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private Fallout: Equestria (Former 1x1 with Hazard Time and FancyHorse and Arid_Blitz and also Randimaxis)


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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @genessee


They stopped. Just outside the security door. The two of em exchanging flattery? Sarcastic flattery. 

He looked about down the hall they passed to. Rifle now resting in his paws he held it about simply wanting them to get on with it. He gazed to the smaller one clutching to his carbine, a bit shaken maybe? He didn't look like no waster. Maybe one of them Stable doers. 

His guess confirmed getting a glimpse of the stable number decal. 

Taking a sip from his rusty canteen he slipped it back onto a pouch on his shoddy belt. 


He shoulda shot em, just be done with em. The two have some bits and bobbles. A decent carbine, the sledge could do well for scrap. 

With his rifle back on resting by his sling he drew his hidden pistol inspecting it. Unloading the magazine and chambered round he pulled at the slide to open and pressed at the release button only for it to snap half way failing to fully chamber. Needed a good fixing later. The slide was damaged. Sighing he inserted the magazine and manually retracted the slide and setting it into position manually.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Hazard Time


As he was called a blonde pony he just rolled his eyes some "Right step aside little mare, show you how this is done." he went to the door, using his hoof to turn the knob a bit "Alrighty should be easy enough." taking out a screwdriver and a bobby pin he placed the pin between his teeth leaning down he began to fidget around with the lock tumblers, using his screwdriver he attempted to turn the lock only to get stuck halfway. A few adjustments a click came as he got the lock turned all the way "Ha, that was easier then I thought it would be." stepping back he heard the slide of the diamond dog's gun get jammed before chuckling as he took his pin from his mouth "Aww the puppy's gun jamming? If we find a few things I'm sure I could at least fix that problem for you. I've worked on a few guns in my life, mostly life my crossbow anymore because it is simply easier to take care of."

Setting the screwdriver back in his coat pocket along with the pin inside a box with about 10 others "Alright Ladies first I guess but, we should let the hacker go in first so he has time to get ready we can watch out here I suppose."

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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @genessee

An annoyed snort emitted from his nostrils. 

"Yes. A good time to tease another." He huffs a bit. He should shoot him first. He's a smart mouth type. Sneak him from a corner of- 

Focus. Let's worry about the surroundings. He'll keep the eye and ear out. Not exactly much he can do but stay as the muscle. And perhaps the only one with competence in his aim. He tried to limber up they each filling in to the security office being the last one to enter behind them.

'Don't get too ahead ourselves, you're out numbered.' 

Looks to be nothing but office desks and over turned file cabinets. The real treasure lies in the security armory. Maybe a lock box if they carry those too in them?

'What if their locked out? What if the terminal is inoperable?' More his worrisomeness drifting into his mind. He held to his 'single shot' pistol paw finger just across the trigger in disciplined manner. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Hazard Time @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz

Lance slowly made his way up front and stood next to the door. 

"It looks pretty cramped in there. Do you really think it'd be a good idea if all four of us went in? I think there should be one, or maybe two if you didn't trust me, and the other two wait outside. Plus, if something explodes only some of us will get hurt."

He paused, waiting for an answer.


A disgruntled raider pulled at the gate to a 'Pinkie Pie's Sweet Treats', a bootleg store that had popped up just before the megaspells.

"Dammit, the gates locked."

His companion rolled his eyes.

"Of course it is, you idiot! Come on, we have to go unlock the doors with a terminal."

The first raider muttered some more profanities as he followed the second, as they caught up with the rest of the group. Two other fiends waited for them at the same map our heroes had looked at.

The biggest one, probably the leader, tapped the small patch on the map labeled 'Security' in faded lettering with his Riot Shotgun. 

"Aight, you lazy bums, let's get over here, bust the door down and hack the terminal."

One of the raiders piped up, "But boss, why don't we just blast the shop gate's down?"

This seemed to tick off the leader, and made his face turn a brilliant red.

"Because I said so, you fucking worthless grunt. Follow me."


((Whoops! I mentioned Blitz Boom instead of Hazard Time, had a brain fart. Sorry! ))

Edited by genessee
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  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz

The mare had a look around, eyeing the diamond dog fiddling with his pistol.  Was he checking it in preparation of an ambush, or a betrayal?  In either case, his pistol appeared next to useless, and if he decided to use his rifle in here, he may as well be fighting with a spear in a phonebooth.  That left his claws and strength, something that only she had a chance in matching.  Worst case scenario, she'd be the last to die, but she'd more than likely take him with her.

"I'll stay outside," she offered.  "I'd be pretty useless in there.  I trust you not to take everything.  The last pony who did lost her spine."  Her lips once more curled into that ambiguous smile as she made her way outside.  The story was only really half true, though.  She didn't rip anypony's spine out.  She did snap it in half and beat the remains to a pulp, though.  Also, the other mare tried to mug her.

Suddenly, she stopped, her ears twitching.  More voices?  Had to be, but just how many ponies were there out here?  She knew she should have gone earlier in the morning, would have missed all the scavengers.  However, there was something off about these voices.  Was it the colorful profanity?  Or the tone in their voice?  She'd heard that tone before: sadistic, anticipatory glee.


"Uh, guys," she whispered.  "We might have company soon, and I don't think they're going to be as willing to cooperate."

  • Brohoof 1

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@Hazard Time @FancyHorse @Arid_Blitz

Lance turned and listened. He didn't hear anything. Did he? Wait, I just heard something about a 'worthless grunt'. That doesn't sound good. 

He froze. He always froze when he thought he was in danger. He couldn't help it, it was instinct. His eyes widened as he grasped just how many enemies there may be. Two, at least, both probably armed. "Shoot, shoot, SHOOT!"


The quad of thugs neared the office. Suddenly, the leader stopped and quietly stepped behind some debris. He motioned for the others to do the same. They did so as the drew their weapons. The leader muttered something.

"Fresh meat."

His lips turned into a twisted smile of ugly joy. His goons soon followed with their own broken grins.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Hazard Time @FancyHorse @genessee

"Well just saying last thing you want in a fire fight is a jammed gun." he chuckled at the diamond dog as Lance was about to enter the room he nodded some "I guess you need your room to work. Terminals always piss me off anyways rather stay out here, keep the mare company. The dog can keep you company in there if he wants." walking back and forth outside the room he just grumbled softly to himself "Ugh got a smartass mare, a wimpy stallion who may piss himself or shoot out of fear and the big burly dog. I took a shot in the dark with wanting to get help I could of went back to town but, NOOOooo I had to make a deal with random ponies and a dog. Knowing my luck soon as the doors open gunfight happens and dead." he kicked a tin can across the hallway


"Anyways anyone up for names or am I gonna call you wimp, doggo, and the one that cant keep her eyes off me?" he grinned looking back at the Mare hearing what she said softly he tilted his head cracking his neck some "Well then, I guess you should hurry up in there. Also shut the door dont need a stray bullet to hit that damn terminal...or you." his left hoof moved a bit allowing one of the chakrams to come down

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@Arid_Blitz @FancyHorse @genessee

Ametrine wheeled on the smartass stallion, gritting her teeth in anger.  She had just whispered that there were possible hostiles nearby, just how thick was his skull that he couldn't process that he needed to keep his voice at the same volume of herself.  Or was he just such a narcissist, that he needed to hear the sound of his voice?  By this point, Ametrine had had enough of it.


"FOR CELESTIA'S F****ING SAKE, KEEP YOUR F***ING C***HOLE SHUT, YOU WORTHLESS SACK OF S***, BEFORE YOU BLOW OUR F***ING COVER AND GET US ALL MURDERF***ED!"  The mare seethed as she glared at him, her hoof gripping her sledge tightly.  It took her several seconds for her to get her anger back under control, at which point the realization dawned on her.



Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 2

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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @genessee

Tagging along behind Ametrine he decided to join her to keep watch. 

Ears perked with the signaling to potential hostiles he turned to the end of the hall listening about at the echoing angry voices. To the parallel side of the hall, pressed behind a protrusion of the wall he knelt rifle at resting awaiting for the first sign.  The smug one seems to be all child play- no seriousness. All gruff and no actual concern it seemed. 

His ears drooped slight and a snort of distaste at the comment of wind-ding naming- 

He winced at the sudden. outburst of their female lookout. 



Oh yes... oops. Totally apologize for inevitably signaling the red flag. 


This won't end well.  Not at all. Focus- he returned his sight to the end of the hall.


Edited by FancyHorse

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Hazard Time @Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time

Lance was practically blown off his hooves with Ametrine's explosion. Sure, he also exploded when someone pissed him off, but this was next level. He was unsure if he should praise her or be more afraid of her. 


Oops, indeed-- the outburst was the raiders signal for the team letting their guard down.

"C'mere, sweetheart."

The leader blasted the first shot in Ametrine's direction. The goons soon followed by simply blowing their clips in the direction of our heroes.


The blast from the Riot Shotgun barely missed Lance. He returned fire with his remaining bullets, and within seconds got the dreaded click, click, click of his rifle. He wasn't sure if this was a very good move, but he said it anyway.


Before moving to the security office and looking for the terminal. If I can open the doors., it might distract them.

  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Hazard Time


"Way to go, you know I was talking so they wouldnt assume we knew and getting ready. Celestia sake you have enough testosterone going through you then most stallions I know." he said at her, the moment the leader stepped out and shot along with his goon squad he let out a slight eep sound as he jumped backwards in the door to the security room. As he was going through the air he flung the left chakram, ricocheting it off the ground, up off the corner of the far end of the hall, flying back and aiming for a few of the goons. The moment he landed he grunted "Damn..." opening his coat up he grabbed out his crossbow. Sliding along the floor he took up a spot in the terminal room near the door "Wimp got the right idea, in here, we'll bottle neck them and be easier." 


he looked at his duster seeing holes in in as well a bit of blood coming from his cheek where a bullet nearly gave him lead poisoning. Aiming out the door he squeezed the lever on the crossbow firing off a poisoned bolt right at the leader

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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @FancyHorse

"Hey!  I can't read minds, dip-"  Her curse was cut off by the bullets streaking by her, and she ducked into the room with everypony else.  She could take a bit of pain, but six raiders on open ground was not going go well for her.

"Alright, new plan.  Dog, Smartass, cover the door.  Lance, hack that terminal.  If they get too close, I'll make a new door."  Who put her in charge again?  Oh right, nopony.  Well it was worth putting her ideas out there, right?

Edited by Hazard Time

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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @genessee

A small panel of cover didn't seem like best solid , head down he charged himself through with everypony else cramped into the security office pressed to the door side as the hail of gunfire blazed in deafening action. Peeking out his pistol he fired wildly in their- rate of fire would have to be their friend.

Until a noted *Tnik!* as the slide again failed to feed after 4 rounds. Retracing he furiously racked it chambering manually before emptying the rest . 

Holding the bottom he pressed the release button grip on the released mag in two fingers with a fresh one in another's grip transitioning the two before returning the empty one. 

He looked back to the others. Noted to Lance but mainly to Ametrine close by.

"Toss me his weapon!" He requested, he'd be more effective if he had something to fit the situation. "Ammo too!" he added.

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Arid_Blitz @FancyHorse @Hazard Time

Lance loomed over the terminal as it booted up. He was met with a screen full of keywords.  ( Medium difficulty. )

"Ooh, shit. Um..."

He finally clicked on a word that sounded legitimate. Nope.


He clicked something else. No again. The counter at that top of the screen read '1 CHANCES'. This was his last shot. He silently wished he had just owned up to the fact that he had no idea what he was doi-- 'ACCESS GRANTED' ?

"Wha-- Okay?"


The leader ducked behind his barricade as the bolt and bullets nearly gave his skull a swiss-cheese makeover. His goons were not as lucky with the chakram. Most leapt out of the way in time, but one was standing in awe at the sheer awesomeness of the throw, and got a clean cut right through his chest. He dropped to the ground, screeching profanities and cries for help to his comrades. They ignored his pleas, and if he did not get help soon he would surely die.

The raiders leapt back into position and continued to fire away at the door. Then, the leader took out what looked like a frag grenade-- except it was bigger and had the words 'SKELETON KEY' scrawled across it. The others nodded approvingly as he prepared to toss it.


Edited by genessee
Forgot about Arid's and Fancy's attacks. Added the effects of those in there.

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Hazard Time


Seeing what his chakram hit, it zipped back to him, leaning his hoof out he caught it "I am doubtful you even have a mind but, we'll discuss that later." looking at the dogs gun jamming again he said towards him "This is why I said I would try and fix your slide." looking back down the hallway he grumbled some "We need to do something guys." he had heard the Mare saying she could make a new exit "Good we may need one."

The moment he saw the leader take something out he narrowed his eyes to see it better, a grenade? Oh his ears lowered a bit getting a shocked look on his face "We may need that  Exit now miss." he whistled loudly at the leader "OOOIIII IF YOU TOSS THAT IN HERE YOU GONNA DESTROY THE TERMINAL!" he then took the returned chakram and flung to the right having it zig zag off the walls towards the leader

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@FancyHorse @genessee @Arid_Blitz

She didn't think.  Thinking got ponies killed.  Follow orders, but most importantly, let your rage fuel you.

Ametrine grabbed Lance's service rifle and tossed it in one hoof to the diamond dog before she took up her sledge.  She gave a quick nod to Odair, and wound back.  The din of battle almost drowned it out, but there was a whirring sound as her forelegs trembled and she suddenly lurched forward, slamming the head of the sledgehammer through the wall, dust and bricks launching outward.  She didn't stay put as she charged out, hoping to draw some fire away from the security door.

The pink mare dove behind what was once a plant display, the plants long dead.  Bullets zipped and cracked over her head, but the more they fired at her, the less they were firing at the others.  She could only hope one of them got cocky and tried flanking her.  She almost hoped that would happen.

  • Brohoof 2

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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @Hazard Time


With a slight wince dust and debris filled the air. But it was the best diversion. 

Peeking the door out now, he took precise aim dipped in a left pawed hold. His right paw gripping out extended to maximize stability and popping rounds at one of the goons before diverting to another only a single round exiting before a noted empty clicking. 

His secondary target ducked at his corner with Fallskir retreating. A spare magazine tossed with the rifle detaching and inserting the new magazine with a slap and pulling at the rear charging bolt.

"Keep a pressure!" He hollered, returning to blind firing.

Did that younger one finish already? If they run outta ammo here it'll be one short lived hold up. With the hail of gunfire aimed mainly to Ametrines he dashed out the security door returning to his old spot across the hall and resting the service weapon on an overturned bench firing careful single shots at their direction. 

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@Arid_Blitz @FancyHorse @Hazard Time

Lance poked his head out of the office, and nodded at Fallskir.

"Terminal's cracked, the doors should be unlocked now."

He looked for Ametrine, and sputtered a gasp when he saw her. She is going to die, for sure, and I don't have a gun anymore... He trailed off as he saw an object sailing through the sky, headed straight for him. He forced his legs to move to shove Fallskir and, unfortunately, the cocky one out of the way (and into the open) just before the thing landed with a clunk behind them.


"Get the pink one!"

The leader didn't move, keeping his eyes locked on the Skeleton Key. He missed two extremely important facts; almost all of his goons were trying to flank the pink one, and that the chakram was surely going to hit him if he didn't move. However, he did notice the gray runt shove the other two out of the blast range of the grenade. Well, he thinks that he did. Now they're just not going to get blown to bits. Maybe just break a couple bones. The leader frowned, wishing that he didn't have to waste his ammo on these idiots. Then, the chakram hit it's target, cutting a huge, bloody gash in his arm. 


Yes, the raider was furious.

  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@genessee @FancyHorse @Hazard Time

Seeing his chakram hit its mark he yelled out towards him "Yeah SORRY I'M SORTA ATTACHED TO MY SKULL, STOP BEING A WIMP IT'S A FLESHWOUND WISH I GOT YOUR MOUTH." as the sound behind him of something clunking behind him his ears went to the side "Oh...shit." before he could react he was pushed out of the terminal room thanks to that wimpy hacker, all the others were out as well. Turning he grabbed hold of Lance using his momentum to fling him towards an overturned desk for cover "IDIOT DOWN." the moment he said that he counted in his head "5..." he grabbed hold of the door slamming it shut as a few bullets landed in his side sending blood back against the door "OW." he dropped himself to the ground  next to the doorway


his chakram was whizzing back towards him as he tilted his head to the side letting it sink into the wall "If we live through this...remind me to send my bills to you." as soon as he said that he knew that grenade was just about to blow up..hell the mare made a new exit and her and the dog were drawing fire towards them "So much for the extra exit." he chuckled some


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@Arid_Blitz @Hazard Time @FancyHorse


Lance landed face first onto the dirty ground when he got flung. He turned to glare at the guy who threw up, but caught a glance of the pissed-off leader. He seemed to be both angry and anticipating the grenades explosion, which would surely kill one of them, probably me. Then the guy slammed the door shut. And leaned on it.

"Are you crazy? By the size of that thing it's going to blast through the door and kill you!"


"Any second now..."

The leader waited as one of his goons patched his arm up.

"Any minute..."

The raider that was patching him up paused.

"How soon?"

"No more than a couple posts. Get back to bandaging."


Edited by genessee
  • Brohoof 1

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @FancyHorse

Hoofsteps coming closer.  Five...four...three...two...one...NOW!

Ametrine lurched out from her cover, swinging her sledge.  A smile brimmed on her face as it connected with a raider's face, causing the now headless corpse to somersault backwards from the force.  She was quick to wheel back around, her sledge connecting with the spine of another, the would-be assailant collapsing in pain before the pink mare raised a hoof, more whirring emitting from beneath her skin as she slammed it down on her head with a force large enough to crack the marble floor.

A wild shot cracked by Ametrine's head, causing her to whirl on her next target, another raider with a ten millimeter pistol lining up another shot.  The second shot missed, the third one also missed, and the fourth never had a chance to be fired as the face of the raider holding it won a came of catch with a super sledge.

Surrounded by three dead raiders, the pink mare huffed, her eyes searching wildly about her like a hungry predator.  When they locked on the leader, her rage boiled over for all to see...and hear.



Edited by Hazard Time
  • Brohoof 3

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@Arid_Blitz @FancyHorse @Hazard Time

"Holy s***, that sounded brutal."

He could hear the breaking of bones and small cries of pain from raiders, followed by Ametrine shouting death-threats towards the leader. Jeez, when is this grenade going to explode? We could've just picked it up and tossed it back at this poi-- 




The time bomb blasted through the door. Lance was hit with some pieces of shrapnel, and medical attention would be a good idea. He could still move with relative ease, though. The bossy one, though? He's prolly dead. I wouldn't of survived that. He huddled behind the overturned desk, a small pool of blood forming around him from his various cuts and gashes.


The leader (and his medical minion) both stared at the carnage. Then the medic spoke up.

"Welp it was nice knowing you I'll tell the boss that you died in a blaze of glory okaythanksseeyouinhell"

He then began scampering off towards the exit, completely oblivious to the fact he was in the open for the other heroes.. The leader would have surely blasted the coward's brains out if he weren't petrified of wasting a shell. But he had never lost a battle, and he didn't plan on losing now. He grinned, dropped his Riot Shotgun, and pulled out what seemed to be a makeshift war axe, twice the size of the average earth pony and decorated with bloody skulls. Uttering a loud war cry, he rushed towards where he thought Ametrine was, hoping to get his axe a new decoration.


  • Brohoof 2

You have laid your eyes upon my post. Be afraid. Please. With a cherry on top? I'm dying here...


Oh and here's my OC, I guess: Lance

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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @Hazard Time


His head kept down peeking through the holes in the bench. The bunch rushing off in search of their hammer wielding companion. Two remaining, he peered over the bench with service rifle placed by-

He was suddenly tossed back a bit but not off his feet as a tremendous thunder of force causing the room close to explode, shrapnel and wood splintering about as he shielded his face. 

Back to focus his two other comrades onto the ground. Rifle in tow, he looked back to the end catching glimpse of their leader type rushing outta view further into the mall.

Little thought now he rushed, Take him. He was the obvious target. With rifle held in a single grip by the midsection he sprinted furiously crunching bits of wood and ceramic under his toughened paw pads.

  • Brohoof 1

Do stick around Darling, I could use the company~

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@FancyHorse @Hazard Time @genessee

That mare was going ballistic on the goons, swearing and yelling at the top of her lungs. He whistled at her when she was done "Wow that was super sexy." he smirked some before he looked up at the wall, a sign was there saying restroom he leaned down making his way over to it. He got inside the door just as the explosion went off. Well this was a safe spot now. Least till they realize he was still alive in there. Sure the others could handle the leader and any remaining goons. Just toss the angry mare at them and have doggo shoot any runners.

Taking off his coat to see the damage he suffered he saw two bullet holes in his left side, blood coming from them he began to chuckle some "There better be something worth it here or I was shot for nothing...though the mare is kinda cute, and of course the doggo...wonder if he knows how to play fetch." he said as he was all alone in there. Pulling off his shirt he ripped it up making a few mock bandages to keep the blood in. Taking his coat he dragged off the belt it had on it using it to keep them nice and tight to him "Now to see if there is any booze around...sterilize this."

Edited by Arid_Blitz
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@Arid_Blitz @genessee @FancyHorse

When she saw the raider charging at her with the axe, something primal awaken in her.  This was what she wanted.  Exactly what she wanted.

With a bellow, Ametrine charged straight at him, meeting him in the middle with her sledge raised.  An axe swing that should have taken off her head was blocked by the mare's own melee weapon as she shoved her shoulder into his chest.  With her opening made, she made her own swing to the side, but the leader quickly recovered and deflected it as well.

Unfortunately for Ametrine, that block was enough to send her off balance, giving the raider the opening he needed punch her straight in the muzzle.  Her sledge dropped from her hooves as she fell backward, gripping her nose in pain.  She blinked the tears from her eyes just in time to see the bandit raising his axe, ready to make the killing blow.

This was it.  She was going to die.  Maybe.  She had one last gambit, one that was crazy enough to work.  The mare raised her hooves and held them crossed in front of and above her face.  As the axe came down, it struck her foreleg...

...and dinged right off.  As he stared in shock, a large patch of Ametrine's pink skin had been sheered off, revealing plate metal beneath it, a large scratch in the surface.

  • Brohoof 2

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