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searching Naruto Shippuden: Wrath of the Moon Goddess (OOC and Taking applicants)


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Rp: https://mlpforums.com/topic/164280-naruto-shippuden-wrath-of-the-moon-goddess/


This is something I've been throwing around in my head for a while and I figured I might as well give it a shot. I may still be working out a few kinks, but I have it all relatively figured out.




1. Don't automatically have your character be a practical god or have no flaws at the start. I'll try to give plenty of opportunities for character development.


2. Only a few characters, mainly Kaguya and her sons, will be retained in the rp. All other elements (i.e clans, jutsu, sage mode, etc.) still exist.


3. Relationships between characters are encouraged, but please keep it site friendly. We wouldn't want this to get shut down now would we.


4. I hereby give all who sign up for this creative freedom when it comes to the jutsus their character uses.


Character Submission Form and example


Name: Kyubi Yamato


Age: 16


Gender: Female






-Specializes in Suiton (Water Release) and healing ninjutsu

-Typically a long range fighter/support


Appearance: Kyubi has long, cherry red hair that and amber eyes. She stands at a height of five and a half feet. Her uniform consists of a black shirt and short skirt, along with a lavender jacket with the collar raised. She also wears thigh high boots and socks, along with black fingerless gloves.


Personality: While Kyubi may come off as shy when one first meets her, that is only on the surface. She is honestly very energetic when she is around those she is familiar with, and is very smart when it comes to working through a situation.


Affiliation: Good


Village: Konoha (Hidden Leaf)


Background: As her name would suggest, Kybui was born into the Yamato clan, one of the few whose ninja excelled in medical ninjutsu, and the girl was no different. Before she trained at the academy, Kyubi trained with her parents in both suiton, when it was discovered that she had a strong affinity for it, and her clan's medical ninjutsus. She even adapted a few suiton techinques to accomidate her family's main talent. Of course, she only improved when she began to attend the village's ninja academy. As of now, she is currently a chuunin.


And now we get to the premise of this little gem. It may not be much, but here's a preview of what I have in mind.


Long ago, before the first shinobi war or the era of warring clans, an ancient tree that reached into the heavens and with roots that reached deep into the Earth, brought to bear a single fruit, one that held great power. In an attempt to stop a war that was ravaging the land she ruled, a noble woman ate the fruit and became the first to use what we now know today as chakra, eventually passing it down to her two sons. There is a well known saying, however; power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. That was no different for the woman. Having felt like her power had been stolen from her with the birth of her sons, she began to sacrifce humans in an attempt to have the tree bear another fruit and eventually went as far as to fuse with the tree, creating a monster of untold power with the sole purpose of destruction. The sons, however, knew that they could not allow such a thing and fought their mother. In the end, the beast was sealed into a pocket dimension, the moon acting as the barriier to ours, while the two sons spread their near infinite amount of chakra across the nation. They then simply taught other humans how to harness it and they would the the ones to pave the way for the world we know of today. No one knows if the mother of the two sons will return, but something is stirring within the five great nations and there is no telling what will happen should it come to a head.


So, yeah. I figured that there would be a certain orginization hell-bent on resurrecting an ancient evil that the characters submitted would have to deal with. Of course, one could always join said evil orginization in a bid for power. What path you take is honestly up to you.


Accepted Characters

1. Kyubi Yamato

2. Blitz Ryu and Yuki

3.Xenneth Usagi

4. Insettsu Kareki





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((The current Naruto RP I was a part of dropped in activity, so I would not mind joining this one. I can even edit my character in order for them to play a much larger role to drive this plot if you'd like. Is there anything in particular you require, or would you like things to go a certain direction before I makeover the character I have in mind?))


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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Might as well see how this goes. I'll just have two characters for now; one being a human while the other is a summon.


Name: Blitz Ryu








Village: Konoha


Affiliation: Good




-Specilizes in Raiton (lightning release) and Fuuton (wind release) techniques

-Has a summoning contract with the kitsune clan

-Knowledable in fūinjutsu (sealing techniques)

-His clan had a few hiden techniques, but he has yet to learn them.*


Appearance: Blitz stands at five feet and nine inches in height and has a thin, yet muscular build. He has short, spiked. black hair and green eyes. He normally wears a white, baggy shirt with black trimming and grey pants.


Backstory: Blitz became one of the last surviving members of the Ryu clan on his tenth birthday after the other members were killed by an unknown assailant, the only distinuishing feature being a blank mask. The only reason the boy survived was because he was in the forest near the village at the time and the only body that wasn't found was his older brother's. Needless to say, it practically destroyed him psychologically when he learned of what happened and the possible implications of what the lack of his brother's body meant. After that, Blitz threw himself into his studies and tried to isolate himself from others. He eventually graduated from the academy and became a chuunin a few years later.


Personality: Before his tenth birthday, Blitz was very outgoing and always tried to see the best in others. After the massacre, however, he practically shut himself off from the outside world for fear of losing those close to him again and tried to keep any interaction with other people to a minimum. The only being he talks to casually on a daily basis is his fox summon and that was only after her persistence in wanting to at least be there for him beat his stubbornness. A few things have yet to change, however. Blitz is still loyal to those he cares for, as seen through his interactions with his summon. He just hides the pain he feels under a mask.


*The hiden techniques are similar to what the Inuzuka. clan in the sense that both allow the user to enter a more feral state. One of the main differences is that the Ryu clan's techniques take it a step further and give them characteristics of a dragon ( Scales covering the lower arm and legs, claws, enhanced senses, etc...). The techniques themselves are not easy to learn and are very costly in terms of chakra.


Name: Yuki


Age: 17




Species: Summoning Animal



-Excels in Katon (Fire Release)

-Enhanced senses


Appearance: Yuki is a seven tailed fox with snow white fur and the tip of each tail being violet in coloration, which is coincidentally the same as her eyes. She also stands at around four feet in height and wears a piece of amber attached to a small chain


Backstory: Yuki met Blitz when he was only eight. The boy had been exploring the forest near Konoha in the cold afternoon and had been sitting near a lake, eating a bento meal he had packed earlier that day, when he heard a soft mewling coming from a bush not to far away from where he was sitting. Upon further investigation, he discovered a fox kit with a strange pendant and seven tails trapped within a cage. Not wanting to see the creature hurt, the boy let her out and moved back a few feet so as not a scare the kit further, even going so far as to offer her a piece of chicken. Needless to say, the fox devoured the treat and joined the boy when he returned to his previous spot. The two sat there in silence, simply enjoying the others company. When the boy had to leave to return home, the kit simply went back into the woods. Whenever he returned, the kit would always be there, waiting for him. After a few weeks, Blitz gained the kitsune summoning contract and the two had become close friends. To this day, no one has found out that Blitz has had a summon for nine years.


Personality:Even from a young age, Yuki was very curious about the world around her, a trait that would later lead to meeting her current summoner. Along with this, she cares deeply for her friends and would do anything to help them. She also takes pride in both her appearance and strength. She finds joy in teasing Blitz and basically views him as family.


I probably could've done better on Yuki's initial meeting with Blitz, but oh well. Feel free to notify me if anything needs to change.

Edited by Drago Ryder
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Name: Xenneth Usagi


Age: E.I.G.H.T.E.E.N.


Gender: M.A.L.E.


Rank: Jounin




Kekkei Genkai – Rabbit’s Perception [usagi Chikaku] :: Born Innate, the Usagi Clan Members, based on rabbits, seem to have the ability to hear over vast distances. This ranges from the budding of the ability (50 Meters) to complete maturity (2 Kilometers/1.25 Miles Roughly). In this range, the Usagi are capable of hearing everything whether it be a whisper or pin drop and pin point accuracy. Usually, this is used to detect anyone or anything incoming, and the closer the object is, the more it is perceived slowly as if a fly is watching a movement with compound vision. This is the Earth Countries means of knowing of any nearby intruders due as the Usagi are independent and often travel across the country, making it difficult for anyone to enter without a Usagi knowing it. This is usually coupled with their unique foot Movement in order to relay information or battle for short periods of time.


Rabbit’s Step [usagi Suteppu] :: The Usagi Clan are independent and do not train as ninja. In order to escape bandits or ninja who use chakra and jutsu to pursue them, the clan has evolved in their movements using chakra and their unique leg and thigh muscles in order to escape pursuit or overpower them with speed. The Usagi are capable of using running speeds that would match that of the most potent ninja’s speed, and seems to be always one level above the average ninja or civilian.


Rabbit Rush Taijutsu [usagi Rasshu] :: The Usagi Clan is always capable of using their legs, not just as a means of support, but also in offensive/defensive techniques. With strong leg muscles nurtured with chakra, the Usagi Clan are capable of fighting potently with their legs, even resisting the impact of their kicks hitting stone, steel, and most armor. Having a Usagi with a high rank give a kick to a person is similar to that of a Kangaroo, therefore, they are capable of killing almost any civilian, but ninja who are skilled in defenses and ninjitsu are capable of resisting them. However, the potency makes them highly ranked when it comes to fighting using foot movement and kicking-based Taijutsu.


Weapon: Baindingu Nuno [binding Cloth] :: A ninjutsu technique favored by Sunagakure used for binding practices. However, as merchants, the Usagi have traveled and obtain shreds of the rare cloth, nurtured it with chakra, and fashioned beautiful robes of many colors and designs for the clan. Many of the clan members use the cloth for practices of grabbling along with their taijutsu. Xenneth is no different as he seems to use the cloth to bind his opponent, defend himself against incoming attacks, and (when moist) guard against scorch release. The clothing made from this cloth can be disassembled, reassembled, and also transformed for different means, including to mimic up to two more whip-like appendages for striking attacks.


Eight Gates Formation :: An acquired rare skill – devoting himself to protecting his clan, Xenneth has managed to learn how to open the Eight Inner Gates in order to increase Chakra Flow. As each gate is opened, or multiple gates at the same time, Xenneth battles fatigue in order to attack an opponent with powerful techniques that scorch the air itself, sends shockwaves from taijutsu to targets, and finally to exceed the power of even the Kage – but at the cost of his life if he were to open the Eighth Gate. If Usagi uses even one gate, he becomes racked with pain or fatigued to a great extent, but training lessens the recovery time.




Face Claim: Watarase Jun [Happiness?!]


Xenneth has a docile appearance, regardless of his age. Standing to be less than average in height, he brandishes a red heart on his right cheek as a significant marking. His hair color is a faded blonde, but dyed violet, and he has electric blue eyes. His hair sits to be stronger length on his skinny shoulders.


His body is adorned with a white cloak that sits upon his body with designs of golden embroidered roses upon the skirt of the silk robe. The robe seems to be the length of his arm and falls over his hands, coveting them. Underneath this, Xenneth seems to wear a body tight one piece and leggings of white color that match his cotton-like tail on the hind. His head that is adorned by a pair of white rabbit-like ears is actually a ninja tool crafted to reach to his ears and siphon in sounds, stretching the range of his hearing ability. His feet are equipped with metal platform sandals at rise at the back to give the impression of a heel.




Xenneth is as unique as “unique” can get. Even as a young child, he has retained a slice of innocence and an unwavering kindness that he seems to be ignorant to himself. He is somewhat spoiled in some ways, also close minded when it comes to things that goes against his principles. In some way, his persona is almost that of feminine, more so than usual of his family even though they have a legacy of breeding mostly female members due to his accursed clan. However, even his “uniqueness” has some flaws and defining qualities that make him a special exception to the ninja world.


First, one would have to consider what makes Xen has his attitude towards his clan. Even though he is a part of the Harusagi Clan, is has mixed feelings about his position was one of few males that are born amongst them. His feelings mostly come towards a love for his sister and friends apart of the clan as he values the little things, but detests the more complicated aspects. Like many other members of the clan, he hates the clauses where his clan mostly has the reputation as “servants” and “slaves” which is opposed to their ideas of servicing and satisfying their fellow neighbors. He thinks of his family bonds that result from it as a good part of it. Optimistic, and also hiding the part of him that suffers, Xenneth constantly lives his life apart of the clan looking at it from a positive view and trying to live in the moment rather than dwell about a complicated future that comes from his involvement with the clan, forever remaining hopeful that the clan can be seen as more.


Xenneth’s outlook on himself is the most heart wrenching of all. It’s because of his use among the clan and his depression about how distant he is towards meeting one another; he has little self-esteem, as well as value. He thinks of himself as a touchstone of trying to make more of his clan than what it is. Since he is among few males born into the family, he appoints a responsibility in militant perspective of being a service to the Ninja World rather than serving them through the Harusagi’s abilities. He has very low confidence in his abilities and makes use of them in a very special way, even though he’s not aware of this mostly.


When it comes to others, Xenneth knows nothing less of treating them with absolute respect. Mostly because of his isolation, Xenneth becomes very happy or obliged to see other people and meet their acquaintance. He is most upbeat and happy within the presence of another person, and the most depressed and thoughtful when he is alone. He has a tendency to reach out, and even more of a tendency to speak his mind. He is socially awkward, so he isn’t very good when it comes to social norms but he seems to understand the awkwardness of male and female sexuality seeing he reads a lot, and mostly because of how perverse his clan naturally is because of their nature; but that doesn’t mean he isn’t meek about it.


As a Shinobi, Xenneth is not very incline to be a proper ninja or even try to be one because of the fact violence is involved. He doesn’t have a “killer instinct” or intention to kill. He has great strength and chakra reserves because of his clan’s dormant nature, but he is so limited in strength because he often falls prey to his feelings. He lacks self-control and seems hesitant to fight because of it, but when all his strength is let loose and his cunning, he can make devastating results in some of the oddest of ways.


So Xenneth can be afraid, shy, and socially awkward, but he can also be very stubborn! He doesn’t possess intelligence like a shinobi, but he has a very strong will that makes him dive forth and try to do his very best for the sake of protecting what he loves at all costs. He isn’t good as a Shinobi because he uses brute force rather than his head, and relies too much on cooperation, but his strength alone is tremendous when he realizes it himself as a shinobi.




Allies with Iwagakure [Temporary - Mission]

Enemies with Kohonagakure [Temporary - Mission]


Village: None




A long time ago, a woman had beckoned for protection for the ones she loved. She promised services and to use her beauty to promote the beauty of love and loyalty, and in return a pact was named called the “Armistice Pact.”


The Armistice Pact was an “agreement” reached between Elda Haruda and the Empress of the Rabbit Tribe of summons. Elda had used the summons in order to protect her daughter and nomadic family that had become under the protection and gained their abilities, but overtime, the family had decided to use their new found abilities for more than just protection, but also “destruction.” Over time, the family name had changed to “Usagi” in order to honor the rabbit family as agreed to the Armistice Pact, but in time, the pact begun to be betrayed as the family had become mercenaries. Elda Usagi had become notorious as the “Black Rabbit” and a radical leader in the Earth Village’s slums, until that is, her very own daughter had rebelled against her and in the end, pushed the followers to promote the old regime of what the Usagi Family had represented: Love. It had been years passing since those times, (Seventy-Five.) Within the Grass Village was the remnants of the Usagi Family, and thus the start of Xenneth’s story.


As Xenneth was born, it was during the Usagi Clan’s time of struggle. The clan was not easily forgiven for the reign of the “Black Rabbit” and so the clan was subjected to lewd and dehumanizing services due to how they were regarded for beauty. In doing so, the clan was famed for being potent and strong due to their reliance on nothing but females, and straying away from males. This had become so radical, males were left with their natural fathers or institutions while females returned to the clan. New born females were brought into the clan. Because of this, the clan was further discouraged as it was thought that they not only abandoned families, but also that they had carried clan secrets with them that would cause them to be called “dangerous.” [Ex: One Member could hoist the traits of Konoha ninja such as forbidden jutsu or Kekkei Genkai such as Sharingan in one member, or others would have jutsu from Sungakure such as the ability to conjure the rare traits of Wind-based Ninjutsu.]


Xenneth was one of those cases as the clan did business with a male in Sungakure who also fashioned the robes of the clan, enabling them to use Sungakure’s personal binding cloth along with Taijutsu that they themselves master. From birth, Xenneth had favored clothing, sewing, and use items that were of clothes. This was thought to be because of his father who was a tailor, but he was looked down upon because he was male. However, his mother, pleaded to have Xenneth be kept with the clan due to him being her only child, and her fertility being called into question. The Clan’s mother ruler, agreed, as she was gentle upon her youngest child. Xenneth had been ridiculed for being different from the rest of his clan as a male, and not having the body composition that would make him learn all techniques that clan members had.


Still, Xenneth had persevered because of how determined he was…


Xenneth had proven himself overtime not just by being of service of the clan, but also learning to fight in his own way using the Binding Cloth that his own father tailored. A gift to him personally to the son he never known, as well as him learning all the ways of the Usagi. Although Xenneth is not female, he still shown promise as a Usagi by how he implemented his clan’s techniques in order to suit himself: this included his kicking powers that was instead amplified by his male gender, his baby face charm, and not to mention his different perspective as a male that allowed him to be perseverant and stubborn.


However, there was something that could not be stopped, whether male or female, and that was the temporary allying of the clan with Iwagakure when the rumors stirred that the Tailed Beasts were the targets of villages. In order to not have the lands ravaged by any of the Tailed Beasts, as nomads, The Usagi has allied themselves with Iwagakure to patrol their borders and gather intel as they roamed around the Earth Country, the borders their stomping grounds since birth, in exchange for the village’s protection.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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@Drago Ryder


Just be careful with what jutsu you use, and you should be fine. Both are accepted.




Not sure if the bijuu will be involved when it comes to the rp, but everything else seems fine.

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Not sure if the bijuu will be involved when it comes to the rp, but everything else seems fine.


I only went by the assumption since it seemed to be following the premise of the original ten-tails, that being the great tree that becomes the chakra forms that were the tailed beasts. If we were going to follow something different in terms of what form the mass amounts of chakra or what the ancient evil would be, I can always change it to fit the story. I was just going to make something to encourage to drive the plot by opposing the hero characters.


Would you like me to come up with something to fit that role?


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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I only went by the assumption since it seemed to be following the premise of the original ten-tails, that being the great tree that becomes the chakra forms that were the tailed beasts. If we were going to follow something different in terms of what form the mass amounts of chakra or what the ancient evil would be, I can always change it to fit the story. I was just going to make something to encourage to drive the plot by opposing the hero characters.


Would you like me to come up with something to fit that role?

Nah. I actually like that idea. I just don't know how to implement the bijuu and their hosts.

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You could always just have them as their own being. That being said, we may want to get more people so this thing can get going.

Yeah. We'l just have to see what happens. I'll see what I can do about the tailed beasts, as well.

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@Divine_Heart @Drago Ryder

Ok, assuming that we don't have anyone else sign up in the next few days, I'll go ahead and start the rp. I will still be acceping character submissions, though,

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Haven't seen one of these in a good time. I think. Doesn't matter. I'll leave this here.


Name: Insettsu Kareki

Age: 14

Gender: male

Rank: Chuunin


-Specialized in genjutsu and taijutsu

-Is a support sensor-type ninja

-Access to some clan abilities (Elaborated on further down)

-Is from a clan branch.

Appearance: Insettsu is around 5 feet and 4 inches. He is built athletically, more so than just a normal ninja that doesn't train his body's physical strength all the time. His eyes are quite tired looking, with good reasoning as well, being up and studying most of the time. He wears his headband around his neck for comfort. His hair is white unlike the usual black in his clan, it is also pretty long for a boy especially his age as it reaches down to his shoulders. He and the main branch of the Kareki clan has a third eye (Explained further down). He usually wears the normal chuunin vest, which was designed for him. He also has the usual pants and the rest. When in casual wear he will most likely wear a black t-shirt and black trousers.

Personality: Insettsu is pretty quiet when just walking along, as he likes to listen. But when it comes to planning missions he will give his opinion as common sense has it. He is after all a sensor-type ninja, which means he plays an important role in both defense and attack missions. He acknowledges this and tries to fight defensively to protect himself, to ease the stress of others. He can however fight offensively if he has to. And due to the disdain of the main branch, exception for the elder he doesn't act proud of his clan. He never had many friends and treat them like the family he was never allowed to have.

Village: Konoha (Hidden Leaf)

Background: Insettsu was born from two branch clan parents. They were two different branch clans, one which focused on taijutsu due to their natural sensitivity to movement inherited from the main clan and the other branch clan parent's clan focused on Ninjutsu due to them having quite large reservoirs of chakra, inherited again from the main clan. Him being born with more purity than even a main clan child was unheard, at least in recorded history. He had chakra to spare as well as a heightened sensitivity compared to his mother. Unfortunately, whilst on a mission both his mother and father died. They were presumably killed by foreign ninjas. Insettsu wasn't old at the time, barely two years old. The elder of the main branch had wanted to invite his parents and him to live with the main clan or at least with their support. He had great opposition in the council however. Insettsu was allowed into the main clan due to his abilities, not because the council members, except the elder. Wanted him there, the first year he lived inside of the main clan's temple, like a normal kid his age in his clan. He would study about the clan's history, play with the other kids until their mothers came and told them not to play with him. He would also talk to the elder, much to the disliking of the others around him.

Three years later, he had begun to live in a small house alone in Konoha. He had packed to go to the main clan's temple to take the purity test that every six year old that had been accepted into the main clan did. When he arrived, many unwelcome stares were given. He thought of it as natural, he was born a branch, to them that will never change. He didn't care either way and presented himself with the other six year old children to the elder, they were all brought to this chamber with a container of a blue liquid that had tree roots inside of it. As well as a body, he had studied this. The person in there was their ancestor, the first Kareki. He had presumably sealed himself in the container to test future purity rates, or some sort of compatibility with some artifact, no one knew for sure however. Each kid tested themselves by going up to an altar and pouring chakra into it. There was water in a jar on the altar and it would change color to match the purity rate, most kids got either a too light or too dark color, until Insettsu came up and it was almost the same color. There was even visible vegetation growing at the top until he stopped pouring chakra into it. Out of all the kids, only three including Insettsu managed to get close match, with Insettsu being the only with vegetation growing. The elder then let everyone go out and announced that three geniuses had come, and their clan would most likely prosper again. As he said that a piece of the ceiling fell down. Clearly showing the lack of maintenance due to lack of funding from Konoha, as they hadn't produced any good ninja in a very long time.

Clan bloodline/Kekkei Genkai

The third eye of the Kareki clan has numerous abilities among different users. Much like the Mangekyo Sharingan, howeve it is not as powerful as the Sharingan. It does make a special chakra just like the Sharingan, but instead of changing a physical aspect it opens the third eye.

The eye itself has four forms when opened. In the first form it is just a black void, in this form and more advanced forms it grants the user a sensing ability according to purity. Most don't have one at all, Insettsu has a vibration sensing ability that doesn't require chakra when it is opened. Basically, depending on his expertise in using this he can detect people by the movement of air. The other two have a similar ability to each other, being able to sense minute chakra amounts over a rather great distance. To get this ability one has to either have over a 50% purity while at the altar. Only about 20 or so people do this every time. They are however unable to use it knowingly until they learn how to control the unique chakra that is required to open the eye. The other way is to stimulate the body to produce this chakra like the myoboku oil does to absorb nature chakra. Doing it this way may induce death and is usually only used on 20-49% purity. Purity under 20% means you get sent to a branch.

The second form has the user form an iris-less eyeball. In this form the user is granted a much greater ocular ability, being able to see 270 degrees around them. It is also the current strongest form achieved by anyone in the clan. Nothing else is known about this except there are some jutsus that take advantage of this form's power. To get the second form would mean that you can use this special chakra to enhance your normal eyes as well as open your third eye, quite the tremendous achievement as it requires very precise chakra control.

The third form is the strongest of the known existing forms. In this form, the pupil and iris are formed. The eye grants 360 degrees vision, superior to the Byakugan in that sense. It also gives the user a powerful ability, only known ability is the ancestor's power. Which was to steal any other dojutsu close by if they touched the other individual. This was said to be permanent until released. To achieve this form you have to be able to integrate the special chakra, into your jutsus or into your body as it uses taijutsu. The burden on the body is even more severe than opening several chakra gates. The burden if using it on your jutsus is that you will feel all the pain the enemy receives. However, the jutsu or body will be several times stronger passively. Upon reaching this stage you're considered to be at the pinnacle of the Kareki

The fourth form is just a legend to many, in this form. No other known dojutsu would rival it. The abilities, powers and everything about it is unknown except for this statement written by the ancestor "True terror is the only thing left in the eye." No one is quite sure what he meant. He was according to history insane in his late years when he wrote it down. It is currently unknown how to achieve this form. And its abilities.

Edit: The way to get the different forms have been added.

Edited by rolle

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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Well, they're not exactly easy to get... I need to go up and edit that stuff in. He'd probably start off having only the first form unlocked and later on, not quickly at all. "Unlock" the second form. And, just to clarify. The fourth form is not stronger than the Rinnegan or Tenseigan. As they're not generally known so... But I guess you already understood that. Anyways, the basic gist is that you need good control of your chakra, and some other chakra stuff... It's easier if I just edit it. (TBH, it shouldn't matter too much if I don't say much about how to unlock until after editing since it'll just become weaker... Eh)

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Heathlife (alt1Heltheain Magmosor

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So, we basically have this rp's version of Sasuke with Blitz, a seven tailed fox, a healer that can control water in Yuki, a genjutsu user in Insettsu, and a ninja allied to a entirely seperate village in Xenneth. Assuming that we don't get anyone else in on this, we have a pretty decent group.

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On 3/27/2017 at 7:29 PM, Drago Ryder said:

So, we basically have this rp's version of Sasuke with Blitz, a seven tailed fox, a healer that can control water in Yuki, a genjutsu user in Insettsu, and a ninja allied to a entirely seperate village in Xenneth. Assuming that we don't get anyone else in on this, we have a pretty decent group.

Actually, Xenneth isn't a ninja, and as said, the alliance with Iwagakure is temporary. I am just going to act as a temporary antagonist force for the sake of conflict since it seems as if everyone is Konoha and are allies. I will remain as an antagonist force for a limited time though as the story progresses.


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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On 3/29/2017 at 1:15 AM, Divine_Heart said:

Actually, Xenneth isn't a ninja, and as said, the alliance with Iwagakure is temporary. I am just going to act as a temporary antagonist force for the sake of conflict since it seems as if everyone is Konoha and are allies. I will remain as an antagonist force for a limited time though as the story progresses.

My bad. Either way, can't wait to see what you can pull off with him.

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8 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:

My bad. Either way, can't wait to see what you can pull off with him.

No need. Just pointing things out so we don't make some IC mistakes.

Anyway, I haven't forgotten about you IC. Just trying to think about how to go about things and including everyone. 


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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4 minutes ago, Divine_Heart said:

No need. Just pointing things out so we don't make some IC mistakes.

Anyway, I haven't forgotten about you IC. Just trying to think about how to go about things and including everyone. 

Don't sweat it. I actually had my characters start in a bad spot all things considered, but Yuki is heading to the market and Blitz will probably be drawn to whatever choas the little kitsune can make.

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19 minutes ago, Drago Ryder said:

Don't sweat it. I actually had my characters start in a bad spot all things considered, but Yuki is heading to the market and Blitz will probably be drawn to whatever choas the little kitsune can make.

M'kay. i will make an exit for now with my character and re-introduce later. I think it would make more sense for what I have planned. >=]


"Even heroes start the day this way!"


Divine Heart - Roleplay Character


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