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private A Night to remember


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The Master sighed, and rolled his eyes.

"You ponies are pathetic. The Doctor can do so mcuh better."

He turned to them, a nearly hypnotic force in his eyes.

"This genocide you see here? It's nothing. They still have to bring out the big guns, and then there's the Doctor's closing act..."

He stared in hatred at the Dalek ships in the distance.

"I am here to guide you through the Doctor's memories of this war. I am here to show you, that no matter how much you suffered, he has suffered so much more."

He started walking in the direction of a huge palace at the center of the city.

"The Great Time War was the bloodiest war in history. And to end it all, the Doctor had to be the soldier who killed the most. He's the most alone being in the universe."

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The Master gave an insanely evil smile.

"You can't."




They ran. Ran like there was no tommorrow. But the saddest thing was, there was a tommorrow for these ponies. And I'd be filled with death and pain just like today. As they ran past hundreds... No, THOUSANDS of ponies being brutally murdered, they eventually managed to lose their pursuers.

They all stopped to catch their breath, but the Master didn't even break a sweat. Instead, he looked up at the building they stopped by.

"We're here."

He pointed a screwdriver similar to the Doctor's at one of the walls, revealing a disguised air duct.

"Inside." He said.

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The Master shushed her rudely.

When inquired with a quizzical look, he pointed around them.

They were on an overhang of a main hall, in wich's centre keeled a unicorn mare with blue fur, stripy white and blue mane and a hourglass cutie mark. Around her stood three of those things, one of wich was without a shell, revealing a deformed, Pony-like figure.

"Look carefully."

The Master whispered.


((BTW, to you this is Colgate.))

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The Master chuckled slightly.

"That there, is the president of Gallopfrey."

He now became serious.

"She's one of the Doctor's oldest friends, one of the fire whom he left in peaceful and non-dangerous circumstances. She used to travel with him a lot, and the one you know is probably a past version of this one. But her role in the gallopfreyan government forced them to see each other less and less, until this happened..."

He looked upon the scene sadly.

The disfigured pony looked upon Colgate, who gave a hating state back.

"Romanadvoratrelundrar..." the thing said, with a raspy voice. "Davros." she spat out.

The thing looked upon her with hate.

"Your kind isn't worthy of existing in the same universe as the mighty Daleks. You are unworthy parasites, who feed off what is rightfully ours and then bite the hand that feeds you!" he talked to her like she was the deformed abomination.

"Your kind cannot exist. You must be EXTERMINATED!"

Only then did they notice the crowd hiding in the darkness, wich went into a frenzy, shouting "EXTERMINATE!! EXTERMINATE!!"

Colgate looked up to him in disgust.

"You turned yourselves into monsters, and killed the test of your kind. Even if you ever were the master race, you aren't any more. No, now your just emotionless abominations..."

Davros looked at her with anger.


He turned to the two Daleks next to him.


While things got into position, of course repeating their favrouite word, Romana had just the time to smirk, and say one last thing: "There's like six Dalek emperors...." before a blow of lightning to the back of her skull blew off her head. Her body glowed orange, as it started to change, and after a sudden outburst, she came back as another pony, before being shot again.


They watched in silence, the Master's expression having not changed through the whole thing.

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''NO!'' Screamed Splinter as Dashing out of nowhere. ''Those things just don't Shut up.'' Said Splinter as Resembling a Reaper. ''Come on Mr.Master! Ya Big Wimp! Come and get me! You too Chicken?'' Said Splinter as sticking his tongue out and Flying up to The Master and Rubbing The Master's Head. He then Flew over to the group. ''Long time no see, Eh Pals?'' Said Splinter as Winking. ''Trust me in these kind of terms, I know what I'm doing. Ya hear?'' Said Splinter as Looking at the group with a smile and Staring at the Master's Enraged Face. ''Better go deal with Mr. Cranky Flank here. See you guys soon! Or Never!'' Said Splinter as flying back to the Master's face. ''Come on Scatterbrains. Lets go!'' Said Splinter as Smiling.

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Ivy facehoofed "I wonder if you die in a nightmare you die in real life" she wondered. She looked over at Prince "If they hit her mid regeration the body will stop the regeration and die..." she said. She looked at that master "Are they kind enough to do that or do they just keep killing her over and over again?"

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The master groaned.

"Weren't you listening" they are going to kill her all 341--"


"--340 times. That's just how horrible war is when you can come back from the dead. Torture doesn't have a limit."

Hr turned around to see Splinter mocking him.

He grabbed him by the head, and slammed him to the ground, giving him an insane stare and grin.

"Do you really THINK you can mock me?" he laughed histerically.

"Im the only thing that can get you to the Doctor! Now, be quiet and let's--"


The Master looked at the thing floating in front of the balcony, and snarled at it.

"Bite me."

He said gritting its teeth, and ran up the air duct.

Edited by Doctor Whooves™
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Ivy followed up after Prince "I don't understand any of this" she sighed. She carried on moving forward till she looked down and saw a gap in the vent. She watched as she saw so many ponies die. She shock her head and carried on crawling.

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Splinter was on the ground. Aching in pain. ''Bad Idea... Bad Idea.'' Said Splinter as starting to see blood drip from his head. ''Wait..Wait...wait...'' Said Splinter before his eyes closed and he became cold. Splinter was dead... But he managed to say three more words. ''Find...The..Doctor...'' Whispered Splinter before Collapsing.

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The Master did not care for the shaking ponies following him.

He did not care for the dying pathetic creature who had provoked him.

He didn't even care for his well being.

All he cared for in that instance was to save his friend.

The Doctor. The pony who had helped him so many times before, and now needed him.

He knew the Doctor's actions would kill the Time Lords, he knew he'd drive him insane, he knew that because of his old ally all he'll become will be everything he hated.

But the Doctor will become everything he believed in.

He sighed, turned around and with a steady move, bucked the Dalek out of balance, causing it to scream and fall over.

He couldn't control himself. It was helpless!!

He laughed uncontrollably at the metal thing wich cried for help in the floor, before remembering why he faced it in the first place.

He scanned Splinter with his laser screwdriver.

"He's still alive, but won't be for too long."

He said, with a nod.

He sighed.

"For the Doctor", he thought.

He steadied his hooves upon the body, wich was breathing softer and softer.

He inhaled deeply.

This was gonna hurt.

With a sudden outburst, golden energy flowed from him to Splinter, causing all sorts of light tricks, untill he stopped abruptly and the pony started breathing again with a loud gasp.

He loaded him on his back, and once again reached the others up the air duct, running past them.

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Ivy looked at Prince with a big grin on her face. She went over and kissed him "look at you, being all brave!" She then followed the master somemore and looked at the master. "so... why you in this nightmare?"

Edited by Midnightive
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