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private Fallout: Equestria (Former 1x1 with Hazard Time and FancyHorse and Arid_Blitz and also Randimaxis)


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Lance could have sworn he saw something move. He squinted at one of the former houses, wondering if there really was something back there or if he was simply seeing things. He almost said something to his 'companion' but decided against it due to making her even more angry, as there was a good chance that his gunshot had attracted whatever was back there-- if there was anything back there-- so instead he picked up his dropped weapon, clicked the clip back in (which had fallen out of the Carbine when he dropped it) and continued to follow Ametrine to wherever they were going so he could make even more of a fool of himself. However, he kept an eye on the house he suspected.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @FancyHorse

Another block, and there it was, not two-hundred yards away, the Friendship Square mall.  It certainly didn't look too good, but most of it was still standing.  There was bound to be more salvageable loot inside.

"Alright, Lance, here's the plan," Ametrine spoke up.  "Since you have the rifle, your job is to watch up high.  If you see anypony, tell me, and if their armor is spiky, don't even bother.  Just shoot."  She began to make her way forwards, through the remains of parking lot.  Burned out carriages sat where they had for decades, waiting for their owners to return.

"Now, a lot of the shops are locked up tight due to some sort of security protocol.  I hope you're good at hacking terminals, because I'd rather find the security station and open every shop at once if possible.  We'd be taking way too much time otherwise."

  • Brohoof 2

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They have moved up, Fallskir was along the trail keeping himself to the cover of the ruins and peeking only when he had to. The mall- well scratch that off the list had he already planned on going to poke the place. Though who knows what may lurk inside of it without the assistance of others. 

It had occured maybe he could approach them? A dumb thought though, they may be just likey- no: they'll definitely just shoot him. 

They were just down the hill right at the entrance. He clambered into one of the old homes just up from their last position prone on the ground but weapon down. Time to just observe. See what their next move is. 


Slowly inching his movement to his belt satchel he pulled the beaten canteen taking a soft sip of irradiated water. Bitter and metallic in taste. Not his first taste of filth but he had to limit it. Getting treated for illness is not a pleasant experience. 

He just waited. Watching them. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Hazard Time @FancyHorse

Lance frowned, silently wishing there was a table to flip nearby. Of all the things to do; Looting, Staying up high and watching, etc, I have to do the one thing I have no idea how to do; hacking terminals? You're kidding. However, instead he then faked a smile (or, at least, the best he could muster) and nodded.

"Right, I can do that. Just tell me when."

He didn't want to do something he wasn't supposed to. He figured if he did, the whatever-it-was behind the building might decide to make a move.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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  • 2 weeks later...

Inside the mall a pony snuck over to a first aid box, his long duster dragging across the floor as he used a bobby pin with his mouth and a screwdriver with his hoof to pick the lock. Slowly maneuvering the pin before pushing the screwdriver he got the box open, he pulled over the box before looking it over "Let me see...we have dirty water, some rad x...oh an a single bullet...seriously?" he pocketed everything in there before looking up his blonde mane softly coming down in front of his face. He rested his chin on the desk in front of him "I am finding jack and shit here...unless I can get some of those doors open I doubt anything useful is here. Damn electronic locks." he huffed blowing dust up into the air in front of him 

He slowly began to get up closing his eyes some "It's also been so quiet in here, just a few rad roaches...oh and that rad scorpion out back where I came in." slowly walking out from the desk his chakrams clinged together on his hooves "Not that I'm complaining just, from the stories ponies told me this place was a death trap. Ponies or griffins going in but, never returning just screams." he took in a breath before yelling out "COULDVE FOOLED ME WITH THIS!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. Grumbling as he headed towards the entrance of the place "Best get going, find someone that can hack those damn doors."

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@genessee @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz


"Really?  You can hack?  Excellent, I was worried for a moment."  Ametrine didn't appear to pick up on Lance's sarcasm as she led the way into the mall proper.  The sliding doors appeared to have been busted inward as if by a battering ram.  Other ponies had been here, that much was known, but the shutters which still held over the shops had kept back untold treasures for decades.  The mare was convinced that she was going to be the one to uncover these secrets.

"Alright...security office, security office...you have any idea where it might be?  It's not like they sold schematics of this place."  Her eyes scanned the shops to her side, a vain hope in the back of her mind that there would be a handy sign pointing to Security.

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  • Brohoof 3

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@Hazard Time

Lance nodded slightly, his courage building up slightly. He had been interested in terminals when they first came about, and had learned a little about them. 

Maybe it's a really easy terminal. Or maybe I can get lucky.

His spirits dropped as soon as he got a look at the place. It was obvious they weren't the first here, and also obvious that they weren't going to be the first to try and break in. An easy terminal would have been cracked by now. Unless everypony who came was completely clueless on how to input basic commands onto a screen, there was a good chance the terminal was beyond Lance's 'hacking' ability. However, he tried to look at least like he had some idea of what to do, and said,

"Well, you know those big things they put around malls that are like megamaps, that show you the entire floor with a red dot or something with 'You are here' on it? Maybe there's still some left around. There could also be one of those information centers where you could pick up maps and postcards and stuff. If there's another entrance I bet there'd be one there, or if we look around we could find a megamap thing. Even if they don't show the security office on the map, it would probably be in an unmarked area on the map."

He tried to sound like he knew what he was talking about from vague strands of memory about malls before. He now wished he had gone to the mall more often, or if they were raiding a gun store. He knew all about those places, the only thing he wouldn't know of is any secret compartments, and then he would know some fair spots where they might be. But they weren't, so his knowledge wouldn't be very helpful. He just hoped he was right about the map thing.

Edited by genessee
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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @Hazard Time

The wind rustled a bit. The stench of the burnt ash making its presence known. Rot and all hell on his nostrils but it was a pain that withered from lingering exposure. He laid against the rubble keeping his eye upon them, until they were outta sight entering into the structure.  

Standing up he had to move closer, held under his arm by a makeshift roped sling he hefted down the hill carefully as before. Little noise now, had to keep the surprise. Now into the parking lot, parallel with the entrance. Drawn from his jacket pocket he readied his weathered pistol, flicking his thumb at the slide safety as he kept to the blind sides of the entrance sneaking up to it as he closed the distance. 

This was starting to get too close, he shoulda took that shot earlier. Would have saved him alotta breathing room if he hadn't hesitate. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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You know that feeling when you think something bad is about to happen, but it's not strong enough to convince you of anything? Just there to add tension? Welcome to my world now. Lance was beginning to get more and more paranoid. He thought he heard something. Wind? Probably. That's what he told himself. It's just wind. Still, he couldn't help glancing behind him occasionally every few minutes every minute once every few seconds. Each time he looked back, he was sure he was going to be staring down a barrel of some gun or another. This is getting stupid. He glanced behind himself again.

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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Hazard Time @genessee @FancyHorse



Making his way towards the entrance instead of the way he came in, he wanted to be sure he got all of the medical boxes.He was grumbling some as he spoke aloud to himself "Waste of time, I should of got somepony that could hack but, NOOOOoooo I had to just go without any backup. Not like there was a line of ponies or others wanting to come here." he walked down the hall seeing the doors ahead of him "UGH THIS PLACE SUCKS SO DAMN MUCH! STUPID TECHNOLOGY!" he hollered out kicking a tin can with his hoof down the hall


He was sure he was alone but, that shouting probably didnt help matters much. To be fair though this place was a bust unless he got those doors open, heck even the medical stuff he found was pretty limited. Not even a stimpak "I am going to find anyone that can hack and make them open this place up, or I swear I'm going to burn this place to see what comes of it."

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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @FancyHorse

"Oh, right," Ametrine chuckled, rubbing her hoof behind her head.  "I, um, didn't go out to malls that often."  She turned back around and found exactly what she was looking for.  She hurried over and studied the dirt and dust covered display, until she was able to make sense of it.  "Ah!  Okay, so we're here, at the west entrance."  Her hoof pressed against the glass, at the very convenient arrow which said, "You are here!"

"And then it's just a simple walk several stores down and to the left, and the security station should be on our left, right next to the Nordstrot store.  Excellent, that won't take us t-"

She stopped dead in her tracks as the sound of yelling came from down the way.  She grabbed Lance by his jumpsuit and pulled him back into a corner, peering around it as her eyes scanned.  "Stay down, we're not alone here."

Immediately, she began to take stock of her situation.  It only sounded like there was one of them, and if that was true, he must be yelling at himself.  That narrowed the list on who she was dealing with down to two possibilities, one of which she didn't want to deal with.  Hopefully he was just a loner.

Edited by Hazard Time
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@Hazard Time @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz

HA! I KNEW it! Lance's small victory for himself was quickly muffled by fear. Wait, hold on. I think we're talking about two different ponies here. Unless whatever I was worried about can teleport or move extremely quickly, I don't think they'd get to the west entrance. This sent a chill down his spine. That means that there's two of them. He stayed down, as Ametrine had told him. His heart pounded in his chest. Oh, no. What should I do? Should I say something about it? But what if there isn't anything else and I was just being paranoid? I would not only look like an absolute crazy, but I would also add MORE stress on Ametrine by telling her that somepony else is with us. Shoot, shoot, shoot. Lance found it difficult to stay focused without looking back at the entrance where they had entered. He would have never wished it five minutes ago, but he wanted to be back where his only worry was if Ametrine was going to slap him again.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @Hazard Time

It donned on him, these two might be able to open the doors? If they succeed he could just keep his distance pick what he could from specific spots. Maybe he should approach them? Then again- who's to say they weren't hostile? Who's to say anything was gonna do anything he predicted. He's just repeating himself.

Not an unusual thing to do.

Leaned to the side near the entrance, retrieved from a pouch on his satchel bag a piece of reflective glass. Useful little trick to do to peek corners, saved him some harsh moments at times.


They had trotted a bit but still visible down the entrance just outta sight as they turned the corner. He pushed up.


A shout? A yell? His ears perked hearing the echo ringing in the empty space.

This is getting worse. Who's to say- he's gotta stop telling himself that- that this was home to some crazed homeless? Ghouls? Closing the distance now, he pressed to a kiosk peeking with his mirror. They stopped covered behind a worn plant pannel in the aisle. They heard it too... Fantastic. Everypony is on edge.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Hazard Time @genessee @FancyHorse


Coming up on the mall display he went over to it "So let me see, this area is done." he rubbed the dirt from the area he came from and looked at the other areas "Really I just need to get into those areas and this place should be done. Just need to get a hacker." walking around the display he stood there for a second, looking towards the door which was now open, he reached up scratching his head some "Wait, that door wasnt open." darting his eyes back and forth he talked softly "Which means somepony or ponies are here. Two options here, one...bandits and this is just an ambush which like an IDIOT I walked into." he grumbled as he backed up against the display "Or two there are others in here trying to get to the hidden treasures..." he breathed softly in before yelling out "OK WHOEVER IS HERE CAUSE THAT DOOR WASNT OPEN WHAT DO YOU WANT? If you are here to try and take my stuff then I'm more then ready to dispatch you." he let one of the chakram come down so he was ready to toss at a moment's notice

"OR you are here for the same thing I was...let's talk I couldnt get past those damn terminals and most of this trip was a bust I rather not hoof it back to the nearby towns just to find somepony if you can do the job. What will it be? Talk or Somepony is going to have a very bad day."

Edited by Arid_Blitz
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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @FancyHorse

Ametrine gritted her teeth.  This wasn't going so well as she'd hoped, but whatever.  He seemed willing to negotiate, so he couldn't be a raider.  Slaver, maybe?  No, there'd be more of them, and they would have tried to lure her into an ambush by now.  There were plenty of better opportunities to do that along the way.

"We're friendly," she called out.  "I have someone here who can hack terminals.  He's our ticket, so if you want him alive, you'll not screw with me.  Understood?"  She slowly stood up and dragged Lance with her out into the open, looking the stallion up and down.  Good he was alone, or so he seemed.

It was at that moment that the sun caught her eye.  She flinched, but that was when she realized the rays were coming from ground level.  She turned back towards the entrance, and that was when she saw it.  "You can come, too, if you're friendly.  Whoever you are."

  • Brohoof 1

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All a failure now. Stealth was gone. He would have to play friendly. Or maybe just simply be friendly if this turned into something good- the mall he ment. He wasn't trusty of these strangers. No pony is of course. And their fourth stranger is somewhere about screaming his head at them away. 

He could be the bigger threat. 

@Hazard Time @genessee 

Raising an empty paw from his covered position whilst hiding away his pistol into his hooded garment he picked up his rifle with other holding it by the midsection to the barrel to prove no immeditate threat as he stepped out. 

"Live and let live." He says simply, his accent rolling off his words. 

"I heard gunfire and got curious. Then I saw this mall." He says slowly approaching but stopping at a half distance for safety eyeing between the two- mainly to the earth pony holding that nasty carbine. 

Priority target. Even with sloppy aim he just needed to spray to keep him at distance. 

"Are we cool?" He asked them, mainly to Ametrine. Admiring silently at her shimmering eyes.

Edited by FancyHorse
  • Brohoof 2

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz

Oh, for... really? Why, whenever I lie about something, every time it comes back to bite me? Actually, never mind, I think that's what's supposed to happen. But still, now if I fail this terminal, I'm screwed. I wish I had my Pip-buck to check and see if I could actually do a termin--


So THERE'S that other guy. He doesn't look, um... too dangerous? I think? When he asked if they were cool, Lance half-smiled, half-stared in a 'don't-kill-me-please' way. You're probably not going to get killed by that guy. These two are going to blast your brains out if you, no, WHEN you fail the terminal hack.

Edited by genessee
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You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@FancyHorse @Hazard Time @genessee

A mare was talking about having someone to hack the terminals, well that saved a trip and wasted caps. Then if the pony or whoever didnt decide to double cross him. "Ok if you got somepony to hack the terminals we can just split the loot. Come on out I wont do nothing if I wanted to, we wouldnt be having this conversation and the day would end badly for somepony." as he walked out he allowed the chakram to be pulled back up to it's mate. Upon hearing that another was in there he grumbled some "Ok before we move on is there ANYONE ELSE WANTING TO SHOW THEMSELVES?! Because you know it seems this mall is a center point for everyone today."

Hearing that live and let live line he huffed...lowering his head some he said softly regaining his composure. "Alright come on I'm in the open everypony out so we are on equal ground. Discuss how loot will be divided. Caps four ways, noteable loot maybe depends on what a pony or other can do with it. Like me I can make crossbows and arrows with some junk."

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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @FancyHorse

This one's kind of a hothead. And a wannabe leader, as well. Lance squinted at the shouty one. If he keeps this up, I don't think he's going to make it much longer. Somepony's gonna want to shut him up sooner or later. I seriously doubt he can make a functional crossbow, as well. And he's assuming that we're actually going to find stuff. So far all we've found wasn't loot. He looked around, as if a crate conveniently marked 'LOOT' was going to pop out of thin air. It didn't. So instead, he waited, occasionally glancing around. I get the feeling that we're not alone here. Not yet, at least. And this time they won't be as friendly.

Edited by genessee

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz @genessee

"You have yourself a deal, just don't backstab me.  You'll regret it."  Ametrine stopped to stare at the diamond dog, a curiosity in the wasteland.  She looked him over before continuing on her way.  If he tried to betray them, it would be a hard fight to take him down.  On the other hoof, if he stayed loyal, he could be a great asset.

"Security is just down this way.  Hopefully it's unlocked, otherwise, I may have a contingency."

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@Hazard Time @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz

Lance had no idea what a 'contingency' was, but it sounded like she meant him. He planned on trailing behind the group so when they got to the security office, and it's locked, he'd have a couple extra seconds to think about his fate. Plus if somepony were to attack from the front he could run away and get a head start. 

Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @genessee 

He returned the gaze, noting her curiosity before he looked to their fourth stranger.


Just the four of them. A roulette of "Who'll backstab first?"  With his rifle sling upon his shoulder he balanced it on a single shoulder with his paw resting on the rear bit of the barrel. He followed about to the middle of the formation but keeping a sparing distance between himself and his equine companions. 

The smaller one's at the rear. He occasionally peeked back to him, might as well keep tabs on all. 

Then to the Blondie in the duster. Could be hiding anything under that... 

Nothing really on his mind for questions. Hoping for just a one time congregation- and hopefully not a frantic firefight. It could turn either, anything's possible. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Hazard Time

As everyone was now in the open he began to look them over, a female earth pony with a super sledge. More then likely she was very strong if she came for him he would need to keep a few feet between them. The other was a male pone with a rifle, he seemed to be out of place with the female whose eyes showed she has been through a few scuffles in her life. As he looked over the diamond dog it was a bit odd seeing one of them, it was a rare sight indeed. He walked with the others towards the security room, he was walking next to the female, it was quiet. No one knew any names or anything "Well fine I guess I'll be the first one to say my Name is Odair, that way if you need to get my attention you dont just say "Hey blonde Pony." he chuckled looking back at the others behind him


"Also if the door is locked with a regular door instead of a terminal it might be better to just let me pick the lock." he tilted his head to the right cracking his neck some "Less Noisy." as he looked at the diamond dog behind him he seemed to be eyeing him over, out of the three he would prove hardest. With each step his chakrams clinked together, keeping his crossbow and arrows under his duster tied to his underbelly, it made an easy way to hide it. If it was under his coat on his back it would be obvious "You three seem on edge, the only things I've found in here was a few radroaches relax."

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Arid_Blitz

"It more than likely will be.  Thankfully, it's not that far down that way."  She pointed with her hoof and led the way.  It was a short walk past one department store, a shoe store, and a terminal store before they arrived at a small niche with a faded sign reading "Security" hanging above it.  Ametrine stood there a moment before reaching out with a hoof and trying to turn the knob, only it refused to budge.

"Well, it was worth a shot," she shrugged, stepping back and looking at Odair.  "You're up...blonde pony.  Sorry, I'm not good with names."  The look on her face suggested that that wasn't entirely the reason.



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@Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz @FancyHorse (I tried to @mention myself for a good ten seconds)

Huh, no terminal for the door? Well, that gives me a little bit more time to hope the terminal is gonna be easy. He figured if it wasn't, and he failed, the group would probably shatter, and a gunfight would erupt, surely killing him and most of the group while the last survivor goes on to loot/run away from the mall (and their corpses). Lance tightened his already tight grip on his carbine, with only a few bullets left. This is going to be fun.



Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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