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Equestrian Prisoners Reboot (Open)


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You've landed yourself in the Equestrian Prison. We here don't care what crime you committed, just that you are here, and we won't let you leave until your sentence is over.

The prison bus comes to a stop, you're dragged out of the bus and to the entrance of the prison, you could run away now, but that would get you shot. The doors open as you're taken into the prison and eventually lead to your cell the guards leave you to your own thing from there.

Zealous was very obedient to follow the guard as he found himself in yet another prison he was sent to this unfamiliar place after escaping the last prison but he was sent here, not knowing if the others who escaped with him were sent here too. He couldn't really think of how another escape would help his life sentence. He still had possibility for parole somehow. He looked around and saw some maps on the walls, he made sure to memorize them as they closed him in his solitary cell. "Well, this is great, I wonder how long I will be in here."

"2 hours, to teach you a solid les-" The guard stopped talking when he heard Zealous snoring loudly while laying on his 'bed', he was clearly faking that he was sleeping, just to tease the guard, who growled and walked off.

"That worked better than I expected." He mumbled to himself, sitting up. "Now what to do while I wait." Zealous shrugged. "Eh, Might as well sleep for real."

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Shadow opened a portal into the armory and dropped off his coat and weapons, but he his hat, then he walked out of the room and waved at the cameras.

Grace silently walked behind the guard and entered her cell, she didn't want to make any trouble. So she kept her mouth shut. As she was sitting on the bed, she pulled her scarf more over her mouth and nose

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Dimitry quietly followed the guard off the prison bus muttering in russian. He arrived at his cell swore at the guard in russian and went in and sat down as the cell door closed and locked. He had hid his old ushanka when he came to the prison he got it out and put it on the shelf. He was thinking about how he got here and how those stupid "Germanes" as they called them selfs tried to help him. he knew they where just Germans trying to crush the motherland. but how did he get here?. As another guard came past his cell he decided to throw a small pice of concrete at the guard hitting the guard in the face. "Hey! do you want to punished prisoner?" Dmitry replied with "Maybe" This just angered the guard even more "Oh your de..." Another guard stepped in saying "Leaf hes not worth it".

Edited by Dmitry Korov
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Collapse stayed silent during all of this. She hated herself and everything at this moment, she did what the guards said while being obedient. Once inside the cell she carefully observed what was going on around, to see what other prisoners and guards were doing. 

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Dmitry not too happy about the other guard saying he wasn't worth it so he desided to spit at the guard "HEY PRISONER" *Guard opens cell door and dmitry leaps at the guard and bucks him* "Stupid Germans!" *The other guard draws his baton trying to beat Dmitry off his friend as Dmitry is pounding the guards face in* as 3 other guards drag Dmitry off the guard who has blood pouring down his face.

Edited by Dmitry Korov
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@Trixie .

Two hours passed, Zealous napped through both. But that nap was shortly interrupted by a guard; "Hey!" Zealous jerked awake, sitting up quickly. "Your time is up in there, I'm taking you to a proper cell now."

Zealous smirked, the door opened before he was forcefully taken to the cell. he was thrown down on the floor, turning around to the bars as he stood up. "Well this is definitely better." He looked around, spotting a mare right across from him; Collapse. "Oh hey! What are you in here for?" He asked, putting his hooves on the bars, pressing up against it. "If you don't want to say that's fine with me."

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She looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Stealing, assault, attempting overthrow...." she said with a slight smirk, and looked him over, it was clear that she didn't trust Zealous at all, eying him wearily.

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Waking up in a new cell after being knocked out he noted a cream unicorn mare with red hair in the opposite cell. "Oh yay more idots" He muttered under his breath. He then realised that his ushanka was gone "Dermo" He said quietly.

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Crimson was in her cell, doing sit ups, push ups, and a few other simple exercises to both pass the time and maintain her form. She had been in prison for about a month now, and she had gotten wise quick. While she obviously would rather have her freedom, a part of her strangely liked the challenge of the place.

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Dmitry was thinking of home... the small part of moscow.. when he was called up to fight for the motherland.. his little boy alexandrei... he wanted to kill some one as revenge for coming into this world...

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Shadow walked up to a random cell to see an earth pony without a cutie mark. He hit the bars, making her jump, and said, "Hey, you don't seem to fit in, what's your name and why are you in?" He saw that she was writing something down. After he was reading it, he said, "So, you can't talk?" When she shook her head no, he got pissed, He banged on the bars and walked off. He opened a portal and grabbed his drink. As he sat on the railing in front of a random cell, he took a few gulps before. placing it on his lap. Then he lifted his hat to fold his ears down and place it back on. 

Grace was lost in thought until somepony with scale banged on the bar and ask about her, she almost jumped out of her skin, then she wrote down, "Grace Melody, I'm for theft." When he asked if she mute, she shook her head no, which seemed to piss him off. She huddled in the corner when he hit the bar again.

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Dmitry groaned as a guard walked to his cell "Hey prisoner your being moved" as the guard open the cell 2 other guards appeared and dragged him out dragging him across the floor to another cell with a earth pony with no cutie mark "Welcome to your new home prisoner" "Looks ok" *The guard Throws Dmitry into the cell* Dmitry looks around and see's the other pony in the cell he looks at her with a blank face he desides to ask her "So what are you in here for?"

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@Dmitry Korov

When Grace finally calmed down from the incident, she watched the guard bring a pony in and throw him in. When she heard him ask why she's in. She got nervous for a bit then she wrote down, "Theft" Then she showed it to him as she lifted her scarf higher. 

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Dmitry thinking that she looked abit young said "in for arson and assault and battery. I have to say you look a bit young" Dmitry sat down just sitting there thinking about his home his country his.. motherland. about the Germans what they had taken from him..                                                                                      .

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57 minutes ago, Twofer said:

Crimson was in her cell, doing sit ups, push ups, and a few other simple exercises to both pass the time and maintain her form. She had been in prison for about a month now, and she had gotten wise quick. While she obviously would rather have her freedom, a part of her strangely liked the challenge of the place.

A guard came to the cell that Crimson was in, leading a new prisoner. The guard was a lavender coloured pony with a straight black mane and tail and red eyes. Rather unusually, the guard, Glory, was a pegacorn. She always hated it whenever ponies mistook her for an alicorn, and felt nervous anyway cuz it was her first day on the job. She had been given the task of taking a new prisoner to her cell. The prisoner in question was a nondescript earth pony mare, with pale grey fur, pale pink mane and light blue eyes. She seemed out of place, as tho she shouldn't be there, until one glanced at her eyes and saw the cold glitter within. This was cuz the earth pony mare was nothing of the sort; she was in fact a changeling named Mariposa, Mari for short. She had been a spy for Chrysalis, now she was a rogue from the Hive. Mari still held a grudge against ponykind, which was why she had committed the crimes that had landed her in prison. Glory took Mari to the cell, making sure the door was locked after, and trotted away quickly. Something about this new prisoner made her shiver.

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Nitra read whatever passed for the Bible in this world, sitting quietly in her cell. She'd been in jail for a full week--and up until that point, she'd done well to keep to herself, and merely make the best of a bad situation. 

However, one couldn't help but wonder how or why a dragon was in this prison--and her stature had started rumors running about the prison. After all, she was taller than the alicorns--and if one took care to look, they would see she bore battle scars. A fighter, and a lean one at that; what sort of monstrous crime might she have committed...?

Regardless, she tilted her head at the sound of a buzzer. Before marking her page, and setting the book aside--rising, to walk towards the cafeteria once she was led out of her cell by a guard...Offering friendly smiles, at whoever might've caught her gaze.

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@Pripyat Pony

Crimson stood up to look at her new cell mate. She stood about a full head above her, and not to mention had a good deal more muscle. "Fresh meat, huh? You better wise up quick, girlie, or this place is gonna break you in half."

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32 minutes ago, Twofer said:

@Pripyat Pony

Crimson stood up to look at her new cell mate. She stood about a full head above her, and not to mention had a good deal more muscle. "Fresh meat, huh? You better wise up quick, girlie, or this place is gonna break you in half."

Mari gave her new cellmate a cold look. "You don't need to worry about me," she replied. "There's a lot more to me than what meets the eye." This was true, if one considered what had happened to the royal guard. He was in a mental hospital now, reduced from a proud figure of a stallion to a gibbering wreck as a result of the torture that Mari had meted out to him.

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Dmitry looking into the opposite cell saw from what he picked up Mari and Crimson he desided to try something "Hey what you two in for?" Dmitry watched a guard pass his cell

*Dmitry gives the guard a dirty look*                           .


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@Dmitry Korov @Pripyat Pony

Crimson turned to the new pony that had just spoken up. "War crimes," was her only answer to the question. Back during her time in the guard, she had been found guilty of killing Changeling POWs, which had landed her 25 years in the hole.

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"Kidnapping and torture," Mari replied with a shrug to the question. "I generally prefer not to kill, if I can help it. To me, a live, broken victim gives so much more satisfaction than  a dead one. Not that I couldn't kill if I wanted; I just enjoy the suffering of others far too much to want to relieve them of their pain."

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@Trixie .

"Attempted overthrow? Interesting." He snickered, walking back over to his bed. "I think that's something to make use of later." He mumbled, but while escape was another thing to consider, again. He wasn't so sure this time, since he was sent here trying to escape another prison. "I'm in here for a few more things, not exactly enjoyable things either. But since escaping prison is one of them, I don't plan trying to escape again."

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Collapse narrowed her eyes and layed on her bed, eying him carefully. "Suit yourself. Make use of? What do you mean by that?" she says, she would be ready to stop him if he would get involved with her plans, but that won't happen anytime soon.

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"Oh well I was thinking your attempted overthrow could be used as a basis to overthrow the warden, but that is unlikely since you failed the first time." He said teasing her a bit at the end, he walked over to his bed, then laying down, facing the ceiling. "But I'd assume you'd do it anyways." He said with a quiet snicker.

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@Pripyat Pony @P-Jay

Crimson looked over at the earth pony and scoffed. "You practice that line in front of the mirror or something? You sound like some b-list comic book villain or something." She proceeded to turn her attention the dragon who was in another adjacent cell, which was certainly an unexpected sight. "How about you, big girl? Who'd you kill to get in this hole?"

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