it all under the darkness of night and with a nice full moon shining." 

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@@Moon Dancer.,


Natural shook her head at his anger. "Ponies need timber, and somepony needs to cut it. I don't hate them on principle. It's just that, more often then not, logging is about meeting quotas rather than rational mamagement of the forest. Stripping a portion of it bare is easier and faster, but the amount of devastation it brings... I tried to apply for a job in forestry, but this quota mindset just ruined it for me, you see."


She looked up at a few birds flying, and smiled somewhat. Nature, she loved being around it. "Darkness you say? Curious choice. I admit, Night has it's charm, but I'm a day pony, me. Harder to see stuff in the dark, so it's naturally more dangerous to travel. So you can see well in the dark, or have a spell for that?"

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@@Raven Rawne,


"I see your point there. I can see naturally in the darkness, my eyes have just adapted to it over the years, but I also do have a spell for that. This armour is enchanted in a way, a way that I can move about at night and nopony would ever see me. I used to go weeks without seeing the sun, without even longing for it." 

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And as the two continued to talk, the wagon's wheels rolling smoothly over the beaten, dirt path, nothing eventful would happen for the majority of their time. An occasional call of wildlife, the distant trees being felled, the wind whistling between the leaves, to one that would take a moment to appreciate the tranquil peace of the forest, it would feel...Nice.


The sound of rushing water ahead was heard, as the road took a distantly downwards slant, before over a bend they would see the path submerged under a thick blanket of water. Rushing smoothly, ripples trailing across the surface, it would no doubt make them take a moment to pause and consider if the water was dangerous to traverse.


At the water's edge, however, a figure would be sitting quietly. The first feature that would be noticed, would be her hat--a wizard's belonging, with the hem far to wide to be practical, obscuring her features. Around her body, wrapped up in various folds of fabric, a leather satchel would be slung over her side, the edges of her cloak being soaked by how close she was to the ford. A simple wooden cup, in one hoof, as she moved to slowly fill it to the brim with the natural freshwater in front of her. At her side, a traveler jug would be sitting, looking hefty and speckled with droplets, indicating she'd already filled it with the river's contents. 


The figure raised the cup, peering inside, before moving to pull additional items from her bag. A small pouch, which she sprinkled a dust of sorts into the cup, followed by a hollowed bamboo shoot, which sprinkled another type of dust inside. She mixed it, taking a moment to sniff, almost as if savoring the scent of the drink she'd made...Before tensing, hearing the wagon approach.


She turned, to slowly look at them, warily observing their attires and weapons, before lowering her head. Obviously not in a frame of mind to refuse moving for another, she gathered up what few belongings she had, and humbly moved to the side of the road to allow them passage...

Edited by P-Jay
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@@Moon Dancer.,


The mare simply nodded. That stallion was... rather strange to be frank. And since, apparently, they didn't have much to discuss right now, she let the silence reign for now.


They walked into the forest, which has only recently started to wake up from it's Winter slumber. Immature leaves on trees and bushes made bright green dots on the gray-brown canvas of the treeline, and there was that smell of sap in the air. Natural Order seemed to be on the lookout for something, as she scanned the upper branches and the open sky, but, apparently, her quarry was not found. Still, she had rather good spirits today, and even when her pipe ran out of tobacco, she just shrugged and thread it's long neck through a loop in the harness tat seemed specially made for that exact purpose.




Things were quiet and peacefully uneventful for the most part, until they walked out of a rather steep turn of the road to meet the ford. There, a lone pony was standing, apparently letting them trough. Natural Order decided to chat up to the travelling pony as the pair came closer. She stopped the wagon a rock throw away from the ford proper, since she needed to check it's safety anyway. With a practiced movement she unstrapped herself from the harness and stretched her back, then waved a foreleg in greeting.


"Hello there! Beautiful day isn't it? Escuse my straightforardness, but have you travelled the Moonlight path here? We were asked to check why nopony comes through it this year, you see."


She decided to walk to the river's edge, and peered at the reasonably calm water. As far as she could tell, the riverbed seemed even, but there was one more thing she needed to do before braving it with her wagon - crossing it by herself. For now, the mare decided to take a drink straight from the river, by just lowering her head and drinking like a deer. Even if she looked rather silly doing that, and she was positively showing off her tiny flank.

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@@P-Jay,@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal Cog thought that the silence was odd, but when they saw the lone pony he looked at her curiously, he didn't raise his weapon though, he looked her over carefully and she seemed like she could be some sort of wizard. He walked up to her at a normal pace. "Whats your name? Why are you out here?" 

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The mage in question was silent, taking the brief pause that came with the former drinking from the river, to drink from her own cup. Gingerly holding her beverage between her hooves, as she took a long, deep drink, almost draining the contents. 

She pulled a distantly disgusted face, setting the cup down, speaking in a small tone--almost to herself, "pity sugar makes it useless..."


For a moment, it seemed almost as if she were ignoring the party, before giving a response. "...And no, I haven't walked that path. I was on my way towards there, but from what you say it seems that might not be the wisest idea...Have you an idea why it seems closed off?"


She stiffened as Crystal approached, raising her head to look over the unicorn, and he could see her gaze flicker across his horn, his armor, his spear, before lowering her head once again, hiding her features. She was silent for yet another moment, before replying. "And...Don't you know it's rude, to ask for one's name without giving your own? I am on a journey, if that quenches your curiosity."

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@@P-Jay,@@Moon Dancer.,  


Natural satisfied her thirst, and checked the water's temperature too. Only years of experience saved her hat from falling into the current though. She wiped her snout with a hoof as the ponies had their... exchange. She turned around to face them both, shaking her head.


"And they say I'm a wild one... My name is Natural Order - funny name, I know - and he's Crystal Cog. Pleased to meet you, miss. Now as far as the Moonlight Path is concerned, I've no idea really. But we were hired to make it traversible again, so, if I may, I'd suggest that you could ither wait for our comeback in the "Felled Oak", or, if you're in a hurry, come with us. I'm sure set on making the path open again, the innkeeper that asked me to do it will lose a lot of business otherwise."


She then directed her attention to the ford's banks, pacing around and as she plotted the best way to cross it.

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@@P-Jay,@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal Cog sighed at the mare's remark. But then nodded. "I guess your right, but I wouldn't mind if she came with us." he didn't seem like he minded being looked over by her, and then he turned to Natural Order. "Do you think your wagon could house all 3 of us or will it not?"  

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The mare frowned from under her hat, at the proposition. She'd always been the type to travel alone, if only to keep herself from no small amount of trouble. 


It was easier, that way.


Yet Natural's words made her hesitate, before she gave an impulsive answer. The path ahead was blocked, enough to warrant a small duo to go fix whatever the problem was. And from the looks of the ponies, from the armor and weapons shared between the two, perhaps going on alone wouldn't be the brightest idea.


"A mystery of a problem." She muttered, "and thank you, for your names, Natural, Crystal. My name is Prentice."


Another pause, before she added to her statement, "although I have no interest in assisting you two. Only to get past the path." She raised her head, looking over the two. "Although I feel as if I won't have a choice in the matter."

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@@P-Jay, @@Moon Dancer.,


Natural Order was ankles deep in water, testing the riverbed and walking around, looking for the best point to traverse. She learned the hard way that preparation at crossing rivers could save a lot of trouble... She hollered at the two ponies.


"Nice to meet you, Prentice! Oh and, if you know hot wo sleep on the walls, sure, then there's enough room for everypony. It wasn't reeally thought for more than one, but maybe I can clear some space for one more. No promises though, it's pretty crammed."


Thankfully, the ford was shallow and she didn't even wet her belly while crossing it. Natural came back to the ponies with a satisfied smile. "All clear! Shouldn't be a problem in moving the wagon actross. So, you two coming along or I'll have to cary you on my back, eh?" The mare was obviosuly joking, with her thin frame, she didn't look like the type that could pull off such a trick. Still, she did reasonably well with hauling that wagon so maybe...


Natural seemed oblivious to her wet legs and just strapped herself to the wagon's harness, and cocked her head at the other ponies. "Did I hear correctly that you're accompanying us, Prentice? It's always nice to have somepony around, although I'm pretty sure it's nothing too severe. Roads around here bet blocked all the time, and usually it's just rocks or trees falling. No biggie for a seasoned vagabond like me..."

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@@P-Jay,@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal Cog smiled at Prentice. "Safety is in numbers, I'm glad that you will be coming with us." he then listened to Natural Order's words and silently chuckled when she joked. "If you are ever getting tired, maybe I could pull that wagon of yours." he grinned at Natural and then looked at Prentice again, he felt almost sorry for her.

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Prentice looked over the two, with as much of a stone-faced expression as ever, before sighing. She didn't truly wish to accompany those two, she did far better in her travels when she had but herself to rely on, and herself to provide for. Yet, the idea of friendship did seem tantalizing, from afar...


"Very...Well. I'll come with you, as far as Moonlight Path. From there, I intend to go my separate way."


She cast the wagon a glance, and lowered her head, thinking. "I don't wish to intrude, however--if my presence would be unappreciated, I trust you would tell me such."

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@@P-Jay,@@Moon Dancer.,  


Natural Order shook her head as she braced to pull the cart from it's resting spot, rocking it back and forth. "Oh Prentice, don't be silly! You're welcome to come with us for as long as you wish, it's the first rule of the Trail - don't leave a pony behind. Besides, you've got your own business to attend to, or you wouldn't be on the road, right? So of course I understand that we'll part ways at some point. Now if you... n-ghhhh! excuse me."


She gritted her teeth at the last pull, as the wagon settled in the damp ground and didn't want to budge, but finally rolled forward. The mint mare took course on the ford, one step at a time, so the wagon won't gain speed on the gentle slope. She said to her companions as she carefully manouvered the heavy thing to zero on the optimal trail she picked earlier to cross the water. "If you don't want to get wet, I suppose you can get inside. Should have enough momentum to cross the river on my own. Just don't make me stop or it'll get stuck, okay?"

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@@P-Jay,@@Raven Rawne,


Crystal Cog nodded at Natural Order's remark, he didn't mind getting wet, so he slipped his armour off with speed and precision and he placed it in the wagon. He didn't want to take up space on the wagon, incase Prentice wanted to get inside the wagon. He had a softspot for mares anyways, and wanted to be at his best while around them.  

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She was silent, before nodding, clambering onto the wagon. They'd offered her the seat, and refusing such would be rude. Besides...She'd been walking for quite some time, a moment of respite wouldn't be something she should refuse.


"Then you have my thanks." She replied, settling into a seat. Wrapping her cloak about her, sitting to simply be pulled along. 


She wasn't sure why she was being trustful of these strangers, yet it wasn't as if she didn't take cautionary measures. Gripping a small charm, underneath the folds of her clothes...

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@@P-Jay, @@Moon Dancer.


Natural smiled at the mare as she took her offer.  It faded when she felt extra weight on the wagon,  but she should be able to manage just fine...


The mare had enough momentum to plow through the muddy riverbank and reach the riverbed. Carefully noting not to hit any large stones, she plotted the course of her mobile home, and picked up the pace on the last leg so she won't get stuck on her way out. Thankfully years of experience paid off, and soon after, the mare was safely on the other side. Stopping the wagon on even ground, away from mud, Natural looked back at her company but the wagon obscured her view. "You guys made it alright? We should go if we want to reach the good camping site before night fall."

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@@P-Jay,@@Raven Rawne,


The stallion showed himself from out behind the wagon, and his coat glowed a greenish color for a second and all water and mud was removed from it and teleported to the river. He slid his armour back on. "I'm fine, yeah we should get going, we don't want to be out here at night." he had noticed Prentice was doing something with something under her cloak but didn't really pay much attention to it. 

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Prentice was silent, giving a small nod in response. 


Settling down, laying down in the wagon--bringing out a small book, from her bag, to begin reading as she was pulled along. "Pay me no mind. I'll just be reading..."


The book itself looked like a journal she'd been writing in. Rough sketches of various depictions--of flowers, herbs, leaves...

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@@P-Jay, @@Moon Dancer.


She had a funny look on her face as she glanced at the, suddenly clean, stallion, then on her wet legs. With a shrug, and overhearing that Prentice said something from inside the wagon, Natural took a deep breath and replied: "Alright guys,  let's get rolling. The Moonlight Path starts a tad ways further, and we need to pick some firewood before we enter the ravine. The road is inside of it, so there are no trees to be found."


She rocked the wagon forward and started walking while keeping an eye out on something good to burn. Not that they would have a problem with that in a forest but she didn't want to spend the whole day picking branches. Maybe some young tree fell by the road? 

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@@Raven Rawne,


The stallion followed the wagon, matching its speed perfectly. "Well, how deep is the Ravine, and how is there a road inside of it? Ravines are usually like canyons with sharp angles and stuff so wouldn't they be hard to build a road in, and wouldn't it be a bad place to put a road because Ravines are low ground, which is where water collects?" 

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